"Know Thyself"
(...) Distinguishes the body from the soul. He thinks that the soul is trapped or imprisoned in the body
Plato; Reality; Mind
(...) argued that (...) is known only through the (...)
(...) can know the truth (B/S)
(...) cannot be the source of knowledge
Socrates; examination of life
(...) examination of life radiated into the lives of others, such that they began their own (...)
(...) was remarkable for living the life he preached
(...) would not give his students answers, but only questions
A (...)'s method is to raise questions in the hope of inspiring change
A Soul can be declared just only if all three parts agree that the (...) should rule
Advocates moral transformation among the citizens of Athens
Self; Ignorance
All he(Socrates) knows is his own (...), his own (...)
Unexamined; not worth
An (...) world is (...) living (Socrates)
Senses; Prisoners; Cave; Reality
Because we trust our (...), we are like (...) in a (...) - We mistake shadows on a wall for (...)
Believed that there are were two types of worlds
Material World
Changing and Untrustworthy (Characteristic)
Composed of Three Parts (Theory of the Soul)
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Described as cosmocentric philosophy because the search for truth and knowledge is centered on the nature of yhe universe (the cosmos)
Ideal World
Discoverable Through Reason (Characteristic)
Encourage positive change by provoking others to act and think in new ways
World of Forms
Everything is perfect and good (Theory of Forms)
Socrates; knows
For him (?), one can only transform one's self if he/she (...) himself/herself
Conversation; Dialogue; Truth; Wisdom
For only in (...), only in (...), can (...) and (...) come to the surface
Socrates; need
He(Who?) said he though that such a pest is sometimes just what people (...)
Teach; Think
I cannot (...) anybody anything, I can only make them (...) -Socrates
World of Forms
Ideal World (Theory Of Forms)
Socrates; Stinging Fly
In a famous speech given while he was in trial for his life, (...) called himself a (...)
Ideal World
Intelligible World (Characteristic)
Is in constant state of change (B/S)
World of Matter
Is in constant state of change and is finite (Material World)
World of matter
Is only a copy of the Ideal World
Material World
Know it through our Senses (Characteristic)
Socratic Method
Known as dialogue - because of the conversational and question-answer nature of his way of teaching
Good Person
One whose soul is balanced with reason at the helm
Our (...) can lead us to do unhelpful things (Charioteer Analogy)
Our (...) deceives us
Part of the soul by which we are angry or get into a temper
Part of the soul by which we experience carnal erotic love, hunger, thirst and in general the desires
Improving; Central
Pay more attention to (...) that which is (...) to being human
Material World
Physical World (Characteristic)
Ideal; Material
Plato believed that there were two types of worlds
Tripartite Theory of the Soul
Proposed by Plato. Man is originally a pure soul in his past life
Real Part of the Person. Temporarily attached to a physical body (B/S)
Socrates invites citizens to (...)
Midwife; Knowledge
Socrates often considered himself a (...) in the labor of (...)
Corrupting the youth of the city; not believing in the city's official gods
Socrates was charged with:
Answers; Questions; Could not
Socrates would not reveal the (...). Most of his (...) were quite simple but what Socrates discovered and what he taught to his students to discover, was that most people (...) answer
Not to teach; show; truth
Socrates' job was (...) but to (...) his students how they could "pull" (...) out of their own minds
Socrates' most famous follower/student
Public Nuissance
Some people thought that Socrates was a (...)
Someone who draws attention to problems in the way people think or the way things are done
Unphilosophical Man; Sense
The (...) is at the mercy of (...) impressions.
The (...) works best when the reason is in charge (Charioteer Analogy)
Agora or Marketplace
The Athenian youth flocked to Socrates' side as he walked the paths of the (...)
The Theory Of Forms (Whose?)
True wisdom; knowing; nothing
The only (...) is in (...) you know (...) -Socrates
World of Forms
The philosopher pursues that which is in the (...)
Questioning; Truth
There is a step-by-step (...) designed to lead students to discover for themselves the (...)
Thinking part of the soul. Loves truth and seeks to learn it
Logical; Spirited; Appetitive
Three Parts of the Soul
Today - as always, we need (...) to arouse our minds and sting us into action
Unchanging and is immortal (B/S)
World of Forms
Unchanging, Eternal, Higher World (Theory of Forms)
Ideal World
Universal and Eternal (Characteristic)
Socratic Method
We have an assumption of ignorance, a series of questions and answers, a consideration of opposite views
Spirit or Will
We need (...) to make us determined to do the right thing (Charioteer Analogy)
Nothing; wisdom
What Socrates knew was that he knew (...), upon this sole fact lay the source of his (...)
Socrates; Critical Examination
What is needed according to (...) is a (...) of our life, of our beliefs, and of our world
Life; Beliefs; World
What is needed according to Socrates is a critical examination of our (...), of our (...), and of our (...)
When (...) was 70 years old, some of his enemies had him arrested and put on trial
Material World
Where the Body resides (Characteristic)
Ideal World
Where the Soul resides (Characteristic)
Socratic Dialogue
Written by his student, Plato; Contained his teachings and philosophy