Soil Mechanics Finals

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type of K values

1. at rest, 2. active, 3. passive

Types of compression

1. elastic (instant/elastic deformation/no change in moisture content) 2. consolidation (primary: volume changes due to the expulsion of water from voids, Vv changes with Vt)

Failure mode depends on the type that foundation bears upon

1. general shear failure: dense sand and stiff cohesive soil, 2. local shear failure: medium compacted sand or clay, 3. punching shear failure:loose soil

Pore water pressure 1. is the hydrostatic pressure 2. changes as the height of the soil column increases 3. is different in vertical and horizontal directions

1. is the hydrostatic pressure

speed up the consolidation

1. put more stress applied (larger embankment) 2. wick drain - cloth drains all throughout, lets water flow up quickly

Total stress at a point is 1. resisted by the soil skeleton and the water in the voids 2. resisted by the water in the voids 3. resisted by the soil skeleton

1. resisted by the soil skeleton and the water in the voids

Total stress at a point is due to 1. the weight of everything acting above that point 2. the weight of the water in the voids above that point 3. the weight of the soil solids above that point

1. the weight of everything acting above that point

Select the incorrect statement. 1. Clay soils are unstable because they shrink and swell considerably with changes in moisture content. 2. Cohesive soils, such as silt, maintain their strength when unconfined. 3. Coarse-grained soils are more stable as a foundation material than silt or clay.

2. Cohesive soils, such as silt, maintain their strength when unconfined.

Void ratio is: 1. ratio of the volume of the voids to the total volume 2. ratio of the volume of the voids to the volume of the solids 3. ratio of the volume of water to the volume of the voids

2. ratio of the volume of the voids to the volume of the solids

effective stress is 1. the stress resisted by the water in the voids and the soil skeleton 2. the stress that is resisted by the soil skeleton 3. the stress resisted by the water in the voids

2. the stress that is resisted by the soil skeleton

#200 sieve

200 opening per 1 linear inch sieve

Which soil classification would be expected to have the highest bearing capacity? 1. Silt 2. Sand w/ fines 3. Clean gravel 4. Clay

3. Clean gravel

Which of the following statements is incorrect? 1. Clay soils can be unstable because they may shrink and swell with changes in moisture content. 2. Clays tend to be impervious to fluids. 3. In general, bearing capacity decreases with increased soil density. 4. The water table is the level beneath which the soil is saturated with groundwater.

3. In general, bearing capacity decreases with increased soil density.

Soil is a three-phase system consisting of what phases? 1. clay, silt, sand 2. solids, voids, water 3. water, solids, air

3. water, solids, air

Soil collected through test pits or test borings can be used to understand: 1. Extent of soil consolidation under loading 2. Permeability of soil 3. Water content of soil 4. All answers provided are correct

4. All answers provided are correct

soil classification systems

AASHTO (roads), USCS - Unified Soil Classification System (structure)

Failure Envelope, Mohr Circle

Above Failure envelope (failed - technically impossible to reach that area) As it touches failure envelope (fails) determine if shear stress exceeds the strength Failure does not occur at max shear stress

Rankine Model

Assumption: 1. wall is vertical, 2. soil is horizontal at front and back, 3. no friction between soil and wall 4. wall is rigid, 5. soil starts at rest

As construction materials

Bearing pressure = force/area If the soil cannot withstand the bearing pressure, the building will sink. (solution: drill down to bed rock for stronger supports)

USCS soil classification based on grain size

Boulder (>12''), Cobbles(>3"), Gravel(>#4), Sand(>#200), Fine (clay, silt)

Unconfined Compression Tests

Cohesive soil, clay is self standing, quick test, no excess pore water pressure measured, excess pore water pressure > 0, short term failure envelope

Void Spaces

Continuous and occupied by water, air, or both


Diameter associated with 60%,30%, and 10% respectively


Due to increase in applied load (change in stress), top surface of soil moves downward

Factor of Safety

Force Resisting/Force Driving (Ex: Weight of the dam, uplift force)

ASTM Unified Soil Classification System

Gravel (6.4-76.2mm), sands (0.05-6.4mm), silts (0.002-0.05mm) and clays (<0.002mm) based on physical composition and characteristics

Direct Shear Test

Noncohesive soil and dry soil (usually), no excess pore water pressure, long term failure envelope

Normally consolidated v over-consolidated stress

Normally consolidated (current stress at max stress) Overconsolidated (current stress < max stress, experienced the max stress in the past)

Effective Stress

Rest of total stress carried by the soil grains at their points of contact. The sum of vertical components of the forces developed at the points of contact of the solid particles per unit cross-sectional area of the soil mass.

U: average consolidation

S at the time of interest/ S total *100% Function of Drainage Distance, time , k e (void ratio) = Av*Hv/Vs if (Av doesn't change)

Volume of Soil

Solid particle distributed randomly with void spaces in between

Distribution of Stress along a given cross section of soil profile (Effective stress concept)

Some fraction of the Normal stress at a given depth in a soil mass is carried by water in void space, other carried by the soil skeleton at points of contact of the soil particles

Primary Consolidation: After

The applied load starts to resisted by the soil skeleton (the effective stress) The speed of transfer: fast (sand (high K)), slow (clay (low K)) Final effective stress = initially effective stress + change in stress (applied loads) water table level do not change (voids still filled with water)

Pore Water Pressure (hydrostatic pressure)

The portion of total stress carried by water in continuous void spaces (equal intensity in all direction)

total stress

The total vertical stress acting at a point below the ground surface is due to the weight of everything lying above

Chart method

Use only if 1. homogeneous soil, 2. constant unit weight, cohesion, angle of internal friction, 3. grand surface (straight above and below the slope), 4. groundwater table well below the toe of the slope

triaxial test- consolidated drained

any type of soil, consolidated (adjusted for in-situ stress), drained, long time for the experiment, long term behavior (excess pore water pressure = 0), long term behavior

triaxial test

any type of soil, control vertical and horizontal stress, pore water pressure, change in head, confining pressure, deviator stress, expensive to conduct to the test

triaxial test- consolidated undrained (CU)

any type of soil, saturation (S) = 100%. undrained, short term, excess pore water pressure >0, short term behavior

Non cohesive soil (sand/gravel)

c = c' = 0, the effective angle = angle = 25 - 45 (excess pore water pressure exit quickly)

c' value

c' = 0 (Gravel, sand, inorganic silt, normally consolidated clay), c' > 0 (over consolidate clay)

The example: Normally consolidated clay

change in stress (x psi). stress 1 = stress 3 + change in stress Normally consolidated clay (c=0, stress 1' = stress 1 - excess pore water pressure, stress 3' = stress 3 - excess pore water pressure)

Primary consolidation

change in volume due to expulsion of water from voids

secondary consolidation

change in volume due to plastic readjustment of soil fabric


classification based on 1. size of soil grain, 2. distribution or gradation of soil grains (well graded: well distribution of different soil grain size), 3. organic components (organic: behave weird - remove for the stable supports), 4. behavior of fine particles (sticky or not)

Cohesive soils

clay - retain strength when unconfined

two broad classes of soils

coarse grained soils and fine grained soil

infinite slope

cohesionless soil, shallow failure plane due to bedrock

soil type

cohesive (clay - resist some tension) vs noncohesive (sand and gravel)

Distribution of Stress along a given cross section of soil profile helps to analyze

compressibility of soils, bearing capacity of foundation, stability of embankments, lateral pressure on earth-retaining structures

The soil underlying a building site

consist of superimposed layer (mix of soil types due to weathering or deposition)


consists of water (bottom) and air (top)

The integrity of building structure

depends on stability and strength under loading of the soil underlying the foundation

Distribution or gradation of soil grains

determine permeability and strength of the soil


determine the bearing capacity of granular soils


different size, shape, angularity


distribute weight of structure to the soil, not overstress the soil/shear failure/damage to the structure

Coarse grained soil

gravel and sand = relatively large particles (visible to naked eye)

foundation system

groundwater should be removed to avoid reducing the bearing capacity of the soil and to minimize the possibility of water leaking into a basement

Bearing capacity

happen at shallow foundation type: shallow and deep

Soil failure

inability of soil to perform as intended. Soil fail when Driving force > resisting force (FS<1)

Construction of the foundation

increase in net stress (depends on load per unit area, depth at estimation of stress made, other factors)

Clay soils

is unstable as it shrinks and swells with changes in moisture content.

The water table

level beneath which the soil is saturated with groundwater

Stress state in soil mechanics

loads only applied in x and y direction (no applied shear stress), stress in x and y direction = primary stresses (x direction = confining stress from adjacent soil, y direction = effective stress)

Coarse Grained soils

low percentage of void spaces, more stable as foundation materials than silt or clay, more permeable and drain better than fine grained soil, less susceptible to frost action

The allowable bearing capacity of soil

maximum unit pressure that foundation can withstand vertically or laterally on soil mass

shearing strength of a soil

measure of its ability to resist displacement when an external force is applied, due largely to the combined effects of cohesion and internal friction

the number of blows required by a hammer to advance a standard soil sampler

measures the density of granular soils and the consistency of some clays at the bottom of a borehole (the Standard Penetration Test)

factor of safety for finite slope

methods of slices and chart method

Soil Classification

methods vary depending on grain size, huge difference in physical properties between soil types, classification helps defining behaviors

lateral earth pressure

need to know for retaining wall design and abutments

at rest (basement walls)

no wall displacement, soil in elastic equilibrium, soil in elastic equilibrium

bearing failure of shallow foundation

occurs when stress exerted by foundation > ultimate bearing capacity of the soil

total flow

q (flow Rate/1 unit length) * the parameter of the water on plan view (water before the dam)

Compaction vs consolidation: compaction

quick, drive at air and water, under dynamic loads


quick, driving out air and water, under the dynamic loads

Granular soils (gravel, sand, or some silts)

require confining force for shear resistance. Have a shallow angle of repose

slope fail

resisting force (shear strength) < driving force (a slope to slide: soil surface strength - soil weight, surface loads, seepage): slope fail do not know failure surface location (trial + error: guess the location)

cohesive soil or non cohesive mix

short term (c != 0), long term (c' = 0)

Classification of Coarse grained soil

sieve analysis: separate particle by sizes - Distribution: plot % finer (% passing) vs grain size (log size)

Fine Grained soil

silt and clay = smaller particles

wall failure

sliding, overturning, bearing capacity

Compaction vs consolidation: consolidation

slow (for clay): function of permeability, drive out water, under static loads


soil pushes against the wall, wall moves away from soil, stress when soil failure happens (not wall failure)

Short term (total stress analysis)

soon after stress is applied, the effective stress =0 The change in pore water pressure = the change in stress. The effective stress < total stress - pore water pressure Undrained condition (change in u) > 0

Soil strength

stress = force/area, soil strength comes from friction and cohesion. Failure Envelope equation = Mohr Coulomb failure (effective cohesion = 0 for granular materials, normally consolidated clay)

A subsurface investigation includes

the analysis and testing of soil disclosed by excavation of test pit up to 3m deep or deeper test boring

Long term (effective stress analysis)

the change in stress = the change in effective stress. The effective stress = total stress - pore water pressure. Non cohesive soil, non saturate soil = the effective stress = total stress Undrained condition (change in u) = 0

soil profile

the diagram of vertical section of soil from the ground surface to the underlying material

Reconsolidation stress

the max stress experienced by soil

Suitability of soil as a foundation materials

the stratification, composition, and density of the soil bed & variations in particle size, and the presence or absence of ground water

Compaction (rolling, tamping, or soaking)

to achieve optimum moisture content, increase the density of soil bed

3 main shear strength tests

to define failure envelope (need cohesion & angle of internal friction) 1. direct shear test, 2. unconfined compression, 3. triaxial test

Moisture content and void volume is important

to determine the unit weight

Sloped sites & excavation of a flat site

unconfined soil displace laterally

A subsurface investigation is conducted to

understand the structure of soil, its shear resistance and compressive strength, its water content and permeability, and the expected extent and rate of consolidation under loading


wall moves toward the soil, wall pushes against the soil

USCS gradation classification

well graded, poor graded, gap graded

Primary consolidation: Initially

when loads, stress (delta sigma) is applied, soil wants to compress (water in voids). Initially the applied loads are resisted by "excess pore water pressure" (delta u)

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