Speaking Test (Q&A FH2 Unit 7-12)

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It might be best to...

A guy/girl at work keeps hitting on me, but I'm not interested.

I think people are mostly ______.

Are people mostly good or mostly bad?

I think I will (never) be married (by _____ years old).

By what age do you think you will be married?

Well, I might take English Speaking and _______ next year. (Yes, I'm going to take...; I'll probably take...)

Did you decide which courses you will take next year?

Yes, I'm _______ on Friday. (seeing a doctor; having coffee with a friend; going to volleyball practice; etc.)

Do you have any plans this week? (Look at your agenda.)

Yes, they should _______.

Do you have any recommendations for high school students?

Yes. I have a scar on my _______. It happened when I ....

Do you have any scars? (What happened?)

I like big parties, because I can meet lots of new people.

Do you like big parties or small parties?

Yes, I do. I think many young people with lots of money often get into trouble. For example,...

Do you think having too much money makes people do bad things?

Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

Do you usually have a party for your birthday?

I ____________ (agree/disagree). I think _______ is more important than ________.

Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than intelligence." Do you agree?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.

Have you ever been to a ______ party? (beach; housewarming; farewell; birthday; surprise; costume)

Yes, I have. I worked at a _______. / I work at a ______ now.

Have you ever had a part-time job? (Where did/do you work?)

Yes, I have. I moved from _____ to ______.

Have you ever moved? (Tell me about it.)

Yes, I have. I went to ______. / No, I haven't, but I want to go to ______.

Have you ever traveled abroad? (Where did you go?)

You could...

I feel like my English is not improving.

I think...is the way to go. (-ing)

I have been feeling tired a lot lately.

I think...is the best thing to do. (-ing)

I lost my wallet. It has all my ID and credit cards.

You should....

I missed the bus. I'll be late for class.

....might help. (-ing)

I really like someone in this class, but I'm shy.

I think you'd better...

I saw my boyfriend/girlfriend talking to another man/woman.

Why don't you...?

I'm studying abroad, but all my friends are Japanese. I don't think my English is improving.

If it rains, I will probably _______. (I might/may _____; I will _____.)

If it rains on Saturday, what will you do?

We should ________. (play games; sing karaoke; bring snacks; etc.)

If we have an end-of-term party, what should we do?

I would dress as a/an ___________. (I would wear a/an ___________ costume.)

If you attended a Halloween party, what would you wear?

I would...

If you could study abroad, where would you like to go?

No, I don't. I think many bad people have had some good luck. For example, ...

If you do good things, you will have good luck. If you do bad things, you will have bad luck. Do you think this is true?

I would...

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

I would...

If you had more free time, what would you do?

I would....

If you had your own car, what would you do?

I would...

If you had your own house, what would you want to have in it?

I should __________. (clean up my living room; buy lots of food; order a pizza; etc.)

If you held a party at your place, what should you do to prepare?

It is _________, and he/she is ... (-ing)

Imagine someone walks into the classroom doing something silly. Who is it? What is he/she doing?

It's a/an ______.

Imagine that an animal is following you while you walk. What kind of animal is it?

I'm at/in ______, and I am ... (-ing)

Imagine that you are relaxing somewhere outside. Where are you? What are you doing?

I'm riding a/an ________.

Imagine that you are riding something. What are you riding?

In high school, I had to wear a ______ to school

In high school, what did you have to wear to school?

In high school, I was good at ______.

In high school, what subject were you good at?

I think that people don't say it enough, but they should only use it for people they have known and loved for a long time.

Is it ever okay to say "I love you" if it isn't true?

I think it is more important to be ________.

Is it more important to be honest or to be kind?

I think it is more important to listen to your ___________.

Is it more important to listen to your head or your heart?

I think it is okay because you shouldn't marry someone whom you don't love. However, I wouldn't recommend it, because I think parenting is easier with two people.

Is it okay to have a baby if you're not married?

No, I think that you should never marry someone whom you don't really love.

Is it okay to marry a rich person whom you don't really love?

Yes, I think it is okay to be honest, but I would try to...

Is it okay to tell friends that their clothes look good when they don't?

I think it depends. If you have a kind boss you can be honest about why you would like to take a day off.

Is it okay to tell your boss you're sick when you aren't?

I think it is okay to wear anything you want, but I think you should consider how your clothes can affect other people. For example, ...

Is it okay to wear sexy clothes to work or school?

Maybe you should...

Look. I found a wallet with 30,000 yen in it.

If I were you, I'd...

My girlfriend/boyfriend wants to move in with me, but I'm not ready for that.

The best thing to do is....

My job is terrible. I can't stand it.

How about...? (-ing)

My parents don't like my girlfriend/boyfriend. What should I do?

Why don't you...?

My roommate is really messy. I can't stand it.

You had better....

My skin is turning green.

I think if they are disturbing people with computer viruses or money scams then they should go to jail.

Should spammers go to jail?

I think we shouldn't always be honest. For example, when..., I think it is okay to lie.

Should you always be honest? (When is it okay to lie?)

Well, I think we should consider other people's opinions, but we certainly don't have to worry about everything that they think.

Should you always pay attention to what other people think?

Yes, I think you should. I think we should try to make each other happier.

Should you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend something just to make them happy?

You had better...

Someone is stalking me.

Why don't you...?

The elevator stopped between floors.

After class, I am ________ today. (visiting the dentist; going to tennis lessons; going straight home; etc.)

What are you doing after class today?

In order to achieve my goal, I am... (-ing).

What are you doing now to reach your goal?

Next vacation, I'm going to ________. (I might/may ______; I'll probably _____.)

What are you going to do during your next vacation?

I'm going to _____ next weekend. (study for an exam; hang out with friends; visit my grandparents; etc.)

What are you going to do next weekend?

I'm going to ______ tomorrow. (come to school again; go out with friends; take an exam; etc.)

What are you going to do tomorrow?

When I was a child, I could __________, but now I can't.

What could you do as a child that you can't do now?

In high school, I liked to _______.

What did you like to do when you were in high school?

After school, I used to ______ for fun.

What did you use to do for fun after school when you were little?

I wanted to be a/an __________ when I was a child.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

I have to __________ this week. (I need to ____.)

What do you need to do this week?

I remember that... (my teacher was ____; my friends were _____; I was ____; etc.)

What do you remember about elementary school?

I think the world's biggest problem is _________.

What do you think is the world's biggest problem?

I think they are...

What do you think of horror stories?

I think people worry too much about ______. I think...

What do you think people worry too much about?

I'll probably be ______ in 5 years. (ex. teaching at a high school; living abroad; working at a company; etc.)

What do you think you will be doing in 5 years?

One special place that I have visited is _______.

What is a special place you have visited?

One of my goals in life is to...

What is one of you goals in life?

I'm looking forward to _______. (the next vacation; going to Australia; hanging out with my friends next weekend; etc.)

What is something you are looking forward to?

I think _______ (mobile phones; the weather; our teacher; etc.) will ______ in the future.

What predictions do you have about the future?

I was -ing...

What were you doing last Saturday at noon?

I was -ing...

What were you doing last night at 9 o'clock?

I was -ing...

What were you doing when the accident took place?

I was -ing...

What were you doing when you saw the ghost?

I was -ing...

What were you doing when your mother was cooking?

I was -ing...

What were you doing while you were listening to the story?

I'll probably do it on ______ (Wednesday night; Friday; Sunday morning; etc.).

When are you going to do the homework?

I brought some sandwiches, drinks, and a blanket.

When you went on a picnic in the past, what did you bring?

When I was a child, I liked to play ______ with friends.

When you were a child, what did you like to play with friends?

Yes, I think they should, because young usually don't have a lot of money.

When young people go on date, should they divide the cost evenly?

We usually have birthday parties at a restaurant.

Where do you have birthday parties?

I like to go to Inokashira Park.

Where do you like to go for picnics?

I think freedom is more important because we can do the things that we want and enjoy our lives more with freedom.

Which is more important: freedom or safety?

I'd like to _____, because...

Which would you like to do: go to a hot spring, go whitewater rafting, or visit a famous place (ex. UNESCO)?

I was -ing...

While the teacher was talking, what were you doing?

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