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Using a standard deviation of 15 IQ points, a person with an obtained IQ score of 115 would have a z score of:


When analyzing the correlation illustrated on a scattergram, the closer the approximation of a straight line (indicating a perfect degree of correlation), the nearer the correlation is to which of the following?


which of the following is considered a good reliability score?


IDEA allows for students with behavioral issues to be suspended for a maximum of:

10 days

Sandy recently took a test and the chronological age was calculated to be 10 years, 10 months, and 23 days. Which of the following represents the correct rounded chronological age?


The mean score and standard deviation for the WISC-V are which of the following, respectively?

100, 15

According to IDEA, transition services should begin at what age?


Miss Bridget teaches in a small learning support class. The follow are the data from a recent math assessment from three of her students: 84, 80, 74. What is the variance?


What is the range?


Michael receives additional support for noncompliant behavior. Prior to intervention his average number of incidents of noncompliant behavior was 18. Following the intervention, the number had decreased to 11. What is the percent change following intervention?


A student scores one standard deviation below the mean, and when converted to a standard score that student's score is 85 (SD = 15). What would that student's score be using a T score?


What is the percentile rank that is equivalent to the mean?


Susan was a referred for a comprehensive evaluation. It was determined at the eligibility meeting that she was not eligible for special education services but needed alternative planning in order to be successful in the general education classroom. What document will the team need to write for Susan?

504 accommodation plan

How many days does an LEA have to conduct a comprehensive evaluation?

60 days

What is the approximate mean?


What is the median?


Utilizing the percent of nonoverlapping data points as a measurement of progress, which of the following is considered the range for an effective intervention?


What is the mode?


General education instruction is designed to meet the needs of approximately what percentage of the school population?


A person who scores at the 85%tile scored as well or better than which of the following groups?

85% of the students in that age/grade

Direct observation enables the observer to note how often a behavior occurs and to establish which of the following?

A baseline

Which of the following is designed to increase positive behaviors and decrease negative behaviors?

A behavioral intervention plan

Which of the following is an assessment that utilizes multiple components to determine the specific purpose of targeted behaviors?

A functional behavioral assessment

Which of the following must be conducted to determine if misbehaviors are related to a child's disability?

A manifestation determination

Which of the following indicates when diagnostic instruments may be used?

When additional information is needed to make decisions about interventions

Which of the following is a graphic representation of the social dynamics of a classroom?

A sociogram

Which of the following measurement methods compares a baseline performance with performance at the end of an intervention period?

Absolute change

The influence of one culture on another culture is known as which of the following?


These tests are designed specifically to measure what the student has learned.

Achievement Test

These tests measure how well students adapt to different environments.

Adaptive behavior scales

Parents must be fully informed and provide consent for which of the following before it occurs?

All of the above

Who might deliver and monitor Tier II interventions in the RTI model?

All of the above

Administering two instruments within a short period of time is necessary in order to establish which of the following?

Alternate forms reliability

Curriculum-based measurement evaluates student performance against:

An achievement goal for the year

Students with disabilities who are unable to participate in statewide assessments are tested using which of the following?

An alternative assessment

The process of evaluating an environment to determine if there are any influences on the learning process is called which of the following?

An ecological evaluation

One main outcome of the Historical Model of Assessment was which of the following?

An increase in the number of students identified for special education services

If you were the teacher of this student, your next action should most likely be:

Analyze the instructional methods, perform error analyses and adapt the instructional techniques that are being used.

Which of the following methods of data collection would be most useful in determining an antecedent event?

Anecdotal recording

An event that occurs prior to the target behavior that increases the likelihood of the target behavior occurring is known as which of the following?


This is used to determine current areas of strength as well as future potential.

Aptitude Test

When a teacher evaluates her students' ability to read a map of bus routes while the class is in the bus terminal, the teacher is using what type of assessment to evaluate these skills?

Authentic assessment

The most important step for teachers learning new diagnostic instruments is which of the following?

Becoming familiar with the test manual and test

Which of the following is not a projective assessment?

Behavior rating profile test

This principle is founded in the threory that behaviors are maintained or increased by the reinforcing events that follow the event or behavior.

Behavioristic principle

Correlation coefficients are expressed as which of the following?

Between −1.00 and +1.00

This type of reliability checks the consistency across items of an instrument where credit varies across responses.

Coefficient Alpha

Which of the following must occur before a child may receive special education services?

Comprehensive evaluation

Which of the following is an invalid way to assess reading comprehension?

Conduct a miscue analysis.

Measures of internal consistency are used to determine which of the following?

Consistency of items on an instrument to measure a skill, trait or domain

What is the term used to ensure that a psychological trait, personality trait, psychological concept attribute or theoretical characteristic is measured by an instrument?

Construct validity

Which of the following describes an assessment model where an emphasis is placed on finding solutions rather than seeking alternative placement and an eligibility label?

Contemporary Model

Comparing the scores of a new assessment instrument with the scores of an older test may help to establish which of the following?

Content validity

Ella received an 80% on her math test this week. Her teacher said she missed the cut-off by 5 points, so she will have to work on the same material next week and retake the test next Friday. Ella's teacher is employing what type of assessment?

Criterion-referenced assessment

When measuring student progress against an objective, which of the following is the teacher using?

Criterion-referenced assessment

Administering subtests from two or more tests to determine if a weakness exists in a particular skill or ability is a practice consistent with which of the following?

Cross battery assessment

Elisabeth's teacher gives a spelling test at the end of each week to determine student mastery of the words covered in the curriculum. This type of assessment is considered which of the following?

Curriculum-based assessment

Which of the following progress monitoring tools is not commercially available and provided with norm-referenced data?

Curriculum-based assessments

Miss Morgan is collecting progress monitoring data using DIBELS and determining if she needs to change her instructional strategies in order to help her students reach their aim line. Miss Morgan is using what type of assessment strategy?

Curriculum-based measurement

A score or number that the student must reach in order for the determination to be made that progress is occurring as a result of intervention.

Cut off point

What type of score is derived when scores are divided into 10 groups, and each group represents 10% of the obtained scores?


Conducting a task analysis allows the teacher to do which of the following?

Determine prerequisite skills the student may not know

These tests are used to measure a specific ability, for example, fine-motor ability.

Diagnostic test

When teachers adapt or modify the content of the curriculum, the instructional methods they use, or the assessment used with a student, it is called which of the following?

Differentiated instruction

This process was used to identify students with disabilities by comparing a student's cognitive ability with his or her academic achievement to determine if a significant difference between the two exists.

Discrepancy analysis

According to IDEA 2004, the diagnosis of learning disabilities specifically requires that a student does which of the following?

Display a lack of social skills

When the number of students from various ethnic or linguistically diverse groups who receive special education services is skewed from the general population, it is called which of the following?


Judy, a young preschooler, has temper tantrums. With interventions, the tantrums continue but do not seem to be as intense or as long. In order to determine if Judy's tantrums are truly decreasing in length, the teacher should use which of the following?

Duration recording

This type of assessment views the ceiling as an area of functioning that warrants further investigation.

Dynamic assessment

IDEA 2004 indicated that these services should be employed to address a student's needs within the general education classroom and prevent additional assessment.

Early intervention services

This law was the original law that mandated education agencies ensure an appropriate assessment and education for individuals with disabilities.

Education for all Handicapped Children Act

Looking for patterns of errors to provide insight into learning how a student completes a task is called which of the following?

Error analysis

These events make a consequence more attractive.

Establishing operations

Which of the following statements about intellectual assessment is true?

Experts in the field of intellectual assessment have different definitions of intelligence

What term defines utilizing language skills in speaking or writing?

Expressive language

In special education, it is clearly understood how to determine intelligence through assessment.


The purpose of nondiscriminatory assessment is to make sure that eligible students receive special education services regardless of their disability. (true/false)


When administering a standardized test, the individual giving the test may give the test in any manner they wish. (true/false)


John's parents disagree with the results of his most recent evaluation and the recommendation from the multidisciplinary team, which is that John be discontinued from receiving special services. What can John's parents do?

File a Due Process claim

When a teacher monitors progress several times each week to determine the level of skill acquisition, the teacher is using which of the following?

Formative Assessment

A graph of class data is below. What is this type of graph called?

Frequency polygon

On this instrument, the student reads stories aloud to the teacher, who scores rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension, and overall reading ability.

Gray Oral Reading Test-5

This derived score is used specifically to determine ongoing progress

Growth scale value

This derived score is used specifically to determine ongoing progress.

Growth scale value

Aaron's teacher noticed he was having difficulties reading in all of his classes. She referred him to a multidisciplinary team for special education services immediately. What model of assessment is Aaron's teacher following?

Historical Model

Which of the following individuals developed the theory of multiple intelligences?

Howard Gardner

Which of the following statements is true concerning the relationship between reliability and standard error of measurement?

In general, the higher the reliability, the lower the standard error of measurement.

When using the AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-School, Second Edition (ABS-S2), the process of determining whether persons meet the criteria for the diagnosis of mental retardation is divided into which of the following two parts?

Independent living skills and social behavior

In the event that a referred child is 3 years of age or younger and is eligible for services, the law requires what type of document to be written?

Individualized Family Service Plan

Which of the following refers to when parents are fully notified in their native language of all educational activities to be conducted during a nondiscriminatory evaluation of their child?

Informed consent

A student who is reading with 95% accuracy is at what level?


Which of the following is not used to measure internal consistency?

Interrater reliability

The school psychologist completes an observation of Jean and determines that she engages in an off-task behavior, on average, every six minutes. This is recorded as which of the following?

Interresponse time

This scale's numbers are used for identification that ranks greater or lesser quality or amount. The numbers are equidistant on the scale.


Every five minutes during math class, the teacher notes when Helen is on or off task. Helen's behavior is being observed and recorded using which of the following methods?

Interval Recording

What type of observation is conducted when an evaluator orally asks the respondent the questions and encourages objective, detailed information?


A test item is considered to have this if it is answered incorrectly a disproportionate number of times by one group compared to another.

Item Bias

Which of the following instruments is designed to assess intellectual functioning using a theory of simultaneous and successive processing?


Which of the following tools is aligned to the NCTM standards?

KeyMath Diagnostic Assessment-3

Janet entered the classroom and wandered around the room. Once the teacher redirected Janet to her seat, she sat down and began looking for her materials for class. The teacher began instruction and Janet continued to look through her things. As the teacher continued, Janet looked around the room and waved to her friend. The teacher is concerned with what aspect of Janet's behavior in this case?


Historically, the formula used to calculate IQ is

MA / CA × 100

The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition is a comprehensive evaluation that includes which of the following?

Maladaptive behavior scale

Organizing data to see how the data cluster is called which of the following?

Measures of Central Tendency

Which of the following is a characteristic of what constitutes a research-based intervention?

Meets requirements set by the Institute of Education Sciences

An individual with an IQ of 70 may be classified as which of the following?

Mental intellectual disability

Michael's mother received a copy of the standardized assessment he took in school. The results showed that Michael's current achievement level is 5-4. What does this mean?

Michael is achieving at a five year, four month level.

In the Cattell-Horn-Carol theory of intelligence, which of the following constitutes its foundation of intellectual ability?

NOT Broad cognitive abilities

When students enroll in school and are provided with an identification number-a combination of letters and numbers-this number is which scale?


Which of the following types of intellectual assessment instruments are more commonly used with children who are bilingual?

Nonverbal instruments

This term is used when a national sample of students of the same age/grade take the same assessment and establish a mean and standard deviation.


A test designed to yield average performance scores, which may be used for comparing individual student performances.

Norm-referenced test

Miss Jean, a school psychologist, administers a test on Billy, a student referred for a comprehensive evaluation. Billy's scores on an achievement test indicate that he is performing significantly below his peers in reading comprehension skills. Miss Jean administered what type of assessment?

Norm-referenced test

When carefully administered, these tests are specifically designed to yield reliable and valid information by comparing a student with their peer group.

Norm-referenced tests

Which instructional environment are you likely to see at Tier III in the RTI model?


Students who participated in the science fair were ranked by category and received first-, second-, and third-place ribbons. This is an example of what type of scale?


Intelligence testing is likely to remain a substantial part of the assessment process because of which of the following?

Our objective knowledge of what constitutes intelligence

Unnecessary evaluation and misdiagnosis are contributing factors to which of the following?


All of the following are procedural safeguards, except which of the following?

Parents are offered an opportunity to meet with the legal counsel of the LEA to be given information about special education laws.

This instrument measures a student's verbal comprehension skills by presenting the student with a series of stimuli and asking the student to discriminate a given stimulus that best represents an orally stated word.

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4

This measure considers data points that are above the highest baseline data point as demonstrating intervention effectiveness.

Percent of nonoverlapping data points

Which of the following expresses the difficulty with using percentile ranks to interpret test results?

Percentile rank do not represent equal intervals

This type of assessment requires that students create a product that demonstrates their skills or competency.

Performance Assessment

Research has indicated that a disproportionate rate of occurrence of students from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds happens in the following disability categories, except which of the following?

Physical Disabilities

Mr. Kehl collects student products over the course of the year to demonstrate the progress his students make. Mr. Kehl is utilizing what type of assessment?

Portfolio Assessment

The scores obtained by Dr. Smith on a psychology test were compared and it was determined that students who scored high on the first exam tended to score high on the second exam. Which of the following represents the probable correlation between the two sets of scores?

Positive correlation

What type of distribution is depicted below?

Positive skew—Large number of scores occur below the mean.

Given the general flow of the direction of the data, these variables are likely to be which of the following?

Positively correlated

When an instrument can predict performance on some other variable, it is considered to have which of the following?

Predicative validity

The following are key considerations when developing an individualized assessment plan, except which of the following?

Previous screenings for the child can be disregarded.

Mr. Kiddle believes that each child who is experiencing difficulty in school should be individually evaluated to determine what interventions might address their unique needs. Mr. Kiddle's philosophy is most closely aligned with which RTI model?

Problem-solving model

This test assesses the processes used in initial emerging reading and writing skills as well as other skills needed for the intermediate grades.

Process Assessment of the Learner-II: Test Battery for Reading and Writing

Within the RTI framework, this allows decisions to be made about when a student's current educational program needs to be changed through ongoing data collection.

Progress monitoring

These assessments are used to analyze a student's feelings by what the student projects into the story card or other stimulus.

Projective techniques

What type of data gathering tool would a teacher use if they wanted to find out what types of books their students like to read?


This assessment method is similar in content to a checklist, but the respondent indicates their response along a continuum allowing for interpretation of extreme behavior.

Rating questionnaire

The number of items a student scores correctly on a test is referred to as which of the following?

Raw score

What term refers to a student using inner language concepts and applying them to what is heard?

Receptive language

Which of the following represents a parent's right when a student has been evaluated and determined by the team to be eligible for services?

Refusal of services

All of these behaviors would result in an automatic 45-day change of placement, except which of the following?

Refusing to comply with teacher directions

Once a bill has been signed by the president and becomes law, legal guidelines for implementing the law are written. These guidelines are called which of the following?


This is a civil rights law, whose purpose is to prevent discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs receiving federal financial assistance.

Rehabilitation Act

Which of the following may be determined by analyzing the relationship between two sets of scores?


By subtracting a student's pretest score from the posttest score and dividing by the standard error of the difference score, you achieve this score.

Reliable Change Index

This process should result in only 3-5% of students requiring a full evaluation for exceptional learning needs or special education.

Response to Intervention

start of exam 2


What is the name given to this type of graph?


With which of the following should the teacher become familiar in order to aid the completion of task analyses of students' work?

Scope and sequence

It has been recommended that the KBIT be used for which of the following purposes?

Screening of intellectual functioning

This type of assessment is a brief test containing items that survey a range of skill levels, domains, or content areas. They are typically used to determine weak areas.

Screening test

Federal law provides which of the following to insure the rights of parents are not violated?

Several procedural safeguards

Which of the following was used prior to IDEA 2004 in order to determine the existence of a learning disability for a student being evaluated?

Significant Discrepancy

Tier III interventions in the RTI model are typically delivered by what type of school personnel?


The type of reliability that can look at internal consistency by using odd and even numbered items of the same test to compare performance is called which of the following?

Split-half reliability

Which type of reliability study may yield a lower coefficient, before correction, due to the reduced number of items?

Split-half reliability

Mr. Jean, the principal at Mountain Top School, wants to streamline the RTI process in his building. He's requiring all students with similar reading challenges to be grouped together and receive interventions through a commercial curriculum the district has purchased. All students will be progress-monitored using the materials that come with the curriculum. Mr. Jean's philosophy is most closely aligned with which RTI model?

Standard protocol model

All of the following are required when using a standardized instrument, except which of the following?

Strictly following the standardization protocols, without adaptation

All of the following statements about high-stakes testing are true, except

Students with severe disabilities do not have to take it.

Establishing interrater reliability is especially important when test data are which of the following?


If a member of an IEP Team is unable to attend an IEP meeting, what must they do?

Submit their information in writing to the IEP team

Students whose performance on standardized instruments of measurement is markedly discrepant from that of their peers should receive which of the following?

TIER 2 intervention

This assesses areas of math functioning that might not be addressed by other instruments.

Test of Mathematical Abilities-2

This test assesses overall writing, contrived writing and spontaneous writing.

Test of Written Language-4

Which of the following refers to the consistency of scores on a specific instrument across time or across items?

Test reliability

A practice effect may be a problem when studying the results of which of the following?

Test-retest reliability

When a teacher gives a test to students on one occasion, repeats the exam on the same students at a later date, and then correlates the scores, the teacher is demonstrating interest in determining which of the following?

Test-retest reliability

It may be determined that a Team member may not need to attend the IEP meeting under which circumstance?

The IEP member is not presenting any new information.

During an eligibility meeting, who determines that the student is eligible for special education services based on the information collected through the evaluation process?

The IEP team.

Which of the following options would most likely represent a negative correlation?

The course section number and the test grade

The focus of IDEA on including students in the general education environment is known as which of the following?

The least restrictive environment

When parents disagree with school system personnel, IDEA 2004 states which of the following?

The school and parents have a mediation meeting.

The percentile ranking of a student on a standardized diagnostic test indicates which of the following?

The student has been ranked according to the performance of other students in the norm group.

Why are items 18-20 not scored?

The student hit the ceiling so the questions did not need to be administered.

According to the graph, it could be said that on days 1-6:

The student was maintaining progress toward the goal

When a child obtains a significantly low score on an IQ test and this is determined to be a valid estimate of the student's ability, it usually means:

The student will likely have difficulty in school without interventions.

Which if the following is likely to be an explanation as to why a student might fail to obtain a basal level on a test?

The test is too difficult.

Which of the following is not a requirement under IDEA 2004?

The use of RTI for all students

In determining significant difference between scores, a significant difference at the .05 level indicates which of the following?

There is a 5% chance that the difference is due to error.

Margot is experiencing difficulty with decoding using the general education curriculum so the reading specialist began to provide services for her in a small group in the classroom to provide more intensive practice. At what level of the RTI model is Margot being served?

Tier 2

For which of the following have norm-referenced assessments been developed?

To compare a student to a national sample of other students the same age or in the same grade

Which of the following are services that are designed to assist a student's move between school and adult life?

Transition services

A perfect positive correlation would be indicated by a straight line between scores on a scattergram.


All students, regardless of disability, are required to take statewide exams, or alternative exams to measure their progress within the general education curriculum.


Estimated true score allows you to calculate the amount of error with reference to the distance of the score from the mean of the group.


Every student who receives special education or related services must have an IEP.(True/False)


Historically, pre-referral interventions have been intended to address bias in the referral process and prevent unnecessary assessments, and are now part of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model. (True or False)


It is possible for the mean score of a data set to become influenced by an extreme score in the data. (True or False)


Research has suggested that, traditionally, a teacher's decision to refer may have been influenced by the student having a sibling who has had school problems.(True or False)


Some of the variables of content validity that may influence the manner in which results are obtained and which can contribute to bias in testing include presentation format and response mode.


These instructional methods are used in the Tier I RTI model and meet the needs of the majority of students.

Universal methods

This provides information about all students in the general education classroom to determine if any are at risk or are below the level of expected performance for their grade.

Universal screening

On the Stanford-Binet V, the factors assessed include:

Verbal and Non-Verbal

Non-standardized methods of assessment are called which of the following?

informal assessment

A large collection of test items thought to effectively represent a particular domain or content area.

item pool

What does the vertical line in the normal distribution represent?


At which tier of the RTI model does the eligibility meeting happen?

none of the 3 - it occurs at the end when the student goes through the top of the model

This measure uses the mean (i.e., average) of the baseline and compares it with the mean of the intervention.

percent change

This assessment gathers data by encouraging the respondent to describe behaviors or situations where the behavior occurs with objective, narrative statements


Correlation is represented by what symbol?


This scale is used for direct comparisons and mathematical manipulations. The numbers on the scale are equidistant from each other and have a true meaning of absolute zero.


The following is totaled in order to determine the scaled scores for a given subtest.

raw score

Which score must be obtained in order to determine derived scores?

raw score

These services are considered necessary for a child to benefit from the instructional goals of the IEP.

related services

Which of the following is an invalid way to assess decoding?

retelling a story

An event that occurs prior to a target behavior but not in the same environment is known as which of the following?

setting event

start of exam 3

start of exam 3

Billy is a third-grade student who is receiving services at the Tier III level of the RTI model. He has reached the criterion score of 85% for four consecutive weeks on his math progress monitoring probes. What should happen next?

starts high ends low

Information regarding a student's functional range within an assessment based on the subtest raw scores can be found in which of the following?


Prior to beginning a behavioral observation, which of the following must be determined?

target behavior

The norm group should be representative of which of the following students?

those who will take the test later

Linda has difficulty with talking out in class at inappropriate times. In order to determine if this behavior occurs more during a specific time of day, the teacher decides to note each occurrence. Linda's behavior is being observed and recorded using which of the following methods?

time sampling

This line shows average performance on a graph and changes every time data are entered.

trend line

A deficient score on a norm-reference reading test could represent the selection of a test with inadequate content validity for the current reading curriculum


A multimodal distribution means that there are three or more modes. (true/false)


A norm-referenced assessment allows teachers to compare the performance of one student with the average performance of other students who are of the same age or grade.


A teacher analyzes the classroom assignments of her students to determine what type of mistakes the students are making. This is an example of error analysis.


Accommodations provided during high-stakes testing may not interfere with the content of the assessment.


Although IQ testing is controversial, it remains a valid indicator of student performance in academic tasks.


An outcome of the use of the historical model of assessment was a large number of students being referred for special education services who did not require them. (True/False)


Both norm-referenced assessment and informal methods of assessment could have problems with cultural bias.


Care should be taken when choosing an adaptive behavior scale, as some scales may have norms that better represent the demographics of the student currently being assessed.


Derived scores allow professionals to compare how a student performed on a task in comparison with a larger group. (True/False)


Detailed progress monitoring and trend analysis is required of students who are receiving RTI services under Tiers II and III.


Expressive language skills are used in speaking and writing.


Following the process of differentiated instruction, one of the conceptual foundations that is needed for an RTI classroom, requires teachers to change content, instruction or assessments in order to meet individual student needs.


Generally, when tests measure constructs that are affected by developmental changes, the reliability may not be as good for very young ages.


IDEA 2004 and ESEA 2001 place more emphasis on assessing all students in attaining the standards, leading to more students being included in the general education classroom and more students who receive special education services to receive a regular diploma (True or False)


Informed consent requires that local education agencies provide information to parents in their native language or mode of communication. (true/false)


It is important to establish firm standards for a student's progress and readiness to exit special education.


It is possible for the mean score of a data set to become influenced by an extreme score in the data.


Latency recording measures the amount of time elapsed between the specific stimulus and the actual response.


Many assessments have multiple versions (e.g., version A and version B) in order to allow students to be assessed multiple times in a fairly short amount of time.


Parent participation in the entire special education process is encouraged. (true/false)


Projective techniques are used to assess the student's feelings when shown various stimuli.


Roberts-2, like its predecessor Roberts Apperception Test for Children, is an example of a test that requires students to express their feelings based on a picture card provided.


Standard error of measurement is used to determine confidence intervals.


Teachers should ensure that tests are logical and serve the purpose for which they are intended and recognize that no test has the capability of answering all achievement questions.


The RTI process provides substantial information to the special education evaluation process in the event a student continues to be unsuccessful in the general education classroom.


The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-III provides two ways of determining disabilities: (1) the traditional ability-achievement discrepancy method, and (2) by evaluating patterns of strengths and weaknesses.


The name of the law under which special education professionals are currently working is IDEA 2004.(True/False)


The number of times a score occurs in a distribution can be determined by completing a frequency count. (true/false)


The term "universal methods" is often used synonymously with interventions provided at the Tier I level of the RTI model.


The theories upon which IQ tests are based influence their use and interpretation.


The use of research-based interventions is required of all teachers, not just special education teachers.


To determine a baseline, a teacher should administer three grade/instructional level probes and use the median score.


Variance is described as the degree or amount of dispersion in a data set.


When a child has been sent from the classroom for misbehavior and the child feels a sense of relief, the function of the target behavior is escape.


When a preschool test is needed to determine how students will perform in reading, it is important that the test have good predictive validity.


When assessing students from culturally different backgrounds, the use of adaptive behavior scores is one possible method of reducing bias.


When the school has not followed either the IEP or the FBA, the student cannot be suspended.


When the total learning environment is analyzed to determine if there are factors that contribute to a specific behavior, it is called ecological assessment.


Writing educational objectives for skills to be tested would be part of the criterion-referenced assessment process.


The test measures reasoning and memory skills through the nonverbal presentation of the subtests.


When the mean score is represented as ± 2, what type of score is this?

z score

Which of the following represents the strongest relationship?


Once the raw score has been determined, this is often completed on a separate form allowing the team to determine the educational needs of the student.

Within-item error analysis

This instrument is consistent with Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory of cognitive abilities and comes with extended tests to further test specific skills and abilities.

Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement

Mrs. Jones is the special education teacher sitting on Jimmy's IEP Team. She is new to the district and is unaware of the testing procedures used during the multi-disciplinary evaluation. Who else at the IEP would be able to interpret the evaluation results?

a school psychologist

These tests measure how well students adapt to different environments.

adaptive behavior scales

The goal against which progress is measured in curriculum-based measurement is known as which of the following?


A writing sample from a fifth-grade student is an example of which of the following?

all of the above

Adaptive behavior is considered to be which of the following?

all of the above

Informal assessments that can be tailored for individual students, used to identify mastery of a skill, and/or placement in a curriculum include which of the following?

all of the above

Informal reading assessments take place in which domains of reading?

all of the above

The Contemporary Model of Assessment is focused on which of the following?

all of the above

The Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Ability includes which of the following?

all of the above

This following is an individually administered achievement battery.

all of the above

What type of data is typically acquired from a fluency probe?

all of the above

Which of the following batteries was designed to assess nonverbal intelligence?

all of the above

Which of the following is a problem related to norm-referenced testing?

all of the above

Which of the following is something you might find in a portfolio assessment?

all of the above

Which of the following people may fill out an adaptive behavior assessment?

all of the above

Which of the following represents ways that spelling errors may be evaluated?

all of the above

Which of the following should be considered as a key factor in deciding upon a measure of intelligence?

all of the above

Who may request an initial evaluation?

all of the above

Every student receiving special education services must have which of the following?

an IEP

The use of intelligence tests remains controversial in part because of inappropriate use in the past. Which of the following represents a major court case that has involved the assessment of intellectual ability?

both a and b

Lists of academic or behavioral skills that the respondent completes by checking the appropriate responses.


Which of the following is an example of a reading comprehension assessment device?


Which of the following indicates a raw score?

correct answer =20

Which of the following is known as the experimental version of a new test?

development test

The school guidance counselor comes into your room to observe a student, Susan. The counselor notices that Susan spent 15 minutes of the 43-minute class time walking around the room. The counselor obtained these data by performing what type of method?

duration recording

In order to determine the exact point where a student begins to perform a math operation incorrectly, the teacher may choose to use which of the following?

error analysis

Mrs. Tilger notices that Michael is very often getting out of his seat to wander around the room. What data recording method should she use to determine how many times Michael gets out of his seat?

event recording

6.4 is an example of an age equivalency.


A child's parents do not need to provide consent for the child to be evaluated for special education and/or related services.


A task analysis of a chapter quiz is performed as a method of standardized assessment.


A teacher who administers a wide range achievement test in reading (i.e., WRAT) is able to take the score obtained and generalize it across all of the individual domains and skills associated with reading.


Academic engaged time is a technical term that simply means how long a student is required to be in class during the school day.


All students who are eligible for special education services are required to have an alternative planning document in place. (True or False)


All students who do not respond to Tier III interventions in the RTI model automatically receive special education services.


An Individualized Education Plan (IEP) differs from an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) in that an IEP includes family needs as well as the child's needs. (True or False)


Aptitude tests are designed specifically to measure what a student has learned.


As long as a test has good validity, the reliability is not important.


Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a separate category under IDEA, so students with ADD automatically qualify for special education services. (True or False)


Checklists, questionnaires, and parent interviews are techniques that require assessment personnel to conduct direct observation of student behavior.


Children who fail to make academic progress through ESL services are eligible for special education services. (True or False)


Commercially available progress monitoring programs always include everything you might need for assessing students in order to ensure progress in the general education curriculum.


Composite scores are the scores that are used to compare a student against grade or age norms.


Drawing tests assess a student's feelings about what they perceive is happening in a picture.


Factors such as socioeconomic status, race, culture, linguistic background, emotional state and existing disabilities are variables that do not impact student performance on a norm-referenced assessment because these variables have been filtered out during the norming process.


IDEA 2004 requires the use of RTI when evaluating every child referred for special education services.


IDEA requires that adaptive behavior be assessed when evaluating students to determine the presence of learning disabilities.


IQ scores are measurements of innate potential in a person.


If you administer a test it is best to always administer every subtest in that test.


In a normal distribution, most students' scores fall at the edges of the bell curve. (True or False)


In a normal distribution, most students' scores fall at the edges of the bell curve. (True/false)


In order for a score to be considered significant it must be at least two standard deviations from the mean.


In order to determine a student's level of academic functioning, one of the following tests might be used: achievement, aptitude, diagnostic, cognitive, or adaptive behavior.


Large sets of data are organized and understood through methods known as Measures of Central Tendency. (true/false)


Local education agencies must always ensure that a meeting takes place with all involved parties when reviewing existing data on a student to determine additional testing needs. (True/False)


Median is another name for simple average. (True or False)


Median is another name for simple average. (true/false)


Norm-referenced testing includes items that always represent the content accurately for all school systems.


Norm-referenced tests do not assess for skills related to non-core content areas, like social studies, because the instrument may not match the curriculum to which the student has been exposed.


Once a bill such as IDEA 2004 is passed and has been signed by the president, becoming law, states are not authorized to interpret components, pass state laws, and write regulations to be implemented within that state. (True/False)


Only a specialist, including the special education teacher, may provide interventions for a student under the Tier II RTI model.


Portfolio assessment is a method of comparing a student with the performance of students in a national sample.


Portfolio assessments are a good standardized measure to be used as the sole criterion for eligibility in specialized programs.


Research has shown that punitive types of disciplinary procedures are effective in long-term changes in negative behaviors.


Screening tests are appropriate for determining placement and eligibility in special education services.


The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-4 is a measure of expressive language.


The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales is a nonverbal measure of intellectual ability.


The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale measures overall cognitive ability.


The square root of the variance is the sum of squares. (True or False)


The validity of a test should be determined by how consistent the results are over time.


When a test measures what it was designed to measure and what it purports to measure, this test is said to be reliable.


When administering a norm-referenced test, all subtests must be administered.


When calculating the raw score, all items that appear before the established basal are not counted because they were not administered.


When considering continued eligibility, a student must undergo a comprehensive formal testing process in order to determine continued placement whether or not the parents request it. (true/false)


When teachers use the content of a classroom social studies text to design a test for their students, the teacher is using a formalized assessment measure.


When using visual inspection in order to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention represented in a trend line, progress is indicated only when the trend line is going in an upward direction.


An individual with an IQ of 130 may be classified as which of the following?


Mrs. Morgan is using visual inspection to determine if Mary has made progress on her behavior goals. Mary's goal was to reduce out-of-seat behavior to no more than 2 occurrences each day. Which of the following graphs ideally represents Mary's trend line?

graph declining from left to right

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