Speech Craft Mid 1

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Which statement from a presentation about organ donation is a supporting fact and not a statistic?

"A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that replaces a diseased or nonfunctioning kidney with a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor."

Which is NOT an example of the Action step of Monroe's motivated sequence?

"I hope today you have learned more about the problems with disposable diapers."

Adelle is preparing a presentation on how children learn to read in the digital age. Which statement from her presentation would be classified as a fact?

"In her experiment examining how children interact with digital media, Levy conducted interviews with students, teachers, and parents."

Which of these would be considered vocational speaking?

A beekeeper presenting a talk about his hobby to a group of children

Which is an example of biased language?

A childbirth instructor calling children "rug rats."

Which of these would NOT be considered speaking for your vocation?

A classmate of yours presenting a speech for your public speaking class

Which of these would be considered a vocation?

A college student on his third mission trip to Haiti

Which object would require that you seek out permission before using it in your presentation?

A diagram from the website of a hospital

Which should George include in his conclusion if he wants to make his speech on friendly pranking more memorable?

A joke

Which is NOT an argument?

A married couple's fight over where to vacation

Which is an example of incorrectly adopting the style of an insider?

A politician from the city speaking to a group of rural teenagers at a horse ranch and calling them his "posse."

According to visual-aid expert Edward Tufte, what does PowerPoint cause?

A preoccupation with format

Geraldo has approached his boss advocating a switch to a new software package he is convinced would save the company time and money. Geraldo's boss asks him to prepare a presentation for management comparing the features of the new software to the current software and tell how much the change would cost on both immediate and ongoing bases. What kind of presentation is Geraldo being asked to prepare?

A proposal or a sales pitch

How does an example differ from a story?

A story is longer than an example and includes a beginning, middle, and end.

What is the difference between a syllogism and an enthymeme?

A syllogism contains two premises and a conclusion, while an enthymeme omits one or both of the premises.

What should you keep in mind when listening to a speaker who has an accent or dialect?

Accents and dialects are different, not wrong.

Hiro plans to give a short speech at a going away party for a friend. He begins by thanking everyone for coming to send off their dear friend. Which attention getter has Hiro used?

Acknowledging the speaking situation

Maaroof is giving a toast at his brother's wedding and begins by saying, "We're all together today to celebrate the wonderful bride and groom." Which attention-getter has Maaroof used?

Acknowledging the speaking situation

Which fallacy is contained in this statement? The owner of a company tells his employees, "If you don't accept my decision to appoint my son president of the company, you will be fired with no severance."

Ad baculum

Which fallacy is contained in this statement? "Don't listen to Simon. He wears tennis shoes to weddings!"

Ad hominem

How does a claim differ from a thesis?

All theses are claims, but not all claims are theses.

Which is an example of connotation versus denotation?

Although many aspects of personal style are unconscious, public speaking scholars have ways of improving our disposition as speakers.

Which statement about the unconscious aspects of personal style is true?

Although many aspects of personal style are unconscious, public speaking scholars have ways of improving our disposition as speakers.

What is one consideration you'll need to consider if you're using a microphone?

Anything that comes from your throat to your voice is mechanically enhanced.

You are urging a friend to adopt a shelter pet. What is this an example of?


If you want to focus your persuasive speech on emotions and feelings, which should you create?


You ask a friend to go to a movie with you because you have heard the movie is really good and tickets are half off. What is this an example of?


You write a letter of recommendation for your colleague, Nechama, that states she would be an excellent employee because she is reliable and always on-time. What is this an example of?


When speaking, you are trying to inspire thinking and reasoning. Which should you focus on creating?


Which statement is true about Aristotle's informal use of the term lexis?

Aristotle used the word to denote one's manner of speaking in general.

Which statement about articulation is true?

Articulation concerns how you move your lips and tongue when speaking.

Which statement would help your speech on poetry linger in the minds of your audience?

As the famous Edgar Alan Poe said, "Quoth the Raven, nevermore."

After only two weeks at his new employer, Parker has been asked to give a presentation on a software package he used at his previous job. He has not had a chance to learn the culture of the new employer, and he has not seen any other presentations yet. What should he do?

Ask his boss what he needs to know about giving presentations at this company.

What is the relationship between style and disposition?

Audiences perceive your disposition through your style.

Which fallacy is contained in this statement? Ten-year-old Megan says to her mother, "All of my friends' moms let them wear makeup, so you should let me wear makeup, too."


Which may be included in your speaking outline?

Behavioral cues

Which statement is TRUE of the decision to present face-to-face as opposed to online?

Being a successful face-to-face speaker does not guarantee success as an online speaker.

Which are the easiest to change?


Where in your speech should you use an internal summary?

Body of your speech

What does the comparative advantage organizational patterns have in common with the refutation pattern?

Both are prone to the straw person fallacy (oversimplifying the alternatives to your policy suggestion).

How are laugh tracks in sitcoms similar to presentation aids?

Both should be unobtrusive.

Which statement about group roles is true?

Both task- and social-oriented roles are important for successful group discussions.

Which organizational structure is NOT usually used with persuasive speeches?

Cause and effect

Louise is planning to give a speech on activities that may lead to lower back pain. Which speech organization patter would be most appropriate?


Which organizational pattern usually demands that speakers offer well-established or researched support?


Arthur attempts to convince his brother to loan him money by telling him a fabricated story meant to evoke sympathy from his brother. What is this an example of?


Which of the following is NOT a type of supporting material?

Contextual judgments

Basil is an English teacher in a middle school. He begins class on the first day by saying "I have a daughter that is in middle school as well, so I understand and I am sympathetic to the challenges you face." What basic purpose of the introduction does this represent?

Cultivating goodwill

Calvin is an elected official giving a speech to his consituents. In his introduction, he is sure to tell the audience that he understands and cares about the same issues they do. Which basic purpose of the introduction does this represent?

Cultivating goodwill

Which statement about orally citing sources is false?

Dates are particularly important information when citing testimony.

Which is a true statement about orally citing sources?

Depending on the speech situation, you may not need to include all of the source information

Which is an example of a spatial organization?

Describing a human psyche as an iceberg, moving up and down to various parts

Parvi is on the nominating committee for Homecoming king and queen for her college. In the committee's meetings, she is responsible for thinking of any drawbacks to proposed plans and bringing them up with the group. What is Parvi's role in the group?

Devil's advocate

Which fallacy is contained in this statement? Bradley says to his roommate, "If we don't re-sign our lease we will have nowhere to live for the next year."


When you try to persuade someone, what are you trying to do in addition to providing good reasons for the person to trust you

Elevate feelings

Paulo is giving a speech on training dogs to sit and stay. After describing how to teach the sit command, Paulo says "Next, you should focus on teaching the dog to stay." Which has Paulo used?


Which transition technique uses signposts to move from topic to topic?


Which transition technique uses terms like "After that," and "In summation" to move from topic to topic?


When giving a speech on basket weaving, you are sure to note the large number of baskets you have weaved. Which type of appeal is this? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Ethos


Brent is a Boy Scout leader who is preparing a new lesson for his scouts on how to tie knots. In addition to demonstrating the techniques, what speech support is he likely to use?


____ has to do with the correct or accepted way a word sounds.

Eye contact enhances your credibility as a speaker.

Dennis is preparing to present a speech for his psychology class on bipolar disorder. What form of support is Dennis likely to depend on most?


_____ refer to verifiable truths, or information that can be independently confirmed.


According to Abraham Maslow, which is a higher-order need

Feelings about self

In her speech, Laura plans to use the problem-solution organizational pattern to describe the problem of obesity and her solution, which is for Americans to eat lower-fat diets. When should Laura describe and define obesity?


Which is made in the introduction and helps frame how the audience views the speaker?

First impression

Which statement about Toulmin's model of argument is true?

For Toulmin, the basic element of an argument is a claim.

Which statement about formal logic is true?

Formal logic is frequently limited to the rigorous examination of propositions and their meanings.

A salesman tries to convince some acquaintances to buy health supplements that will help them feel and look better. If the salesman falsely claims that he is a health expert in order to sell his supplements, which suspicious emotional appeal is he using?


In online presentations, which component must be more pronounced to make up for lack of movement?


Which statement about gestures is true?

Gestures include not only movement of the hands but also movement of the head, face, and arms to communicate an idea or a feeling.

Lenny is frustrated with his History study group. Several members get their facts wrong while they're discussing the material, and no one will say anything about it. As a result, the members are not doing well in the class. What is the problem with Lenny's study group?


Tori is a member of a group responsible for organizing a protest march in her town. When the march takes place, the group runs into problem after problem. When they meet again, every person says, "I thought that might happen" about one problem or another. Tori expresses frustration that people didn't bring up these concerns so they could work through them before the march. What caused the group's bad decisions?


Which is NOT a vocalic element?


Nevin approaches Anita, a small business owner in his town, and asks for 15 minutes to talk about his company's products: environmentally friendly cleaning products. Just a few minutes into the pitch, Anita's office manager asks him to cut to the chase and tell them how much the products cost. When they hear the higher prices, they pronounce the presentation over. What was Nevin's mistake?

He assumed everyone is concerned with the environment.

Nadia has been asked to give the keynote address for her alma mater's university alumni association banquet. What should she keep in mind as she prepares her speech?

Her speech will be most similar to a celebratory speech; the tone should be inspirational.

Joseph, a new CEO, is giving his first keynote address at his company's annual meeting. Employees at all levels have been invited and are expected to attend. What should he keep in mind as he prepares his speech?

His tone should be celebratory and inspirational rather than technical and specialized.

A speaker who describes an imaginary scenario as part of a speech is using which type of speech support?

Hypothetical example

Which is an example of an argument?

I always host dinner, so it is someone else's turn.

Which is an example of an appeal?

I deserve a raise.

Which statement shows eunoia?

I think the audience members are good people.

Which is an example of an appeal?

I would like the last piece of pie.

Which is an example of an argument?

I would like to take a vacation because it has been two years since my last one.

Why is volume called the most important vocalic element?

If the audience can't hear you , then most of your speech's meaning will be lost.

What is the relationship between the way the audience will be dressed and the formality or informality of your speech?

If the audience is dressed more formally your word choice should be more formal.

Why was it probably easier to separate what one said from how it was said in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece the human voice was the dominant mode of communication.

Which statement about small group communication is correct?

In order to be considered a small group, the members must identify as members of the group.

Which statement about workplace interviewing is true?

Interviews are not one-sided, as they are sometimes portrayed.

Which statement about conflict is true?

It can lead to a deeper understanding of problems.

What is wrong with appearing to not care about how you are perceived?

It can translate to an audience assuming you do not care about them.

Which statement about the comparative advantage organizational approach is true?

It is a good pattern to use when your audience already agrees with you that there is a problem and something needs to change.

How does our view of style today compare to the view of the ancient Greeks?

It is a much bigger, more encompassing concept today.

How does tonework differ in high-context and low-context cultures?

It is more challenging in low-context cultures.

How did Stephen Toulmin's model of argument differ from previous models?

It made the mental image of argumentation horizontal, as opposed to vertical.

Why is it said that persuasion requires risk?

It ordinarily asks people to believe, judge, or do something they don't/aren't already.

Which statement about vocation is true?

It refers to a feeling of dedication toward one's occupation.

Which statement about walking around during speaking is true?

It's a good idea to move around and not remain chained behind a podium.

_____ refers to specialized language of a clique or group of experts that only they can understand.


What is another name for the charity we show one another as we speak?


When giving a persuasive speech on cavities, you provide statistics that show cavities were reduced in communities with fluoride in their drinking water. Which persuasive appeal are you using?


_____ is a common error people make when presenting online.

Looking at the screen and not the camera

Which is an example of a metaphor?

Love is a battlefield.

Which are the concepts that support the goal of your speech?

Main points

You can use _____ to think about how best to compose the "Need" step of Monroe's motivated sequence.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Anthropologist Arjun Appadurai uses which term to refer to a general context of communication enabled or created by media technologies?


Jacob is the chairperson of a resident committee charged with selecting a contractor to resurface the parking lot in a condominium complex. He makes it clear from the beginning that he wants no conflict of any kind out of a concern for civility and politeness. What is likely to happen to this committee?

Members will engage in groupthink and make hasty or bad decisions.

How does Monroe's motivated sequence differ from the problem-solution pattern?

Monroe's motivated sequence makes the attention and action steps explicit and adds a visualization stage.

Which statement is true about arguments?

Most speeches are fundamentally arguments.

If you give a speech that tells the story of Harry S. Truman, which organization pattern would you likely use?


Which statement is an example of enumeration used in a speech about making lemonade?

Next, I will discuss my grandmother's go-to lemonade recipe.

Which fallacy is contained in this statement? Sixteen-year-old Jason says to his father, "We have had chicken nuggets for dinner every night this week, so I should be allowed to go study at Julie's tonight."

Non sequitur

Elaine is called into a meeting with human resources. When she arrives, she is surprised to see her employee, Gerry, sitting across from the HR rep. The HR rep, Steven, tells Elaine photos of her fraternizing with Gerry alone outside of work hours have surfaced on her Facebook page. Steven reminds Elaine and Gerry of the company's policy on personal relationships between supervisors and supervisees. Elaine is stunned that anyone in the company has seen her Facebook page, as it is set to private. What does this illustrate?

Online behavior can have unintended consequences.

What is the relationship between opinion and facts?

Opinions are conclusions that have been drawn from facts.

Regina is giving a persuasive speech advocating for medical treatment of substance misuse, rather than incarceration. She ends her introduction by saying, "In this speech, I will propose we administer rehabilitative medical care rather than a prison sentence to those found in misusing controlled substances. " What is this statement an example of?

Oral cue

Justin is an attorney defending a client who received their first speeding ticket. At the end of his opening statement, Justin states his thesis by saying, "Your honor, I intend to demonstrate that my client is a reliable coworker, an honest person, and law-abiding citizen." Why has Justin stated his thesis in this manner?

Organize his speech for the Judge

In what case might you need no additional lighting for an online presentation?

Outside on an overcast day

Who or what is most likely to change a person's values?


Within which domain did Aristotle include a focus on word choice, illustration, and other forms of evocative language? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Pathos


You show a photo of a sad puppy in a crate in order to evoke sadness and empathy in your audience to persuade them to adopt shelter pets. Which type of appeal is this?


Which statement about speaking rate is true?

Pauses are part of speaking rate.

Why is it important for a person making a sales pitch and his or her audience to share values?

People must see some value in a tangible or intangible thing to want to "buy" it.

While delivering his grandmother's eulogy, Terrance talks about his memories of cooking with her. What type of testimony is he using?

Personal experience

Which is a true statement about reasoning?

Persuasion involves both how people feel and how people reason.

You are making a speech that tries to influence others. What type of modern speech are you making?


Which presentation aid would be most helpful when describing a complex process?


Which presentation aid would be most useful if you want to explain the process of making a potato into a battery?


What is one of the most effective ways for a speaker to reduce anxiety and cultivate goodwill with the audience?

Planning what to say

Which should you provide as the last element of your introduction?


Which organizational pattern is typically used in advertising?


You are running for student council president and plan to give a speech that expresses why you would be better than your opponent. Which speech organizational pattern would be best to use?


During political elections, many candidates sponsor advertisements that attempt to make themselves look like the best political candidate. Which suspicious emotional appeal is this?


_____ presentations tend to veer from informative to persuasive.


CEO Monica is giving a speech before the ribbon-cutting on her company's new store. What type of speaking is she engaging in?

Public relations

Morris begins a news conference about his company's new breakthrough epilepsy drug by reading a statement and then takes questions from reporters. What type of speaking is Morris engaging in?

Public relations

_____ refers to the distribution and circulation of information or a message for promotional purposes.


Which is a good way to learn what to say and how to say it in a particular organization?

Quietly watch how others speak in this workplace.

During the introduction of her speech on elements of songwriting, Zahara sings the lyrics from her favorite childhood song. Which attention getter strategy has she used?


You begin your speech on poetry by reciting a line from Robert Frost's famous poem, The Road Not Taken. Which attention-getter have you used?


In which situation would you expect the speaker to use a problem-solution organizational pattern?

Rallying for a political candidate

If you're asked to speak on the spot, which organizational pattern will you likely employ?


When grading final exams, Professor Henry Jones notices that most students scored well on content he presented in his first lecture of the semester, but scored low on concepts from last week's class. What explains the discrepancy in the students' memories

Recency effect

Which fallacy is contained in this statement? Mayor Bevis says, "These accusations about corruption are baseless. My children are all honor students."

Red herring

In which organizational pattern would this statement belong? "Senator Burke's proposed bill will not help reduce the deficit because it contains hidden costs that more than outweigh the savings."


_____ is a common organizational pattern for debates and similar agnostic speaking situations.


Who or what is most likely to change a person's values?

Religious leader

Why did behavioral interviews become popular?

Research showed interviews that relied on open-ended questions about imaginary scenarios were ineffective.

To prepare for a behavioral interview, John R. Cunningham and Blair W. Browning developed the _____ method of responding.

STAR STAR is an acronym for recommended responses to behavioral interview questions: Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

Which is a pronunciation error?

Saying "warsh" instead of "wash."

If you try to persuade your audience by threatening their safety, which suspicious emotional appeal have you made?

Scare tactic

_____ refers to a live or recorded broadcast of the speaker's computer desktop to others online.


In his speech, Oscar plans to use the problem-solution organizational pattern to describe the problem lower back pain and his solution, which is for people to attend regular visits with a chiropractor. When should Oscar describe the negative effects of lower back pain?


Which is NOT a component of rhetorical scholar Barry Brummett's view of style?

Seeing style as what we see more than what we hear.

When speaking to an audience, you emphasize that you are from the same community as the audience and care about their wellbeing. Which way are you attempting to create ethos?

Showing goodwill toward the audience

What should you do to create your speaking outline?

Simplify your preparation outline.

Which fallacy is contained in this statement? Tom's father says, "If I let you go to the concert, soon you'll be smoking, and then before you know it, you will be doing hard drugs."

Slippery slope

Which would likely be the most difficult to embed in a slide?

Sound clips

Andrew is giving a speech that maps the path and geographic locations of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, which explored the portion of the United States west of the Mississippi River. Which organizational pattern will he use?


In his speech, Forrest plans to describe the human personality as a house, comparing each segment of our public and private personality to different rooms in a house. Which organizational pattern will Forrest use?


Which is a tool for you and you alone?

Speaking outline

Which may be included in your preparation outline?

Specific purpose statement

Stories hold a potent appeal for most people, including your audience, at least in part because:

Stories hold a potent appeal for most people, including your audience, at least in part because:

What does rhetorical scholar Barry Brummett say about the relationship between style and identity?

Style is caught up in our individual identities.

If your speech is based on a timeline of events, which speech organizational pattern should you use


If your speech is based on a timeline of events, which speech organizational pattern should you use?


Which speech organizational pattern would work best when speaking about the steps required to make bread?


Which phrase may serve as an appropriate oral period?

Thank you

Which is a claim of value?

The Lacatan banana from the Philippines is the most delicious banana in the world.

Which is a claim of policy?

The U.S. Congress should pass legislation to limit CO2 levels.

Why might Monroe's motivated sequence be a better organizational structure than problem-solution for sales pitches?

The Visualization step helps people imagine themselves in possession of whatever is being sold.

Which statement related to the ad hominem fallacy is true?

The ad hominem fallacy reduces an issue to a person's character unfairly.

If you are feeling anxious about speaking, what is a phrase you could tell yourself to soothe your speaking anxiety?

The audience is kind.

Which statement about learning the cultural norms for speaking at work is true?

The best way to know how to address groups at a particular workplace is to observe how others do it.

_____ would NOT have been considered part of lexis by the ancient Greeks.

The clothes people wear

Which statement about tone is true?

The elocutionists believed tones could bypass language and communicate through feelings.

Which describes tonework?

The labor of the speaker to craft, control, or change the expression of feeling in public speaking.

_____ is NOT nonverbal communication.

The manuscript for a speech

Which statement about the tools we use to manage people's impressions of us is true?

The most helpful tools or techniques we use to manage impressions of us are word choice and delivery.

Carrie is about to give her first presentation in her new position in the marketing department at a brokerage firm. What should she keep in mind as she's preparing?

The norms of her new workplace culture will call for her to adapt what she learned about public speaking in college.

What occurs in the Satisfaction step of Monroe's motivated sequence?

The speaker describes the policy he or she is proposing to solve the problem.

In which scenario would a speaker need to orally cite a source?

The speaker states that almost 37 percent of the animals at the zoo are currently threatened or endangered in the wild and that this number is increasing.

Which statement is true about the signs we use that communicate our character?

The way we move is a sign we use to communicate our character.

Which is an example of connotation versus denotation?

The word "pig" can be found in the dictionary and has a formal definition, or denotative meaning. It has a positive connotation to a pig farmer and a negative connotation to a person being called one

Why are policy arguments and speeches studied most?

Their ultimate goals is to effect change.

Why does it matter if your audience is or is not familiar with you?

There should be less misunderstanding if they are familiar with you.

Which will deliver your speech topic efficiently to the audience?


Which might be included in both your speaking outline and your preparation outline?

Thesis statement

Which should you try to determine first when writing your speech?

Thesis statement

Why are persuasive speeches of fact almost always arranged temporally or topically?

They almost all involve an event of the past in some way.

Which is a true statement about metaphors?

They are tropes.

What ethical concern is associated with using statistics?

They can be manipulated and misused.

Which statement about stories as a form of supporting material is true?

They can reflect real-life events or be fictional.

What should you keep in mind about color in an online presentation?

Think about what certain colors symbolize to your audience.

Dale is an aerospace engineer who plans to use the problem-solution organizational pattern to describe the problem of planes flying slowly, and provide the solution of adjusting the wing design of planes. When should Dale describe the different types of wing designs?


Why must you be especially well prepared for a screening interview?

This is the interviewing context in which you have the least amount of power.

Cordelia is speaking about the characteristics of a good red wine reduction sauce, but she is having trouble coming up with transitions. Which speech design is she likely using?


If you give a speech on the different types of things Harry S. Truman achieved during this life, which speech pattern would you likely use?


In which type of workplace speech is it most important to define any specialized language?

Training session

What should your goal be when considering what to wear to give a speech?

Try to blend in with your audience as much as possible.

Bonita records video of her friends drinking alcohol and engaging in embarrassing behavior at a party. She posts the video to her Facebook page and tags her friends. They remove the tags, but her friend, Randall, is called in and warned by his boss that this cannot happen again, as the photo reflects badly on the company. What does this illustrate?

Untagging an image or video does not make it go away. It will be visible until the original poster takes it down.

Elsa wants her audience to think about her informative speech after she is done giving it. Which should she do in her conclusion?

Use an attention getter

Which are the most difficult to change?


To start her speech on the importance of the honey bee, Meena plans to ask the audience to imagine a world without honey or flowers. Which attention-getter is Meena using?


Which is NOT a part of the comparative advantage approach?

Visualization of your policy or solution in place

What is the best way to become more aware of what your body is doing when you speak and make sure your expressions and gestures match up?

Watch a video recording of yourself.

Which statement is true about narcissism?

We all need some narcissism, but too much can blind us to the needs and requests of others and cause us to neglect our responsibility to them.

Why does a vocation implicate ethical orientations?

We feel called to a vocation at least in part because we trust people who engage in the same vocation.

What does eye contact with an audience do for a speaker?

What does eye contact with an audience do for a speaker?

Which is a component of organizational culture?

What is appropriate to say and how to say it

Why is it said that persuasive arguments of value almost always abide by or imply a policy argument?

When a speaker advances an argument of value, it is usually in the service of a claim of policy.

In what way has impression management become increasingly prominent?

Whole industries exist to manage impressions

What is the difference between workplace speaking and public relations?

Workplace speaking is done within the organization, while public relations is focused externally.

Which statement about the refutation organizational pattern is true?

You should reserve your time for refuting only the strongest claims against your position.

Why might mindfulness be especially important in a workplace speaking context?

Your speaking may have consequences that affect the livelihood of others.

____ has to do with the correct or accepted way a word sounds.

____ has to do with the correct or accepted way a word sounds.

When compared with communication contexts outside the workplace, the selection interview is most similar to:

a conversation.

A presentation about the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services includes the statement, "The Migrant Health Act was passed in 1962." This is an example of

a fact.

A claim of fact is:

a statement that asserts something is true.

A primary benefit of using statistics in a speech is that statistics

add credibility to the speaker's claims.

Deb is a self-taught fashion stylist who wants to start her own YouTube channel. She is ready to start, but she is unsure what tone to strike because she doesn't know who she'll be talking to or who will be watching. Deb's audience is:


Cal asks Jamie to go to a movie. This is an example of:

an appeal.

You ask a friend to go to dinner with you. This is an example of:

an appeal.

Repeating important phrases is:

an important assistive device for audiences to remember what you said.

Research has shown that speakers who review recordings of themselves speaking have decreased ______ and more readily develop effective speaking skills.


"Because I said so" is a fallacy called:

appeal to authority.

One reason your appearance would be noticed is you:

appear unkempt and slovenly.

When using slide presentation software for any speech, you can use contextual reasoning to determine whether your slides are


Small group communication norms:

are learned in much the same way as speaking norms.

Eye contact enhances your credibility as a speaker.

ask the audience if they can hear you.

To encourage listening, we should:

avoid biased and sexist language and limit the use of slang.

Speaking accurately involves:

avoiding vague language.

When learning about speaking and listening online, it's wise to focus on _____ instead of particular forms of technology, software, or media.

basic principles

A preference for something that benefits you or others unequally is called a(n)


Many of the signs we use that communicate our _____ to others are beyond our own conscious awareness.


A non sequitur fallacy:

concerns a conclusion that does not logically follow from one or more premises.

Informal logic:

concerns the study of how people argue on an everyday basis by leaving some things unstated.

We use _____ to determine how to put support materials to best use in supporting a speech.

contextual reasoning

For the purposes of public speaking, expertise is:


The "need" step of Monroe's motivated sequence:

demonstrates there is a problem and something needs to be changed.

A speaker who refers to an audience as "Y'all" is using:


When you attempt to persuade an audience to accept facts or to make a judgment, a fact or value is open to:

dispute or disagreement.

Verbal fillers should be avoided because they:

distract from your speech.

It is especially easy to become _____ while creating or broadcasting an online presentation if you're at a computer in a familiar setting.


If you find a video clip from the Internet that you'd like to reference in your presentation, you should:

download it from the Internet.

The one-step-up rule says you should:

dress one step nicer than your audience.

The _____ movement was an eighteenth and nineteenth century movement primarily concerned delivery.


In an online encounter, physical information and _____ cues are muted or unavailable.


The Visualization step of Monroe's motivated sequence:

encourages the audience to imagine the outcome.

When moving between points, you are sure to say phrases like "First of all," and "Next." This is an example of using an:


Juanita is a dietician speaking to high schoolers about how to prevent iron-deficient anemia through a healthy diet. She begins her speech by mentioning she has worked with adolescents for 15 years. Juanita is primarily trying to:

establish credibility.

In selecting language for a particular audience, you must think practically about audience familiarity and:

expectations of formality.

Statistics can also be classified as


Nonverbal communication:

focuses on body language and elements such as vocalics, gesture, and facial expression.

Speech outlines allow the speaker to provide the most _____points.


Which is NOT a type of testimony commonly used in speeches?


Research on the process by which people perceive and create mental images of one another is termed:

impression formation.

Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind when determining familiarity with an audience is the use of _____ language.


Persuasion is the process of_____others to do, think, or believe something through speaking and writing.


Noah has been accused of cherry-picking statistics to support his claims. If true, this means Noah

intentionally ignored data that contradicted his claim.

The ad baculum fallacy:

is a fear appeal that threatens force or violence if the audience does not accept the will of the speaker.

A red herring fallacy:

is a statement that is distracting and has no relevance to the issue under discussion.

The largest determining factor of which main point will be noted first in a topical organization pattern is to consider which main point:

is most important to the audience.

Care must be taken when using irony because:

it communicates indirectly, and not everyone may "get it."

In the problem phase of the problem-solution organizational pattern, you tell your audience what the problem is, and perhaps elaborate on:

its causes.

Drew requests an extra vacation day. This is an example of Drew

making an appeal.

If you ask your manager to extend a project deadline, you are:

making an appeal.

If you call to another to think, do, or believe something, you are:

making an appeal.

You write a letter of recommendation for a colleague. This is an example of

making an appeal.

You are urging a friend to adopt a shelter pet because there are many rescue animals that need good homes. This is an example of:

making an argument

Elan requests an extra vacation day because he has worked overtime for the last two weeks. This is an example of:

making an argument.

If you make a reasoned claim that is supported by evidence, you are:

making an argument.

If a speaker evokes feeling without offering a series of reasons, he or she is:

making an emotional appeal.

A small group leader:

may be designated or may emerge to guide and moderate discussion.

Mood is symbolic because it concerns:


The final note of any speech is often the most:


At the end of her speech on the dangers of car racing, Dionne shared statistics about how many people are seriously injured racing cars per year. Dionne is trying to make her speech more:


Online audiences are created by _____ because they do not necessarily exist before it/them.


Low-context cultures are:

more intrested in what is said than how it is said.

The limitations of online speaking are complicated by _____, which is any element that disrupts communication.


Elocutionists like Thomas Sheridan believed:

one's tone in speaking is related to strong, instinctual emotions.

Using a(n)_____ will help your audience remember the main points of your speech.


Using a(n)_____will help determine a hierarchy among your speech points.


If you are trying to think about your audience in a positive way, you are likely trying to:

overcome anxiety.

The preparation or working outline should be committed to:


In the public speaking situation, a(n)____ refers to the standards of judgment you provide to an audience to evaluate something.


Persuasive arguments of value almost always imply a _____ argument.


A speaker is evaluating statistics that she may include in her speech. As part of her evaluation, she asks herself, "Does the data support the financial gains of a person or an organization?" This speaker is most likely assessing for

possible bias.

When preparing a _____, consider how you should arrange your main points.

preparation outline

If you are trying to determine how to arrange your main points, you should focus on developing a:

preparation outline.

When introducing your speech, you list all the main points you intend to cover. This is an example of a(n)


The study of how close we stand to one another is called:


Both appeals and arguments have _____dimensions.


One benefit of concrete imagery is that it:

puts the image of your speech into focus.

Values can only be changed through constant:


To begin a speech on food desserts, Akari asks the audience how they would get fresh fruit if they didn't have a car and the closest store was 15 miles away. This is an example of a:

rhetorical question.

If your audience is larger than a small group, you can improve your eye contact by:


Concise language involves:

shorter words and fewer words.

Depending on the speech _____, you may not need to include all of the source information.


Speaking in the workplace usually takes place before:

small audiences.

It is difficult to identify_____ guidelines that apply to the creation and use of all presentation aids.


If you are trying to determine the reason you are speaking, you should first focus on developing a:

specific purpose statement.

When Byron shares that a Centers for Disease Control survey found more than 30,000 people died in alcohol-related accidents, he is using:

startling statistics.

George is writing an informative speech about conservation of wildlife. His most important form of speech support will MOST likely be


Aristotle said lexis, or _____, includes word choice and diction.


In writing, transitions can often be_____ because the reader comprehends what is written at his or her own pace.


At the end of her speech, Paula restates the main points she covered in her speech. This is an example of Paula:

summarizing her main points.

Facts, statistics, and testimony are all examples of

supporting material.

The most obvious challenge of online presentations to speakers and listeners alike is

technology failure.

In most parts of our lives, the most common speech pattern is either spatial or _____; this is because we tend to order our experience of the world in space and time.


The most common forms of organization for a persuasive speech of fact are _____ or topical.


Advocates of free speech would advance a paradigm based on:

the U.S. Constitution.

Rhetorical scholar Barry Brummett views style as:

the core of self-understanding

With their parents' permission, Elena has posted a video of her elementary students participating in a charity food drive on the school's website. She learns that almost a third of her students have no smart phones or access to the Internet at home to watch it. This is a sign of:

the digital divide

Tone is:

the emotional quality or character of human expression

Tone does NOT include:

the response of the audience.

Refutation is a common organizational pattern for debates and similar agonistic speaking situations because:

the speaker attempts to move an audience to accept his or her position by responding to or refuting opposing claims.

The general term for many types of verbal bridging is:


Because policy arguments focus on issues of _____, they tend to be studied the most when considering persuasive speaking.


Much like laugh tracks on sitcoms, presentation aids should be:


Because persuasion is central to any sales presentation, sales pitches should build on _____ that are commonly shared with the audience.


Some projection systems are incapable of reproducing certain:

vivid colors.

The study of the way people use their voices, including volume, pitch, articulation, pronunciation, rate, and modulation, is called:


The elocutionary movement primarily:

was concerned with delivery.

The most common formats for speaking in real time include streaming video (Skype, videoconferencing) and:


The bandwagon fallacy:

works on the fear that audiences may be missing out.

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