Speech Exam 1

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brief reference that illustrates a point used to clarify or add interest usually best in groups of two or more, if each example is brief Often an extended example is most effective.

After signing a major public relations contract with the city, Leon presented a few brief informal remarks to his team, outlining what he expected from them in this future endeavor. Which type of presentation did Leon deliver?


general goal or purpose

broad indication of what you are trying to accomplish. inform, persuade, entertain

final report

delivered upon completion of an undertaking, length & formality depend on scope of that undertaking. Introduce the report, provide necessary background, describe what happened, describe the results, tell listeners how to get more information

topical organizational pattern

groups your ideas around some logical themes or divisions in your subject

link the familiar to the unfamiliar

have a familiar reference point, compare to something people understand and know

causes of stage fright

lack of preparation, growing pains, mental explanation of "fight or flight" response

delivering the training

link the topic to the audience start with the overall picture- an overview emphasize the organization of your material- numbering, signposts, interjections, repetition & redundancy, internal summaries & previews cover only necessary information

status report

most common type of informative presentation, progress, brief clear summary of the situation. Review project's purpose, state current status, identify any obstacles have attempted and overcome, describe next milestone, forecast the future of project

types of feedback

nonverbal: smiles or sighs verbal: reacting with questions or comments written: responding via email Failing to respond


numerical representations of a point used to clarify, prove, add interest (when combined with other forms of support) link to the audience's frame of reference use sparingly round off supplement with visuals or a handout

asynchronous communication

occurs through channels such as email, interoffice memos, and voice mail. low-speed, lag, effective for less urgent requests, careful thought


one of the greatest barriers to effective communication- factors that interfere with the exchange of messages


person who transmits a message

purposes of press conferences

political candidates can communicate their stance on issues, political activists can state their opinion on proposed legislation, presidents can share important info or calm public fears, officials can respond to natural disasters, organizations can issue an apology or official statement, companies can introduce a new product or service, researchers can reveal a scientific breakthrough, orgs can unveil a campaign or new branding, nonprofits can annouce a charity event, announce new leadership, sports teams annouce new player, companies release financial info

How can you mentally prepare for an employment interview?

positive self-talk before, positively communicate your skills & abilities

The typical order of points in a status report is:

purpose, current state, obstacles, next milestone, forecast for the future

functions of conclusions

should be even shorter than introduction, review- restate thesis and summary of main points, closing statement that incites your listeners and encourages them to act or think in a way that accomplishes your purpose

characteristics of briefings

2-3 minutes in length, organized simply- topically or chronologically, summarize, simple visual aids, informal nature, matter-of-fact delivery

What percentage of adults have a great fear of public speaking, according to Zimbardo?


What percentage of college students have a great fear of public speaking, according to McCroskey?


Which of the following would be the BEST specific goal statement?

After hearing my presentation, at least a quarter of the audience will sign up to receiver additional information about solar heating.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective closing strategy for a sales presentation?

Focus on closing the immediate sale, not on developing a long-term relationship with clients. Are effective: Keep an optimistic attitude, assure the client that your product exceeds their needs, call for action from the client

Which of the following statements best summarizes the overall format for organizing your presentation?

Tell them what you're going to tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them.

4 categories of anxiety

Trait-like level: all situations and all contexts Context-based: one type of context only Audience-based: type of audience member/particular person Situational: only in a single situation

types of closing statements

Use same techniques form introduction statement. return to the theme of your opening statement, split your story and finish it in the conclusion, appeal for action, end with a challenge

Which of the following is true about using examples as supporting evidence for a main point?

You can use an example to back-up a point.

press conference

a meeting organized with the purpose of sharing important information about an organization with the media and giving journalists an opportunity to ask questions


a statement asserting a fact or belief. If you state your claims in full, grammatical sentences, they will probably satisfy the one week later test and be remembered by your listeners.


a type of virtual meeting commonly encountered in business settings, typically run 45-60 minutes and are viewed in real time. Sessions are recorded and sent to participants or uploaded online for "on-demand" viewing.

ways to overcome stage fright

accept moderate nervousness, speak more often, rehearse, think rationally/focus on topic & audience, appearance, breathing exercises, exercise, tap into spiritual resources

Which logical fallacy attacks a person's integrity in order to weaken the argument he or she is making?

ad hominem

chronological organizational pattern

arranges your points according to their sequence in time,

types of opening statements

ask a question, tell a story, present a quotation, make a startling statement, refer to the audience, refer to the occasion, use humor


attaches meaning to the words, message, or behavior. actively interpret and respond to the messages they have received both unintentionally and intentionally

Which of the following was NOT identified in the textbook as a demographic characteristic of the audience?

attitudes Identified: sex, economic status, cultural background

functions of the introduction

capture the listener's attention, give your audience a reason to listen, set the proper tone for the topic and setting, establish your qualifications, introduce your thesis, preview your presentation

thesis statement

central or key idea, single sentence that summarizes your message. every other part of your talk should support it. repeat it several times throughout presentation. gives your listeners a clear/main idea

considerations to take into effect when planning an effective press conference

choose a newsworth story, determine a time & location, send a news release or media advisory, select speakers and rehearse

informative organizational patterns

chronological, spatial, topical, cause-effect, problem-solution

citing sources

cite the source in a way that adds to the credibility of your presentation, cite sources that have credibility with your audience, restate the point of long citations. 1. State your point 2. Identify the source of your citation 3. state the content of your citation 4. Explain how and why the material is important for members of your audience

One clear way to link the familiar to the unfamiliar for an audience is to

compare and contrast new information to information the audience already knows.

how to plan a training program

define the training goal- who you want to teach and results you want. develop a schedule and a list of resources- determine amount of time needed to plan, resources needed, materials, purchase or create materials

types of verbal support

definition, example, story, stats, comparisons, quotes

analyzing the audience

demographic information- stats about audience characteristics psychological information- attitudes, beliefs, and values qualify target audience

ways to maximize credibility

demonstrate your competence, demonstrate your knowledge of the subject, making your credentials known, demonstrate your ability, earn the trust of your audience through honesty and impartiality, emphasize your similarity to the audience

What should specific goal statements do?

describe the reaction or outcome you are seeking, be as specific as possible, make your goal realistic

specific goal or purpose

describes the outcome you are seeking. Describes who, what, how, when, and where. "I want (who) to (do what) (how, when, where).


detailed account of an incident used to clarify, add interest, and prove factual stories adapt to the audience must clearly support the thesis tell at an appropriate length

types of noise

environmental: based on communicator's surroundings, voices in the next room, cell phone ringing, babying crying physiological: physical issues such as hearing disorders, illnesses, disabilities, and other factors that make it difficult to send/receive messages psychological: forces within the sender or the receiver that interfere with understanding, such as egotism, defensiveness, assumptions, stereotypes, biases, prejudices, hostility, preoccupation, fear

feasibility report

evaluates one or more potential action steps and recommends how the organization should proceed. Introduction, criteria (how evaluated), methodology (process), possible solutions, evaluation of the solutions, recommendations, conclusion


examinations or processes that show how one idea resembles another. used to clarify, add interest (figurative), and prove (literal) tailor a familiar item to the audience Make sure the comparison is valid


explains the meaning of a term used to clarify important when terms are unfamiliar to an audience or used in an uncommon way

analyzing the occasion

facilities/channel, length of time allotted, time of year, time of day, context (other speakers and current events)

supporting material

helps speakers back up the claims they are making in a presentation. Definitions, examples, stories, stats, comparisons, quotations

synchronous communication

high-speed or instantaneous channels including face-to-face conversations, video chat, and telephone conversations. no time lag, immediate feedback


how quickly the exchange of messages occurs. synchronous and asynchronous

how to design and present an effective webinar

identify a specific topic (not broad like food safety), select an engaging speaker and host, choose an organizational format, design an interactive session, prepare for questions


information transmitted, can be deliberate or unintentional

functions of supporting material

interest, proof, clarity

What should you do after the career research interview?

interviewee response form, edit question schedule, create presentation with findings from interview, strengths and weaknesses of interview, and what you learned about interviewing


measure 4 categories of anxiety and was developed by James McCroskey


opinion of an expert or articulate source used to clarify, add interest, and sometimes prove paraphrase lengthy quotes very short quotes can be read verbatim cite the source use sources that will be credible to the audience follow up with a restatement or explanation

spatial organizational pattern

organizes material according to its relationships or physical location

successful communication

participants created a shared understanding through the exchange of messages. Both must be active.

What are "growing pains" as a cause of stage fright?

past experiences/failures, new or underdeveloped skills, audience, degree of evaluation

communication networks

patterns of contact created by the flow of messages among communicators through time and space. formal and informal

organizational formats for webinars

presentation- rehearsed speech using presentational software interview- expert is interviewed by the host using a set of preselected questions Q&A- expert answers questions directly from the audience, may be asked live or collected beforehand panel- several speakers discuss a predetermined topic product demonstration- presenter demonstrates how to use a product or showcases a service for new or prospective clients

types of reports

progress/status, investigate, feasibility

functions of transitions

promote clarity, emphasize important ideas, keep listeners interested

The functions of transitions include all of the following except

providing evidence to support a key point Include: promoting a clear presentation of ideas, emphasizing important points, calling attention to themselves.

characteristics of effective transitions

refer to both preceding and upcoming ideas, call attention to themselves

If you build on the remarks of the previous speaker during your introduction, which of the following type of opening statements would you be using?

referring to the occasion


refers to the amount of information that can be transmitted using a given channel. Three aspects determine the richness of channel: 1. whether it can handle many types of cues at once 2. whether it allows for quick feedback from both senders and receivers 3. whether it allows for personal focus

channel characteristics

richness, speed, control

Persuasive presentations differ from informative presentations because they

seek to change the way an audience thinks, feels, acts.

What should you do before the career research interview?

select an interviewee in your dream job, create a question schedule, set up a face-to-face or video interview, send question schedule to interviewee


sender must choose specific words or nonverbal methods to send an intentional message. Thinking about what to say and how to present your message in a clear and effective way.

parts of the communication model

sender, receiver, message, and feedback. Encoding and decoding are involved


short talks that give already interested and knowledgeable audience members the specific information they need to do their jobs

rules for main points

should be stated as claims, should develop the thesis, presentation should have no more than five main points, should be parallel in structure whenever possible, each main point should contain only one idea

How is money involved in employment interviews?

should do research, know worth, and know your bottom line/price

cause-effect organizational pattern

shows that certain events have happened or will happen as a result of certain circumstances


sometimes called the medium, method used to deliver a message. Emails, texts, face-to-face communication, etc.

avoiding jargon

specialized terms and language. Avoid using more than necessary, tell people what they need to know in language they will understand

What should you do during the career research interview?

stay in control of the interview balance asking questions, taking notes, and thinking of follow-up questions be aware of agreed upon time limit

formal communication networks

systems designed by management that dictate who should communicate with whom to get a job done. have organizational charts


teaches listeners how to do something, can be informal or highly organized


the degree to which you can manage the communication process. Can never have complete control. More control over how you encode a message in written channels because will be able to write, proofread, and edit a lot of times. Good for highly sensitive information, bad because receiver may scan or not read More control in face-to-face channels over the receiver's attention

Things to consider in choosing a communcation channel

the desired tone of your message, the organization's culture using multiple channels

communication apprehension

the fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication


the process of a receiver attaching meaning to a message such as when a teacher interprets a student's yawn as meaning the student is bored by the lecture. Misunderstandings often arise because messages can be decoded/interpreted in more than one way.


the receiver's discernible response to a sender's message

What should you expect from an employment interview?

the unexpected

What are some things you should incorporate into your employment interview answers?

top 5 strengths and weaknesses greatest strength: avoid vague language, use concrete language greatest weakness: consider why you are weak in this area, explain how you have learned to overcome it

uses for webinars

training/product demonstration, corporate communications, e-Learning, lead generation (free content with the purpose of collecting participants information), customer retention (creates a dialogue with customers by keeping them informed and answering their questions), reputation management, providing association members with content

analyzing a situation

useful before presentations, should be utilized before all communications

How should you close an employment interview?

with strength. "I would love to work for your company, do you have any concerns about my qualifications?"


words or sentences that connect the segments of a presentation


you give your audience an account of what you or your team has learned or done

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