Speech Final

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______ are especially valuable showing audience statistical trends and patterns


speeches about ___are often more complex than other types of informative speeches


If your specific purpose statement were To inform my audience about the different layers of the atmosphere " you would probably organize your speech in______ order


In an informative speech the speaker acts as a )


Which of the following is an instance of informative speaking

teacher explaining the requirements for an assignment

Informative speeches about processes are usually arranged in_____ order

chronological or topical

Changes in speaker's pitch , rate and volume are referred to as___

Vocal variety

Which of the following would probably the kind visual aid show changes the homicide rate Washington D.C. over the past twenty years

a line graph

Which the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to illustrate the rising cost college degree Which the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to illustrate the rising cost college degree

a line graph

If you wanted summarize steps treating sprained ankle best kind of visual aid would probably be _____


According your textbook______words refer to ideas concepts rather than tangible objects


Rashid will be using PowerPoint a speech he is giving to the local Rotary Club. According to your textbook, Rashid should

both check the equipment and setup of the room in which he will be speaking and bring flash drive with backup of his slides .

If you are planning presentation technology speech you should

bring a backup copy of your slides on a flash drive

A speech that is fully prepared in advance but delivered from a brief set of notes or a speaking outline is called a n


One of the biggest barriers to effective informative speaking using language that is too simple for the audience T/F


denotative meaning of word includes all the feelings associations and emotions that the word touches off in different people T/F


jargon in an informative speech useful since it demonstrates your expertise the topic T/F


A speech delivered with little no immediate preparation is called an _________speech


A _____graph is best suited showing changes in statistics over or space


If you wanted to illustrate the increase in the number of people the United States who have earned college degrees since 1970 the best kind of visual would probably be an _____.

line graph

If the object you want use as visual aid not available to you , the next best option ideally is a ______.


Communication based on person's voice and body movements rather than the use of words is called ________communication


What are the four types of informative speeches discussed your textbook ?

objects, events, processes, concepts

In public speaking, the use language should be appropriate to:

occasion, audience, speaker, topic

Informative speeches about concepts are usually arranged in____order


Both similes and metaphors compare things that are essentially different yet have something common T/F


The connotative meaning of a word more variable figurative and subjective than its denotative meaningT/F


When making visual aids you should use colors that can easily be distinguished from one another T/F


connotative meaning of a word is

what the word suggests or implies

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