Speech I, Ms. Gadd: Introductions, Conclusions, Transitions; Evidence & Outline; Speaking to Persuade Notes, Persuasive Speech Outline Notes

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wait word

Getting Attention: -If your audience doesn't immediately give you their attention, _______ patiently. -Look directly at the audience without saying a ______.

convinced how

Action: -Once the audience is ______________ your solution is beneficial, you are ready to call for action. -Say exactly what you want the audience to do and ____ to do it.


Appealing to Emotions: -Effective persuasion often requires _______________ appeal.

importance listen

Attention: -Show the ____________________ of the topic and draws attention to the need. -Makes the audience members decide that they want to __________.

long, three

Begin with a Quotation: -You might choose a quotation from Shakespeare, the Bible, from a poem, song, film. -Don't pick a ________ quotation. Not more than __________ sentences.

specific instances

Brief Examples: -Brief examples are also called ___________ _____________. -They are given in passing. -Example: "There are a lot of things I like about fall. The pumpkin Spice Latte, for example; one of my favorite drinks, is only available in the fall."

speaking do not, standard enough, qualified

Cite Sources As You Speak: -You must identify your sources orally as you are ________________. -Unlike a written bibliography, oral source citations __ ____ follow a ________________ format. -What you include depends on: -your topic -your audience -the kind of supporting material you are using -the claim you are making -Tell your audience __________ that they will know where you got your information and why they should accept it as _____________ and credible.

establish creating, connects

Common Ground: -____________ common ground: make your speech more appealing by identifying your ideas with those of your audience. -______________ common ground: a technique in which a speaker ___________ himself or herself with the values.

forgot don't, the end review

Conclusion Don'ts: -Don't say you ________ to mention something. -______ say "that's it" or "____ _____." -Don't add new points at the end. -Example: Should _________ what you've already said.

competence, intelligence character, trustworthiness

Credibility: -Credibility is most affected by two factors: -_______________: how an audience regards a speaker's ___________________, expertise, and knowledge of the subject. -__________________: how an audience regards a speaker's sincerity, _____________________________, and concern for the well-being of the audience.

credibility, perception, qualified introduction

Credibility: -______________: the audience's _________________ of whether a speaker is _____________ to speak on a given topic. -You should demonstrate your credibility in the ______________________.

Explain, insight

Enhancing Your Credibility: -__________ your competence: if you have special knowledge or ____________ about your topic let your audience know that.

fear compassion pride anger guilt reverence

Examples of Emotional Appeals: -_______: of serious illness, natural disease, personal rejection. -__________________: for the disabled, neglected animals, starving children. -_________: in one's country, one's family, one's school, one's personal accomplishments. -_________: at terrorists, vandals, thieves. -_________: about not helping the less fortunate, about not doing one's best. -________________: for an admired person, for traditions and institutions.

example, specific vague personal

Examples: -_____________: a ___________ case used to illustrate or represent a group of people, ideas, conditions, experiences, etc. -Without examples, ideas seem __________, impersonal, and lifeless. -With examples, ideas become specific, _____________, and lively.

expert testimony credibility knowledgeable

Expert Testimony: -_________ ______________: testimony from people who are recognized experts in their field. -This is a good way to give ________________ to your speech. -It shows that you are not just mouthing your own opinions, but that your position is supported by people who are ________________________ about that topic.

extended examples, story anecdote, real

Extended Examples: -_________________ _____________: a __________, narrative, or anecdote given to illustrate a point. -____________: a short and amusing or interesting story about a ______ incident or person.

delivery conviction conviction others, yourself

Have Conviction: -A speaker's credibility is effected by his or her own ______________. -Deliver your speech with genuine ________________. -_____________: a firm belief. -If you wish to convince __________, you must first convince ______________________.

ideas next step how serious, problem

Helpful Phrases: Focus on key _______ -Examples: -"The most important thing to remember is..." -"Be sure to keep this in mind..." -"This is crucial to understanding the rest of the process/speech..." -"Above all, you need to know...." Numbers -"The first thing you want to do..." -"The ______ _______ is to..." -"Finally... Introduce your main points with a question -"So ______ ____________ is this ____________?" -"So how can we solve this problem."

back, forth argue inside, head

How Listeners Process Persuasive Messages: -Listeners do not just sit back and soak in everything the speaker has to say, they engage in a mental ______ and _______with the speaker. -While they listen, they assess the speaker's credibility, delivery, supporting materials, language, reasoning, and emotional appeals. -Listeners may ________ ________ their own _______with the speaker.

language examples

How to Make an Emotional Appeal: -Use emotional _______________. -Develop vivid _______________. -Speak with sincerity and conviction.

hypothetical examples, imaginary factual

Hypothetical Examples: -_________________ ______________: an example that describes an _________________ of fictitious situation. -All the examples presented up to now have been ________; the incidents have really happened.

act change needs reason

Importance of Motivation: -A speaker must craft a speech that motivates people to ____. -In order to get people to __________, they have to be motivated to change. -Motivating people to change their minds or behaviors is based on two assumptions: -All people have ______ - people can be persuaded by claims to satisfy their needs. -People don't change without a ___________ to, they have to feel that they have a personal need that can be met before they consider changing their ways.

Four interest

Introduction Has ______ Objectives: -Get the attention and ________ of your audience. -Reveal the topic of your speech -Establish your credibility -Preview the body of the speech

end, saying you, can final, thought remember

Make it Obvious: -Make it obvious your speech is about to end with telling phrases like: -In conclusion.... -My purpose has been.... -Let me _____ by ________.... -To conclude... -In closing... -So ______ _____ see.... -One ________ ___________.... -If you remember just one thing I've said today, _______________ this.....

Mental Dialogue with the Audience anticipate, objects, answer directly

Mental Dialogue with the Audience: -___________ _____________ _______ _____ ______________: the mental give-and-take between the speaker and listener during a persuasive speech -You must ____________ possible _________ the audience will have to your point of view and ____________ them in your speech. -You cannot change the minds of skeptical listeners unless you deal ___________ with the reasons for their skepticism.

Monroe's Motivated Sequence, organizing attention problem solution visualization action

Monroe's Motivated Sequence: -__________'s ______________ _______________: a technique of _________________ persuasive speeches that seek immediate action. -The five steps are: -_________________ -_______________ -_______________ -_____________________ -____________

peer testimony, ordinary people personal

Peer Testimony: -_______ _____________: testimony from ____________ __________ with firsthand experience or insight on a topic. -It gives a more ____________ viewpoint on issues that can be gained from expert testimony.

preview statement end

Preview: -____________ ____________________: a sentence or two in the introduction that identifies the main points you will discuss in the body of the speech. -Your preview statement should come at the very ____ of your introduction and signal that the body of your speech is about to begin.


Problem: -___________________ that the problem is significant and won't go away by itself.

prove feel solution

Prove There is a Problem -Telling the audience about the problem is not enough you need to ________ there is a problem. This is where you use your evidence. -You need to make the audience _______ a need for change. -By the end of the step, listeners should be concerned about the problem that they are ready to hear your _____________.

single series, pause

Question the Audience Examples: -Sometimes a _________ question will do. -Example: How would you respond if a loved one was a victim of terrorism? -You may want to ask a _________ of questions, making sure to __________ after each question. -Example: Have you ever spent a sleepless night studying for an exam? Can you remember rushing to finish a term paper? Do you often feel overwhelmed by all of the things you have to get done at school? At work? At home? If so, you may be the victim of poor time management. Fortunately, there are proven strategies you can follow to use your time more effectively and to keep control of your life.

thinking rhetorical question, mentally

Question the Audience: -Ask a rhetorical question to get your listeners _______________ about your speech. -____________ ______________: a question that the audience answers ____________ rather than out loud.

direct quote, word, word paraphrase

Quoting vs. Paraphrasing: -_______ _______: testimony that is presented ______ for _____. -_________________: to restate or summarize a source's ideas in one's own words.

reasoning sense agree

Reasoning: -______________: the process of drawing a conclusion on the basis of evidence. -Make sure your reasoning makes _________. -Try and get your listeners to _________ to your reasoning.

affect relate, listeners

Relate to the Audience: -People pay attention to things that _________ them directly. -________ the topic to your ______________.

topic confused clealry

Reveal the Topic: -In the process of gaining attention, be sure to clearly state the ___________ of your speech. -If you don't, your listeners will be _____________, and you will lose their attention. -Even if they already know your topic, you should relate it __________ and concisely.

importance statistic curiosity quotation

Six Ways to Grab the Audience's Attention: -State the __________________ of your topic -Startle the audience with a ____________ -Stir up ______________ -Question the Audience -Begin with a __________________ -Tell a Story

work details objections

Solution: -Present a plan and show how it will ______. -Be sure to offer enough _________ about the plan to give listeners a clear understanding of it. -Address __________________, so you don't seem one-sided.

surprised subject

Startle the Audience with a Statistic: -Startle your listeners with statistic they'd be ________________ to hear. -Example: More American soldiers die from suicide than from fighting in combat. -Make sure it relates directly to the ___________ of your speech.

important demonstrate, prove

State the Importance of Your Topic: -Hopefully, you think your speech is ________________ - tell your audience why they should think so too. -Think about ways to _________________ or ___________ to the audience the importance of your topic.


Statistics: -Statistics can be used to show the magnitude or _________________ of an issue.


Stir up the Curiosity of the Audience: -Draw people into your speech with a series of statements that gradually stir up ____________ about the subject of your speech.

supporting materials examples statistics testimony

Supporting Materials: -___________________ _____________: the materials used to support a speaker's ideas. -The three major kinds of supporting materials are: 1. _______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ -The use of supporting materials makes the difference between a poor speech and a good one.

target audience, most

Target Audience: -________ _______________: the portion of the whole audience that the speaker _______ wants to persuade.

own, experiences delivery

Tell a Story: -Tell a story based on your ______ or someone else's _______________. -The effectiveness of the story depends on the speaker's ______________ as well as the story itself.

testimony, support

Testimony: -______________: quotations or paraphrases used to ________ a point.

attitudes resistance realistic

The Challenge of Persuasive Speaking: -In some persuasive speeches, you will deal with controversial topics that touch on your listeners' basic ____________, values, and beliefs. -This may increase their ________________ to persuasion and make your task more difficult. -This does not mean persuasion is impossible, but you should have a ___________ sense if what you can accomplish.

for, neutral, against neutral, agree one person

The Challenge of Persuasive Speaking: -Some listeners will be strongly ____ your position, some will be ____________, and some will be ____________ it. -You should try and convince those who are _________ to move to ________ with you. -You can consider your speech a success if it leads ____ __________ to reexamine their views.

specific new credible point

Tips for Using Evidence: -Use ___________ evidence: instead of saying "lots" use a specific number like "37 billion Americans..." -Use _____ evidence: use statistics that will be new to the audience, which will get them to say, "Hmmm... I don't know that. Maybe I should rethink the issue." -Use evidence from ___________ sources: listeners will be suspicious if your evidence comes from sources than appear biased. -Make clear the _________ of the evidence: be sure that listeners understand the point you are trying to make with evidence.

clarify reinforce people

Tips for Using Examples: -Use examples to _________ your ideas. -Use examples to ______________ your ideas. -Use examples to personalize your ideas... people are interested in ___________.

numerical important sources explain

Tips for Using Statistics: -Use statistics to quantify your ideas or give your ideas _____________ precision. -Use statistics sparingly - the audience will get bored of you use too many statistics, only use those that are most _________________. -Identify the __________ of your statistics. -__________ your statistics - statistics don't speak for themselves.... when you use statistics in your speeches, think of how you can make them meaningful to your audience.

Now that we have, let me share Keeping these points in mind, let's return

Transition Examples: -_____ _______ ___ _______ a clear understanding of the problem, ____ ___ _____ the solution with you. -____________ ________ _______ ___ _______ about sign language, ____'s ________ to the sentence I started with and learn the signs for "you are my friend."

transition preview, next detail keep track

Transition Preview: -_______________ ____________: a statement that lets the audience know what the speaker is going to discuss ______. -It goes into more _________ than a regular transition. -It helps listeners ______ ______ of your ideas.

transition summary reverse just heard complicated

Transition Summary: -______________ ____________: a statement that summarizes what the speaker just said. -They are the ________ of the transition preview. -They remind listeners of what they have _______ ______. -Used when a speaker finishes a _______________ or important main point.

transitions, completed, moving on leaving, coming, up

Transitions: -_______________: words or phrases that let the audience know when a speaker has just ________________ one thought and is __________ ___ to another. -Your transition should state both the idea you are ________ and the idea you are _________ ___ to.

ending main idea

Two Objectives of the Conclusion: -To let the audience know you are ___________ the speech. -To reinforce the audience's understanding of the ________ ________.

change initial credibility, before derived credibility, everything terminal credibility, end

Types of Credibility: -Your credibility can ___________ during the course of your speech. -_________ ________________: credibility of a speaker _________ they start to speak. -_____________ ________________: the credibility of a speaker produced by _________________ they say or do during the speech. -______________ ________________: the credibility of a speaker at the _____ of a speech.


Use Evidence: -____________: supporting material used to prove or disprove something.

benefits great,bad emotions

Visualization: -Intensify the audience's desire for it by visualizing its __________. -Use vivid imagery to show your listeners how they will benefit from your solution. -Show them how _______ the outcome would be if they picked your solution or show them how _____ the outcome would be if they don't --or both. -Appeal to ___________, be visual and detailed-paint a picture.

persuasion, creating, altering, beliefs, actions agree affect

What is Persuasion? -__________________: the process of __________, reinforcing, __________ people's ___________ or ____________. -When you speak to persuade your job is to get listeners to _________ with you and, perhaps, to act on that belief. Your goal may be to defend an idea, to disprove an opponent, to sell something, or to inspire people to action. -You will need to learn how to _______ your listener's attitudes, beliefs, or actions.

website author, sponsoring organization date

What to Cite: -The book, magazine, newspaper, or ____________ you are citing. -The __________ or _____________ ________________ of the document. -The _______ on which the document was published, posted, or updated.

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