spigel "white flight"

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What is the space race?

-America and USSR competing to get to moon: democracy/capitalism vs. communism: major public metaphor for the cold war

Spigel argue domestic suburban home and nuclear family were connected to space race?

-defamiliarization: Jetsons- showing futuristic reps of the nuclear family in space, but then leads to questioning our values now b/c of how out of place they are -mobile privatization????

How does Spigel connect that to race, gender, and class?

-gov puts lots of $$ into space program, neglects social programs, housing etc. in inner cities (primarily areas of color/working class) -America trying to find new frontier: race, class, gender don't matter -white astronauts to space, ppl attached race to this: white ppl can flee crappy earth, or send ppl of color away so we don't see them -masculinization of tech, no women in space program

How does Spigel relate to Space Race under Kennedy's "New Frontier"?

-main target: USSR, cold war weaponry -New Frontier: Kennedy's new tech, scientific, cultural (foreign) policy w/ a resurgence of manifest destiny -America asserting cultural dominance through TV and media; space race pushed further, racing to the top

How is it related to suburban zoning laws?

-red lining/zoning policies are segregating communities by race, but naming it communities of "character"

what is cultural colonialism?

-related to cultural imperialism: colonialism- imposition of ideas and ppl into/onto other ppl or territory -using culture, the media to colonize other cultures, influence them

what is white flight?

-white people moving to the suburbs: urban america/people of color

what criticisms of the space race/new frontier did Ebony and other black groups/publiciations have


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