SPK Chapter 11, SPC 205 Ch. 11 Outlining the Speech, Chapter 11 - Outlining the Speech, Chapter 11 - Outlining the Speech

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Which of the following are parts that should be labeled in a preparation outline?

Introduction, body, conclusion.

To use the speaking outline effectively as a guide while talking, the speaking outline should use the same _______ that was used in the preparation outline.

visual framework

To use the speaking outline effectively as a guide while talking, the speaking outline should be the same _________ that was used in the preparation outline.

visual framework.

A speaking outline is the most common form of notes for which type of speech?


Which of the following statements describe a speaking outline?

It is typically used in extemporaneous speeches and it is used during the presentation of the speech.

Which of the following can be accomplished with delivery cues?

-Helping to control the timing and rhythm of a speech -Indicating when certain ideas or phrases need special emphasis

Why should main points and subpoints be written in full sentences in preparation outlines for extemporaneous speeches?

1. Full sentences show that the speaker has truly thought out each point the speaker will say aloud. 2. Full sentences clearly indicate the content of each main point and subpoint.

The pattern of symbolization and indentation in a speech outline that shows the relationship among the speakers idea is called

A visual framework.

Katarina is required to give a speech to her sociology class as part of her evaluation. She has completed both a preparation outline and a speaking outline. Which of the following items are likely to appear in her speaking outline but not in her preparation outline?

Delivery cues Key words or phrases

Directions included in a speaking outline to help a speaker member how to give key parts of the speech are called

Delivery cues.

Which of the following is not a guideline for preparing the speech outline?

Leave out the cues for how to deliver to speech.

A speaking outline should be as ______ as possible.


Cory has prepared a speech that contains a transition from the introductory overview of sustainable development trends to the history of housing development codes. Which of the following best represents how the transition should appear in the preparation outline?

(Transition: Before looking at the future of sustainable development, we must understand our city's building codes.)

Clarence is working on a preparation outline for an upcoming speech, and he has just come up with a clever way of transitioning between his introductory statements and the body of his speech. How should the transition be represented within his outline?

As a separately labeled item between the introduction and body

Which of the following terms refers to the list of sources used in preparing a speech?


Which of the following are accomplished in a preparation outline?

Deciding what you will say an introduction, determining what you will say in the conclusion, and organizing main points and supporting materials in the body.

Which of the following are guidelines for a speech title, if you use one?

Draw the attention of your audience, encapsulate the gist of your speech, keep the title brief.

True or false: A preparation outline can be turned into a speaking outline by removing the title, labels, and bibliography.


Why should main points and subpoint spirit and in full sentences in preparation outlines for extemporaneous speeches?

Full sentences show that speaker has truly thought out each point the speaker will say aloud, full sentences clearly indicate the content of each main point and subpoint.

Maureen has prepared an outline for a speech that she is giving at a volunteer orientation meeting. She is worried that her speech does not include all its necessary elements. What is the best way for Maureen to ensure that her speech includes all the necessary parts?

Include labels in the preparation outline.

Which two of the following are benefits of labeling the introduction, body, and conclusion of your speech in your preparation outline?

Labeling enables you to make sure your speech has all of the essential elements. Labels can help you make sure you have accomplished the essential objectives of each element.

Which two of the following our benefits of labeling the introduction, body, and conclusion of your speech in your preparation outline?

Labels can help you make sure you have accomplished the essential objectives of each element, labeling enables you to make sure your speech has all the essential elements.

In the preparation outline, transitions and internal previews at speech should be

Place and outline where they will be used in the speech, labeled separately from the symbolization an indentation system of the speech.

Which of the following are examples of delivery cues you might include in a speech about President John F Kennedy?

Slow down, pause here, emphasize what you can do for your country.

The hierarchy of a preparation outline indicates

The importance of ideas.

How is the structure of your speech revealed by the visual framework of your outline?

The pattern of symbolization and indentation reveals the relationship between your ideas.

Which of the following is a true statement about transitions, internal summaries, and internal previews?

They should be labeled in the preparation outline but not incorporated into the indentation and symbolization system.

Which of the following is a true statement about transitions, internal summary, and internal previews?

They should be labeled in the preparation outline but not incorporated into the indentation and symbolization system.

One guideline for the preparation outline is to include the central idea.


Along with a purpose statement, a preparation outline should include _____ to keep the speech focused and effective.

a central idea

The pattern of symbolization and indentation in a speech outline that shows the relationship among the speaker's ideas is called

a visual framework.

The preparation outline usually includes ______ that lists sources that the speaker used to research the topic.


A speaking outline should be _________ as possible.


A speaking outline for an extemporaneous speech should include

delivery cues.

Which of the following is the term for the notes used to jog a speaker's memory during the presentation of a speech?

speaking outline

The preparation outline should include the ______ purpose as a way to help you evaluate how successfully the speech has been put together.


The preparation outline should include the ____________ purpose as a way to help you evaluate how successfully the speech has been put together.


A speaker who is having trouble maintaining eye contact with the audience is likely to have which of the following problems with his or her speaking outline?

too many details

Which of the following are examples of delivery cues you might include in a speech about President John F. Kennedy?

Pause here Emphasize "what you can do for your country" Slow down

Which of the following comes before the start of the preparation outline?

The specific purpose statement.

True or false: There is no uniform system for creating an effective preparation outline.


One guideline for the speaking outline is that it be

immediately legible.

Which of the following is likely to make a speaking outline worthless?

Using a tiny font to fit as much information as possible onto a small index card

Which of the following best describes the preparation outline?

A detailed outline used to help you prepare a speech.

Which of the following are recommended reasons to keep the speaking outline free of too many details?

-To help speakers maintain eye contact with the audience -To enhance effective, direct communication

Which of the following are guidelines for the preparation outline that will help you make sure your ideas are completely thought out and distinct?

Write out main points and subpoints as full sentences

Which of the following is the term for the notes used to jog a speaker's memory during the presentation of a speech?

Speaking outline

Which one of these is not a guideline for preparing the preparation outline?

Construct main points and subpoints as key words rather than sentences.

Darius is constructing a preparation outline for a speech he will be giving to his class on the effects of climate change. His outline includes the main points "1. Sea level rise," "2. Severe weather events," and "3. Health concerns," each with several subpoints. What is wrong with Darius' outline?

Main points and subpoints should be written in full sentences.

Which of the following are guidelines for preparing the preparation outline?

State the specific purpose of your speech, label the introduction, body, and conclusion, and identify the central idea.

Georges is preparing a speaking outline for an upcoming presentation at a regional economics conference. His outline contains a number of points and subpoints, many of which are supported by complex statistics and quotations from his extensive research. Which of the following items should be fully written out in his notes?

Supporting statistics Quotations

Jana has prepared an outline for a speech on the Hindenburg disaster, in which, caught fire in New Jersey on May 6 1937. Which of the following would be an appropriate speech title that makes use of the three guidelines for titles?

The Hindenburg Disaster

Dominic has spent the past week writing a speech for a meeting of the historical society based on his preparation outline. He now wants to prepare a speaking outline to help with his delivery. Which of the following strategies would make it easiest for him to find where he is in the speech at any moment during his speech delivery?

To follow the same visual framework that was used in the preparation outline

Which of the following are common recommendations for helping ensured that the speaking outline can be easily seen as you are speaking?

Use large writing or printing, leave extra space in between lines.

The preparation outline usually includes ___________ that lists sources the speaker used to research the topic

a bibliography

Carlos has been asked to give a speech at an upcoming conference. In order to make sure his speech is properly organized and contains all the information he wants to express to his audience, Carlos should begin by creating a

preparation outline

Carlos has been asked to give a speech at an upcoming conference. In order to make sure his speech is properly organized and contains all the information he wants to express to his audience, Carlos should begin by creating a

preparation outline.

Which of the following parts of a speech should be written in complete sentences?

-Key statistics -Quotations

Which of the following should be included in a speech bibliography?

Interviews and field research conducted, print sources consulted, websites visited.

Which of the following are guidelines for preparing the speaking outline?

-Follow the visual framework of the preparation outline. -Be certain the speaking outline is legible. -Include cues for how to deliver the speech.

Which two of the following are places in a speech that the central idea is often placed?

-Immediately after the purpose statement -In the text of the outline

Which of the following is the terms for the notes used to jog a speakers memory during the presentation of a speech?

Speaking outline.

Which of the following is the best example of a main point in a preparation outline?

The cost of a college education both at private and state schools has risen exponentially in recent years.

Donna's preparation outline includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Each of the sections include significant amounts of detail written in complete sentences and arranged in a visual framework that illustrates how each idea is related to the next. However, Donna is unsure whether her speech is going to accomplish what she set out to do. How can Donna best address this concern?

Include a purpose statement in the outline.

Which of the following is not a guideline for preparing the speaking outline?

Leave out the cues for how to deliver the speech.

Irene has finished the main parts of her preparation outline for an upcoming speech and needs to add a bibliography. Which of the following should she include in her list?

Print and online sources specifically referenced in writing the speech

Which of the following is the best example of a main point in a preparation outline?

The cost of college education both at private and state schools have risen exponentially in the recent years.

Which of the following accurately describes the relationship between the preparation outline and the speaking outline?

The speaking outline should follow the visual framework used in the preparation outline.

Which of the following points is broadest and thus would be the main point under which the others would be subpoints?

Therapists often provide their patients with a variety of treatment options.

The ______ outline is constructed during the process of putting your speech together.


The __________ outline is constructed during the process of putting your speech together.


One guideline for the speaking outline is that it be

immediately legible

Which of the following are guidelines for preparing the preparation outline?

1. State the specific purpose of your speech. 2. Identify the central idea. 3. Label the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Which of the following are recommended reasons to keep the speaking outline free of too many details?

1. To help speakers maintain eye contact with the audience 2. To enhance effective, direct communication

Which of the following comes before the start of the preparation outline?

The specific purpose statement

The best way to evaluate how well a speech accomplishes your goals is to

include a specific purpose statement in the preparation outline.

In a preparation outline following a standard format, where could labels appear?

-In the far left margin -In the middle of the page

True or False: One guideline for the preparation outline is to include the central idea.


Which of the following should be included in a speech bibliography?

-Interviews and field research conducted -Web sites visited -Print sources consulted

Katarina is required to give a speech to her sociology class as part of her evaluation. She has completed both a preparation outline and a speaking outline. Which of the following items are likely to appear in her speaking outline but not in her preparation outline?

-Key words or phrases -Delivery cues

Which two of the following are benefits of labeling the introduction, body, and conclusion of your speech in your preparation outline?

-Labeling enables you to make sure your speech has all of the essential elements. -Labels can help you make sure you have accomplished the essential objectives of each element.

Sydney is preparing a speaking outline for a speech to her English Literature class. Which of the following should she include between the introduction and the main body?

-Pause -Body

Which of the following are examples of delivery cues you might include in a speech about President John F. Kennedy?

-Pause here -Slow down -Emphasize "what you can do for your country"

Georges is preparing a speaking outline for an upcoming presentation at a regional economics conference. His outline contains a number of points and subpoints, many of which are supported by complex statistics and quotations from his extensive research. Which of the following items should be fully written out in his notes?

-Quotations -Supporting statistics

Which of the following are accomplished in a preparation outline?

1. Organizing main points and supporting materials in the body 2. Determining what you will say in the conclusion 3. Deciding what you will say in the introduction

Where should the purpose of a speech appear in a preparation outline?

As a separate unit before the outline

Danielle has created a preparation outline for an upcoming speech. Her outline includes a purpose statement, central idea, and bibliography, as well as brief notes on main points and subpoints using one or two words each. What is wrong with Danielle's outline?

Main points and subpoints should be stated in full sentences.

Delivery cues help improve a speech by

Reminding the speaker when certain sections need different pasting or emphasis.

Which of the following are recommended reasons to keep the speaking outline free of too much details?

To enhance effective, direct communication, to help maintain eye contact with the audience.

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