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By default, how long does Splunk retain a search job? A. 10 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 1 Day D. 7 Days


This function of the stats command allows you to return the sample standard deviation of a field. A. stdev B. dev C. count deviation D. by standarddev


All users by default have WRITE permission to ALL knowledge objects. A. True B. False


When a search returns _________, you can view the results as a list. A. A list of events B. Transactions C. Statistical Values


By default, which of the following is a selected field? A. action B. clientip C. categoryId D. sourcetype


What is the correct order of steps for creating a new lookup? 1. Configure the lookup to run automatically 2. Create the lookup table 3. Define the lookup table A. 2, 1, 3 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 2, 3, 1 D. 3, 2, 1


This function of the stats command allows you to return the middle-most value of field X. A. Median (X) B. Eval by X C. Fields (X) D. Values (X)


It is mandatory or the lookup file to have this for an automatic lookup to work. A. Source type B. At least five columns C. Timestamp D. Input field


Which of the following is the most efficient filter for running searches in Splunk? A. Time B. Fast mode C. Sourcetype D. Selected Fields


Which of the following searches will return results where fail, 400, and error exist in every event? A. error AND (fail AND 400) B. error OR (fail AND 400) C. error AND (fail OR 400) D. error OR fail OR 400


Which of the following fields is stored with the events in the index? A. user B. source C. location D. sourcelp


At index time, in which field does Splunk store the timestamp value? A. time B. _time C. EventTime D. timestamp


This is what Splunk uses to categorize the data that is being indexed. A. Host B. Sourcetype C. Index D. Source


Which of the following searches will show the number of categoryId used by each host? A. Sourcetype=access_* | sum bytes by host B. Sourcetype=access_* | stats sum(categoryID. by host) C. Sourcetype=access_* | sum(bytes) by host D. Sourcetype=access_* | stats sum by host


A collection of items containing things such as data inputs, UI elements, and knowledge objects is known as what? A. An app B. JSON C. A role D. An enhanced solution


A field exists in search results, but isn't being displayed in the fields sidebar. How can it be added to the fields sidebar? A. Click All Fields and select the field to add it to Selected Fields B. Click Interesting Fields and select the field to add it to the Selected Fields C. Click Selected Fields and select the field to add it to Interesting Fields D. This scenario isn't possible because all fields returned from a search always appear in the fields sidebar.


Creating Data Models: Fields associated with a data set are known as ______. A. Attributes B. Constraints


Creating Data Models: Object ATTRIBUTES do not define ___________. A. a base search for the object B. fields for the object


How can another user gain access to a saved report? A. The owner of the report can edit permissions from the edit dropdown B. Only users with an Admin or Power User role can access other users' reports C. Anyone can access any reports marked as public within a shared Splunk deployment D. The owner of the report must clone the original report and save it to their user account


In the Splunk interface, the list of alerts can be filtered based on which characteristics? A. App, Owner, Severity, and Type B. App, Owner, Priority and Status C. App, Dashboard, Severity, and Type D. App, Time Window, Type, and Severity


Splunk Components: Which of the following are responsible for reducing search results? A. search heads B. indexers C. forwarders


The command shown here does which of the following: Command: | outputlookup products.csv A. Writes search results to a file named products.csv B. Returns the contents of a file named products.csv


The stats command will create a ___________ by default. A. Table B. Report C. Pie Chart


This search will return 20 results. SEARCH: error | top host limit = 20 A. True B. False


What are the steps to schedule a report? A. After saving the report, click Schedule B. After saving the report, click Event Type. C. After saving the report, click Scheduling. D. After saving the report, click Dashboard Panel


What does the rare command do? A. Returns the least common field values of a given field in the results. B. Returns the most common field values of a given field in the results. C. Returns the top 10 field values of a given field in the results. D. Returns the lowest 10 field values of a given field in the results.


What is the purpose of using a by clause with the stats command? A. To group the results by one or more fields B. To compute numerical statistics on each field C. To specify how the values in a list are delimited D. To partition the input data based on the split-by fields


What type of search can be saved as a report? A. Any search can be saved as a report B. Only searches that generate visualizations C. Only searches containing a transforming command D. Only searches that generate statistics or visualizations


When an alert action is configured to run a script, Splunk must be able to locate the script. Which one of the directories will Splunk look in to find the script? A. $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/scripts B. $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/scripts C. $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/etc/scripts D. $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/scripts/bin


When looking at a dashboard panel that is based on a report, which of the following is true? A. You can modify the search string in the panel, and you can change and configure the visualization. B. You can modify the search string in the panel, but you cannot change and configure the visualization. C. You cannot modify the search string in the panel, but you can change and configure the visualization. D. You cannot modify the search string in the panel, and you cannot change and configure the visualization


When placed early in a search, which command is most effective at reducing search execution time? A. dedup B. rename C. sort - D. fields +


Which of the following are common constraints of the top command? A. limit, count B. limit, showpercent C. limits, countfield D. showperc, countfield


Which of the following constraints can be used with thetop command? A. limit B. useperc C. addtotals D. fieldcount


Which of the following is a Splunk search best practice? A. Filter as early as possible. B. Never specify more than one index. C. Include as few search terms as possible. D. Use wildcards to return more search results


Which of the following is a best practice when writing a search string? A. Include all formatting commands before any search terms B. Include at least one function as this is a search requirement C. Include the search terms at the beginning of the search string D. Avoid using formatting clauses as they add too much overhead


Which search matches the events containing the terms "error" and "fail"? A. index=security Error Fail B. index=security error OR fail C. index=security "error failure" D. index=security NOT error NOT fail


Which statement is true about Splunk alerts? A. Alerts are based on searches that are either run on a scheduled interval or in real-time B. Alerts are based on searches and when triggered will only send an email notification. C. Alerts are based on searches and require cron to run on a scheduled interval. D. Alerts are based on searches that are run exclusively as real time.


Which stats command function provides a count of how many unique values exist for a given field in the result set? A. dc(field) B. count(field) C. count-by(field) D. distinct-count(field)


By default search results are not returned in _______ order A. Chronological B. Reverse chronological C. ASCIE D. Alphabetical


After running a search, what effect does clicking and dragging across the timeline? A. Executes a new search B. Filters current search results C. Moves to past or future events D. Expands the time range of the search


By default, all users have DELETE permission to ALL knowledge objects. A. True B. False


By default, which of the following fields would be listed in the fields sidebar under interesting fields? A. host B. index C. source D. sourcetype


How does Splunk determine which fields to extract from data? A. Splunk only extracts the most interesting data from the last 24 hours. B. Splunk only extracts fields users have manually specified in their data. C. Splunk automatically extracts any fields that generate interesting visualizations. D. Splunk automatically discovers many fields based on sourcetype and key/value pairs found in the data.


In the fields sidebar, what indicates that a field is numeric? A. A number to the right of the field name B. A # symbol to the left of the field name. C. A lowercase n to the left of the field name. D. A lowercase n to the right of the field name.


It is not possible for a single instance of Splunk to manage the input, parsing and indexing of machine data. A. True B. False


Lookups allow you to overwrite your raw event. A. True B. False


Splunk Components: Which of the following are responsible for parsing incoming data and storing data on disc? A. forwarders B. indexers C. search heads


Use this command to use lookup fields in a search and see the lookup fields in the field sidebar A. inputlookup B. lookup


What is a primary function of a scheduled report? A. Auto-detect changes in performance B. Auto-generated PDF reports of overall data trends C. Regularly scheduled archiving to keep disk space use low. D. Triggering an alert in your Splunk instance when certain conditions are met


What is a suggested Splunk best practice for naming reports? A. Reports are best named using many numbers so they can be more easily sorted. B. Use a consistent naming convention so they are easily separated by characteristics such as group and object. C. Name reports as uniquely as possible with no overlap to differentiate them from one another. D. Any naming convention is fine as long as you keep an external spreadsheet to keep track.


What is the main requirement for creating visualizations in the Splunk UI? A. Your search must transform event data into Excel file format first. B. Your search must transform event data into XML formatted data first. C. Your search must transform event data into statistical data tables first. D. Your search must transform event data into JSON formatted data first.


What syntax is used to link key/value pairs in search strings? A. action+purchase B. action=purchase C. action | purchase D. action equal purchase


What user interface component allows for time selection? A. Time summary B. Time range picker C. Search time picker D. Data source time statistics


Which Boolean operator is implied between search terms, unless otherwise specified? A. OR B. AND C. NOT D. NAND


Which events will be returned by the following search string? host=www3 status=503 A. All events that either have a host of ww3 or a status of 503 B. All events with a host of ww3 that also have a status of 503 C. We need more information: we cannot tell without knowing the time range D. We nee more information a search cannot be run without specifying an index


Which of the following Splunk components typically resides on the machines where data originates? A. Indexer B. Forwarder C. Search head D. Deployment server


Which of the following file types is an option for exporting Splunk search results? A. PDF B. JSON C. XLS D. RTF


Which of the following is true about user account settings and preferences? A. Search & Reporting is the only app that can be set as the default application B. Full names can only be changed by accounts with a Power User or Admin role. C. Time zones are automatically updated based on the setting of the computer accessing Splunk. D. Full name, time zone, and default app can be defined by clicking the login name in the Splunk bar.


Which of the following searches would return events with failure in index netfw or warn or critical in index netops? A. (index=netfw failure) AND index=netops warn OR critical B. (index=netfw failure) OR (index=netops (warn OR critical)) C. (index=netfw failure) AND (index=netops (warn OR critical)) D. (index=netfw failure) OR index=netops OR (warn OR critical)


According to Splunk best practices, which placement of the wildcard results in the most efficient search? A. f*il B. *fail C. fail* D. *fail*


How are events displayed after a search is executed? A. In chronological order B. Randomly by default C. In reverse chronological order D. Alphabetically according to field name


How can search results be kept longer than 7 days? A. By scheduling a report B. By creating a link to the job C. By changing the job settings D. By changing the time range picker to more than 7 days.


How do you add or remove fields from search results? A. Use field +to add field -to to remove B. Use table +t add and table -to remove C. Use fields +to add and fields -to remove D. Use fields Plus to add and fields Minus to remove


In the fields sidebar, which character denotes alphanumeric field values? A. # B. % C. a D. a#


What can be included in the All Fields option in the sidebar? A. Dashboards B. Metadata only C. Non-interesting fields D. Field Descriptions


What does the following specified time range do? earliest=-72h@h latest=@d A. Look back 3 days ago and prior B. Look back 72 hours up to one day ago C. Look back 72 hours, up to the end of the day D. Look back from 3 days ago up to the beginning of today


What does the values function of the stats command do? A. Lists all values of a given field B. Lists unique values of a given field C. Returns a count of unique values for a given field D. Returns the number of events that match the search


What is the correct syntax to count the number o events containing a vendor_action field? A. count stat vendor_action B. count stats (vendor_action) C. stats count (vendor_action) D. stats vendor_action (count)


What is the primary use for the rare command? A. To sort field values in descending order B. To return only fields containing five or fewer values C. To find the least common values of a field in a dataset D. To find the fields with the fewest numbers of values across a dataset


What must be done before an automatic lookup can be created? A. The lookup command must be used. B. The lookup definition must be created. C. The lookup file must be uploaded to Splunk. D. The lookup file must be verified using the inputlookup command.


What must be done in order to use a lookup table in Splunk? A. The lookup must be configured to run automatically B. The contents of the lookup file must be copied and pasted into the search bar C. The lookup file must be uploaded to Splunk and a lookup definition must becreated D. The lookup file must be uploaded to the etc/apps/lookups folder for automatic ingestion


When editing a dashboard, which of the following are possible options (select all that apply) A. Add an output B. Export a dashboard panel. C. Modify the chart type displayed in a dashboard panel. D. Drag a dashboard panel to a different location on the dashboard


When running searches command modifiers in the search string are displayed in what color? A. Red B. Blue C. Orange D. Highlighted


Which Boolean operator is always implied between two search terms, unless otherwise specified? A. OR B. NOT C. AND D. XOR


Which command is used to review the contents of a specified static lookup file? A. lookup B. csvlookup C. inputlookup D. outputlookup


Which command is used to validate a lookup file? A. | lookup products.csv B. inputlookup products.csv C. | inputlookup products.cv D. | lookup definition products.csv


Which of the following are functions of the stats command? A. count, sum, add B. count, sum, less C. sum, avg, values D. sum, values, tables


Which of the following commands will show the maximum bytes? A. sourcetype=access_* | maximum totals by bytes B. sourcetype=access_* | avg(bytes) C. sourcetype=access_* | stats max(bytes) D. sourcetype=access_* | max(bytes)


Which of the following describes lookup files? A. Lookup fields cannot be used in searches B. Lookups contain static data available in the index C. Lookups add more fields to results returned by a search D. Lookups pull data at index time and add them to search results


Which of the following represents the Splunk recommended naming convention for dashboards? A. Description_Group_Object B. Group_Description_Object C. Group_Object_Description D. Object_Group_Description


Which search string matches only events with the status_code of 404? A. status_code != 404 B. status_code>=400 C. status_code<=404 D. status code>403 status_code<405


Which search string returns a field containing the number of matching events and names that field Event Count? A. index=security failure | stats sum as "Event Count" B. index=security failure | stats count as "Event Count" C. index=security failure | stats count by "Event Count" D. index=security failure | stats dc(count) as "Event Count"


Which search would return events from the access_combined sourcetype? A. Sourcetype=access_combined B. Sourcetype=Access_Combined C. sourcetype=Access_Combined D. SOURCETYPE=access_combined


Which statement is true about the top command? A. It returns the top 10 results B. It displays the output in table format C. It returns the count and percent columns per row D. All of the above


In a deployment with multiple indexes, what will happen when a search is run and an index is not specified in the search string? A. No events will be returned B. Splunk will prompt you to specify an index C. All non-indexed events to which the user has access will be returned. D. Events from every index searched by default to which the user has access will be returned


These users can create global knowledge objects. A. users B. power users C. administrators D. power users & administrators


What determines the scope of data that appears in a scheduled report? A. All data accessible to the User role will appear in the report. B. All data accessible to the owner of the report will appear in the report. C. All data accessible to al users will appear in the report until the next time the report is run. D. The owner of the report can configure permissions so that the report uses either the User role or the owner's profile at run time.


What happens when a field is added to the Selected Fields list in the fields sidebar? A. Splunk will re-run the search job in Verbose Mode to prioritize the new Selected field. B. Splunk will highlight the related fields as a suggestion to add them to the Selected Fields list. C. Custom selections will replace the Interesting Fields that Splunk populated into the list at search time D. The selected field and its corresponding values will appear underneath the events in the search results.


What is one benefit of creating dashboard panels from reports? A. Any newly created dashboard will include that report. B. There are no benefits to creating dashboard panels from reports. C. It makes the dashboard more efficient because it only has to run one search string. D. Any change to the underlying report will affect every dashboard that utilizes that report.


What syntax is used to link key/value pairs in search strings? A. Parenthesis B. @ or # symbols C. Quotation marks D. Relational operators such as =, <, or >


When a Splunk search generates calculated data that appears in the Statistics tab, in what formats can the results be exported? A. CSV, JSON, PDF B. CSV, XML, JSON C. Raw Events, XML, JSON D. Raw Events, CSV, XML, JSON


When displaying results of a search, which of the following is true about line charts? A. Line charts are optimal for single and multiple series. B. Line charts are optima for single series when using Fast mode. C. Line charts are optima for multiple series with 3 or more columns. D. Line charts are optimal for multiseries searches with at least 2 or more columns.


When looking at a statistics table, what is one way to drill down to see the underlying events? A. Creating a pivot table. B. Clicking on the visualizations tab. C. Viewing your report in a dashboard. D. Clicking on any field value in the table.


When sorting on multiple fields with the sort command, what delimiter can be used between the field names in the search? A. | B. $ C. ! D. ,


When viewing the results of a search, what is an Interesting Field? A. A field that appears in ay event B. A field that appears in every event C. A field that appears in the top 10 events D. A field that appears in at least 20% of the events


Which is a primary function of the timeline located under the search bar? A. To differentiate between structured and unstructured events in the data B. To sort the events returned by the search command in chronological order C. To zoom in and zoom out, although this does not change the scale of the chart. D. To show peaks and/or valleys in the timeline, which can indicate spikes in activity or downtime.


Which of the following index searches would provide the most efficient search performance? A. index=* B. index=web OR index=s* C. (index=web OR index=sales) D. *index=sales AND index=web*


Which search string is the most efficient? A. "failed password" B. "failed password"* C. index=* "failed password" D. index=security "failed password"


Which of the following are not true about lookups (select all that apply) A. Lookups can be time based B. Splunk DB Connect can be used to populate a lookup table from relational databased C. Output from a script can be used to populate a lookup table D. Lookup tables have a 10mb maximum size limit.


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