SS Ch. 4 Nile River Valley. Lessons 1, 2, and 3 The Gift of the Nile 6th gr. Lake Castle

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A writing system in which pictures or symbols stand for sounds, words or ideas

Mentuhotep IV

Made Egypt monotheistic (aton)


The yearly time of flooding in Ancient Egypt


Very wealthy with an abundance of gold

Trade route

A path that traders used as they exchanged goods

Middle man

A person who buys goods from producers and sells them to retailers or consumers


A person who has the right to another person's property or title


A preserved body


A product such as pottery made from baked clay


A region with a united group of people and a single government


A ruler of ancient Egypt


A series of rulers from the same family


A stone structure having a square base and triangular sides that come to a point at the top and used as a burial place for a dead ruler

Trading network

A system in which buyers and sellers from different places can exchange goods


A waterfall or a spot where water runs fast over rocks


Person who inherits the throne


T/F The Egyptians preserved dead bodies as mummies because of their belief in an afterlife.

Old Kingdom

Which time in Egyptian history is also called the Age of the Pyramids?


A paper-like material on which ancient Egyptians wrote; made from reeds that grow on the Nile River

King Tutankhamen Dynasty 18

9 yr. old king of Egypt ; made Egypt polytheistic Which dynasty?


A life after death


A natural resource found in rocks

Delta Fan-shaped

Alluvial soil areas What shape is it?

Nomes (districts)

Amenemhet divides Egypt into __________.


An ancient Egyptian district


An ancient stone monument; a tall slender stone pillar with four sides and a pointed top

Sweat labor

An interest or increase in a property earned from labor

Top - hieroglyphics Middle - demotic (hieratic)- Egyptian shorthand Bottom - Greek

Basic Codes for the Rosetta Stone.


Buildings for defense


Father of History; gave Egypt the name "Gift of the Nile"

Alike - huge structures tapered at the top built in layers Different - Ziggurat - fertile crescent temple Step pyramid - ancient Egyptian tomb for rulers

Compare and contrast ziggurat and step pyramid.

They are similar in both are huge structures, tapered at the top, and built in layers. They are different because ziggurat is a fertile crescent temple and a step pyramid is an ancient Egyptian tomb for rulers.

Compare/contrast ziggurat and a step pyramid.


Currently in the news, _________ is in the center of African terrorism.

A device used in Egypt since early times to get water for irrigation. It's a container made of animal skins or pottery attached to a lever and balanced by stones. The container is dipped into a well or river, and when it's full, it's lifted out and the water is dumped into a canal.

Define a shaduf and explain how it is used.

They developed horse chariots and other war materials including fortification. They gained control of Egypt after Amenemhet..

Describe the Hyksos.

After the Old Kingdom

Did the Middle Kingdom begin before or after the Old Kingdom?

Yes, because dynastic rule kept the leadership in one family, whose loyalty may have kept the pharaohs strong.

Do you think that the dynasties helped Egypt maintain its civilization? Why or why not?

Thebes Egypt grows and prospers

During the Middle Kingdom, the Capital of Upper Egypt What does Egypt do during this time period?

The world's strongest power

During the New Kingdom, Egypt becomes __________________.

He expands Egypt to the Euphrates River.

During the New Kingdom, what does Thutmose do?

Kushite dynasty They built temples,went back to old ways and cultures. They documented with hieroglyphics.

Dynasty 25. Describe the dynasty.


Economic success or well-being

North Africa

Egypt is located in ___________.


Egypt word for "coffin"

Book of the Dead

Egyptian lore


Egyptian picture writing


Egyptian waterfalls

King Khufu (Cheops) 13

First Great Pyramid in Giza built for _________. It was ______ acres large.


First architect that built pyramids


First to use ceramics and had many trade routes

Through stories about their gods

How did the Egyptians explain events in nature?

They mummified them and gave them treasures, food and weapons. Also, their servants were killed and mummified.

How did the Egyptians honor the wealthy when they died?

Its floods provided fertile land for farming. The religion was based on natural phenomena, including the river.

How did the Nile River affect development of the Egyptian civilization?

They influenced each other's cultures through trade and conquest.

How did the people of Egypt and the people of Nubia influence each other?

It either provided good soil for farming or washed away crops.

How did the yearly flooding of the Nile River help shape the economy of Egypt?

The invention of papyrus improved communication and helped make united government possible. Without the invention of papyrus, Egypt's government may not have united.

How do you think Egyptian civilization might have been different if Egyptians had not made a paperlike material from papyrus plants?

Soldiers could travel on the Nile River to conquer Lower Egypt. People could travel along the Nile to trade and communicate between regions.

How do you think the Nile River affected the uniting of Upper and Lower Egypt?

The Nile River flows from higher land in the south (Upper Egypt) to lower land in the north (Lower Egypt).

How does the Nile River flow?

Perhaps the Kushites would not have become as wealthy as they did after relocating to Meroe.

How might Kushite history be different if the Assyrians had not driven the Kushites from Egypt?

It was made up of rulers from Kush.

How was Dynasty 25 different from other Egyptian dynasties?

Strife Terrorism

In Egypt, there is religious _____________ and ____________.

Civilizations competed with one another to gain power, which often meant that one civilization would expand its territory by taking the land of another.

In general, civilizations in Egypt prospered during peaceful times and suffered during times of conflict. Why do you think they chose to battle each other so often?


In the New Kingdom, kings were now called ___________.

As a source of water, for transportation, drinking water, and because it deposited fertile soil

In what ways was the Nile River important to the ancient Egyptians?

It flows from higher land in the south to lower land in the North. Mediterranean Sea

In which direction does the Nile River flow? Into what sea does it flow?


In which present day country was Nubia once located?


Infinite symbol

Leopard skins Ostrich eggs Bird feathers Ivory tusks (elephants, walruses) Horns Spices Gold Ebony wood

Items that Nubians used for trading.

Inundation - begins around June 20 when the Nile Floods. Emergence - plowing and seeding occurs Harvest - gathering the crops

Label and describe Ancient Egypt's 365 Day Calendar.

1) control of trade routes 2) control of land 3) control of gold and other minerals

List 3 things that Egyptians and Nubians battled over?

Inundation Emergence Harvest

List the 3 seasons in order.


Made the Kushites go to Meroe


Marked a man's wealth


Moon goddess

Nile River

Much of Egypt was built around the ______________ which helped it prosper and grow.

Flat topped Had many secret entrances and passages

Name some features of a pyramid.

Mali Kush

Name the 2 fist independent black countries.

Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom

Name the 3 main divisions of Egypt.


Nubia was great friends with __________.


Nubians flee and set up ___________.


One exalted or revered as supremely good or powerful such as a god

Mentuhotep II, III, IV, Amenemhet, Hyksos

Order of kings in the Middle Kingdom.

King Mentuhotep II Dynasty 11

Powerful King who gave authority to the central government helping Egypt in economic and cultural growth Which dynasty?


Queens of Kush

River Stix

River to the Underworld

Papyrus Stylus

Similar to tablets; what was used to write on it?


Slender pole


Sun god


Sun god




T/F Rain in ancient Egypt was abundant and dependable.


Temporary king

20 King Khufu Inner chambers and passeways Orion The Egyptians believed that the king's soul would ascend, or rise, to the stars.

The Great Pyramid at Giza took _________ years to build. ___________'s coffin is still inside in the King's Chamber located in the center. This pyramid had more _________ and ________ than in any other pyramid. Air shafts inside line up with the star constellation ________. What did the Egyptians believe about the king?


The freedom to govern oneself


The capital of Egypt


The chief adviser to an ancient Egyptian pharaoh


The continuation of a family's rule

Iron Slag

The metal in Meroe. What was the waste product?

Hatshepsut Thutmose II Her stepson, Thutmose III, inherited the throne when her husband died. He was too young to rule so she served as regent and then became pharoah alongside her stepson.

The most famous female pharoah. Married to _____________. When her husband died, who inherited to throne? Was he able to rule?


The population of Egypt is mostly ______________ religion.


To add on


To interpret the meaning of


To tell ahead of time what will happen

Flax It was used to make linen, a natural fiber

What crop did the Egyptians grow? What was it used for?

They believed in the afterlife

What did Egyptians believe happened after death?

Irrigation Recreation Transportation

What did people use the Nile River for?


What did the Egyptians use for transportation on the river?

They trade from S. Africa to the fertile crescent and to India.

What do the Kushites do once they go to Meroe?

Papyrus was the most important invention because it was used for written records and helped make united governments possible.

What do you think was the Egyptians' most important invention? Why?

"Great house."

What does the word "pharaoh" mean?

It's derived from two Egyptian words, "per" and "aa", meaning "great house".

What does the word "pharaoh" mean?

They built a wealthy trading empire at Meroe.

What happened to the Kushites after they were forced out of Egypt?

Fishing Transportation Recreation

What is the Nile River used mainly for?

The Gift of the Nile.

What was Egypt called?

It was discovered in 1799 A.D. It helped scientists decode the hieroglyphic writing of the ancient Egyptians. On the surface were 3 different kinds of writing - 2 ancient Egyptian and 1 ancient Greek The Egyptian hieroglyphics could not be understood. In 1822, Jean Francois Champollion decoded the hieroglyphics, using the other forms of writing as a guide.

What was the Rosetta Stone and when was it discovered?

Time of Advancement in architecture, literature and arts

What was the Time of Renaissance?

The "Red Land" was the desert. "Black Land" was the land along the Nile with rich, dark soil.

What were the "Red Land" and the "Black Land" that the early Egyptians described?

Irrigation system, plows, papyrus, and ink

What were the major achievements of Egypt's early period?


When Egypt annexes Nubia, the capital becomes _______.

2600 B.C.

When did Egypt take control of Nubian trade?

About 3100 B.C.

When did Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt unite to become the world's first nation-state?

750 B.C.

When did the Kushite rule of Upper Egypt begin?

It floods on a regular schedule every year. Whenever they see Sirius, the Dark Star, they know it will flood soon.

When does the Nile River flood?

3100 B.C.

When were Upper and Lower Egypt united?

He moved the capital from Thebes to Memphis.

Where did Amenemhet move the capital to?

North Africa

Where is Egypt located?

Around the 2nd cataract

Where was North Nubia built?


Where was the Egyptian capital located at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom?

Ancient Egyptian and Greek

Which kinds of writing were found on the Rosetta Stone?

Hyksos Egypt Kush and they also take over Lower Egypt

Who did the Kush ally with? Who takes over Kush? Then, who takes over Egypt?


Who united Upper and Lower Egypt?

Herodatus Gift of the Nile

Who was "The Father of History"? And what name did he give to Egypt?

An Egyptian pharaoh who brought great changes and unrest to Egypt.

Who was Akhenaton?

A vizier, Chief advisor to Mentuhotep IV and then becomes pharaoh after Mentuhotep's death

Who was Amenemhet?

The first king to have a pyramid built for him for his tomb.

Who was King Zoser?

To control Nubian trade and its natural resources.

Why did Egypt want to control Nubia?

He changed his name to show that Egyptians were once again allowed to workshop the old Egyptian deities as well as the Aton.

Why did New Kingdom pharaoh Tutankhaton change his name to Tutankhamen?

To track when floods would occur and when it was time to plant and time to harvest

Why did the Egyptians develop a calendar?

They were attached to their religion.

Why did the Kushites built temples and pyramids?

Because the Egyptians had annexed Northern Nubia.

Why did the Nubians form the kingdom of Kush?

In pictures he wears crowns of upper and lower Egypt

Why do some historians believe King Narmer may have united Egypt?

The land along rivers is usually fertile enough for farming, so these areas are very attractive as locations for settlements. Rivers also provide water and a means of transportation.

Why do you think settlements developed along the Nile despite the danger of floods?

A strong king and the Nile River helped unite Egypt into a single nation-state. Sumer was split into city-states that were nearly always at war.

Why do you think the Egyptians united into a single nation-state while the Sumerians did not?

Egypt was invaded and captured by the Hyksos.

Why do you think the Nubians were able to regain their independence by the 1600s B.C.?

They wanted to control more people and natural resources.

Why do you think the rulers of Kush wanted control of Egypt?

The Egyptians built pyramids during this period

Why is the Old Kingdom also called the Age of the Pyramids?

It makes political decisions.

Why is the army in Egypt important?

It kept leaders from fighting and allowed for times of economic and cultural prosperity.

Why was a strong central government important in Egypt during the Middle Kingdom?

The heir helped the dynasty continue without a power struggle.

Why was it important for an Egyptian king to have an heir?

Queen Nefertiti Dynasty 18

Wife of Mentuhotep IV; one of the most beautiful women to ever exist Which dynasty?

Nubia and Kush Kush

_________ and ___________ became friends and then ___________ becomes independent and prosperous.

Kushites Egyptians

______________ gained power while ______________ lost power to the Hyksos.


________________ is the center of what mainly occurs in N. Africa.


god of arts


god of embalming and the dead


god of the Nile ; related to Isis


god of wisdom and knowledge


goddess of the sky

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