SSM201 - Chapter 1, SSM201 - Chapter 2

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According to the definition of emotional intelligence adopted by the textbook authors, how many abilities are involved with emotional intelligence? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5


After graduation you have decided to stay in Bedford Falls, the only place you have ever known. Which area of self-awareness probably affected your decision? A) Cognitive style B) Interpersonal needs C) Attitudes toward change D) Instrumental values


After the professor passed back the graded test, you heard a student remark, "I didn't do well because the professor gave us tricky questions." Which locus of control does this student probably have? A) Internal locus of control B) External locus of control C) High tolerance for ambiguity D) Small locus of control


Approximately 70 percent of a manager's time is spent in meetings. What should a manager do to make efficient and effective use of this time? A) Be flexible in agenda setting; sometimes new things just come up during the meeting and discussing it now would reduce "gearing up" time later B) Don't keep minutes; they waste time and no one likes to take them C) Be flexible with the ending time of the meeting so that the tasks can be accomplished D) Insist on subordinates' suggestions to problems so that the manager may choose among alternatives, then generate his/her own


Areas of self-awareness are listed in 1 through 4. Which is true concerning the four areas of self-awareness? 1. Personal values 2. Creativity 3. Emotional intelligence 4. Core self-evaluation A) All four areas listed are correct. B) Only areas 1 and 4 are correct. C) Only area 2 is incorrect. D) None of the four areas listed are correct.


As a moderating factor against the harmful effects of stress, what does social resiliency involve? A) Being able to not conform to group pressure B) Being able to develop and maintain close social relationships C) Being able to maintain control over social networks


As a new member of the team, you notice that team members appear to treat each other with kindness, courtesy, and honesty. They really do seem to care about each other. Members of this group will be able to cope best with which kind of stress? A) Time stress B) Encounter stress C) Situational stress D) Anticipatory stress


As manager, you have decided to enforce a new policy restricting dating in the office. You are comfortable with the policy and have decided that the policy will affect you also. Which ethical test did you most likely employ? A) Personal gain test B) Equal treatment test C) Cost-benefit test D) Golden rule test


At her graduation party, Morgan's grandmother told her she was worried about Morgan having enough to live on in her retirement and suggested Morgan invest in plastics now. "Retirement? Granny, I am only 22," said Morgan. Morgan's grandmother demonstrated which stressor? A) Time B) Encounter C) Situational D) Anticipatory


At the beginning of your team's first meeting, Betsy said, "I think it's really important that we develop a clear agenda for what we want to accomplish and then decide who is going to do what." Based on this comment, you suspect that Betsy is strongest on which dimension of cognitive style? A) Knowing B) Planning C) Creating D) Assimilating


Bob enjoys his management professor. She hands out vague assignments and encourages him to be creative and to look at things a different way. Which best describes Bob's tolerance? A) Tolerant of familiar information B) Tolerant of distinctive or unrelated information C) Intolerant of problems that are difficult to solve D) Tolerant of contradictory information


Bob has decided to stop smoking. Also, he has decided to tell no one because he is tired of the jokes and the lack of support from his friends. Based on what you have learned about anticipatory stressors, what is an appropriate evaluation of this idea? A) It is a good idea because there is a desired goal. B) It is a good idea because Bob has identified the activities and behaviors necessary to accomplish the goal. C) It is a bad idea because the desired goal is beyond his control. D) It is a bad idea because he hasn't established reporting mechanisms or accountability


Concerning success in life, what does research appear to suggest? A) Having a high IQ score is critical. B) Having an ability to manage emotions is critical. C) Having a competitive attitude is critical. D) Having a few strong relationships is critical


During a meeting, Bruce turns to you and comments, "We really shouldn't be making a decision until we have got a better handle on the facts and data. New ideas are fine, but if we can't back them up with credible and precise analysis, we shouldn't be taking the risk." Based on this comment, you recognize that Bruce is probably strongest on which dimension of cognitive style? A) Knowing B) Planning C) Creating D) Accommodating


During the 1992 riots in Los Angeles where many individuals took merchandise, some argued that looters took only what they needed, like food and diapers, whereas others argued looters took only what they had been denied by the system, like TVs and stereos. If these looters were focusing on their own needs, what was their level of values maturity? A) First level of maturity B) Second level of maturity C) Third level of maturity


Eliminating or minimizing stress by changing jobs would relate most to which type of strategy for coping with stress? A) Inactive strategy B) Proactive strategy C) Reactive strategy D) Enactive strategy


Employees at Turner, Inc. are engaged in a debate over the merits of an individual vs. a team-based compensation program. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which cultural dimension does this debate most closely relate to? A) Universalism vs. particularism B) Individualism vs. collectivism C) Affective vs. neutral D) Achievement vs. ascription E) Internal vs. external


George has returned from his two-week trip to India. He believes his trip has provided an introspection that increased his self-knowledge. When you begin to question him about his experiences, he becomes defensive and states, "I don't want to talk about it with you!" Based on the review of self-awareness in the text, what would be the most accurate conclusion? A) Yes, it probably has increased his self-knowledge. Now he is protective of that knowledge. B) No, it probably has not increased his self-knowledge. C) Maybe, maybe not, depends upon what rituals he practiced. D) Yes, because he has become more self-assertive and aware of what he wants to talk about.


George made the following comment to Sarah, one of his co-workers: "Gene's recommendation to cut costs by eliminating travel to training seminars just shows he really isn't aware of how important training is. His lack of insight is due to the fact he doesn't have a college degree." What is George's comment an example of? A) Focusing on a difference B) Creating a distinction C) Focusing on an artificial social barrier D) Creating a false value for a college degree


George works full time in a warehouse and works hard. Although he likes his boss, who is from Japan, he finds they have different views on the work to be accomplished by the end of the shift. The work comes in spurts, and George feels he must finish all of it before the end of his shift. Lately, George has not been able to finish the work by the end of his shift. He is experiencing which type of stress? A) Time stress B) Encounter stress C) Situational stress D) Anticipatory stress


Hardy individuals have a high level of commitment. What does this mean? A) They are committed only to their own activities. B) They are committed to a larger community and its activities. C) They are committed to change as a means to an end. D) They are committed to both their activities and the larger community and its activities


How can the enigma of self-awareness be managed? A) Avoid information contradictory to one's self-image B) Seek information from others about one's self C) Make sure to cross the sensitive lines of others D) Challenge information inconsistent with one's self-image


How can you build psychological resiliency? A) Deep-relaxation strategies B) Small goals C) Work redesign


How does one overcome the approach of a winner-takes-all? A) Exercise B) Diet control C) Deep-relaxation strategies


How should managers know and accept others? A) Be an enigma to themselves B) Work toward self-denial and unselfishness C) Work toward self-awareness and self-acceptance D) Work toward self-reverence and reflection


If a child refuses to eat a cookie so later in the day he can have something he likes more, what ability related to emotional intelligence is he exhibiting? A) Controlling or keeping in check negative emotions B) Recognizing or understanding his own feelings C) Delaying immediate gratification to achieve a goal D) Controlling or keeping in check positive emotions


If a job requires someone to be able to focus on only one element of information in order to not become distracted, which of the following would best match those requirements? A) High tolerance of ambiguity B) Low tolerance of ambiguity C) High instrumental values D) Low cognitive style


If you are utilizing the effectiveness approach to time management, you do what? A) Focus on urgent matters first B) Focus on minimizing wasted time C) Focus on important matters first; ignore urgent tasks unless they produce the desired results D) Focus on urgent matters first but don't feel guilty when you must say "no


If you believe a government policy would benefit those that are less advantaged than yourself, what view of ethics is this? A) Golden rule test B) Equal treatment test C) Cost-benefit test D) Personal gain test


If you feel anxiety or fear, or perhaps sorrow or confusion, you are likely in which stage of stress reaction? A) Alarm stage B) Resistance stage C) Exhaustion stage D) You are not feeling stress


If you have missed your son's T-ball game and your daughter's soccer game the past two weeks because you have been on the road talking to clients, which behavior tendency are you most likely exhibiting? A) Competitiveness B) Life imbalance C) Hostility/anger D) Impatience/urgency


If you stole something to save a stranger's life (you received no compensation), what would be your level of moral judgment? A) First level of maturity B) Second level of maturity C) Third level of maturity


If your goal in life is to live a stimulating and active life, what is this an example of? A) Terminal value B) Instrumental value C) Attitudinal value D) Interpersonal need value


In Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which value dimensions refer to how individuals relate to others? 1. Universalism vs. Particularism 2. Individualism vs. Collectivism 3. Affective vs. Neutral 4. Specific vs. Diffuse 5. Achievement vs. Ascription 6. Past and Present vs. Future 7. Internal vs. External A) All of the dimensions B) Only dimensions 1, 2, and 4 C) The first five dimensions D) Only dimension 2


In a meeting, you hear Mary say, "Some things are just meant to be," and "The economic health of this country is largely beyond the control of the individual." You classify Mary as a person with an external locus of control. How would you expect her to utilize her power? A) Persuasion and expertise B) Coercive power and threats C) Her own position D) There is not enough information available to answer the question.


In redesigning the job to reduce stress, what should you focus on? A) Providing more job security B) Resolving and keeping interpersonal conflicts to a minimum C) Providing more involvement in decision making D) Providing clear direction and focus


In the workplace, people are most likely to interact with which co-workers? A) Creative co-workers B) Co-workers with diverse social values C) Co-workers with different self-awareness traits D) Co-workers similar to them


Individuals who tend to prefer jobs in fields such as social work where personal interactions predominate have which cognitive style? A) Creating cognitive style B) Knowing cognitive style C) Planning cognitive style D) None of the three cognitive styles are more likely in individuals who choose such a career.


Isabel felt overwhelmed by the pressure of her pending deadline. She decided to "check out" for a few minutes and think about her upcoming ski trip to take her mind of her stress. Which type of stress-management strategy was Isabel pursuing? A) Enactive B) Proactive C) Reactive D) Distractive


It is obvious that Talia values her privacy as she rarely talks about her husband and children in conversations with her co-workers. Based on Trompenaars' dimensions of national culture, which cultural dimension does Talia's behavior in the workplace most closely relate to? A) Specific vs. diffuse B) Achievement vs. ascription C) Universalism vs. particularism D) Individualism vs. collectivism E) Affective vs. neutral


Janet reads her horoscope and calls the psychic hot line for advice every day. Which would most likely apply to Janet? A) Internal locus of control B) External locus of control C) Tolerance for ambiguity D) None of the above


Javier was getting a drink from the water cooler when Hartman approached excitedly and exclaimed, "Guess what, Javier? I got the deal ... I got the big contract ... we finally closed the sale with that giant computer company. I am so excited." Javier responded in a soft voice, "That's nice." Which emotional intelligence ability does Javier most likely need to develop? A) Ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions B) Ability to control your emotions C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues


Lana was sitting somberly in her office. Her face had an angry expression and she had a tear in her eye. One of her co-workers asked her how she was doing. Lana responded, "I am fine." Concerned, the co-worker asked, "Are you sure?" Lana again responded, "Yes, there is nothing wrong, I am fine." Which emotional intelligence ability does Lana most likely need to develop? A) Ability to diagnose (chẩn đoán) and recognize your own emotions B) Ability to control your emotions C) Ability to recognize and diagnose emotions displayed by others D) Ability to respond appropriately to others' emotional cues


Mary is suffering work stress as a result of her interactions with her new boss, who recently transferred from Finland. He has reorganized the work based on teams. In Mary's team, there is no agreement on who should do what or on the purpose of the team. Her stress is from which stressor? A) Time stress B) Encounter stress C) Situational stress D) Anticipatory stress


Nobody seems to know what their role is and what they are supposed to do in one of your divisions. Two people have applied for the job as manager of this struggling division. They are equal in experience and knowledge; however, Robert has been classified as external and Susan has been classified as an internal. Who should you hire? A) You should hire Susan. B) You should hire Robert. C) You should continue your job search outside the division, as neither Susan nor Robert are qualified for the job. D) These classifications do not help in selecting the right candidate for this job


On the Locus of Control Scale, Morgan scored a 6 and George scored a 15. How could these results be interpreted? A) Both Morgan and George have an internal locus of control. B) Both Morgan and George have an external locus of control. C) Morgan has an internal locus of control and George has an external locus of control. D) Morgan has an external locus of control and George has an internal locus of control.


Patti's company recently reorganized for the second time this year. As part of the reorganization she was promoted, which has caused a significant increase in the time she spends in the office. Yesterday, she received a speeding ticket as she was racing back to the office from the mall with her Christmas gifts. What type of stressor is Patti most likely feeling? A) Time B) Encounter C) Situational D) Anticipatory


Research indicates that business managers A) Place higher emphasis on personal values rather than social values. B) Place higher emphasis on social values rather than personal values. C) Place higher emphasis on instrumental values rather than terminal values. D) Differ in the emphasis placed on social values according to gender


Research suggests individuals with low tolerance (khả năng chịu đựng) for ambiguity and low cognitive complexity are A) better transmitters of information. B) able to interpret more cues. C) less behaviorally adaptive. D) unable to understand abstract ideas.


Research suggests people with an internal locus of control (1) are more satisfied with work, (2) outperform externals in stressful situations, and (3) are less accurate in processing feedback about successes and failures than externals. Which statements are correct? A) Statements 1 and 2 are correct. B) Statement 2 is incorrect. C) Statement 2 and 3 are correct. D) All of the statements are correct.


Research suggests that (1) individuals differ in their level of values development, (2) individuals hold different sets of instrumental values at different stages of development, and (3) peoples' value priorities do not change once they become adults. Which statements are correct? A) All three statements are correct. B) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. C) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct. D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct


Research suggests that internals (1) ask fewer questions, (2) are achievement oriented, and (3) remember more information than externals. Which statements are correct? A) All three statements are correct. B) Only statements 1 and 2 are correct. C) Only statements 1 and 3 are correct. D) Only statements 2 and 3 are correct


Responding to a remark from a peer that a report looks like it was slapped together at the last minute (you had spent most of last week working on it), the sensitive line was crossed. What will the most likely response be? A) "I think you are right, thanks for the feedback." B) "You don't know what you are talking about! Call my boss if you don't believe me!" C) "Well, maybe I did or maybe I didn't, what do you care?" D) "Could you tell me how I might improve the report?"


Sarah is a Peace Corps volunteer headed for Colombia. She has great anticipatory stress (she's never been outside of the United States before and she doesn't know any Spanish). What should she do to reduce her stress? A) Make herself familiar with the purpose of the Peace Corps B) Comfort herself with the idea that because this is a volunteer position, she can quit at any time and the Peace Corps will fly her immediately home C) Learn to say her name and "Where is the bathroom?" in Spanish D) Prioritize her career plans just in case things don't work out with the Peace Corps


Some rules for instituting small wins are (1) keep track of the changes you are making, (2) forget the small gains you have made and focus on what is next, and (3) find other small things to change and change them. Which are correct? A) All three rules are correct. B) Rules 1 and 2 are correct. C) Rules 1 and 3 are correct. D) Rules 2 and 3 are correct


The individual most likely to be entrepreneurial in his/her actions is someone with a (n) A) High tolerance of ambiguity. B) Low tolerance of ambiguity. C) External locus of control. D) Lateral locus of control.


The manner in which individuals gather and process information is a part of what? A) Personal values B) Cognitive style (Phong cách nhận thức) C) Adaptability D) Creativity


This course, with its emphasis on developing managerial skills and related emotional intelligence skills, should assist you (on completion of all chapters) in eliminating which stress? A) Time stress B) Encounter stress C) Situational stress D) Anticipatory stress


Three elements characterize an individual who can resist stress well. They are (1) viewing change as a threat to security and comfort, (2) having an external locus of control, and (3) a person believing he/she is only responsible for himself/herself. Which are correct? A) All three elements are correct. B) Elements 1 and 2 are correct. C) Elements 1 and 3 are correct. D) None of the elements is correct.


To become a better manager, what is one of the first things one should do? A) Improve one's communication skills B) Seek knowledge of oneself C) Manage one's time better D) Empower one's employees


To know one's self, what is most prescribed? A) Self-examination and meditation B) Do not cross the sensitive line C) Involve others D) Be highly selective about who to get information from


To maintain dietary control, one should do the following: (1) avoid fats, (2) avoid caffeine, and (3) take Vitamin E only. Which are correct? A) All three points are correct. B) Points 1 and 2 are correct. C) Points 1 and 3 are correct. D) Points 2 and 3 are correct.


To reduce the situational stress his workers felt, Tom decided to hire a customer relations group. Tom believed this new group could deal firsthand with customer inquiries and therefore reduce the burden his employees currently had of responding to customers. Is this a good idea or a bad idea? Why? A) This is a good idea, it will eliminate stress. B) This is a bad idea, it increases the number of feedback channels. C) This is a bad idea, it promotes filtered communication. D) This is a good idea, it promotes one contact for the customer


To relieve stress, you have been told to not bottle up your anger but to let it out. A teakettle will explode if you don't let the steam out. This advice coincides with which coping strategy? A) Enactive strategy B) Proactive strategy C) Reactive strategy D) Resistance strategy


What behavior would a manager that experiences stress typically exhibit? A) Underestimate how fast time is passing B) Consult and listen to others C) Fixate on a single approach to a problem D) Create unique solutions to problems


What does a person who is "hardy" have? A) An external locus of control B) An internal locus of control C) A supportive network of friends D) A low tolerance for ambiguity


What does the internal-external locus of control measure? A) The ways in which a person goes about gathering and evaluating information B) A person's value system C) The extent to which a person feels able to affect his or her life D) A person's tolerance of ambiguity


What is exercising 20 to 30 minutes every other day and maintaining a heart rate that improves the cardiovascular system known as? A) Physiological resiliency B) Psychological resiliency C) Social resiliency D) Life balance


What is neuroticism? A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful B) The tendency to have a negative outlook and pessimistic approach to life C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances


What is self-efficacy? A) The extent to which people see themselves as capable and successful B) The tendency to have a negative outlook C) The belief that one can control his or her experiences D) The generalized sense of one's ability to perform capably across a variety of circumstances


What method do the textbook authors propose to correct the problem of multiple definitions of emotional intelligence? A) Use definitions proposed by the original developers of emotional intelligence theories B) Use definitions that distinguish among personality traits and cognitive traits C) Use definitions that distinguish among emotional intelligence and emotional competence D) Use definitions that were developed within the last year


Which best defines core self-evaluation? A) The evaluation each person has developed about himself or herself B) The evaluation of dominant personality traits that are core to a person's management skills C) The evaluation other people give to a person's most dominant personality traits D) The evaluation each person gives of himself or herself to appraise eligibility for salary increases


Which best describes core self-evaluation? A) The extent to which people accurately evaluate how others think about them B) The extent to which people are able to diagnose (chẩn đoán) their own emotions C) The extent to which people value themselves and feel proficient (thành thạo) as individuals D) The extent to which people want affection


Which can best eliminate anticipatory stress? A) Redesigning the work B) Time management C) Prioritizing and short-term planning D) Improving your emotional intelligence


Which components contribute to the latent attribute of core self-evaluation? 1. Self-esteem 2. Self-efficacy 3. Locus of control 4. Extraversion A) Components 1 and 2 contribute. B) Components 1 and 4 contribute. C) Components 1, 2, and 3 contribute D) Components 1, 2, and 4 contribute.


Which group has a lower level of job strain? A) People in lower-level positions B) People in higher-level positions C) Neither people in low- nor high-level positions; it depends on one's age and health status D) People without managers to evaluate their work


Which is not included in social support systems? A) Personal friendships B) Family relationships C) Mentor relationships D) Work teams E) Autocratic supervisors


Which is not one of the most researched big five personality attributes? A) Extraversion B) Agreeableness C) Ego D) Neuroticism E) Conscientiousness


Which is the best description of a person who is a "hot reactor"? A) Becomes "hot"; that is, he or she responds well to stress B) Reacts poorly to "repressors" C) Reacts poorly to stress D) Reacts negatively to certain defense mechanisms used by others


Which is the best summary of the effectiveness in time management approach? A) You accomplish what you want to accomplish with your time. B) You accomplish more by reducing wasted time. C) You accomplish more at the most productive times of the day


Which is the best summary of the efficiency in time management approach? A) You accomplish what you want to accomplish with your time. B) You accomplish more by reducing wasted time. C) You accomplish more at the most productive times of the day.


Which is true concerning people who have higher core self-evaluation scores? A) They tend to be selfish. B) They tend to possess an overabundance of positive self-regard. C) They tend to avoid diagnosing others' emotions. D) They tend to choose complex and more challenging work.


Which of the following statements are true? 1. Your cognitive style is the same as your personality type. 2. Your cognitive style is innate and cannot be changed. 3. The three cognitive styles are knowing, planning, and creating. A) Statement 3 is true, and statements 1 and 2 are false. B) Statements 2 and 3 are true, and statement 1 is false. C) None of the statements are true. D) All of the statements are true.


Which statement is accurate concerning the abilities listed in the author's definition of emotional intelligence and the list provided below? 1. Ability to diagnose and recognize emotions 2. Ability to control emotions 3. Ability to lead a team 4. Ability to manage with self-confidence A) All abilities above are included in the author's definition. B) Abilities 1 and 3 are included in the author's definition. C) Abilities 1 and 2 are included in the author's definition. D) Abilities 1 and 4 are included in the author's definition. E) None of the abilities are included in the author's definition.


You added an extra $100 to your expense statement and Sara added an extra $1000 to her expense statement. If you believe both of you are equally wrong (this does violate company policy), what is your level of values maturity? A) First level of maturity B) Second level of maturity C) Third level of maturity


You are a manager of a team of 50 professionals. One particular professional persists in accusing you of having your priorities out of order. Since the planning activity you do often is not urgent, this particular professional tries to undermine the activity. What would be best for you to do? A) Meet the professional at the door each time you see him coming B) Move the professional to another team so you don't have to manage him C) Clarify your core principles and make them public D) Hold meetings with him only at the end of the day


You are a manager of a team of 50 professionals. One particular professional persists in accusing you of having your priorities out of order. Since the planning activity you do often is not urgent, this particular professional tries to undermine the activity. Which research-based principle should the manager remember? A) People who experience the most time stress are those who allow others to generate their personal principles statement for them through their demands for time. B) People who steal time from you should be removed from your work environment in order to avoid situational stress. C) Relationship conflicts should be handled at the end of the day so that the important things can be given your best energy in the morning hours. D) People who steal time from you can be dealt with by talking to them while standing


You are driving down the freeway and as you change lanes, the person behind you honks and shakes her fist. She then pulls up next to you and mouths words that cause you to wonder why she is talking about a "puck." The other driver exhibits which behavioral tendencies? A) Competitiveness B) Life imbalance C) Hostility/anger D) Impatience/urgency


You have been worrying about your presentation to the class for weeks. However, today, it doesn't seem like it will be that bad. What is there to be worried about, they're just my friends, you say to yourself. Which defense mechanism are you most likely employing? A) Alarm B) Withdrawal C) Fixation D) Repression


You have developed a "need-to-do" list and have promised yourself to say "no" more often. You even bought a planner. Which approach to time management are you practicing? A) Effectiveness approach B) Efficiency approach C) Delegation approach D) Priority approach


You having been studying for finals all day. A friend suggests that the two of you take a break. Is this a good idea? A) No, your friend is crazy. You need all the time you can get to study. B) No, stay focused and you'll do better. C) Depends on your small wins strategy D) Yes, time off should help you think better.


You need a little extra money, so you added an extra $100 to your expense reimbursement statement before handing the receipts over to accounting. Your co-worker Sara added over $1000 to her statement. If you believe Sara's actions are worse than yours, what is your level of values maturity? A) First level of maturity B) Second level of maturity C) Third level of maturity


You read an email from a local politician asking for donations. What would be best for you to make efficient use of your time? A) File it now so that later you can decide B) Decide to give money and write a check C) Decide not to give money and toss it away D) Have someone else scan your email before you see it


You started your new job at Tasty Burger. The boss told you this is an easy job, but you should still do your best. He commented that he will keep an eye on you and will tell you if he sees you doing anything wrong. Which stress would you most likely feel as you begin your work? A) Situational stress due to a lack of task significance B) Anticipatory stress due to increased decision-making authority C) Situational stress due to not knowing what is expected D) Situational stress due to a poor relationship with the boss


You think you would like to join the Peace Corps and see the world, live in another culture, and experience new situations. Which subscale from the Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale would indicate whether you would enjoy the Peace Corps experience? A) Insolubility B) Complexity C) Novelty (sự mới lạ ) D) None of the above


Your boss was arrested for embezzlement (tham ô) at the office. As he walks past you handcuffed, he states, "You know, you and I possess the same values, we just differ by degrees." Which is the boss an example of? A) Terminal values B) Poor ethical decision making C) Poor information gathering D) Conformity level of values maturity


Your co-worker Sandy plans her vacations 12 months in advance and is the first to volunteer to create agendas for team meetings. Which cognitive style does Sandy's behavior exhibit? A) Creating cognitive style B) Obsessive cognitive style C) Planning cognitive style D) None of the above


Your flight has just been canceled. Tom is arguing with airline officials, Mary is crying, and you have decided to grab a bite to eat. Which defense mechanism is each person using? A) Tomfixation; Marywithdrawal; yourepression B) Tomfixation; Maryrepression; youwithdrawal C) Tomaggression; Maryaggression; youfixation D) Tomaggression; Maryregression; youwithdrawal


Your personal cognitive style is based on which of the following two dimensions? A) The manner in which you gather information and whether you think it is true B) The manner in which you gather information and the way in which you act on that information C) Horizontal and vertical D) The manner in which others gather information about you and the way you react to their behaviors


Your project's due date is coming fast! However, you notice that you forgot to mow the lawn (you hate mowing) and yesterday you forgot to attend a staff meeting. Also, you find that you daydream often. Which defense mechanism are you most likely employing to resist stress? A) Aggression B) Regression C) Repression D) Withdrawal

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