SSUSH 17 Analyze the causes and consequences of the Great Depression.

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Climate was one of the factor of the Dust Bowl. The high temperature killed the crops.

Migration West

For many people that lived in Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas, their hope for survival was west, so they travel west to California. In California, the people dreamed of rain, harvests, and jobs for farmers. During the Dust Bowl, it was difficult to survive as there was only a few crops. Farmers could not afford rent and could not make their payments. So, the packed their belongings and moved West.


Hoovervilles was the shantytown, outskirts of major cities and was created by President Herbert Hoover. During the Great Depression, many people were unemployed and evicted from their homes. People blamed President Hoover for the intolerable economic and social conditions of the Hoovervilles. That is when President Hoover was defeated in the presidential election against Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since then, most Hoovervilles were torn down. Overall, Hooverville was made of cardboard, tar paper, glass, lumber, in, and other items people could salvage. It affected people social and political because high-class had mixed with low-class.

Stock Market Speculation

In the 1920s, many Americans invested in the stock market known as speculators. Many of them tried to make quick money on the stock market such as bought stock (meaning they will borrowed money to purchase goods). Speculators were unavailable to repay their loan and ended up broke.

Widespread Unemployment

Millions of people lost their jobs during the Great Depression. They were evicted from their homes and it affected social life because high-class workers were mixed with the low class.

Stock Market Crash of 1929

October 29, 1929, marked the date of the Stock Market Crash. It was known as the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn. Billions of money were lost as it wiped out thousands of companies. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 was known for destroung the confiedence in Wall Streets Markets and led to the Great Depression. which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors


Over-farming was one of the cause of the Dust Bowl. Farmers on the Great Plains plowed their fields, leaving the soil open for months until it is time to plant again. This created an economic issue in the 1920s were farmers increased the plow method. Farmers kept plowing the ground and planting, but the crops won't grow. Due to over-farming, the soil was gone which contribute to the creation of the Dust Bowl.


Overproduction was one of the cause of the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash of 1929 due to many goods being produced but people were unable to afford them. It started when farmers were overproducing goods during WWI and it continued in the 1920s. They were also trading their work for machinery which increased production. Additionally, the manufacturers were producing more goods than the demand, but the employees' wages remained the same. Overproduction led to major price reductions, unemployment, and loans. It was one of the factor that led to the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Great Depression

Thd Great Depression was one of the world's worst economic downfall. It began after the sotck market crash on October 29, 1929, stock prices throughout the 1930s.

Dust Bowl

The Dust Bowl was an economic issue for farmers and people in the Great Plains. It was cause due to overgrazing, over-plowing, severe drought, and high heat winds. Many farmers and their families had to migrate to the West to California in hope for a better work and living conditions due to farmers were unable to pay back their loans, many stopped planting crops.


Under-consumption is the purchase of a lower price than the demand and it was one of the factors that led to the Great Depression and the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Business reduced regulations and lower taxes to increase the profits of their stocks, but people still were unable to afford to purchase them. Due to the increased of unsold goods, companies/industries laid off their employees.

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