Stage 7 "post cenam"

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Caecilius is trickster!

Caecilius est mendax!

Caecilius, however, did not hear the noise, because he was sleeping in the bedroom.

Caecilius tamen clāmōrem nōn audīvit, quod in cubiculō dormiēbat.

the friends heard nothing, because the streets were deserted.

amīcī nihil audīvērunt, quod viae dēsertae erant

the friends continued to procede through the city quiety, because they were afraid of the ghost.

amīcī per urbem tacitē prōcēdēbant, quod umbram timēbant.

They were making a strange noise.

clāmōrem mīrābilem faciēbant.

soon the friends said "goodbye" and left from the house.

mox amīcī "valē" dīxērunt et ē vīllā discessērunt.

Many Pompeians were worried, because they heard the noise.

multī Pompēiānī erant sollicitī, quod clāmōrem audīvērunt

no stars were shining. there was no moon in the sky.

nūllae stēllae lūcēbant. nūlla lūna erat in caelō.

They all rushed through the street terrified, because they were despairing for their lives.

omnēs per urbem perterritī ruērunt, quod dē vītā dēspērābant.

they began to procede through the street timidly.

per viam timidē prōcēdēbant

After Caecilius explained the thing, all the friends were quiet.

postquam Caecilius rem explicāvit, omnēs amīcī tacēbant.

suddenly a cat howled. The friends were very afraid.

subitō fēlēs ululāvit. amīcī valdē timēbant.

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