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1.3 Select all scenarios which demonstrate the use of a cross-sectional study.

A budget-conscious person checks the local grocery store circular ads to find the best prices on the items on his shopping list., A principal wants to determine the number of current students in her high school who plan to attend college.

Stratified sampling (1.3)

A few members from each stratum (or group) are randomly chosen.

population (1.1)

A statistical study centers upon a particular group of interest

Census (1.1)

A study in which data are obtained from every member of the population.

1.1 Identify the population being studied. ​The number of hours a group of 6 children in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class sleep in a day.

All children in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class.

Cluster sampling (1.3)

All members from a few randomly chosen clusters (or groups) are selected.

1.3 Classify the following scenario as a meta-analysis or a case study. Tissue samples from ten bodies are analyzed for mercury levels

Case Study

1.3 Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. .Evaluate each member of the population


1.3 Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. For budget purposes, a financial advisor needs to know the average cost of health plans of employees at their school


1.3 Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. A random number generator is used to choose ten regions. Then a political strategist collects data from each person in these regions

Cluster Sampling

1.3 Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. A statistics student interviews each member from each of the ten randomly chosen neighborhoods throughout a city.

Cluster Sampling

1.2 Heights of sunflowers in a garden are an example of which type of data?


1.1 Determine whether the statements describes a descirptive or inferentia statistic. 53% of all freshmen at your school reside on campus.

Descriptive Statistic

1.2 The numbers of different colors various boxes of crayons have are an example of which type of data?


Random sampling (1.3)

Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected

Systematic sampling (1.3)

Every n^th member of the population is chosen.

Simple Random sampling (1.3)

Every sample of the population has an equal chance of being selected

1.1 Determine whether the statement describes a descriptive or inferential statistic. A survey of 829 people revealed that 55% have a college degree; therefore it can be assumed that 55% of the U.S. population has a college degree.

Inferential Statistic

1.3 To perform a research study, you need to obtain approval from an ____

Institutional Review Board

1.2 Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. High temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) across the country for one day in July


1.3 Classify the following scenario as a meta-analysis or a case study. A town council reviews five newspaper articles about crime prevention


1.2 Names of TV shows taped in Los Angeles are an example of which type of data?


1.3 Determine whether an observational or experimental study is appropriate to address the following statement. A general manager of a restaurant wants to study the average age of his clientele


1.1 Determine whether the statement describes a population or a sample. ​The annual salaries of all the employees at a software company.


1.1 Determine whether the statement describes a population or a sample. ​The types of cars of all the employees at a software company.


1.1 Identify the population being studied and the sample chosen. ​The overall exam scores of 4 out of the 23 students in your statistics class.

Population: All students in your statistics class. Sample: out of the students in your statistics class

1.2 Months of the year are an example of which type of data?


1.2 Pounds gained by persons in your class during the first month of the semester are an example of which type of data?


1.2 Indicate the level of measurement for the data set described. Heights of bean plants in a garden


1.1 Determine whether the statement describes a population or a sample. ​The types of cars of a sample of 23 professors at the local college.


1.1 Determine if the numerical value describes a parameter or a statistic. ​A survey of 3740 people in the U.S. revealed that 76% of those surveyed work a full-time job.

Sample Statistic

1.3 Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. A statistics student chooses twenty people at random from each math class.

Stratified Sampling

1.3 Identify the sampling technique used for the following study. First, the population is subdivided by district. Then a quality assurance analyst uses a random number generator to select ten members from each district to study

Stratified Sampling

1.1 Identify the sample chosen for the study. ​The number of hours a group of 12 children in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class read in a day.

The children selected in Mrs. Smith's kindergarten class.

Data (1.1)

The information gathered about a specific variable is collectively

Parameter (1.1)

The numerical description of a particular population characteristic

Convenience sampling (1.3)

The sample is chosen because it is convenient for the researcher.

Sample (1.1)

a subset of the population from which data are collected

Confounding variables (1.3)

are factors other than the treatment that cause an effect on the subjects of an experiment.

Participants (1.3)

are people being studied in an experiment

Subjects (1.3)

are people or things being studied in an experiment.

Continuous data (1.2)

are quantitative data that can take on any value in a given interval and are usually measurements.

Discrete data (1.2)

are quantitative data that can take on only particular values and are usually counts.

Statistics (1.1)

are the actual numerical descriptions of sample data.

Frequencies (f) (2.1)

are the numbers of data values in the categories of a frequency distribution

Descriptive statistics (1.1)

as a science, gathers, sorts, summarizes, and displays the data.

Inferential statistics (1.1)

as a science, involves using descriptive statistics to estimate population parameters.

Quantitative data (1.2)

consist of counts or measurements.

Qualitative data (1.2)

consist of labels or descriptions of traits.

1.3 Select the term which best describes the following scenario. A study is done an a new drug designed to lower blood pressure. There are individuals involved in the study who have high blood pressure but are not given the drug

control group

cross-sectional study (1.3)

data are collected at a single point in time.

longitudinal study (1.3)

data are gathered by following a particular group over a period of time.

1.3 In a ____ experiment, neither clinicians nor participants know whether the participant is in the control group or the treatment group.


double-blind (1.3)

experiment, neither the subjects nor the people interacting with the subjects know to which group each subject belongs.

single-blind (1.3)

experiment, subjects do not know if they are in the control group or the treatment group, but the people interacting with the subjects in the experiment know in which group each subject has been placed.

experiment (1.3)

generates data to help identify cause-and-effect relationships.

representative sample (1.3)

has the same relevant characteristics as the population and does not favor one group from the population over another.

Informed consent (1.3)

involves completely disclosing to participants the goals and procedures involved in a study and obtaining their agreement to participate.

histogram (2.2)

is a bar graph displaying a frequency distribution of quantitative data; the horizontal axis is a number line.

class (2.1)

is a category of data in a frequency distribution.

pie chart (2.2)

is a circular graph used for qualitative data that depicts parts of a whole and shows how large each category is in relation to the whole.

legend (2.2)

is a description of how each different data category is identified in the graph.

frequency distribution (2.1)

is a display of the values that occur in a data set and how often each value, or range of values, occurs. If each category represents a single value, then the distribution is referred to as an ungrouped frequency distribution. Otherwise, if each category represents a range of values, then it is a grouped frequency distribution.

stem-and-leaf plot (2.2)

is a graph of quantitative data in which each data value is split into 2 pieces: a leaf and a stem. Typically, the last significant digit in each data value is the "leaf" and the remaining digits are the "stem".

bar graph (2.2)

is a graph that uses bars to represent the amount of data in each category.

dot plot (2.2)

is a graphical depiction of a data set in which each data value is represented by a dot above the appropriate value on a number line.

Institutional Review Board ( IRB) (1.3)

is a group of people who review the design of a study to make sure that it is appropriate and that no unnecessary harm will come to the subjects involved.

control group (1.3)

is a group of subjects to which no treatment is applied in an experiment.

treatment group (1.3)

is a group of subjects to which researchers apply a treatment in an experiment.

frequency histogram (2.2)

is a histogram in which the heights of the bars represent the frequencies of each class.

relative frequency histogram (2.2)

is a histogram in which the heights of the bars represent the relative frequencies of each class.

time-series graph (2.3)

is a line graph that is used to display a variable whose values change over time

graph (2.2)

is a picture of the data that allows us to view patterns at a glance.

placebo effect I1.3)

is a response to the power of suggestion, rather than the treatment itself, by participants of an experiment.

ordered stem-and-leaf plot (2.2)

is a stem-and-leaf plot in which the leaves are arranged in numerical order.

meta-analysis (1.3)

is a study that compiles information from previous studies.

placebo (1.3)

is a substance that appears identical to the actual treatment but contains no intrinsic beneficial elements.

side-by-side bar graph (2.2)

is a type of bar graph in which multiple samples of data are displayed side-by-side for each category within the same graph.

stacked bar graph (2.2)

is a type of bar graph in which multiple samples of data are displayed stacked on top of each other for each category within the same graph.

Pareto chart (2.2)

is a type of bar graph with the bars in descending order. It should be used for nominal data only.

distribution (1.3)

is a way to describe the structure of a particular data set or population.

ordered array (1.3)

is an ordered list of data from largest to smallest or vice versa.

treatment (1.3)

is some condition that is applied to a group of subjects in an experiment

class width (2.1)

is the difference between the lower limits or upper limits of two consecutive classes of a frequency distribution.

relative frequency (2.1)

is the fraction or percentage of the data set that falls into a particular class, given by

upper class limit (2.1)

is the largest number that can belong to a particular class.

Statistics (1.1)

is the science of gathering, describing, and analyzing data

lower class limit (2.1)

is the smallest number that can belong to a particular class.

cumulative frequency (2.1)

is the sum of the frequencies of a given class and all previous classes. The cumulative frequency of the last class equals the sample size.

class midpoint (2.1)

is the value in the middle of the class, and is given

class boundary (2.1)

is the value that lies halfway between the upper limit of one class and the lower limit of the next class. After finding one class boundary, add (or subtract) the class width to find the next class boundary. The boundaries of a class are typically given in interval form as (lower boundary, upper boundary).

explanatory variable (1.3)

is the variable in an experiment that causes the change in the response variable.

response variable (1.3)

is the variable in an experiment that responds to the treatment.

case study (1.3)

looks at multiple variables that affect a single event.

observational study (1.3)

observes data that already exist.

Nominal level (1.2)

of measurement are qualitative data consisting of labels or names.

Ordinal level (1.2)

of measurement are qualitative data that can be arranged in a meaningful order, but calculations such as addition or division do not make sense.

interval level (1.2)

of measurement are quantitative data that can be arranged in a meaningful order, and differences between data entries are meaningful.(0 is a placeholder)

Ratio level (1.2)

of measurement are quantitative data that can be ordered, differences between data entries are meaningful, and the zero point indicates the absence of something.

Variables (1.1)

the values that change among members of the population

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