Steel Magnolias - Truvy

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Shelby - we talked and talked and talked.....

I love those kinds of the arms of the man you love.

Shelby - No. But the wedding is still on.

Thank goodness. Cause this is going down in the hairdo hall of fame

Shelby - Exactly

I hope that photographer brings a wide-angle lens.

Annelle - No.

Make some more, please.

Annelle - Oh!!

And not a moment too soon. This morning we're going to be as busy as a one-armed paper hanger.

Clairee - YUCK!!

Annelle! How did you make this coffee?

Shelby - Well, Annelle. You're working with the best. Anyone who's anybody gets their hair done at Truvy's.

Absolutely. Shelby....uh you know that I would walk in my lips to avoid criticizing anyone but your father is about to make us all pull our hair out. And that is bad for my business.

Shelby - Hi, Mama. Look at Miss Clairee's shoes.

Ah, ah, ah! They're mine!

Shelby - The groom's cake. It's awful! It's in the shape of a giant armadillo.

An armadillo?

Clairee - That's fine. I'll amuse myself. Shelby's the most important one today. That man! I'll swanee....I think the situation is worse than ever.

Annelle! We're going to need more towels. They're stacked up next to the washing machine.

Clairee - I was at the high schooll. I was out at the crack of dawn.

Annelle, I want you to meet the former first lady of Chinquapin, Mrs. Belcher. Clairee, this is Annelle. She's taking Judy's place.

Clairee - I'm a little embarrassed. If I had known that I was meeting new people, I would habe taken a little more pride in my appearance. I have been at the dedication of our new football field. I am not always this windblown.

Annelle. They named the stadium after her late husband.....Lloyd Belcher Memorial Coliseum. The team has voted her all sorts of special titles.

M'Lynn - Just put it over there, please

Annelle. Why don't you go on and shampoo Mrs. Eatenton? These girls have mountains to move today.

Clairee - It is. So I serve it over ice cream to cut the sweetness. Give me some paper, I'll copy them down for you.

Annelle? Get Miss Clairee some paper. I believe there's some stuck on the Fridgidaire under the crawfish. Oh......and here's that article on Princess Di. Sometimes I wonder if Drum Eatenton's brain gets enough oxygen That is so annoying.

Shelby - I don't really care............ My dream is to get old and sit on the back porch covered with grandchildern an say, "No!" and "Stop that!"

Are you going to quit nursing?

Annelle - Why?

Because I have a strict philosophy that I have stuck to for fifteen years...."There's no such thing as natural beauty." That's why I've never lost a client to the Kut and Kurl or the Beauty box. And remember! My ladies get only the best. Do not scrimp on anything. Feel free to use as much hair spray as you want. Just shove that stuff to one side, it goes right there. Manicure station here...

Clairee - That explains it. Truvy? I thought I brought you those recipes.

Clairee. The reason I called is, do you mind if I do Shelby first?

M'Lynn - Peach and cream.


Shelby - They are simply outdoorsy, that' all

Did you all do anything especially romantic?

Shelby - Naomi Sims....

Did you bring me the picture of that hairdo like I asked?

Annelle - It was boiling on the stove.

Did you notice the hot dogs in the bottom of the pot?

M'Lynn - Drink Honey. Drink some juice.

Drink the juice, honey.

Clairee - what makes you say that?

For starters. She's married.....but she lives at Ruth Robeline's. Alone.

Shelby - Nine

Good Lord

M'Lynn - She does sweat profusely. Shelby - Thank you Mama.

Heat never bothers me. I love it. But spicy foods make me sweat. Especially on the top of my head. My hair gets wet.

Shelby - I knew right then and there......... Oh gosh...I'm sorry Mama (phone rings)

Hello? Yeah, hon.......just a second. M'Lynn? It's Tommy...for Shelby

Shelby - This is dryng way too dark. "Practically Pink" my foot! Truvy? Do you have any of those nail polish remover things?

Here. Where's your mama?

M'Lynn - I'd love to see you try. Shelby....cooperate. Drink.

Honey, drink.....please.

Annelle - Here. Let me help you. You've got little tiny hairs and fuzzies all over you

Honey, there's so much static electricity in here, I pick up everything except boys and money. Be a treasure. Annelle? This is the most successful shop in town. Wanna know why?

Clairee - she can't be more than eighteen. She hasn't had time to have a past

Honey. It's the eighties. If you can achieve puberty, you can achieve a past.

M'Lynn - Fine. Ouiser Bouldreaux just this second dropped by to talk to your father. One or both of them is probaby lying in a pool of blood by now. Hello. Did you say Annelle? What a pretty name. Unusual. I'm M'Lynn.

How's the mother of the bride?

M'Lynn - I must have missed........ It doesn't matter what I look like anyway.

Hush girls. Shelby. Tell me things about the wedding. How many bridesmaids?

Clairee - Beige lace to the knee.

I am wearing a sexy blue chiffon, Shelby. Jackson's gonna take one look at me and leave you behind in the dust.

Annelle - It's a little scary.

I can imagine. Well....tell me things about yourself.

M'Lynn - Truvy. There's some candy in my purse.

I got a peppermint right here.

Shelby - Well,l he should be finished with his yard work soon.

I hope so.

Annelle - I can see that. How many ladies do we have this morning?

I restrict myself to the ladies of the neighborhood on Saturday mornings. Normally that would be just three, but today we've got Shelby Eatenton. She's not a regular, she's the daughter of a regular. I have to do something special with her hair. she's getting married this afternoon. Now. How long have you been here in town?

Clairee - Morning Truvy.

I tried to call you and tell you I was running late. No answer.

Annelle - Ooops! I see a hole

I was hoping you'd catch that.

Shelby - That's what she told Daddy. What she actually meant is that it was "for sale" not "on sale"...(phone rings)

I'll get it.......Hello...Hi Janice. Yes, I heard. I know it's an emergency.......but today I'm dealng with Shelby. But tomorrow's Sunday --- but......sure, fine........come by after church.

Annelle - It's a little poofier than I would normally do, but I'm nervous

I'm not real concerned about that. When I go to bed I wrap my entire head with toilet tissue so it usually gets a little smushed down anyway in that process.

M'Lynn - No. She'll be fine in just a minute. She probably won't remember anything. Don't fuss over her...Normality is very important to Shelby

I'm sorry to hear about the childern part, M'Lynn

M'Lynn - Shelby, really.

Oh boy. The romantic part. This is what really melts my butter.

Shelby - At a party at the Petroleum Club in Shreveport. ......... There was something so attractive about how stupid he looked.

Is he real romantic?

Clairee - Milk.

Is the karo syrup light or dark?

Annelle - but why is someone firing a gun in a nice neighborhood like this?

It's a long story. It has to do with Shelby's wedding and her father. You'll be happier if you just ignore it like the rest of the neighborhood.

Clairee - Well. I really do love football. But it's hard to parlay that into a reason to live.

Let's just face it, Clairee. You're a woman coming to terms with her grips. You and I are in the same boat. My kids are leaving town and I've got a husband that hasn't moved from in front of the TV set for fifteen years. It's up to us to figure out why we were put on this earth. That's today's sermon. So Shelby. Are you and Jackson going to live in West Monroe or Monroe proper?

Clairee - Knock, knock!

Morning, Clairee!

Annelle - Thank you. Mrs. Eatenton, you have great hair. And your scalp's clean as a whistle. M'Lynn - I try.

Must run in the family, Shelby. You have such pretty thick....Hold your head up, darling.

Annelle - A few weeks....

New in town! It must be exciting being in a new place. I wouldn't know. I've lived here all my life.

Annelle - Thank you, Miss Truby! Thank you....

No time. Now. You know where the coffee stuff is. Everything else is on a tray next to the stove.

Annelle - Excuse me. Should I call a doctor or something?

No, no.

M'Lynn - Finally. You're listening to reason.

Now Shelby. You're going to have to start untangling this baby's breath.

Clairee - Janice is the current mayor's wife. We hate her.

Now Shelby.....fill me in on the reception.

Shelby - I'm going to leave it up as long as possible.

Now. Let me guess where the honeymoon is. I picture tropical. Moonlight for days. Secluded. Somewhere that you can be inimate out of doors....

Clairee - I'd get to the bottom of this, if I were you. You have some nice silverware you'd like to keep.

Oh, I'm not worried about that. She's very nice. I just love the idea of hiring someone with a past.

Shelby - It's okay now. We worked it all out.

Oh. It was just one of those last minute jitter things.

Clairee - They're eight and a halfs


Annelle - In my class at the trade school, I was number one when it it came to frosting and streaking. I did my own.

Really? I wouldn't have known. And I can spot a bottle job at twenty paces. Well....your technique is good and your form and content will improve with experience. So, you're hired.

Clairee - I thought the twins were goiing to live there while they go to the college

Recent developments. Louie's going away to LSU now. And Poot has decided to work for my cousin in Baltimore. He doesn't want to be called Poot anymore. My babies are growing up.

Annelle - There's no such thing as natural beauty....

Remember that, or we're all out of a job. Just look at me Annelle. It takes some effort to look like this.

Clairee - Truvy? Could I copy your recipe for Strawberry Pie?

Sure. Your mother doesn't tell us much, Shelby. What's Jackson like?

Clairee - Sweet girl. Where'd you find her?

She heard I had a position open and she just walked in. I think there's a story here.

Shelby - Absolutely not. That's the honeymoon getaway war. He just wants to defile it. Jonathan said he's been buying rubbers by the case.

She'll have to call you back.

Shelby - It's my wedding. I'll stick baby's breath up my nose if I want to.

She's got enough.......

Clairee - Don't worry. I love a good hot dog. Just not with cream and sugar.

She's probably not an international spy. But! If she works out, I may let her rent the garage apartment.

M'Lynn - Shelby, honey? It's Tommy.

Shelby, it's Tommy. He wants to know where your car is.

Shelby - Stop it.

Shelby? Shelby!? M'Lynn!!

M'Lynn - Shelby? We're getting you some juice

Should I get her a cookie?

Shelby - thank you Mama

Sit up straight. I've got to gild the lily. Now. Are you going to take it down after the reception? I'll be glad to give you a touch-up before you leave on the honeymoon.

Shelby - what did Daddy want M'Lynn - Nothing

So....we want to sweep it up, but leave some softness around your ears.....

Clairee - That's so easy you don't have to write it down. Cup of flour, cup of sugar, cup of fruit cocktail with the juice. Mix it up and bake at 350 'til gold and bubbly.

Sounds awfully rich.

Annelle - My car's ...I don't have a car. I've been staying across the river at Robeline's Boarding House.

That's quite a walk. Ruth there's a story. She's a twisted, troubled soul. Her life has been an experiment in terror. Husband killed in World War II. Her son was killed in Vietnam. I have to tell you, when it comes to suffering, she's right up there with Elizabeth Taylor.

Shelby - Never!....... But I knew he wasn't going to make it.

That's so sad

Clairee - Truvy. It can't be that bad.

The last romantic thing my husband did was in 1972. He enclosed this carport so that I could support him! Very nice Annelle. I think you know what you're doing.

Clairee - Here they are! I'm so fat I couldn't feel them.

The recipes? Let me see.......Um....this sounds delicious.

Shelby - Las Vegas

The weather's supposed to be nice. I hear it's like living in a blow dryer.

Shelby - Hi, everybody!

There she is! There's my girl! Come break my neck.

Shelby - Here you go. Study it carefully. Here's the baby's breath.

This is so exciting. I feel like I am present at the creation. There is something so wondrous about the way a bride looks. I feel it is beauty in its purest form. Where are you going to put this stuff? There's no baby's breath in this picture.

Annelle - Hi. I'm Annelle. I'm new.

Today's Annelle's first day.

Annelle - There's nothing to tell. I live here. I've got a job now. That's it. Could I borrow a few of these back issues of Black Hair?

Uh...sure. It's essential to keep abreast of the latest styles. I'm glad to see your interest. I get Ebony, Family Circle, Glamour, Essense, Jet, every magazine known to man. You must live close by. Within walking distance I mean. I didn't see a car.

Annelle - I don't have anything to say

Well, M'Lynn. It looks like you're ready to roll. I think we can trust Annelle to roll you up, don't you? Do you think you can roll up Mrs. Eatenton, Annelle?

Shelby - No........ He has promised to give me a red rose on every anniversary corresponding to the number of that anniversary. I think that's so sweet.

Well, now. That's a pretty romantic idea, isn't it?

Clairee - Truvy, you shouldn't give up your Sundays

Well, you know how neurotic Janice Van Meter is about her appearance.

Clairee - what size do you wear?

Well. In a good shoe, I wear a size six but sevens feel so good, I buy a size eight.

Shelby - Truvy. It's so good to see you! Morning, Miss Clairee! It's not that I'm unfriendly, I'm just worried about my nails.

What a pretty color.

Shelby - Mama. I wish you would get off Daddy's back. He has enough hassle from Miss Ouiser.

What are your colors, Shelby?

Shelby - No way. Pink is my signature color.

What color is your dress, M'Lynn?

M'Lynn - Don't ask.

What's the matter?

Shelby - Actually we fought most of the time


Annelle - Like you said. I poured the hot water through the thing.

Where'd you get the water?

Shelby - He's pretty swell. I thought he was a pest at first, but then he kind of grew on my. And now I love him.

Where'd you meet him?

Clairee - Matter of taste.

Where's that other one you were telling me about.....Cuppa, cuppa, cuppa?

Clairee - It is. And the Bisquick makes it so simple. And this is from my daughter-in-law. She says you can't attend a function in Tickfaw where this is not served.

YUM. Now are these chocolate chips semi-sweet or milk?

Annelle - I had no idea. Is that a gunshot?

Yes, dear. I believe it is. Plug in the hotplate, please.

Clairee - I can't believe your kids are old enough to leave the nest

You know I was a child bride. Well, I look at the bright side. I have some places to visit now. I've always wanted to got to Baltimore. I'm told it's the hairdo capital of the world.

Shelby - No they're not. They just try to create as much tension as possible in any given situation. It's a creed they live by.

You know. I was just reading an article in Essense about tension during family occasions. It seems there can be a lot of stress and trauma. The thing I found most interesting is that stressful times can unleash deep dark hostilities that make your hair fall out.

Shelby - I hope it doesn't dry too dark. If it's too dark, it will never do. You know the colors are never the same on the bottle.

You will always find that to be true.

Clairee - You think so? I'm not so sure. I think they're a little too racy for me. I'll probably give them away.

ooooo. Those are too cha-cha for words. If you decide to get rid of them, I'll buy 'em from you.

Clairee - You scared us, Shelby. That wasn't a nice thing to do to your mama. You should never say something like that to a woman who's marinating fifty pounds of crab claws.

ooooooooo..Making up can be extremely romantic. I'm jealous. I miss romance so much.

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