Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination: Social Psychology

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> an undeserved, usually (-), attitude towards a group of people > when negative stereotypes are applied uncritically to all members of a group, it can lead to prejudice

While prejudice is a(n) ____, discrimination is a ______ and involves a(n) _____.

attitude; behavior; action

List 2 Origins of Stereotypes and Prejudice

1) categorization: people naturally magnify differences b/t own group and others... people can't avoid forming stereotypes 2) modeling: parents who express prejudices cause their children to embrace it too... people can unlearn prejudice by exposure to different models


> belief that one's culture is superior to others > type of prejudice > it's b/c we become accustomed to our own culture that it becomes the norm and we use them as standards when judging other cultures

1 Way to Combat Prejudice

> contact theory: contact b/t 2 opposing groups and make them work toward a commonly beneficial goal that requires participation of all members of both groups... this lessens animosity. > the commonly beneficial goal is called a 'superordinate goal' (goal that benefits both groups)


> expectations that influence the way we interact w/ members of other groups > can be (+) or (-) and can be applied to any group > basically 'schemata' about a group

In-Group Bias

> preference for members of one's own group > may stem from people's belief that they are good, therefore the people they share a group with are good too.

Out-Group Homogenity

> tendency to see members of own group, in-group, as more diverse than members of other groups, out-groups (e.g. when black people say that white people all look or act the same... when white people say Asians all look or act the same...)

When people act in discriminatory ways, they are _____ to _____ their prejudices and stereotypes to _____ their behavior.

motivated; strengthen; justify

When one discriminates, one acts on one's ____.


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