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What are the disadvantages of using stereotypes in media?

- Its portrayals of groups reflect the values of mainstream society and at the same time, feed society's views about its members. - Misrepresentation: occurs when the media perpetuates images and stereotypes that are not based on fact.

What are the advantages of using stereotypes in media?

- Media can convey ideas and actions to a broad audience without having to use more complex representations - We use stereotyping as an 'energy saving' device. - stereotypes should not always be seen as negative and not associated with prejudice .

Problems with Stereotyping

1.) Over-Generalization - This is a problem because few group members may actually posses the set of traits generally attributed used to the group. 2.) Representation - Stereotypical images that are used to represent various groups can affect our attitudes towards them in real life. 3.) The " Dumb Dad" - Televisions creation of a seemingly dumb father figure for comedic relief. 4.) The Retro Male - highlights images of males driving trucks, drinking beer and watching football 5.) Female Stereotypes - category that types women as brainless sex objects. 6.) Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes

What is stereotyping?

An instant or fixed picture of a group of people. May be based on gender, race, class, age, disability and occupation.

What did Walter Lippmann think about stereotyping?

Believed that we have no choice but to create "pictures in our heads" or stereotypes.

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