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__________ are the legal agreements between shareholders and management that spell out the fiduciary duties owed by the managers to the organization.

Articles of Incorporation

Risk ______ is the determination of a potential adverse event's magnitude and likelihood.


The Environmental Kuznets Curve suggests that economic growth _____ promotes environmental quality.


Sustainability can stimulate progress along all four dimensions of innovation: marketing, organizational, ______ and ______.

Product, process

International law is a form of ______.

Soft law

Water resources are _______ because of pressure from ______ and ______.

Threatened, environmental activists, regulators Growing, competition, emerging markets Threatened, overconsumption, pollution Growing, shareholders, regulators Answer: Threatened, overconsumption, pollution

A breach of ______ means a company fails to fulfill the terms of the representations made about a product, specifically that the product is fit for its intended use.


A ________ _____ ________ for receiving wholesale shipments from manufacturers and sending out batches of inventory to retailers.

centralized storage facility

In a collective action problem, a ________ benefits from the cooperation of others, but does not reciprocate cooperation.


Kurt Lewin's classic change management framework involves these three processes: _____, _______, and _____.

unfreezing, changing, and refreezing

______ ______ ______ measure water usage, polluted water discharge, and water-related business risks across a variety of geographic contexts and industry sectors.

water footprint tools

In the enterprise risk management continuum, ______ means tracking risk performance via information technology and risk-related metrics.


In land use terms, an _____ is a means of compensating for environmental harms by setting aside a parcel in a sensitive ecosystem for _______ purposes.

Offset, preservation

Internal reporting on sustainability ______ reach the CEO or Board-level committees.

Usually does

Conservation _____ the exploitation of natural resources.


______ risk means reducing risk likelihood through behavior change.


Fair Trade is a product ______ that verifies agricultural ingredients come from suppliers that pay fair prices to farm laborers.


This metric, ______ from sustainable products, allows companies to get a clear picture of the return on investment into sustainable innovation.

Revenue share

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment found that ecosystem services are ______.


In order to promote transparency throughout a supply chain, managers can employ _______ measures, defined in the ISO 9000 series standard for quality management as "the ability to retrace the history, use or location of an entity by means of recorded identification."


______ is defined in the ISO 9000 series standard for quality management as "the ability to retrace the history, use or location of an entity by means of recorded identification."


Process ______ measures wasted time. It uses a ratio that divides throughput time by value-added time.


Thanks to online advertising, an ad can go ______, proliferating through social media networks in a short period.


A ______ defect occurs when a product is accompanied by inadequate user instructions that render the product unreasonably risky.


Cradle-to- _________ differs from the cradle-to-grave metaphor by incorporating materials from the waste stream back as inputs into the production process.


Under the FTC's ______ _______ _____ , an ad is deceptive if it contains (or omits) information that is likely to mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances, and it is material in the sense that the deceptive information is important to a consumer's decision to buy or use the product.

deception policy statement

________ means introducing a product or service to the market to inform prospective customers of attributes and to persuade them to make a purchase.


Information is ________ if there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable investor would consider it important to an investment decision.


The Greenhouse Gas _______ , a partnership between the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, is an accounting tool used to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions.


The purpose of environmental law is to protect environmental integrity and _________ _________

public health

Climate change is not just an environmental issue, because it may bring about operational, marketing, financial, supply chain, and _______ risks.


Marketing sustainability proceeds in three stages of separation from traditional marketing. Stage I is defined by improving standards of social and environmental performance relative to ______.


Steps to Responsible Growth is the home-improvement retailer Kingfisher's process design improvement program that consists of ______ across all divisions of the company and action items to undertake in order to meet corporate sustainability policy.

Formal evaluations

The Environmental Kuznets Curve is the _____ that environmental degradation increases then diminishes in a(n) _____ function of income per capita.

Hypothesis, inverted U-shaped

Over the last five decades, the economic toll of extreme weather events has ______.


The Clean Water Act requires point source polluters to obtain a(n) ______.


A conservation easement is a form of _______ that ______ the kind of activities allowed on a certain parcel of land.

Property right, limits

The ______ was a successful international agreement that protected the Earth's ozone layer from ozone-depleting substances by phasing them out of production and use.

Montreal Protocol

______ means that certification design should be based on facts of actual performance, not simply changes to industry process inputs or good intentions.


Water-related business risks can impair supply chains, product use, and ______.


The most common reason companies disclose environmental, health, and safety information is ______.

Response to customer inquiry

______ ________ syndrome is when a structure has systemic air quality problems from mold, toxins, poor circulation, and the like, causing occupants to suffer headaches, congestion, fatigue, and rashes.

Sick building

The "gearing up" metaphor describes organizational _______.

Stasis Acceleration Culture Transformation Answer: Transformation

The Clean Air Act regulates air pollution emissions from ______ and ______ sources.

Stationary, mobile

The field of ________ finds practical commercial and industrial applications of biological features of plants and animals that have stood the test of natural selection.


The 1997 Kyoto Protocol was an unenforceable commitment ratified by almost 200 nations intended to address ________ ______

Climate change

A successful Chief Sustainability Officer cultivates relationships with external stakeholders but ________ a background in environmental policy.

Does not require

When a wetland acts as a protective buffer against an incoming storm surge, it provides a(n) ______ to the nearby community.

Ecosystem service

Using marketing to promote the idea that a company is more socially responsible than it actually is can be described as ______.


______ assessment discloses the full gambit of adverse social and environmental impacts associated with a product, from raw material sourcing, to processing, manufacture, distribution, sale, consumption, and disposal.

Life cycle

______ costs measure the social, economic, and environmental impacts of a product throughout its entire supply chain.

Life cycle

______ risks are associated with management failure, employee error, equipment malfunction, or some internal tactical mistake.


Under the National Environmental Policy Act, when any United States government agency takes an action (such as by issuing a permit) that would significantly affect the quality of ______, it must first prepare an environmental impact statement.

The human environment

Eco-entrepreneurialism pursues enhancements in resource efficiency, satisfying society's unmet needs, and _______.

Transforming waste into an asset

Sustainable business leadership avoids the _______ of the four traditional types of organizational leadership.


______ risk is the potential for random disruptions from wild card events.


Facility layout is the ______ of all resources within a facility.

Physical arrangement

______ is the ability of a system to adapt, survive, and even improve in the event of a disaster.


According to the FTC's Endorsement Guides, third-party seals of approval should be ______, specific about the basis for the approval, and substantiated with evidence.


Only one consumer segment does not care about sustainable products: the ______, which is predominately young males with low income and little education.


In order to manage water-related risks to operations, manufacturers should monitor three key performance indicators: total facility water consumption, water use per unit of production, and the quality and quantity of ______ generated.


Sustainable ______ design means designing jobs to protect employees from work hazards and to encourage healthy routines throughout the work-day.

Work system

The Information-Driven Sustainable Business Model uses a continual process of information gathering and _______ that enables a company to be responsive to stakeholder concerns and environmental considerations while meeting its own performance goals.


The ______ ________ ______ view of corporate responsibility reconciles the dilemma between shareholder and stakeholder perspectives.

enlightened value maximization

Small and Mid-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are responsible for ______ of global industrial pollution.

60-70% Very little Disposal Outsourcing Answer: 60-70%

______ verification provides objective assessment and validation of the accuracy of sustainability reporting.

Independent, third-party

Organizational development is a planned change management process that systematically improves _______, _______, and ______ aspects of an organization.

Individual, interpersonal, structural

A(n) ______ defect occurs when a product departs from its intended design, like an exploding glass soda bottle.


Eco-innovation changes a firm's processes and responsibilities to reduce environmental impacts and support ______.

Organizational learning

Supply chain masters such as Unilever rely on audits and third-party certifications to ensure ______ meet certain standards of social and environmental performance.

Overseas suppliers

The challenge of target audience means sustainable products offering indirect benefits must be marketed to specific subgroups based on the ______ and lifestyle of the customer, not just demographic information.

Personal values

______ risk analysis is a formulaic approach to determining the risk level of a given event.


The Global ______ provides comprehensive sustainability reporting metrics for organizations to promote economic, environmental, and social sustainability.

Reporting Initiative

______ risk impacts customer purchasing decisions by impairing the company's brand through negative association.


_______ risk impacts customer purchasing decisions by impairing the company's brand through negative association.


A company can amend their Articles of Incorporation to become a B-Corporation, which will ______ management to consider the interests of stakeholders.


On the enterprise risk management continuum, the ______ is an organization's culture, the ethical principles and values that define the character of an organization, how the core team of leaders responsible for critical functions view risk, and the extent to which leaders of a company desire risk.

Internal environment

Risk ______ describes preference for risk, ranging from risk aversion to willingness to accept risk.


The World Resources Institute developed ______, an online global database of local and global water risk indicator metrics and reporting standards.


The attitude of ______ sees law as a barrier to economic growth.


Change management means altering corporate _____ in response to environmental influences in order to achieve a goal.


The two main areas of disagreement in the corporate responsibility debate center around who is the proper ______ of corporate leadership and what time-horizons are relevant for assessing ______.

Beneficiary, corporate performance

Supply chain activities are relevant to climate change because over 80% of a company's ______ flows from its supply chains rather than internal operations.

Carbon footprint

There are opportunities for sustainable business leadership in most sectors of the economy, except for the ______ sector.

Chemicals Finance Tourism None of the above Answer: None of the above

Supply chain trends show a move away from agnostic outsourcing towards long-term partnerships involving ______ between supply chain masters and suppliers.


______, such as blood diamonds, are resources looted from a country under siege with armed warfare involving human rights violations.

Conflict minerals

______ means that certification criteria are uniform from year to year, to prevent the significance of certification from becoming outdated and less meaningful over time.


The consumer segment of ______ can be characterized as those who seek safer product alternatives because they want to prevent children from exposure to chemicals in the household.


One of the design principles drawn from biomimicry states that "nature uses only the energy it _____."


When a company's actions, such as polluting a river, shift costs onto local communities without consent or compensation, this is called a(n)

Negative Externality

______ describes the situation where the line between supplier and buyer is blurred by treating the supply arrangement as if both parties were part of the same operation, or as if they were co-owned.

Shared value creation

Over the last century, the life-expectancy of the average Fortune 500 company has substantially decreased in part because managers are pressured to increase share price even if it means taking on unreasonable ________.


The Natural Marketing Institute found that adult consumers in developed countries can be ________ according to attitudes toward sustainability.


Corporate social responsibility is a form of industry ________ - ________ that monitors and manages the impact of business activities on external stakeholders.

self regulation

The United Nations Global Compact is an influential, but non-binding, example of international ________ law.


_________ _______ __________ guides the transformational process to reduce resource consumption, pollution, and waste while benefiting employees, customers, and communities in order to reduce short-term risks and shore-up long-term cash flows.

sustainable operations management

Unilever's ______ ________ approach involves providing consumer products that help solve real life problems, especially in low-income emerging markets.

sustainable solutions

According to the Global Living Planet Index, the available biocapacity of Earth is ______ , and at the same time, humanity's ecological footprint is ______.

decreasing; increasing

Of the approximate 1.5 billion children in the world, about a total of ______ % were involved in age-inappropriate child labor. (This answer is in numeral form not word form)


As organizational commitment to sustainability matures, old priorities such as legal compliance are ______ while new priorities are added.

Abandoned Included Ignored Controlling Answer: Included

Companies monitor sustainability performance for several purposes, including organizational learning, improved decision-making, regulatory compliance, ______, and demonstration.


The attitude of ______ sees law as a source of enforceable rights that can be leveraged to create value.


According to a study of cellular phone manufacturers by The Ecology Center, ______ of the cell phones tested contained toxic chemicals.


Companies that participate in the United Nations Global Compact should demonstrate respect for ______ by providing adequate accountability and effective redress when people are injured by business activities.

All of the above

Canada's Hazardous Products Act sorts all consumer products into four categories: those that are ______, those that are subject to mandatory regulation, those that are subject to voluntary standards, and those that are unregulated.


The _____ is an architectural design feature that creates passive cooling through stepwell construction.


______ _______ means that the carbon emissions from the production, packaging, and shipment of a product are more than offset by other carbon mitigation projects of the producer of the product.

Carbon Negative

Over-consumption of natural resources occurs when ______ exceeds ______.

Carbon emissions, regulatory limits Ecological footprint, biocapacity supply, demand Yield, harvest Answer: Ecological footprints, bio capacity

Preventable risks are those that can be avoided through ______.

Careful planning

In the coming decade, global average surface temperatures, flooding, water consumption, habitat loss, chemical exposure, and electronic waste are expected to ______.

Decline Increase Stabilize Improve Answer: Increase

"Total water use at all facilities" represents a manufacturing company's impact on local water availability, as well as the extent of that company's ______ on those supplies.


Contrary to Environmental Kuznets Curve prediction, the most economically _______ nations in the world are responsible for the largest environmental impacts.


The Carbon ______ is a non-profit that collects climate change information from voluntary business disclosures, including emissions amounts and associated risks, on behalf of institutional investors.

Disclosure Project

According to anthropocentrism, protecting the environment is morally necessary only if _________.

Doing so benefits humans

When compared to traditional product market share, sustainable product market share growth is ______ in food production and construction market sectors.

Dominating You Answered Diminishing Losing Slowly Growing Answer: Domination

Disclosure of environmental and social impacts may be necessary to satisfy investors; to become eligible for sustainability certifications from third-party providers; and to attain listing on the ______ Sustainability Indices.

Dow Jones

The consumer segment ______ tends to be driven by trends with no integration of values into lifestyle or purchases. They might buy a sustainable product simply because doing so is popular at the time.


According to the International Federation of Accountants' Sustainability Framework 2.0, sustainable performance can be promoted through accountancy by integrating environmental and social values into the ______ of a firm.

Economic structure

Conventional marketing carries a few misconceptions about the quality of "environmentally friendly" products, namely that they are less ______ than traditional products.


Fragmentation along the value chain, extensive subcontracting, and lack of information-sharing are some of the least ______ supply chain risks.

Effectively managed

Environmental, social, and governance issues have become ______ to investors.

Enablers Irrelevant Material Opaque Answer: Material

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission may consider third-party certifications to be a commercial ______, subjecting these arrangements to truth-in-advertising rules.


The main difference between "hard law" and "soft law" is ______.


According to the ______ view of corporate responsibility, business leaders should use resources efficiently and maximize total value creation for all stakeholders.

Enlightened value maximization

______ is a process that enables an organization to properly evaluate risks, prepare a response plan that is aligned with the company's objectives, and have a system in place to respond when needed.

Enterprise risk management

The extent to which a business can mitigate risk depends upon situational factors that provide challenges and opportunities. These include inventory, transportation, outsourcing, social conditions, ______ conditions, and economic conditions.


______ analysis is used to quantify impacts on climate change, air quality, water resources, forests, fisheries, and soil quality, among other environmental mediums.

Environmental footprint

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is part of the _____ branch of government responsible for enforcing environmental law.


______ is the extent of a system to be impacted if an adverse event were to occur.


A(n) ______ is when one party's activity generates a risk that another party bears without consent or compensation.


Factor rating is a ______ optimization tool that involves evaluating multiple alternative locations based on a number of relevant factors.

Facility location

One ____ of the Environmental Kuznets Curve is that increases in environmental degradation often ______ economic production.

Flaw, impede

The strategy that combines cost leadership with differentiation offers a ______ that is lower in average cost than competitors, and a _____ that commands a price premium.

General product portfolio, distinct product line

Internalizing a risk means that the party who creates a risk ultimately _____ for it.

Gets compensated Gets insurance benefits Takes responsibility Gets sued Answer: Takes responsibility

______ emissions, especially carbon dioxide, represent a company's contribution to atmospheric pollution.

Greenhouse gas

This environmental issue has substantial implications for the private sector in the coming years.

Greenhouse gas emissions Water shortage Habitat loss All of the above Answer: All of the above

The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act requires the owner or operator of any facility to notify local authorities of the presence of ______.

Hazardous substances

In the context of international trade, ethical conflicts may arise because of differences in relative economic development between the _____ and the foreign corporation.

Host nation

Companies that participate in the United Nations Global Compact are expected to provide adequate accountability and redress in the event that business activities cause ______ ______ violations.

Human Rights

Between 2002 and 2011, sales of ______ vehicles grew by 646%, while the overall vehicle market ______ by 15%.

Hybrid, decreased Imported, decreased Luxury, decreased Hybrid, increased Answer: Hybrid, decreased

______ means reducing the severity of damage that exposure to uncontrollable external risk might cause.

Impact mitigation

Non-profit organizations can offer credibility to business through collaboration, such as ______ expert analysis of sustainability initiatives.


In coordinated markets such as the European Union, because sustainable policies tend to be built-in requirements of applicable laws and social license, sustainability tends to be a(n) ______ element of institutional frameworks.


Consumer-facing retailers are ______ dictating to suppliers their own environmental performance requirements for content and packaging.


Relevancy and sufficiency in certification design means product labels balance the costs and benefits of additional ______ and provide only what is relevant to customers.


Addressing the business implications of environmental limits will require private sector commitment to _______, _______, and _______.

Innovation, transparency, stewardship Conservative values, foreign-investment, cost Liberal values, employee retention, philanthropy Growth, decision-making, quarterly earnings Answer: Innovation, transparency, stewardship

Biocentrism holds that every living creature on Earth exists in a(n) _______ system.


The Information-Driven Sustainable Business Model has four elements: external data, ______, public disclosures, and stakeholder feedback.

Internal analysis

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was designed to protect ______ by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures, requiring senior managers to certify the accuracy of financial reports, and empowering the Securities and Exchange Commission to develop and enforce rules.


The Environmental ________ ________ is an economic theory predicting that environmental degradation rises then falls in an inverted U-shaped function of income per capita.

Kuznets curve

Environmental externalities related to biodiversity impacts and reliance on ecosystem services are ______ issues and should be included in risk assessments, financial accounts, and reporting cycles.


Certification by the Living Building Challenge demonstrates that the built environment can actually improve the ______.

Natural environment

An Independent Director must have ___________ with the company prior to being appointed.

No material relationship

______ decisions, including planning and control activities, are short term and determine the day-to-day management of the production process.


Shareholder resolutions concerning environmental, social, and governance issues ______ from 1999 to 2009.

Plateaued Increased Decreased Ceased Answer: Increased

The stakeholder view of corporate responsibility states that business leaders should create as much value for external stakeholders as possible, without negatively impacting ______.

Profitability to shareholders

The Information-Driven Sustainable Business Model is a continual process of information gathering, internal analysis, ______ and stakeholder feedback that enables a company to be responsive to stakeholder concerns while meeting its own performance goals.

Public disclosure

Natural capital accounting _______ of ecosystem services in order to evaluate the social return on environmental investment.

Quantifies the value

The _____ _____ disaster was a building collapse in Bangladesh that constituted the largest disaster in the history of the garment industry.

Rana Plaza

The four stages of business continuity planning are: conduct a business impact analysis; implement a process to ______ critical business functions; prepare a core team; and conduct employee drills and training.


A(n) ______ program is when the consumer finances the take-back and disposal of electronic waste.

Recovery fee

The Lean and Green Supply Chain is a decision framework developed by the EPA to help companies implement sustainable innovation. The framework includes identifying environmental impacts, opportunities to ______ those impacts, and the benefits of doing so.


The four types of ecosystem services can be characterized as provisioning, ______, ______, and ______.

Regulating, supporting, cultural

Risk ______ decides which risks are worth addressing and the means by which they should be addressed.


In the "Four Rs" of sustainable product design, ______ can be 'conventional' where the product fulfills its original purpose after minor refurbishing, or 'new-life' where the product is used for a different function entirely.


When an industry leader is appointed the chief regulator of her prior industry, and proceeds to reduce the protective force of applicable regulations in a conflict of interest, this is said to be a(n) ______ appointment.

Revolving door

Sustainable business is characterized by the trend of measuring and managing success in terms of ______, ______, and ______ performance.

Risk, marketing, financial Social, economic, environmental Operations, supply chain, leadership Employee, supplier, managerial Answer: Social, economic, environmental

Decentralized inventory allows retailers to maintain lower amounts of ______.

Safety stock

A manufacturing company decides to report its greenhouse gas footprint. The indirect emissions resulting from electricity consumption, generated by the electricity provider to fulfill the manufacturer's demand forecasts, are an example of ______ Emissions.

Scope 2

A retail company decides to report its greenhouse has footprint. The emissions caused by suppliers of the manufacturing company that fabricates the products the retailer sells, are an example of ______ Emissions.

Scope 3

Nestlé's Creating ______ is a supply chain program intended to promote rural development to benefit cocoa suppliers and local communities.

Shared Value

Under ______, such as quarterly reporting periods, there may appear to be conflict between shareholder and stakeholder interests.

Short time-horizons

______ syndrome is when a structure has systemic air quality problems from mold, toxins, poor circulation, and the like, causing occupants to suffer headaches, congestion, fatigue, and rashes.

Sick building

____ ______holds that a business can be successful only if it creates value for customers, suppliers, employees, communities, and financiers.

Stakeholder Theory

The International Organization for ______ has developed standards for organizational guidance in the area of environmental management.


______ operations management decisions are long term, broad in scope, serve to set the direction for the entire organization, and determine the value proposition of the company.


______ ______ is what happens when a company has attained a fit between its core strategy, its organizational structure, and its competitive landscape through the performance of its employees and the consequences of its activities.

Strategic alignment

The consumer segment of Lifestyle of Health and ______ can be characterized as early adopters of sustainable products who are loyal to brand, influential in their community, and choose sustainable products out of ethical commitment.


Executive committees are _____________ subgroups made up of Executives and Directors appointed to _____ within the company.

Task-oriented, address issues

Sustainability is a global mega-trend, driven by ______ forces

Technological Social and political Economic and Environmental All of the above. Answer: All of the above

Between 2005 and 2011, ______ building construction grew by 1700% despite a 17% contraction in the overall construction market.

Traditional International Domestic Sustainable Answer: Sustainable

______ is the function of logistics responsible for providing the physical means by which products and materials are moved through a supply chain.


In Lewin's terms, the ______ process takes place when managers inform employees that the status quo is no longer sustainable, and that change is needed.


Kurt Lewin's classic three-step change management process involves ______, ______, and ______, in that order.

Unfreezing, changing, refreezing

A consumer product manufacturer may be faced with strict liability if they sell a defective product that injures a consumer and which defect rendered the product ______ according to reasonable consumer expectations.

Unreasonably dangerous

Sustainable OM strategy differs from traditional operations management by including ______ for external stakeholders as a competitive priority.

Value creation

Increased water-related costs will directly impact material processing companies, but these costs ______ impact upstream businesses and consumers.


The _____ ______ for sustainability applies to small and mid-sized enterprises as well as larger companies.

business case

A former US Treasury Secretary and a former President of the World Bank both agree that _____ _____ has significant economic consequences.

climate change

Sustainable development is economic activity that meets the needs of _______ _______ without compromising the ability of _____ ______ to meet their own needs.

current generations; future generations

_______ in ______ _______ for sustainable products and services creates a variety of ______ for small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs).

growth; market share; opportunities

Globally, human population levels and aggregate consumption levels are_____.


_____ _______ deals with stocking levels, order policies, storage, and movement of goods.

inventory management

The Global ______ Initiative (GRI) provides comprehensive sustainability disclosure frameworks for organizations to promote economic, environmental, and social sustainability.


______ ______ is the process of moving products upstream from the customer back toward manufacturers and suppliers. This is the opposite direction from how materials typically flow through a supply chain.

reverse logistics

The concept of _____ ______ _______ means manufacturers take responsibility for the take-back and disposal of obsolete electronic products

extended producer responsibility

According to stakeholder theory, stakeholders for a business include these five groups:

Answer: Customers, suppliers, employees, communities, financiers

The ______ to operate describes the unwritten expectations of fairness held by the community affected by a company's activities.

Answer: Social license

Business continuity planning is the ______ of business interruptions with emergency response plans.


In Lewin's terms, the _______ process consists of the company's people adopting new behaviors and attitudes in pursuit of the organization's new sustainability strategy.


Corporate social responsibility is a form of industry _______ that integrates into business strategy a process for monitoring and managing corporate conduct relative to external stakeholders.

Regulatory compliance Lobbying Product innovation Self-regulation Answer: Self-regulation

Under-enforcement is when a government agency fails to take adequate legal actions to ______ compliance.


______ supply chains can absorb system shocks from environmental disasters in order to avoid supply chain disruptions and resume normal operations.


Sustainable ______ goes beyond managing retrieval of defective or returned products by "closing the loop" through reuse and recycling of returned product materials.

Reverse logistics

The Sustainability Consortium developed a standardized framework for ______ throughout product supply chains, called the Sustainability Measurement and Reporting System.

All of the above

______ analytics is the process of gathering and analyzing enormous amounts of data to determine empirical trends and correlations, which can inform operational strategy.

Big data

Regenerative capacity refers to the amount of useful _____ an ecosystem can produce, and the amount of ______ it can absorb, given prevailing consumption and management practices.

Biological material, waste

In the context of brand development, ______ extension is when marketers use a successful brand to launch new or modified products in a different category.


In construction, resource extraction, health care, IT, and tourism sectors, environmental changes and limitations will create risks as well as ______ of economic growth.

Contraction Green shoots Stagnation Discounts Answer: Green shoots

Blue ocean strategy is the simultaneous pursuit of both ______ and ______.

Control, profit Growth, direct competition Water conservation, profit Differentiation, low cost Answer: Differentiation, low cost

The challenge of ______ is to align marketing claims with actual corporate conduct so that these claims are both significant and sincere.


The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was formed to promote the growth and use of sustainable oil palm products through ______ and engagement of stakeholders.

Credible standards

The challenge of indirect benefits occurs when the social, economic, or environmental benefits of a company's sustainability commitments do not directly benefit primary ______.

Customers or clients

According to the Rio+20 Summit on Sustainability, businesses should focus less on ______ and more on ______.

Philanthropy, Profit Short-term competitiveness, long-term performance Water issues, climate change Fisheries, Rainforest conservation Answer: Short-term competitiveness, long-term performance

Timberland, LLC uses ______ to engage employees in CSR.

Prizes Merit system Community service Rigid hierarchies Answer: Community service

Entrepreneurs find innovative ways to create value through ________ when resources are constrained.

Problem-solving flexibility

Sustainable ______ design is the creation of goods and services using systems that are non-polluting, ergonomically appropriate, safe from worker hazards, minimally consumptive of resources, and economically viable.

Process design

Transparency laws, such as SB 657, are different than command-and-control laws because the former require ______ whereas the latter require ______.

Producing information, changing behavior

According to California State Law SB 657: California Transparency in Supply Chains Act, retailers and manufacturers with $100 million in gross worldwide receipts ______ ______ in California are required to publicly disclose their efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains.

doing business

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