STH 200

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1 in _________ North Carolinians are food insecure.


1 in _________ Americans are food insecure.


According to the Encyclopedia of Sustainability, "The U.S. government estimates that ______ percent of its economy is composed of small businesses."


Globalization is a complex idea that encompasses the integration of economic, political, and cultural systems across the globe. Globalization is a force that could possibly include


Which of the following things related to businesses can the environment impact?


Use information from the Case - Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism Development in British Columbia, Canada - and class discussion to answer this question. The case states that there were multiple proposals for new resorts to be developed in the community of Valemount. Which of the following proposals would be considered the most sustainable from an economic dimension? Group of answer choices

A Valemount based company that plans to open a 50 room hotel, 1 golf courses and a restaurant that will specialize in local cuisine and source all of its food locally.

Based on our class discussion, when looking at the history of the ideas behind sustainability what is one thing that can be attributed to the following? A. Roman republic B. early farming/progressive conservationists C. Iroquois confederacy D. Rachel Carson/recreation movement

A. Roman republic-planning and development B. EF/PC- wise use C. Iroquois confederacy- long term use D. Both a rural and an urban

A branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty


Dempsey et al (2011) indicated that there are 5 inter-related measurable aspects of community sustainability. Which of the following are the aspects? pride/sense of place social interaction/social networks in the community safety and security community stability participation in collective groups and networks in the community All answers are correct

All answers are correct

There are 5 keys to successful stakeholder involvement in a process. Which of the following is NOT one of those keys?


Burden states that, "design is not just how something looks, it's how your body feels on that seat in that space, and I believe that successful design always depends on that very individual experience." In other words she is saying that design (and we could add aesthetics) is very objective.


Economic growth and development do not necessarily have to involve change in the physical ecosystem. Every ecosystem everywhere can be preserved intact.


Ecosystems are easy to administer/ manage because they do not cross local, national, and international boundaries.


Environment and development are separate challenges; they are not linked.


Industries like forestry can never be sustainable.


People need to protect the local environment before that can address the need to feel safe.


Sustainability is solely (only) an environmental issue.


Sustainable development can be defined as, "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations' needs"


The environmental difficulties that confront us are new and complex.


The need for these natural resources by business and industry does not provide an economic rationale for protecting and preserving such resources.


The triple bottom line (TBL) consists of three Ps: place, price and products.


To make a sustainable product we must compromise at least one of the following; beauty, functionality, or affordability.


In class we identified 4 sides of sustainability (economy, environmental, sociocultural, aesthetic) that are completely independent of each other.

False (they are interdependent)

The triple bottom line (TBL) consists of three Ps: profit, plants and products.

False, profit, people, planet

Consumers and purchasers how power in what businesses produce. The larger the purchaser or consumer, the greater their influence is on the goods businesses produce, but not on how businesses produce the goods.


Ecosystem services come from ecosystem interactions and have uses that benefit humans. These benefits include climate control, fresh water supplies, living soil, plant pollination, basic food production, most raw materials, genetic biodiversity, and medicines. It is easy to put an economic value on these environmental resources because they are irreplaceable.


A family of 5 that has had problems or anxiety about accessing adequate food, but the quality, variety, and quantity of their food were not substantially reduced are considered

Marginal Food Security

industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the similarity of their production processes


industry classification system that groups establishments into industries based on the similarity of their production processes


In our discussion about the environment we identified different types/sides of the environment. Which of those types/sides can be described as ... features that include mountains, seas, rivers, lakes, caves, beaches, and forest/ woodlands. In its purest form it is an area that has not been disturbed by humans or domestic animals.

Natural Environment

When thinking about ecosystems, what is a major difference between a "Western science" approach and the approach of other cultures?

Other cultures include intangible and metaphysical features such as the presences of beings that had lived and died in that place, the people who currently lived there, and ancestors.

Brought the concept of sustainable development to a global issue

Our Common Future

There are many potential benefits of adopting sustainable practices for a company. Which of the following is not one of those reasons identified or discussed in class?

Preservation of all resources

There are 3 ways discussed in class to combat human trafficking. Which of the following is one (or more ) of those three ways?

Prosecution Protection Prevention

The United Nations identified 17 goals for Sustainable Development. Which of the goals relates to universal primary and secondary education, affordable vocational training, access to higher education and more for all people.

Quality Education

When households receive 50% less than average household incomes, so they do have some money but still not enough money to afford anything above the basics

Relative poverty

an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020

The Paris Agreement

Environmental and economic problems are linked to many social and political factors.


In his discussion, Steve Howard said that the vast majority of people care about sustainability after the day-to-day issues.


Research shows that people are supportive of sustainable ideas and issues if they understand these issues.


The scale of a business operation makes a clear difference in its environmental footprint, but small businesses grouped together by environmental and economic impacts have a combined significance that is sometimes ignored because of their relatively small individual size.


The triple bottom line aims to measure the financial, social and environmental performance of the corporation over a period of time.


There is no single blueprint of sustainability, as economic and social systems and ecological conditions differ widely among countries, communities and businesses.


We all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives.


Wilson-Rich argues that one of the reasons for concern over the decline in bee populations is that this will lead to causing global hunger, economic collapse, and a total moral crisis across earth.


From a business perspective, the environment can be viewed as (select all answers that are correct)

a resource of raw materials, a brand

A branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste and with the creation and appreciation of beauty.


In class this semester we discussed how different group in history contributed to the ideas that we now call sustainable development (elements of the sustainability definition). These groups included the Roman Empire, Progressive conservationists, Iroquois Confederacy, and the Recreation Movement. Which of the following is NOT one of the idea/ elements attributed to one of these groups?


A stakeholder can be defined as any group or individual who can BLANK or is BLANK by the achievement of the organizations objectives

affect, affected

Failures to manage the environment and to sustain development threaten to overwhelm ________ countries.


From a business perspective, the environment can be viewed as

all answers are correct (a resource of raw material, a brand, a recruitment tool)

This semester we have identified and discussed 4 sides of sustainable development as indicated in the diagram above. They are the economic, sociocultural, environmental and the aesthetic. Based on the videos, reading and class lectures, which of the sides of sustainable development is MOST important?

all side are of equal importance

One of the central tenets of economics is that people want certain things _______________ change their behavior to get those things.

and will

Key to the idea of linking economic sustainability and business is that the business is successful and financially strong ...

both now and in the future

In the ecological context - the threshold of stress below which populations and ecosystem functions can be sustained.

carrying capacity

rules and regulations that are used to limit to avoid the tragedy

command and control

piece of open land for public use, especially in a village or town


a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior


happens when consumers purchase products or services produced with social and environmental considerations in mind. It can be described as consumers 'voting with their dollars,' by purchasing products and services produced responsibly

conscious consumerism

making a common resource excludable - making a common resource "behave" like a private resource

creating property rights

when those who damage (overuse) the resource is socially disapproved while those that use the resource wisely are praised and respected

cultural norms

The set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs


The set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs.


Environmental degradation can _________________ economic development. Group of answer choices


In the Case - Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism Development in British Columbia, Canada - planners surveyed the citizens of Valemount, facilitated open town meetings and face-to-face interviews. If the planners gave the local citizens only these platforms to voice their interests without the power to influence the decision being made, this would be considered what form of participation?

degrees of citizen powers

Youn argues humanity actually solved agricultural poverty a century ago, in theory. We just haven't [ Select ]. This in essence is [ Select ].

delivered these things to everyone yet a logistics/supply chain issue

Youn states that "Archimedes was an ancient Greek thinker, and he taught us that if we lean on the right levers, we can move the world. In the fight against extreme poverty, I believe there are three powerful levers that we can lean on." Those levers are: most of the world's poor are farmers, humanity actually solved the problem of agricultural poverty a century ago, and

delivering proven goods and services to people

In our discussion in class we divided the environment into 4 different categories. Which of the following is not one of those categories?

economic environment

relates only to new money injected into an economy by visitors, vendors, media, sponsors, external government entities, or banks and investors from outside the community

economic impact

a system of production that satisfies present consumption levels without compromising future needs

economic sustainability

Relating to the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought . The study of scarcity, how people use resources, and decision-making


Relating to the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought. The study of scarcity; how people use resources and make decision


Relating to the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought. The study of scarcity; how people use resources and make decision.


n class we identified 4 sides(dimensions) to sustainable development. We used an image such as the one below to show how these sides overlap and impact each other. Which of the following are the 4 sides of sustainable development.

economy, environment, aesthetic, sociocultural

Groups of interconnected, mutually interdependent parts linked by exchange of energy, matter, and information. An interconnected community of living things, including humans, and the physical environment with which they interact.


An approach to restoring and sustaining health ecosystems and their functions and values. It is based on a collaboratively developed version of desired future ecosystem conditions that integrates ecological, economic, and social factors affecting a management unit defined by ecological, not political, boundaries. Management of entire ecological systems, including human social dimensions, rather than individual components

ecosystem management

The conditions that surround someone or something: the conditions and influences that affect the growth, health, progress, etc., of someone or something.


The sum of all conditions affecting life, development and survival of an organism


the circumstances, objects, or conditions by which one is surrounded


one in which there are no 'exclusionary' or discriminatory practices hindering individuals from participating economically, socially and politically in society

equitable society

UNSDG 8 - Decent Work & Economic Growth included the promotion of ...

exclusive economic growth sustained economic growth employment

The Case - Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism Development in British Columbia, Canada - states that, "The survey results in this community show that the residents are concerned with the potential increase in the cost of living that tourism development may bring, but they are more concerned with the potential decline in the local economy." This demonstrates the trade-offs decision makers often have to make. Based only on this quote from the text and the thoughts of the residents, what should the community planners do?

explore other industries

There are 3 general sustainable business practice (areas) that we have identified in class. Which of the following includes honest and accessible public relations, and a commitment to community development?

external credibility

In his discussion about water resources, Rob Harmon described an incentive program that they developed. Based on his description of the program what area/ type of sustainable business practice would this be for the breweries?

external credibility? not: internal consistency, preservation of all resources

a trading partnership, based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity in international trade. It contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers

fair trade

According to the US President's Council on Sustainable Development, "Economic growth cannot occur without damaging the social fabric of a community or harming the environment."


Finley states that, "free is sustainable."


In the previous (last) question you identified 4 sides of sustainability. These 4 sides are completely independent of (do not impact/ effect) each other.


Joe Mooallem in his discussion argued that "stories do not have an real consequences, because now, how we feel about an animal is of little importance to its survival. More important are facts that you can read about in ecology textbooks. Storytelling does not matter. Emotion does not matters. Only facts matter and these facts have become an ecological force."


One of the central tenets of economics is that people want certain things but will not change their behavior to get those things - in other words, people do not respond to incentives


One of the keys to effective interpretation is to keep it simple and just give facts.


Pollinator decline is not a grand challenge in the modern world.


Slavery can be considered dead (not an issue for modern society).


Sustainability is solely (only) a rural issue.


The globe and its inhabitants are becoming increasingly less interdependent and connected.


The viability of business itself depends on damaging ecosystems and societies.


Urban social sustainability can only occur in neighborhoods with 'high' environmental quality.


Wilson-Rich found that urban beehives have a longer life span than rural and suburban beehives, and bees in the city are more biodiverse; there are more bee species in urban areas. This was due to the lack of pesticides in urban areas.


environment where people have transformed the natural environment to produce crops and raise livestock

farmed environment

There are 3 general sustainable business practice (areas) that we have identified in class. Which of the following includes working with innovative business associations and contracting with the best?

forging external relationships

In the Human Trafficking case, what tactic did the trafficker first use to take advantage of Shindy? Group of answer choices


refers to the ever-increasing network of connections between individuals and organizations made possible by technology and transportation. It is a complex idea that encompasses the integration of economic, political, and cultural systems across the globe.


Globally it is estimated that there are 21 million (International Labor Organization) people in slavery. It is the 2nd biggest profit maker in organized crime. $150 billion/year industry. Which of the following is one of those reasons? Group of answer choices

high demand

Households had no problems, or anxiety about, consistently accessing adequate food

high food security

Economic sustainability forces us to look at the internal and external environment of a business/ area. In class we identified 4 factors that should be considered. Which of the following is NOT one of those factors?

how to increase the level of detachment for the company

We have discussed that there are 4 sides/ dimensions of sustainable development. The diagram above helped us to visualize how these 4 sides are related to reach other. Which of the following is not one of the sides we discussed?


the use of force, fraud or coercion to compel another person's labor.

human trafficking

There are 3 general sustainable business practice (areas) that we have identified in class. Which of the following includes in house sustainable activities and the education of employees?

internal consistency

There are 3 general sustainable business practice (areas) that we have identified in class. Which of the following includes the mission and vision of the business and the education of employees?

internal consistency

a communication process that forges emotional and intellectual connections between the interests of the audience and the inherent meanings in the resource


Which of the following is not one of the the top three killers of bees.

invasive species (top three: habitat loss, agriculture chemicals, diseases of bees

Part of the community's income which is not spent on domestically produced goods and services.


part of the destinations income which is not spent on domestically produced goods and services


The best way to communicate sustainable ideas, concepts, issues, etc. to others who may not know or care about the issue is to ....

listen and talk to them

deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person's intake of energy and/or nutrients


Households had problems or anxiety at times about accessing adequate food, but the quality, variety, and quantity of their food were not substantially reduced.

marginal food security

Archimedes was an ancient Greek thinker who taught us that if we lean on the right levers, we can move the world. In the fight against extreme poverty, Youn indicates that there are three powerful levers that we can lean on. Which of the following is NOT one of those three levels? Group of answer choices

most of the world's poor live in cities where it is easy to get resources to

ratio of direct, indirect and induced changes in an economy to the direct initial change itself

multiplier effect

environment that includes landscapes and the natural features that give an area its identity

natural environment

Sustainable development is development that meets the [ Select ] of the present without compromising the ability of [ Select ] to meet their own [ Select ] .

needs, future generations, needs

form of participation where initiatives that on the surface seem to be a form of public participation but stakeholders who have no input

non participation

resources where the use by one reduces the stock available for future generations

non-renewable resources

It was discussed in class that 10.7% of the world's population is chronically undernourished. A variety of causes for this were given. Which of the following is NOT one of the cause for this situation?

not enough food in the world

It was discussed in class that 10.7% of the world's population is chronically undernourished. A variety of causes for this were given. Which of the following is not one of the cause for this situation?

not enough food in the world

Dempsey et al (2011) indicated that there are 5 inter-related measurable aspects of community sustainability. Which of the following is NOT one of those the aspects?

participation in individual groups in the community

One of the central tenets of economics is that ...

people want certain things and will change their behavior to get those things - in other words, people will respond to incentives.

In class we discussed the concept of the Triple Bottom Line, a philosophical orientation where by organizations develop and implement not just a traditional economically sustainable strategy, but also explicitly include environmental and social sustainability strategies. It was developed by John Elkington in 1994. As the name implies, the triple bottom line is made up of 3 areas. Which of the following are those three areas?

people, planet, profit

lacking enough resources to provide the basic needs of life—food, clean water, shelter, clothing, access to health care, education and transportation


There are 3 general sustainable business practice (areas) that we have identified in class. Which of the following is not one of those.

preservation of all resources

The chief aim of interpretation is ...


resources where the use by one person does not depleted availability for future generations so long as the rate of use is within limits of regeneration and natural growth

renewable resources

Human traffickers target vulnerable populations. Which of the following best describes the situation that made Shindy vulnerable? Group of answer choices

she lived in an area of crisis

social networks and the associated norms of reciprocity, and also refers to features of social organization including trust, the density and knowledge of relationships within networks and obligations and expectations

social capital

the basic process in the formation both of human nature and of the social order, and a cohesive society is said to hang together, in part, through this

social interaction

The arrangement of social relationships in a group of people with a common interest


The arrangement of social relationships in a group of people with a common interest.


any individual or identifiable group that can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization' s objectives


places where people want to live and work, now and in the future. They meet the diverse needs of existing and future residents, are sensitive to their environment, and contribute to a high quality of life. They are safe and inclusive, well planned, built and run, and offer equality of opportunity and good services for all

sustainable communities

development that meets the need of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

sustainable development

Wilson-Rich found that urban beehives have a longer life span than rural and suburban beehives, and bees in the city are more biodiverse; there are more bee species in urban areas. This was due to

the lack of pesticides in urban areas.

the tendency of any resource that is unowned, and hence non excludable, to be overused and under maintained

the tragedy of the common

In the article The Sustainable Economy, the authors state that, "Developments on three fronts ... make it not only possible but inevitable that successful business will become synonymous with sustainable business." Which of the following is NOT one of those 3 fronts?

there is more awareness and understanding of the environmental, sociocultural, economic, and aesthetic impact business has on a community

In the article The Sustainable Economy, the authors state that, "Developments on three fronts ... make it not only possible but inevitable that successful business will become synonymous with sustainable business." Which of the following is not one of those three fronts?

there is more awareness and understanding of the environmental, sociocultural, economic, and aesthetic impact business has on a community

The are multiple strengths to using carrying capacity measurements. Which of the following is not one of those strengths?

this type of regional information often is developed in the United States

The tendency of any resource that is unowned, and hence nonexcludable, to be overused and under-maintained.

tragedy of the commons

A dizzying array of labels has cropped up in response to companies' desire to communicate to consumers their environmental efforts. But the success of ratings like Energy Star show show resoundingly people respond when, in considering products in a category, they are presented with a single rating.


Burden states that, "design is not just how something looks, it's how your body feels on that seat in that space, and I believe that successful design always depends on that very individual experience." In other words she is saying that design (and we could add aesthetics) is very subjective.


Finley states that, "Growing one plant will give you 1,000, 10,000 seeds. When one dollar's worth of green beans will give you 75 dollars' worth of produce. It's my gospel, when I'm telling people, grow your own food. Growing your own food is like printing your own money."


Globalization refers to the ever-increasing network of connections between individuals and organizations made possible by technology and transportation.


Human trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain labor or services from a person against their will


In earlier centuries, markets were limited in time and locations, as well as by social class. Today, due to globalization market transactions can occur virtually anytime and anywhere.


Joe Mooallem in his discussion argued that "stories have very real consequences, because now, how we feel about an animal affects its survival more than anything that you read about in ecology textbooks. Storytelling matters now. Emotion matters. Our imagination has become an ecological force."


One issue to hunger is that in many areas, smallholder farmers lack access to basic tools and knowledge.


One of the principles behind the Triple Bottom Line is that what you measure is what you get, because what you measure is what you are likely to pay attention to.


Our Common Future brought the concept of sustainable development to a global issue.


Our Common Future was written by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, this document brought the concept of sustainable development to a global issue.


People need to feel safe before they can address the need to conserve cultural traditions.


Research shows that people are supportive of sustainable ideas and issues if the understand these issues. The problem is the lack of accessible information about the issue.


Sam Ohu Gon stated that in the past people had less impact on the natural environment (<15%) in Hawaii yet were 100% self sufficient. Today people have a much larger impact of the natural environment (>70%) but are less (<15%) self sufficient. In other words, people in Hawaii rely on imports to survive. This was due to a change in the way the land (natural resources) was viewed and managed. He argues that any formula for land use that replaces huge native diversity for a single thing will ultimately destroy the foundation upon which our lives and identity depend.


The term environment can have different meanings when used in an international context.


Thrupkaew states that "human trafficking is far more prevalent, complex and close to home than most of us realize."


Use information from the Case - Resident Attitudes Toward Tourism Development in British Columbia, Canada - and class discussion to answer this question. It would not be a sustainable practice for the community of Valemount would be to rely solely (only) on the tourism industry to drive and support the local economy. Group of answer choices


VCI provides a way to make apples- to-apples comparisons of products on the basis of the impacts that accrue to them at each phase of their journey from raw material to consumed, discarded good.


Wilson-Rich argues that one of the reasons for concern over the decline in bee populations is that without pollinators (such as bees) we would be without foods that we rely upon: fruits, vegetables, crunchy almonds and nuts, tart apples, sour lemons. This will lead to causing global hunger, economic collapse, and a total moral crisis across earth.


Without social interaction, people living in a given area can only be described as a group of individuals living separate lives, with little sense of community or sense of pride or place attachment


Youn states that, "When farmers become more productive, they earn more income, they climb out of poverty, they feed their communities and they reduce environmental land pressure. Farmers stand at the center of the world."


Consumers and purchasers how power in what businesses produce. The larger the purchaser or consumer, the greater their influence is on the goods businesses produce, and on how businesses produce the goods.


Sam Ohu Gon stated that in the past people had less impact on the natural environment (<15%) in Hawaii yet were 100% self sufficient. Today people have a much larger impact of the natural environment (>70%) but are less (<15%) self sufficient. In other words, people in Hawaii rely on imports to survive. This was due to a change in the way the land (natural resources) was viewed and managed. He argues that any formula for land use that replaces huge native diversity for a single thing ...

will ultimately destroy the foundation upon which Hawaiian lives and identity depend.

Based on our class discussion, when looking at the history of the ideas behind sustainability what is one thing that the early farming practices and the progressive conservationists contribute (elements of the sustainability definition)?

wise use

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