Story of the World Vol 2 Ch 1
Cause for the fall of Rome?
Barbarians invaded it.
Cause for the fall of Rome?
It got so big it couldn't fight off its enemies.
Problem the Roman Empire was having
It was so large that it could not fight off invaders
Name of one of the invading Barbarian tribes
Name of one of the invading Barbarian tribes
Name of one of the invading Barbarian tribes
Name of one of the invading Barbarian tribes
Name of one of the invading Barbarian tribes
The Celts
They did not obey Pax Romana
The Celts
They rebelled against the Romans
What the Romans called the invading tribes
What did the Emperer Diocletian do?
divided the Roman Empire into two parts
chariot races
event that took place in the Coliseum
glaciator fights
event that took place in the Coliseum
lion and soldier fights
event that took place in the Coliseum
Eastern Roman Empire
half of the newly divided Roman Empire
Western Roman Empire
half of the newly divided Roman Empire
The Emperor
the leader of Rome
the most important city of the Roman Empire
Roman peace
what does "Pax Romana" mean