Straighterline Criminal Justice

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Approximately ________ percent of the jail population in 2014 consisted of juveniles (under the age of 18)


At the beginning of 2013, the states and the federal government, combined, operated more than ________ adult prisons.


According to a comprehensive national review of research that evaluated the effects of correctional interventions on recidivism rates, correctional interventions reduced recidivism rates by ________, on average.


as of January 5, 2016, approximately how many community policing officers and deputies have been funded by the Office of the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)?


Nearly 84 percent of persons who experienced force or threat of force in 2008 felt that the police acted improperly. What percentage of them filed a complaint against the police?


In most American jurisdictions, the upper age limit for juvenile delinquency is ______, and the lower limit is usually _____

18; 7

Which of the following years were the first two women elected to the position of sheriff in the United States?


at year-end 2014, approximately ________ percent of adults under community supervision were probationers.


which of the following is a trend in indigent defense systems?

??? not appointment of 10...????

Unlike inquisitorial trial systems, adversarial trial systems

???? A- allow victims to be parties to the proceedings

Given the law enforcement officers feloniously killed in the line of duty in the United states in 2014, which of the following circumstances accounted for the largest number of deaths?

???? not attacks during arrest situations

The purpose of ______ is for a judge to determine whether there is a probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime or crimes with which he or she is charged

A preliminary hearing

which of the following terms is defined as an act that is illegal for a juvenile but would not be a crime if committed by an adult?

A status offense

which of the following are the three variables that interact to form a crime triangle?

A victim, an offender, and a location

The primary purpose of a(n) ________ is to hear the formal information or indictment and to allow the defendant to enter a plea.


Police have responded to domestic violence in three distinct ways. Which of the following is NOT one of these three ways?

Arresting both the perpetrator and the victim

following are three parts of the acronym "SARA", which some community policing advocates recommend as a four-step problem-solving process. Which of the following is NOT one of the components of SARA?

Arrival- determining the situation's timeliness

which of the following defensive measures against crime was chosen by the largest percentage of Americans in 2007?

Avoiding going to certain places or neighborhoods that they might otherwise have wanted to go to

Which of the following legal defenses was used successfully by Amy Carter (Daughter of former President Jimmy Carter), Jerry Rubin, and other activists who were charged with trespassing for protesting apartheid on the property of the South African embassy in Washington, DC?

The necessity defense

Which of the following is a condition of legal guilt?

The right to counsel

Depending on the jurisdiction, convicted felons lose a variety of civil rights. Which of the following is NOT a civil right commonly forfeited by convicted felons?

The right to get married

Cloward and Ohlin named three types of delinquent subcultures. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

The ritualist. (The 3 types: The violent, the retreatist, the criminal)

According to Cesare Beccaria, the basis of society, as well as the origin of punishments and the right to punish, is

The social contract

Which of the following is NOT true about civil asset forfeiture as a tool in drug enforcement?

The state must only prove by a preponderance of evidence that the property was used in a crime

Which of the following terms is defined as a collection of crime statistics and other law enforcement information published annually under the title Crime in the United States?

The uniform crime reports (UCR)

For chicago theorists, social disorganization is defined by several characteristics. which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of social disorganization?

There is an absence of gangs and gang-related delinquency

which of the following statements is true about halfway houses?

They became part of the intermediate sanctions movement in the 1980s and are now used in conjunction with other intermediate sanctions

which of the following of today's police was taken up by municipal police officers after the American civil war?

They began to wear uniforms

Which of the following statements is true about correctional officers?

They have considerable discretion in discharging their duties within the constraints of rules, regulations, and policies

Police detectives seem to have a number of advantages over patrol officers, and seven of these advantages are listed in your textbook. Which of the following is NOT one of these advantages?

They often move on to patronage jobs

What do the following three Supreme Court cases share in common: United States v. Leon, Massachusetts v. Sheppard, and Nix v. Williams?

They provide exceptions to the exclusionary rule

Why was the U.S. Secret Service created?

To combat counterfeiting

according to your textbook, restorative justice has four goals. which of the following is NOT one of those goals?

To punish the offender for the harm done

Which of the following refers to the way in which criminal law should be enforced?


Criminal investigation has been defined as a lawful search for people and things to achieve three of the following goals. which of these is NOT a goal of criminal investigation?

conduct preventive patrol to ferret out crime

In cases involving lesser felonies, misdemeanors and petty offenses, police officers are more likely to

informally handle the crime

According to Robert K. Merton ______ pursue the cultural goal of wealth through illegitimate means


as an institution of social control, criminal justice differs from the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law in that it

is generally society's "last line of defense."

which of the following methods was used by most U.S. states in 2016 in the selection of their highest appellate court judges?

maybe merit selection???

at the end of 2012, which type of facilities held the largest percentage of state prison inmates?

medium-security facilities

The _______ the complainant, the more likely a patrol officer is to use formal procedures to report and investigate a crime

more affluent

Several modifications of classical theory are collectively referred to as

neoclassical theory

As discussed in your textbook, the list of calls for police service in Long Beach, California, shows which type of call for service to be the most common?

parking violations

In the context of the selection of judges, identify a true statement about merit selection.

It does not entirely eliminate political influence from the selection process

Identify a true statement about straight probation.

It occurs when an offender is sentenced only to probation, with no incarceration or other form of residential placement.

which of the following is defined as the harmful physical and emotional outcomes that occur when the requirements of a job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of an employee?

Job stress

in the future, there may be no practical need for a separate juvenile justice process because

Juvenile offenders are being treated exactly the same as adult offenders in many situations.

Radical theories of crime causation are generally based on the ideas of

Karl Max

What was the index crime for which women were most frequently arrested in 2014?


which of the following jurisdictions had the largest average daily jail population at mid-year 2010?

Los Angeles County, CA

A number of factors have triggered the growth of private security in the United States. Which of the following is NOT among those factors?

Lowered citizen contract

What is the Latin term for crimes that are "wrong in themselves"- crimes characterized by universality and timelessness?

Mala in Se

which of the following cases did the Supreme Court first extend the fifth amendment protection against compelled self-incrimination to trials in state courts?

Malloy v. Hogan

in which of the following supreme court cases was a good-faith exception to the exclusionary rule recognized?

Massachusetts v. Sheppard

________ are imposed at the discretion of the judge and probation officials and are designed to address the offender's particular situation.

Special conditions

which of the following is NOT a criticism of the War on Drugs?

The abuse or misuse of illegal drugs has contributed to more deaths annually than either alcohol or tobacco.

one age-old mechanism for dealing with unruly children was ________, which served as a primary means for teaching skilled trades to the children of the middle and upper classes.

The apprenticeship system

which of the following factors has made the police the major responder to domestic violence calls?

The availability of 24 hour service

When politically conservative values are dominant in society, the principles and policies of ______ seem to dominate the operation of criminal justice

The crime control model

if the principles and policies of the due process model dominate the future of the administration of justice, then it is likely that.

The current right to counsel will be retained.

which of the following statements is true about foster homes?

The effectiveness of many foster home placements is inhibited by problems such as frequent movement of youths from home to home

Your textbook gives three reasons why many victims of cybercrime fail to report these crimes to authorities. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons?

The fear of being implicated in the crime

Which of the following tests of insanity did the attorneys for Lorena Bobbitt, who sliced off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife while he was sleeping, successfully employ in a 1994 Virginia trial?

The irresistible-impulse or control test

which of the following factors influences the exercise of discretion on the part of police patrol officers?

The legitimacy of the victim

Hebert Packer characterizes the due process model as

"Obstacle-course justice"

which of the following best captures classical criminologists' concept of "utility"?

"the greatest happiness shared by the greatest number"

How much did the state of Florida reportedly spend to administer justice to serial murderer Ted Bundy in 1989?


what was the approximate total amount spent on state and federal prisons in the United States in 2012?

$49 billion

which of the following is a problem with or criticism of a legal definition of crime

(All the above)

which of the following statements is true about the present-day juvenile courts?

(all correct)

Which of the following is a general criticism of positivism?

(all the answers are correct) a- positivistic theories generally account for too much crime, and, at the same time, they have difficulty explaining exceptions. b- positivistic theories generally ignore the criminalization process c- positivistic theories generally ignore the multitude of fundamental conflicts of value and interest in society

In 2014, the uniform crime reports (UCR) showed that the police were able to clear ______ of property crimes

20,2 percent

according to a recent Gallup poll in 2015, what percentage of Americans rated the honesty and ethical standards of lawyers "high" or "very high"?


According to 2012 data reported by the American Correctional Association, ________ percent of female state prisoners recidivated within one to three years.


in 2010, ________ percent of state prison inmate deaths were attributed to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)


as of November 2014, how many states had laws prohibiting racial profiling by law enforcement officers?


according to the justice department's Bureau of Justice Statistics 2013 special report entitled "sexual victimization in juvenile facilities reported by youth, 2012," more than ________ percent of victimized youth were victimized by gang members.


at year-end 2014, 1 in ________ adults in the United States was under community supervision.


According to the national crime victimization survey in 2014, victims did not report the police ______ of all crime victimizations


in 2013, ________ percent of status offense cases referred to the juvenile courts came from police agencies.


Of the approximately 1.2 million people arrested in 2014 for drug abuse violations, what percentage was white?


The movement to limit the discretion of police officers is the result of

Abuses of that discretion

after suspects officially become defendants, they are brought before a lower-court judge for

An initial appearance

for emile durkheim, the cause of crime is ________, that is, the dissociation of the individual from the

Anomie, collective conscience

in more than ________ of all states, courts are required by law to order restitution unless there are compelling or extraordinary circumstances.

Approximately 33%

in 2009, which case qualified the earlier New York v. belton court decision on conducting searches in the passenger compartments of cars only when it is reasonable to believe the arrestee could still have access to the vehicle at the time of the search?

Arizona v. grant

Which of the following events did NOT contribute to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI's) increasing influence over local policing?

Being given responsibility for the Witness Security Program

Which of the following theories is based on the belief that criminals are physiologically different from noncriminals?

Biological positivism

After an arrest has been made, the suspect is brought to the police station to be


in which of the following cases did the Supreme Court rule that inmates are entitled to either an adequate law library or adequate legal assistance?

Bounds v. Smith (1977)

The long-serving director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) kept extensive investigative files on thousands of individuals who had been involved in controversial causes and dissident organizations. Who among the following was NOT one of those individuals?

Charles Bonaparte

Which of the following scientists suggested that some people were "less highly evolved or developed than others" and that some people "were nearer their apelike ancestors than others in traits, abilities, and dispositions"?

Charles Darwin

Your textbook names three distinct functions of DNA profiling. which of the following is NOT one of these distinct functions?

Collecting samples from all people at birth, so that a complete DNA database can be compiled.

When politically conservative values are dominant in society, the principles and policies of the ______ seem to dominate the operation of criminal justice

Crime control model

a(n) ________ is expressed as the number of crimes per unit of population or some other base.

Crime rate

Identify a true statement about community policing

Critical decisions are required to be made at the neighborhood level.

Your textbook gives three reasons why, despite low crime-solving rates by detectives, many police departments continue to employ them. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons?

Detectives have wider jurisdiction than patrol officers do, and they can arrest and book some suspects that other police officers cannot

In _______ patrol, officers are given guidance on how to use their patrol time, which is often based on the results of crime analyses that identify problem areas.


Which of the following circumstances accounted for the largest number of law enforcement officers assaulted in the US in 2014?

Disturbance calls

The research of the Chicago School was based on a model taken from


in 2014, the safest city in the United States was

Edison, New Jersey

The _____ states that excessive bail shall not be required

Eight amendment

Today, jurisdictions are increasingly ________ and using ________.

Enacting mandatory sentencing statutes; sentencing guidelines

from which of the following sources does the federal government's crime victims Fund receive its funding?

Fines and penalties paid by federal criminal offenders

which of the following types of jails is built in a linear design, in which inmates live together in cells, dormitories, or "tanks," and guards at regular intervals walk up and down the corridors or "catwalks" and observe inmates?

First generation jails

Defendants can appeal their convictions on constitutional grounds. Which of the following is not one of the constitutional grounds described in your textbook?

Freedom of speech and public assembly

with whom are psychoanalytic theories of crime causation associated?


According to your textbook, most people's definitions of brutality include three of the following. which is NOT included in your textbook's definition of brutality?

Full enforcement

more than half of the 1,436 executions that have taken place in the United States since 1977 have occurred in just three states (as of May 12, 2016). which of the following is NOT one of those three states?


According to due process model advocates, in practice, the ________ is a sham because it has become nothing more than a rubber stamp for the prosecutor.

Grand Jury

which of the following is one of the three landmark cases in which the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty by approving guided-discretion statutes?

Gregg v. Georgia

According to your textbook, one problem with restitution is that most offenders:

Have neither the financial means nor the abilities to provide adequate restitution

In ________, 1993, a death penalty case, the supreme court ruled that, absent constitutional grounds, new evidence of innocence is no reason for a federal court to order a new state trial.

Herrera v. Collins

Perhaps the most thorny issue with DNA technology is.

How a DNA database will be collected and used

Defendants can appeal their convictions on legal grounds. Which of the following is NOT one of the legal grounds described in your textbook?

Illegal search and seizure

identify a true statement about truth-in-sentencing laws

In practice, offenders sentenced under truth-in-sentencing laws rarely serve 85 percent of their sentences

several factors have rendered the current inmate society unstable. Five are given in your textbook. which of the following is NOT among those factors?

Increased staff size and training

Like the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law, criminal justice is a(n)

Institution of social control

In which of the following cases did the Supreme court broaden the protection against compelled self-incrimination to cover nearly all custodial police interrogations?

Miranda v. Arizona

Criminal justice officials frequently complained that their jobs were made _____ because of the practice, once common in many states, of sealing juvenile court records

More difficult

in which of the following cases did the supreme court establish that parole revocation and, by implication, probation revocation is to be a two-stage process? In the first stage, there must be an informal, preliminary inquiry to establish probable cause that a violation has occurred. In the second stage (assuming that probable cause is established in the first stage), there must be a formal court hearing to determine if the violation warrants.

Morrissey v. Brewer

Which of the following statements is true about the fear of crime?

Nonwhites are more fearful than whites

Mandatory release is similar to ________ in that persons let out under either arrangement ordinarily receive a period of community supervision.


which of the following terms is defined as the conditional release of prisoners before they have served their full sentences?


State and federal legislative bodies enact ________ that specify appropriate punishments for each statutory offense or class of offense.

Penal Codes

One similarity between the slave patrols and the constable-watch system was that

People could hire others to perform their duties for them

Your textbook identifies three successful police recruitment strategies. which of the following is NOT one of these programs?

Police corps

Your textbook lists four unresolved problems and issues relating to private security. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Political corruption from patronage jobs

What do learning theorists call the presentation of a stimulus that increases or maintains a response?

Positive reinforcement

Which of the following theories was an explicit rejection of the critical and "negative" philosophy of the Enlightenment thinkers

Positivist theory

refer to individuals who are actually sent to the United States, often on work or student visas, with the purpose of moving money for criminals.

Premier mules

Racial profiling often occurs during ________, where police justify stopping a car because of minor equipment or moving traffic violations that might otherwise be ignored

Pretext stops

According to peel, the main function of the police was to ________ by ________ of the community

Prevent crime; preventive patrol

Which of the following standards of proof is required for a judicial officer to deny bail in cases involving capital felonies?

Proof evident, presumption great

there are at least three crime policy implications of Seymour Halleck's humanistic psychological theory. Which of the following is NOT one of the three policy implications listed in your textbook?

Psychoactive drugs should be provided as part of the psychotherapy process.

One general grouping in your textbook lists four categories of local duties. Which of the following us NOT one of the duties discussed in your text?

Public education

which of the following penal sanctions is used primarily to prevent undesired conduct and to provide retribution?


Your textbook names ten critical stages during which the right to counsel has been extended. Which of the following is NOT one of these critical stages?`

Questioning by law enforcement officers of suspects not in police custody

Which of the following standards of proof is more than a gut feeling and legally permits a law enforcement officer to stop and frisk a suspect?

Reasonable suspicion

which of the following penal sanctions is intended to control future conduct toward the best interests of the community?


The term ________ is defined as the attempt to correct the personality and behavior of convicted offenders through educational, vocational, or therapeutic treatment and to return them to society as law-abiding citizens


To date, most self-report crime surveys conducted in the United States have been administered to ______

School Children

Which of the following refers to explorations or inspections by law enforcement officers of homes, premises, vehicles, or persons for the purpose of discovering evidence of crimes or persons who are accused of crimes?


The idea of ___________ remains very popular in the South and the West


regardless of a subject's demeanor or other factors, as the ________ increases, so does the likelihood of arrest.

Seriousness of the offense

which of the following theorists maintains that criminal behavior sometimes is chosen as an adaptation over other possible alternatives because it offers gratifications or psychological advantages that could not be achieved otherwise

Seymour Halleck

identify the type of probation in which an offender is initially sentenced to prison but is soon (perhaps after 120 days) recalled to court and placed on probation. Shock probation

Shock Probation

most institutions have elaborate ________, in which staff learn from inmate informants about the presence of contraband, the potential for disruptions, and other threats to security.

Snitch system

Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of methods used in heredity studies?

Somatotype Studies

There are at least three different reasons that the supreme court did not interpret the fourteenth amendment as incorporating the Bill of Right for approximately 100 years. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons given in your textbook?

Voters frequently showed their disapproval of following trial procedure mandated by the provisions of the Bill of Rights, interpreting them as a possible threat to their civil rights.

which of the following institutions is commonly regarded as the first state prison of the United States?

Walnut Street Jail Philadelphia

A(n) ________ is a written order from court directing law enforcement officers to conduct a search or to arrest a person


which of the following types of offense is punishable by death in the United States

a felony

a suspect becomes a defendant after

a formal notice of charge is given

The term "jurisdiction" as used in your text, means

a politically defined geographical area

In case of a misdemeanor or an ordinance violation, a(n) _______ may be held.

a summary trial

Which of the following is one of the first offenses added to the uniform crime report's (UCR's) list of Part 1 offenses since 1982, when collection of arson data was made permanent?

a- burglary/motor vehicle theft b- human trafficking/ involuntary servitude c- forcible rape and aggravated assault (DONT KNOW)

In which of the following ways can community policing contribute to drug enforcement?

a- foot patrol and problem-oriented policing can reduce street-level drug dealing. b- community policing may increase public support for drug enforcement efforts by encouraging citizens to report drug crimes and identify drug dealers. c- community organizing may empower citizens to resist drugs dealers and drug abusers who invade their communities. d. all the answers correct

In recent years, the mission of D.A.R.E. has expanded to include

all of the above

Your textbook lists several methods that have been prescribed to stop racial profiling. Which of the following is NOT one of the methods given in your textbook?

arresting all perpetrators regardless of race

your textbook identifies three basic types of plea bargaining. which of the following is NOT one of these?

before sentencing, a defendant may plead for the mercy of the court.

which of the following government actions is similar to bills of attainder?

civil forfeiture danger of property and Drug violations

two of the three most critical issues surrounding halfway houses are _______.

community resistance and recidivism

Radical criminologists argue that _______ is an economic system that requires people to compete against each other in the individualistic pursuit of materiel wealth


Which of the following has been referred to as "the conceptual heart of judicial administration in the new millennium"?

caseflow management

In U.S. states that do not use grand juries, the alternative is to

draft an information

The research of the chicago school was based on a model taken from


According to John Edgar Hoover, the purpose of counterintelligence programs (COINTELPROS) was to, among many things, _______

expose specific groups and individuals.

which of the following statements is true about an ex post facto law?

it declares criminal an act that was not illegal when it was committed

identify a true statement about CompStat

it is incompatible with community policing

which of the following is true about juror pay at the beginning of 2016?

juror pay varied from state to state

Each year, nearly twice as many people are _____ than are _____

killed in automobile accidents; murdered

The right to counsel may be waived only if the waiver is made

knowingly intelligently, and voluntarily

The only personal experience most people have with the criminal justice process is contact with a

local police officers

the term ________ is defined as offenses that are illegal because laws define them as such.

mala prohibita

the most frequently used disposition in juvenile courts is ________, followed by ________.

probation; placement

which of the following is NOT a service provided by the U.S. Marshals?

protect national leaders

which of the following is usually NOT a county law enforcement function

protecting the governor and the capitol grounds and buildings

which of the following is a strategy in which disappointment is expressed for an offender's actions, the offender is shamed and punished, and there is a concerted effort on the part of the community to forgive the offender and bring him or her back into society?

reintegrative shaming

early american citizens ______ the formation of the first police departments


Low levels of the brain neurotransmitter _____ have been found in impulsive murderers and arsonists


In the south, the earliest form of policing was the

slave patrols

which of the following is not a criticism of civil asset forfeiture laws?

the standard of proof in civil asset forfeiture cases is too high

According to your text, three highly important qualities for police officers to have are

the three I's of police selection, common sense, and compassion

Which of the following is the focus of labeling theory

the way people and actions are defined as criminal

there are three primary reasons for the practice of detaining juveniles. which of the following is NOT one of those reasons?

to provide an example of general deterrence to the rest of the community

Earlier in American history, two forms of police protection began to evolve- the ______ in the villages, towns and cities; and the _______ in the rural areas, unincorporated areas, and counties.

watch; sheriff

which of the following has research shown to be an advantage of podular or direct-supervision jails?

~all correct~ A- they provide a less stressful, more positive and save environment for inmates and staff. B- They enhance supervision by reducing the number of unsupervised areas. C-they reduce inmate violations for contraband possession, destruction of property, escapes, disrespecting officers and staff, suicides and violence

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