Strayer Chapter 1: Before 1200 ~ Patterns in World History

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AP Causation: In what ways did a gathering and hunting economy shape other aspects of Paleolithic societies?

It created separate, distinct, small, nomadic societies that each had their own history, culture, language, identity, stories, and rituals. They were based on kinship and were highly egalitarian, with no inequalities of class/gender because there was no ruler. There was low life expectancy, slow population growth, but high creativity.

AP Exam Tip: You should know the factors that led to divisions within major belief systems.

-opposing/different beliefs, groups of people fighting/challenging each other

AP Contextualization: What was the role of cities in the early civilizations?

Cities served as political and administrative capitals; they functioned as cultural hubs, generating works of art, architecture, literature, ritual, and ceremony; they acted as marketplaces for both local and long-distance trade; and they housed major manufacturing enterprises.

AP Continuity and Change: In what ways was Christianity transformed in the five centuries following the death of Jesus?

It developed an elaborate hierarchical organization, with patriarchs, bishops, and priests—all men—replacing the house churches of the early years, in which women played a more prominent part. Different versions of Christianity were made. Separate church organizations were made with differences in doctrine. A division in churches took place. Christianity became diverse and fragmented.

AP Comparison: To what extent were Buddhist teachings similar to Hindu beliefs?

The idea that ordinary life is an illusion, the concepts of karma and rebirth, the goal of overcoming the incessant demands of the ego, the practice of meditation, and the hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth were similar Buddhist and Hindu teachings.

AP Analyzing Evidence: How does this image provide evidence for the gender roles that might have existed in Paleolithic societies?

There were no inequalities for class and gender, but men and women had different roles to play.

AP Exam Tip: Be able to define and describe the processes of demographic change throughout world history.

-1. pre-industrial/before agricultural revolution and industrial revolution: there was limited food supply, poorer sanitation, and low medical care so there were high death rates and higher birth rates to compensate: population was low and steady, no population growth -2. agricultural revolution and industrial revolution begin which helps to lower death rates while birth rates remain high, population increases slightly -3. industrial revolution and technological advances continue and birth rates lower a little, population still grows but less -4. stable population with low birth/death rates: good economy, government, education for each country in the beginning, population will slowly increase and greatly increase before stabilizing, but in each continent there population percent stays relatively the same as people stay in the same place

AP Exam Tip: Be able to provide examples of the expansion and contraction of major religions over time.

-Hinduism became main religion of India -Buddhism spread throughout Asia, but disappeared in India because of competition with Islam and Bhakti movement Hinduism, hostility of Brahmins -Confucianism and Daoism spread through China in combo with each other and Buddhism -Judaism spread through movement of people -Christianity spread through missionaries but contracted bc of persecutions until it became state supported and spread again -Islam spread very rapidly because it unified Arabia under Islam and as Arabia spread through conquest it spread with it -religions expand through movement of people, trade, conquest, missionaries, but could contract through persecutions and competition with other religions

AP Causation: How does this map suggest the political, economic, and geographic factors that might account for the relatively rapid spread of Christianity?

-Political: Roman Empire, Axum, and Armenia had state supported Christianity, making it a solid religion in Europe and later Christianity. -Economic: Long-distance trade is also a factor that helped spread Christianity quickly. -Geographic: While Christianity was able to spread across smaller seas and on land easily, Buddhism was blocked by larger seas, deserts, and mountains.

AP Exam Tip: Be ready to provide examples of how power was used to promote religion, and vice versa.

-Power was used to promote religion to help make it spread and become powerful: When Emperor Constantine and other countries state supported Christianity it was able to spread, Confucianism became popular when government used it for bureaucracy and Daoism when it was supported along with Confucianism, Islam became popular because it was supported by Arab Empire conquests, -Religion helped to promote power and government: Mandate of Heaven justified rulers as long as they treated people fairly or else disaster would strike and new rulers would come, Hinduism supported religious authority of Brahmins and inequality of caste system, religion supported the power of Popes

AP Comparison: What is the difference between the Theravada and Mahayana expressions of Buddhism?

-Theravada Buddhism: portrayed the Buddha as a wise teacher and model, but not divine. The gods played little role in assisting believers in achieving enlightenment. Spiritual wisdom or insight was important. There was rigorous and time-consuming meditation practice, a focus on monks and nuns withdrawn from ordinary life, the absence of accessible supernatural figures able to provide help and comfort. -Mahayana Buddhism: offered a greater accessibility, a spiritual path available to a much wider range of people. Enlightenment (or becoming a Buddha) was available to everyone; it was possible within the context of ordinary life rather than a monastery; and it might occur within a single lifetime rather than over the course of many lives. Compassion was important so the idea of bodhisattvas, fully enlightened beings (spiritual beings on their way to "Buddhahood") who postpone their own final liberation in order to assist a suffering humanity, formed. Historical Buddha became a god, and both earlier and future Buddhas were available to offer help. Elaborate descriptions and artistic representations of these supernatural beings, together with various levels of Heavens and Hells, transformed Buddhism into a popular religion of salvation. Religious merit, leading to salvation, Could be earned by acts of piety and devotion, such as contributing to the support of a monastery, and that merit might be transferred to others.

AP Exam Tip: Knowledge of maps throughout world history is critical. Be sure you know how to read maps and understand what they convey.

-look at key, title

AP Exam Tip: You should be able to point out the similarities and differences between the monotheistic religions in this section and the other major belief systems discussed in the chapter.

-monothesitic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, (Mahayana Buddhism) -other religions: Theravada Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Confucianism -similarities: set of beliefs, explain ways of the world and how people should live -differences: some have rituals, while others do not and may value social justice, directed at different people, religions with salvation and gods vs. more rational and how to live in this world

AP Exam Tip: The relationship between humans and the environment is a key theme throughout the course.

1. environment affects humans' way of living or the need to adapt : river valleys for productive agriculture, mountainous terrain for rival city-states, rain forests and oceans separate and reduced contact, 2. humans' effect on earth: deforestation, soil erosion, climate change, expansion and clearing agricultural land, drained swamps, leveled forests, terraced hillsides, and constructed cities, roads, irrigation ditches, and canals

AP Exam Tip: You should know the basic tenets Judaism and its political and social effects on world history.

Abraham, Ten Commandments, Promised Land, single God, social justice and morals

AP Causation: What was revolutionary about the Agricultural Revolution?

Agriculture allowed people to stop spending so much time finding food to survive, create stability, and shift their attention to growing populations, settled villages, animal-borne diseases, an explosion of technological innovation, horse-drawn chariot warfare, cities, states, empires, civilizations, writing, literature, and much more. Societies and other advances were able to be made after the agricultural revolution. It was the foundation for human advancement.

AP Causation: What developments led to the rise of the First Civilizations?

Agriculture, cities, trade, states, and governing structures, with kings.

AP Exam Tip: Major belief systems often divided and subdivided across time and place. One example is the development of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.

Also: Tibetan Buddhism, Eastern Orthodox/Roman Catholic Churches, Sunni/Shia, Bhakti movement

AP Causation: What impact did animal husbandry have on agricultural societies?

Animal husbandry created pastoral societies, in which people domesticated animals and followed them seasonally based on the changing patterns vegetation their animals needed to eat. Pastoral societies and agricultural societies had conflict. Pastoral societies were attracted to agricultural societies' wealth and wanted access to their grazing lands and products. Exchange of technology, products, ideas, and people of color between the two societies.

AP Causation: Explain how Muhammad's profession as a merchant may have influenced the early years of Islam.

As a merchant, Muhammad believed in the preaching against the hoarding of wealth, the exploitation of the poor, the charging of high rates of interest on loans, corrupt business deals, the abuse of women, and the neglect of widows and orphans. As a merchant, being a messenger and spreading this religion far was easier for him.

AP Contextualization: Why might the Eastern Hemisphere have a larger number of the First Civilizations than the Western Hemisphere?

Because homo sapiens originated in the Eastern Hemisphere, so most humans were here when the agricultural revolution started and societies began to form. Also, pastoral societies couldn't grow in the Western Hemisphere because most animals able to be domesticated didn't live here. Most plant and animal species that could be domesticated lived in the Eastern Hemisphere, so more communities were able to grow and evolve into civilizations.

AP Comparison: How did the various kinds of societies that emerged out of the Agricultural Revolution differ from one another?

Because people lived in different regions and had different resources, different kinds of societies emerged. Pastoral societies, in which people relied on domesticated animals, formed because farming was difficult (Prominent in Central Asia, the Arabian peninsula, and the Sahara Desert). These people followed their animals seasonally. Permanently settled farming communities with little inequalities, based on kinship formed. They settled in vast areas of Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas, adapting to different environments, interacting with their neighbors, and creating traditions. Some communities became chiefdoms, specifically in the Pacific Islands, with some inequality, but chiefs, based on lineage, had to persuade followers with generosity, status, or charisma. They led rituals and ceremonies, organized the community for war, directed economic life, resolved internal conflicts, and collected tribute from commoners in the form of food, manufactured goods, and raw materials to redistribute to his subordinate workers and use for himself.

AP Causation: Based on Map 1.2, what were problems associated with maintaining the Roman Empire?

Because the Roman Empire was so large, it was hard to maintain. Communication and traveling was difficult, so unity was hard to keep. Ruling and controlling the empire was a difficult task. Christianity within the Roman Empire became separated and divided.

AP Argument Development: How does this visual representation of the Buddha differ from the description of the prince in the beginning of this section?

Buddha in the picture is now seated on a lotus, and he is fully enlightened (his right hand touching the earth) compared to a young sheltered prince who didn't know about suffering. Besides the shaved head, Buddha also has an ushnisha at the top of his head to represent spiritual attainment and a dot in the center of his forehead indicating wisdom.

AP Analyzing Evidence: How does this image show the distinctions created between castes? (Caste in India)

Castes in India were separated based on their purity. Higher castes were more pure and clean, and to protect their purity, they could not touch or associate with lower castes, who were polluted.

AP Causation: In what ways did cross-cultural interactions drive change in the pre-1200 world?

Cross-cultural connections allowed for communication and borrowing among people, allowing for changes to spread and grow in many places. As things were spread and adopted, they could also change and continue to spread to create different versions. Because of interactions, ideas, products, foods, and religions did not stay in one place. They were able to be adopted and enjoyed by many places.

AP Comparison: How did the Daoist look differ from that of Confucianism?

Daoism did not focus on education, but rather on the world of nature and spontaneous, natural behavior. It encouraged dao, the way of nature, the principal in which the "ten thousand things" appeared, changed, and vanished instead of the human relationships of Confucianism. Simplicity in living, small self-sufficient communities, limited government, and the abandonment of education and active efforts at self-improvement was encouraged.

AP Continuity and Change: How does this chart (Snapshot) show continuities over time in the distribution of population across the world?

Distribution of population across the world in different continents stayed mostly similar From 400 BCE to 2017. While population increased in each continent, the percentage of people in each continent stayed relatively the same.

AP Argument Development: In what ways can Confucianism be defined as a secular or "humanistic" philosophy rather than a supernatural religion?

Expressed in more rational terms oriented to life in this world without deities. It was a philosophy meant to restore order, social/political harmony during the warring states period.

AP Comparison: Explain the similarities and differences in the spread of Islam and Christianity.

For Islam and Christianity, authorities felt threatened by leaders, Jesus and Muhammad, so they took action against them. But while Jesus was crucified, Muhammad was able to gather an army to fight back. while Christians were being persecuted in the Roman Empire, Islam became separate state. Later Romans accepted Christianity and it was state supported. State support was able to help both religions spread widely. Islam was able to spread more quickly than Christianity.

AP Analyzing Evidence: What evidence can you find in this image to support the importance of asceticism in Hindu religious practices?

Hindu men left the ordinary life in their final stage of life to live in the forest to find spiritual liberation. The four men are secluded exploring texts. It can be shown in the image that Hindus believed asceticism was necessary to achieve moksha.

AP Continuity and Change: In what ways did the religious tradition of South Asia change over centuries?

Hinduism started as a wildly polytheistic religion with many gods, spirits, beliefs, rituals, and philosophies, but later changed as Indian thinkers sought to create a more unified understanding of reality. The Upanishads were created to explain Brahman, the World Soul, that people tried to achieve unity with through their own unique path of reincarnations.

AP Exam Tip: Know the basic teachings of the major Eurasian belief systems, such as reincarnation in Hinduism.

Hinduism: Brahmin, Upanishads: atman, moksha, samsara, karma, caste, Bhakti movement Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama, suffering, desire, eightfold path, nirvana, Theravada, Mahayana, boddhisatvas, Lamas Confucianism: The Analects, filial piety, family relationships to enforce government relationships, education, bureaucracy Daoism: Daodejing book, Dao/nature pattern, yin/yang, no gov/education Judaism: Abrahamic, one God, 10 commandments Moses, morals/social justice over rituals Christianity: Abrahamic, ideas of Judaism, but also Jesus Christ: love for all, help poor, support Abba/father Islam: Abrahamic, Quran revelations of Muhammad, last prophet adding to Jesus, Moses, etc., umma community for all, Shia and Sunni branches, Ulama teachers, sharia, Sufism for personal experience with Allah

AP Comparison: How did the evolution of cultural traditions in India and China differ from one another?

In India, different religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, and bhakti movement Hinduism competed with each other. Although they were different versions of each other, some were outcompeted and disappeared in India although growing in other areas. In China, the religions of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism combined and complemented each other.

AP Continuity and Change: How did Hinduism respond to the challenges of Buddhism?

In the bhakti movement, Hinduism evolved to support many gods and goddesses through songs, rituals, and prayers. Like Buddhism did to gain support, Hinduism became more accessible and allowed all to support the Divine, not separating caste or gender. It was easier without the elaborate sacrifices of the Brahmins or the philosophical speculations of intellectuals. Through good deeds, simple living, and emotionally fulfilling rituals of devotion, individuals could find salvation without a complex institutional structure, orthodox doctrine, or prescribed meditation practices. Bhakti spirituality also had a rich poetic tradition. Assimilated other traditions.

AP Causation: Explain the causes for the rapid spread of Islam depicted in map 1.4.

Islam with able to spread as the Arab Empire grew. It was supported by the Arab Empire, Persia, and surrounding neighbors.

AP Analyzing Evidence: How does this image reflect cross-cultural interactions?

It shows cross-cultural interactions between the three abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Muhammad is leading on the other prophets: Jesus, Moses, and Abraham. In Islam, It is believed that Muhammad's message as a prophet completes the messages of the other prophets in Christianity and Judaism. It shows how people did not focus just on their own cultures and religions, but were aware of others as well.

AP Analyzing Evidence: How could this image have been used to educate students of Confucianism on filial piety?

It taught students obedience and respect for seniors at home, but also showed how seniors should be kind and respectful to their children. It was mutual respect for each other, so that both could play their roles rightfully, as stated in filial piety. The relationships shown prepare students for obedience to officials.

AP Contextualization: What does this idealized painting tell historians about the interaction of belief systems in China?

It tells historians that Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism interacted and complemented each other. In China, the 3 belief systems were all supported together. Confucius, Laozi, and Buddha are united in the image.

AP Comparison: How would you compare the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha? In what different ways did the two religions evolve after the deaths of their founders?

Jesus and the Buddha were teachers of wisdom. They both encouraged compassion and an ending of desire of wealth. They supported all people, including the poor. They believed their teachings were for everyone. After Jesus' death, Christianity became a separate religion and started to spread, but in the Roman Empire, persecutions took place because of its monotheism. Then, it later spread and became state supported and popular, and separate churches were made. After the Buddha's death, Buddhism spread, but because of differing views, different versions were made.

AP Exam Tip: Compare features of leadership in major religions, using the ulama in Islam as one example.

Leaders in major religions performed duties needed in the religion and sometimes secular duties as well, promoted/educated/guide people on the religion Hindu Brahmins were priests and religious leaders performing sacrifices to deities Buddhism had boddhisatvas who postponed liberation and becoming a buddha to help people with achieving nirvana Tibetan Buddhism had Lamas, teachers who prepared students for death Judaism, Christianity, and Islam had God and prophets to guide people Ulama in Islam were teachers of the Islamic laws as well as administrators and other jobs

AP Causation: What was it about the Agricultural Revolution that made possible these new forms of human society?

People were able to stay in one place because of the cultivation of plants and domestication of animals, allowing food to come more easily. So, populations grew larger and people were able to live in big, settled communities.

Big Picture Question: Why have human cultural traditions, such as religions, generally outlasted the political systems in which they were born?

Religions created a bond between people and code of ethics and beliefs for everyone supporting the religion. It guided people and was easily passed on through generations. Political systems were not supported by everyone because they could be unfair. While people devoted their time and their lives to religions, political systems weren't always supported in the same way and could collapse more easily because of this region. Even after political systems collapse, the religions will continue on because a political system is not needed to support and believe in religions.

Big Picture Question: To what extent did the Agricultural Revolution change human history by ca. 1200 CE?

The Agricultural Revolution changed human history very much. Because of agriculture, populations were able to grow and people were able to focus less on finding food and focus more on creating technology, arts, literature, religions, and civilizations. People started out focusing on very basic things in life (gathering and hunting food) to more complex ideas after the Agricultural Revolution.

AP Argument Development: What was distinctive about the Jewish religious tradition?

The Jewish religious tradition had a distinctive conception of the Divine: singular, transcendent, personal, revealed in the natural order, engaged in history, and demanding social justice and moral righteousness above sacrifices and rituals.

AP Continuity and Change: Why did some Paleolithic peoples abandon earlier, more nomadic ways and begin to live a more settled life?

The deliberate cultivation of plants and taming of animals allowed for people to live in permanent, settled communities because they no longer had to search for food to eat and survive. Since it was easier to get food, people could stay in one place and focus on creating technology and forming societies.

AP Comparison: In what respects did the various civilizations of the pre-1200 world differ from one another? What common features did they share?

The earliest civilizations were geographically quite limited, while many later civilizations (such as the Chinese, Persian, and Roman) extended over far larger regions and found political expression in empires that incorporated many culturally different peoples. Civilizations differed in how their societies were structured and stratified. Slaves and Patriarchy were common to all civilizations, they only differed in their importance by place, time, and status.

Big Picture Question: To what extent are the major religious traditions discussed in this chapter similar to one another? And in what ways do they differ?

The major religious traditions each have have a key set of beliefs and main ideas. They all sought to explain the ways of the world and how people should live. They were different because some were monotheistic while others were polytheistic and some didn't have gods. Some have rituals, while others do not and valued social justice. Some were religions with salvation and gods, while some were more rational and based on how to live in this world. They main set of beliefs and ideas on how people should live differed. The religions were directed towards different people. Many were supported towards the poor, such as Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. These eventually became part of the group of religions, including Daoism and Judaism, directed towards everyone. Some were meant to support the government, such as Hinduism and Confucianism, supporting the caste system inequalities or obedience to officials (Confucianism also helped some educated poor get into bureaucracy). Some stayed open to everyone, while others created gender roles.

AP Comparison: How are the teachings of the Quran regarding social justice and the poor similar to the teachings of Buddhism and Christianity?

The teachings of the Quran are against desire for wealth, bad treatment of the poor, and corruption, just like Buddhism and Christianity. They all supported helping the poor and demanding social justice for all.

AP Contextualization: How does the yin yang symbol reflect Chinese attitudes toward differing philosophies? What does the yin yang symbol tell us about Chinese attitudes toward gender roles?

The yin and yang believes in the unity or complementarity of opposites such as differing philosophies of Confucianism and Daoism. The yin yang symbol tells us that Chinese believed females and males should have different and opposite personalities and gender roles, but they complement each other and work together.

AP Exam Tip: You should know that Buddhism and Christianity developed out of earlier belief systems, Hinduism and Judaism, respectfully.

They developed out of earlier religions from people who lived there, not expecting to create a new religion. But, they added on new ideas or changed ideas.

Big Picture Question: In what ways did "civilizations" differ from other kinds of human societies?

They had cities, a center of trade, government, literature, and ceremony. They also had states with kings who ruled and controlled the people. Civilizations had rulers and were much bigger compared to other societies, such as pastoral societies and farming communities.

AP Contextualization: In what way was this ziggurat a means of reinforcing the government's legitimacy?

Ziggurat was not only a temple for the Mesopotamian moon god Nanna. Priests ran the ziggurat performing religious and secular functions. Religion and the ziggurat legitimized the priests as the rulers to perform their functions and control the city-state.

AP Exam Tip: Keep in mind the social and political effects of India's caste system, as it will continue to be important later on in the course.

caste system was rigid and separate people in India based on purity and thought to show how close to moksha people were: gender roles (men vs. women), untouchables looked down upon, Brahmin priests supported and lead sacrifices

AP Exam Tip: Societies' expectations for what men and women are supposed to do or be (that is, "gender roles") are an important theme throughout the course.

gender roles for men and women are state by the government or in religions ex. India's caste system: Hinduism ex. Daoist's yin and yang support Chinese gender roles

AP Exam Tip: Be able to give examples of factors that attract people to belief systems.

not too time consuming, available and open to everyone, access to supernatural figure for help, salvation

AP Exam Tip: You should know the basic differences and similarities between Hinduism and Buddhism.

similarities: idea that ordinary life is an illusion, the concepts of karma and rebirth, the goal of overcoming the incessant demands of the ego, the practice of med-itation, the hope for final release from the cycle of rebirth differences: no religious authority of Brahmins, rituals and sacrifices, creation of the world, or existence of God and nirvana is self-effort for all- no caste system inequalities

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