Streams Summary

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The base level of a stream may be

a lake into which it flows.a dam.the ocean.

Floodplains are associated with

broad valleys with broadly meandering streams.

The __________ of a stream are where it begins, and its __________ is where it flows into another body of water.

headwaters; mouth

The gradient of a stream describes

the steepness of its path through the landscape.

Streams deposit sediment when

water slows down.

The base level of a stream controls

how deeply it can erode its channel.

The sinuosity of a stream is a measure of

how much it meanders.

Streams are able to carry clasts ranging from mud to medium-sized boulders depending on their

kinetic energy.

Sediment particles move in a stream by


V-shaped stream valleys are formed by

stream erosion. slumping of the valley walls. soil creep in the valley walls.

A stream channel is

the area in which its water normally flows.

A drainage basin is

the entire area that feeds water into a stream.

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