Stress Management Exam 2

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Set of Hindu relaxation techniques. Cleanses the body and activated the nervous system, improves one's intelligence and sex life.

Type A behavior pattern

Set of behaviors associated with the development of coronary heart disease

Goals of selective awareness

Should selectively deemphasize the disturbing features of a stressor, should believe in the pair strengths and let go of their weaknesses


Sincere intention not to seek revenge or avoid the transgressors and replacing negative emotions with positive emotions. Lowers anxiety, depression stress, and blood cholesterol


Social concept that involves beliefs, practices, and rituals related to the sacred. Believes in concept of life after death. Have better quality of life

Techno stress

Sour reaction to technology and how our lives are changing as a result. Technology eliminates personal downtime that makes a person feel overwhelmed and stressed


Spiritual activity with numerous benefits: Development of a greater sense of civic responsibility Higher level of academic achievement Increase commitment to helping others and to promoting racial understanding Enhanced critical thinking and conflict resolution skills


State of mind that includes the 3 C's: commitment, control, challenge

Stress buffering theory

States that social support helps after a stressor is encountered to. Helps prevent that stressor from resulting in negative consequences

Stress and calcium

Stress interferes with calcium absorption in the intestine. Increased chance for osteoporosis

Selective awareness

Being selectively aware of the positive aspect of each situation. People should realize the good and bad sides of everythingc

Self efficiency

Belief that I can be successful at doing something

Co creator perception deficiency

Belief that people are in total control over events or have no control at all

Social support

Belonging, being accepted, loved, or neededt


Body positions used during yoga prsctice

Humor and cancer

Body produces NK cells that attack cancer cells, body naturally produces them through humor

Personal efficacy

Successfully employing a strategy

Diaphragmatic breathing

Deep breathing that expands the belly rather than just the chest

Comprehensive stress management

-Includes intervention at all phases of the stress theory model -Several methods are used at each phase -Elimination of all stress is not recommended -Goal is to perform within optimal levels of stress

Reasons why communication fails

1. Because you don't hear it all or you don't hear it accurately 2. Whining 3. Inability to demonstrate an understanding of the person you are in conflict with 4. Stubborness

In order to experience anxiety, you must do all of these

1. Extreme amount of unrealistic fear 2. Changes physical things like heart rate as result of that fear 3. Seek to escape the situation

The five phases of the stress model

1. Life situation 2. Perceived as stressful 3. Emotional arousal 4. Physiological arousal 5. Consequences

Desirable body mass index

18.5 and 24.9

Quieting reflex (QR)

6 step relaxation technique that results in relaxation in seconds

Assertion theory

Based on the premise that every person has certain basic rights. People are taught that acting consistently with these rights is socially or morally unacceptable

Type B behavior pattern

Behavior that exhibits no free-floating hostility or sense of time urgency


Ability to identify and make use of strengths and assets. Respond to challenges that help one grow as an individual

Emotional intelligence

Accurately identify and understand ones own emotional reactions. Regulate ones emotions and use them to make good decisions and act effectively . Important in developing and maintaining relationships

Coleman's model of emotional intelligence (define more)

Accurately perceive emotions in oneself and other, use emotions to facilitate thinking, understand emotional meaning d


Acting in a way to get what one is entitled to, but at the expense of other's rights


Acting to satisfy ones own needs, but not at the expense of other's rights


Activities to prevent a stressor from resulting in negative consequences

Spiritual health

Adherence to religious doctrine. Ability to: discover and express one's purpose in life. Experience love, joy, peace, and fulfillment. Science and help others to achieve full potential

Patterns of behavior

Assertive, non assertive, sgressive

Type D behavior pattern

Associated with the development of and death from coronary heart disease. Characterized by negative emotion and inhibited self-expression. Hypochondriac

Type C behavior pattern

Associated with the development of cancer and is characterized by denial and suppression of emotions and pathological niceness

Outside efficiency

Availability of an effective strategy to manage a demand/threat

What does being unforgiving evoke?

Brain activity consistent with stress mangers aggression, stress-related hormonal secretions, increase in blood pressure. Negatively effects mental health

Effect of stress on vitamins

Chronic stress depleted vitamins from bodies, especially B complex vitamins and vitamin C


Cognitive interpretations of people, things, and events within ones world

Nonverbal communication

Communication by body posture. People show appreciation, revulsion, and indifference with expressions and gestures. Individuals sexuality is communicated by the way they dress, walk, and stand

Spiritual disease

Condition in which people sure not true to their spiritual selves. Live a "life story" that is inconsistent with their beliefs and values


Condition of low blood sugar preceded by elevated levels of blood sugar. Produces an intense stress response. Chronic stress burns out the beta cells resulting in reduced production of insulin.

Self efficiency

Confidence in the ability to manage a demand/threat

Test anxiety

Consists of worry and emotionality


Daily negative interactions with the environment

secondary appraisal of stress

Determining whether resource needed to meet the demand are available . Do we have the study material? If you are given a pop quiz are you going to be prepared

American cancer association recommends

Eating five or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits daily, choosing whole grains over processed grains, limiting whole grains over processed grains. Limiting the intake of processed and red meats, carrying a limited amount of body fat

The four things social support can be

Emotional, financial, informational, advice

Verbal communication

Ensures that nonverbal and Mercator messages are consistent, plan time to talk, listen and paraphrase, use and instead of but

ABCDE technique

Examines irrational beliefs. A: activating agent, B: belief system, C: consequences, D: disputing irrational beliefs, E: effect

Tai Chi

Exercise and relaxation technique that originated in China about 300 years ago. Uses slow, dance like movements along with meditation and control of breathing

Informational support

Facts or advice

emotional arousal

Fear, anger, and insecurity

Panic disorder

Feelings of terror that strikes people repeatedly without warning

Tasks-oriented coping

Finding a better way to do the task. Understanding that original approach to a situation may of not of been the most effective way, stepping out of box

Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback

Focuses on muscle tension, used for conditions such as cerebral palsy, muscle spasms, and tinnitus


Focusing attention on the present moment to relax (focuses on what is and not what if and if only)

Attitude of gratitude

Focusing on things about which to be grateful

Pseudo stressors

Food substances that produce a stress response. Known as sympathomimetics. Stimulate the sympathetic response in which they stressor elicits a stress response. Caffeine.

DESC form

Formula for verbally expressive assertiveness consisting of: Description of the situation, expression of feelings, specification of preferred change, consequences of whether or not a change is made

Trait anxiety

General sense of snxiety

Non assertive

Giving up what one is entitled to in order not to upset another person

What should be in a balanced diet?

Grains (half whole, eat at least 3 oz. of whole grain), vegetables (eat more dark-green veggies and dry beans and peas 2 1/2 cups), fruits (preferably fresh or frozen 2 cups), milk (low-fat or fat free, 3 cups), meat and beans (low-fat or lean 5 1/2 oz.)

Characteristics of those with emotional intelligence

Have self awareness, great deal of teamwork, collaboration, service oriented, achievement motivation

Six step of autogenic training

Heaviness throughout the arms and legs, warmth throughout the arms and legs, sensations of warmth and heaviness in the heart, slow and cam breathing, sensations of warmth in the abdomen, sensations of coolness in the forehead

Factors essential to successful autogenic training

High motivation and cooperation, reasonable degree of self-direction and self-control, ability to maintain a body posture, reduction of external environmental stimuli


How highly kind regards oneself

Humor and stress

Humor is an effective means of coping with stress. Increases cheerfulness.

How to increase self-esteem

Identify what needs to be improved, seeking honest feedback from friends, being open about ones thoughts and feelings

Foods to limit

If high in fat or added sugar, processed and fried foods, high-fat milk products, baked products and snack foods, drinks with high-fructose corn syrup


Images of relaxing scenes to translate body relaxation into mind relaxing

Physiological arousal

Increase in serum cholesterol p, respiratory and heart rates, muscle tension, and blood pressure


Individuals define for themselves the rules, regulations, and responsibilities. To guide their behavior and by which they choose to live

Repetitive prayer

Induces a relaxation response

Specific phonia

Intense fear of a specific situation that is harmless

cognitive appraisal

Interpretation of a stressor. The way our body handles stress when it presents itself


Involves students who provide service on or off campus using the knowledge or skills they learn in class. Helps an individual to be supportive of stress-related national health objectives

Cognitive restructuring

Involves viewing an anxiety-provoking event as less threatening. Helps in the accurate assessment of a situation by measuring the consequences

Primary appraisal of stress

Judging how much of a threat is involved, and how important is the audience. If making sue you aced a test is a major concern, then it is going to be extremely stressful

Nonverbal body language

Lack of eye contact, looking down or away, swaying and shifting of weight, whining and hesitancy when speaking

Emotional support

Love or caring concern

emotion-focused coping

Managing one's feelings and/or accepting that the task is beyond one's talent

Thermal biofeedback

Measures temp. Used in the treatment of diabetes, Raynaud's disease, and high blood oressure

Tangible support

Money or the use of a car

Proper form

Moving the body to accomplish the task most effectively

Relaxing sounds

Natural sounds, white noise soothing music

FDA recommended salt intake

No more than 1800-2000

Noise and stress

Noise increases blood pressure, regard rate,and muscle tension. Stress responses develop at 85 decibels. Prolonged exposure to sounds about 90 decibels results in hearing loss

Ways to improve emotional intelligence

Observe how you react to people, look at your work environment, do a self-evaluation, examine how you react to stressful situations, take responsibility for your actions

Social phobia

Overwhelming fear and self-consciousness in everyday situations

Active listening

Paraphrasing the speakers words or feelings, called reflective listening

Social support theory

Participation in a church, synagogue, or other spiritual groups brings one in close contact with other people of similar mind. Sense of affiliation may help ease feelings of anger and anxiety

Placebo theory

People who believe that something will help them often report that it does

Internal locus of control

Per+emotion that one has maximum control over life events

Locus of control

Perception of the amount of personal control one has over the events in ones life

External locus of control

Perception that one has minimum control over life events, I die, I die

Pets and stress

Pets take the focus off one's concerns and worries, provide social support and entertainment, reduce stress

Prayer and health

Prayer is the most common form of complementary and alternative medicine

Social support

Presence of significant others with whom to discuss stressors

Most effect trading or skills to manage stress. Least effective

Prevention and source management. Relaxation and thought management

What are the two categories of appraisal?

Primary and secondary appraisal

Define primary and secondary control in the control theory

Primary: attempts to change a situation (intercessory prayer) Secondary: attempts to control oneself or one's emotional reactions (meditation, contemplative prayer, rituals)

Instant calming Sequence (ICS)

Recognizing signs of stress and responding immediately to them

Importance of spiritual health

Reduces stress and improves general health, Levi of emotional and spiritual health causes heart disease


Regulates breathing techniques used in yoga

Autogenic training

Relaxation technique that involves imagining one's limbs to be heavy, warm, and tingling. Designed to help people better manage the stressors in their lives. Uses bodily sensations to first relax the body and the expand thus relaxed state to the mind by the imagery


Relaxation technique that manipulates muscular tense points in the body. A lot of different types out there

Basic principles of Tai Chi

Relaxation, separating yin and yang, keeping an erect back, total body movement

Spirituality and health

Religion and spirituality are used as interventions to improve health and alleviate stress

Aerobic prayer

Repeating prayer while jogging or walking

Double-blind studies

Research investigations in which neither the research subjects nor the data collectors are aware of who is in the control group and who is in the experimental group


Result of a demand that exceeds resources available to meet thst


Results in psychological and physiological changes leading to relaxation. Improves the health of the elderly and is used as a therapy.

Modification of Type A behavior

Rewarding type B and ignoring A, setting goals, listing behaviors to eliminate, separate needs and wants, slowing down

Healthy foods should be low in:

Saturated fats, trans fats (actually 0), cholesterol, sodium, sugar

Body scanning

Searching for relaxed body parts and transporting that sensation to the less relaxed areas

How to arrange for biofeedback training?

Searching for the availability of biofeedback equipment, volunteering as a subject in biofeedback equipment, volunteering as a subject in biofeedback research, using equipment at hospitals

Religious approaches to increase control

Self-directing, collaborative, deferring, pleading

Requirements for successful communicstion

Sender must be knowledgeable, trustworthy, and believable and familiar with the preferences of the receiver. Message must be credible and should include evidence. The medium should be effective.

Types of anxiety

Test anxiety, trait anxiety, state anxiety, panic disorder, social phobia, specific phobia

A, B, C, lists

Time management technique in which tasks are prioritized

How is cancer linked to eating?

Typically when there is more fat, there is more estrogen. Cancers s linked to high amounts of estrogen


Unnecessary muscular contraction


Unrealistic fear. Results in physiological arousal and behaviors to avoid or escape the stimulus

Three types of breathing

Upper costal breathing (only expand upper 3rd portion of lungs, short shallow breaths) Middle costal breathing ( 2/3 of lungs, most common) Loser costal breathing (diaphragmatic, healthiest type)


Use of electronic instruments to monitor and change subconscious activities. Helps people voluntarily control their bodily processes after gaining info about their body

Relaxing using biofeedback

Used as a training device to achieve control of one's physiological processes. Teaches the sensations of relaxation and it's physiological correlates

Progressive relaxat

Used to induce nerve-muscle relaxation. Involves contacting and relaxing muscle groups throughout the body. Called neuromuscular relaxation. Relaxes the mind by first relaxing the body and does not produce a hypnotic state

Direct effect theory

Views social support as a means of preventing stressors from occurring in the first olsce

Autogenic meditation

Visualization of relaxing images used during autogenic training

Control theory

When someone feels some degree of control over a stressor, that person's health will be less affected by the stressor


engaging in a behavior or thought to respond to a demand

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