Study Guide 609

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Variable-ratio schedules generate:

High rates of response

Intermittent schedules of reinforcement are necessary to:

Maintain behavior and get reinforcement on a more naturally occurring schedule

You are working with a young client in a clinic setting and are implementing a toilet training protocol. Which of the following should you do to make sure that this client's dignity is protected?

Make sure that the bathroom door is shut when the client is using the toilet.

Visual inspection is:

Making a judgement about the effects of an intervention by examining graphed data

Which of the following is an example of a continuous schedule of reinforcement (CRF)?

Mike gets a point each time he raises his hand.

Skinner's model of selection by consequences assumes that behavior:

Naturally varies in form and frequency

Behavioral momentum:

Refers to behavor that persist or continues in the presence of a stimulus for reinforcement despite disruptive factors

A ______________ is behavior that is elicited by a biologically relevant stimulus while a/an _______________ is behavior controlled by its consequences.

Reflex; operant

Which of the following is a consequence that is likely to result in the increase of a behavior?


Which of the following is an example of a progressive schedule of reinforcement?

Reinforcement after the 2nd behavior, then after the 4th, then after the 5th

Which of the following is true about concept of motivating operations (MO)?

Reinforcers work better when they are in effect

Shaping of behavior involves:

Reinforcing closer and closer approximations to the final performance

Behavioral shaping involves:

Reinforcing successive approximations of a larger behavior

The term _____________refers to behavior that is elicited and the term ____________ refers to behavior that is emitted:

Respondent; operant

Which of the following is a pivotal skill that helps individuals "learn to learn"?

Responding to multiple cues in the environment

A(n) ____________ refers to all of the forms of a behavior that have a similar function.

Response class

Functional analysis involves classifying behavior according to ____________, and analyzing the environment in terms of _________.

Response functions; stimulus functions

Which of the following is a behavior?

Running a race

Mex finds that his new dog will work really hard for bites of a doggy treat at the beginning of a training session, but appears to lose interest in the treats the more that Max gives to him. This is an example of:


Which of the following is a discriminative stimulus (SD)?

Saying "Match blue" and receiving a blue card

Which of the following types of interventions are RBTs allowed to use?

Scientifically-based behavioral interventions

In operant conditioning, a stimulus that reliably precedes an operant response (SD) is said to:

Set the occasion for the response

Before Frank could begin his research project, he had to train his rat to press the lever by reinforcing successive approximation of lever pressing. This technique is known as:


Why would the prompt level necessary to perform the skill be an important part of data collection?

Skills performed with prompts are not mastered until they are performed without prompts

Which of the following would be an example of an abolishing operation (AO) for eating?

Smelling rancid food

Ellen is an RBT who works with clients with autism in their homes. Currently, she sees 3 children every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 2 hours at a time. Each of them lives 15 to 30 miles from each other. By the time she gets to the last child she works with on those days, she is exhausted and doesn't always do as good of a job as she knows she can do. She is offered an opportunity to work with another child who lives 2 miles from the second child she sees those days. What should she do?

Speak with her supervisor about the situation and offer to work with the RBT who can take over therapy for her current third child for those days.

In order to treat her son's frequent tantrums while out shopping, Ruby put his tantrum behavior on extinction by refusing to buy any treats when he tantrums in the store. This works and her son does not tantrum any more while shopping. Then, suddenly, the tantrum behavior reappears one day while they are out shopping. This reappearance of the previously extinguished behavior is an example of:

Spontaneous recovery

When stimuli vary physically but have a common effect on behavior, they are part of the same ___________.

Stimulus class

In functional analysis, positive and negative reinforcers are examples of:

Stimulus classes

Your supervisor tells you to use a strategy you have no idea how to use. What is the best response to the request?

Tell the supervisor immediately that you do not know how to use the strategy and ask for them to demonstrate it.

Billy drops to the floor when his mother turns off the television

Testable Explanation

Karlie elopes from the room when the teacher starts to attend to other students.

Testable Explanation

Paul taps his foot on the floor when he takes tests.

Testable Explanation

When Chris is provided with a writing worksheet, he bites his hand

Testable Explanation

In terms of the reversal design and behavioral experiments:

The A-phase is called the baseline; The design is used in single-subject experiments; The B-phase is the experimental manipulation

Learning refers to:

The acquisition of behavior; The change in behavior as a result of events; The maintenance of behavior

Max conducted a study in which he moved the recycling bin in the hallway close to the classroom door for a week and then a week with the recycling bin about 10 feet from the door of the classroom. The trash bin remained constant at about 5 feet from the classroom door. At the end of each day, Max measured the amount of recycling in the bin. What is the dependent variable for this study?

The amount of trash in the recycling bin

RBTs must document:

The data from the session and any other relevant information

Which of the following would likely be the best research question to address using an A-B-A-B reversal design?

The effect of extra credit on time spent studying for an exam

A researcher examined the possibility that additional recess time would increase the number of math facts learned over a one-month period. The procedure tested this hypothesis using a first-grade classroom with extended recess time a second-grade classroom with regular recess time. In this study, the amount of recess time would be considered:

The independent variable

Analysis of behavior becomes experimental when it involves:

The manipulation of a condition to see how behavior is affected

Applied behavior analysis is:

The use of behavior principles to solve practical problems

A disadvantage of bar graphs is:

The variability of data can be lost.

Which of the following describes a potential issue with environmental stimuli and people with disabilities?

They sometimes overreact and underreact to stimuli

The idea that successful behaviors will increase in likelihood while unsuccessful behaviors will decrease in likelihood was first described in:

Thorndike's law of effect

Which of the following is an example of a multiple relationship?

Tina and Lois are best friends. Lois is an RBT who works with Tina's son.

Which of the following is the best reason for thinning reinforcement?

To decrease dependence on the reinforcer in order to demonstrate the behavior

Why are intermittent reinforcement schedules used?

To maintain previously acquired behaviors

What is the best way to prevent ratio strain?

To thin reinforcement gradually

"Shooting a basketball consists of holding the ball in one hand while the knees are bent with feet shoulder-width apart, followed by pushing the feet into the floor, extending the arm, and flicking the wrist." This description is focusing on what element of behavior?


The transitivity aspect of stimulus equivalence is the result of:

Training 2 other stimulus relations

Susan records data after every discrete trial she delivers. What type of data recording is this?

Trial by trial

It is important for behavior therapists, psychologists, and parents to maintain a critical attitude when considering the merits of emerging theories.


Learning disabilities and language impairments are considered two of the most common and jointly debilitating specifiers.


The identification of etiological causes of autism is important in developing specific treatments and in developing prevention programs.


A most-to-least prompting sequence involves:

Using the most intrusive prompt, then less intrusive prompts until the least is used

If an RBT puts a picture of herself and the clients she works with on a social media site, she is:

Violating the client's right to confidentiality

Consequences are:

What happens as a result of a behavior

Which of the following is true about reinforcement?

What one individual finds reinforcing may not be true for others.

A concurrent schedule of reinforcement is operating when:

When 2 schedules of reinforcement are simultaneously available

Cumulative graphs are used:

When progress toward a predetermined number of behaviors should be demonstrated

The fundamental distinction between respondent and operant conditioning is:

Whether the conditioning involved the correlation of a stimuli or a contingency between response and consequence

Which of the following is a discontinuous data recording procedure?

Whole interval recording

According to the RBT Ethics Code, clients and their families have a right to:

Your background check and credentials

Any stimulus (or event) that follows a response and increases its frequency is said to have:

A reinforcement function

Stimulus equivalence occurs when:

A response is correctly displayed in the presence of a stimulus that has not been trained or reinforced

What is a stimulus class?

A set of stimuli that share a common attribute

Which of the following is an example of how stimulus control could be augmented?

A timer to signal how long to brush teeth

A schedule that is made up of a series of alternately presented fixed-ratio (FR) schedules with the values FR5, FR10, FR20, FR25, and FR40 would be best described as:

A variable-ratio 20 schedule

Replacement behaviors are:

Acceptable behaviors to teach in place of undesirable behaviors

In positive reinforcement, a stimulus is __________ and as a result behavior __________.

Added; increases

Which of the following statements is the best way to describe this particular behavioral intervention to a parent of a child receiving the intervention?

After John has written 3 letters of his name, give him a small piece of crunchy cereal.

Ratio schedules of reinforcement offer reinforcers:

After a specific number of responses are displayed

An operant class is:

All of the variations of behavior that produce the environmental changes required for reinforcement

The extinction burst refers to:

An increase n frequency of the behavior when extinction is first started

Fixed interval schedules often result in:

An increased rate of responding at the end of the interval

Which part of the 3-term contingency addresses factors that occur before the display of behavior?


Which part of the 3-term contingency is the most responsible for stimulus control?


Which of the following dimensions of ABA refers to the social importance of problems?


Skinner argued that internal events such as feelings, thoughts, and intentions:

Are behaviors that need to be explained

Schedules of reinforcement were first described by:

B. F. Skinner

According to Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968), what is the difference between basic and applied behavior analysis?

Basic research is likely to look at any behavior and and variable, and applied research looks at variables that could improve behavior

Why are individuals taught to use replacement behaviors in place of problem behavior?

Because just suppressing a problem behavior does not provide a way to get an individual's needs met

Which of the following statements is true?

Behavior is neutral.

John Watson used which term to describe the study of behavior?


The "behavioral" dimension of ABA refers to:

Being able to observe and measure behavior

Which of the following is an antecedent variable that could play a role in the display of a behavior?

Being in a quiet environment

Behavior analysts recognize the importance of _____________________, but tend to focus more on ____________________.

Biology; environment

How does functional communication training (FCT) address problem behavior?

By addressing communication skills needed to replace the problem behavior

The Premack principle states that a higher-frequency behavior will:

Function as reinforcement for a lower-frequency behavior

Principles of behavior like extinction, discrimination, and spontaneous recovery:

Generalize across species

Which of the following is an example of positive reinforcement?

Giving someone a compliment for doing good work

George was assigned to work with Franklin at his home today. As part of his therapy, Franklin was learning to use his electric razor to shave his face. He had been shaving the area under his nose independently. Today Franklin flatly refused to do so and shouted "No shave" over and over again. Franklin's mother came in from her garden outside and asked George how the shaving was going. What should George say to Franklin's mother?

"Franklin did not want to shave under his nose today, that's unusual. I would like to try a different reinforcement schedule with him to see if that will help."

When evaluating the immediacy of change in order to determine experimental control, behavioral analysts recommend using the last ____________ sessions of baseline and the first _____________ sessions of the treatment phase.

3; 3

A trend that ascends from left to right means:

A behavior is increasing

If discrimination training is being used to teach a learner to identify blue objects, which of the combination of materials should be used?

A blue card and a red card

Which of the following statements provides an example of stimulus control?

A child sees a cookie and then asks for it

Water might have a value-altering effect when:

A person is very thirsty

If food is presented every time a pigeon pecks a key, then the behavior is on a __________ schedule of reinforcement.


Which of the following graphs indicate the total number of behaviors in an additive fashion?

Cumulative graphs

Differential reinforcement of high rates of behavior are used to:

Decrease the time from the display of one behavior to the next

Punishment has occurred when the behavior it followed:


Which of the following makes reinforcement more effective?

Deprivation state, immediacy, adequate size, and contingency

Which of the following statements best describes the goals of behavior analysis?

Describe the principles and rules of behavior, apply them across species, and develop technologies for behavior change

What defines a contingency of reinforcement?

Discriminative stimulus Operant Reinforcement

Recently, Mario's tantrums seem to last longer. Which data recording procedure might be the best one to use to determine this?


Two main reasons why individuals engage in a particular behavior are:

Escape and gain

Continuous reinforcement schedules are most often used to:

Establish new behaviors

Jim gets depressed and puts his head down on the desk.

Explanatory Fiction

Shauna, when she is hungry, gets cranky.

Explanatory fiction

When Marie is nervous, she bites her fingernails.

Explanatory fiction

When the teacher starts the math lesson, Dan starts to daydream.

Explanatory fiction

One of the main criticisms of behavioral rewards and reinforcement is the idea that __________.

External rewards will lead to lower intrinsic motivation

Research has determined that autism is a simple condition that requires complex treatments.


Which of the following are considered single common pathways based on the neuropsychological level?

Faulty conditioning; Severe language disorder; Defective sequencing ability; Impaired theory of mind

Schedules that generate predictable stair-step patterns are:

Fixed ratio

Maria is paid on Friday, every two weeks. This is an example of a __________ schedule of reinforcement.


Which of the following is not an example of operant conditioning:

Flinching slightly when the nurse tells you that they are about to give you a shot

Which of the following is an example of a primary reinforcer?


In the television show The Office, Jim pranks his coworker Dwight by repeatedly playing a sound on his computer and then immediately offering Dwight a strong breath mint. After several days of this, Dwight immediately holds out his hand when the computer beeps and reports that he has a bad taste in his mouth. In this (fake) demonstration of learning:

Holding out his hand is an operant behavior and salivating is a respondent behavior

The x axis on a graph is:

Horizontal and is also called the abscissa

Which of the following is an explanation of the "Dead Man's Test"?

If a dead man cannot do it, then it is a behavior.

Which of the following increases the value of a reinforcer for an individual?

If it is delivered immediately and only available for the display of the target behavior

Which of the following tasks are RBTs allowed to perform?

Implement behavior change programs

If an intervention is implemented with a "high degree of fidelity," it is:

Implemented consistently and accurately

Negative reinforcers:

Increase behavior when removed

Differential reinforcement of low rates of behavior is used to:

Increase the amount of time between the display of one behavior to the next

In terms of behavior-environmental relations, establishing operations: (choose all that apply)

Increase the momentary effectiveness of reinforcement; Increase momentarily responses that have produced reinforcement

The variable manipulated by the experimenter is the ______________ and the measured effect is the ______________.

Independent; dependent

If an RBT is unknowingly assigned to work with a relative, which of the following is the best course of action for the RBT to take?

Inform the supervisor and ask not to work with the client.

In studying problem solving behavior in kittens, Thorndike used which term to describe behaviors they displayed to escape an enclosure by pulling a string on a latch?

Instrumental behavior

A rat receives a pellet for the first response after 5 minutes regardless of how often they press the lever. This is an example of a(n) __________ schedule.


The behavior of an organism:

Is everything an organism does, including thinking and feeling

If data indicate that progress is not being made, which of the following questions could be asked?

Is the skill program being delivered effectively?

Which of the following is true about data collection?

It is the foundation for creating behavioral interventions.

Which data recording method would be best used to measure the time between when a teacher said to start on an assignment and the time the student started on the assignment?


Fixed ratio schedules are best used for:

Learning a new behavior

Which of the following types of graphs are most preferred in the field of ABA?

Line graphs

Consider the following example: "Kendra stays out two hours past curfew. As a result of her tardiness, her parents take away her privileges to go out for two weeks. The next time Kendra goes out, she makes sure to come home on time." This is an example of __________.

Negative punishment

Consider the following example: "Joanne is very fair skinned. In order to not get sunburned, she puts on sunscreen before she goes to the beach." This is an example of _______________.

Negative reinforcement

Marla overslept and was late dropping off her kids at school. That made her late for her work as an RBT at the ABC Autism Center. When she met her first client, Zoe this morning, she did not make her usual silly faces to Zoe that she always does. She was in a hurry to get therapy started. Zoe did not comply when Marla told her to "sit in chair." What is this an example of?

Not leaving your problems at the door

The process of defining target behaviors using a precise definition is called:

Operationally defining the behavior

Which of the following is not one of the conditions tested by Iwata and associates (1994) in their functional analysis of the cause of self-injurious behavior (SIB) in children with developmental disabilities?

Peer interaction

Ethical codes and supervision of behavior analytic services are important because:

People receiving behavior analytic interventions are vulnerable and deserve the best interventions available.

Motivating operations can exert stimulus control over a behavior by:

Playing a role in the effectiveness of the reinforcer at that point in time

Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic contingencies?

Positive extinction

Consider the following example: "Bob is running late for work so he drives faster than usual. As a result of his increased speed, Bob is pulled over by a police officer and receives a ticket. The next time Bob is running late for work he drives the correct speed." This is an example of ____________.

Positive punishment

Which of the following best describes the difference between positive and negative reinforcement?

Positive reinforcement involves giving something to increase a behavior and negative reinforcement involves taking something away in order to increase behavior

William (1959) found that the bedtime tantrum behavior of a 20-month-old was maintained by __________ and the parents' behavior of giving in to the tantrum was maintained by __________.

Positive reinforcement; negative reinforcement

How can consistency and routine help to increase the display of a desired behavior?

Predictability that goes along with consistency and routine helps learners focus on what is important

According to a behavior analyst, thinking is:

Private behavior that can be explained using the same principles as public behavior

Variable ratio schedules of reinforcement:

Provide high and steady rates of the behavior targeted for reinforcement

Skinner proposed that the basic datum (measure) for operant analysis should be:


When considering ratio and interval schedules of reinforcement:

Ratio schedules produce a higher rate of response

Increasing the number of responses required in a ratio schedule of reinforcement too quickly often results in a stereotyped pattern of behavior that includes emotional responding and a failure to perform the required behavior. This pattern of behavior is referred to as:

Ratio strain

Skinner used the term "operant conditioning" to describe:

Rats pressing a lever to receive food until they were full

The causes of autism related behaviors are _______________ .

complex, cumulative, and interactive.

According to our textbook, well conducted, evidenced-based research is most likely to be found _____________ .

in peer reviewed journals.

Promixal data refers to the _________ data collected.

nearest; most immediate

A testable explanation is an __________ statement that can be clearly defined and measured. When testing a statement, we need to be able to clearly observe both the behavior and the event. To reiterate, if you can observe the event and the behavior is objective, then the statement is testable.


Most of the early theories exploring the causes of ASD have now been _______________ .


An explanatory fiction is a __________ statement because it typically references an internal state or event that we cannot objectively measure. For example, if the statement references an "overreaction", it would be an explanatory fiction because the term "overreaction" is subjective. Specifically, everyone may have a different idea of what constitutes an "overreaction". If this were a real situation, it would be best to speak with the teacher to determine what he/she perceives as an "overreaction" and then define the reported behaviors in an objective and clear manner.


Single factor theories of ASD are undermined by other emerging evidence. The emerging evidence is related to what is called ____________ .

the broader autism phenotype.

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