Study Guide: Disbursing Test 1

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Who may be appointed as a Disbursing Officer?

A Financial Management Support Unit Commander

Which of the following statements best describes CashLink?

A global Treasury Department cash concentration and financial information reporting system.

Balance Forward (#1 on the DD 1081) can be found by (2 ways):

A) Prior day End of Balance DD 2665 B) -0- because they turned in all the money

What is a Disbursing Officer responsible for?

Accounting for all public funds received, maintained, disbursed, or otherwise disposed of for a particular Disbursing Station Symbol Number (DSSN).

to DFAS?Which function involves submitting the SF


Which of the following is true about a Field Site?

Accounts for financial activities of installations

What does a Deputy Disbursing Officer do?

Acts in the name of and for a Disbursing Officer (DO) to perform any and all acts relating to the receipt, disbursement, custody, and accounting for public funds. The DO may put restrictions on these acts.

US Dollars

All money amounts on a DD 1081 must be in

Who may be appointed a Deputy Disbursing Officer?

Any Officer, senior enlisted person, or civilian employee satisfactory to the DO.

What is Cash Management?

Cash management is managing cash flow to maximize the value of moneys that the government collects, holds, and disburses while minimizing the US Treasury's borrowing needs and interest costs

EagleCash Card

Cash management tool designed to support US military personnel deployed in combat zones and on peace-keeping missions

How is Cash Management Applied?

Cash management/currency support is the act of supplying foreign currencies, US Treasury checks and local currency checks, available E-commerce, an rarely precious metals

What are the three ledgers kept in the Disbursing Section?

Check Register U.S Currency Ledger Foreign Currency Ledger

Collection Vouchers

Collection vouchers increase accountability. •DD Form 1131 •SF 1098 •DD Form 707

DD 2695


DD 2664

Currency Exchange Record: Record of Individual Exchange Transactions Foreign currency exchange, cash check, load card (net sum zero accountability) filled out by cashier

Statement of Agent Officer's Account

DD 1081

Advance/Return Forms

DD Form 1081 - These documents are used "in house" to properly account for the transfer of all accountable items between the DO and agents or between agents.

Which computer system is designed to support tactical disbursing operations with multiple currencies?


Which disbursing system support foreign currency in the cash module?


What DFAS center is responsible for the Army?


At the time of notification to the bank, what are some of the requirements the DO would need to provide?

Date currency required; identification required; denominations needed; fees that will be charged; and any policies or procedures peculiar to the institution.

Standard Finance System

Designed to automate all the disbursing, travel, accounts payable, and accounting section's payment functions into one on-line finance and accounting system

Disbursement Vouchers

Disbursement vouchers decrease accountability. A properly prepared disbursement voucher gives DOs or their agents' authority to make payment of a government obligation. It is imperative that the vouchers contain complete and accurate data. •DA Form 7003 •SF 1049 •SF 1034 •DD Form 1351-2 •DD Form 1351-6 •SF 44

Who is authorized to draw exchange-for-cash checks for procurement of cash necessary to meet authorized requirements?

Disbursing Officers

Section II: DD 2665

Distribution of Agent Accountability

Hot List

File of all lost, suspended and revoked EagleCash cards across every theater where ECC is implemented

Cash Out

Known as a transaction that reduces the ECC to a zero balance

Warm List

Loads that cannot be processed due to incorrect banking or savings account number info and items returned unprocessed due to insufficient funds

Internal Receipt for Cash

Localized way to imitate the DD 1081 to annotate how to issue cash or instruments (bills, coins, checks) (Really the DDS will do this for you, not done by hand)

Which of the following is a Cash Function?

Maintain the Daily Statement of Accountability (DD )Form

What does DoD use the software program for?

Make EFT payments

DD Form 1351-6

Multiple Payments List: current policy emergency basis only (replaced by Eagle Cash Card)


Must be completed for the Agents in order to fil out the DD 2665

Who can be a Paying Agent?

Officer, Warrant Officer, NCO (SFC and above), Civilian (GS6 and above)

Which of the following is a Check Function?

Pay properly certified vouchers

For what purpose is a Paying agent appointed?

Payments, currency conversions, or check cashing transactions when adequate services cannot be provided.

Which of the following is an Accounts Function?

Prepare the Statement of Accountability (SF 1219)

Which are DFAS centers responsible for?

Prepares and issues EFT payments, Provide operating guidance to MACOMs, Provide finance and accounting services at the installation level.

DD Form 1034

Public Voucher for Purchases and Services other than Personal Use, primarily for vendor pay

Which of the following is a basic function of the garrison Disbursing Division?

Secure funds, Payments, Financial Reports, Collection

Which of the following activities are cashiers restricted from?

Signing U.S. Treasury checks

Maintain a copy of the exchange-for-cash check and report the check as funds in transit on the______________________ ________until the cash is received.

Statement of Accountability (SF 1219)

Section 1: DD 2665

Summary of Daily Accountability Transactions

How can funds be delivered?

The DO going to bank, registered mail or armored car. Commander will approve these types of delivery.

Who appoints an individual as a Deputy Disbursing Officer?

The Disbursing Officer

SF 1034

The ________, Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other than Personal, is used when a loss on foreign currency revaluation is realized.

What was DDS designed to automate?

The tactical and OCONUS disbursing office operations, check writing, reporting, and accountability functions.

What is used for?

To process EFT payments.

What does DoD use CashLink for?

To verify bank deposits.

DD Form 1351-2

Travel Voucher or Subvoucher: replaced by other tools like DTS

Card Issuance

Un-issued ECCs are the responsibility of the FO and while they have no monetary value should be treated as blank check stock


Un-issued ECCs should be inventoried on the 1st of every month and email sent to Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (FRBB): [email protected]


Un-issued ECCs should be secure and maintained in the FO safe

What over-riding characteristic must a cashier possess?

Unquestionable integrity.

Section III: DD 2665

Who holds the money now


_______ is considered the accounting firm for the Department of Defense


___________ will increase accountability of the cashier

Savings Deposit Program

____________ deposits are recorded on the DD Form 1131


_____________ will decrease the accountability of the cashier

Receipts of currency by registered mail shipment shall be __________________in front of __________using the above procedures.

accepted and verified, witness

Application for US Treasury Check

accommodation by exchange, zeros accountability (won't ever use)

Disbursing Officer

an individual designated by the DoD to account for public funds received, maintained, disbursed, or otherwise disposed of for a particular Disbursing Station Symbol Number (DSSN)

All disbursement vouchers must contain the following minimum essential data:

•Voucher Heading and Date •Accounting Classification •Amount to be Disbursed •Method of Disbursement •Payee •Signatures

(1) International Treasury Services (2) Comprehensive Payment and Collection system for processing international electronic and check payments in over 200 countries (3) Used by More Financial Institutions than any other EFT Software Program (4) Supports multiple levels of verification and segregation of duties to ensure security (5) There is no cost to federal agencies to use Treasury pays all fees


(1) Records all accounting transactions for vouchers processed in the Disbursing office. (2) Used to help reconcile all obligations and disbursements.

What is the process for the Disbursing Officer (DO) to Claim any discrepancies to the Treasury via the bank the currency was obtained?

(a) Identifying the bundle in question. (b) Include a signed statement from the witnesses. (c) Request relief of liability if the claim is not approved.

Deployable Disbursing System

1) DDS is designed to automate the tactical or OCONUS disbursing office operations, check writing, reporting, and accountability. (2) DDS is designed for user single source input for point of origin to the accounting system and to the accountability reports. (3) DDS uses DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Volume 5, Disbursing Policy and Procedures, as the basis for the system design. (4) DDS is designed to work as a stand-alone or network system, which will interface with additional systems. These systems are: (a) CAPS. (b) IATS. (c) Standard Finance System (STANFINS), an Army-wide standard accounting system. (5) DDS handles remote processing and will allow the information to be merged back into a main or originating site.

What are the four ways funds can be obtained by the Disbursing Officers?

1. A commercial bank willing to provide the service. 2. A Federal Reserve Bank 3. A Federal Reserve Branch 4. Another Disbursing Officer

What information should the Disbursing Officer (DO) provide the bank upon funds notification?

1. Date the currency is required 2. Amount, denominations, and type of currency 3. Name and grade/rank of person to receive funds 4. How funds will be received (in person or shipment)

The Disbursing Officer (DO) must notify the Treasury at least 2 days before transactions, what information must be included?

1. Name and location of disbursing office. 2. Name and address of bank. 3. Amount of the check. 4. Date the check will be presented at the bank. 5. Statement that bank request immediate credit. 6. Disbursing Office point of contact and commercial phone number.

When leaving with excess of $10,000, the installation commander and security police shall be notified the following:

1. Time of Departure 2. Destination 3. Estimated Time of Returns 4. Amount 5. Source or Disposition of funds

Who may be appointed as a Disbursing Agent?

1LT, CSM, or civilian employee

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