Study Guide for Esther Test

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when did Esther make her request to the king to save her people?

at the SECOND banquet she held, NOT the first

identify some qualities of Haman

- crafty, manipulative, willing to buy his time and do things in a slow and careful manner - his intentions are to glorify himself and set himself up in a higher position in the kingdom

what is "Purim"?

a Jewish feast held to celebrate and remember Queen Esther's bravery by saving her people

why did Esther hide her Jewish identity?

because Mordecai told her to (to protect her)

what does "moral ambiguity" mean in the story of Esther?

God can accomplish His purpose through anyone, even those who are not necessarily doing what is morally right, showing His power and providence

many things that seem to be coincidence show the ___________ of God

- "providence" or "hand"

which verse is the key reference in Esther and why does Mordecai say it?

- Esther 4:14 - he is basically saying that "If you don't do something now, God will deliver us through someone else; this could be your purpose"

who is Mordecai?

- Esther's uncle/cousin who adopts her when her parents die; he is also her guardian - he is the one who finds out about the plot to kill king Xerxes

essay question: in a well-written paragraph, show how the truth of Psalm 1:10 is shown in the book of Esther, using specific examples

- Psalm 141:10 "Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety." - Haman sets traps for people but he is the one who gets the consequences - he ends up being the one executed when he planned the gallows for Mordecai and the Jews (Esther 7:10) - when he intended for himself to be honored and elevated, Mordecai is the one who ends up being honored and elevated (Esther 6:10)

who is Haman?

- king Xerxes' right-hand man; he plots to kill all of the Jews due to his family history, but ultimately fails and receives the death he had planned for Mordecai - the jews had destroyed his ancestors (the Amalekites)

what is "Susa"?

- king Xerxes' summer palace - the setting where the story of Esther takes place

what kind of irony is in the story of Esther and what does it mean?

- situational irony - everything turns out the opposite of what is expected

name what language "Xerxes" comes from and who it is

1. comes from the Greek language 2. Xerxes is the king that Esther marries

name what language "Ahasuerus" comes from and who it is

1. comes from the Hebrew language 2. another name for the king that Esther marries

name what language "Hadassah" comes from and what it means

1. comes from the Hebrew language, Esther's "true" name 2. means "myrtle tree"

name what language "Khshayarsh" comes from and who it is

1. comes from the Persian language 2. another name for the king that Esther marries

name what language "Esther" is from, what it means, and who she is

1. comes from the Persian language 2. means "star" 3. Esther is a Jewish girl who marries king Xerxes and saves her people; she is also related to Mordecai

Xerxes ruled from ______ BC to ______ BC

486; 464

who heard about the plot to kill Xerxes and saved his life?


why was Haman angry at Mordecai?

because Mordecai would NOT bow to Haman even though Haman was in a high position

identify some qualities of king Xerxes

explosive temper, unpredictable

what was Haman's reasoning behind his decree to kill the Jews?

his family history and how his ancestors were the ones killed by the Jews

who was invited to Esther's banquets?

king Xerxes and Haman

in literary terms, what describes what happens to Haman?

poetic justice

who is working through Haman to try and destroy the Jews?


what does Esther ask her friends to do before she goes and sees the king?

she asks them to fast

why did Xerxes divorce Vashti?

she failed to attend the banquet at his command

what does Esther say before she goes and sees the king?

she says, "If I perish, I perish"

why does Esther have to reveal who she really is (a Jew)?

she would not be able to save her people otherwise

what are "pur"?

the dice that were cast to show favorable dates for things

if someone goes unbidden before the king, they could be killed unless...?

the king extends his royal scepter to them to "approve" their presence and allow them to make a request

what is the theme of Esther?

the providence of God on behalf of His people

what is "architect tonics"?

the structure of a story

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