study pt 2 plato

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A violent incident occurred in India on April 13, 1919. It involved a British military commander ordering his forces to open fire on peaceful protesters. This incident sparked an international outrage. The incident was called the ______ .

Amritsar Massacre

What activist was barred from becoming president after successfully winning an election?

Aung San Suu Kyi

In Russia, _____ was the communist leader who seized Ukraine and Belarus to form the Soviet Union. He was followed by _____, who implemented total government control over businesses.

Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin

In which city did the residents of a ghetto stage a brave uprising in 1943?


_____ is the study of heredity and the different variations in inherited traits of organisms. On the other hand, _____ involves the manipulation of an organism's DNA using biotechnology.

Genetics, genetic engineering

The United States and the Soviet Union used the concept of rocket propulsion in combination with nuclear weapons during the Cold War. Which country had originally used rocket propulsion to its advantage during World War II?


According to the following graph, what is true about casualties during World War I?

Germany suffered the most casualties in World War I.

Which event in the Soviet Union involved the arrest of millions of Communist Party members, military officers, clergy, and intellectuals?

Great Purge

What was German leader Adolf Hitler's main purpose in fighting World War II?

He wanted to create a German Empire by gaining complete control over Europe.

Why did students gather in Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989? On June 4, 1989, students gathered in Tiananmen Square to mourn the death of the pro-reform leader _____ .

Hu Yaobang

What was one of the conditions that Iraq had to fulfill at the end of the Persian Gulf War?

Iraq would allow inspections for weapons of mass destruction in the country.

The creation of _____ after World War II sparked a conflict between Palestinian _____ and Israelis. It also led to tensions between _____ and Islamic fundamentalists.

Israel, Arabs, the United States

Which one of these leaders organized a military group and was granted the role of prime minister by the king?

Benito Mussolini

_____ drafted the Fourteen Points for peace terms to end World War I. His main objective was to __________ .

Woodrow Wilson, establish world peace and justice

Who was the first human to orbit Earth?

Yuri Gagarin

The intensification of ultraviolet rays has contributed to _____ .

an increase in skin cancer

What does the overthrow of the Iranian shah and the 1979 hostage crisis in Iran best demonstrate?

anti-American feelings

The ______ economic system of government in Eastern Europe led to the improper use of resources. East Germany's only car, the unreliable ______ , was an example of the inferior quality of goods manufactured in the satellite states.

command, Trabant

Complete the following sentence about the effects of economic globalization. Advances in transportation allow companies to source cheaper raw materials from foreign nations. This decreases the _____ of production and allows _____ to manufacture a higher volume of goods.

cost, producers

What was the main reason for building the Suez Canal?

increasing European trade with the Middle East and Asia

In the 1920s, many people in the United States favored a policy of _____ to keep the nation _____ with other nations.

isolationism, out of war

Match the pioneers in medical science with their inventions and discoveries.

penicillin -> Alexander Fleming bacteriology -> Robert Koch X-rays - Wilhelm Roentgen

In the 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union were indirectly involved in a war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. What type of war was it?

proxy war

Match each aspect of the US government to its description.

seeks international allies for missions to catch terrorists -> Bureau of Counterterrorism allows the government to monitor personal communication of US citizens -> The USA Patriot Act protects US territory from terrorists and other attacks -> Department of Homeland Security

What was the aim of Operation Torch, which was launched by the Allies?

to free French North Africa from German control

Why did Woodrow Wilson want to establish an organization such as the League of Nations?

to provide a forum for resolving international disputes

The main participants at the Paris Peace Conference were __________ . The main objective of the Peace Conference was to __________ .

(the leaders of the United States, Britain, and France), (draft peace terms between the Allies and the Central Powers)

What were two ways that the idea of total war was used in World War I?

- Governments equipped, transported, and supported millions of troops. - Governments raised taxes to help pay for the war effort.

Which two events happened as a result of the US invasion of Iraq?

- Iraq suffered political instability. - Saddam Hussein was executed.

What were two immediate effects of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

- Many young American men enlisted in the army. - Employment rose in US factories producing war supplies.

What are two ways that the Soviet people lost their freedom due to communism in the Soviet Union?

- People read, saw, and heard only what the government desired. - Leaders came to power through secret internal power struggles.

Which three current European countries were once satellite states under Soviet control?

- Poland - Hungary - Romania

Which two statements provide examples of US intervention in Latin American affairs?

- The United States helped overthrow the leader of Chile. - The United States backed rulers who helped US corporations.

In which two ways did the Nazis use imprisoned Jews?

- They forced Jews to perform hard labor at construction sites and stone quarries. - They allowed doctors to conduct medical experiments on the imprisoned Jews.

What are two challenges facing most of Latin America today?

- high teenage pregnancy rates - drug cartels

What were two reasons that Europeans ventured into Africa?

- to find natural resources - to seek out new markets for European goods

Arrange the following developments in computer technology in the correct chronological order.

1. Computers using vacuum tubes were invented. 2. Transistor computers were built. 3. Computers with integrated circuits were invented. 4. The first mobile phones were built. 5. The World Wide Web was created.

Arrange the events in chronological order.

1. Europe embarks on an age of exploration. 2. Britain and Spain establish colonies in North and South America. 3. The Industrial Revolution leads to the rapid increase of industries in Europe. 4. European nations begin establishing colonies in Africa.

Arrange the events in chronological order.

1. Suez War 2. Six-Day War 3. Yom Kippur War 4. Camp David Accords 5. Oslo Accords

Place the following events in chronological order.

1. World War II ends. 2. India gains independence from the British. 3. East Pakistan is declared the independent nation of Bangladesh. 4. Corazon Aquino is elected president of the Philippines.

Arrange the events in chronological order.

1. beginning of the agricultural revolution 2. urbanization and Industrial Revolution 3. world population reaches the one-billion mark 4. loss of millions of lives in a flu pandemic 5. dramatic growth in population in developing countries

Place the following events in chronological order.

1. formation of the British East India Company 2. the Sepoy Rebellion 3. complete British colonization of India 4. formation of the Indian National Congress

Which of the following is considered the forerunner of the Internet?


_____ were instrumental in the Allies' victory in the Pacific war against Japan. The Allies _____ more than 60 Japanese cities. The loss of wartime factories diminished Japan's ability to fight back.

Air raids, bombed

Identify whether the following individuals were Arab or Israeli leaders.

Arab Leader : - Yasser Arafat - Anwar Sadat - Gamal Abdel Nasser Israeli Leader : - Yitzhak Rabin - David Ben-Gurion - Golda Meir

Decide whether each item is a benefit or disadvantage of economic globalization.

Benefit : - access to cheaper raw materials - international cooperation Disadvantage : - monopoly by nations holding essential natural resources such as oil - disputes over scarce resources

Match each term to its description.

British action to gain control over the Suez canal -> occupation of Egypt a group of reformists that focused on nationalism -> Young Turks the result of a desire to protect Orthodox Christians under Ottoman rule -> Crimean War a name for the Ottoman Empire during of its weakened state -> Sick Man of Europe a consequence of bias against non-Turks -> Armenian genocide

Identify the events that took place in Cambodia and the events that took place in Bosnia.

Cambodia : - Vietnam ended the cruel regime Bosnia : - mass slaughter led by the dictator and his army - killed thousands for the purpose of ethnic cleansing - NATO enforced an uneasy peace

Which event did the Soviet Union fear during the Cold War?

Capitalist nations would eventually destroy the Soviet Union.

Identify each item as a cause or an effect of imperialism in Southeast Asia.

Cause of Imperialism : - Western nations wanted to profit from weaker, resource-rich nations. Effect of - Internal conflicts arose because of diverse communities living in a single nation. - Locals suffered in poverty. - Western nations grew richer by exploiting colonized nations.

Match the causes with their effects on Jews in western and eastern Europe between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Jews were deprived of employment and were forced to live in poverty. -> During the Middle Ages, Christian leaders in Europe blamed the ancient Jews for the death of Jesus Christ. Jews were granted citizenship as well as opportunities in education and trade. -> Western European countries had a tolerant outlook toward religion, culture, and traditions because of the rationalism of the Enlightenment. Jews were subjected to violent attacks called pogroms. -> Anti-Semitism continued to exist in Eastern Europe and Russia.

How does democracy ensure the well-being of the people?

Laws are created to protect civil rights.

Complete the passage about political upheavals in Latin America. The ______ Revolution inspired other Latin American reform movements. Latin Americans wanted to overthrow the upper class, which enjoyed a lavish lifestyle while exploiting the poor. Populist rebel leaders worked on reforms, such as withdrawing support for _____ corporations and redistributing land to ______ . However, in many cases, revolutions led to unjust governments that abused power and failed to resolve economic problems.

Mexican, US, poor farmers

In December 1937, the Japanese forces invaded _____ and carried out destructive military operations over a period of _____ .

Nanjing, six weeks

Which statement best describes Africa after World War II?

Nationalism inspired independence movements in many African nations.

Identify the island nation that the Allies fought to liberate in the Battle of Leyte.


Match the causes of technological developments during the Cold War with their effects.

Skilled pilots were no longer in demand for war purposes. -> The United States and the Soviet Union started manufacturing guided missiles. Airplanes became lighter as well as faster. -> The United States and the Soviet Union started manufacturing airplanes with jet engines.

Which country signed a non-aggression pact with an Axis power at the start of the World War II but later sided with the Allies?

Soviet Union

Which occupying country sought to strip Germany of its industry after World War II?

Soviet Union

With whom did Germany sign a non-aggression pact to avoid unnecessary confrontation while marching into eastern Europe?

Soviet Union

Against which country did the people of Darfur rebel?


Classify the given ideas based on whether they are supported or opposed by Islamic fundamentalists.

Support : - Sharia - the rule of a caliph - religious governments Oppose : - Western culture - secular governments - democracy

Why did some people in China consider Mao Zedong a despot?

The Chinese Communist Party harassed and tortured people who were against Mao's ideas.

Which event happened as a result of the US invasion of Afghanistan?

The Taliban was overthrown.

Which statement is true about Argentina and El Salvador in the second half of twentieth century?

They were ruled by military juntas.

Why was Mao Zedong's communist China ready to use military tactics against the troops of US general Douglas MacArthur in Korea?

US troops kept marching farther into North Korea, getting closer to the Chinese border.

The Tripartite Agreement served as a warning to which country?

United States

Match each Allied nation with the pact or agreement that it signed.

United States -> Lend-Lease Act Soviet Union -> non-aggression pact Britain -> Munich Agreement

Examine the image and answer the question that follows. Which event from Africa's history does this image best reflect?


How did Miep Gies show her resistance against the Nazis?

by helping to hide the Franks, a Jewish family in Amsterdam in the Netherlands

How did the Soviet Union help the Chinese communists?

by supporting Mao Zedong

Match each scenario with a concept related to regulation of international trade.

cartel -> a trade organization that dominates trade by keeping prices high and limiting competition embargo -> a ban on trading with a particular country free trade -> reduction or elimination of tariffs and quotas

European imperialism brought about many changes in the African continent. Europeans forced Africans to grow _____ . This way of growing crops benefited _____ .

cash crops, European traders

The inhumane and unfair treatment suffered by ______ in World War II prompted world leaders to take steps to protect human rights. In 1948, the _____ of the United Nations formally approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a declaration that upholds human dignity and equality.

civilians and war prisoners, General Assembly

Economic globalization has worked in favor of consumers. Because of intense _____, producers strive to offer the best quality at the lowest price. Therefore, consumers get more value for their money. They have the option of buying _____ products if they are unhappy with domestic products.

competition, foreign

By what means were the satellite states kept under control by the Soviets?

military and secret police

UNESCO helped the Mostar city council rebuild the Mostar Bridge. By doing this, it honored its objective of _______.

protecting all heritage sites that have a universal value

During the Holocaust, the Nazis forced the Jews to wear yellow stars on their clothes to distinguish them from other people. Which stage of genocide is reflected in this Nazi action?


Which factor created a risk of a war between the Allies and the Soviet Union?

the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948

Which event pushed the Western Allies to seek a military alliance?

the communist takeover of the Czech government with Soviet support

Match the historical individuals to their characteristics.

the first president of the Republic of China -> Sun Yat-Sen launched the 100 Days of Reform -> Emperor Guangxu launched the Meiji restoration -> Emperor Mutsuhito signed the Treaty of Kanagawa -> Tokugaowa Shogun

How were Wernher von Braun's V-2 rockets used in the 1940s?

to carry out aerial attacks on London, England

What was one of the goals of the Muslim League?

to promote the rights of Muslims in India

What did the Meiji reformers want to retain, despite their quest for modernization?

traditional values

Which two imperialist nations controlled the most territory in Africa?

- France - Great Britain

Which two examples illustrate successful efforts by the United States to support Europe during the Cold War?

- The Berlin airlift - The Marshall Plan

Arrange the events that led to the independence of Poland in the correct order.

1. Lech Walesa started the Solidarity organization by combining labor unions. 2. The communist government in Poland declared martial law, banned Solidarity, and arrested Lech Walesa. 3. The government released Lech Walesa due to endless public protests. 4. Pope John Paul II visited Lech Walesa and gave him advice. 5. Lech Walesa called for a stop to the public protests and offered peace. 6. The communist government lifted the martial law in Poland. 7. Lech Walesa won the Nobel Peace prize. 8. The government lifted the ban on Solidarity. 9. Lech Walesa won the first free presidential elections in Poland.

Put the following events from World War II in the correct chronological order.

1. The Japanese conquer Manchuria and southern China. 2. The Japanese attack Pearl Harbor. 3. The United States declares war on Japan. 4. Japan seizes Singapore and Indonesia.

Arrange the events that took place in Korea in the correct sequence.

1. The North Korean army invaded South Korea. 2. Syngman Rhee's forces in South Korea faltered against the invasion. 3. US troops returned to defend South Korea. 4. North Korean forces were pushed from South Korea back into North Korea. 5. Communist China felt threatened and joined in the warfare.

Select the correct word or phrase to complete this paragraph about the North African campaign. The Allied forces fought against German forces in Egypt in the _____ . The first battle was fought in 1942. The German army was commanded by _____ . Both sides tried to take the offensive position. However, the British had an advantage because they had devised a method to break German _____ . As a result, they were able to stay ahead of the German forces.

Battle of El Alamein, General Erwin Rommel, code

Match the descriptions to the Bolsheviks or the Mensheviks.

Bolsheviks : - believed that revolution was the only way to bring about change - led by Vladimir Lenin - joined the Red Army during the Russian Revolution Mensheviks : - believed that reform would come about gradually - thought the proletariat would take control when they were ready - joined the White Army during the Russian Revolution

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the popular political leader _____ went on to become the president of _____ .

Boris Yeltsin, Russia

Read the following excerpt on the Tiananmen Square protests. Then answer the question that follows. June 4, 2014, marked the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests. On this day in 1989, a large number of students were gunned down by the People's Liberation Army for demanding their rights. Years after the massacre, China still refuses to speak about the incident. It has banned any discussions about Tiananmen Square. Chinese school textbooks do not mention anything about this event that changed China's future. Recently, when a journalist showed the image of the Tank Man to students in Beijing, China, very few recognized the image. Based on the excerpt, what can you infer about China's memories of Tiananmen Square?

China wants to wipe out memories of the Tiananmen Square incident.

Which country was declared a US protectorate under the Platt Amendment?


Identify the characteristics of East Germany and West Germany.

East Germany : - underdeveloped and had less-advanced industries - under the control of the Soviet Union - governed with strict control West Germany : - supported by the United States - prospered after 1945 - provided all the resources required to strengthen its economy - an active member of the European community of nations

Which of the following trade agreements or organizations doesn't include the United States?

European Union (EU)

Match each characteristic of imperialism with indirect or direct control.

direct control - placed heavy restrictions on the local population - forced the local population to adapt to European culture - did not give the local population positions in government - gave the local population no rights indirect control - allowed the local population to participate in government - offered some rights to the local population

Which principle did the Allies adopt in the Atlantic Charter to prevent nations from threatening world peace?

disarming aggressive nations

Complete the paragraph about social Darwinism. Social Darwinism helped to justify _____ by suggesting that it is natural and acceptable for powerful and wealthy nations to colonize regions that are less powerful. _____ nations used this theory to justify the practice of political, economic, and cultural colonialism.

imperialism, European

Identify the reason each country wanted to go to war in the years before and during World War I.

wanted to be an independent nation -> Serbia wanted to expand the nation's territory in Europe -> Germany wanted to seek revenge against those who had assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand -> Austria-Hungary wanted to regain territory that the country lost in a previous war -> France

Match the leaders with their goals at the Yalta Conference of 1945.

wanted to prevent future threats from Germany -> Joseph Stalin wanted free elections in Eastern Europe -> Winston Churchill wanted Soviet help against Japan -> Franklin Roosevelt

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