Study Skills Exam

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The average weekly investment for education, including study time during any semester is

40 hours

Alberto's mom asked him to clean his room before he went to the movies with his friends. He had planned to study for his geometry test, then go to the movies. He had already set his priority list, and didn't want to alter it. If you were to prioritize the three activities, they should be *A = movies, B = cleaning his room, C = geometry test *A = geometry test, B = cleaning his room, C = movies *A = geometry test, B = movies, C = cleaning his room

A = geometry test, B = cleaning his room, C = movies

As Austin skimmed chapter 6, he ignored the captions, diagrams, and maps because he felt like they would take up too much time. Later he went back and studied each of them in detail. *His strategy was faulty because he should have studied them while he was skimming the chapter. *His strategy could work quite well, because he was only skimming the chapter the first time through and went back to study more detail. *His strategy was good because he was a fast reader.

His strategy could work quite well, because he was only skimming the chapter the first time through and went back to study more detail.

I tend to put things off that are too long, too hard, or take too much time. I always think I will get it done later in the day or later in the week, but it just doesn't always happen. I find that I really don't care whether it gets done or not! *I'm a true procrastinator. *Heredity plays a big part in how I complete projects or assignments. *I'm not a true procrastinator because I do manage to accomplish many projects in which I have an interest.

I'm a true procrastinator.

Jeremy liked to listen to his history teacher's lectures because it was easier for him to understand the information. His teacher then told the class to read the information in the book and do the problems on their own. Jeremy gave up and took a nap rather than do the assignment.

Jeremy has a specific learning style.

Setting lifetime, intermediate, and short-term goals takes time and effort. Jeremy is beginning to feel overwhelmed with all the work and starts wondering if it's all worth the trouble. Good advice for him might be *Once that part is done, the rest of the plan becomes easier to accomplish. Stick with it. *It won't get easier, so take a clue from the work you've already had to do and be satisfied with what you have accomplished. *Take a break from it. You can always finish it next year. It's not that important to set all your goals now.

Once that part is done, the rest of the plan becomes easier to accomplish. Stick with it.

Multiple choice questions give a list of answers from which to choose. You are simply to select the best answer from three or four possibilities. You have read the directions carefully and are ready to begin. What can you do next to make the task easier? Rule out any answer choices that are obviously wrong or silly. Read the question and take your best guess. Choose "b" because according to scientific studies, that answer comes up most often on multiple choice tests.

Rule out any answer choices that are obviously wrong or silly.

Merrilou tells me that she doesn't know what she wants to do with her life yet, so it's pointless for her to set goals now. Good advice for her might be *Set goals now that will help direct your lifetime goals. *Have someone else set goals for you that has more experience. *Don't worry about it now; you can always do it when you are a little older.

Set goals now that will help direct your lifetime goals.

Which of the following can be said to be most accurate? Setting goals for myself and sticking to a schedule can help me change my problem with procrastinating. There's always time tomorrow to do what I didn't finish today if I am creative with my scheduling. Scheduling my time and setting goals will do little to help me eliminate my procrastination problems.

Setting goals for myself and sticking to a schedule can help me change my problem with procrastinating.

Sally feels that she is only a high school student and doesn't know what she wants to do with her life yet, therefore she doesn't feel setting goals is necessary. What would you tell her? *You're right! Just have fun while you're young and worry about goal setting when you're a little older and able to better plan your future. *Setting goals now will help you accomplish more in your life. *Wait till you're a little older and have more experience with setting goals.

Setting goals now will help you accomplish more in your life.

Maria scored between 1-3 on one of the four categories on her learning style assessment scale. Which of the following is the most accurate determination of how she will learn?

She will learn quite well in any type of learning or study situation.

As Jessa studied her history chapter, she made sure she read the objectives, watched for bold or italicized words, and used the review questions at the end of the chapter to check her understanding. She still felt like she didn't know some parts of the material well enough to get a good grade on tomorrow's test. What else could she do to improve her understanding? *Sleep on it. Maybe she studied too long and too hard and will remember it during the test. *Take a break and go back to the material, study what she is not sure of, then test herself again. *Go to a movie and relax. She's learned all she can and will only become confused if she continues to study.

Take a break and go back to the material, study what she is not sure of, then test herself again.

Imagine you are in a class where little visual information is presented. Students generally listen to lectures and read material written on chalkboards and in textbooks and handouts. You are a visual learner. How can you best help yourself to learn the material in this type of class?

Try to find your own diagrams, sketches, photos, etc.

Your parents will be home at 8:00, and you were supposed to have cleaned the front room. You decided to watch a movie first, which started at 6:00. It is now 7:45. If you are a true procrastinator, which of the following would most likely be true? *You give up and decide not to do it now because it's too late and you can always do it tomorrow. *You do the work while you are watching the movie. *You hurry and clean the front room, getting your brother and sister to help.

You give up and decide not to do it now because it's too late and you can always do it tomorrow.

You are trying to remember the names of the Iroquois Indian tribes that made up the confederacy of the Five Nations, which were the Mohawk, Seneca, Oneida, Onondaga, and Cayuga. What would be the best mnemonic device to use? detailed descriptions creative sentences acronyms


You are trying to remember a sequence of events in order and are struggling with memorizing the facts. You remember most of them, but can't seem to put them in the correct order. The best mnemonic device you could use for this type of memorization would be detailed descriptions acrostics guessing


Morton tends to retain and understand information best by doing something active. He often says, "Let's try it out and see how it works!" He likes group work and has a hard time sitting through lectures without getting to do anything physical other than taking notes. Morton is most likely

an active learner

Julian has a big test on Friday and he is really worried that he doesn't understand one part of the material that will be tested. He should

ask questions and do more research before the test

One of Jason's goals was to get a good job and earn enough money to be on his own, without depending on other people. Unfortunately, his biggest priority was working on restoring his `58 Dodge Power Wagon to register it in a car show the next month. The truck took so much of his time that he couldn't find time to do his homework or look for a steady part-time job. For Jason to be able to reach his goals, he needed to *depend on other people to help him *spend more time on the truck *change his priorities

change his priorities

When Elise decided to organize her life and her schedule, she determined that she should schedule one night a week to plan for the next week's activities. The first day she chose was Saturday, however other activities kept coming up and she couldn't complete her schedule. Elise should probably *select a different day each week, making sure she at least has a schedule *give up on doing a schedule that week and start again on next week's schedule *choose another day that would work better and be consistent

choose another day that would work better and be consistent

Your teacher assigned a research paper which will be due in three weeks. She gave several possible topics you could research as well as detailed guidelines to follow for the completed paper. Your first step in preparing for the assignment will probably be organizing notes going to the library to do research choosing a topic

choosing a topic

To allow yourself to live a balanced life, you should schedule *only social activities *church, recreation, and social activities along with educational activities *only academic activities that meet your goals.

church, recreation, and social activities along with educational activities

Monica's assignment was to write her own questions for tomorrow's history test. She was unsure what to use for material to devise good questions. A possible strategy might be to use *class notes, review questions, and a friend's questions *class notes, lesson objectives, and review questions from the book *class notes and any information she has memorized from what she's read

class notes, lesson objectives, and review questions from the book

Some things are fixed or unchanging. In other words, you don't have the ability to change them. An example of this might be *study time *activity time *class times

class times

Max knows that his English exam will be really difficult. He has studied every day after school and still doesn't know most of the information that he is guessing will be on Mr. Monson's test. He could best use his study time by *relaxing for a few hours because he feels so stressed *consulting with the teacher to find out what he needs to know *getting a good night's sleep

consulting with the teacher to find out what he needs to know

Jacob had a good imagination but had a hard time remembering facts. His class was studying the Japanese interment camps located in Utah which were established during World War II. Probably the best mnemonic device he could use to fit his abilities would be rhymes and songs acronyms detailed descriptions

detailed descriptions

Chandra was continually "borrowing time" and couldn't seem to get all the important things done that needed to be completed. She probably *made her budget consistent with her goals and priorities *didn't set aside time for "trade time" *had plenty of time to do everything but just worried too much

didn't set aside time for "trade time"

Richard's research paper included ideas and interview excerpts from current local political leaders. Some of the material was very interesting but not relevant to his research paper. He should probably discard the parts that did not apply include them anyway so as not to hurt feelings not use any of the interview material

discard the parts that did not apply

Mara was writing the conclusion to her research paper when she found some more ideas she really liked. They weren't part of her thesis statement or her supporting ideas, but were really quite interesting. You are her best friend, so you should tell her to include them anyway to spice up her conclusion discard them because they will only detract from her paper put them somewhere else in her paper and make them "fit"

discard them because they will only detract from her paper

I am the kind of listener who has a desire to listen when others are speaking. I can tune out distractions while I'm listening and am able to recognize the speaker's feelings when he's talking. I listen for important details and write brief notes when needed. When the lecture is finished, I can write or tell someone else the important ideas. I would consider myself a(n)_____________________listener. excellent average good


It is important to fill in all of your hours during the day to make the best use of all of your time. T/F


You should list only one thing on your A priority list because it's the most important thing to get accomplished.


Michelle felt like she was stupid because she couldn't listen to the teacher and write notes at the same time. She was so frustrated that she quit doing both. Michelle needed to

figure out the best method to help her learn

It was easy for Paula to connect with the speaker. She could relate to him in a more personal way because she found that the main ideas discussed connected to knowledge she already had. This quality probably made her *find that things she felt were important to her were more interesting to listen to *tune out anything the speaker said and daydream about her own experiences *find that what the speaker said was boring because she'd heard it and experienced it before in her own life

find that things she felt were important to her were more interesting to listen to

Mr. Boynton is really a fun teacher. He tells stories, shows videos, and jokes with the kids. Unfortunately, he tends to jump from one subject to another in random order and skips connecting steps before he comes to the end of the class period. The class is great for John, who is a _______learner, but terrible for you, since you tend to be a _______learner and like to follow subjects step by step, logically.

global; sequential

Jake felt he had thoroughly read the assignment for chapter seven in his textbook. After the first major heading he found some questions and tried to answer them. He still didn't feel like he had a good understanding of everything in the first section. He should probably *explain to his teacher that the textbook was beyond his level, and try to get help after school *skip the section and go on *go back and try to develop his own questions for each minor heading and try to answer them

go back and try to develop his own questions for each minor heading and try to answer them

Thomas wrote down all the activities he intended to do for the next day. His next step should be to *keep thinking of more things to write down to make sure he didn't miss anything important *group all the activities into priority lists *This was a lot of work. He needs to relax for awhile, watch TV, then come back to it later when he is rested.

group all the activities into priority lists

As Christine was planning her schedule and budgeting her time, she allotted one half hour to working on her creative paper each day, for the next two weeks. She took into account her research time, writing, and revising time. If she follows this schedule as planned she will probably get tired of working on it and quit before it is completed have plenty of time to complete a good paper put off writing the paper until the last minute

have plenty of time to complete a good paper

Malcolm woke up late on the day of the test and rushed to school just in time to start on his history exam. Even though he had prepared well, he probably would not do as well as he could have on the test because he didn't plan well enough in advance he didn't give himself enough time to prepare and relax before the test he stayed up too late

he didn't give himself enough time to prepare and relax before the test

When you are devising a rhyme or jingle to help you remember facts, it's a good idea to make sure it is clear and legible it is simple and easy to remember it is a quality piece of work

it is simple and easy to remember

After searching for hours, Marcus could find virtually nothing on his topic. Even with the help of the librarian, very little information was found. If you were to offer a suggestion to Marcus, you might tell him to keep looking for more information broaden his topic so he could find more information narrow his topic because it was too general

keep looking for more information

To get the most out of your class lectures you need to be able to listen and take good notes at the same time sit by your friends so you can copy any notes you may have missed make sure you have scheduled all your activities for the week so you won't worry about them and can concentrate better during the lecture

listen and take good notes at the same time

It is important to determine what is pertinent information in a text you are required to read. The best strategy to make it easier in deciding what is important while you are reading is by *looking for objectives, bold or italicized print, and reviewing section questions *relying on memory to get the important information *asking the teacher before you re

looking for objectives, bold or italicized print, and reviewing section questions

Sherylin couldn't decide on an interesting topic for her writing assignment. Her teacher gave the class the option of choosing any topic they wanted, so Sherylin was unsure what to do. A good way to help her find a topic or an idea that would really catch her interest and help her write a good paper might be to put it off until something "hits" her as interesting make a list of all the subjects she's interested in, then narrow them down find out what her friends are writing about and do the same thin

make a list of all the subjects she's interested in, then narrow them down

You are a little shaky when it comes to performing well on essay questions. A good way to help you have confidence to do well would be to read through the whole test to get ideas and information for the essay relax and try to do your best as you work through the essay questions make up sample essay questions and practice writing them

make up sample essay questions and practice writing them

Having a specific learning style

makes it harder to learn when the method of teaching is different from your learning style

Using the process of brainstorming, Matt came up with several interesting ideas for his creative paper. He decided to write about rock stars in the `80s. His subject area might be considered narrow enough to use for a three page essay too broad of a subject to use for a three page essay too narrow of a topic to use for a three page essay

narrow enough to use for a three page essay

Jessica had chosen "famous black women in history" as her creative writing topic. As she began to research information on the subject, she became quite overwhelmed with the vast amount of information the topic provided. If you were Jessica, at this point, a wise thing to do would be find a new subject for research narrow the subject to one famous black woman struggle through the material and use as much as could be found

narrow the subject to one famous black woman

I have a final exam Wednesday in my world history class. Today is Monday, so I began scheduling study time for the test. I scheduled one half-hour each of the next two nights to start reviewing my notes, writing questions, and doing some last minute research. I have probably *planned far enough in advance to have enough study time *not planned well enough in advance to study effectively *scheduled plenty of time to do well on the exam

not planned well enough in advance to study effectively

Alex has done his brainstorming and chosen a good topic for his creative writing paper. He wrote his ideas on note cards and is ready for the next step. Logically he should now organize the note cards into categories begin his writing using all the note cards he has written write an outline and then begin to write his paper

organize the note cards into categories

When Celeste attended class the first day of school, the science teacher gave a lecture on all the class rules and policies. As she went through the rest of the day, each of her teachers followed approximately the same format, listing their rules and policies. Each teacher had slightly different rules. Celeste was able to keep them clear most likely because she probably had an excellent memory paid attention and took notes in each class asked a lot of questions

paid attention and took notes in each class

Michelle plans to graduate from high school this year with honors. As she looks back on the four years she spent there, she considers the goals she made as a freshman co-ed. If she has accomplished most of those goals successfully, she probably *made goals she was sure she could accomplish within four years *gave up a few times along the way *planned well, and followed her plan

planned well, and followed her plan

You are 84 years old and are looking back on those fun high school days. You have accomplished all you planned to do in your lifetime, fulfilled your dreams that you hoped for at 18, and feel very successful and satisfied with how your life turned out. You begin to reflect on how you accomplished all of these dreams and goals and think it may be because you *planned, established, and acted on short-, long-term, and lifetime goals *let your dad plan your future for you as he had the knowledge and experience and passed it on to you *just let life take you where it would go, with some thought for the future

planned, established, and acted on short-, long-term, and lifetime goals

You have made a list of your lifetime goals that you can achieve and that will be significant and satisfying to you once you have achieved them. You have even written them in your journal, so you will have a permanent record of them. Now you should *do no more; you're finished, so you don't need to worry about them right now *record them in a journal and look at them often as reminders *post them in a place that is visible and easily accessible, such as the bathroom mirror, or the front of the refrigerator so everyone can see them

post them in a place that is visible and easily accessible, such as the bathroom mirror, or the front of the refrigerator so everyone can see them

Essay questions tend to be the most challenging type of questions on an exam, and are generally weighted more heavily than other forms of questions. One of the best ways to do well on essay-type questions would be try to think of the answer without looking at the choices read carefully for negative words and prefixes because these types of questions tend to be tricky practice writing essay questions before the test on material you know will be covered

practice writing essay questions before the test on material you know will be covered

Henry found his history test was in the "fill-in-the-blank" format. He knew that he would have to remember a word, date, or short phrase, and that generally there would be only one correct answer. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to remember the information he had studied and began to panic. What suggestion might you give him that could help for this type of test? read through the entire test for clues to answers you thought you'd forgotten ask the teacher to give you another type of test just guess and write illegibly because the teacher will probably give you credit anyway

read through the entire test for clues to answers you thought you'd forgotten

Harry found that he could not accomplish all of his A priorities on Monday as he had planned. He should *give up *reschedule what he did not accomplish for the next day *cross it off the list

reschedule what he did not accomplish for the next day

Bill has finished writing the main body of his research paper. He needs to write a good conclusion to finish it up. To do that it is essential that he revises the rest of his paper before he writes the final statement restates the thesis in a manner that is backed up in the concluding statement states his opinion

restates the thesis in a manner that is backed up in the concluding statement

When Loren began reading his chapter on archaeology he read it word for word without taking a break till he was finished with the chapter. When he finally reached the end, half an hour later, he couldn't seem to remember anything that he read. What could he have done to better absorb the information? *call his friend, Joe, and ask him to explain the assignment *start over and read it all again but try to concentrate better *review chapter objectives first, before reading and try to answer questions as he read

review chapter objectives first, before reading and try to answer questions as he read

Marcella had fixed commitments every day of the week. She attended school full time and held down a part time job to earn money for college and free time activities. How could she work in time for flexible activities when she had so much time devoted to fixed commitments? *quit her job so she could have more free time and study time *review her schedule and make her free time flexible enough to allow for things she wanted to do *review her schedule and postpone having free time for the present

review her schedule and make her free time flexible enough to allow for things she wanted to do

Tisha sat down to study her lecture notes and found that her raw notes were very disorganized and seemed to have no particular order or logic. She could best help herself by *drawing diagrams and illustrations to make them more clear and understandable *throwing out her notes and getting them from someone else who is more organized *rewriting the notes in an organized manner

rewriting the notes in an organized manner

From your notes, you know that on Tuesday's test you must remember the fact that on July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Second Continental Congress. Which mnemonic device might best be used to remember all of this information? rhymes and songs detailed descriptions acronyms

rhymes and songs

Morgan is constantly day-dreaming about the future; thinking about graduation, marrying a tall good-looking man, establishing a career, and having plenty of money to do anything she wants to do. She has made no specific plans to meet her goals. She might better use her time to

set short-term goals now to direct herself in achieving long-term goals

Wayne and Myron had been best friends since fifth grade. They planned everything together! When they reached high school age their interests began to diverge. Wayne tried out for football while Myron joined the Chess Club. Naturally, their priorities changed when their interests changed. It was necessary for Wayne to schedule time for football practice after school while Myron spent the same time honing his chess strategy skills. Both boys had to maximize their available hours during the day for study. In that way, their goals might be *similar because both still had to study for other classes *very different because they had different interests *unbalanced

similar because both still had to study for other classes

Test day has been announced and you want to get a jump on your studies. After you enter the test date in your planner, you ask the teacher what information will be covered on the test, schedule time daily for study, and start worrying about the test start gathering the materials you will need to study start planning activities to help you relax between study times

start gathering the materials you will need to study

Raoul wanted to do well on his final exam and had been diligent about taking notes, asking questions, and reading his textbook. It's the night before the test. Raoul should keep studying for a few more hours study briefly, then relax and forget about the test stay up late, go to a movie, and relax before the test

study briefly, then relax and forget about the test

Gerald has learned through taking a learning styles test that he is an intuitive learner. He is enrolled in a science class that deals mainly with memorization and rote substitution in formulas. Already he is getting bored and can't seem to concentrate in the class. When assignments or test times come, the best way he can help himself is to

take time to read the entire question before he answers the questions

Allie has studied and prepared all week for the calculus exam her instructor is giving in class tomorrow. She feels quite confident that she will do well. Now it is time for her to *spend the next few hours going over her notes without taking a break so she is sure she has covered everything *plan to spend the night in study, right up to test time *take time to relax, as she is already well prepared

take time to relax, as she is already well prepared

Allison felt that a good textbook should be entertaining and thrilling to read, should keep her attention, and read like her favorite novels. She most likely had a difficult time reading her world history textbook because *textbooks are not just for reading; they are for studying *she was so excited by the material that she kept re-reading the "good" parts *she studied too much

textbooks are not just for reading; they are for studying

Jessica was unsure of the meaning of the word bushido in her readings about Japan. The best place for her to look using her textbook would be *the glossary *the index *the table of contents

the glossary

Matt was assigned to do an outline of chapter 3 in his world history text. Probably the best place for him to find the information and a short topic guide would be *the table of contents *the glossary *the index

the index

When Elisia needed to find some maps, illustrations, and information on Africa, she first looked in the table of contents. What would have been a better section of the textbook for her to use most efficiently and using the least amount of searching time? *the chapter outlines *the glossary *the index

the index

Elisha needed some extra help studying for a test and decided to invite a few friends over for a study group. She told them to show up any time they could come on Saturday and bring any materials they had. The study group would probably not be very successful because she didn't care about doing well on the test she didn't know enough to contribute well to the group time, place, and study materials were not made clear to the group members

time, place, and study materials were not made clear to the group members

Terry was taking an exam with mixed types of questions. He was excited when he came to the true/false section because at least he had a fifty-fifty chance of getting the right answer. He needed to be a little careful, however because most answers will be false most students think they are easy true/false questions can be tricky, depending on how they are worded

true/false questions can be tricky, depending on how they are worded

Sometimes it is hard to avoid distractions or get rid of them. You can't stop street noise or other sounds that are beyond your control. If you can't remove a distraction, you may need to *try to ignore it, you know it won't go away *get frustrated and stop what you are doing until the noise stops *confront whoever is causing the distraction and ask them to stop

try to ignore it, you know it won't go away

Jason tried to use the standard outline form of taking notes and became very confused about where to divide up the information. When his notes were finished, they seemed almost unreadable, unorganized, and filled with very little useful information. Jason should probably *practice listening skills *stop taking so many notes and just listen more carefully *use a different note taking format

use a different note taking format

One of the most vital habits you can learn while in high school is

using time effectively and successfully

Marlynn has enrolled in the perfect class for her learning modality. The teacher uses diagrams, pictures, flow charts, films, time lines, and demonstrations. She would be considered a ______learner.


Jordan was on the last question of the test when the teacher announced, "Class, you have one minute to finish up what you are writing and turn in your tests. "Unfortunately, the last question was an essay, and was worth ten points! To be able to get at least partial credit on the question, Jordan should write as much as he can from the information he can recall before the teacher calls, "time" write a short summary or outline of what he planned to write hope the teacher will give him credit for at least making an effort

write a short summary or outline of what he planned to write

Sharlene knew shorthand, and during lectures she quickly wrote down everything she could in her notebook. Later she transcribed the shorthand to use the notes for her scheduled study time. Several notebooks later, Sharlene felt very frustrated because there was so much material to study. She decided the mistake she probably made was *not writing enough information that was useful *writing too much information rather than just the key ideas *not spending enough time transcribing her notes

writing too much information rather than just the key ideas

It is important to choose a note taking method that fits your learning style and personality because you can't learn any other way you will be more likely to take useful, readable notes it won't matter to anyone but you

you will be more likely to take useful, readable notes

It is said that when taking notes you should listen 80 percent of the time and take notes 20 percent of the time. The best reason for this is probably because it is rude to take notes during a lecture you will lose the flow of the lecture if you take too many notes you will learn more if you listen than if you take notes

you will lose the flow of the lecture if you take too many notes

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