subject verb agreement #1

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The word Does

Is singular because it has an -s on the end

Which of the following choices is a sentence fragment? Reason: This is sentence fragment because it is a dependent clause without an independent clause, which it should modify adverbially by identifying when-but no stand-alone clause starting a complete thought with a subject adverb exists fr it to modify.

All of times that we have been together.

Transition Words 5 Result

As a result, as a consequence (of), therefore, thus, consequently, hence, for this reason, due to

Transition Words 12 Generalization

As a rule, for the most part, in general/generally, on the whole, In most cases.

Of These versions, which one shows correct capitalization. Reason: "Freudian" is an adjective derived from a pronoun (the name Freud), so it is capitalized.

EX: A Freudian slip

The verb is plural if the sentence begins with many, a few, several, both. Subject: A few of my friends the verb = Are Verb Phrase = Joining me at the camp.

EX: A few of my friends are joining me at the camp.

Of the following sentences which is/are divided correctly? Reason: The semicolon correctly divides the first independent clause from the second, and the comma correctly precedes the conjunction "and" before the third independent clause. The single comma in choice.

EX: A: I am so sorry: I know you loved him so much, and you must miss him dearly.

All subject-verb agreement is standard in which of these sentences? Reason: The 2 subjects "she" and "husband" in the dependent clause require the plural auxiliary verb "are"

EX: A: Sheri says that she and her husband are volunteering to help.

His friends did not realize that, by picking him up and driving him away, they were abetting his misdeed. In the context of this sentence, what is the meaning word abetting? Reason: To abet is a transitive verb (it takes an object) meaning to support, help, or facilitate, typically relative to a crime or other wrong doing. Despite containing the syllable "bet" it does not mean gambling on the misdeed.

EX: A: Supporting

In which of the following are all of the verb tense endings consistent?

EX: A: We had two tables until Sandra brought two more.

Where among these is a sentence version using the past tense?

EX: A: We hoped for the best while we prepared for the worst.

The Future Perfect Verb Tense appears which of these choices? Reason: We will have been tense of the verb "to be."

EX: B: By his next birthday, we will have been friends for 20 years.

Which of the following words can be used as an antonym for the word egregious? Reason: Egregious is an adjective meaning outstandingly bad, blatant, flagrant, or extreme. For EX: writers and speakers may refer to egregious errors." Synonyms include deplorable

EX: B: Concealed

What choice conjugates the verb in the present perfect tense? Reason: The present perfect tense of the verb "to give" is "(I) have given."

EX: B: I have given him his gift before his birthday for years now.

Which Of These Sentences Demonstrates Standard Subject Verb Agreement? Reason: Third Person Singular "He" takes "has" and the third person plural takes "have"

EX: He has gone, but they have not.

Main Idea 10

EX: Hope is the Best dog in the world is the ___________ It is important to find the supporting details in order to find the _____________A supporting details explains, defines, or proves the _________________.

Interjections 4 Are Different, because they aren't normal part of a sentence. Interjections are words or phrases which show

EX: How you feel. Wow!

Which Of The Following Versions Of The Sentence Is Correct?

EX: It's time for the snake to shed its skin.

Which Of The Following Progressive Verb Tense? Reason: This is an ex: of the present progressive (or present continuous) tense, indicating something that is currently going on.

EX: Joyce and Eric are heading up our new committee.

Of the following, which choice uses the future verb tense?

EX: Lana will soon acquire an advanced degree.

Adverb 5

EX: Last night I slept really well.

Which Of The Following Is An Example of a complete sentence? Reason: A complete sentences can be brief as long as they contain as subject, a verb, and express a complete thought.

EX: Let's go.

Verbs Can Also Describe States, Like, Be, Love, Believe Or Understand

EX: Like, be, love, believe, or understand

Of The Following, Reason Which Is A Regular Verb? Reason: "To Listen." is a regular verb: It is conjugated in Present, past, present perfect, and perfect as listen, listened," "have listened," "Had Listened" in the first, 2nd, persons, singular number; listens in the 3rd person singular; and listen in plural with the forms the same.

EX: Listen

Which Version Of This Sentence Uses The Past Perfect Progressive verb tense? Reason: Uses the past perfect progressive tense ("Had Been Improving").

EX: Manual had been improving his grades steadily all year.

Trigger Word Trigger After is a subordinating conjunction is followed by the dependent clause filled by Maurice bought them to the table. Maurice is the subject and the predicate is brought them to the table. You can switch the sentence around. 2

EX: Maurice brought them to the table and Virgil ate the pancakes.

Of the following sentences which represents a fact rather than a an opinion?

EX: Michelle is 4 inches taller than Howie.

The verb is singular if the sentence begins with Much, A Little Subject= Much of this topic. Singular Verb = Has Verb Phrase = Is Already been discussed.

EX: Much of this topic has already been discussed.

The verb is singular if two singular subjects, separated by 'and' refer the same person or thing. Friend and guide refer to the same person to this brother. Singular Subjects = My friend and guide

EX: My friend and guide happens to be my brother.

In Which Choice Does The Reflexive Pronoun Agree With The Noun it renames?

EX: Now its every group for itself.

Which Sentence Is A Fragment Rather Than A Complete Sentence Reason: Is a sentence fragment because it has no verb-only a subject noun, preposition, demonstrative, adjective 2nd objective noun.

EX: One of these people

Adverbs Can describe verbs, meaning, they describe how someone does something.

EX: Quickly, loudly, angrily or well

The verb is plural, if two more singular subjects are joined by "and." Singular Subjects = Rahul and Sachin Plural = are

EX: Rahul and Sachin are playing cricket.

Among The Following Statements For Grade 3-4 Students, Which Is an EX: of opinion VS. Fact. Red shoes Vs black It is an opinion.

EX: Red shoes are better than black

What Is True About Verb Endings That Regular Verbs Take Acording to Verb Tense?

EX: Regular verbs take -ed endings in the simple past tense.

In the choices below, which includes a verb in the past perfect tense? Reason: The words "had disappeared" is in the past perfect tense,... has found".

EX: She found her lost dog four days after the dog had disappeared.

Which f the following sentences includes the past perfect tense of one verb? Reason: The question refers to the 2nd verb "to see."

EX: She knew she had seen him before.

Subject Verb Agreement 11 Reason: Walk is with any tenses

EX: She walks I sit.

When one gifted students sauntered into the classroom a few seconds late, her homeroom teacher, who did not know her as a person, angrily judged it as a sign of disrespect; but her creative and spontaneous nature. "From this sentence context which is the best definition of the word sauntered? Reason: The verb to sauntered means to stroll or walk with a leisurely, unhurried gait. To slink.

EX: Strolled

Periwinkle A Singular Subject takes a singular verb and a plural subject takes a plural verb. This is a singular verb agreement Dog = Noun Verb = Barks. = Singular Subject The dogs bark. No -s in plural on the verb. There is an -s on the noun Ex: Dogs

EX: The dog barks. EX: The dogs bark

Which Of The Following Sentence Is Correct? Reason: Possessive pronouns differ from possessive proper nouns in that, where as both nouns and proper nouns take -s endings when possessive (e.g.) "the woman's hat", "the man's house," "Mary's hat." "Walter's house."

EX: The family agrees the house is theirs.

Which of the following sentences demonstrates a subject-verb agreement?

EX: The people of the Iroquois Nation are in Agreement.

What Is An Example Of The Present Perfect Progressive Tense? Reason: (Has Been Working) Is the present perfect (Has Been) progressive (Working) Verb Tense

EX: The task force has been working hard on this program all along.

What I correct about the availability of public versers private postsecondary schools in these four states? Reason: All four states have more public institutions than private institutions. The viewer can see tis by looking at not only the numbers shown on each bar, but also the size of each color/shade on each bar: all four states have much bigger bars for public institution than they do for private ones. None of these states has more private schools.

EX: There are more public institutions than private institutions in all these states.

Of the following sentences, which has its predicate in the present tense? Reason: We take is the present tense of "to take" with a first person plural subject. The predicate.

EX: We take this test each year.

Which Of These Sentences in Corporates an Instance of the future perfect verb tense Reason: The Future Perfect Tense of the Verb Finish"

EX: When We Finish all the work Before we tell you. Reason: "Will have finished"

What is the Correct definition for the word Revert

EX: When faced with unfamiliar material, the student trends to revert to less mature reading strategies. The meaning means to Turn back.

They described their best attorney, which was my uncle. Reason: The relative pronoun "to" refer to their best attorney and was my uncle is _________

EX: Who

_______Car is that parked on your lawn? Which of the following correctly this sentence?

EX: Whose

The Student Reading Skills Were Poor, But His Writing Skills Were _________. What word correctly completes this sentence? Reason: The correct modifier meaning more than bad is ______________

EX: Worse

The punctation is correct in which of the following sentence version?

EX: Wow! How great to see you! Where have you been?

Interjections3 Expresses strong emotion and is often followed by an exclamation mark.

EX: Wow! Oh! Wow! The view is amazing. Hey! I haven't seen you in a long time.

Interjections you also use the exclamation mark

EX: You just stepped on my foot!

In describing how you should walk, which choice uses the correct modifier how you should walk, Which choice uses the correct modifier? Reason: Inferring from sentence context, how should you walk is compared how should you are walking, hence the comparative is needed, not the superlative.

EX: You must walk more quickly more quickly to keep up with them.

Will is based on an opinion usually with what I think or similar.

EX:I think he will take the job, it seems to be just what he is looking for. Predictions based on your opinion.

Subject Verb Agreement Singular Verb=has an -s on the end singular means just one remember on singular subject add -s on the end of verb

Eats and Drinks

Transition Words 8 Summary

In conclusion, to summarise, altogether, in short, to sum up, In summary, briefly, conclude.

Minor Supporting Details 2

They take longer waking up in the morning. Without energy they have a hard time concentrating. They are not prepared to participate.

Which of the following uses of possession is current?

This hat is Mary's but Sue says it is hers.

The Author Trying To Tell Me Main Idea

An Interesting fact or they might be telling you, trying to convey you of something. Supporting Details you need evidence to support the _________________________.

Nine Step-Step 6 Main Idea or Topic

Analyze the before and after info underline these words before and after these words and phrases

Nine Steps-Step 2 Main Idea Or Topic

Analyze the first and last paragraph take note of the points related to the topic in the title.

Topic 13

Ask yourself Who or What it is only one or two words. Person"s Name, Thing, Object, Animal It has to be a Noun. It is usually repeated

Transition Words 9 Reason

Because of, With this in mind, in fact, in order, to due to

Present Continuous 2

Buy/Buying. Clean/Cleaning Cook/Cooking I am buying new clothes. I'm cleaning the house. I am cooking dinner.

Subject Verb Agreement Noun is Plural you add an -S at the end of verb for plural

EX: Birds, Teeth, Bananas

If two, subjects connected by either..."Or' or 'neither'...nor are of different persons, then we use the verb that agrees. Subject = Not nearest to the verb Subject = Nearest to the verb is brothers and the word. Are = Verb

EX: Either you or your brothers are lying.

If two, subjects connected by either...'or or 'neither'... nor are of different persons, then we use the verb that agrees. Subject = You Not nearest to Subject = brothers Verb = Are

EX: Either you or your brothers are lying.

The auxiliary word "HAD" is placed before the subject at the beginning

EX: Had he had waiting form long before I arrived? EX: I saw her sports clothes. Had she been jogging? EX: How long had then been running their business before it closed?

When we took a long lasting action which began in the past and ended before and ended before as specific then in the past:

EX: He had been searching the internet for an hour before he finally found the website. I had been driving for 2 hours before I came to a petrol garage. The point in time can be specified directly or it can be expressed as another event in the past.

The negative sentence contains the participle "NOT" is placed after the "HAD". but before the "BEEN".

EX: He had not been watching the Movie for an hour. EX: I had not been working for television companies since 2015.

In Sentence Beginning With/Here And "They' the subject is placed after the verb. Verb = Are. Subjects = Notebooks and the pencils

EX: Here are the notebooks and the pencils.

In sentence beginning with here and there the subject is placed after the verb. Verb = Are Subjects = Notebooks and pencils

EX: Here are the notebooks and the pencils.

Past Perfect Continuous To talk about a longer event which took place before another action past.

EX: I had been living in Oxford 2 yrs before I brought a flat. I had been living here before I bought the flat. Form: Subject + had been + Verb + -ing

Past Perfect Continuous Tense Is Formed: It is formed similar to present continuous is formed: It is formed similar to present continuous subject + had been + participle (-ing ending) no changing for the plural or the singular, we use had.

EX: I had been working for five years before I got a hire salary. EX: She had been playing the three years before she did two solo concert.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Talks about how long something has been happening.

EX: I have been cooking all morning! The focus is unfinished activity, cooking has talking all morning. It is also shows something is temporary. EX: I usually work in finance. I have been working on this project for three weeks. We are implying that it is temporary situation. Your project is only 3 weeks and then you go back to finance.

Present Perfect -Life Experience the time is not finished your life is not over.

EX: I haven't traveled much. Your life up until now. Life experience use this tense.

This Is From Comparison Slows Speaking Simple Past It happened in the past, there is no relationship to the present moment.

EX: I rushed out the door this morning.

Present Perfect Simple Actions or situations happening until now, usually not finished.

EX: I started reading his latest book, and still reading the book. Continue reading into the future. Form: Have/Has plus the past participle.

Used To-Is a repeated actions or situations which are no longer true

EX: I used to smoke. In other words -you no longer smoke. (It's in the past)

Interrupted Past Continuous

EX: I was having a shower when the phone rang. I was having a shower when the phone rang. To show something continued form some tense. Everyone was singing. For something that happened again and again. EX: I was practicing everyday, three times a day.

Parallel Actions In the Past (Past Continuous)

EX: I was reading while he was making dinner. She was reading at the same time her was making dinner

Future 4 Difference Ways To Speak About The Future. Decisions made at the times of speaking spontaneously make decision.

EX: I'll make curry for dinner tonight.n. You haven't planned this. You just spontaneous decided to make it. The will is very often controlled to I'll he'll etc. Form: Will + are infinitive

Present Perfect Continues -Show An Action In Progress When the focus is on an activity that is unfinished. The focus is on the painting and the action is on the painting and the action is unfinished.

EX: I've been painting the kitchen, I'm covered paint. If it is unfinished that means we have more to paint. and we use this tense. Form: Subject + Have/Has been + Verb + -ing.

Present Perfect Action with a present result

EX: I've done the shopping. It's in the __________it has been completed action. The result is you went shopping and now you have food. It has an impact on what you are doing or a result in the ____________________tense

Past Perfect Simple Talk about an action or situation which happened before another action in the past.

EX: Johnny rang Mary's doorbell at 8:15 but Mary had already left. EX: When Mrs. Brown washing machine she realized she had washed the cat. She washed the cat first and then she opened the washing machine.

The verb agrees with the first noun or pronoun when this subject consists of two nouns or pronouns joined by with or as well as. Singular Verb = Has Subjects = My father with his brothers,

EX: My father with his brothers, has brought some land for farming.

Commenting on actions that were finished by the moment of time in the past.

EX: My wife had you been learning English before you went to the language course? EX: I'd been waiting for an answer for one week before I finally got it.

When we add word endings to base Simple Present and Simple Past Tense Are Formed (Base-Verb-Invite) (Base Verb-Talk)

EX: Rohit invited Mohit to dinner EX: Jim talks a lot.

The verb is singular: two or more singular subjects are connected by either "or" or "nor" Two singular subjects are connected by either "or" or "neither...nor Singular Subjects: Samay, Vijay, or Navin Singular Verb: Organizes

EX: Samay, Vijay, or Navin organizers such as events regularly.

The verb is singular if the sentence begins with: Each, Everyone, Every One, Everybody, anyone, any one, anybody, someone, somebody, nobody, no one Singular Verb = Has

Ex: Each of the girls has long hair.

Supporting Details

Explain the main idea using facts, examples, reason and so on.

Zooming In On Main Idea

Figure out the most important part of the section. There are two strategies: Pop Out Sentence Who or What __________________________

Nine Steps-Step 3 Main Idea Or Topic

Find And Dissect The Topic Sentence. You can look for descriptive words like challenging or busy, or maybe they are comparing. We didn't read the article yet, but we are getting an understanding of what it is going to be about.

Topic Main Idea

Find the connection between the two. It is always mentioned in the main idea. Think of a puzzle (pieces of a puzzle) (putting pieces together.)

Topic. Main Idea

Find the connection between the two. It is always mentioned in the main idea. Think of a puzzle (pieces of a puzzle putting pieces together.)

The Verb and its subject in a sentence must agree in person.

First Person. Second Person. Third Person I read You read He/She/ It We read You All Read They Read

Summary The three boxes write less then 10 word summary.

First thing I do look at title and picture or graphics. Then make a prediction Ask yourself The Who or What in each paragraph Shrink Strategy: Tell the most important thing about The Who or what

Transition Words 4 Order

First/Firstly, second/secondly, third/thirdly, finally, at this time, following, previously, before, subsequently, above all, last but not least, first and for most,

subject-verb agreement Plural mean more than one you don't add -S to the verb it would be too crowded. Plural Noun + Plural Verb More than one

Flowers, Bloom

Transition Words 6 Illustration

For EX: For Instance, such as, included, namely, in this case, proof of this, like, to demonstrate/to clarify

Nine Step-Step 8 Main Idea or Topic

Gather all of the information and find the most common parts from the previous between 4 and 7 that occur throughout the steps. What I highlighted will be important for the next step.

Supporting Details 16

Have to be directly connected. You must relate, right back to your ____________________________

Singular Verb Plural Verb

He Speaks -Has We Speak She Speaks -Has They Speak It Speaks - Has You Speak We are We Were They are We Have You are They Have

Verb To Be: Describing things and the wa y they are verbs to be

I am a teacher. She is beautiful. They are from china.

Present Simple The Abilities And Things We Can't Do? Describing things and the way the way

I can speak English, I can not speak Japanese. I can swim. I cannot fly a plane.

Present Simple Things We Do Regularly

I go to the beach on holidays. I play computer games. I watch movies with my friends. I shop at the mall. I eat Japanese food for dinner.

Present Simple 2 Like, Love, Want, Need, And Have

I like cats., I like swimming., I love my family., I love ice cream., I want a sports car., I have a big family., I have an old junky car., I new a new DVD player., I need some new shoes.

EX: Present Simple (Daily Routines)

I wake up at 6:30 am I take my son to school for a walk in the park. I go to work by car. I eat lunch at my favorite pizza restaurant. I come home by van. I watch some tv. I spend time with my wife. I go to bed sometime before midnight.

Present Simple Tense: 4

Is also used for permanent situations. EX: I live in Oxford. For Facts: EX: Water boils 100 C

Main Idea 5

Is the big point or the most important idea that the writer is communicating to the reader. Reader can look at main point by looking at title.

How To Find The Main Idea

Is the big point or the most the important idea that the writer is communicating to the reader. The reader can find the ____________________by looking at the title. Ask yourself what is the point?

What Is Main Idea?

Is the claim the author is making about the topic. EX: What does he want to say about the environment of Hawaii: Does he want to say it is very good. The author might say there is a problem. Does it balance or unbalance. Our ___________________will always say something about the topic it is specific and relates directly to the paragraph. Every paragraph has a __________________.

Past Simple 6

Is used to finished action in the past and usually, there is some kind of time reference included. EX: I lived in London for 5 years. (This means that it is now finished.) (You're no longer living in London.). We use reg verbs we add -ed to make the______________________ we make live into lived

Past Simple 5

It is also used for parallel actions in the past. There are all past actions in chronological order. In the order in which they happened.

Past Continuous 2

It is also used.for parallel actions in the past. EX: I was reading while she was making dinner. It is also used for the Interrupted Actions EX: I was having a shower when the phone rang. Shower + past for phone ringing

Present continuous 3

It is for something happening now EX: I'm having dinner. Form: Subject + am are or is and the -ing form the verb. It is for temporary situations. EX: I'm staying with a friend for two weeks. This is telling your listener, this is not permanent. This is telling your listener, this is not permanent.

Nine Step -Step 5 Main Idea Or Topic

It's important look for recurring words/phrases there are going to be words that occur over And over again words or phrases. Those words that occur over and over again words or phrases. Those words are important to the topic or to the supporting details.

Key Words in the Present Perfect Tense

Just, ever, already, yet, and since That's a very common question is EX: Have you ever seen a panda? You can say I have or I've never seen a panda.

Nine Steps To The Main Idea Or Topic

Look At The Title: Ask yourself the 5 W's. Sometimes the title of the article or essay will include more than one important point.

Nine Step-Step 9 Main Idea or Topic

Organize the information based on the topic. This information right here came from the previous steps. Step 8 and I organized to flow under this topic as supporting details. Then these details are supporting details for the main idea.

Main Idea 2

Pieces of a puzzle makes a claim about the topic. Look for a pattern: The writer uses transition words to organize chunks of information and to show the relationship between the two or three. Effective readers identify transitions words and use them to build meaning. its like a puzzle putting pieces together to make sense of the main idea.

Supporting Details:2

Prove the value of the main idea what are they here? Keep in mind ____________________want to _____________the idea for the opinion that is stated in the topic sentence

Supporting Details 3

Prove the value of the main idea what are they here? Keep in mind supporting details want to support the idea for the opinion that is stated in the topic sentence for the main idea.

The Past Continuous -Was dieting when she turned vegetarian. Let's apply did she diet in the past? (Yes) It didn't go for a period of time. It happened before the past. What is wrong with this tense aspect for this sentence its inaccurate because earlier we said Cathy dieted for three months and then she became a vegetarian during the time of a diet, instead after was is technically correct its not telling us.

Q____Did she diet in the past? (Yes) Q____Did it go for a period of time? Q____Did it happened before she became a vegetarian?

Transition Words 7 Comparison

Similarly, equally, likewise, just as, just like, similar to, same as, by the same token, in the same way

Past Continuous 1

Something that happened before and after a particular time in the past. EX: I was eating dinner before 7:00 PM and still eating after 7:00 pm We use Form: Was/Were and add -ing form of the verb.

Stated Implied Main Idea

Sometimes, a paragraph doesn't have a stated main idea, but has an implied main idea. This means that you need to state the main idea, but has an implied _______ You have to state the main idea in your own words. You have to come up with a solution

A Base Verb Changes Form To Indicate

The tense or time of action.

Topic 2

To find the _______________ask yourself who or what is being done or what is going on as far as the __________. The ________________is connected to the main idea. Find out the connection between the two. What the general idea of the passage its general

Transition Words 3 Contrast

Unlike, nevertheless, on the other hand, nonetheless, despite, inspite of, in contrast (to), while, whereas, alternatively, conversely, even so, differing from

Nine Step-Step 7 Main Idea or Topic

Very crucial or determine the importance that you found in step 6. All of its not important, certain things that are important. I went through the information. I highlighted specific information that I felt it was important to the topic and also related to the title.

Present Simple 3 Schedule=Calendar and dates

We say the movie starts at 5 0"Clock. The plane departs at 1:00 a.m. We say tomorrow is Saturday. Next month is December.

Present Simple 5

We use it for daily routine: Things we do regularly: Things we like, Love, want, need and have. Schedules, describing abilities, describing things and the way that they are.

Ask Yourself Questions About The Main Idea

Who or What is this passage about? That will help you out what the main Idea is. Many paragraphs have topic sentences that indicate the main idea.

Finding The Main Idea=Two Strategies Pop Out Sentence Who + What = Main Idea

You want to think about the sentence and gives an overview of the section you are reading. You might want to ask yourself, what sentence is the most important in this section and tells me the most important parts.

Transition Words 11. Concession

Admittedly, all the same, up to a point, even so, in spite of, although/even though, even if, however

Among The Following ,Which Sentence Includes A Verb In The Future Tense? Reason: In this sentence;e, "need "is in the present tense, and "will be" is in the future tense.

EX: If you need help, we will be glad to help you with that work.

Declarative Sentene

EX: Imperative Sentence. It is used to mark the end of declarative and imperative sentences. I'll explain. EX: I teach English. EX: We had pizza for dinner last night. EX: If it rains tomorrow, I'll bring my umbrella.

Another Way To Find Main Idea:

It is like the heart of the text or paragraph. It is the controlling idea. All of the supporting details in the text or within the paragraph should tell us more about the main idea.

Main Idea Or Controlling idea

It is the heart of the text or a paragraph that is giving us information about the ___________________ You ask yourself Who or What is the passage about? Topic includes______________________

Present Simple Tense:

It is used for routines or habit. EX: I play tennis every Friday. The only difference with He/She/It You add -S EX: She plays basketball at the school.

Transition Words 10. Condition

if, in this case, in case, unless


3rd person singular and you add an -s at the end of the verb. EX: She plays ball.

Past Simple 7

Is also used for past action that occurs in chronological order. EX: I got up, had a shower and then left for work. These are all past actions in the sentence. In the order in which they happened.

If You Draw An Umbrella You put Reasons And Facts You Put Cause And Examples

On the left side of handle On the right side handle

Future Simple Tense:

Question: I, you, we, they, he, she, it EX: They work?

Past Continuous 1

Something that happened before and after a particular time in the past. EX: I was eating dinner at 7 O'Clock last night. Eating dinner before 7 and was eating after 7 PM it continues. Form: Was/Were + -ing form of the verb.

Indefinite Pronouns are 3rd person singular

anyone knows the way to San Jose as a question, but you are not sure weather or not or do anyone know the way to San Jose? Instead of saying do we say does.

One church would not allow the wedding to ________the ________for the bride's choice of floral decorations. Which words will correctly complete the blanks in this sentence;

EX: Alter; Altar

Which of these would be correct informal written English? Reason: This sentence uses comparative form of "quiet," i.e., "quieter," sentence

EX: D: Our next meeting needs to be far quieter.

What version of the sentence below is written correctly?

EX: D: She is sick. She needs help. We will go help her now.

Which of the following includes a verb in the present progressive tense? Reason: The present progressive tense of the verb "to begin" is "is beginning" (or, with a plural or second-person subject, "are beginning").

EX: D: Their youngest child is beginning school this year.

Which version of the sentence below correctly use all words included?

EX: D: They will accept all applications, except those submitted late.

An example of the past progressive verb tense is included in which sentence? Reason: "Were going" is the past progressive tense of the verb "to go." "Are taking"

EX: D: We were going to the concert when Neil's jeep got a flat tire.

Of the following sentences, which one shows correct subject-verb agreement? Reason: The 2 subjects "you" and I" require the plural form of the verb "agree." The subjects "He" and "they"

EX: D: you and I agree regarding this issue.

Verbs Can Be Actions

EX: Do, Run, Fly, or Win

Verbs State of being or Situation He/She/ It For the Present Tense Am is a verb The First Sentence is talking about a physical action The second sentence is talking about state or situation

EX: Dylan plays tennis three times a week. We add -s to EX: I am a teacher

Among These Choices, Which Demonstrates Pronoun Antecedent and subject-verb agreement? Reason: Each of these pronouns agrees with the antecedent "one" as each can replace that subject grammatically.

EX: The one who should apologize is he, not she.

In which tense and for which verbs does the -d or -ed ending apply? Reason: Only regular verbs (not all verbs)

EX: The simple past for reg verbs.

Adverb-Can Also describe adjectives, other adverbs, or even whole sentences. The word Very which can describe an adjective

EX: Very Slow-Or Another

Ask Yourself These Questions For The Main Idea

What is the writer talking about. How the writer makes their main point. What is the point the writer is trying to make.

Major Details 3

are connected to the main idea.

Minor Details 8

are connected to the major details.

What is a Topic?

A__________is general point of the article its general, but not general. The title of an article is often________________ Ask yourself: What or Who is the paragraph or article about.. Answer: 2-5 words What does the author say about_______? Answer: in a complete sentence.

The Present Perfect Tense Verb Tense Included? Reason: The present tense of the verb "to break" "has...broken". "Had....Broken"

EX: Ricky has just broken his oldest brothers school record in diving.

Future Continuous can also be used to talk about something we assume is happening at the moment in the present. Future Continuous something we assume is happening now. We use this tense when we are thinking of ourselves at a time in the future. Looking back at the time of the duration of an activity.

Activity will have begun sometime in the either in the in Ex: In September I have been working at my computer for 3 years Form: Will have been + -ing verb It can be over a period of time.

Transition Words 2 Addition

Additionally/additional, furthermore, also, too, as well as that, along with, besides, in addition, moreover, not only-but also, in addition to this apart from this

In which of these sentence do the subject and verb agree? Reason: In this sentence, "some" refers to the plural noun "people," so the plural auxiliary verb "are" agrees with it. ("opposing" is the progressive participle and can go with any tense of the auxiliary verb "to be.")

Ans: B: Some of the people are opposing the law.

Singular Or Plural

Ask yourself what is the subject? Then ask yourself if it is singular or plural I=Singular We=many of us He/She/It ends in -s

Adjectives-Describe Nouns,

EX: Red, Big, Metal, or Beautiful

A Subordinate Clause Can't Stand Alone, they need to be attached to a main clause in order for it to be grammatically correct. After is a subordinating conjunction is followed by the dependent clause followed by Maurice Brought them to the table. Maurice is the subject and the predicate is brought them to the table. A subordinate clause will always begin with a trigger word you can switch the sentence around.

EX: Virigil ate the pancakes, after Maurice brought them to the table. EX: Maurice brought them to the table and Virgil ate the pancakes.

Of The Following Verbs, Which Is Regular With Respect To Endings For All Tenses?

EX: Walk

Of the following sentences which has correct punctuation? Reason: Phrases that interrupt the flow of the sentence ("by the way" in this case) should be set off by commas. Sentence

EX: We are, by the way, quite concerned.

An Ex: of the present perfect verb tense is in which sentences? Reason: We have delayed is an ex: of the present perfect verb tense.

EX: We have delayed the meeting for you late comers.

Which of the following sentences shows disagreement between pronoun and antecedent? Reason: Shows disagreement between antecedent "enemy and objective pronoun" "us" Pronoun "you" agrees with antecedent "person"

EX: We have met the enemy and he is us.

Nine Step-Step 4 Main Idea Or Topic

Skim the article for the topic

Conjunctions: Connects to two things Conjunction can connect two phrases.

EX: I like cake and Ice cream. EX: Do you want to go now or wait till this afternoon?

Which of these versions of the sentence capitalizes all words correctly.

EX: She hoped to practice her Japanese in Tokyo, though many citizens wanted to practice their English.

Adverbs 4 Always is an Adverb Late is an adverb or it can be an Adjective- Late

EX: Sophie is always ate for school.

The word Do

Is plural

SubJect Verb Agreement 2

Verb describes the action and the subject does describes the action

Which version of the sentence below is correct? Reason: "who" refers to people, whereas the relative pronouns "that"

Ans: C: I remember the man who sold me that car.

The Punctuation Is Correct In Which Of The Following? Reason: When connecting two independent clauses using "however" as a conjunctive adverb, punctuates with a semicolon before "however" and a comma after it. Using a comma "however"

Ans: They asked for permission; however he refused.

In English, Which Subject Person, Number, And Verb Tense Always has a verb with an-s ending? Reason: A verb modifying a noun in the third person singular noun other word) in the present tense is the only combination that always has an-s ending on the verb, is, has, does, goes, walks, likes, sees, thinks, feels, wakes, sleeps, etc

Ans: Third person singular, present tense.

The pronoun agrees with its antecedent in which of these choices? Reason: Though some people accustomed to incorrectly saying "it's me" think it sounds natural, "I" is the correct first-person pronoun to agree with the plural verb "are" require "we" not "me."

C: The person who should know this is I.

Which of the following is an antonym for the word perfunctory? Reason: Means routine, hasty, or superficial as opposed to thorough.

C: Thorough

What choices accurately uses a word among several that sound the same? Reason: People often confuse the famine masculine, singular, and plural forms of this latin-derived word. A single female graduate is an alumnus. Plural female graduates are alumnae. Plural graduates, both female and male, are alumni.

EX: "siblings Rachel and Jill are alumnae of Dartmouth

Among the following, which version of this sentence spells all words correctly? Reason: How many people confuse its spelling

EX: A: It's surprising

Correct Pronoun-Antecedent agreement is demonstrated in which sentence? Reason: The third-person singular feminine pronoun "her" renames the subject, i.e., the proper noun "Sheila" the reflexive pronoun "himself"

EX: A: Sheila would like you to accompany her.

In Which Of These Examples Does The Pronoun Agrees With Its antecedent. Reason: The First person plural pronoun "we" agrees, with two subjects, "Jo and I." The two subjects "Leon and Carla"

EX: After Jo and I presented to the committee, we received their appaul.

Dependent Clause 1 Look at Trigger words After, although Find the Main Clause and the dependent The word although makes it subordinate.

EX: After Maurice brought them to the table. EX: Jacquinn and Roberta danced the night away. EX: Although their parents disapproved.

Future 8 Facts in the Future

EX: Alice will be 5 next month.

The antecedent and pronoun agree in which of these sentences? Reason: The object pronoun "US". (Object Preposition) "of" Modifying subject "All"

EX: All of us contributed to our eventual success.

Conjunctions 2 You can also use a ______to connect two clauses. Determiners go before a noun. They include words like, They specify which noun you are talking about by saying who something belongs to.

EX: Although I've been trying to learn for years, I'm still really bad at drawing. A, the, this, or that, which help to specify which noun you're talking about. Words like my, your, his, her, etc are also determiners.

Conjunction 4 Connect words, phrases or clauses in a sentence. And is the conjunction

EX: And, but, although, or EX: I like to watch television and eat popcorn.

Of The Choices, Which is most synonymous with the Vitriolic? Reason: Vitriolic means acidic, caustic, acerbic, bitter, harsh, hurtful, antagonistic, etc. An unrelated word starting with the same two letters is victorious, meaning winning. Antagonistic-means Showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something. Similar-hostile opposed inimical. Biochecistry-physiology relating to antagonist or its action.

EX: Antagonistic

Imperative Sentences

EX: Are called commands or requests: EX: Please don't feed the animals. EX: You might see the sign in a zoo. EX: Let me know what time your flight arrives. EX: If it arrives tomorrow bring your umbrella.

According to the graph data, what is true about the number of public universities and college in the state shown? Reason: As of the graph's date, both Arizona and New Mexico had 27 public postsecondary schools. The bars are different heights because New Mexico had few private schools: this graph stacks both values vertically for each state, differentiating public vs private schools: this graph stacks both values vertically for each state, differentiating public verses public by bar color/shade. The number is displayed on each bar. Colorado has more public schools than Arizona or New Mexico, 29 verses 27, not fewer.

EX: Arizona and Mexico have an equal number.

Of the following, which is the correct superlative form f the adjective thorough" Reason: Although some two-syllable adjectives have their comparatives and superlatives formed by adding -er and -est endings (e.g.), gentle, "gentlest" "narrower," "narrowest," and busy" "busier," "busiest," The comparatives and superlatives of most other adjectives with "more" and "most as with "thorough."

EX: B: Most thorough

In which version of this sentence are all word meanings and spelling correct? Reason: "Peak"means a small look or glance as a noun, and to take a small look as a verb. "Peak" means the top, highest point, or tip as a noun, m and to reach its greatest height as intransitive verb. "Pique" means to whet, stimulate, arouse, or an not as a verb and ill temper or humor (e.g., "a fit of pique") as a noun. The other choices incorrectly use all three.

EX: B: The sneak peek had piqued my interest; the trailer has made my curiosity peak.

Of these choices, which one conjugates the verb in the future tense?

EX: B: Vanessa will be help you with that.

Among the following, which sentence use correct capitalization?

EX: B: We invited her, but Mother did not want to attend.

Pronoun 7. Replace The Name Of A Person, Place, thing or Idea in a sentence. I, She, Our, They, It. Pronoun is "She" Pronoun is "You"

EX: Becky is a very nice friend. She always helps me with my homework. EX: You can visit the shopping center at 1 O'Clock.

Among these choices what phrase is the best synonym for the word tantamount? Reason: (Used with to") means the same as or the equivalent of taunt in French and taunt in Italian means as much as e.g., "His deed was tantamount to a crime." A similar-sounding but different word meaning most important.

EX: Being equal with

Of these choices, which uses the correct verb between two that sound the same? Reason: The verb "forego" means to precede or before something, whereas the verb "forgo" means to do without something.

EX: C: Does an appetizer forego the entree?

Which of the following sentences uses the future progressive (future continuous) verb tense?

EX: C: I had never heard of that before yesterday.

Which of the examples below is a complete sentence? Reason: This has a subject and a verb, and it expresses a complete thought: the construction needs a direct object to modify the verb "witnessed."

EX: C: I have never witnessed anything like that.

Which of these sentences is correct and has not confused one word with another? Reason: Although they sound alike, "dual" and "duel" have different meanings. Dual refers to two and mean two fold double, or binary. "Duel" refers to a fight or contest typically between individuals, as in famous historical gun duel between Burr and Hamilton.

EX: C: They founded the organization for dual purposes.

In which of the following versions all punctuation is correct? Reason: This is a quotation interrupted by the non-quoted description "he queried." Only the quoted parts are enclosed in quotation marks.

EX: C: What, he queried, am I supposed to think?

Among the following, which sentence use the verb in the present tense: Reason: Second person "you" (singular or plural) takes "are" as the present tense of "to be." "were"

EX: C: You are the best friend to her among her friends.

Prepositions: Usually Go Before A Noun Or Phrase Prepositions Can do two basic things: First, they can add an idea of time, place, or movements to a noun, on Wednesday in the corner, towards the door. Secondly, Prepositions

EX: Can Connect Other words to a noun, or a pronoun.

Which is correct about the number of private higher education institutions, in the states displayed? Reason: Colorado has 12 private schools, three times the four that Utah has. New Mexico has which is more than half the 16 in Arizona.

EX: Colorado has 3 times as many as Utah has.

Diligence And Patience Is Required For The Job. Two or more subjects joined by "and" Diligence and patience here require a plural verb, so the verb in this sentence should be Are, Not, Is

EX: Correct Sentence should read EX: Diligence and patience are required for the job.

Of these choices, which one is most synonyms with the term impassive? Reason: Impassive is an adjective meaning unfeeling, emotionless, not suffering, or serene and calm. Active

EX: D: Feeling

Which of the following is most an opinion rather than a fact?

EX: D: I have the best kitten there is.

The correct sentence is which choice among the following? Reason: Use the demonstrative pronoun "this" to indicate something right here, and the demonstrative pronoun "that" to indicate something over there.

EX: D: I want this color I am holding not that one you have there.

Of The Follow, Which Contains A Verb In The Present Perfect Tense? Reason: Uses the present perfect tense of "to finish," "has finished"

EX: Danny says that he has already finished his homework.

Which of the following uses the past Tense Of the Verb to be? Reason: David was in the past.

EX: David was only one to vulnteer

Which Is The Following Words Is An Antonymn For The Adjective Imminent? Reason: Imminent describes Something that is about to happened or approaching soon; distant.

EX: Distant

Which of the following uses demonstrative pronouns with the most, accuracy? Reason: When using demonstrative pronouns, choose "that" indicate somebody "Over there." To Indicate somebody "right here"

EX: Do you see that woman over there? That is my fiancée.

Nouns-Can Also Be Actions, Like Idea, Happiness, time or Money

EX: Doctor, Pencil, Tree, Cat

"The wealthy hostess es's jewelry was expensive yet gaudy and some guests questioned it's appropriatiness." Which of the following is the best synonym for gaudy? Reason: Gaudy means overly showy, flashy, flaunting, garish, or tasteless, for which tasteful.

EX: Flaunting

With Respect capital letters, which phrase below is correct?

EX: German Lullaby Reason: Although adjectives derived from proper nouns are normally capitalized.

The present Tense Of a Verb Is Used in Which Of These Choices? Reasons: Using the present tense: "Awakens"

EX: He Awakens at the same time everyday.

Among The Following which choice uses the past progressive (past continuous tense) of a Verb? Reason: The present Progressive tense of "to work," With a first person Singular Subject, is "I am working." "I will be talking."

EX: He was walking home from work during the incident.

Of these choices which one is complete sentence and not a fragment Reason: This quotation of lyrics from Pink Floyd's The wall (Waters, 1979) is a complete sentence with a subject verb, and object choice.

EX: Hey! Teacher, leave those kids alone.

Everybody Has ________Own Copy Of The Book. Which Word (s) correctly fill(s) correctly fill (s) in the blank?

EX: His or her

Which Of The Verbs Is Not Correctly Conjugated In Terms Of Present, Past, Perfect, Tense endings, Reason: To hit take the -s ending in the present tense for only the third person singular The -ing ending in the progressive or continuous form.

EX: Hit, Hat, Hut EX: He hits him.

Which version of these statements forms a run-on sentence? Reason: Despite some punctuation (a correct comma before "Desmond and a correct exclamation point at the end. This is still a run-on sentence because the two independent clauses are not separated by any punctuation or conjunction before "he is getting away. The other choices are all alternatives for correcting a run-on sentence.

EX: Hurry it up, Desmond and catch him he is getting away! Demand and catch him he is getting away!

Going to Future 13 Decisions made before speaking. Plans or intentions Something you decided before you speak. Going based on predictions or evidence. You see the black clouds so you have some evidence it is going to rain. Prediction

EX: I am going to Florida this year. EX: Looking at the black clouds, I think it is going to rain.

Which of the following use a verb in the present progressive (present continuous) tense Reason: The present progressive tense of "to work," with a first person singular subject, is "I am working. "I will be talking."

EX: I am working, so I cannot talk with you until later.

Which Version Of This Uses All Words Correctly? Reason: This sentence correctly uses "here" as the adverb indicating place, and also correctly uses "hear" as the verb meaning to sense through the ears and other auditory mechanisms, i.e., via audition or hearing. These words sound the same but have different meanings and parts of speech.

EX: I could tell he was here because I could hear his footsteps.

The Past Perfect Tense 2

EX: I had contacted them several time before with no results.

Which Of These Choices Includes Present Perfect Tense Reason: Have wandered is an example of the present perfect tense verb.

EX: I have often wandered what happened to them.

Of the following choices, which choices, which both avoids a run-on sentence and uses correct punctuation? Reason: Correctly uses a semicolon after the first independent clause, and a comma between the dependent clause and the and independent clause, and a comma between the dependent clause and the and independent clause it modifies.

EX: I knew right away it was you; as as soon as you spoke, I recognized your voice.

Which version spells all words correctly in the context of the sentence? The spelling knew indicates the past tense verb "to know" the spelling "new" indicates the adjective meaning novel, recent, original, not old, etc these two meanings cannot be spelled alike or interchangeably.

EX: I knew you meant slightly used when you said new.

In the following, what choice is an example of a run on. a sentence? Reason: This is a run-on sentence because it contains two independent clauses, but no connection or division. To be correct these can be divided into sentence by a period; remain one sentence divided by semicolon; or joined by comma and a coordinating coordinating conjunction e.g. because since, or as choice.

EX: I know what you mean I have had the exact same experience.

We Can Use It for Informal Situations When we use informal we use a contraction We'll We cam use when something is not planned in advanced informally.

EX: I will call you later. EX: I will give you a ride to the subway. EX: You and your colleague are just stepping out of the office and suddenly it starts pouring rain or a big snow storm. and you have a car and your colleagues doesn't. EX: You can use it ordering a diner or restaurant.

Future Perfect Simple Something will be finished by particular time in the future.

EX: I will finish by next Friday. You will finish the work before next Friday. No later than that time.

Of the following sentences which one uses all words correctly? Reason: The word "To" is a preposition indicating relationship or direction, used to connect verbs (e.g.,) ("going to see", verbs and objects (e.g." talk to them") pronouns (e.g., "from me to you",) nouns adjectives (e.g., too much "too hard") or mean "also" has it is here.

EX: I will go to see my sister's new house too.

Future 12 Threats and promises

EX: I will send you the info tomorrow.

Future Perfect Simple -This time using in I'll finish I an hour and then you can use the computer.

EX: I'll have finished in an hour and then you can use the computer. 2:00 is the latest time you will finish. You might finish before 2:00 and this is possibly.

Future Present Continuous 2 By using "Will". If it is informal it is very easy. "Will talk about the future" If something is planned we use the words "going to". (It's planned in advance, but if it is unplanned. You just decided at the moment of speaking and it's an informal situation because you so then we can use "will"

EX: I'm going to meet John tomorrow, because we have a plan (make an appointment). EX: I will meet Mr. Williams tomorrow.

Future Present Continuous It is called Diary future It is used for arrangements, appointments, things we could write in our diaries. Can be changed by informing others.

EX: I'm meeting Jackie next Tuesday. You arranged this with Jackie. It's diary if you wanted to change this you would contact Jackie. This is a tense

Subject Pronouns 5

EX: I, You, We, They, He, She, It,

Among The Following Sentence, Which One Uses The Correct Modifer? Reason: Comparative modifier show a difference between 2 things (or place or people) Sue and Jeffrey in this case.

EX: In math class, Sue is a better student than Jeffrey is.

The Exclamation Mark! Why we use the Exclamation Mark! In the same way you can show many feelings. Including surprise, joy, fear etc. Using the exclamation mark. Now both of these sentences are declarative mark in an imperative sentence like this one. Johnny don't play with your food! You can imagine a mother saying that angrily to her son. It's strong or strict command.

EX: Is used to convey strong emotion or feeling; It's doesn't sound like I'm very excited, does it? EX: I'm really excited about my new job! (excitement) It tells our readers to read with emotion in this sentence. (Emotion or Excitement). EX: If you come to work late tomorrow, you are fired! (anger)

"The Mostest With The Mostest" is familiar American English Expression. Though it was intended to create humor and rhyme, what else is true about the word "mostest." Reason: In describing quantity, relative to words like few, little, some, much, many etc. the comparative meaning a greater amount for number is more, and the superalative meaning the ultimate quantity is "most."

EX: It is incorrect to use as the superlative because it is redundant.

In The Sentence It's Only Me, What Is True About The Use Of The Pronoun "Me"?

EX: It may be tolerated in casual speech, but not in formal writing.

Of The Following Versions, Which Is An example Of: Run On Sentence? Reason: This is an example: Of a run-on sentence, which combines two independent clause without the necessary division of punctuation and or conjunction. This can be corrected by dividing the clauses with a semicolon.

EX: Jack loves t write he would write in every class if he could.

Fill In The Blank In This Sentence With The Correct Choice? The word Who fills the blank Reason: Who refers to the person in this case Jacquelin

EX: Jacquelin ______loves picnics, has suggested that we all outside.

Which Of The Following Sentences Contains Correct Stand Capitalization? Reason: The first letter of the first word in a sentence should always be capitalized. This rule also applies to the first letter of the first letter of the first word in any full quotation, regardless of whether it appears in the middle of another sentence.

EX: Johnny famously stated, "if it does not fit, you must acquit."

Among these choices, which sentence(s) are accurately punctuated? Reason: When joining two independent clauses within one sentence via a coordinating conjunction like "but" a comma within should precede the "but". These two clauses can also be correctly divided into two separate sentences. However, there should not be a comma or any punctuation following "but" when it begins the second sentence.

EX: Many people believe this is true, but the facts show it is a myth.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly? Reason: Sentence. Punctuated Correctly: A semicolon separates independent clauses when the second one explains or completes the first sentence.

EX: Marrietta has her hands full: She has ten children.

We Can Use Future Simple Tense To Talk About Possibilities, We Are Not Sure but it's possible that something will happen or that we will do something.

EX: Maybe I'll take a break and watch a movie tonight. Maybe somebody's studying very hard or working very hard and they just want to relax. Positive I, you, we, they, will, he work, she, it Negative: Will Not Work, Question: I, you, we, they, he, she, it, They work?

To Replace the a noun in the object position We Use an Object Pronouns

EX: Me, you, us, them, him, her, and It. EX: His and hers,

The word abet

EX: Means To a bet is a transitive verb (it takes an object) meaning to support, help, or facilitate, typically relative crime or other wrong doing. Despite containing the syllable "bet" it does not mean gambling on the misdeed.

Terminal Punctuation

EX: Means the end, so ________________marks are what we use to end a sentence these are period/full stop exclamation! question mark?

Object He is the subject position of the verb enjoy (who enjoys?) He enjoys and the object position is Her.

EX: Melvin is at the movies with his girlfriend. He really enjoys spending time with her.

Which states has one-third as many private school as it has public schools? Reason: New Mexico has 27 public institutions and nine private: nine kids one-third of 9.

EX: New Mexico

Relative to Military Spending, show much of the budget was allocated for spending on education? Reason: The amount allocated for military spending was 60% and the amount allocated for education was 6% you divide 6 divided by 60= 1 tenth

EX: One-tenth of military spending

Adverbs Can Also Describe Verbs, Meaning, they describe how someone does something.

EX: Quickly, Loudly, Angrily, or well.

In the context of its sentence, where is the word with a common sound in all choices spelled correctly? Reason: Discrete means separate or isolated and is spelled correctly here as indicated by the sentence context at different times.

EX: She had several discrete affairs at different times during her marriage.

Pronoun-antecedent agreement is found in which of the following? Reason: The 3rd person singular masculine pronoun "he" agrees with the subject "Stewart"

EX: Stewart brought to his wife that he had promised.

The Past Tense Of the Verb Is Used In Which Of These Sentences Reason: ED -means past tense in the word prepared.

EX: Teddy prepared a delicious meal for us all.

Determiners can also tell you how many of something are.

EX: Ten bananas, some people

Among the following which version uses the correct relative pronoun? Reason: The relative pronoun "Which" should be used for nonrestrictive (or nonessential or non defining)clauses, ie they add information which is supplemental but not essential or required.

EX: Thank you for advice, which really helped.

Which Of The Choices iIs A Sentence Fragment?

EX: The beautiful city we visited with all the bright lights.

When we can use Future Simple Tense In Real Life Formal:

EX: The ceremony will begin at 8:00. EX: The doctor will see you at 3:00. EX: ABC company will open a new factory . (An official announcement). EX: Experts say food prices will rise.

Among these choices, which one represents a grammatically complete sentence? Reason: This choice is a grammatically complete sentence with a subject ("committee") Verb ("implemented") and the expression of a complete thought.

EX: The committee implemented the policy changes despite her protests.

Relative Pronoun The Word (That) When you have a relative pronoun for EX: (That) is the subject of the clause. Subordinate is That lives next door. It is embedded in the main clause. Ask yourself what is this sentence most important idea in this sentence. That idea will be in the main clause.

EX: The family that lives next door has a German Shepherd.

What choice uses a relative pronoun (s) most appropriately? Reason: "That" is better restrictively, i.e. to introduce essential information: We would not know what specific house without "that we saw" and" that we are buying, "which" is better non-restrictively or nonessential, e.g., "the house we saw months ago, which we liked, is the one that we are buying."

EX: The house that we saw months ago is the one that we are buying.

of the following example:, which has a pronoun -antecedent agreement?

EX: The members of the committee gave their votes.

The subject and verbs agree throughout which of these sentences.

EX: The people of the Iroquois Nation are in agreement.

There are three of these:

EX: The period or the full stop, the exclamation mark, and question English (AmE means American English),

Future Simple Schedules and Timetables set by companies, organizations transport shools.

EX: The plane leaves at 7:00 am =Schedule we use the present simple

In the context of each of these sentences, which commonly shared word is correctly spelled.

EX: The police officer was sighted pursuing the suspects. They are pointing out the word sighted and you can visually see it.

In which sentence of the following choices do all words have proper capitalization? Reason: A formal titles of people, positions, occupations, etc. that come before or after proper names are capatilzed. However, nouns naming positions and/or occupations are not capitalized as their titles are.

EX: The queen of England is her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11.

Which Choice Correctly Fills In The Blank In This Sentence?

EX: The runt of the litter is the smallest of there puppies.

The one in charge of this group is ______. Which pronoun completes this sentence to agree grammatically with its antecedent?

EX: The second person pronoun "you" has the same form in both subject (e.g.) ("you are") and objective ("is you" here) uses.

Future Tense of a verb appear?

EX: The secretary will forward all your messages to the office.

The Future progressive (future continuous) verb tense is found in which sentence? Reason: "Will...Be riding" is the future progressive verb tense.

EX: The students will all be riding our new big bus for the next field trip.

Pronouns Represents Different People. You use Pronouns To Avoid repeating the same word, or to refer to something The word Two is a Pronoun which refers to a quantity of something which already has mentioned.

EX: There is a pronoun which refers to place. If you've already mentioned the place you're talking about, you don't need to say it. Give me two, please.

Subject Verb Agreement 10 The Reason: The subject "They" In this sentence is plural, so the verb "are" agrees with it

EX: They are University of Georgia graduates.

In Which Sentence Does The Pronoun Agree With Its Antecedent? Reason: To test pronoun antecedent agreement when the pronoun is the object, make it the only object: Since we would write, "They gave the payment to me." "Not to I". we would not change the form just because the pronoun is compounded with another object like Ralph.

EX: They gave identical payments to Ralph and me.

This is about the Future Tense: What Happened When We Make It Negative? We Just Adding The word "Not" Then to make questions, we have to change the order. You change Won't for Will.

EX: They will not work tomorrow. EX: Will I work tomorrow? EX: Where will they work? EX: When will they work? EX: Where will they work?

Of The Following, Which Version Of The Sentence Uses demonstrative pronouns appropriately? Reason: Use the demonstrative pronoun "here" to refer to things closer at hand, and "there" to refer to things for their away. Do not use "here" for both.

EX: This book here is better than that book.

Future Progressive -something will be in progressive at around a time in future. When we will be doing something over a period of time remember, it's the continuous form, over a period of time. Form: Will be + -ing form of the verb.

EX: This time tomorrow we'll be sitting on beach! I can't wait!

Comparative We are comparing two things

EX: This type of work hurts worse than a stubbed toe. EX: Today is worse than yesterday.

Superlative 2 comparing 3 or more things out of everything

EX: This type of work is the worst. EX: Today is the worst day ever.

Which Of The Following Is An Example of the correct demonstrative Pronoun Use? Reason: Demonstrative pronoun can stand alone to replace nouns. Those refer to things over there. These refer to things right here.

EX: Those are the ones I want.

The word elucidate is a synonym with which of the following descriptions? Reason: To Elucidate Comes from the word lucid, meaning clear, bright or shining, Which derives from the latin lux meaning light.

EX: To make clear or shed light on something.

Comparative means to compare two things

EX: Uncle Tim's buttermilk pie is better than the store. EX: Jack is a better than Jill at running.

Superlative Comparing 3 Or More Things Out Of Everything

EX: Uncle's Tim's pie is the best. EX: Jack is the best runner.

Of The Following, which choice demonstrates accurate comparative word Use? Reason: When Comparing quantities, the word. "fewer". Is used With objects that can be counted individually, items.

EX: Use This line if you have 20, items or fewer

Which Sentence Has Correct Subject Verb Agreement?

EX: Using "Or" between two nouns, proper nouns, or pronouns indicate a singular subject and verb (takes).

Prepositions-Connect the verb depend to the object of the verb.

EX: Usually, the noun phrase goes after the preposition. The preposition can link to a noun (or pronoun) earlier in the sentence

Which of the following related words is most synonymous with wordy? Reason: All these words derive from "verb," but their meanings and parts of speech vary.

EX: Verbous

Which Of These Is An EX: Of The Future Tense? Reason: Future tense is generally indicated by an auxiliary verb like "will" plus plain or uninflected form of the verb. "done"

EX: We will complete that by tomorrow.

Which Of The Following sentences is grammatically correct? Reason: This sentence correctly connects two independent clauses with a semicolon. The other are all run on sentences.

EX: We will go on Tuesday; won't you come along?

The subject and verbs agree throughout which of these sentences? Reason: Both verbs in this sentence, "walk" and "hold", and agree with their third person plural subjects: "Stephen and Sister" are a subjects, requiring a plural verb; knurl subject "they" also does.

EX: When Stephen and his little sister walk to school, they hold hands.

Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly? Reason: This is punctuated correctly is a question mark, However, an indirect question or statement containing a question.

EX: Will you come along with me to visit with him?

The future perfect verb tense is used in which of the following choices? Reason: The future perfect tense is used in "they will have closed." the simple future tense is used in "they will be closed."

EX: With this traffic they will have closed for the day by the time you get there.

You Take Subject Which Is I, You, We They, He, She It, etc + will + the verb in its base form. You don't have to change the verb at all. In a positive sentence.

In a positive sentence: EX: I will work. This is our base form of the verb and all we're doing is we're taking the subject, we're using "will before it and the verb doesn't change. EX: We will work. He will work.

Supporting Details 5

State the details and ask yourself if the detail is specific or general and the specific details should help you locate the main idea.

Mapping for the Main Idea

Students find it hard to participate in their morning classes Major Supporting Details: They go to bed to late the night before, kThey skip breakfast or grab a bite to eat. They don't do their homework.

The Topic

Tells you what the text is about...The word sports is repeated several times. The __________is person, place, or thing, or idea is this paragraph about Hmm...

Which of the following sentences has the verb in the present tense? Reason: Sentence

The toddler wants to participate in adult activities.

Which of the states shown has the smallest total number of higher education institutions? Reason: Utah has the smallest total number of schools, ie. 14 (10+4) The view can determine this not only by looking at the number's, but just by looking at the heights of the bars. Because the other three states all have taller bars than Utah-both in total and for public and private schools separately-they all have postsecondary schools than Utal.


Implied Main Idea 2

What do all the details have in common.

Informal Future Future Tense We can talk about immediate future right away because you are ordering right now. When you are offering something

When you order food at a diner or a restaurant. You don't always decide in advance. EX: I'll have a small cheese pizza. EX: I see I have a lot of work left. EX: Help me finish the report.

Transition Words: Emphasis

undoubtedly, Indeed, obviously, particularly/in- particularly, especially, clearly, importantly, absolutely, definitely, without a doubt, never, it should be noted

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