Successful Aging- Quiz 1

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b. continuity

The fact that people feel they are the same, and enjoy doing many of the same things that have always done over time despite the fact that they are constantly undergoing age-related changes is the basis of which principle of adult development and aging? a. Individuality b. continuity c. discontinuity d. normative

d. Hispanics

The faster growing ethnic minority group in the U.S. of people 65 and older consists of: a. Asian Americans b. Native Americans c. Blacks d. Hispanics

c. Gompertz equation

The idea that human biology is linked to the sequential timing of survival and death of individuals resulting in an exponential component of mortality risk within populations best reflects which biological concept of aging and human development: a. Hayflick Limit b. advanced glycation end-products c. Gompertz equation d. wear and tear

c. high

Activity theory proposes that older adults have the highest levels of well-being when their level of social involvement is: a. low b. moderate c. high d. on-time

b. turning point

After 20 years of marriage, Nancy finalized her divorce form her spouse. Now, she must decide whether she has enough time and financial resources to continue living in her home or to rent an apartment. This scenario best represents which following life course process? a. transition b. turning point c. timing of experience d. mesosystem

b. optimization

John is a 68 year old retired fireman who recently had knew replacement surgery two months before his 50th high school class reunion. John's goal is to attend this reunion with having to use a walker, cane, or other assistive device. Therefore, he recently scheduled multiple outpatient rehabilitation workout session to give himself greater opportunity to workout and practice walking. This scenario most accurately reflect what component of SOC theory? a. selection b. optimization c. compensation d. biological age

c. education

Research on the relationship between lifestyle factors and telomere length in healthy older adults suggests that ___________ plays a role, although small, in preserving telomeres: a. occupation b. exercise c. education d. diet

c. gerontology

The scientific and interdisciplinary study of biopsychosocial aging processes is a discipline referred to as: a. psychology b. geriatrics c. gerontology d. biodemogrpahy

d. muscle strength

Which of the following would be considered a measure of functional age? a. years since birth b. the age a person feels c. expected time until death d. muscle strength

b. selection optimization and compensation

Which theoretical model of adult development and aging proposes that people pick and choose life goals and activities in which to invest their time and energies as they get older? a. continuity theory b. selection optimization and compensation c. life course theory d. activity theory

b. Terry-management theory

Which theoretical perspective on ageism gives the greater emphasis to human survival and fear of death as a cause? a. disengagement theory b. terror-management theory c. life-span developmental theory d. age-as-a-leveler

c. 56%

Women over age 65 account for what approximate percent of the total over-65 population? a. 34% b. 48% c. 56% d. 80%

b. genetics

Programmed theories of aging assumed that biological development is determined by: a. chance of error b. genetics c. wear and tear d. caloric restriction

a. chance exposures within the environment

Random error theories assume that biological development and aging is due to: a. chance exposures within the environment b. genetic determinants c. normative history-graded events d. cellular functioning

a. interindividual differences

Relative to individuality, developmental differences observed between groups of people best reflects: a. interindiviudal differences b. intraindividual differences c. secondary aging d. multidirectionality

c. longevity

Researchers believe the FOXO gene may play a role in which heritable trait? a. life-expectancy b. cross-linking c. longevity d. antioxidation

a. replicative senescence

The fact that cells are only able to undergo a fixed number of divisions before they lose the ability to reproduce is scientifically known as: a. replicative senescence b. random error c. Gompertz equation d. cross-linking

a. biopsychoscoial model

The fact that changes in appearance reflect biological changes, individual identity, and social attitudes toward aging is an example of the: a. biopsychosocial model b. continuity principle c. survival principle d. medical model

c. oldest old

A term in gerontology used to refer to people who are in the age group of 85 and older is: a. young-old b. middle-old c. oldest-old d. healthy-old

a. decline before death

Tertiary aging is the process that occurs at what point in life? a. decline before death b. growth in sexual maturity c. when people start to "feel" their age d. around the start of middle age

c. programmed aging

The Gompertz function is most closely associated with which theory of aging? a. random error b. wear-and-tear c. programmed aging d. cross-linking

d. focusing on areas in which they can excel

The Selective Optimization with Compensation model of aging proposes that older adults maximize their functioning by: a. seeking friendship support b. disengaging from family roles c. genetically modifying their diet d. focusing on area in which they can excel

d. destruction of the ends of chromosomes

The telomere theory proposes that the cause of aging is due to: a. release of free radicals b. lack of cellular replication c. accumulation of toxins in the cell nucleus d. destruction of the ends of chromosomes

d. secondary

A 66 year old woman moves to Arizona form her hometown in Michigan. She enjoys outdoor activities and especially likes to spend time in the sun. For the last 3 years, she battled skin cancer but her friends back home (who are less exposed to the sun) have remained cancer-free even though their skin shows signs of aging. The sun-loving woman's cancer is an example of which type of aging? a. primary b. tertiary c. optimal d. secondary

c. ageism

A set of beliefs, attitudes, social institutions, and acts that denigrate individuals or groups of persons based on chronological age is known as: a. sexism b. racism c. ageism d. selection

b. social

A student begins graduate school at the age of 42, much later than the traditional-age graduate student. This student would be considered to have an "off-time" __________ clock normative a. biological b. social c. epigenetic d. secondary

c. multiple jeopardy

A study of female shoppers showing that retailers gave preferential treatment to well-dressed young women supports which theory related to ageism? a. age-as-a-leveler b. terror management c. multiple jeopardy d. modernization

d. integrity vs. despair

According to Eriksons theory, what is the key development task in late adulthood? a. identity vs. identity confusion b. intimacy vs. isolation c. generatively vs. stagnation d. integrity vs. despair

d. stagnation

Albert is 50-year old factory supervisor who is always complaining that his millennial co-workers are unwilling to work hard and worry nothing about anything but themselves. Albert's viewpoint best demonstrated which underlying developmental process: a. mistrust b. despair c. inferiority d. stagnation

c. free radical

Antioxidants are though to be important to reversing or slowing down the aging process according to which biological theory? a. error catastrophe b. autoimmune c. free radical d. cross-linking

b. 1946-1964

Baby boomers represent a collective color of persons born between ____________. a. 1928-1945 b. 1946-1964 c. 1965-1980 d. 1981-2995

d. Ecological

Bronfenbrenner's vie that there are multiple levels of organization in the environment that can affect the development of the individual is known as the ________________ perspective: a. international b. life-span c. life course d. ecological

a. year

Cohort is best describes as the ____________ of a person's birth a. year b. day c. age d. historical event

b. socio-cultural norms and expectation

Compared to the life span, the life course emphasizes which factors in development? a. genetic influences b. socio-cultural norms and expectation c. impact of health and disease d. cognitive development

a. social roles

Disengagement posits that is socially expected and normative that older adults decrease or withdrawal involvement in _______________. a. social roles b. solitary pursuits c. self-care behavior d. life review activities

c. non-normative influences

Idiosyncratic events that randomly occur throughout life and have an impact on development are considered: a. normative age-graded influences b. non-normative influences c. normative history-graded influences d. secondary influences

a. family, friends, and others the individual knows

In Brofenbrenner's ecological model of development, the microsystem includes: a. family, friends, and others the individual knows b. culture, nationality, and economic structure c. government and large-scale institutions d. mass media, health care systems, and the community

c. advanced glycation end-products

The substances that accumulate with age in collagen, causing it to crosss-link, are known as: a. telomere-shortening molecules b. antioxidant radicals c. advanced glycation end-products d. APOE3

c. parenthood

One of the most common pathways toward developing a sense of generatively in middle age is: a. retirement b. marriage c. parenthood d. employment

c. social

People who decide to retire before the typical age of 65-70 would be considered to have an older _____________ age than their friends who are still working a. psychological b. biological c. social d. personal

c. Normative age-related

People who encounter life events that coincide with social expectations based on their chronological age are said to experience which type of influence? a. normative history-graded b. non-normative c. normative age-related d. normative psychological

b. interactionist

The concept of nice-picking is most closely associated with which model of development? a. organismic b. interactionist c. mechanistic d. genetic

b. the multiple threshold model

The idea that people realize they are getting older through a step-wise progression whereby they notice the signs and symptoms of aging best relates to: a. the biopsychosocial model b. the multiple threshold model c. successful aging model d. developmental adaptation model

c. accentuation

The idea that the consequential impact of early life events on developmental later life is mainly determined by the proximal availability of psycho-social resources best defines which life-course theory principle: a. age-stage b. linked-lives c. accentuation d. cycle of control

a. continuity

The proposal that older adults are much more satisfied with their lives when they are able to maintain their former social roles and involvement is consistent with which role adjustment theory? a. continuity b. disengagement c. activity d. ecological

b. error catastrophe

The theory proposing that aging results from mutations in the mitochondrial DNA is referred to as: a. telomere b. error catastrophe c. autoimmune d. replicative senescence

b. free radicals

Unstable molecules that can form bonds with unpaired electrons and cause cellular damage are known as: a. mitochondrial mutations b. free radicals c. advance glycation end-products d. telomeres

a. older adults are cute and kind

Which of the following best represents an ageist stereotype about aging? a. older adults are cute and kind b. aging does not necessarily make people wise c. older adults can learn technologies d. some old people need to refresh their driving skills

c. social class

Which of the following is a contextual influence on development? a. genetic traits b. change due to maturation c. social class d. inherited abilities

c. social age

Which of the following terms is considered to be the age at which a person is expected to occupy a certain position in life? a. biological age b. psychological age c. social age d. functional age

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