Sudanese War

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Where the Sudanese war began

The war started in southern Sudan but spread to other places including the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile region.

What the second Sudanese war was.

The Second Sudanese Civil War was an intense 22-year conflict between the central government in Khartoum and the Sudan People's Liberation Army

South Sudan Liberation Movement (SSLM)

The South Sudan Liberation Movement is an armed group that operates in the Upper Nile Region of South Sudan.

How long the Sudanese war was.

The Sudanese war was a 22 year long war.

Fun fact.

The agreement called for the creation of South Sudan in 2011, six years after the war ended.

When the second Sudanese war began.

The country of Sudan remained in a tense peace for eleven years after the end of the first Sudanese war until a much larger and bloodier conflict called the Second Sudanese Civil War began in 1983.

Southern Peoples Liberation Army (SPLM)

A Rebellion group made to fight the central government in Khartoum.

How many died during the 12 year war of Sudan.

By 1970 the civil war had taken about 500,000 lives, mostly in the South. An estimated 500,000 people died during the 12-year conflict.

Addis Ababa Peace Agreement

Ended the first civil war signed in 1972 and gave south Sudan autonomy

Who was backed up by who during the first Sudanese war.

Great Britain, Egypt, and the Soviet Union supported the central government while the SSLM was backed by Ethiopia, Uganda, and Israel.

Who violated the Addis Ababa Agreement

In 1983, President Nimeiry violated the agreement by imposing Sharia Law across the nation and abolishing the mostly Christian Southern Sudan Autonomous Region.

Child Soldiers

In 2005, there was and agreement to have kids be soldiers in the Sudanese war.

When did the second Sudanese war end?

In July 2002, the Government of Sudan and the SPLM reached an agreement known as the Machakos Protocol. The talks continued into the following year and finally on January 9, 2005, the Government of Sudan and the SPLA signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement which ended the civil war.

What did the rebels from south Sudan do and who led them.

In response, rebels from South Sudan formed the Southern Peoples Liberation Army, led by John Garang, to fight the central government in Khartoum.

When the sudanese war ended.

On March 27, 1972, the government in Khartoum and the Southern rebels signed the Addis Ababa Agreement which ended the First Sudanese Civil War.

General Numayri

President of Sudan from egypt

John Garang

Rebel leader in south Sudan and fought for their independence and got it. The reason there is a south Sudan and became their first leader.

The main nations or people in the war

The main belligerents in the war were the central government of Sudan and the Southern Sudan Liberation Movement.

The roots of the conflict and a fact.

The roots of the conflict can be traced to 1953 when the United Kingdom and Egypt agreed that Sudan would become an independent nation in 1956. The war began a year before Sudan was declared independent from Great Britain.

Fact about the second Sudanese war.

The war led to the creation of South Sudan as an independent nation in 2011.

How many deaths?

Two million people died in the Second Sudanese war.

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