Suita war of 1812
Battle of New Orleans
A battle during the War of 1812 where the British army attempted to take New Orleans. Due to the foolish frontal attack, Jackson defeated them, which gave him an enormous popularity boost. Teied to win missippi, kills 2k brits, morale boost
Ft George
Adjacent to fort Niagara, British controlled
Burning of Fort York
Americans attack from ontario, didnt kniw where attacking from, brits set battery on fire to abandon it. Gen Dearbor, zebulon pike killed. Us burns toronto, kills civilians
Americans burn Newark, fort George
Americans go to NOTL after brunung ft. George, burn civilians
Battle of Lundy's Lane
Brit- Phineas Riall Us- jacob brown, win scott Riall retreats, drummind tells him to go back. Us outnumbered brits, us hold until night. Brits about to retreat, us leaves fro water. Us cant take it next day. 5k vs 2.2k brits
Siege of fort Erie
Brit- gen gordon drummond 3k men Us- jacob brown, edmund gaines, 2.5k men Brits attack snake hill, us discovers, col. fisher under attack. H. Drummund killed. Hirdon drummomd cousin. Us abandons fort, nlows it up.
Bombardment of Ft. Mchenry
British bombardment by sea upon fort Mchenry, where the star spangled banner was inspired from.
D.C. burned
Brutish gen. Bladenburg go to D.C. burn disn whitehosue
Cyrenius Chapin
Buffalo man, buruied bodies from Flint Hill in backyard, later moved them to now delaware park, marker in boulder
Treaty of Ghent
December 24, 1814 - Ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. For the most part, territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.
Battle of scajaquada creek
First battle British- bishop 250 British rowed upriver from Chippewa, one sentry on creek. British attack black rock, brits retreat, bishop killed. Second battle- lodowick Morgan detects plan, 240 men to cover bridge. Ripped floorboards so British couldn't cross. Maj Morgan a hero.
Lewiston burned, Tuscarora hero's
Gen Mcllure ordered lewiston to be burned, brits/mohawks attack lewiston and burn it. Tuscarora indians on our side 12-40 kia
3 reasons for war
Impressemnt, land, prestige
Ft. Niagara
Nirtheast kf Ft. George, in artillery range
HMS Guerriere vs USS constitution
Oliver hazard Perry's, uss constitution. Abandons ship to us Niagara. HMS guerriere Rob Barclay
War of 1812: War Hawks
Peter porter, hemry clay, john calhoun
Holland land survey
Plotted out land if wny, led by jiseoh elicott
Dolly Madison
Presidents wife, she had to flee the white house before they set it on fire; saved valuable papers including Washington's portrait
Black rock
Rock pretuded out of coast, boats dock, burned by brits
Red Jacket
Seneca leader who was not sure the Seneca should sell their land
Treaty of Big Tree
Senecas ceeded lamd wets if genesee to robert morris, oater holland land company
Sir Isaac Brock
Served in queenston heights, killed it fort geirge
USS Niagara
Severely wounded, Oliver Hazard Perry left the USS Lawrence and boarded this ship in the Battle of Lake Erie
Battle of Lake Erie
The Battle of Lake Erie, sometimes called the Battle of Put-in-Bay, was fought on 10 September 1813, in Lake Erie off the coast of Ohio during the War of 1812.
Battle of Queenston Heights
Us- Stephen Rensselear, solomon vr, sinfield scott, wadsworth, john wool, 6K TROOPS br-isaac brach, roger hale, 1.3K TROOPS Rensellear takes tropps across river, wool semt upstream to take heights, braxh reinfirces from ft. George, killed. Americans hikd position, sxott and wadsworth retreat
Francis Scott Key
wrote the Star Spangled Banner