Super Quiz 4

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According to the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), what percentage of the world's fisheries are considered fully exploited, overexploited, or depleted?


An ecosystem approach has been proposed to manage ocean environments. Which of these would be the best example of such an approach? Address endangered species one at a time Establish networks of fully protected marine reserves Allow unrestricted use of the open ocean, but strict use of shoreline areas Protect only species near the bottom of the food chain

Establish networks of fully protected marine reserves

Which of these fossil fuel sources releases the least amount of hydrocarbons and particulate matter when burned? Oil Natural gas Biofuel Coal

Natural gas

In 2006, President George W. Bush established the world's largest protected marine area where?

Near the Hawaiian Islands

Consumption of which of these types of fuels emits the fewest atmospheric pollutants? Oil Coal Nuclear Natural gas


What is a critical difference between surface and subsurface mining?

Surface mining is above ground while subsurface mining is below ground

wind energy

electric energy obtained from surface air currents caused by the solar warming of air

A snow leopard was recently caught and killed in Afghanistan. As there are only a few thousand left in the wild, facing possible disappearance as a species, the snow leopard is best classified as...


geothermal energy

energy from Earth's hot interior, used for space heating or generation of electricity; uses the steam released to push a turbine which creates electricity

At the present level of consumption and using current extraction techniques, it is estimated that the world has sufficient coal reserves to last for more than...

100 years

Every gallon of gasoline burned in your automobile releases approximately how much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?

20 pounds

The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires double-hulls on all oil tankers entering U. S. waters by the year...


Usually subsurface mining is done if the coal to be extracted does not have an outcrop and is deeper than...

30 meters

Depending on location and design, passive solar heating can save up to _______ of the cost of heating a building


The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service has estimated that since about the year 1800, more than ____________ U. S. species have become extinct


Which oceanic zone lies between 4000 and 600 m?


Which of these is an inaccurate statement regarding the harvest of geothermal energy? Accessible on virtually any land area on Earth May depend on exhaustible water supplies Can utilize hot, dry rock to produce heated water Potentially has more energy than all oil and gas sources combined

Accessible on virtually any land area on Earth

Which aspect of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion exposed the most people to harmful radiation? Airborne release of radioactive materials Water leaching radioactive materials from the site Radiation from the damaged buildings Transport of the contaminated debris from the site

Airborne release of radioactive materials

Which of the following is NOT an example of an ecosystem service? Purifying air and water Moderating water flow Dilution and removal of pollutants Absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere All of these are examples of ecosystem services

All of these are examples of ecosystem services

During the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, what would be expected off the coast of western South America?

Decreased upwelling and weaker offshore trade winds

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES)

An international convention that works to limit or prevent the hunting, trading, and selling of different products made/collected from endangered species

Select the best description of extinction An organism's population has been observed to be slowly dropping An organism has disappeared throughout its range An organism is at risk of disappearing throughout its range An organism has been targeted as a source of profit

An organism has disappeared throughout its range

Which of these is the best example of a biomass fuel? Oil Animal waste Coal Natural gas

Animal waste

A reversal of the ocean conveyor belt would cause much colder temperatures in what country?


Which statement is true about biodiversity? Biodiversity includes species richness, genetic diversity, and ecosystem diversity in its characterization Biodiversity is related to ecosystem services in that increasing ecosystem services reduces biodiversity Species richness and biodiversity are basically the same thing Biodiversity can increase even without ecosystem diversity, provided invasive species can establish in new environments

Biodiversity includes species richness, genetic diversity, and ecosystem diversity in its characterization

Which of these terms is a major heading that includes the other three as subcategories? Ecosystem diversity Species richness Genetic diversity Biological diversity

Biological diversity

Which of these practices is an example of ex situ conservation? Establishing wildlife corridors Captive breeding in zoos and research facilities Restoring lower trophic level diversity in a wetland Prevention of overhunting of threatened species

Captive breeding in zoos and research facilities

Which of the following human activities does NOT contribute to species endangerment and extinction? Introduction of invasive species Pollution Excessive commercial harvesting Captive breeding programs

Captive breeding programs

All of the following were among the largest oil spills in history, EXCEPT: Kuwait during the first Gulf War in 1991 Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986 The ExxonValdez in Alaska in 1989 Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010

Chernobyl in the Ukraine in 1986

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Classifies all living species of organisms in the world at different levels (threatened, endangered, etc.) depending on their threat of endangerment or extinction

Which of these fuels causes the most carbon dioxide release per pound burned? Gasoline Oil Natural gas Coal


World energy consumption has increased almost every year since 1982. Which one of the following has been responsible for most of these annual increases? United States Western Europe Developing countries Highly developed countries

Developing countries

Which of these is NOT a goal of the World Conservation Strategy? Encouraging each country to develop its own enforcement strategy Preserve biological diversity Preservation of ecosystem services Develop sustainable uses for organisms and ecosystems

Encouraging each country to develop its own enforcement strategy

Biodiversity hotspots are relatively small tracts of land which are rich in endemic species. Which of the following statements is not true of these hotspots: Fewer than 6 hotspots are tropical They are often found on islands They were originally described using plants as the primary criteria By the year 2000, 25 hotspots had been identified worldwide

Fewer than 6 hotspots are tropical

This ecosystem provides many ecosystem services, including purifying air and water, producing and maintaining soil, and absorbing and storing carbon dioxide (which can help to mitigate global warming)


All of the following countries possess globally significant deposits of coal, EXCEPT: France Russia United States China


This ecosystem's services dilutes and removes pollutants from water, moderates water flow and reduces flooding, and supports many important human activities including transportation, food, and water

Freshwater systems

What is the human activity that threatens most species facing extinction today?

Habitat destruction

Which of these is the main advantage to using fuel cells over direct photovoltaic energy? Fuel cells provide a fixed amount of energy, then they are disposable Fuel cells can store the energy for later use Converting electricity to fuel cell energy increases efficiency Photovoltaic electricity cannot power devices directly

Fuel cells can store the energy for later use

All of the following statements are true of fuel cells, EXCEPT: Fuel cells use volatile helium Fuel cells require oxygen from the air Fuel cells convert chemical energy to electrical energy Fuel cell costs have been dropping, but they remain expensive

Fuel cells use volatile helium

Which of these is the best example of an activity of a conservation biologist? Designing a more efficient internal combustion engine for cars and trucks Accumulating epidemiological data on the spread of West Nile virus Gathering data on the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park Monitoring pollution output of a paper mill into a freshwater lake

Gathering data on the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park

Which of these statements is true for wind energy, but NOT for hydropower? Is associated with spread of certain parasitic diseases, such as Schistosomiasis Often displaces agriculture and indigenous peoples Produces no air pollution in normal operation Has great potential for expansion in highly developed countries

Has great potential for expansion in highly developed countries

Where do highly developed countries use most of their energy?

Heating and cooling of buildings

Which of these forms of generating electricity has the highest efficiency (90%) of converting available power to usable electricity? Wind Photovoltaic Hydropower Burning natural gas


All of the following are potential DISADVANTAGES to using biomass, EXCEPT: Loss of land and water dedicated to food production Potential for increased desertification and deforestation due to insufficient replanting of trees Improvement of soil quality Increased air pollution

Improvement of soil quality

Which of these applies to the transport of natural gas? It is less expensive to transport than oil It cannot be liquefied for easier transport It is often found far from the point where it will be used It is almost always converted to another form of energy before transport

It is often found far from the point where it will be used

Which of these is an example of an energy efficient practice, as opposed to energy conservation, by a large business? Giving employees a bonus to buy a bicycle to ride to work Installing "intelligent" thermostats that provide comfort but better control of energy use Allowing employees to wear seasonal, more practical clothes A yearly bonus to employees who contribute usable ideas on electricity savings

Installing "intelligent" thermostats that provide comfort but better control of energy use

Which problem is most associated with ballast water released from ships? Introduction of nonnative species Eutrophication Thermal pollution Nutrient enrichment

Introduction of nonnative species

Suppose a local population is declining due to malnourishment. There has been no change in its overall food supply in the area. What is a possible cause?

Invasive species

Which of these is true regarding subsurface mining, as opposed to surface mining? It is safer for miners It is less expensive It allows more complete coal removal It disrupts less land

It disrupts less land

Which of these is FALSE regarding the ocean conveyor belt? Melting of ice in Greenland could slow or halt it Decrease in the belt's flow could aggravate atmospheric CO2 levels It brings surface oxygen to the ocean depths Its currents have historically been constant

Its currents have historically been constant

Which of these is FALSE regarding a La Niña event? Winds are often opposite that of an El Niño It often occurs after an El Niño event Effects are harder to predict than that of El Niño La Niña affects only areas local to the equatorial Pacific

La Niña affects only areas local to the equatorial Pacific

What fishing method is used to catch open-water fish such as sharks and tuna, or adjusted to capture bottom fishes such as cod and halibut?

Long lines

Which of these is a downside of nuclear power generation, as opposed to burning coal for fuel? Long term storage measures for wastes Destruction of land due to mining Production of acid precipitation Production of fly ash

Long term storage measures for wastes

Which of these is FALSE regarding ecosystem services? Natural products of organisms hold promise as medical therapies A diverse natural world provides solace and comfort and serves as inspiration Diverse ecosystems provide more types of food Lost ecosystem services are usually replaced with artificial, cheaper alternatives

Lost ecosystem services are usually replaced with artificial, cheaper alternatives

Which one of these statements is NOT true for hydropower? A turbine is used to rotate a generator as with coal or nuclear power Hydropower rarely has a significant impact on river ecology Migration of spawning fish can be seriously affected Most rivers are suitable for hydropower

Most rivers are suitable for hydropower

What practice has caused filling of valleys and acidification of lakes in southern West Virginia?

Mountaintop removal

NAECA is an abbreviation for...

National Appliance Energy Conservation Act

Which ocean contains over half of the Earth's water?


Which of these is exclusive to the practice of fishing, as opposed to aquaculture? Carried out in both fresh and salt waters Harvest is determined by the natural population Practiced by both developing and developed countries Used to harvest many species of commercial value

Practiced by both developing and developed countries

Which of these is a property of photovoltaic electricity production, but not of solar thermal electricity? Produces toxic by-products during manufacture Solar is primary energy source Produces no air pollution during operation Produces electricity

Produces toxic by-products during manufacture

What was the main goal of the U.N. Fish Stocks Agreement (2001)?

Protection of all ocean resources

What was the main goal of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (1994)?

Protection of ocean resources

According to the U.S. Commission on Foreign Policy, which of these is NOT a recommended future action for protecting the world's oceans? Provide increased subsidies for fishing fleets Enhance ocean education at all levels Strengthen science research and information collection Improve ocean decision making by policy renovation

Provide increased subsidies for fishing fleets

U.S. Endangered Species Act

Provides the protection and preservation of species, the ecosystems of which they depend on for survival, and the enforcement of all treaties that support species protection

Which of these is the goal of restoration ecology practices? Continuous ex situ procedures to maximize system efficiency Controlling the rates of primary production Maximizing productivity of desired products Returning an ecosystem to a historical state

Returning an ecosystem to a historical state

What produces the heat during the extraction of nuclear energy?

Shattering of uranium nuclei due to bombardment

The principles of "Clean Coal" technologies adhere best to which of these practices? Use of scrubbers Recycling of materials Source reduction Reusing products

Source reduction

Which of these oceanic gyres has a clockwise spin? North Atlantic gyre South Atlantic gyre South Pacific gyre South Indian gyre

South Atlantic gyre

Which of the following terms refers to the number of different species found in a given community? Species richness Endemic species Ecosystem services Threatened species

Species richness

Which of these nuclear wastes would require the most secure and careful long-term storage? Waste from nuclear medicine Irradiated clothing Spent fuel components Reactor cooling water

Spent fuel components

Which is the greatest potential hazard from drilling oil on the continental shelves? Unsightly oil rigs An explosion Spilling oil Displaced wildlife

Spilling oil

This is the deepest zone along the rocky shore, inhabited by sea urchins, sea stars, mussels, and brown algae

Subtidal zone

Which of these most directly bans the global hunting, capture, and selling of endangered species and products of these species? The 1973 Endangered Species Act The 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species The 1980 World Conservation Strategy The 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity

The 1975 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

Westerlies between 30˚ and 60˚ blow to the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere, yet ocean water along western Europe flows southwest. What other major factor accounts for the southern currents and subsequent gyres?

The Coriolis effect

Where are most of the world's estimated reserves of oil and natural gas located?

The Persian Gulf

Which of these is true regarding energy conservation and efficiency practices? They have little potential for improving our current energy situation Their development and production restricts job opportunities and wastes tax dollars These practices are cheaper to implement than searching for new energy sources They are incompatible with growing economies, such as in China

These practices are cheaper to implement than searching for new energy sources

Which is the best description of marine organisms that inhabit the oceanic province? They live attached, like barnacles and oysters They are good swimmers, like tuna They are able to withstand extreme pressure, like anglerfish They live rooted and photosynthesize, like kelp

They are good swimmers, like tuna

All of these energy saving improvements can be added to a home anytime, but one is much easier to install when the home is being built. Which one? Installing efficient furnaces Thick wall insulation Window and door caulk A heat pump

Thick wall insulation

Which of these practices tends to physically destroy ocean floor habitat? Passenger ships dumping waste Nonpoint agricultural runoff Trawl nets Point source pollution from cruise ships

Trawl nets

True or false: burning coal produces more common air pollutants than either oil or natural gas


Which of these disappeared during a mass extinction event, as opposed to being an accelerated background extinction? Passenger pigeon Tyrannosaurus Stellar's sea cow Tasmanian tiger


Which of the following statements are true about wind energy? The U. S. states with the greatest wind-energy potential are located in the west Major problems remain to be solved for storing and transmitting wind-energy Wind energy produces only small amounts of carbon dioxide emissions Wind energy generation can create hazards for birds and bats

Wind energy produces only small amounts of carbon dioxide emissions

This phenomenon brings deeper waters and nutrients to the surface, and is weakened during years with ENSO events

coastal upwelling

Most cases that involve conflict over the Endangered Species Act result in...

compromise between developers and the federal government

fluidized-bed combustion

a clean-coal technology in which crushed coal is mixed with limestone to neutralize acidic compounds produced during combustion

fuel cell

a device that directly converts chemical energy into electricity, it requires hydrogen and oxygen from the air

nuclear reactor

a device that initiates and maintains a controlled nuclear fission chain reaction to produce energy for electricity


a form of renewable energy that relies on flowing or falling water to generate electricity; the water pushes against a turbine which creates electricity

solar thermal electric generation

a means of producing electricity in which the sun's energy is concentrated using mirrors or lenses onto a fluid-filled pipe; the heated fluid is used to generate electricity

El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)

a periodic, large-scale warming of surface waters of the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean that temporarily alters both ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns

endangered species

a species that faces threats that may cause it to become extinct within a short period of time

threatened species

a species whose population is not currently endangered but has declined to the point that it may be vulnerable to becoming endangered in the future

active solar heating

a system of putting the sun's energy to use in which collectors absorb solar energy as heat, and pumps or fans distribute the collected heat; primarily used for heating water

passive solar heating

a system of putting the sun's energy to use that does not require mechanical devices to distribute the collected heat

photovoltaic (PV) cell

a wafer or thin film of solid-state materials, such as silicon or gallium arsenide, that is treated with certain metals in such a way that the film generates electricity when solar energy is absorbed

The Endangered Species Act could be made more comprehensive if it...

addressed whole ecosystems rather than single species

pelagic environment

all ocean water, from the shoreline down to the deepest ocean trenches

cogeneration (CHP)

an energy technology that involves recycling "waste" heat; taking the heat that is produced during energy consumption and using it for something else

The costs of adding energy efficiency at home...

are high at first but can be recouped later

Suppose a population is classified as an endangered species. If the species naturally recovers some numbers, it may...

be re-classified as threatened

Currently, gasoline is augmented with up to 10% ethanol, that is processed from...


invasive species

foreign species that spread rapidly in a new area if free of predators, parasites, or resource limitations that may have controlled their population in their native habitat; a living organism that invades a region of which it is not native to and causes harm to the native organisms living in that region

The "ocean conveyer belt" moves ("conveys")...

heat and salt

The most common use for active solar collection is to...

heat water

ecosystem services

important environmental benefits such as clean air, clean water, and fertile soil, that the natural environment provides

The "ocean conveyor belt" deep currents move _____ surface currents.

in the opposite direction as

An endemic species...

is native only to a particular region


large, circular ocean current systems that often encompass an entire ocean basin

In the normal operation of a nuclear power plant, the hot liquid water from the nuclear reactor __________ mixes with the water used to generate the steam which drives the turbine


endemic species

organisms that are native to or confined to a particular geographic region, this measures how unique and irreplaceable a species is


plant and animal material used as fuel; uses decomposition for energy; may be solid, liquid or gas (crop wastes, sawdust, wood, animal dung, peat)

acid mine drainage

pollution caused when sulfuric acid and dangerous dissolved materials, such as lead, arsenic, and cadmium, wash from mines into nearby lakes and streams; a result of extracting coal

high-level radioactive wastes

radioactive solids, liquids, or gases that initially give off large amounts of ionizing radiation

Fluidized-bed combustion is a coal technology that...

reduces acid and greenhouse gas emissions

biodiversity hotspots

relatively small areas of land that contain an exceptional number of endemic species and are at high risk from human activities

Strip mining...

requires digging a surface trench to reach the coal deposits

low-level radioactive wastes

solids, liquids, or gases that give off small amounts of ionizing radiation

Species richness is defined as the number of _________ in a particular area

species types

The zone along the rocky shore which is never fully submerged and often creates temporary pools of water is called the...

splash zone

intertidal zone

the area of shoreline between low and high tides


the elimination of a species from Earth

nuclear energy

the energy released by nuclear fission or fusion

subsurface mining

the extraction of mineral and energy resources from deep underground deposits

surface mining

the extraction of mineral and energy resources near Earth's surface by first removing the soil, subsoil, and overlying rock strata


the fishes, marine mammals, sea turtles, seabirds, and other animals caught unintentionally in a commercial fishing catch


the growing of aquatic organisms (fishes, shellfish, and seaweeds) for human consumption

biological diversity

the number and variety of Earth's organisms; consists of three components: genetic diversity, species richness, and ecosystem diversity

species richness

the number of different species in a community

benthic environment

the ocean floor, which extends from the intertidal zone to the deep-ocean trenches

oceanic province

the part of the pelagic environment that overlies the ocean floor at depths greater than 200 m (650 ft)

neritic province

the part of the pelagic environment that overlies the ocean floor from the shoreline to a depth of 200 m (650 ft)


the process by which uranium ore is refined after mining to increase the concentration of fissionable U-235

conservation biology

the scientific study of how humans affect organisms and of the development of ways to protect biological diversity; studies ecology and evolution with respect to mitigating biodiversity loss


the splitting of an atomic nucleus into two smaller fragments, accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy

restoration ecology

the study of the historical condition of a human-damaged ecosystem, with the goal of returning it as closely as possible to its former state

hydraulic fracturing

the use of pressurized water and chemicals to extract natural gas from deep layers of shale

spent fuel

used fuel elements that were irradiated in a nuclear reactor

energy efficiency

using less energy to accomplish a given task; by using new energy saving technology, for example

energy conservation

using less energy; by reducing energy use and waste or taking shorter showers, for example

Maintaining biological diversity in a coastal area can lead to increased...

wildlife habitat

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