Surveying Study Set

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A survey map.


A way to tie attributes to a particular location


An assurance.

Digital Level

An automatic level (pendulum compensator) capable of normal optical leveling with a rod graduated in feet or meters

Latent Ambiguity

An uncertainty that is not readily apparent and is discovered only after application, computations, or further research.

Define magnetic declination:

Angle between magnetic north and true north

Vertical Angles

Angle measured with the vertical circle of a Surveying Transit

Interior angles

Angles measured inside of a closed polygon.

Phase Angle

Angular location of wave within wavelength at instant in time

Oblique Mercator Projection

For the panhandle of Alaska because it lays at an angle It is a tilted cylindrical projection (at an angle)

Existing Construction

For the purposes of determining flood insurance rates, structures for which the "start of construction" commenced before the effective date of the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or before January 1, 1975, for FIRMs effective before that date. "Existing construction" may also be referred to as "existing structures."

Relationship between Frequency and Wavelength

Inversely related


Old school instrument


One of two equal parts; a half.

-Instrumental -Natural -Personal

Sources of error in chaining

Geodetic Control Survey Accuracy (before GPS)

Remember, accuracy is how close the value is to the true value. First Order 1: 100,000 Second Order Class I 1: 50,000 Class II 1: 20,000 Third Order Class I 1: 10,000 Class II 1: 5,000

Back bearing

Same angle but reverse direction

Parol Evidence

Spoken witness testimony

Tilting Level

The (mostly obsolete) tilting level is roughly leveled by observing the bubble in the circular spirt level.

Who sets the conitrol accuracy standards?

The Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee(FGCC)

Land Surveying

Science, art, and technology of determining the relative positions of points above, on or beneath the earths surface or of establishing such points.

A high quality OPUS solution can yield this classification of "horizontal accuracy":

Second Order - Class I 2.0 cm + 1:50,000


See Beach.

Paper Title

See Color of Title


The bearing and distance on a line and the objects mentioned along and at the end of a line. In a more limited definition, the course is equivalent to the direction.

Steel Tapes

Were used in route surveys and are designed for use off the reel


a physical marker or natural feature identifying the location of a corner

In field astronomy, the quantities observed are entirely


Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

a system of dividing land into square tracts that was adopted by the US Congress

Grid North

The direction northwards along the grid lines of a map projection. (i.e. north that is subjected to a projection). Is always parallel to the central meridian for the SPCS zone. Geodetic north and grid north only coincide at the central meridian for that zone.


The direction of a line a given by an angle measured clockwise (usually) from the north end of the meridian.


The division of rights or interests between several parties or persons that are entitled to them.

Plane Survey vs. a Geodetic Survey

The earth is assumed to be flat if the survey site is small. (ex. a construction site)... this is consitered to be a plane survey Large project sites (ex. miles and miles long) corrections need to be made due to the curvature of the earth. This is a geodetic survey

Height of Instrument

The elevation of the "LOS" of the instrument

revisions are made during the construction process.

The final plan, known as the as-built drawing, is usually quite similar to the design plan, with the exception that...

relocate the horizontal and vertical control used in the preliminary survey

The first on-site job for the construction surveyor is to:

Original Monument

The first valid monument set to mark a corner.

Base Flood

The flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. This is the regulatory standard also referred to as the "100-year flood."

What happens to contour lines when they cross a stream?

The form a "V" that points upstream


The forming of land which is slowly and imperceptibly by alluvium. The build up of alluvium can be on the banks of rivers and streams, or on the shores of lakes and tidal waters.

Preliminary Surveys

The gathering of data (distance, position, an dangles) to locate physical features, so that they can plotted to scale on a map or a plane.


The governing party or person. The term frequently refers to William Penn and his heirs. In some instances the term refers to the Commonwealth.


The gradual build up of a shoreline (depositing soil) BOUNDARY WILL CHANGE

Negative Easement

The holder of the dominant estate can PREVENT the servient estate holder from a certain use of the property (Example: the owner of a servient estate in prohibited from building any structure over 100 feet high

line and grade

The horizontal and vertical positioning of a facility


The inside of a curve, side toward the center point.

Constructive Possession

The legal possession of land. It is possession, without proof to the contrary, that the law assumes to be by virtue of valid title.

To convey

The legal process of transferring property from one owner to another

Aliquot Parts and Corners

The legal subdivision of sections into halves and quarters. Any quarter corner or sixteenth corner is an aliquot corner

Nominal Length

The length documented, stamped, or marked.

Bank of a Stream

The line along a stream where all perennial vegetation ceases.

Thread of a Stream

The line equidistant from the water's edge when the water is at its lowest natural level (not necessarily its lowest level ever recorded).

Line of Collimation

The line of collimation of a telescope is the line of sight defined by the optical centre of the object glass and the centre of the cross bars.

High-Water Line (boundary)

The line of normal high water, generally where the vegetation ceases to grow.

Air Base

The line/distance between two air stations where overlapping photographs were taken

False Northing and Easting

The linear value added to all x-coordinates and y-coordinates of a map projection so that none of the values in the geographic region being mapped are negative. If in northern hemisphere, the equator starts at 0. In the southern hemisphere, the equator starts at 10,000,000 meters to avoid eventually becoming negative as you move southward (for UTM!).


The linking of entity and attribute data to a specific geographic location

Line of Record

The location of the boundary as described in the records.

Line of Title

The location of the title boundary.

Thread of a Road

The middle of the cartway (single lane) or the line equidistant from the road's edge (multiple- or wide-lane roads).

Notches Cut in Monuments and Corner Accessories

The notched edges face toward cardinal directions. The number of notches indicates the number of miles that the monument stands from the eastern and southern township boundaries

Land Office

The office set up under William Penn and, in later years, the Commonwealth, to handle land transactions involving vacant land in the State.


The outside of a curve.


The part of the deed which sets forth the matters of fact necessary to identify the parties, transaction, and property.

What is a Point of Commencement (POC)?

an established reference point such as a control point in the NSRS (i.e. NAD27 or NAD83). Could also be a PLSS marker or SPCS monument.


The party or person named in a land warrant.


The person or party conveying by deed the title or interest in title.

Parallel With

To be equidistant at all points from a reference line.


To cancel or surrender any interest. Vacate, as applied to a road or street, implies surrendering any public rights or interest in the road. In other words, only private interests will remain.

Define subtend:

To create an angle of sight

Topographic Surveys

To determine the relief of the grounf and location of natural and man made features.


To draw a map. A plot also can be defined as a map or drawing.

Closed Loop

To end a Level Loop at a known Benchmark

Actual Notice

To view or read a document or record, in a real sense of the word.

Line Control

can place on top of nail or in line with targets

Which of the following procedures would result in the largest error in a 100 foot standardized chain?

chaining on a 5% slope without correcting

The manual tool used to draw a small circular curve is a:


The length of a parallel of λ latitude between two meridians is equal to difference in logitudes multiplied by

cos λ

NAD83 (1992), NAD83 (2002), NAD83 (Cors96), NAD83 (2011):

datum adjustment with same coordinate of a point

The angular distance of a heavenly body from the equator, measured along its meridian, is called


The most convenient co-ordinate system for specifying the relative positions of heavenly bodies on the celestial sphere, is

declination and right ascension system

The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called


With the rise of temperature, the sensitivity of a bubble tube


Congressional Township

designated with Township # and Range #

Non-tidal water boundary lines

determined by physical fact and not mathematical calculations. Ordinary high water line or ordinary high water mark are used in most states

At lower culmination, the pole star moves


Proration Principal

excess / deficiency discovered between properly located original corners, is proportioned among the parcels lying between those corners

Drawing file names have two parts: the name and the ___


From the principal point the horizon point lies on the principal line at a distance of

f tan θ

If f is the focal length of the camera lens and θ is the angle of tilt, the distance of the plumb point from the principal point will be

f tan θ

The rate of change of parallax dp/dh with respect to change in h, may be expressed as

fB/(H - h)2

What kind of system is the PLSS?

gridded system

The point where a vertical line through the optical centre of the camera lens intersects the ground, is known as

ground plumb point

Non-Navigable Lake or Pond Boundary lines

if round in shape - the geometric center point is used, with lines running laterally from the OHW or OLW mark; if irregular shaped- stream method is used

Artificial Monument

man made monuments - iron pipes, trench, wood post


more qualitative means of describing limits (i.e. 500' from a large oak tree)

what does "n" mean in angles formulas

number of sides

Simultaneous Conveyance

occurs when tracts are created through record document at the same time

All of the following are required on a typical roadway construction project except for:

protective googles

Normal tension is that pull which neutralizes the effect due to

pull and sag.

Advantage of Height of instrument method of leveling is

quicker and less tedious for large number of intermediate sights

Cross staff is an instrument used for

setting out right angles.

The reason most survey instruments go out of level is:

settlement of the tripod

the reason most survey instruments go out of level is:

settlement of the tripod

Which of the following is NOT an element of a horizontal curve?


Examples of a small, medium, and large scale

small scale < 1/100,000 (more area is covered, less detail) medium scale < 1/20,000 large scale > 1/20,000 (less area is covered... zoomed in, more detail)

Spring tides are caused when

solar tidal force and lunar tidal force both coincide

A Total Station is less accurate than measurements made with a steel tape when:

the measured distance is less than 100 feet

At western elongation, the pole star moves


Most total station distance measurements are based upon:

speed of light

What unit of area is used in more urban areas?

square feet

aliquot parts

standardized fractions of a section

Township Numbering

starting with one at the baseline and increasing in N/S direction

Always treat injuries in the order of their importance. Which is the first problem you should treat?

stoppage of breathing

Actions that relate to the public, clients and other surveyors would describe:

survey standards on how a survey is to be performed

The alternating colors on a range pole are usually painted?

white and red

The latitude of a place was obtained by subtracting the zenith distance of a star from its declination, the observed star was between

zenith and pole


the process of the gradual wearing away of land masses. _________ can occur along coasts and rivers and streams. Although flood-related erosion is covered by flood insurance

The rise and fall method provides a check on

the reduction of intermediate point levels.

Total error formula


Cross-section areas are used to calculate:

total excavation quantities

Lead Line

traditional means of measuring water depths consisting of a lead weight attached to a graduated line

Overturning of vehicles on a curve can be avoided by using

transition curve.

Natural Monument

trees, waterbodies, rocks

What are standard parallels?

true lines of latitude (E-W) spaced 24mi apart N and S. numbered consecutively.

How to Verify adjustment of level

two-peg test

A detailed diagram of a roadway construction materials at 90° to the centerline is called a:

typical cross section

How to minimalize/eliminate gross errors

use careful procedures and regularly check and verify your measurements

Auxiliary Meander Corners

used for islands; used both SMC and AMC - tied to the nearest section monument

Special Meander Corner

used for meandered lakes that were entirely within a section and did not cross a section line

Strip descriptions

used to describe a road easement or right of way


Datam is an imaginary level surface to which all elevations are measured or referred to

The standard dimensions of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of a section are ___feet by ___ feet.

#2 660, 660

Given the following data compute the distance between Point 1 and Point 2: Point 1 N 9,876,522.61 E 4,235,528.95 Point 2 N 9,876,632.61 E 4,235,362.97 1. 110.00 ft 2. 118.27 ft 3. 165.98 ft 4. 199.12 ft

#4. 199.12

The most serious hazard situation on a construction site is: 1. permitting the site to be dusty on dry days 2. permitting ladders to exceed 20 feet 3. storing fuel in tanks above ground 4. dispensing fuel adjacent to construction field welding

#4. dispensing fuel adjacent to construction field welding

Electronic Distance Measurement


GRS80 Ellipsoid

(Global Reference System) GRS80 is a global ellipsoid/spheroid and is not technically a datum. It takes into consideration the gravity field model.


(NOT SURE IF THIS IS TRUE) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is PRIMARILY a raster based elevation model (like in ESRI ArcGIS) (NOT SURE IF THIS IS TRUE) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is PRIMARILY a vector based elevation model (used in AutoCAD Civil 3D) The term "digital elevation model" or DEM can be used to describe any image where the pixel values represent elevation (Z) coordinates. Two common subcategories of DEMs are a digital terrain model (DTM) and a digital surface model (DSM). A DTM (sometimes referred to as a "bald-earth DEM") records the elevation of the bare land surface, without any vegetation, buildings, or other features above the ground. In contrast, a DSM records the elevation of whatever the uppermost surface is at every location; this could be a tree crown, the roof of a building, or the ground surface (where no vegetation or structures are present).

The net ground area of a vertical photograph 20 cm x 20 cm on scale 1 : 10,000 having overlaps 60% and 30%, is

0.64 sq km.

Link of Chain


i yard

0.9144 m

At the equator the dip of the magnetic needle is


The longitudes of two places at latitude 60° N are 93° E and 97° W. Their departure is

5700 nautical miles

Advantages of Rise and Fall Method

1. Visualization is necessary regarding the nature of the ground. 2. Complete check is there for all readings. 3. Preferable for check leveling where number of change points are more.

If the image of a triangulation station of R.L. 500 m is 4 cm from the principal point of a vertical photo taken from an altitude of 2000 m, above datum, the height displacement will be

10 mm.

A two-peg level test is performed with the instrument set up midway between two points, the rod reading on point 1 is 3.75 and the rod reading on point 2 is 8.93. The instrument is then moved close to point 1 and a reading on this point of 5.37. What should the reading be on point 2 for the line of sight to be parallel with the axis of the bubble tube?


Gunters Chain

100 Links in one chain 1 Chain = 66 feet 1 Link = 0.66 feet

A 20 m chain is divided into

100 links.


A linear unit of measurement. One chain (Gunter's) is normally equal to 66ft. One square chain is 0.1 acre. It is also a tool composed of 100 links, each 7.92 inches in length, used for measuring distances.


A linear unit of measurement. One rod is equal to one perch or 16.5ft.

Planted Stone

A long, narrow stone placed in the ground such that the long dimension protrudes (unnaturally) from the ground surface.

Color of Title

A written instrument (title) that APPEARS to convey title to real property, but actually does not Where an individual "acts" like they own the property, but they actually don't because they don't have the title

The declination and right ascension of the sun becomes 23° 27' S and 270° respectively on

December 22.

List characteristics of oak trees in general:

Deciduous Broad, lobed leaves Produce acorns for fruit

List characteristics of maple trees in general:

Deciduous Palmety lobed Produce helicopter fruit (samaras)

The altitudes of a circumpolar star at culminations are 70° and 10°, both culminations being north of zenith. The latitude of the place, is


Four wooden piles in line and 15 ft apart are to be driven so the cutoff elevation of each pile is progressively lower than the preceding pile by 1-7/8 inches. If the instrument elevation is 4320.02 and the rod reading on the first pile is 3.78, what is the elevation of the last pile cutoff?


The angle of intersection of the two plane mirrors of an optical square is


When measuring 6' 61/2" back from station 50+00, what would be the station of the new point?


First order I

4mm sqrt K (.5)

The hour angle of the heavenly body for Greenwich meridian equals the hour angle of the body for any other meridian + longitude : A. mean sun B. true sun C. vernal equinox D. star E. all the above.

E. all the above.

The parallax of a point on the photograph is due to A. ground elevation B. flying height C. length of air base D. focal length of the camera. E. all the above.

E. all the above.

The principal plane contains A. nadir point B. iso centre C. principal point D. principal axis and principal line E. all the above..

E. all the above..

The sun's declination remains north between A. March 21 to June 21 B. June 21 to September 21 C. September 21 to December 21 D. December 21 to Mach 21 E. both (a) and (b) of above.

E. both (a) and (b) of above.

The point at which sun's declination changes from north to south, is known as A. first point of Aeries B. first point of Libra C. vernal Equinox D. autumnal Equinox E. both (b) and (d) of the above.

E. both (b) and (d) of the above.

Existing Ground


Standard Deviation

Sqaure root of the variance, point on normal curve where sign of curvature changes

The distance formula (Inversing)

Sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2) or Sqrt((y2-y1)^2+(x2-xs1)^2)


Stable Monument with known elevation relative to vertical datum

Differential Leveling Techniques

Standard Leveling 3 wire Leveling Profile Leveling Grid Leveling Inverted Rod Reciprocal Leveling

What is a total station?

Measures both angles and distances... (i.e... A theodolite combined with distance measuring capabilities). Needs a prism for the distances. We used this in plane surveying lab.

Define "Closing the Horizon"

Measuring angles from the backsight to the foresight.... then from foresight to backsight and checking to see if their sum is 360 deg.

Geographic Meridian

Meridian is known as

Pine Knot

Normally a jointed section of a hemlock or other evergreen that, because of the concentration pitch, does not rapidly decay.

Cardinal Directions

North, South, East, or West (magnetic directions)

Constructive Notice

Notice the law assumes by the proximity or location of the record. It is the legal presumption that the record has (or should have) been read and understood.

Differential leveling

Numbers of set-ups of level. To find elevation of non-intervisible points


finding point elevations or elevation differences

The sidereal day is the time interval between two successive upper transits of

first point of Aries


formal legal instrument that provides documentation and evidence of property transfer


forms the basis of survey in an east/west direction established along a parallel of latitude with monuments set every 1/2 mile

Equation of time which is the difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time at any instant, vanishes during one year

four times

At the first point of Aeries, the sun moves

from south to north of the equator

Flood- Resistant Material

includes any building product capable of withstanding direct and prolonged contact with floodwaters without sustaining significant damage. Prolonged contact means at least 72 hours. Significant damage is any damage requiring more than low-cost cosmetic repair (such as painting). All structural and non-structural building materials at or below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) must be flood resistant.

The sensitivity of a bubble tube can be increased by

increasing the diameter of the tube

Which of the following is a mistake and not an error?

instrument set up on the wrong hub

which of the following is a mistake and not an error?

instrument set up on the wrong hub

vertical curves are


Geodetic Control Survey

is a class of survey that establishes positions of points with a high degree of accuracy in order to support activities such as mapping and GIS, property boundary surveys, construction projects, etc.

Flood Insurance Study (FIS)

is a compilation and presentation of flood risk data for specific watercourses, lakes, and coastal flood hazard areas within a community. When a flood study is completed for the NFIP, the information and maps are assembled into an FIS.

Level Surface

is a curved surface parallel to the mean surface of the earth.

Land Variance

is a deviation from the set of rules a municipality applies to land use and land development, typically a zoning ordinance, building code or municipal code.


is the opposite of revulsion

-Oral -Telephone -Radio -Written -Hi-Tech

Types of Communication

-Direct -Direct and Reverse "Doubling an Angle" -Closing the Horizon -Traverse Angles -Layout

Types of Field Angles Measured

Automatic Level Digital Level Tilting Level

Types of Surveying Levels

Plane Surveying Geodetic Surveying

Types of Surveys

Pick up the correct statement from the following :

Ursa Minor's pole star and polaris are the names of the same star.

How to correct Lens Defects

Use narrow telescope use of multiple lens combinations

Inverted Rod

Used for elevations of overhead objects

Steel Tapes

Used for precise tape measuring


Used for short distances and in many construction applications


Used in proximity analysis (ex. selects certain features within a 50 mi radius) Done around a specified point, line, or polygon Circular

Corner Accessory

Used in the monumentation of the corner itself... physical objects whose distances/directions FROM the corner are known Examples are Bearing Trees, bearing objects, pits, and memorials


Used on high slope areas to reduce slippage/falling of soil and to intercept and redirect runoff (for overall stabilization)

standard parallel

a east west line that is located 24 miles from the baseline


a method of obtaining topographic information before the advent of total stations and GNSS survey system. Used with a alidade and planetable.

Single Proportionate Measurement

a method of re-establishing lost corner locations based on measurement made on a single line

Double Proportionate Measurement

a method or re-establishing lost corer locations based on measurements made between 4 known corners


a method to determine differences in elevation from one point to the next.

what is the turning point in a level loop?

a point of known elevation (where the rod is, NOT where the instrument is)


a point where a boundary of real property changes direction or the point of intersection of 2 or more boundaries

Dependent Resurvey

a resurvey that is designed to restore the original conditions of the official survey according to the record. Identified by original corners and other acceptable points of control, and restoring lost corners by proportionate measurement in harmony with the record of the original survey

Independent Resurvey

a resurvey that is designed to supersede the prior official survey only insofar as the remaining public lands are concerned.

The meridian of a place is

a semi-circle which passes through the place and is terminated at the poles


a strong pulling or drawing back or away; withdrawal.

Which of the following errors can be neutralized by setting the level midway between the two stations

error due to both curvature and refraction

Which of the following has responsibility for overall safety on a construction project?

everyone working on the project

Which of the following tools should you use when cutting brush?


The needle of the surveyors compass points to:

magnetic north

The object of surveying is to prepare a


In measurement theory, the best value is the _____ value.



mean higher high water for observation period


mean lower low water for observation period

Latitude of a place is the angular distance from

none of these.

The equation which is obtained by multiplying each equation by the coefficient of its un-knowns and by adding the equations thus formed, is known as

normal equation

At eastern elongation, the pole star moves


A new point at a lower elevation was set using a level directly from a benchmark. If the rod was clamped 0.20 feet too low from the correct setting, by how much would the point's elevation be in error?

not in error

bona fide rights

rights or claims of any claimant, entry-man, or owner of land acquired in good faith under the law

The cross-sectional shape of most range poles is what shape?


The circle in which a plane tangent to the earth's surface at the point of observation, intersects the celestial sphere, is called

sensible horizon

Closing Corner

set at the intersection fo the guide meridians and the standard parallels

Standard Corner

set when parallels are constructed

If δ is the declination of the star and φ is the latitude of the observer, then the azimuth of the star at elongation is given by

sin z = sec φ . cos δ

OPUS will process data collected by the GPS method of:

static, rapid static, RTK

A series of closely spaced contour lines represents a

steep slope.

If the length of a chain is found to be short on testing, it can be adjusted by

straightening the links.

The position of the sun when its north declination is maximum is known as

summer solstice

Actions that relate to the public, clients and other surveyors would describe:

surveying standards on how a survey is to be performed.

Closed Traverse

surveying traverse whose accuracy can be checked by the fact that, when it is closed, the angles should add up to 360 degrees , and which ends at its starting point.

Rotation of the camera at exposure about its vertical axis, is known as


The process of turning the telescope about the vertical axis in horizontal plane is known as



takes into account changes in gravity; level surface used as a vertical datum

Mean Higher High Water (MHHW)

the average of the higher of the high tides occurring each day

Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)

the average of the lower of the low tides occurring each day

According to OSHA, what is the responsibility of the employer as far as first aid is concerned?

the employer shall provide proper first aid equipment and training

Side-Scan Sonar

uses a beam oriented slightly below the horizontal axis and can locate underwater features protruding above the floor better than vertically oriented sounders

Which of the following procedures will increase the range of a total station measurement?

using multiple prisms

Reciprocal Leveling

utilized where it is impossible to keep equal sight distances, such as leveling across bodies of water

In topographic surveying the control for elevations is called:


You have plotted a road profile. The curve you are looking at is a _________ curve.


in topographic surveying the control for elevations is called:


In direct method of contouring, the process of locating or identifying points lying on a contour is called

vertical control.

A negative declination shows that the magnetic meridian is to the

western side of the true meridian.

The main principle of surveying is to work from the

whole to the part.

The Polaris describes a small circle round the pole whose radius is approximately

Geographic Information System


What does the term "G.I.S." refer to in land surveying?

Geographic Information Systems


_____ (blunders) are large

1 foot

0.3048 m

80 gunther chains=?

1 mile


A 'V' cut into wood.

What is the area formula for a trapezoid?



An uncertainty.

Objective Lens on a Level

Creates Image


Deepest part of a stream

Nadir Angle

Downward vertical direction

Height of Instrument


Division Fence

Line Fence


Measure of the spread of the data, square of the standard deviation


The process commenced by filing a lawsuit. Legal contest or challenge.

Significant figures

any number except zeros left of non-zeros


north/south, perpendicular, measure 180 max

How many feet in a mile?

5280 feet

Quitclaim Deed

A deed (instrument used to transfer real property) that implies that the rights and interests passed on from the grantor to the grantee MIGHT be existent, but does not state the grantor ever had these rights in the first place "Caveat Emptor"... buyer beware


A direction toward but not necessarily on line with south.

Line Fence

A fence that resides on the boundary.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

A ground positioning technique based on the reception and analysis of NAVSTAR satellite signals


A horizontal reference line for measuring direction


A line formed by passing a plane through the observer's position, center of the earth, and the (true, magnetic, etc.) poles of the earth.


A line of reference for survey work


A line on the mean surface of the joining the north and south poles

Planimetric Map

A map ONLY showing the horizontal, 2D features of an area (i.e. does not show relief) A topographic map shows both horizontal and elevations

Isohyethal Map

A map that shows contours that connect points of equal rainfall


A map, draught, drawing, or plot of land.

Relative GPS Positioning (or Differential GPS positioning)

A minimum of two receivers are involved. One of the two receivers occupies a known position during the session called the base (could be a CORS station or a temporary base station I set up, same concept). This involves a radio link (antenna) between the base and the rover. The base's position is known, corrections can be generated there that can be used to improve the solution at the rover.


A mistake of irreconcilable proportion.

A NGS station whose coordinates are Y21786.09 and X23086.72 is to be occupied. The azimuth mark bears N 21° 10' 03" E. What clockwise angle must be turned to pass through a second station whose coordinates are Y22243.91 and X23948.00?

#3 40°-50'-21"

Four wooden piles in line and 15 ft apart are to be driven so the cutoff elevation of each pile is progressively lower than the preceding pile by 1-7/8 inches. If the instrument elevation is 4320.02 and the rod reading on the first pile is 3.78, what is the elevation of the last pile cutoff?

#3 4315.77

In measuring a zenith angle with a total station the following readings were observed: 1D = 91° 14' 26" 2D = 91° 14' 25" 1R = 268° 45' 28" 2R = 268° 45' 31" What is the best value for the zenith angle?

#3 91° 14' 28"

The backsight at a station is South 0° East. Projecting forward you turn the following deflection angles: 30° 30' right; 29° 21' 15" left; 46° 31' right. What is the forward bearing of your last reading?

#3 N 47° 39' 45" E

Monument of Common Report

A monument that is supported by word of mouth when a monument can not be proved or disproved. This is an absolute LAST RESORT

Senior Monument

A monument, when compared with several valid monuments, that controls in the event of a conflict.

Systematic Errors

-Predictable error -Follow laws of (Math/Physics) -Can be removed by calculation

Origins of public lands? (2)

1. turned over from Colonial States 2. purchase, treaty, or hostile takeover

Third order

12mm sqrt K (2.0)

How many feet in a rod?


Second-Order, class II Standard(Horizontal)


A "two-pole" chain is:

#2 33 feet long

The suitable contour interval for a map with scale 1 : 10000 is

2 m.

The length of a link in a chain is

20 cm.

Ground Distance

A slope distance measured with the tape placed on or parallel with the ground.

G.M.T. corresponding to given mean time, equals A. L.M.T. - East longitude in time B. L.M.T. + East longitude in time C. L.M.T. - West longitude in time D. none of the these.

A. L.M.T. - East longitude in time

Pick up the correct statement from the following : A. One degree of longitude has greatest value at the equator B. One degree of longitude has greatest value at the poles C. One degree of longitude has the same value everywhere D. One degree of latitude decreases from the equator to the poles E. One degree of latitude has greatest value at the poles.

A. One degree of longitude has greatest value at the equator

The elevation of the star at elongation is obtained by

A. sin α = sin φ cosec δ

If θ and δ be the latitude of a place and declination of a star respectively, the upper culmination of the star will be north of zenith if its zenith distance, is

A. δ - θ

What is the area formula for a right triangle?


Calculating area of a trapeoid given side slope, height, and base

A=c(b+sc) or... A=height(base+(HD slope component*height))

Active Control Station


What is the radius of the earth?

About 6,371,000 meters, 6371 km, or 3590 miles

Board of Property (Land Records Division)

An arbitration board created by statute to hear complaints or facts concerning the transfer of vacant land and caveats concerning title of the Commonwealth


An area encompassed by two or more records.

Land is divided into...

Quadrangles (24mi X 24mi)


Summary of information.

At upper culmination, the pole star moves A. eastward B. westward C. northward D. southward.

B. westward



Network Database

Builds connections across tables (ex. A goes to C, and B goes to C, but D does not go to C) The child can have more than one parent The disadvantage to hierarchical and network databases is that linkages must be known in advance and built into the database at design time

The polaris remains below horizon at A. 10° N B. 50° N Latitude C. equator D. 5° S latitude.

D. 5° S latitude.

The necessary geometrical condition for triangulation adjustment, is : A. The sum of the angles around a station should be 360° B. The sum of the three angles of a plane triangle should be 180° C. The sum of the eight angles of a braced quadrilateral should be 360° D. All the above.

D. All the above.

Floodplain Management

Decision-making process that aims to achieve the wise use of the nation's floodplains. "Wise use" means both reduced flood losses and protection of the natural resources and function of floodplains.


Deed and description are oftentimes confused. A "description" lies within a deed. The deed is the legal instrument of real property transfer. A description must be sufficient to be able to be located "on the ground."

A star is said to elongate A. when the star momentarily moves vertically B. when the angle at the star of the spherical triangle is 90° C. when the star's declination is greater than the observer's latitude D. all the above.

D. all the above.

Dilution of Precision



High Water

Intermediate Sight





A witness monument.

Hydrographic Surveys

Surveys designed to define shoreline and underwater features.

Construction Surveys

Surveys that provide line and grade.

What does the following hand signal mean? (man raising pole above head)

this is a benchmark

Public Lands

those that are subject to administration, survey, and transfer under the public land laws of the US

If "Precise Elevation Data", the elevation is rounded to:


The number of horizontal cross wires in a stadia diaphragm is


Rotation of the camera at exposure about horizontal axis normal to the line of flight, is known as


Mete (verb)

to measure (i.e. length and direction of property lines, lengths and bearings)

Which of the following is INCORRECT in reference to the setting up and using a surveyor's instrument?

use light pressure when pushing tripod legs into the ground

which of the following is INCORRECT in reference to the setting up and using a surveyors instrument?

use light pressure when pushing tripod legs into the ground

How many initial point monuments are in the US? Where are 5 of them located?

37 total. 5 in Alaska.

1 acre

4046.8564224 m squared

How many acres are contained in 78.125 square miles? Show all work.


If the equatorial distance between two meridians is 100 km, their distance at 60° latitude will be

500 km

How many feet in a mile?


How many seconds make up a one and a half degrees?


Standard Temperature and Tension for Tapes

68 degrees F 20 lb

A survey line has a bearing of S 21° 46' 10" E. How many degrees must be turned to go due east?

68° 13' 50" counter clockwise

One degree of latitude is how many miles?

69 miles

Metes and Bounds

A series of calls encompassing a parcel of land.

Range Lines

A series of government survey lines running north and south at six-mile intervals starting with the principal meridian and forming the east and west boundaries of townships.


A series of tasks performed in compliance with some minimum acceptable criteria.


A set of orbiting satellites used in navigation and positioning


A shallow stream that normally flows the year round.


A shallow, low area, subject to frequent flooding.

The type of surveying that takes into account the true shape of the earth is

Geodetic Surveying

meridians of longitude

Geographic meridian is also known as

A surface which can be sensed by instruments, is irregular, variations due to mass of the earth, its strength is approximately that at mean sea level:


An equipotential gravitational surface located approximately at mean sea level; perpendicular to the direction of gravity.


Geoid Undulation in Michigan

Geoid undulation in Michigan is always positive (above the ellipsoid)


Projection of a course of a traverse on the north-south axis of a rectangular coordinate system


The defending party in a legal suit. The defendant is the one setting up a defense in a court of law.

Adverse Possession (Squatter's Rights)

"Open and notorious", non-permissive, exclusive occupation of land . Continuous property for entire statute of limitations governed by state law (5-40+ years).

Common Law

"judicial precedent" - law developed through the rulings of courts. Courts looks to past rulers


# of wavelengths of wave per second

To set a grade at a sewer line at station 13+50 (invert = 663.80) a level is set up and reads 5.03 on a benchmark (elevation of 672.55). What reading on a level Rod must be made to mark Cut 12' (feet) on the grade stake?

#1 1.78

The reason most survey instruments go out of level is:

#1 settlement of the tripod

Priority for Proportioning Corners

(Think big to small) 1. All section corners and quarter corners along standard parallels are proportioned first (single) 2. Then Township Corners (double) 3. Then section corners and quarter corners along township and range lines (single) 4. Then section corners that are not on a township or range line (double) 5. Then quarter corners that are not on a township or range line (single)

Exterior angles


Sum of all interior angles


The correction for parallax, is

+ 8".8 cos α

If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60°W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure respectively of the line AB will be

+86.6 m, 50 m.

OPUS requires:

- 15 minutes - 48 hours of data - files under 2 hours are processed as rapid-static - elevation cut-off or mask angle of more than 10 degrees - epoch rates of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, or 30 seconds

Commonly used horizontal datum(s)

- NAD27 - NAD83 - WGS84 - ITRF00

What is RINEX?

- data format exchange - Receiver Independent Exchange Format

Which of the following are true about a "Horizontal Datum"?

- defines which ellipsoid is used - defines the center of the ellipsoid - defines the orientating longitude - defines the orientating latitude

Scope Grade

-most frequent use of leveling -no mistakes

What is the calculated offset distance sighting a range pole that is on a 1000-foot sight if it is discovered that the range pole is 0º 01' 08" off line?


For a tacheometer the additive and multiplying constants are respectively

0 and 100.

The nearest star is so far away from the earth that the directions to it from two diametrically opposite points on the earth differs less than

0.0001 second

A 2-minute error in reading an angle means that a point that is set 50 feet away is off by :


PLSS Distance and Area Measurements

1 chain = 100 links = 66 feet 1 square mile = 640 acres 10 square chains = 1 acre = 43560 square feet 1 mile = 80 chains = 5280 feet 1/2 mile = 40 chains = 2640 feet

The area 2.471 acres is equivalent to:

1 hectare

Limiting gradient for locating the base line on evenly-sloping ground, is

1 in 12

The permissible error in chaining for measurement with chain on rough or hilly ground is

1 in 250.

The nautical mile is the length of

1 minute of longitude

What is a rod?

1 rod = 16.5 feet

9 Steps of Boundary Surveys

1) Obtains written evidence of title 2)Seeks evidence. 3)Reads adjoining deeds for evidence of senior rights or conflicts. 4)Goes on the land to seek evidence of existing monuments, possession and usage. 5)Seeks testimony. 6)Makes Measurments 7)Makes calculations 8)Comes to the conclusion of where the title lines should be located. 9)Uses measurements to set new monuments and prepares and files a plat of survey.

What are 2 other methods of property description?

1. "Block and Lot" system 2. Property description by coordinates

what is the length of each of the painted alternating bands of contrasting colors on a range pole?


On a map at a scale of 1" = 2000' and a contour interval of 20', what is the % of slope of a railroad map, which scales 2.67 inches between four contour lines?


On a map at a scale of 1"=2000' and a contour interval of 20', what is the % of slope of a railroad on the map which scales 2.67 inches between four contour lines?


1 mile

1.609344 Km

Accuracy of Estimation


Accuracy of Odometer


The relief displacement of a minar 72 m high on photograph is 7.2 mm and its top appears 10 cm away from principal point. The flying height of the camera, is

1000 m

Add Tape

101 ft of graduated tape, 0 to 100 ft in full feet, additional foot before zero mark, graduated from 0 to 1 in tenths and hundredths, ADD TENTHS AND HUNDREDTHS TO READING

The R.L, of the point A which is on the floor is 100 m and back sight reading on A is 2.455 m. If the foresight reading on the point B which is on the ceiling is 2.745 m, the R.L. of point B will be

105.20 m.

Determine the elevation of a point whose ellipsoidal ht is 1100 and the geoid separation is -90:


A GPS Satellite has an approximate orbital time of:

12 hours

What is the ground area in acres if the scale of a map is 1" = 200' and the map area is equal to 13.351 square inches?

12.26 acres

What is the equivalent of 4.25 meters in feet?


A +2% and a -3% grade are joined by a 400-foot parabolic crest curve. The P.V.C. = 8+00, the elevation of the P.V.C. = 132.00. Determine the elevation of station PVT.


Given the following data for a circular curve on a set of highway plans, knowing that you need the stationing of the PC before you can calculate the station of the P.T., what is the stationing of the PC? PI = 1377+46.0 R = 5729.59 ∆ = 16º 45' LT T = 843.5 D = 1º 00' L = 1675.0


if the magnetic azimuth (from north) of a line is 135 degrees 30' in a location where the magnetic declination is 12 degrees E, what is the true azimuth of the line?

147 degrees 30'

The number of the section that is directly east of section 13 in a standard township is:


The sum of the interior angles of a dodecagon (12 sides) are:


Longitudes are measured from 0° to

180° east or westward

International date line is located along

180° longitude

In the whole circle Bearing (WCB), a line is said to be free from local attraction if the difference between the FB and BB is



19 mean lower low water

If the Reduced bearing of a line is S 10° W, its Whole Circle Bearing is


Given the following data compute the distance between Point 1 and Point 2: Point 1 N 9,876,522.61 E 4,235,528.95 Point 2 N 9,876,632.61 E 4,235,362.97

199.12 ft


19yr mean high water


19yr mean higher high water


19yr mean low water

After an initial point is established, what is the 2nd step in the PLSS Process?

2. Establish a Principle Meridian

This is the latest NGS adjusted position of the NAD83 coordinates where the reference frame has been affixed to the stable North American tectonic plate.


From point B, point A bears N 18º 26' 43" E, and point C bears S 4º 6' 21" E. What angle CBA is turned to the right from C to A?

202 degrees 33' 04"

In measuring a horizontal angle with a total station the following readings were observed: D = 00° 00' 00" R = 180° 00' 03" R = 200° 01' 07" D = 20° 01' 02" What is the mean horizontal angle of the above set?

20° 01' 03"

Allowable angular and distance closure of a section

21 minutes for angular closure Must not exceed 25 links in 40 chains for distance

What is the length of the Arc for the following curve? Radius 250.00' Tangent in N 25º 30' E Tangent out N 30º 25' E


The angle between the plane of the equator and the plane of the ecliptic, is known as obliquity of the ecliptic and its value is

23° 27'

The time interval between successive transits of the moon, is

24 hours 50 minutes

1 inch

25.4 mm

How many states participate in the PLSS?


If two points differing by 1° of latitude and of the same longitude is 110 km apart on the earth, then two astronomical positions on the moon is about

30 km

If a star whose declination is 60° N culminates at zenith, its altitude at the lower culmination, is


For a well-conditioned triangle, no angle should be less than


A "two-pole" chain is:

33 feet long

If the general ground level of any area is 10% of the flying height, the principal points may be used as the centres of radial directions for small scale mapping even in tilted photograph up to

If 16 flight lines are run perpendicular to an area 30 km wide, their spacings on a photographical map on scale 1 : 50,000 , will be

4 cm

After an initial point, principal meridian, and baseline are established, what is the 4rd step in the PLSS system?

4. Set Standard Parallels (correction lines)

A route survey of 18.6 miles was made for a new gas transmission line over rolling brushy terrain. If the open traverse is to conform to second order precision (class II), what is the maximum allowable error of length in chaining?

4.91 feet

After an initial point, principal meridian, baseline, and standard parallels are established, what is the 5rd step in the PLSS system?

5. Set Guide Meridians

First order II

5mm sqrt K (.7)

After an initial point, principal meridian, baseline, standard parallels, and guide meridians are established, what is the 6rd step in the PLSS system?

6. Set range and township lines

The normal longitudinal overlap is generally kept


Proper end-laps and side-laps

60% end lap 30% side lap

The altitudes of a circumpolar star at culminations are 70° and 10°, both culminations being north of zenith. The declination of the star, is


A right triangle has sides of 37.00' and 49.33'. What is the length of the hypotenuse?


Second order 1

6mm sqrt K (1.0)

After an initial point, principal meridian, baseline, standard parallels, guide meridians, and range & townships lines are established, what is the 7rd and FINAL step in the PLSS system?

7. Subdivision of Townships into sections

1 link equals how many inches?


what is the sum in degrees of the interior angles of a six sided polygon?


Second order II

8mm sqrt K (1.3)

If the intercept on a vertical staff is observed as 0.75 m from a tacheometer, the horizontal distance between tacheometer and staff station is

75 m.

The size of a plane table is

750 mm x 600 mm

A 15% slope is closest to a _____ degree slope


A rectangular parcel of land is 44.806 meters x 171.603 meters. What is the area of the parcel in square feet?


The value of geo-centric parallax to be added to the observed altitude of sun is

9" cos α

Azimuths are always less than:

90 degrees

Two sides of a triangle are 80 ft, and 100 ft. with a 60 degree between them. The length of the third side and remaining two angles are most nearly:

90 ft. 70 degrees, 50 degrees

in measuring a zenith angle with a total station the following readings were observed: 1D= 91 degrees 14' 26" 2D= 91 degrees 14' 25" 1R= 268 degrees 45' 28" 2R= 268 degrees 45' 31" whats the best value for the zenith angle?

91 degrees 14' 28"

In measuring a zenith angle with a total station the following readings were observed: 1D = 91° 14' 26" 2D = 91° 14' 25" 1R = 268° 45' 28" 2R = 268° 45' 31" What is the best value for the zenith angle?

91° 14' 28"

To fit a scale of 1:10,000 on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper with a 1" border, what is the largest area, in acres, that can be shown?


The Geospatial Positioning Accuracy confidence level of the "SIOUX FALLS URS STATION":


Taping a distance of 967.82 feet was measured with a 100-foot steel tape that was 0.03 of a foot too long. What is the true distance measured (in feet)?


taping a distance of 967.82 feet was measured with a 100 feet steel tape that was 0.03 of a foot too long. What is the true distance measured (in feet)?


Meaning of "sufficient" by the courts

A "sufficient" legal description as stated by the courts means it is a description that can be located/retraced on the ground by a competent surveyor A sufficient legal description can still have conflicting elements, but is "good enough" for the surveyor to find later on


A bend or change in the direction of a boundary.

What is current regulation for a monument set by the BLM?

A 2 1/2 inch diameter iron pipe, 28-30 inches long with a brass cap

2-Dimensional Coordinate Transformation (Conformal Transformation)

A 3-parameter Only when X and Y coordinates are involved (no elevations) Often times is necessary when going from a local coordinate system to State Plane (and vice versa) Three step process (in this order): 1. Rotation 2. Scaling 3. Translation

Affine Transformation

A 6-parameter coordinate transformation

Float Solution

A GPS measurement without having solved for the ambiguities. This is when the coordinates quality appears to "float" around between 5 and 15 feet on my data controller screen

Land Surveyor

A Professional Land Surveyor, a person licensed by the State to perform land surveys.


A bundle of rights and interests in a piece of real property that are had through OWNERSHIP (ex. mineral rights, air rights, and other resources)

Categorical Exclusion (CE)

A category of actions which DO NOT individually have a significant effect on the human environment

Gunter's Chain

A chain four rods (66 feet) long.

Engineer's Chain

A chain with an overall dimension of 100 feet as opposed to 66 feet.

Coal Hearth

A charcoal pit normally used to make charcoal for smelting iron ore.

Isogonic Chart

A chart depicting isogonic lines.

What is GIS?

A computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information Descibes geographic information based on LOCATION AND ATTRIBUTES

Free Station

A conveniently located instrument station used for construction layout, the position of which is determined after occupation through resection techniques

Found Corner (Monument)

A corner where all or part of a valid monument is recovered on a retracement survey.

Probate Court

A court with the power to probate wills and administer estates.


A creek or small stream, normally flowing all year.

Define a compound curve

A curve with two different radii... two circular curves with different radii lying on the same side of a common tangent Even though the radii differ, these types of curves share a common radial line and a common tangent (as stated above), and the shared radial and tangent line are perpendicular to eachother Unsafe for high speeds. Used in subdivision design


A direction toward but not necessarily on line with west.

Vertical Datum

A level surface to which elevation is referred to Arbitrarily assigned zero elevation Example is NAVD88

Dumpy Level

A level with fixed crosshairs and no internal compensator.

What is a Philadelphia rod?

A leveling rod consisting of two sliding sections. The rod fully collapsed will read up to 7 ft. The rod fully extended will read up to 13 ft. The rod MUST be extended all the way or rod reading error will occur. In hundredths of a foot. Readings on the back of the rod the graduation decrease from 13.09 ft at the bottom to 7 ft. up top. (Used in Plane surveying lab)

Agreement, Boundary Line

A line established by mutual consent for the convenience of adjoining landowners.


A linear body of water with a discernible path of flow.

Passing Monument

A monument (object/feature) that lies astride or along a boundary. Also known as a directory monument.

Accidental Errors

A random or non-systematic error.


A permanent point of known elevation.


A person appointed by the court to examine and gather evidence for the need, revision, location, or vacation of a road.


A person who sets up or appears to set up a permanent trespass on another party's title.


A perspective photograph from which the displacements caused by tilt and relief have been removed

Subject to

A phrase connoting a prior right or grant. The phrase is normally used to precede a notice or acknowledgement of a prior grant.

More or Less

A phrase denoting caution or inexactness. It does not, as is sometimes assumed, imply fraud, deceit, or an indemnification agreement on the grantor's behalf.


A phrase in a deed description containing one or more of the following; monument, adjoiner, bearing, distance, and passing monuments. It is the information used to describe one line in a description.

Turning Point

A point temporarily used to transfer an elevation


A poorly defined and misunderstood legal term. Occurs when a mutual disagreement between a boundary line is present, because both parties are UNSURE of the actual boundary. Once both parties have acquiesced to a new boundary line, all past records that pertain to the properties in question become null and void. (It is the process of coming to an agreement) In the end, there is no written evidence of the terms of agreement that come from acquiescence. There also may or may not be testimonial evidence of the terms of agreement

Triple Difference GPS Solution

A process used to remove all integer ambiguities/biases Eliminates clock error in both satellites and receivers AND error between epochs Removes all ambiguities AND provides residuals Requires 4 satellites or more and two receivers

Double Difference GPS Solution

A process used to remove all integer ambiguities/biases Prevailing method for baselines. Removes satellite and receiver clock errors. Two receivers tracking two satellites at the same time Eliminates clock error in both satellites and receivers


A process whereby a right or easement is acquired by adverse use, encumbering some other title.


A promise respecting the use of land. In some cases a covenant may be construed to have created an easement.

V-Zone Certificate (2)

A registered professional engineer or architect must certify that the design and planned methods of construction meet NFIP requirements. The community must maintain a copy of this certification in the permit file for all structures built or substantially improved in the ___ Zone.

Natural Monument

A relatively permanent monument normally created by nature.


A release from the Commonwealth to any rights or interests the State theretofore had retained in the land. The final step in the transfer of ownership from the Commonwealth.


A right or easement associated with a road or access. In some cases, the phrase is used to signify the legal extent of the road.

Land Jobber

A slang term applied to a person who obtained a warrant from the Land Office.


A small channel, cut, or feeder stream.


A small spring.


A small stream, normally intermittent.


A stone pile built, normally with great care, specifically as a landmark or monument.

Navigable by Law

A stream declared navigable by an act of the legislature.

Navigable in Fact

A stream which can support navigation in its natural condition.


A structure designed to provide an opening under a road or other feature, usually for transportation of storm water

Agricultural Structure

A structure used solely for agricultural purposes in which the use is exclusively in connection with the production, harvesting, storage, drying, or raising of agricultural commodities, including the raising of livestock. Communities must require that new construction or substantial improvements of agricultural structures be elevated or floodproofed to or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) as any other nonresidential building.

Boundary Survey

A survey for the purpose identifying, verifying, and resolving the location of a boundary.

Dependent Resurvey

A survey for the purpose of retracing a boundary created at some earlier time.

Meander Line

A survey line or traverse line proceeding along a body of water.

Geodetic Surveying

A survey of such high precision or covering such a large geographical area that computations must be based on the ellipsoidal shape of the earth.

Line Tree

A tree existing on the boundary.

What is a Principle Meridian

A true N-S line that passes through the Initial Point.

Choropleth Map

A type of thematic map that uses differences in shading, coloring, or the placing of symbols within predefined areas to visually indicate the average values of a property or quantity in those areas. Done in such a way that darkness or lightness of an area is proportional to the density of the mapped phenomenon


A unit of measure. As a linear dimension, one perch is equal to one rod or 16.5 feet. As an area unit of measure, one perch is equal to 272.25 square feet or 1/160 of an acre.

General Warrant

An agreement from the Commonwealth of PA to sell a certain quantity of vacant land wherever it may be found in the specified purchase area. It is also an order or directive for a survey. A general warrant is also known as a survey warrant.

Difference between precision and accuracy?

Accuracy- closeness of a measurement to the true value... high accuracy tends to indicate reduced systematic errors Precision- closeness of two or more measurements to eachother... high precision tends to indicate reduced random errors


Act of depositing silt or soil. It is the imperceptible extension of land where water formerly stood.

Reverse Prescription

Action of prescription which removes an easement as opposed to creating an easement.


Actual contact or touching.


Actual or overt.

Types of Tapes

Add Tape Cut Tape

Field note reduction most commonly refers to?

Adding and subtracting back sights and foresights of a level loop


Adjoining property or landowner.

Horizontal directions

All _____ are referenced to meridians

Swimming Pools (3)

All mechanical equipment servicing the pool should be elevated above the BFE. Tanks may need to be anchored to prevent a buoyancy failure

What are set as monuments for establishing a Principle Meridian?

All section and quarter sections & bodies of water.

Define a reverse curve

Also called an "S" Curve, it is two circular curves lying on opposite sides of a common tangent

Office Survey

Also known as a chamber survey. A plat depicting a survey that was never actually performed by going upon the ground and obtaining measurements. The term is usually used to connote a fraudulent survey.


Also known as the base height ratio, it is the ratio of the air base length to the altitude at which a pair of aerial photos were taken

Patent Ambiguity

An ambiguity that is or should be obvious without application or further research.

Land Lawyer

An ancient term applied to a member of the bar who specialized in land laws.


An area of measurable title left out of title transfers. It is also known as an area of confused ownership.

Auxilary Meander Corner

An auxiliary meander corner is established at a suitable point on the meander line of a lake lying entirely within a quarter section or on the meander line of an island falling entirely within a section and which is found to be too small to subdivide. A line is run connecting the monument to a regular corner on the section boundary.

Appurtenant Easement

An easement that benefits the DOMINANT estate. If the land it is attached to is sold, the easement goes with it

Easement by Necessity

An easement that is created by a situation in which two or more parcels are so situated that it is NECESSARY to have for the enjoyment of the other parcels. (A common example is a landlocked parcel)


An encumbrance binding real property for the payment of money.

Decimal Feet

An engineer's chain is measured in what?

What is a Gradian?

An entire circle (360 degrees) is 400 gradians (gon). Therefore, a 90 degree angle is 100 grad. 1 grad = 00 deg. 54'.... Or.... 1 gradian = 0.9 deg


An equitable doctrine by the successful invocation of which a person is prevented from pursuing his rights normally protected under the law.

Coal Crop

An exposed coal seam which is or was actively quarried to obtain coal for sale or home consumption.

Blanket Easement

An express easement in this form is called a "floating" or "blanket" easement. Floating easements are most commonly used when planning for the installation of utilities. For instance, a utility company may need to lay a pipe across a parcel of land, but does not yet know the trajectory of that pipe.


An impression, imprint, scribe, or other identifying indent on a monument. Also, the term is frequently interchanged for monument.

Lost, Obliterated, and Existent Corners

An obliterated corner is one at whose point there are no remaining traces of the monument, or its accessories, but whose location has been perpetuated, or the point for which may be recovered beyond reasonable doubt, by the acts and testimony of the interested landowners, competent surveyors, or other qualified local authorities, or witnesses, or by some acceptable record evidence A lost corner is a point of a survey whose position cannot be determined, beyond reasonable doubt, either from traces of the original marks or from acceptable evidence or testimony that bears upon the original position, and whose location can be restored only by reference to one or more interdependent corners. An existent corner is one whose position can be identified by verifying the evidence of the monument or its accessories, by reference to the description in the field notes, or located by an acceptable survey, physical evidence, or testimony

Chamber Survey

An office survey. It refers to a plat depicting a survey that was never actually performed by going upon the ground and obtaining measurements. The term connotes a fraudulent survey.


An open way located upon the ground used for travel.

-Transit -Optical Theodolite -Digital Theodolite -Total Stations

Angle Measurement Instruments

Angles to the right

Angles measured clockwise from the rear to the forward station Deflection angles are the counterclockwise observation made from original angle measurement (both should add up to equal 360 degrees)

Deflection Angles

Angles measured from an extension of the back line

Exterior Angle-Angles to the right

Angles measures clockwise to the rear(back sight pt.1) to the foreward station or fore sight (3).


Any area of the building having its floor subgrade (below ground level) on all sides. The lowest floor of a residential building including basement must be above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). ______________ below the BFE are only allowed in communities that have obtained a _____________ exception from FEMA. Floodproofed non-residential _______________ are allowed.


Any combination of structural and non-structural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents.


Any long narrow object, rectangular or round, forced in the ground by successive blows. Without words to the contrary, a stake is assumed to be made of wood.

Wet Floodproofing (2)

Application of wet floodproofing as a flood protection technique under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is limited to enclosures below elevated residential and non-residential structures and to accessory and agricultural structures that have been issued variances by the community. See enclosure, accessory structure and agricultural structure.

To Appeal

Apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court.

Meander Lines and Meander Corners

Are NOT legal boundaries Meander lines are run by surveyors for mapping and surveying purposes for a body of water. The lines are drawn around the lake or pond for the purpose of measuring property that abuts the water. Indicate the sinuosities (rise and fall) of the shore line and used to determine approximate area of land in fractional sections after the segregation of the water area Meander corners are only established at points where the meander line is intersected by standard, township, and section lines Intended to follow the mean high water line along meanderable bodies of water. The following water bodies are meanderable: 1. Lakes greater than or equal to 50 acres 2. Rivers and streams having a width of 3 chains or more, whether navigable or not SWAMPS ARE NOT TO BE MEANDERED!

Methods to establish vertical control

Differential leveling(Highest order Trigonometric leveling(lower order) GPS

Prismoidal Method vs Average End Area Method for Volumes

Average End Area- a simple and quick equation that calculates the volume of the end trapezoidal areas, then fills it. It negates any changes in topography in the middle part Prismodal Method- more complicated, better at calculating changes in topography throughout the route between the end areas. This method is unecessary if the topography of the route is mainly flat through the duration. BUT if the topography is not flat throughout, prismodal would be best. Estimates are consistently smaller than Average End Area The difference in accuracy between the two methods grows greater depending on the irregularity of the ground in between the end sections

Mean Sea Level

Average of all tide values at tide gauges over ~19 years

Navigable Waters

Beds of navigable bodies of water are not public domain, rather, they will always remain common highways... that is if the water's natural and normal condition is deemed "navigable." IN GENERAL, if a body of water is deep and wide enough for a vessel to pass through. The federal government will deem a body of water navigable or non-navigable (this will vary by state) Sovereignty is in the individual states The edge of the water is considered a NATURAL MONUMENT

Biaxial vs Triaxial Ellipsoid

Biaxial: defined by two axis'. The equator of this ellipsoid is a circle. (NAD27 and NAD83 are both biaxial) Triaxial: defined by three axis'. The equator of this ellipsoid is ellipsoidal in shape. (i.e. the semimajor axis is not constant like a biaxial one)

Officer Surveys

Block surveys for military officers. A land bonus for commissioned service in the armed forces of the Commonwealth.

Indirect Measurements

Boundary dimensions obtained by calculation.

Direct Measurements

Boundary dimensions obtained by surveying on the boundary or line of interest.

The closing error in a closed traverse is adjusted by

Bowditch's rule.


Buildings constructed before the community's first FIRM. Communities might not have elevation information on file for these properties

Personal Error

Carelessness Setting Pins or Reading Tape

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following : A. In truly vertical photographs without relief angles are true at the plumb point B. In tilted photographs without relief, angles are true at the iso-centre C. In tilled photographs with relief, angles are true at the principal point. D. none of these.

C. In tilled photographs with relief, angles are true at the principal point.

Latitude of the observer's position is equal to altitude of A. north pole B. pole star C. celestial pole D. all the above.

C. celestial pole

The point on the celestial sphere vertically below the observer's position, is called

C. nadir


Calculation of the Discrepancy Ratio in chain measuring

Subtense Bar

Calibrated Bar with targets spaced known distance apart, Horizontal angle measured between 2 targets and tangent inverse function is used to compute distance

Locative Calls (Monuments)

Calls that fix the position of the boundary or corner to some tangible or record monument.

Directory Calls

Calls that point or lead the way to locative calls.

Bearing Angles

Can be measured clockwise or counterclockwise, is always accompanied by the letters that locate the quadrant in which the line falls (NE, NW, SE, SW)


Can be sued to mark out straight and curved lines in the field

Fiberglass Tapes

Can give accuracies in the half-centimeter range

Three basic operations needed at each plane table station are

Centering, Levelling, and Orientation

Central Meridian (projections)

Central meridians are true meridians of longitude near the geometric center of the zone. (i.e. equidistant between the two standard parallels) Every zone (expesially UTM and Lambert Conic) have a central meridian. Please note that the central meridian is not the y axis. If it were the y axis, negative coordinates would result. This is where false northings and eastings come into play.

Control Surveys Preliminary Surveys Layout Surveys

Classes of Surveys

Common Environmental Federal Laws

Clean Water Act (CWA) National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Clean Air Act (CAA) Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA)- in place to protect human health from hazardous waste (also called Superfund... federal act to clean up toxic waste sites when the responsible party doesn't or cant)


Clockwise Horizontal angle between the line and a given reference direction or meridian

Administrative Codes

Codifications of regulations promulgated by administrative departments of the Commonwealth.

Columns and fields in GIS are called what?

Columns are fields Rows are records. Rows are used as relations in a relational database

Common Report

Common knowledge or knowledge generally known.


Communicates centerline


Communicates elevation

-Arm signals and One hand signals for Numbers -Field Operation Signals -Signals to Crane Operators

Communicating with Signals

Subdivision (2)

Communities must require that all new ______________ proposals and other proposed development (including proposals for manufactured home parks and subdivisions) greater than 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is the lesser, must include within such proposals, BFE data.

Corners in a subdivision

Concrete monuments are to be denoted by "O" Concrete monuments are to be iron or steel bars at least 1/2" in diameter, at least 36" long, and completely encased in at least 4" diameter concrete Lots corners are to be iron or steel at least 18" long and at least 1/2" in diameter

Research and Data

Confirm Zoning envelope (Buildable Volume) and parking permits

Surveyor's Level

Consists of crosshair-equipped telescope and an attached circular bubble, or spirit level tube, all of which are mounted on a sturdy tripod.

5 Basic Areas of Law

Constitutional, Statue, Common, Case, Administrative

Legal Controls

Constraints that limit the extent to which the site can be changed

Field Engineering

Construction Surveying is also known as..

When the rodman is responsible for ensuring that the truck has hubs, laths, PK nails, and flagging, the type of survey to be performed is a:

Construction survey

The horizontal distance between any two adjacent contours is called as

Contour Equivalent or Horizontal Equivalent

Cadastral Survey

Creates (or re-establishes), marks, and defines boundaries of tracts of land

Level Surface + Level Line

Curved Surface or line which is perpendicular to gravity AT ALL LOCATIONS

The following points form a pair of homologous points : A. Photo principal point and ground principal point B. Photo isocentre and ground isocentre C. Photo plumb point and ground plumb point D. all the above.

D. all the above.

Triangulation surveys are carried out for providing A. planimetric control B. height control C. both planimetric and height control D. none of these.

D. none of these.

Digital Terrain Model


Metes and Bounds Survey/Description

Define the boundaries of irregular areas of land. A monument is required at each change in angle of the boundary (BOUNDS... aka "boundary of lands) and a perimeter description (METES... aka the measured distance between the monuments.... or "means to assign by measurements") Metes and bounds are to be connected to a regular corner of a subdivisional survey (a PLSS corner)


Defined as being able to obtain the true value with measurements taken


Defined as the closeness of measurements to each other

Slope Stakes

Depending on the usage of the state, could also be called a grade, alignment, or offset stake) Stakes that are set at points that have the same ground and grade elevation (where a grade line changes from cut to fill) Information USUALLY written on a slope stake is the station of the stake, the cut or fill at the centerline, distance stake is from the centerline, and the ratio of the slope The cut or fill information is written facing the centerline of the route; the stationing is written on the side away from the centerline


Depends on the circumstances; may mean 'on', or 'next to', or 'running with', etc.


Deposits from running water.

Closed contours of decreasing values towards their centre, represent

Depression or Pond

problems that become apparent only after construction is underway.

Design changes result from

Satellite Orbit Patterns

Design is to provide 4 satellites on the earth's horizon at any point in time Common orbital period is 12 hours Orbit is almost circular and 26,000 km above earth

Profile Leveling

Determination of Elevations "Profile" along the centerline of a route

Back Azimuth

Determined by adding (or subtracting) 180 degrees to the forward azimuth

Boundary Surveys

Determines the location and geometry of a property, either the establishment of a new boundary or retracement of an existing boundary.

Differential Leveling

Determining the difference in elevation between points using a surveyor's level.

Differential leveling

Determining the differences in elevation between points using a surveyor's level


Dilution of Precision. A measurement of the geometric strength of the satellite configuration at a particular moment

Which method of Contouring is most accurate method?

Direct method of contouring

Floodproofing Certificate

Documentation of certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that the design and methods of construction of a nonresidential building are in accordance with accepted practices for meeting the floodproofing requirements in the community''s floodplain management ordinance. This documentation is required for both floodplain management requirements and insurance rating purposes.

Dominant and Servient Estates

Dominant estate- is the parcel of real property that has an easement over another piece of property (the servient estate). The most common type of easement is an appurtenant easement

Types of Leveling Instruments

Dumpy Level, Tilting Level, Automatic Level, and Digital Level

What is a baseline?

E-W line that passes through the Initial Point

Standard Parallels (quadrangle)

E-W lines (also called correction lines)... follow true latitudinal lines within 50 seconds The base line also follows a true latitudinal line The initial point is where the base line and principal meridian intersect If conditions require additional standard parallels OVER the required 24 miles, an Auxilary Standard Parallel (or Correction Line) is needed The first corners established on a standard parallel are the standard township, section, and quarter section corners. These corners are set during the initial running of the standard parallel.

Other Plat Requirements

Each sheet that contains a map must have the following: Vicinity Map North Arrow (oriented toward top OR left side of sheet) A graphic scale of 1" = 100' or longer A legend

Potential earth surfaces:

Earth, Ellipsoid, Geoid

Orthometric Heights are also known as:


1. Leveling techniques 2. Total station techniques 3. GPS vertical positioning techniques 4. Remote-sensing techniques

Elevations can be determined using:

Direct and Reverse

Eliminates systematic errors

A simple geometrical surface which cannot be sensed by instruments with a semi-major axis, a semi-minor axis a flattening parameter (squashing), and an eccentricity (greater than zero, but less than 1):


The mathematical surface obtained by revolving an ellipse about the Earth's polar axis.


Clouded Title

Encumbered title or title that is no longer sound. The term refers to title that is no longer clear and free of third-party demands.

Eyepiece Lens on a Level

Enlarges Image

Systematic Error

Error that follows some physical law or mathematical model and is thus recurring. Ex: Errors of measurement that result from using a chain or tape that is too long or too short.

Systematic Error

Error that occurs due to the measuring instrument or due to the environment Redundancies (making the same measurement multiple times) helps to remove systematic error and mistakes Systematic error is always HIGHER or LOWER than the true value. It never fluctuates like random error.

Random Errors

Errors Variable in Nature

Index Contour Line

Every fifth contour line (heavily bolded)

Geodetic azimuth to a grid azimuth formula

FOR A SHORT LINE ONLY: grid azimuth = geodetic azimuth - theta (theta is mapping angle) Geodetic azimuth is measured clockwise from the south Grid north and geodetic north only match up at central meridian.



Where is "Zero Elevation" for NAVD88?

Father's Point - Rimouski, Quebec, Canada


Federal Geodetic Control Committee. They set the Standards and Specifications for Geodetic Control Networks The FGCC was replaced by the FGDC (Federal Geographic Data Committee) in 1990

-Assisting the Superintendent -Quality Control -Engineering Layout

Field Duties on Construction Planning

As-Built Drawing

Final plan

theodolite or total station

Horizontal angles are usually measured with _____whose precision usually ranges from 1 to 20 seconds of arc

The legal area of a parcel of land is measured:


Stakes and Laths

Form of communication that uses signals on ground

Igneous rocks, how are they formed?

Formed through the cooling and solidification of magma. Melting can be caused by increase in temperature, decrease in pressure, or change in composition.

Satellite Clock

GPS receivers have quartz crystal oscillators as their internal clocks. GPS satellites have two cesium and two rubidium atomic oscillators as their internal clocks

The ellipsoid used by all modern day projections/coordinate systems:


The horizontal datum of NAD83 uses this ellipsoid:


Normal Bell Curve

Gaussian Distribution

Surveyor's Chain

Generally a chain with an overall length of four rods (66ft), but may refer to a chain two rods in length.

The science of measuring and monitoring the size and shape of the Earth.


Orthometric Height equals

Geodetic Height - Geoid Height

Surveying which considers the earth to be spheroid?

Geodetic Surveying

Why use State Plane?

Government organizations and groups who work with them primarily use the State Plane Coordinate System. Most often, these are county or municipal databases. The advantage of using SPCS is that your data is in a common coordinate system with other databases covering the same area.

The Land Division Act

Governs the subdivision of lands. A common form of this comes through PLATTING. All subdivisions must comply with the plat requirements of this act and be approved by DLARA. Proposed divisions are to be submitted to the municipality

Grade Rod vs Ground Rod

Grade Rod- the difference between the HI and the desired elevation (ex. pipe invert, road bed, etc.) Ground Rod- reading with the rod held on stake Grade Rod - Ground Rod = cut or fill (Pictures on page 685 and 691 Elementary Surveying)... DRAW a picture for these kinds of problems Also see Problems 75 and 76 in Jan Van Sickle of Section 6-14 (a quick CHEAT for this problem is "when in Cut, try Closer".... when in Fill, try Farther") DON'T WASTE BRAIN POWER TO UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM RIGHT NOW

1. To refer to a proposed elevation 2. To refer to the slope of a profile line 3. To refer to cuts and fills

Grade meanings:

Construction Surveying (random notes)

Grades for earthwork are generally calculated to the nearest tenth of a foot Setting horizontal and vertical control... placement must be convenient enough for usage by the workers on site, but at the same time must be well enough out of the way of construction so they do not get destroyed. For a laser plane level (commonly used in construction) like a total station requires an HI. Then the height on the graduated rod must be set with a reference mark or detector. (HI - detector rod graduation)


Gradual wearing away of a shoreline BOUNDARY WILL CHANGE

H = h - N

H - Ortho height (geoid to ground, line normal to geoid) h - Ellipsoid height (ellipsoid to ground, height GPS uses) N - Geoid undulation (geoid to ellipsoid)

Formula for ortho height, ellipsoid height, and geoid undulation

H=h-N H (Orthometric Height) h (Ellipsoid Height) N (geoid undulation)

Hydrographic surveys must be referenced to what type of control?

HOrizontal and verticaL control must be referenced in this type of survey.


Having to do with ponds, lakes, and oceans


Having to do with rivers and streams, or any other flowing body of water


Having to do with water, along water, or associated with water.

Drag Tapes

Heavy Duty Steel Tapes


Height above a reference vertical datum

The line of sight defined by the optical centre of the object glass and the centre of the cross bars

Height of Collimation

Height of Object using Relief Displacement Method

Height of object = (d(H-h))/r

HARN (ask Rick Sauve)

High Accuracy Reference Network. Is a statewide or regional upgrade in accuracy of NAD83 coordinates using GPS. HARN is just a general term referring to the new network of baselines established using GPS once the technology came out Of the 16,000 NGS points, NGS has committed to maintaining about 1400 of them, called the Federal Base Network. These are a network of physical points on the earth's surface that are in reference with the datum

Error Propagation

How a the potential error from an ACCEPTED previous measurement will affect the following measurements. It compounds on itself. If you see this: 10+-0.1.... 10 is the measurement, 0.1 is the standard deviation

-Education -Experience -Alternative Methods

How to become a land surveyor

What is a range pole?

IS NOT A LEVELING ROD!!! The stripes on it alternate white and black, and it marks the position of stations for sightings (it is a marker). It is the pole that a prism is attached to.

Metes and Bounds Description

Identifies a beginning point and then describes each course in sequence around the perimeter of the tract until the point of beginning is reached again to complete the description of the perimeter

"Matter of first impression"

If a case is unique with no precedent, a ruling is made and become precedent for future cases.


If a proposed building site is in an Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), the building support ___________ systems for all new construction and substantial improvements shall: Be constructed with electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding;

Utilities (5)

If a subdivision proposal or other proposed new development is in a flood-prone area, any such proposals shall be reviewed to assure that all public _____________ and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems are located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flooding.

V-Zone Certificate (3)

If breakaway walls are used to enclose areas below the building that exceed a design safe loading resistance of 20 pounds per square feet, those walls must also be certified by the registered professional engineer or architect.

Real Property

Immovable in fact or by law... this includes land and any developments built on the land Subject to the laws and jurisdictions of the state it is located in (if it is under the US Federal Government, then this is different)


Inaccurate Crosshair readings (solution:look at a light colored object)

Wet Floodproofing

Includes permanent or contingent measures applied to a structure or its contents that prevent or provide resistance to damage from flooding while allowing floodwaters to enter the structure or area. Generally, this includes properly anchoring the structure, using flood resistent materials below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), protection of mechanical and utility equipment, and use of openings or breakaway walls.

Personal Errors in Taping

Incorrect Tape Readings, recordings, dropping tape, etc.

Software and Computers

Increases efficiency

Satellite Ephemeris

Information containing the location of a satellite at any given time. (Think of the satellites as the control points themselves)

Horizontal Angles

Interior Angles is measured between an occupied point and 2 other points

Base Line

Is extended east and west from the initial point on a true parallel of latitude. Standard quarter section and section corners are set at 40 chains apart... and standard township corners at 480 chains They are also known as the Geographers Line

State Plane Coordinate System (SPCS)

Is not a projection (also known as SPC, State Plane, and State). It is a coordinate system that divides the 50 states of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands into more than 120 numbered sections, referred to as zones. Each zone has an assigned code number that defines the projection parameters for the region.

Its reference (0°) to the meridian at Greenwich England, is measured east or west and ranges from 0°-180°.

Latitude, Meridian

Proportionate Measurements

Is one that gives equal relative weight to all parts of the line A double proportionate measurement is used to re-establish between four known corners... two on meridional lines and two on latitudinal lines. Record directions are disregarded A single proportionate measurement is made for lost corners located at the intersection of two lines of unequal weight Key word is LOST!

Common Law

Law derived from court decisions


Is the point on the celestial sphere vertically above a given point

Phase difference measurement

Instrument sends wave signal on carrier wave and measures phase difference between transmitted beam and received beam, utilizes different frequencies to measure distance parts, typically multiples of 10m

Errors in Taping

Instrumental Natural Personal

Errors in Electronic Distance Measurement

Instrumental Accuracy Centering Errors Reflector Constant Inaccurate Setups of Instrument and Reflector Atmospheric Conditions Mistakes

A measurement conversion of 0.3048 meters is equivalent to:

International Feet

A mosque is situated on the far side of a river and is inaccessible; it can be located by which method of plane table surveying?

Intersection Method

The technique is used to obtain the heights of points above the line of sight such as ceilings and undersides of bridges.

Inverted Levelling

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Is a document prepared to describe the effects for proposed activities on the environment.

True Meridian

Is a imaginary line that passes through a point and the geospheric north and south poles

What is Three-Wire Leveling?

Is the process of reading and recording a rod reading for each of the three horizontal cross-hairs on each shot, then averaging the readings for agreement with the center reading. Provides checks for rod reading errors... produces greater accuracy... assists in predicting backsight and foresight distances The difference between upper stadia hair with middle hair.... and middle with lower stadia hair must agree within 2 of the smallest units (i.e. if the rod reading precision was out to the thousandths, the difference in the stadia readings as stated above must be 0.002 or below. OR.... if the rod reading precision was out to the hundredths, the difference in the stadia readings as stated above must be 0.02 or below. Pg. 112 in Elementary Surveying Problem 31, Chapter 6 of Jan Van Sickle Practice Problems


It is a fixed point of known elevation above the datum

Isogonic Map

It is a map with lines connecting points of equal magnetic declination Isogonic lines are lines on the Earth's surface along which the declination has the same constant value

Turning Point or Change Point

It is a staff station on which two staff readings (B.S. & F.S.) are taken without changing the position of the instrument

A level surface

It is a surface of constant elevation that is perpendicular to the plumb line (vertical line) at every point. It is best represented by the surface of a still body of a sea or an ocean if it were unaffected by tides

What is a dumpy level?

It is purely an optical leveling instrument, no robotic capabilities. Purely rely on level vials to orient lines of sight (the level bubble IS the level vial). Only orients in the direction of gravity. Rarely used anymore

Tilt in Photogrammetry

It is the angle between a theoretical, truly horizontal plane and the plane of the photograph itself. This happens when the camera axis is not perfectly vertical at the time of exposure

Difference between Measured Distance and Layout Distance

Layout is distance that you already know, measured distance is the distance that you are currently measuring

What is State Plane?

It was designed for large-scale mapping in the United States. It was developed in the 1930s by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey to provide a common reference system to surveyors and mappers. The goal was to design a conformal mapping system for the country with a maximum scale distortion of one part in 10,000, then consider the limit of surveying accuracy.

-Title Page -Table of Contents -Legend of Symbols

Layout of a field book


Judgment considered to be true. It is a legal presumption.

The declination and right ascension of the sun becomes 23° 27' N and 90° respectively on

June 21

Frequencies emitted from GPS satellites

L1: 1575.42 MHz L2: 1227.60 MHz

Added to an Astronomic Azimuth to yield a Geodetic Azimuth.

LaPlace Correction

Fast/Firm Land

Land above the high-water line.

Vacant Land

Land as yet unclaimed and unsettled or land that has no office rights outstanding.

In observations of equal precision, the most probable values of the observed quantities are those that render the sum of the squares of the residual errors a minimum, is the fundamental principle of

Least square method.

when performing level loops, what is the recommended manner to move an automatic level from one set up point to the next?

Leave the level on the tripod and carry it upright in front of yourself

Inventory of the Site

Legal Descriptions and Public Contracts

Caveat Emptor

Let the buyer beware. Caveat emptor implies that the buyer assumes all risk and the grantor or seller none.

Vertical Datum

Level Surface to which elevations are refined, usually with some defined zero function

How to Verify Level Vial

Level and rotate 180 degrees

Grid Leveling

Leveling Based on Grid spacing of elevation spots, used for computing volumes

What is Plan View?

Looking down (birds eye)

Sections are divided into...


Lot layout requirements

Lots are to be a minimum of 65 feet wide at a distance (common setback) of 25 feet A minimum area of 12,000 square feet


Lots or parcels created by subdivision.


Low Water

Fly leveling

Low precision, to find/check approximate level, generally used during reconnaissance survey


Many times meant to mean a true direction. However, in some instances the term was used to indicate a measured course rather than a general direction.

Gross Errors

MISTAKES OR BLUNDERS, often cause by carelessness

Mean Seal Level


Temporary Benchmark

Marking an elevation for use during construction.


Material resulting from erosion is transported by the water and often deposited along the shoreline in other locations. This is the sediment that is being moved by the water.


May be used to keep development out of harm's way. _____________ standards establish minimum distances that structures must be positioned (or set back) from river channels and coastal shorelines. ______________ can be defined by vertical heights or horizontal distances. _____________ are not required by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Different Tidal Datums

Mean High Water (MHW) Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) Mean Low Water (MLW) Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)

True Value

Mean Value of multiple measurements and accuracy computed with them

Barometric Leveling

Method of obtaining elevation differences from air pressure measurements taken with barometer

Trigonometric Leveling

Method of using horizontal distance and vertical angle between two points to calculate their difference in elevation by trigonometric formula

State Plane Coordinate Systems

Minimal distortion of all properties: area, directions, distance, and shape Based off of the Lambert Conic Projection in Michigan.

What does an Equal-Area projection mean?

Minimizes distortion in area

What does an Azimuthal projection mean?

Minimizes distortion in direction Directions and distances radiate outward from the center

What does an Equidistant projection mean?

Minimizes distortion in distance

Flood Map (2)

More recent _________ ______ products include digital FIRMs, which are created using digital methods and can be incorporated into a community's Geographic Information System (GIS). FEMA has also produced Q3 Flood Data, which includes certain features of the FIRM, and may be used for insurance purposes and planning activities. The Q3 cannot be used as the official NFIP map for site design or flood risk determinations.

Transferring Elevations

Most common method use a good calibrated chain and transfer along a column vertically

Caption of a Plat

Must have the following: Subdivision name An aliquot part description (ex. part of S1/4 of Section 5, T, R.... etc.) Municipality County State

The backsight at a station is South 0 degrees east. Projecting forward you turn the following deflection angles: 30 degrees 30' right; 29 degrees 21' 15" left; 46 degrees 31' right. What is the forward bearing of your last reading?

N 47 degrees 39' 45" E

V-Zone Certificate

National Flood Insurance Progam (NFIP) regulations require coastal communities to ensure that buildings built in V Zones are anchored to resist wind and water loads acting simultaneously. Buildings in V Zones are subject to a greater hazard than buildings built in other types of floodplains. Not only do they have to be elevated above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), they must be protected from the impact of waves, hurricane-force winds and erosion.

NGS is the acronym for

National Geodetic Survey

Whether private survey control data is included in the national system is determined by which of the following agencies or groups?

National Geodetic Survey


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, maintains a network of national tidal stations

Three SOURCES of Errors

Natural, Instrumental, and Personal Error


Near or approximate.


Neighboring property. Used to refer to the owner or the property abutting the one of interest (client's property).


Obsolete form of indirect measurement that uses a cross hair configuration to assist in determining distances.

Simple levelling

One set up of level. To find elevation of points.

Topographic Surveys

Preliminary survey used to tie in the horizontal and vertical positions of natural and constructed surface features of an area.

Route Surveys

Preliminary, control, or construction surveys that cover a long but narrow area, as in highway and railroad construction.

The Township

Only 25 of the rectangular sections contain 640 acres. The sections along the north and west boundaries are not perfect 640 acres because they are there to absorb the convergence and excess deficiency in the measurements The northern township boundary should be run on a random line and returned on a true line Aliquot Parts are the broken down parts of a section. There are 640 acres in 1 mile by 1 mile, 160 acres in a quarter section.... then 40 acres in a quarter-quarter section The eastern boundary of a section is intended to be parallel with the eastern boundary of the township. The northern boundary of a section is intended to be parallel with the southern boundary of the township. In other words, the eastern and southern boundaries of a township are held. Error is shoved to the northern or western boundaries in a township. Quarter section corners are established along the northern tier of sections, 40 chins north of the standard section corner, leaving the excess or deficiency of measurement in the last half mile Township lines are created by a process called protraction (on paper) and were NOT surveyed at ground during the original survey

Satellite Orbit Parameters

Orbital Period Planet radius Orbit altitude Altitude Inclination (angle at which satellite crosses equator) Equatorial Crossing Time

What type of property description has become more popular with GPS?

Property description by coordinates

Order of Surveys

Original Survey (first resort) Retracement (second resort) Resurvey (absolute last resort)

(I)Types of Heights

Orthometric, Geoid, and Geodetic

Point of Beginning


Types of Errors in Leveling

Parallax Lens Defects Earth Curvature Refraction

Magnetic Meridians

Parallel to the directions taken by freely moving magnetized needles, as in a compass

The principle of plane table is


Parcel vs Tract

Parcel- a single area of land with a boundary description Tract- two or more parcels that share a common line and are under the same ownership


Parol evidence not coming from personal knowledge.

the project inspector and the construction surveyor

Payments are based on data supplied by

In highway work, grade is usually given in terms of:



Permanent Solid point of Known Elevation

Permanent Benchmark

Permanent benchmarks are fixed in between GTS benchmarks by Govt. agencies such as Railways, PWD, etc. These benchmarks written on permanent objects such as milestones, culverts, bridges, etc

The type of surveying that the curvature of earth ignored is

Plane Surveying

The method of surveying where field observations and plotting proceed simultaneously is

Plane Table Surveying

Horizontal Line + Horizontal Plane

Plane or line that is perpendicular to gravity (vertical line) AT A SINGLE POINT

What is the PCC?

Point of Common Curvature (on a compound curve).... or point of compound curvature??

What is the PRC?

Point of Reverse Curvature (reverse curve)


Point on a baseline that is a specified distance from the point of commencement

In the US, which star is most commonly used for making an astronomic observation?>


Surveying Bodies of knowledge

Positioning GIS Imagery Law Land development

-Face Stakes in the same direction -Always Label: Hubs, Stakes and Laths

Principle of Construction Staking

Frequency Modulation

Process of varying the frequency of wave to create a "new" wave


Projection of a course of a traverse on the east-west axis of a rectangular coordinate system

Navigable waters

Public highways. Waters which by law or in fact are capable of supporting transportation.

Mineral Lands/Rights

Public lands which have been classified as containing, or are known to contain, valuable minerals.

Resurvey (Dependent and Independent)

RECONSTRUCTION of land boundaries and subdivisions by re-running and re-marking lines from previous field notes or plats Dependent Resurvey (relocation)- retracement and then re-establishment of any lost and obliterated corners and lines in accordance to some sort of available evidence Independent Resurvey- casts aside any original evidence, start from scratch. "Wipes out" original survey.... which means any aliquot parts from an original survey are not re-established in this kind of resurvey


Range in magnitude from 0-360 degrees

Range Lines (Township)

Range lines run N-S Run from south to north and parallel to the east boundary of the township for a distance of 5 miles from the south boundary. They follow astronomic north and converge. They are NOT to be run parallel to the principal meridian because of convergence Range lines are ended at their intersection with the standard parallel, and the excess or deficiency of measurement placed in the LAST HALF MILE (40 chains) Are considered to be great circles of the earth, that if extended, would intersect the north pole. This is where convergence comes from on township lines.

The process of fixing or establishing intermediate stations is called a


Different ways to represent a surface

Raster based DEM (each pixel holds an elevation) Vector based TIN Vector based contour lines (lines joining points of equal elevations at specified intervals)

Stadia Constant (stadia interval factor)

Ratio between the distance observed between the marks and the distance from the telescope to the measuring device observed.

How to Verify Digital Level

Read manually with crosshair and compare to digital reading


Reciprocity, or comity, is to allow licensure based upon a license from another jurisdiction.

The preliminary Inspection of the area to be surveyed is known as

Reconnaissance survey.

Quadrantal bearing is sometimes called as

Reduced Bearing

Reduced level (RL)

Reduced level (RL) of a point is its height with respect to a datum. The term elevation or altitude is synonymously used depending on the datum use.


Refers to the extent of an individuals rights in property. It deals with the percentage of ownership, time period of ownership, right of survivorship, and rights to transfer or encumber property.


Refers to the extent to which an instrument can measure


Rely on a comprehensive master plan, or else they are unconstitutionally arbitrary

Retracement Survey

Remeasuring lines and identifying monuments or other marks from prior surveys


Replaced NAD27... uses the GRS80 ellipsoid for height. NAD83 corrects some of the distortions from NAD27 by utilizing both earth observations (the NGS network of points) and by satellites. Locations between NAD27 and NAD83 can shift as much as 500 feet. It is the current datum being used for North America, Mexico, Canada, and Central America. Is a geocentric datum (at the center of earth's mass... taking into consideration oceans, land, and other sources of mass) It is a biaxial ellipsoid rotated about its minor axis (shorter axis)

Types of Scales

Representative fraction- is expressed as a ratio, where one unit on the photo or map represents 2400 SIMILAR units on the ground. Examples include: 1 in. = 2400 in. 1 ft. = 2400 ft. 1 m. = 2400 m. Scale Ratio... 1:2400 (unit-less because it is a ratio... can also be expressed as 1/2400) Engineering Scale... ex.) 1 in. = 200 ft. To take the above and convert it from an engineers scale, multiply 200 by 12 (12 inches in a foot) to get a scale of 1:2400 Conversely... going from a representative fraction of 1:2400, assume both "1" and "2400" are in inches... now divide 2400 by 12 (12 inches in a foot) to get 1 in. = 200 ft.

Utilities (4)

Require onsite water disposal systems be located to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during flooding.

Intermediate Sight

Rod reading taken at any other point where the elevation is required

Ownership of non-publicly owned submerged lands

Round lakes... project boundary lines to a center point Narrow stream... create line perpendicular to the thread Wide rivers... create line perpendicular to the shoreline Irregular shore lakes... use proportional division of centerline based on length of the shoreline

Maintain Precision

Rule of thumb is that forward and backward measurements of chain should be within .01/100 ft measured agreement

What are Guide Meridians?

Run due N from the baseline at 24mi increments. MERIDIANS CONVERGE!!

Angle and distance Relationshps

S=Rtheta (S is arc distance... R is radius... theta is angle) See page 195 Elementary Surveying This formula gives you an idea of how much a measurement could be off if an instrument was out of calibration by a minute or a couple of seconds.


Specific rights that can exercised by a party for a specified period of time on real property (a permission) Can be revoked


See Draft

Survey Warrant

See General Warrant

Record Line

See Line of Record

Vertical Control

Series of Benchmarks established for use in establishing future elevation points

The Peg Test

Set up the instrument on a FLAT surface, and set two pegs (or marks on the ground) equidistant away from the level in opposite directions. Set the pegs (Peg A and B) out as far as possible because random error accumulates with longer rod readings. We want to ELIMINATE this. Take the two readings on Peg A and B. Then move the tripod a short distance on the OUTSIDE of one of the pegs (A or B). Take a reading of the short distance, then of the longer distance of the other peg. You will end up with 2 readings for each peg at the end. Figure out the difference between the readings on each peg. These differences should match closely if the instrument is calibrated.

Tilting Level

Similar to Dumpy Level with ability to flop scope 180 degrees

Automatic Level

Similar to Dumpy Level with compensator

Section Breakdown

Simply running strait lines between opposite quarter corners. Same is done with 1/16th lines. 1/16th corners are established at the midpoints of the four sides of the quarter section (halfway between the corners). Strait lines then connect them. This is called subdivision by PROTRACTION

The method can be applied for computation of areas only if the number of ordinates is odd.

Simpson's Method

The method gives greater accuracy than other methods other for calculating areas assumes that the irregular boundary is composed of a series of parabolic arcs

Simpson's Method

Slope Ratios and Fractions IN SURVEYING

Slope Ratio: (HD:VD)... 3:1 Slope Percent: (VD/HD)*100... 1/3*100... 33.3% grade


Slope of a grade line


Small set of observations (<30)

In a prismatic compass zero is marked on the

South end.

Spatial Data vs Non Spatial Data

Spatial data is information that can be linked to maps (examples: latitude and longitude, street addresses, x and y coordinates)... location, shape, size, orientation Non spatial data is information that is linked to the description of the particular feature (examples: species type, age, population)


Stone Piles.

What is a SWPPP

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (mitigation against runoff.... sedimentation and soil erosion control is an aspect) Used on construction/land development projects (ex. covering catch basins, installing silt fences)

Horizontal Line

Straight line perpendicular to a vertical line


Subdivision by graphic methods.

What type of error is a tape correction?

Systematic Error

What type of error is parallax

Systematic Error

Cumulative Errors

Systematic Errors

Three TYPES of Errors

Systematic Errors, Gross Errors, and Random Errors

Instrumental Error

Systematic and can be eliminated by math or procedure

Natural Error

Temperature, Wind, or Weight of Tape


That area of a stream where the water flows.

Orphans' Court

That division of the Court of Common Pleas charged with the probate of wills and administration of decedent's estates.

Pool Full

That elevation of a lake, reservoir, or similar body of water which is memorialized by the crest of the dam.

Fee-Simple Title (Fee or Fee-Title)

That estate in fee, the continuation of which is not limited by conditions or limitations. (highest possible ownership)

Carrier Phase Measurement

The carrier phase measurement is a measure of the range between a satellite and receiver expressed in UNITS OF CYCLES of the carrier frequency. Ambiguities occur and must be solved for because there is not an even number of cycles to go from a float solution to a fixed

FloodProofing (2)

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) allows a new or substantially improved non-residential building in an A Zone (Zone A, AE, A1-30, AR, AO or AH) to have a lowest floor below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), provided that the design and methods of construction have been certified by a registered professional engineer or architect as being dry floodproofed in accordance with established criteria.

History of the PLSS (also called the Rectangular Survey System)

The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) was established by the Land Ordinance Act of 1785, and supervised by the Geographer of the United States. The GLO (General Land Office) was the first to officiate public lands surveys, and the idea was introduced by Alexander Hamilton near 1790, but was not actually created until 1812. In 1796, The Act of May 18 1796 established the appointment of a Surveyor general, who then was able to appoint other deputy surveyors. The GLO was initially under the Department of Treasury before 1849, because the initial intent of the sale and surveying of public lands was to raise revenue. The Bureau of Land Management came next in 1946 Thomas Hutchins was the first and only person to hold office

Base Flood Elevation (BFE) (2)

The ______ is the regulatory requirement for the elevation or floodproofing of structures. The relationship between the ______ and a structure's elevation determines the flood insurance premium. (2)


The ability to achieve the correct value or result. Accuracy is the nearness to the true value or position.


The ability to repeat measurements and obtain the same or similar values. It is defined as the closeness or grouping.

Geodetic Control Survey Accuracy (afterGPS... modified)

The accuracies below apply to HARN and the Federal Base Network, and other NGS control points (??? ask Rick Sauve) AA - Order 0.3 cm. + 1: 100,000,000 A - Order 0.5 cm. + 1: 10,000,000 B - Order 0.8 cm. + 1: 1,000,000 C-Order (before GPS) First Order 1.0 cm + 1: 100,000 Second Order Class I 2.0 cm + 1: 50,000 Class II 3.0 cm + 1: 20,000 Third Order 5.0 cm + 1: 10, 000

Easement by Prescription

The acquisition of an easement by adverse use for the statutory period required by law. In other words, it is adverse possession as applied to easements... from "long continued usage"


The act of growing to a thing; usually applied to the gradual and imperceptible accumulation of land by natural causes.


The act of measuring distances by use of a chain or tape of known length.

Define true bearing (geodetic bearing)

The actual direction of a compass reading, having already eliminated declination

Declination (Magnetic)

The angle measured from true north to the magnetic meridian. This value varies over time and differs from place to place.

Livery of Seisin

The archaic ceremony by which the seller transfers the title by passing some token of the property to the buyer, common before written documents were required.


The area between the high and low water lines, also known as the shore.


The art and science of measuring distances, angles, and positions, on or near the surface of the earth.

Define True North (Geodetic North)... (Geodetic Bearing)

The axis in which all the meridians of longitude converge at

The Section

The bearing between quarter corners is the same all the way across. The bearing does not change when it crosses the center of section All centers of section (also called center quarter corners... C1/4) and center sixteenth corners are set by intersections of two lines The center of section (center quarter corner) is found by intersecting the centerlines through a regular section. The intersection of the two lines usually never bisects (to divide into two equal parts) either line perfectly There are ALWAYS 25 corners in a section, regardless of whether or not each corner is monumented (REMEMBER... there is a difference between a corner and a monument) Max allowable misclosure of a section line is 25 links in 40 chains (half mile) Max allowable misclosure of a standard line is 7 links in 80 chains

Beaten Path

The beaten path is the path of use. It is the area on the ground scarred by the marks of travel or the area prepared for vehicles to travel upon. It is also known as the cartway of the road.

Staking out Highways

The best decision in planning to build a highway will minimize costs, as well as minimizing environmental impacts. Stationing is usually done at 100 ft intervals (full stations) When staking out station intervals on long projects, large amounts of accumulated error can occur. Therefore, frequent ties need to be made to intermediate horizontal control points. Once the centerline of the highway project has been staked, stakes marking the right of way should be set. Both centerline and ROW will mark the extents of the project that the contractor has to work with.


The best policy for Marking Line and Grade

Flood- Related Erosion

The collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or other body of water as a result of undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels or suddenly caused by an unusually high water level in a natural body of water, accompanied by a severe storm, or by an unanticipated force of nature, such as a flash flood or an abnormal tidal surge, or by some similarly unusual and unforeseeable event which results in flooding.


The conformity of a measurement to the "true" value

Senior Corner

The corner first established and recognized in a conveyance. It is the corner all junior corners must conform with in the event of a conflict.

Julian Date

The date GPS uses to keep track of time. It is measured in days since the date January 1st 4713 BC


The degree of correctness of perfection obtained in the measurement


The degree of refinement (repeatability) with which a measurement is made


The desertion of one or all claims. Abandonment as it concerns roads, implies surrendering one particular party's rights without surrendering the rights of all parties. Ex: abandonment of a road by the state forfeits the state's interest in the road but not the local government's.


The dimension that is perpendicular to the direction of travel and extending between the edges of the right-of-way.

Height of Instrument

The elevation of the line of sigh through the level

Ellipsoid vs Datum

The ellipsoid defines size and shape. The datum then fixes that ellipsoid to the earth. Datum: Any reference point, line, or surface used as a basis for calculation or measurement of other quantities. The basis of a datum is the physical network of reference points on the earth's surface. These points do NOT define an ellipsoid. An ellipsoid is defined by semi-major, semi-minor, and flattening. Ellipsoids: GRS80, Clarke Ellipsoid of 1866 Datums: NAD27, NAD83 WGS84 is an ellipsoid and datum all in one that fits the whole earth. NAD83 uses GRS80 ellipsoid NAD27 uses Clarke 1866 ellipsoid

Random Error

The exact size of the error will never be known Small errors occur more frequently than large errors (because residuals follow a normal distribution bell curve) The true value of measurement is never known. All distances, directions, control, and angles contain random error. Random error FLUCTUATES in either direction from the true value. Sometimes even cancels itself out. Random error can never be eliminated, but can be minimized by least squares

Practical Location

The feasible location of the record boundary.


The procedure for determining differences in elevation between points that are some distance from each other.

Highest Adjacent Grade

The highest natural elevation of the ground surface prior to construction next to the proposed walls of a structure. In AO Zones, all new construction and substantial improvements of residential structures shall have the lowest floor including basement elevated above the highest adjacent grade at least as high as the depth number specified in feet on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM); or at least two feet if no depth number is specified. All new construction and substantial improvements of non-residential structures shall meet the above requirements or, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be floodproofed to the same elevation.

Define declination

The horizontal angular difference between true north and magnetic north


The increase in fast land by the permanent removal or regression of the water or water boundary.

Special Flood Hazard Area

The land area covered by the floodwaters of the base flood is the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) on NFIP maps. The SFHA is the area where the National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP's) floodplain management regulations must be enforced and the area where the mandatory purchase of flood insurance applies. The SFHA includes Zones A, AO, AH, A1-30, AE, A99, AR, AR/A1-30, AR/AE, AR/AO, AR/AH, AR/A, VO, V1-30, VE, and V.


The legal inference. It is the line of thought or action that, without evidence to the contrary, must be followed.

Define Least Squares

The process of "minimizing RANDOM error" to provide the best estimated solution Minimization of the sum of square errors (residuals) Provides an estimated solution to an unsolvable system


The process of determining the location of an unknown point by measuring distances and angles to at least three known points.

Land Surveying

The particular aspect of surveying that deals with boundaries and their retracement.

What is meant by "Basis of Bearing?"

The particular line upon which the bearings contained in the plat or legal description are BASED OFF OF


The person or party receiving the title or interest in title by deed.


The person who complains and brings action at law on a charge against another

Line of Possession

The physical line where barriers stand or the boundary where occupation or use by another starts or ends.


The pin upon which the compass needle balances.


The portion of the road that is improved for travel. It is the area of asphalt or tar, the portion used for travel, or the traveled way.

Eminent Domain

The power of a public agency to compel the transfer of property or property rights for the benefit of the public.

How do you do a level loop adjustment?

The process of distributing error (misclosure) evenly throughout the entire level loop. Misclosure = ending elevation - beginning elevation (If misclosure is +, or higher in elevation than the starting elevation, must SUBTRACT small amount from each station) (If misclosure is -, or lower in elevation than the starting elevation, must ADD small amount to each station)


The process of obtaining a dimension. The term also refers to a quantity.


The process of removing a block from a tree.


The process whereby the excess or deficiency in area or linear measurements is distributed.

Dominant Estate

The property or person who benefits from the easement; the estate that derives the benefit from the existence of the easement.

Servient Estate

The property the easement traverses.

Relief Displacement

The radial displacement of a point on a photograph toward or away from the nadir caused by the elevation of the object above or below a given elevation

The "Players"/Roles in Land Development

The real estate salesperson... wants to work with high demand properties (ex. lakefronts) The banker... seeks projects with low risk Th engineer... seeks good soils, drainage, topography, existing utilities and road access The contractor... a person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform a service or do a job (looks for well drafted construction plans) Utility Companes Insurance Agencies Governing Authority (state, federal, local)

Coordinate System

The results of a horizontal control survey are generally expressed by rectangular coordinates


The reversion of property to the state when there is no will or heir upon the death of the property owner

Senior Right

The right to first claim based upon having senior title.

Squatter's Right

The right to first claim on title. In historical times, it was a preemptive right to obtain title.


The roadway or traveled way. The cartway is that part of the surface physically scarred or prepared for vehicular use.


The separation of land by the sudden shift or dislocation in a stream channel.

Chain of Title

The sequence of title transfers from sovereign (patent from the US) to the resent

Why does a north arrow sometimes have a half head?

The side of the half arrow shows the direction of magnetic north (the direction of the declination... east or west) at the time the map was made


Those receiving or by law endowed with property at the death of the lawful owner in absence of a probated will.


The splitting or partitioning of a parcel or tract (also called PARCEL SPLIT)

Error of Closure (linear)

The square root of the sum of the square of the difference in x (easting) and y (northing) coordinates (ex. The distance from the end point of a traverse to the true location of that point)

Root Mean Square Error

The square root of the sum of the squares of individual errors (deviations from the mean) divided by the number of errors.

Point of Beginning (P.O.B.)

The starting point in a title description which is a corner of the parcel or title being described.


The sudden and perceptible change in a shoreline, or the change in the course of a river or stream.

Color of Title

The term is applied to title that does not have substance. It refers to title that appears to be good but, in actuality, conveys no estate, or interest in the property.

Lost Grant Theory

The theory founded upon the belief that any apparent adverse use, long continued, must in fact have been initiated upon an ancient grant that has since been lost. In some locations this is an assumption of the law based upon a statutory time period and other parameters normally associated with prescription or adverse use.


The thread of a river is a line equidistant from two banks of the river

Senior Title

The title first transferred. Senior title is the first parcel taken from a whole. Between two parcels, the title first removed from the whole and conveyed by the common grantor is the senior title.


The traditional clause in a deed which normally defines the tenancy by which the grantees hold the estate conveyed.


The transition area from the roadway to a ditch or berm. It is the portion of the road used for parking, emergency use, and for lateral support and protection of the base.

Meander Line

The traverse run at the line of mean high-water of a permanent natural body of water.

Foundation (2)

The use of fill is prohibited for structural support of buildings in V Zones. Pile or column foundations must be used.


The vertical distance above a Zero Datum

Dedication (common-law and statutory)

The voluntary transfer, or transfer as a condition of subdivision approval, of private property by its owner to the public for some public use, such as for streets or park land. Common-Law Dedication- does not require a map or writing. It grows from the intention of the owner, indicated by words or acts Statutory Dedication- accomplished with the filing of a map that shows the areas dedicated for public use

Preponderance of Evidence

The weight and majority of evidence.


The whole of the property owned by anyone. A fee, right, or interest in property.

Secular Variation

The yearly variation of the magnetic meridian.


The, art, science and knowledge of the management of geographically referenced information.

Which historic equip only meaures angles?


Property Rights

Those rights normally associated with the bundle of rights arising from the ownership of property.

Professional Land Surveyor

Those surveyors licensed by the state registration board in the discipline of surveying.

Temporary Benchmark

These are reference points established during the leveling operations when there is break in work, or at the end of the day's work. The value of RL are marked on some permanent objects such as stones, trees etc.

Arbitrary Benchmark

These are reference points whose RLs are arbitrarily assumed. They are used in small works such benchmarks assumed as 100 to 50m.

GTS (Great Trigonometrically Survey Benchmark)

These benchmarks are established with very high degree of precision at regular intervals all over the country by Survey of India. Their position and RLs above mean sea level which was earlier located at Karachi and nowit is taken at Bombay High, Mumbai.

Engineering Surveys

Those surveys performed for the purpose of construction, design, or determining quantity, and not for the purpose of locating boundaries.

Geodetic Surveys

Those surveys that take into account the size, shape, and physical parameters of the earth.

Bowditch rule is applied to

a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error.


Things capable of being inherited.

Great Circle

Third type of arc length: Length on neither strait latitude or longitude (meridian or parallel) Great Circle- is a plane through the earth's center (earth must be represented as a sphere for great circles) Any meridian is a great circle All great circles appear as straight lines on a gnomonic map projection

Lost standard corner

This includes any point (standard township corner, section corner, quarter section, sixteenth section corners, and or closing corners) that lie on a standard parallel Restorations of any of these lost corners are controlled by the regular standard corners themselves A lost base line corner (ones that lie on the baseline) are regarded the same as a standard parallel corner. They must be re-established by the meridonial line controlling it


This is a DATUM not an ellipsoid... it provides a point of origin for the geoid (gives it something to go off of, a reference). Established as an update FROM NGVD29 for vertical control in the US "Where water runs" Takes into account the geoid and gravity models

Inverted leveling

This is a leveling technique that is used to obtain the heights of points above the line of sight such as ceilings and undersides of bridges

closing corner

a corner at the intersection of a surveyed line with a previously established boundary line

Simultaneous Conveyance

To be classified as _______________ ________________, parcels must be created at the same time by a single instrument. Lots in a subdivision are the usual examples of ____________ _______________. All lots in a single filing of a subdivision are created at the same time by the filing of a plat which, no matter how many pages it contains, is a single document. A single filing of a subdivision is therefore a _______________ _________________.

Sequential Conveyances

This occurs when a portion of a tract of land is sold (parcel split), which ends up creating a new parcel and the remainder of the parent parcel. Could also happen with overlaps in adjacent land descriptions. The new parcel must receive all the land described, making it the senior deed, and the remainder leftover is the junior deed. Senior- the conveyance that occurred first in time Junior- the conveyance that occurred after the senior Written intentions of the parties are paramount If there is a gap between adjacent property descriptions, each state has differing laws at to who ends up owning that gap of land. OFTENTIMES, it goes to the state. Ambiguities in a patent (land given by government entity) are resolved in favor of the state

standard corner

a corner located on a baseline or standard parallel monumented every 1/2 mile

Single Difference GPS Solution

This process does NOT remove all integer ambiguities Two receivers track the same satellite during the same epoch (instant of time). Single difference can also be done with two satellites and one receiver. Removes clock errors associated with the satellites, but NOT the receiver.

Wetlands Delination

This process identifies which water bodies within a project's boundaries meet the definition of "waters of the United States."

existent corner

a corner whose position can be identified by substantial evidence of the monument or its accessories

LiDAR (light detection and ranging)

This technique, used in airborne and satellite imagery, utilizes timed laser pulses that are reflected from surface features to obtain DTM mapping detail

Navigable Waters

Those bodies of water which are capable of being used for public transportation. Conducting commerce

Zenith Direction

Upward Vertical Direction

Daily Scheduling

Time Management

Junior Right

Title that is servient to other title. It is a right that is valid against all except those holding better.

Office Rights

Title to land exclusive of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Office rights are held by those citizens who have a warrant and/or a survey outstanding and the sole right to patent the land.

Clear Title

Title unencumbered by any liens or other encumbrances.


To assume or understand by implication.


To invalidate or turn over a previous decision


To keep count of the chain lengths. It generally implies a running count of the chain lengths extending between two points.

What is State Plane? (2)

To maintain an accuracy of one part in 10,000, it was necessary to divide many states into zones. Each zone has its own central meridian or standard parallels to maintain the desired level of accuracy. The boundaries of these zones follow county boundaries. Smaller states, such as Connecticut, require only one zone, while Alaska is composed of 10 zones and uses all three projections.


To measure.


To prevent.

As-Built Survey

To record precise final locations of engineering works and record any design changes that may have been included.

Ad Filum Aquae

To the thread, middle, or center of the waters.


Topography. It is the rise or drop of landforms.

Actual Possession

Touching, contact, physical possession, or occupancy.


Touching. It is a mutual or successive relationship.


Toward but not necessarily on line with north.

Township Lines (Township)

Township lines run E-W "By law, they were intended to be on true parallels of latitude." (BLM Glossary) The northern township boundary should be run on a random line and returned on a true lie

Quadrangles are divided into...

Townships (6mi X 6mi)

Mean Sea Level (MSL)

Traditional vertical reference datum


Trample on rights. A trespass is to take liberties with other property without permission.


Trespass or uninvited entry.

Methods used to establish horizontal control

Triangulation Precise traversing trilateration GPS

The station pointer is generally used in

Triangulation surveying

The instrument used for setting up North Orientation in Plane Table survey is

Trough Compass

The reference line that passes through the North and South geographic poles of the earth is called as

True Meridian

1. Land surveying (boundary or property surveying) 2. Engineering surveying

Two Largest fields of surveying

Heavy Duty - 5/16" x 0.18" (8mm x 0.45mm) Normal Usage - ¼" x 0.012" (6mm x 0.30mm)

Two cross-sections of steel tapes

Safety Equipment

Warning Signs, Safety Cones Flashers and Barricades

What organization established the design of state plane coordinate systems in the US?

US Coast and Geodetic Survey (now is called National Geodetic Survey, NGS) Each state legislature is in charge of their state plane coordinate system

South Dakota uses projections with the foot definition of?

US Survey Foot

Psuedo Range

Uncorrected reading for a GPS receiver, but it is important to have because it gives the GPS something to go off of initially before RTK Is a measure of the range between a satellite and receiver expressed as a TIME SHIFT between the satellite clock and the receiver clock All civilian receivers that use psuedo range use the C/A code

On a USGS 7 ½ minute quad map one of the coordinate systems shown are:

Universal Traverse Mercator Coordinates

Unappropriated Land

Unpatented land

Littoral Rights

Unrestricted rights granted to owners whose land borders oceans, seas ,and large navigable lakes that have a tide.


Used to be called the Sea Level Datum of 1929 Was established for vertical control in the US Does not represent mean sea level, and has nothing to do with the geoid or any other equipotential surface. (This is why "Sea Level Datum" name was changed to NGVD, so people were not deceived). Later became NAVD88

Reciprocal leveling

Used to find level difference across a river or pond. Two levels simultaneously used one at either end.

Reciprocal Leveling

Used when "balancing the sights" is impossible across a large topographic feature like a river, lake, or canyon. Read up on pg. 111 in Elementary Surveying


Uses Clarke Ellipsoid of 1866, with an origin in Meades Ranch, KA. Surveyors set and used the NGS points set all around the continent as the basis for this datum. Is not a geocentric datum

Optical Theodolite

Uses magnified optical system to read angles

Instrumental Error

Variations or imperfections in construction or adjustment of instruments and movement of parts thereof

Parol Evidence

Verbal testimony or oral evidence.

Checking Level Adjustment

Verifying adjustment of Level Verifying Level Vial Verifying Crosshair Verifying Digital Level

axis of the plate levels

Vertical axis should be perpendicular to _____.

horizontal axis

Vertical crosshair should lie in a plate perpendicular to the _____.

What datum does the WGS84 use?



WGS84 is an Earth-centered, Earth-fixed terrestrial reference system AND geodetic datum. WGS84 is based on a consistent set of constants and model parameters that describe the Earth's size, shape, and gravity and geomagnetic fields.

HP35s Statistics

Weighted Mean (xw) Sample Standard Deviation (Sx) Population Standard Deviation (sigma x) Standard deviation = standard error likewise... Standard deviation of the mean = standard error of the mean

"Stakeout an Angle"

What Angle Layout means?

Angles in the horizontal and vertical planes

What angles so surveyors measure?

Horizontal, slope, and vertical

What distances do surveyors measure?

Take and analyze measurement

What do surveyors do?

Distances, angles, and positions

What do surveyors measure?

1. Two-dimensional points 2. Elevation dimensions referenced to mean sea level (MSL) 3. Three-dimensional positions of points

What positions do surveyors measure?

Simultaneous Conveyances

When several parcels of land are created at the same moment in time from a source tract of land (ex. lots in a subdivision, sections in a township). Each parcel has equal legal standing Each party is entitled to their PROPORTION of any excess or deficiency discovered. If there is a discrepancy between the measured survey and the original record surveys, problems can arise between adjacent land owners. Depending on if their individual conveyances were simultaneous or sequential will determine how the discrepancy will be solved Proration can ONLY be done between original corners of lots SCALING IS THE ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT

Define a rectified photo

When the effects of tilt have been removed (through translation, rotation, and scaling), but the effects of relief displacement have NOT been removed yet

Refraction and Curvature (dont even try to understand the concept, just MEMORIZE what is on the page)

When the path of a light wave is changed when passing through a medium of differing density Light rays passing through the earths atmosphere are bent or refracted towards the earths surface Refraction makes objects appear higher than they actually are...When spear fishing, aim BELOW the APPARENT image of the fish. Refraction makes rod readings too small... effects of refraction increase in cooler air Curvature makes rod readings too high. This type of error increases exponentially the farther the rod reading distance (For combined effect of refraction and curvature... on formula sheet)

The movement of the projector in y-direction, introduces in the model a y-parallax

equally throughout the model.

St. Lawrnce River, Rimouski, Quebec

Where is the Father Point?

Regular Mercator Projection

Where the cylinder is lying upright... perpendicular to the equator

Where is the origin of the PLSS system?

Where the west boundary of Pennsylvania crosses the north bank of the Ohio River. The Original 13 Colonies are not under the PLSS system, neither is Maine, Vermont, West Virginia, Texas, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

North America - Must be licensed by the state or province in which they work Engineer Surveyors - must have a civil engineering license

Who can perform surveys?


With care and precision.


Without a proper ______________, an elevated building can suffer damage from a flood due to erosion, scour, or settling. The Nationalf Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations provide performance standards for anchoring new buildings and _______________ and fill placement standards for buildings, for manufactured homes, and in V Zones.


Writer. Specifically, a scrivener is a writer who prepares descriptions and legal documents.

A relatively permanent point that has a known previously established or measured elevation

a benchmark


_____ exist in all measurements


______ are established by using precise leveling techniques and instrumentation.

Temporary Benchmark

______ can be flange bolts on fire hydrants, nails in the roots of trees, top corners of concrete culvert headwalks, and so on


______ elevations and locations are published by federal, state or provincial, and municipal agencies, and are available to surveyors for a nominal fee.

Temporary Benchmark

______ elevations are not normally published, but they are available in the field notes of various surveying agencies.

Accessory Structures

___________ ___________ are also referred to as appurtenant structures. An ___________ ____________ is a structure which is on the same parcel of property as a principal structure and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal structure.

Metes and Bounds

a surveyor's description of a parcel of real property, using carefully measured distances, angles, and directions, which results in what is called a "legal description" of the land, as distinguished from merely a street address or parcel number. Such a metes and bounds description is required to be recorded in official county record on a subdivision map and in the deeds when the boundaries of a parcel or lot are first drawn.

obliterate corner

a type of existent at whose point there are no remaining traces of the monument or its accessories, but whose location has been perpetuated. Can be recovered through use of substantial evidence

The relationship between a measured value and the true value of the dimension measured


What unit of area is used in rurual and suburban areas?


Systematic errors

all the above.

The stereo plotting instruments are generally manufactured on the principle of

all the above.

Transit rule of adjusting the consecutive coordinates of a traverse is used where

angular measurements are more accurate than linear measurements.

In a route survey, a station is:

any point along a centerline measured from the point of the beginning


are activities or construction within the floodway including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development. These activities are prohibited within the adopted regulatory floodway unless it has been demonstrated through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses that the proposed encroachment would not result in any increase in flood levels.

Non-navigable waters

are controlled by their riparian owners.

As-Built Survey

are obtained soon after project completion, or are actually updated during construction, and when they are completed to high standards of accuracy, they have multiple uses during the operations phase of large facilities.

The angle between the axis of earth and the vertical at the station of observation is called

astronomical co-latitude

Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the latitude when it is

at culmination

Polaris is usually observed for the determination of the azimuth when it is

at elongation

Survey notes are usually recorded:

at the time of the field work

For lengths and directions of all property lines, are azimuths or bearings preferred?


Pick up the correct statement from the following. The difference between the longitudes of the places is obtained.

by subtracting the sum of their longitudes exceeding 180° from 360° if places are in different hemispheres

An aerial photograph may be assumed as

central projection

Perspective centre relates to

central projection

on a construction site, vertical benchmarks should be checked:

check each time used with at least one other known point

On a construction site, vertical benchmarks should be checked:

check each time used with at least one other known point -

Multiple Beam Fathometer

equipped with an array of transducers oriented to caring angles off the vertical axis - allows from a wide swath and used when 100% of the bottom is required

What are "definite" corners?

clearly defined points, with coordinates if available, that denote the remaining property corners. Some states require "permanent" markers, such as iron rods set in stone or conrete below the frost lines. Other states can be more crude, i.e. large oak tree, fence post, etc.

A metallic tape is made of

cloth and wires.

The angle between the direction of star and the direction of earth's axis of rotation is called



collateral - claim on property to ensure repayment of a debt

Chain Surveying is suitable when the area to be surveyed is

comparatively small

Land Surveyor (3)

conducts geodetic surveying which includes surveying for determination of geographic position in an international three-dimensional coordinate system, where the curvature of the earth must be taken into account when determining directions and distances; geodetic surveying includes the use of terrestrial measurements of angles and distances, as well as measured ranges to artificial satellites.


consistency of measurements

24-mile tract

consists of 16 congressional townships, 4 townships N/S and 4 ranges E/W. Monuments set every 1/2 mile

An imaginary line lying throughout the surface of ground and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal is known as

contour gradient.

A line connecting points of equal elevations on a map is called a

contour line

The reason back-sights and for-sights are "balanced" in leveling, is for:

correcting for instrument mis-adjustment

b=S/sqrt d

d(also K)-HOrizontal distance in kilometers between control point positions aling level routes S=Stand dev. of elev. difference in mm between points

The angle between the prolongation of the preceding line and the forward line of a traverse is called

deflection angle.

Which of the following statements best describes precision?

degree of refinement of measurement

Contour interval is

the vertical distance between two consecutive contours.

Land Surveyor (2)

determines, by the use of principles of land surveying, the position for any survey monument or reference point; or sets, resets, or replaces such monument or reference; determines the topographic configuration or contour of the earth's surface with terrestrial measurements; conducts hydrographic surveys;

Metes & Bounds Surveys

developed by LICENSED surveyors and become an integral legal documents associated with title transfer

Define secular variation:

difference between a past magnetic bearing and a current magnetic bearing

Phase Shift

difference in phase angle of returning signal vs. that at time of transmission

Is used to determine differences in elevations between two or more points using a surveyor's transit and standing rod

differential leveling



(I)Geoid Height

distance between the geoid surface and mathematical surface

For any star to be a circumpolar star, its

distance from the pole must be less than the latitude of the observer


distance over which the wave repeats

To prolong a survey line in a direction ahead of your current set up the best results would be achieved by:

double centering a series of points to set the foresight

to prolong a survey line in a direction ahead of your current set up the best results would be achieved by:

double centering a series of points to set the foresight

Individual safety is the responsibility of:

each individual

Right ascension of a heavenly body is its equatorial angular distance measured

eastward from the first point of Aeries

Which of the following angles can be set out with the help of French cross staff?

either 45° or 90°.

What does the term "G.I.S." refer to in land surveying?

geographic information systems

While the rodman, with a Philadelphia level rod, goes downhill from the level instrument, the level operator readings are:

getting larger

Eminent Domain

government acquisition of private property


guard stake

Correction for Refraction and Earth Curvature

h = 0.0206F^2

The term "2H" refers to a leads:


To have greatest coverage of the area, the type of photography used, is

high oblique

Closed contours, with higher value inwards, represent a


Tacheometric method of contouring is most suitable for

hilly terrain

The altitude of a heavenly body is its angular distance, measured on the vertical circle passing through the body, above


The latitude of a place was obtained by subtracting the declination of a star from its zenith distance, the observed star was between

horizon and equator


how close measurement is to true value


the vertical offset from the transducer to the water surface

Tier A Surveying Principles

land surveying, photogrammetry, and geographic information systems.


lands located above the defining water line or mark considered for water boundaries in a particular state. Subject to exclusive private ownership

Statutory Law

law established through a legislative process

Instrumental Errors in Taping

length of tape vs. nominal graduation

The shortest distance between two places measured along the surface of the earth, is

length of the arc of the great circle passing through them

If the staff is not held vertical at a leveling station, the R.L. calculated from the observation would be

less than true R.L.

An instrument that does not require an optical plummet is a:


Control elevations can be derived by:

level loop from an NGS monument


limited rights to enter onto private property. i.e. 15' easement centered on a water or sewer line. **Original property owner retains ownership!

Riparian Rights

limited, "reasonable" rights to use and access water

Vertical Line

line in direction of gravity at a point

Land Surveyor

locates, relocates, establishes, reestablishes, lays out, or retraces any property line or boundary of any tract of land or any road, right-of-way, easement, alignment, or elevation of any fixed works embraced within the practice of land surveying, or makes any survey for the subdivision of land

Lowest Floor

lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered a building's lowest floor; Provided, that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements.


means only the channel and banks of an identifiable watercourse, and not the adjoining floodplain areas. The flood carrying capacity of a watercourse refers to the flood carrying capacity of the channel (except in the case of alluvial fans, where a channel is not typically defined).

Practice of Tier A Surveying

means providing professional services including, but not limited to, consultation investigation, testimony evaluation, expert technical testimony, planning, mapping, assembling, and interpreting reliable scientific measurements and information relative to the location, size, shape, or physical features of the earth, the space above the earth, or part of the earth, and utilization and development of these facts and interpretation into an orderly survey map, site plan, report, description, or project.

Echo Sounders

measure (or sound) the time required for a sound wave to travel from its point of origin and back, and convert the measured time to depth

Excess and deficiency

measured distances take priority over platted distances and directions. Should be distributed proportionally throughout the line within each block. It can also be found in the Northern and Western sections of a township.

Subtense bar is an instrument used for

measurement of horizontal distances in undulated areas.

Total Stations

measures angles, precise topographic elevations

Which of the following methods of theodolite traversing is suitable for locating the details which are far away from transit stations?

measuring angles to the point from at least two stations.

Theodolite is an instrument used for

measuring horizontal and vertical angles

Use for Taping

measuring short lines

The great circle which passes through the zenith, nadir and the poles, is known as


Range Lines

meridians through township corners

OPUS antenna heights must be measured in:


Proportionate Measurement

method in which all new lengths bear the same relationship to their corresponding record lengths

What is the purpose of maintaining equal backsights and foresights in a level circuit?

minimize instrument error

How to figure out sum of interior angles of any closed polygon


Range Numbering

numbered starting with one at the Principal Meridian and increasing in E/W direction

Sequential Conveyance

occurs when tracts are created through record documents at different times

Reversion is the term used to define the process:

of adjusting a spirit level by splitting the error and adjusting ½ the error until the bubble does not change position.

In running a traverse line, you are asked to set the next control point, of the following, which would be the most desirable location to set the point?

on the crest of a small hill with good visibility both ways

in running a traverse line you are asked to set the next turning point, of the following which would be the most desirable location to set the point?

on the crest of a small hill with good visibility both ways

What is a Point of Beginning (POB)?

one corner on the subject property. "Identifiable, permanent, and well referenced." If known, SPCS coordinates should be provided.

In a tropical year, the number of sidereal days are

one more than mean solar days

horizontal curves are


Parallax bar measures

parallax difference

The parallax equation (ΔBmΔh)/(H-h) is applicable to entire overlap of the photographs only if parallax is measured

parallel to base line

Township Lines

parallels that connect townships corners


part of the body of water which is submerged underwater

Refraction correction

partially eliminates curvature correction.

A plate parallel is the line on the plane of the negative

perpendicular to the principal line

Misreading the vertical angle on a total station is an example of:

personal error

The point where vertical line passing through the perspective centre intersects the plane of the photograph, is known as

photo plumb point

The station where observations are not made, but the angles at the station are used in triangulation series, is known as

pivot station

The station which is selected close to the main triangulation station, to avoid intervening obstruction, is not known as

pivot station.

The star that is predominantly used for observations for latitudes in the united states?


By applying clockwise swing to right projector, maximum y-parallax is introduced in the model at

position 1

By raising the z-column of right projector, maximum y-parallax is introduced in the model at

position 4 and 6.

Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due to

presence of magnetic substances near the instrument.

The distance between the projection centre and the photograph, is called

principal distance

The foot of the perpendicular on the picture plane through the optical centre of the camera lens, is known as

principal point

The orthogonal projection of the perspective centre on a tilted photograph, is called

principal point

Parent Parcel

refers to the complete parcel, or bulk parcel, of land before it is subdivided.

(I)Orthometric Height

relative to vertical datum

Circumpolar stars

remain always above the horizon

The proper method to use for cleaning a steel chain is to:

remove foreign material and apply a light coat of oil


the gradual and imperceptible gaining of land when a water line recedes below the usual water mark; it is the opposite of alluvion


the gradual and imperceptible recession of the water resulting in the uncovering of land once submerged

Water Level Rise

the gradual rise of the water level which covers upland lands


the gradual wearing away of the soil by the action of water, wind, or other elements

Recession of Water

the gradual, natural, and more or less permanent lowering of the surface elevation of a lake

Senior Rights

the holder of the first grand or patent of land

Junior Rights

the holder of the latter grant or patent of land

Public Trust Doctrine

the legal doctrine in the US under which each state in the interest of the public of the particular state holds title to the beds of navigable waters within their respective state boundary

Mean Tide Level (MTL)

the plane located halfway between the mean high and mean low water - also considered to be called half-tide level

One Point Control

the situation where a line is terminated with measurement in one direction only. A lost corner is restored via one point control bu using record bearing and distance from the nearest regular corner

What is the true difference in elevation (in Feet) between two points in a two-peg test of a level? The following observations were made: Instrument at mid-point between A and B reading on A = 6.35, reading on B = 4.78. Instrument at B reading on A = 4.57, reading on B = 2.90

the true difference between point A and B is 1.57

On vertical photographs, height displacement is

zero for points vertically below the air station

The maximum tolerance in a 20 m chain is

±5 mm.

When a star is between the pole and the horizon, the relationship between latitude (λ), zenith distance (z) and declination δ, is

θ = 180° - (z + δ)

The latitude (λ) of a place and the altitude (α) of the pole are related by

λ = α

Raster Data

"Raster is faster, but vector is corrector" Each pixel represents a point... a line is represented by a series of neighboring pixels Advantages: Simple data structure, easy spatial analysis, convenient layer overlays...Good for continuous features like elevation, temperature, etc Disadvantages: Raster files GENERALLY have large data storage (does NOT mean it always will be the case).... topology rules don't apply.

Title Concepts (Fee simple absolute, etc.)

"Simple" meaning no restrictions (liens, mortgages) "Fee" meaning an estate of inheritance in land "Absolute" meaning no conditions/limitations Fee Simple Absolute (also called fee simple and or fee simple estate)- a type of estate in real property... the clearest, best title one could have Fee Tail Estates- limited land interest. Not very common today, but it prevents land from being conveyed to non family members Determinable Title- limited land interest. Deed includes phrases like "until", "during". It is a title that has a time frame upon a determinable event (a "will" happen event). Title reverts back to the grantor after the event Estate for Years- interest in land that terminates at a specified time (a date) Estate at Will- tenancy that can be terminated at any time (commonly used with leasing) Defeasable Title- limited land interest. Based on an event that MAY or MAY NOT happen Life Estate- limited land interest, but CONSIDERED to be a freehold estate. This is tied to the life (death) of the grantor or grantee

What is the ground area in acres if the scale of a map is 1" = 200' and the map area is equal to 13.351 square inches?

#1 12.26 acres

In measuring a horizontal angle with a total station the following readings were observed: D = 00° 00' 00" R = 180° 00' 03" R = 200° 01' 07" D = 20° 01' 02" What is the mean horizontal angle of the above set?

#1 20° 01' 03"

A differential level traverse was run from BM#1 to BM#2 and closed with zero error. The sum of the backsights when totaled was less than the sum of the foresights. This indicates that the:

#1 elevation of BM#2 is lower than BM#1

When the bubble of a level is centered:

#1 the axis of the level tube is perpendicular to the vertical axis -

When running a curve by deflections from any station on the curve, to facilitate turning to the next station you can backsight the previous station with:

#1 the deflection angle for the previous station sighted on the circle

What is the true difference in elevation (in Feet) between two points in a two-peg test of a level? The following observations were made: Instrument at mid-point between A and B reading on A = 6.35, reading on B = 4.78. Instrument at B reading on A = 4.57, reading on B = 2.90

#1 the true difference between point A and B is 1.57

Which of the following is INCORRECT in reference to the setting up and using a surveyor's instrument?

#1 use light pressure when pushing tripod legs into the ground

At Sta. 10+50 the centerline elevation is 68.26 feet, the design cross slope is -2%, the distance from the centerline to curb is 40 feet and the curb is 6 inches high. It has been decided to hold the top of the finished top of curb at the same elevation as the centerline. What is the new cross slope with this change? 1. -1.25% 2. +1.25% 3. -2.00% 4. -1.69%

#1. -1.25%

A leveling loop is going to be 4.70 miles long. What is the maximum allowable error for third order leveling (answer in feet)? 1. 0.11 feet 2. 0.04 feet 3. 0.20 feet 4. 0.40 feet

#1. 0.11 feet

The NGS standard for third order, Class II traversing represents a position closure of: 1. 1:5,000 2. 1:10,000 3. 1:20,000 4. 1:50,000

#1. 1:5,000

A drainage ditch runs parallel with the centerline of a highway. The drainage ditch grade at station 120+00 is -5 percent and the elevation is 1614.00. At station 127+00 the ditch goes under the centerline of a side road, which requires a vertical clearance above the top of a 24" culvert. What is the clearance if the side road elevation is 1584.00 feet? 1. 36" 2. 24" 3. 12" 4. 30"

#1. 36"

An aerial target is best placed on a ground surface that is: 1. Flat 2. Slightly sloping 3. Clear of all brush 4. In the median of a divided highway

#1. Flat

How often does OSHA require first-aid supplies be checked? 1. weekly 2. daily 3. semi-annually 4. yearly

#1. Weekly

When no infirmary, clinic, hospital, or physician is reasonably close to the job site and available for the treatment of injured employees, what should be provided as a minimum? 1. a person who has a valid first-aid card must be on site 2. an EMT must be on site 3. a registered nurse must be on site 4. a paramedic team must be present during work hours.

#1. a person who has a valid first-aid card must be on site

A traverse having a total length of 71,392.06 feet failed to close by 0.37 feet in the Northing and 0.53 feet in Easting. What is the relative accuracy of this traverse to the nearest 100 feet?

#2 1:110,500

From point B, point A bears N 18º 26' 43" E, and point C bears S 4º 6' 21" E. What angle CBA is turned to the right from C to A? 1. 157º 26' 56" 2. 202º 33' 04" 3. 14º 20' 22" 4. 165º 39' 38"

#2 202O 33' 04"

It is necessary to determine the invert elevation of a large concrete culvert with an inside height of 16 ft. A direct reading on the floor elevation cannot be made due to the water flowing through the structure. By setting up on the bank of the channel and having the rodperson lean over from the top of the structure with a 6-foot rod, they were able to take a reading on the ceiling of the structure with the rod inverted. Using the readings shown in the figure, what is the elevation of the ceiling of the box?

#2 3690.32

A field crew equipped with a hand level and a range pole are to determine the rough elevation of an exploratory boring relative to a manhole rim (assumed elevation = 100 feet). What is the elevation of the boring in Feet? The following summarizes their filed notes: Backsight on manhole is 4.5 feet Foresight to turning point is 8.3 feet Backsight to turning point 1 is 1.1 foot Foresight to boring is 10.3 feet

#2 87

To fit a scale of 1:10,000 on an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper with a 1" border, what is the largest area, in acres, that can be shown?

#2 932

Taping a distance of 967.82 feet was measured with a 100-foot steel tape that was 0.03 of a foot too long. What is the true distance measured (in feet)?

#2 968.11

Whether private survey control data is included in the national system is determined by which of the following agencies or groups?

#2 National Geodetic Survey

A polar planimeter is used to:

#2 calculate area by tracing on the boundary on any area

To prolong a survey line in a direction ahead of your current set up the best results would be achieved by:

#2 double centering a series of points to set the foresight

Which of the following is a mistake and not an error?

#2 instrument set up on the wrong hub

In running a traverse line, you are asked to set the next control point, of the following, which would be the most desirable location to set the point?

#2 on the crest of a small hill with good visibility both ways

Always treat injuries in the order of their importance. Which is the first problem you should treat?

#2 stoppage of breathing

When dealing with first aid what should be conspicuously posted in the field survey vehicle?

#2 telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, and ambulances in the area worked by the survey crew

What is the calculated offset distance sighting a range pole that is on a 1000-foot sight if it is discovered that the range pole is 0º 01' 08" off line? 1. .32' 2. .33' 3. .34' 4. .35'

#2. .33'

While staking a circular curve for a highway location with a degree of curve of 4º, the radius of the curve in feet is _____? 1. 4,499.869 2. 1,432.395 3. 5,729.580 4. Can't solve for the radius without additional information.

#2. 1,432.395

A two-peg level test is performed with the instrument set up midway between two points, the rod reading on point 1 is 3.75 and the rod reading on point 2 is 8.93. The instrument is then moved close to point 1 and a reading on this point of 5.37. What should the reading be on point 2 for the line of sight to be parallel with the axis of the bubble tube? 1. 5.18 2. 10.55 3. 14.11 4. 14.30

#2. 10.55

A +2% and a -3% grade are joined by a 400-foot parabolic crest curve. The P.V.C. = 8+00, the elevation of the P.V.C. = 132.00. Determine the elevation of station PVT. 1. 132.00 2. 130.00 3. 133.09 4. 134.00

#2. 130.00

Given the following data for a circular curve on a set of highway plans, knowing that you need the stationing of the PC before you can calculate the station of the P.T., what is the stationing of the PC? PI = 1377+46.0 R = 5729.59 ∆ = 16º 45' LT T = 843.5 D = 1º 00' L = 1675.0 1. 1385 + 77.5 2. 1369 + 02.5 3. 1385 + 83.5 4. 1385 + 89.5

#2. 1369 + 02.5

The number of the section that is directly east of section 13 in a standard township is: 1. 7 2. 18 3. 12 4. 14

#2. 18

What is the length of the Arc for the following curve? Radius 250.00' Tangent in N 25º 30' E Tangent out N 30º 25' E 1. 42.90 2. 21.45 3. 10.73 4. 214.50

#2. 21.45

The elevation of a 60-foot road is 65.00. The left slope is 1:1 from the shoulder to the invert of the pipe. Given that the pipe is 80 feet in length what is the slope from the right shoulder to the outlet invert elevation? 1. 1:1 2. 2:1 3. 1 ½:1 4. 2:1.5

#2. 2:1

The notes for a three-wire level run from BM A TO BM B are shown for the two set-ups required. If elevation of BM A is 320.187, compute the elevation of BM B: a. 3.733, 2.657, 1.580 b. 4.896, 3.824, 2.750 c. 2.247, 1.185, 0.124 d. 5.643, 4.630, 3.616 1. 315.575 2. 315.576 3. 315.579 4. 315.580

#2. 315.576

A route survey of 18.6 miles was made for a new gas transmission line over rolling brushy terrain. If the open traverse is to conform to second order precision (class II), what is the maximum allowable error of length in chaining? 1. 9.80 feet 2. 4.91 feet 3. 0.001 mile 4. 3.90 feet

#2. 4.91 feet

Ten-foot contour lines on a uniform fill slope of 20:1 would measure how far apart on a map with a scale of 1" = 40'? 1. 1.50 in 2. 5.0 in 3. 6.0 in 4. 7.00 in

#2. 5.0 in

Manhole 39 is at station 100+00 and has an invert elevation of 100.00 feet. Manhole 40 is at station 105+00 and has an invert elevation of 75.00 feet. A 24- inch reinforced concrete pipe is laid on a straight grade between the two manholes. At station 104+00, the ground elevation is 90.00 feet. What is the invert elevation, in feet, of the pipe at this location? 1. 120.00 2. 80.00 3. 100.00 4. 75.00

#2. 80.00

One of the most critical qualities in a field crew member is? 1. ability to perform calculations 2. ability to work with others 3. extensive experience 4. speed and dexterity

#2. Ability to work with others

A 2-minute error in reading an angle means that a point that is set 50 feet away is off by :

#3 0.03

A GPS Satellite has an approximate orbital time of:

#3 12 hours

. If the magnetic azimuth (from north) of a line is 135° 30' in a location where the magnetic declination is 12° E, what is the true azimuth of the line?

#3 147°-30'

20. In the United States a reference datum for leveling is the:

#3 NAVD Datum of 1988 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988)

In a route survey, a station is?

#3 any point along a centerline measured from the point of the beginning

You are performing a boundary survey for a client and discover a conflict between your client's property and the adjoining property owner. Your responsibility is to: 1. the adjoining property owner. 2. your client only. 3. both your client and the adjoiner. 4. the County Surveyor

#3 both your client and the adjoiner

On a construction site, vertical benchmarks should be checked:

#3 check each time used with at least one other known point -

Drawing file names have two parts: the name and the ___ ?

#3 extension

According to OSHA, what is the responsibility of the employer as far as first aid is concerned?

#3 the employer shall provide proper first aid equipment and training

In topographic surveying the control for elevations is called:

#3 vertical

The area 2.471 acres is equivalent to: 1. 10 square meters 2. 4 square chains 3. 1 hectare 4. a quarter, quarter, quarter, quarter of a standard section

#3. 1 hectare

The national organization responsible for surveying of the Public Land Survey System is the: 1. U.S.F.S. 2. N.S.P.S. 3. B.L.M. 4. U.S.G.S.

#3. B.L.M.

When the rodman is responsible for ensuring that the truck has hubs, laths, PK nails, and flagging, the type of survey to be performed is a: 1. Geodetic Survey 2. Photogrammetric Control Survey 3. Construction Survey 4. Boundary Survey

#3. Construction survey

Rectified aerial photographs laid to accurate horizontal control are called a: 1. index mosaic 2. strip controlled mosaic 3. controlled mosaic 4. uncontrolled mosaic

#3. controlled mosaic

A plat is plotted at a scale of 1" = 75'. What change is required to produce a drawing at 1" = 60'? 1. enlarge by 80% 2. reduce by 80% 3. enlarge by 125% 4. reduce by 125%

#3. enlarge by 125%

FEMA Flood Insurance Rate maps include one of the following: 1. original map creation date 2. last flood profile 3. flood hazard area designation 4. magnetic declination

#3. flood hazard area designation

Reversion is the term used to define the process: 1. by government to return real property to the tax rolls 2. of subdivision of a standard GLO Township 3. of adjusting a spirit level by splitting the error and adjusting ½ the error until the bubble does not change position 4. of natural tidal accretions to uplands

#3. of adjusting a spirit level by splitting the error and adjusting ½ the error until the bubble does not change position.

Misreading the vertical angle on a total station is an example of: 1. systematic error 2. random error 3. personal error 4. instrumental error

#3. personal error

A Total Station is less accurate than measurements made with a steel tape when: 1. the measured distance is more than 1000 feet. 2. the measured distance is less than 200 feet. 3. the measured distance is less than 100 feet. 4. never

#3. the measured distance is less than 100 feet.

On a map at a scale of 1" = 2000' and a contour interval of 20', what is the % of slope of a railroad map, which scales 2.67 inches between four contour lines?

#4 1.1

You are staking a fence line starting at station 50+22.1 and going to station 80+38.5. There is an equation at 58+90.6 BK + 60+01.2 AHD. What length of fence (feet) is needed? 1. 868.5 2. 2037.3 3. 3016.4 4. 2905.8

#4 2905.8

A survey line has a bearing of S 21° 46' 10" E. How many degrees must be turned to go due east?

#4 68° 13' 50" counter clockwise

See Figure 50. What is the station of the P.I. of the circular curve to the nearest foot? 1. 64+00 2. 70+00 3. 79+70 4. 72+28

#4 72 + 28

On a USGS 7 ½ minute quad map one of the coordinate systems shown are:

#4 Universal Traverse Mercator Coordinates

First aid for a severe laceration of the forearm should be to:

#4 apply direct pressure and transport victim to medical attention immediately, watch for signs of shock.

At a corner, the deed calls for a pine tree. In close proximity, you find a concrete monument, an iron pipe, and an oak stump with a blaze on it. What should you locate and record in the data collector?

#4 everything as a registered professional will need to evaluate each item

Which of the following tapes will lay out a distance longer than actual?

#4 temperature 30° above standard

A detailed diagram of a roadway construction materials at 90° to the centerline is called a:

#4 typical cross section

Calculate the elevation of the low point of the vertical curve. Given G1 = -3%, G2 = +2.1%, L = 400, PVI Sta = 19+00, PVI Elev = 127.31. 1. 127.45 2. 129.80 3. 127.31 4. 129.78

#4. 129.78

It is quitting time and you were told to be careful about any overtime. You have staked all of the needed corners but one and it will only about an hour to stake the one remaining corner. What should you do? Considering the crew won't be able to return to this project for two weeks and everyone has gone home from the office. 1. Call the office and ask for guidance 2. Quit work at the regular time 3. Request overtime before proceeding 4. Stake the final corner

#4. Stake the final corner

An instrument that is not normally set up over a specific point is a: 1. tribrach for a theodolite. 2. total station 3. static GPS 4. level

#4. level

How to figure out total exterior angles of a closed polygon


Information contained on a datasheet is/are:


Class D

- Farm and Timber Land Surveys - closure minimum- (1:3000) - angular closure minimum- 50'' square root of N - Location of Improvements, Structures, Paving- ±2.0'

How do NAVD88 and MSL differ?

- MSL as defined by China Differ for zero elevation (MSL) as defined by Chile or North America - Mean Sea Level fluctuates while the NAVD88 remain relatively constant

What is OPUS?

- Online Positioning User Service - it provides simplified access to high-accuracy National Spatial Reference System coordinates - requires minimal user input and uses software which computes coordinates for NGS - resulting positions are accurate and consistent with other NSRS users

Class C

- Rural Land Surveys - closure minimum- (1:5000) -angular closure maximum- 30'' square root of N -Location of Improvements, Structures, Paving- ±1.0'

Class B

- Suburban Land Surveys - closure minimum- (1:7500) - angular closure maximum- 20'' square root of N - Location of Improvements, Structures, Paving- ±0.2'

Class A

- Urban Land Surveys - closure minimum- (1:10000) - angular closure maximum- 15'' square root of N - Location of Improvements, Structures, Paving- ±0.1'

Are you able to locate previous coordinates and positional data?

- Yes, "Superseded Survey Control" - Yes, by retrieving old Data Sheets

Is software available to convert from one datum to another?

- Yes, but not perfectly. - VERTCON to transfer Vertical & NADCON to transform Horizontal

Is software available to convert from one datum to another?

- Yes, but not perfectly. - VERTCON to transform Vertical & NADCON to transform Horizontal

What are NGVD 29 and NAVD 88?

- a geodetic datum with a reference surface - vertical control datums in the United States - used to measure land elevations and water depths - are generally used to express land elevations

Why did NGS change form NGVD29 to NAVD88?

- distorted benchmarks due to discrepancy and warping of NGVD29 - motion of the earth's crust - glacial rebound and land subsidence

Name of this sheet contains data for a survey control station, including Latitude, Longitude and State Plane Coordinates.

- dsdata sheet - datasheet - NGS datasheet

Why NGS changed from NAD27 to NAD83:

- it was very difficult to add new surveys to the network without altering large areas of the previous network. - Field observations added thousands of accurate EDM base lines and hundreds of doppler satellite positions - Clarke ellipsoid of 1866 no longer served the needs of a modern geodetic network

How accurate is OPUS?

- most positions can be resolved to within a few centimeters - using "rapid static" and absent any warning messages, estimates of coordinate accuracy are the standard deviations reported by single baseline analysis.

How can you improve your accuracy?

- observe longer - observe again - wait a day to process - manual process the data yourself with a suitable software (ex: Trimble Business Center)

What would you look for in a quality solution?

- using a precise orbit vs a rapid orbit - >90% observations used, >50% ambiguities fixed

A High-Quality OPUS Solution result will have the following:

- ≥ 90% observations used - ≥ 50% ambiguities fixed - ≤ 3 cm RMS - ≤ 5 cm peak-to-peaks, lat. & lon.

At Sta. 10+50 the centerline elevation is 68.26 feet, the design cross slope is -2%, the distance from the centerline to curb is 40 feet and the curb is 6 inches high. It has been decided to hold the top of the finished top of curb at the same elevation as the centerline. What is the new cross slope with this change?


Monument Standards

-3.5" Bronze disks -Must be set in concrete or bedrock -Must be 1' below frost level


-Building and Site must be considered together -Site Planning practices notoriously reactionary

Planning Reports and Charts

-Engineer's Field Book (Legal Documents) -Other Reports -Trend Charts

Grid Leveling

-Excellent Method for determining Volumes of Irregularly Shaped Excavations -Typically a redundant activity

Applied Leveling

-Infinite number of ways -Setting the Instrument at the Same elevation each day

Goals and Objectives

-Initial Stage "SP" begins with qualified acceptance of clients development program (research and data must support plan)

Three Wire Leveling

-Minimizes the possibility of errors and blunders -Three wires are read for one elevation reading and the average is determined

-Protection -Tolerance -solidly, plumb and centered -Flagging

-Offset stakes for _____ -Set stakes with _____ -Place stakes ____,_____,and_____ -Color code the ______

Shared Duties (Office/Field) of Planning

-Planning for Safety -Materials handling -Interpretation of Plans -Maintaining the Schedule -Problem Prevention

The FGCC was established for what two reasons?

-Set a standard specifying minimum acceptable accuracues of control surveys. -Establish specifications for instruments, field procedures, and misclosure checks to ensure the level of accuracy is achieved

Base Flood Elevation (BFE)

-The computed elevation to which floodwater is anticipated to rise during the base flood.

Cross Section Leveling

-Useful in computation of Volumes -Determines elevations for line perpendicular to the centerline

a 2 minute error in reading a angle means that a point that is set 50 feet away is off by:


Assuming human normal vision distance 25 cm, smallest measurable angle 20", and introcular distance 6.5 cm, the smallest depth to be discerned is

0.1 mm

A leveling loop is going to be 4.70 miles long. What is the maximum allowable error for third order leveling (answer in feet)?


What occupations benefit from having Freeboard?

1) Homeowners 2) Builders/Contractors 3) Municipalities 4) Businesses

What are benefits of Freeboard?

1) Increased protection from floods and storms 2) Better preparation for ongoing sea level rise 3) Greatly reduced flood insurance premiums

Types of Land Disputes

1) Ownership of land rights(Land Title) 2) Boundary Location 3) Easements and Rights-of-Way 4) Water Title, Boundary and Rights 5) Negligence

Adverse Possession

1) the concept of taking over a property until you eventually become the rightful owner of it. 2) to validly adversely possess a property you must openly, obviously, and actually be on the land treating it as your own, as well as exclusively and continuously for 10 years as is required by state law .

While staking a circular curve for a highway location with a degree of curve of 4º, the radius of the curve in feet is _____?


Quadrangle Breakdown

1. Begin at southeast corner of the southwest township 2. Run this line north on an astronomic meridian for 6 miles setting section and quarter section corners (every 40 chains) along the township lines 3. Run a random line due west to intersect the principal meridian. (See the rest in Elementary Surveying pgs. 660- 662)

Trapezoid Rule for Area with uneven station intervals

1. Calculate a trapezoid area for each station interval 2. Sum all of the trapezoid areas up

What are the 3 steps to eminent domain?

1. Due Process ("good for the whole") 2. Condemnation 3. Fair market compensation

What is the first step in the PLSS Process?

1. Establish Initial Point ("indestructible" monument)

Method of booking and reduction of levels

1. Height of instrument method (Height of collimation method) 2. Rise and fall method

List the 7 steps in the PLSS System: (I Pooped Big Shits, Good Riddance Santa!)

1. Initial Point 2. Principle Meridian 3. Baseline 4. Standard Parallels 5. Guide Meridians 6. Range & Township Lines 7. Townships into Sections

Priority of Calls (metes and bounds)

1. Lines run on the ground by surveyors (all inclusively: the monuments set, corners established, and lines marked on the ground at the time of creating the survey). The surveyor must "follow the footsteps of the original surveyor" in reference to a plat, map, or deed 2. Calls for monuments (natural first, then artificial) 3. Adjoining Parcels (the line called to be the adjoiner MUST be the senior line (the one created first)) 4. Courses (distances and bearings) 5. Area 6. Coordinates

Requirements of a Plat

1. Must have enough information regarding lengths and directions that another surveyor can retrace them 2. Must include the surveyor's official seal and signature 3. Boundary of the tract must be shown clearly with permanent monuments marking the corners 4. To be represented at scale 5. Description and relative location of pertinent monuments (whether physical or record) 6. Identification of the appropriate evidence of title 7. Use of a bar scale 8. Plat sheets shall be 18" by 24", made out of mylar

5 Steps of Construction Surveying

1. Placement of horizontal and vertical control points 2. Topographical Survey for design purposes 3. Staking out crucial points of the design 4. Periodic checks on the layout of the design to placement purposes 5. A final as-built survey (after everything is built)

What are the 5 components of a Metes & Bounds Survey?

1. Point of Commencement 2. Points of Beginning 3. "Definite" Corners 4. Lengths and directions of all property lines 5. Names of adjoining property owners 6. Areas

Township Breakdown

1. Run line parallel with the east township line northbound, setting section and quarter section corners 2. Run a random line parallel with the south boundary eastbound setting temporary corners (See the rest in Elementary Surveying pg. 663)

Temporary Adjustments

1. Setting up a Level 2. Leveling of Telescope 3. Focusing of eye-piece 4. Focusing of object glass

Temporary Adjustments of Level Instrument are

1. Setting up a Level 2. Leveling of Telescope 3. Focusing of eye-piece 4. Focusing of object glass

Methods of Levelling

1. Simple levelling 2. Differential levelling 3. Fly levelling 4. Profile levelling 5. Reciprocal levelling 6. Check Levelling

Simpsons 1/3 Rule for Area (most is on the formula sheet)... with even station intervals

1. Take the offsets at both ends of the area of interest (i.e. the measurements perpendicular to the line of stationing) and sum them up 2. Sum up the odd numbered intermediate offsets only 3. Sum up the even numbered intermediate offsets only 4. Multiply the sum of the odd numbered offsets by 2 5. Multiply the sum of the even numbered offsets by 4

Advantages of Height of instrument

1. This method is simple and easy. 2. Reduction of levels is easy. 3. Visualization is not necessary regarding the nature of the ground. 4. This method is generally used where more number of readings can be taken with less number of change points for constructional work and profile leveling.

Order of Call and Priority of Monuments for Boundaries

1. Unwritten right of possession 2. Senior rights over junior rights 3. Call for survey or plat 4. Call for natural monuments (THEN artificial) 5. Adjoiners 6. Distance and direction (there is no consistent rule regarding the relative importance between these two 7. Area The reason why there is a hierarchy is because each element has a potential error attached to it, the element at the top (#1) is the least likely to contain error... and so on down the list.

what is the true difference in elevation (in feet) between the two points? The following observations were made: Instrument at mid-point between A and B reading on A=6.35, reading on B=4.78. Instrument at B reading on A=4.57, reading on B=2.90


To set a grade at a sewer line at station 13+50 (invert = 663.80) a level is set up and reads 5.03 on a benchmark (elevation of 672.55). What reading on a level Rod must be made to mark Cut 12' (feet) on the grade stake?


How much of the US land area is still owned by the federal government?


Allowable error of closure for a township


Accuracy of Rough Taping


Accuracy of Pace


Accuracy of Precise Taping


The displacement of the pictured position of a point of h elevation on a vertical photograph taken with a camera of 30 cm focal length, from an altitude of 3000 m, is

10 mm

Cut Tape

100 feet of graduated tape, 1st foot on each end of tape is graduated in tenths and hundredths, with rest of tape graduated in whole feet SUBTRACT TENTHS AND HUNDREDTHS FROM READING

If the elevation of a level instrument is 106.57', what is the elevation of the ground when the rod is reading 6.22'?


a GPS satellite has an approximate orbital time of:

12 hours

The difference of height of two points whose parallax difference is 0.8 mm on a pair of stereo pair taken from a height H is 100 m. If mean photo base is 95.2 mm, the flying height is

12,000 m

Calculate the elevation of the low point of the vertical curve. Given G1 = -3%, G2 = +2.1%, L = 400, PVI Sta = 19+00, PVI Elev = 127.31.


. If the magnetic azimuth (from north) of a line is 135° 30' in a location where the magnetic declination is 12° E, what is the true azimuth of the line?


The correct stationing of a point measured 7' 7 3/4" ahead on line (forward) from station 150+45, would be:


The method of surveying by triangula-tion was first introduced by the Dutchman Snell in



19yr mean range


19yr mean tide level

Third-order, class I Standard(Horizontal)

1: 10,000

Third-order, class II Standard(horizontal)

1: 5000

First-order accuracy standard(Horizontal)


A traverse having a total length of 71,392.06 feet failed to close by 0.37 feet in the Northing and 0.53 feet in Easting. What is the relative accuracy of this traverse to the nearest 100 feet?


The NGS standard for third order, Class II traversing represents a position closure of:


Second-order, class 1 Standard(Horizontal)


If the magnetic bearing of a line is 30° 30' and the magnetic declination is 2° 30' W, the true bearing of the line will be


The moon rotates round the earth once in every

29.35 days

You are staking a fence line starting at station 50+22.1 and going to station 80+38.5. What length of fence (feet) is needed?


1 Natural Site Conditions 2 Process and Methods of altering the SIte 3 Legal Controls

3 factors found in all Site Planning

How many feet in a yard?

3 feet

After an initial point and principal meridian are established, what is the 3rd step in the PLSS system?

3. Establish a Baseline

How many feet in a meter?

3.281 feet (take the inverse of the international foot on the formula sheet)

Invar tapes used for measuring base lines, is made of nickel-iron alloy containing nickel


A closed traverse has six segments and four interior angles measure 90 degrees each. The remaining interiors angles is most nearly:

360 degrees

In a tropical year, the number of sidereal days, are


It is necessary to determine the invert elevation of a large concrete culvert with an inside height of 16 ft. A direct reading on the floor elevation cannot be made due to the water flowing through the structure. By setting up on the bank of the channel and having the rodperson lean over from the top of the structure with a 6-foot rod, they were able to take a reading on the ceiling of the structure with the rod inverted. Using the readings shown in the figure, what is the elevation of the ceiling of the box?


If the altitudes of a star at its upper and lower transits are 60° 30' and 19° 30' respectively, the latitude of the place, is


A NGS station whose coordinates are Y21786.09 and X23086.72 is to be occupied. The azimuth mark bears N 21° 10' 03" E. What clockwise angle must be turned to pass through a second station whose coordinates are Y22243.91 and X23948.00?


for wooden piles in line and 15 ft apart are to be driven so the cutoff elevation of each pile is progressively lower then the preceding pile by 1-7/8 inches. If the instrument elevation is 4320.02 and the rod reading on the first pile is 3.78, what is the elevation of the last pile cutoff?


If α is the observed altitude, the refraction correction in seconds, is

58" cot α

The average eye base is assumed as

64 mm

How many Acres in a section


Gunthers Chain

66' long(100 links)

The standard dimensions of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of a section are ___feet by ___ feet.

660, 660



a survey line has a bearing of S 21 degrees 46' 10" E. How many degrees must be turned to go due east?

68 degrees 13' 50" counter clockwise

A field crew equipped with a hand level and a range pole are to determine the rough elevation of an exploratory boring relative to a manhole rim (assumed elevation = 100 feet). What is the elevation of the boring in Feet? The following summarizes their filed notes: Backsight on manhole is 4.5 feet Foresight to turning point is 8.3 feet Backsight to turning point 1 is 1.1 foot Foresight to boring is 10.3 feet


A field crew equipped with a hand level and range pole are to determine the rough elevation of an exploratory boring relative to a manhole rim (assumed elevation = 100 feet). The following summarizes their field notes: Backsight on manhole is 4.5 feet Foresight to turning point is 8.3 feet Backsight to turning point 1 is 1.1 foot Foresight to boring is 10.3 feet The elevation of the boring is _____ feet.


If the R.L. of a B.M. is 100.00 m, the back sight is 1.215 m and the foresight is 1.870 m, the R.L. of the forward station is

99.345 m.

Secant is...

= arccos.... cos

Cosecant is...

= arcsin..... sin

Flood Map

A Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM), and Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) are all _________ _________ that have been produced by FEMA. The FIRM is the most common map and most communities have this type of map. At a minimum, ________ ______ show flood risk zones and their boundaries, and may also show floodways and Base Flood Elevations (BFEs). The FBFM is a version of a ________ _____ that shows only the floodway and flood boundaries. The FBFM is no longer produced; current FIRMs include all of this information. The FHBM is an older version of a _________ _____ and is based on approximate data.

Vacating Plat

A ________ ______ functions to legally void a prior plat or portion of a plat. The rules normally allow such plats only when all the platted lots remain unsold and no construction of buildings or public improvements has taken place.

Photogrammetric Surveyor

A ______________ _________________ determines the configuration or contour of the earth's surface or the position of fixed objects on the earth's surface by applying the principles of mathematics on remotely sensed data, such as photogrammetry.

GIS Surveyor

A ______________________ creates, prepares, or modifies electronic or computerized data including land information systems and geographic information systems relative to the performance of the activities described in subitems

Code of Ethics

A body of (usually) nonbinding principles that sets a standard for professional practice. A code of ethics embodies the conscience of the profession. A Code of Ethics is included in the Registration Act.

Consentable Boundary

A boundary established by agreement and acquiescence.

Chain of Title

A chronological list of records which comprise the historical sequence of title to the property.


A circular cut into and out of the cambium layer of a tree.

Elevation Certificate

A community's permit file must have an official record that shows new buildings and substantial improvements in all identified Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs)are properly elevated. This elevation information is needed to show compliance with the floodplain management ordinance.


A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of operations on a database table. Disadvantages: index increases the amount of storage on the hard drive necessary for the database file, and second, the index must be updated each time the data are altered, and this costs time

Hierarchical Database

A database that stores related information in a tree-like structure, where records can be traced to parent records, which in turn can be traced to a root record (child) The parent can have many children, and a child can only have one parent

Warranty Deed

A deed (instrument used to transfer real property) Ensured rights and title free of encumbrances The grantor assured the grantee of this upon transmittal and can be held liable for deficiencies that aren't described that unveil later on The grantor is liable for ANY defects in the conveyed title

Indenture Deed

A deed generally signed by both parties (grantee and grantor), having the date at the beginning, and using third-party pronouns.

Quitclaim Deed

A deed guaranteeing nothing. It is a release document without guarantees.

General Warranty Deed

A deed warranting the title against any and all claims, except those expressly denied in the document.

Deed Poll

A deed which does not have a warranty and recital, begins with a salutation, ends with the date, and is written using first-party pronouns.

Retracement Survey

A dependent resurvey. A retracement is a type of survey where the boundaries have been previously fixed and their location is being reestablished.

Perpendicular To

A direction 90 or 270 degrees from a base direction.


A direction and series of angles and distances combined into a geometrically dependent shape.


A direction toward but not necessarily on line with east.


A doctrine that states that a claim will not be enforced if there is a long delay in asserting the claim, and has hurt the other party in some fashion

Ancient Document

A document that is more than 30 years old, has an official appearance, and is found in the proper custody.


A documented privilege granted to perform some act or acts not normally legal without the document, but less than an easement.

Connected Draft

A draft where survey returns have been connected (drawn together) with adjoining surveys.


A failure to exercise a reasonable standard of professionalism and care expected from the profession as a whole.


A fixed reference for horizontal and vertical measurements

Father Point

A general adjustment of Candadian-Mexican-U.S. leveling observations resulted in the creation of the North America vertical datum of 1988

Zenith Angle:

A general term used for measuring from a vertical reference


A generic term for the measurement or determination of some characteristic of the earth. It is generally used with a descriptor, such as "land", "boundary", "retracement", "engineering", etc. It also refers to the documents prepared by the surveyor.


A gore.


A group of lots or parcels that form a row.


A judgment, appraisal, belief, conviction, or sentiment.

Latent Ambiguity

A latent ambiguity does NOT appear on the face of the instrument (the deed). CAN be cured by testimony in court/extrinsic evidence (also called external evidence or evidence aliunde)


A legal fact, criteria, or rule.


A legal line of demarcation.

the surface of a large body of water at rest.

A level surface is best visualized as being...

Bearing Tree

A marked tree used as a corner accessory; its distance and direction from the corner being recorded. Bearing trees are identified by prescribed marks cut into their trunks; the species and sizes of the trees are also recorded. A bearing tree is blazed Must be recorded in the field notes Scribed with the description of the section in which they lie

Control Surveys

A network of Horizontal and Vertical monuments in a project area. Control should be established in stable and permanent conditions. "Backbone of a project".

Guide Meridian

A north south line that is located 24 miles from the principal meridian

Principal Meridian

A north-south line. Established along a true meridian with monuments set every 1/2 mile


A notch or 'V' cut into the cambium (bark) layer of a tree.

Patent Ambiguity

A patent ambiguity appears on the FACE of the instrument (a legal document, in this case a deed), and arises from the defective, obscure, or insensible language used. Can NOT be cured by testimony in court

Together With

A phrase introducing an appurtenant right or claim attached to the parcel or estate conveyed.


A physical object or intangible boundary that perpetuates the position of title.


A piece of timber placed in the ground such that the longitudinal dimension protrudes from the ground surface.

Return of the Survey (Return)

A plat of an official survey that has been returned and accepted by the Land Office.

Assessors Plat

A plat that is NOT a new land development project. It is a plat of existing land parcels Used for taxing purposes... usually ordered when legal descriptions are so defective that the taxing authorities cant tell what various people own

Graduated Symbol Map

A point data map (a map represented by points) The symbol size is in proportion to the magnitude or size of the feature being described at a certain location

Turning Point

A point used in the Differential Leveling Process to temporarily transfer the elevation from the HI


A point where water flows from the surface.

Swimming Pools

A pool adjacent to an elevated V Zone building may be constructed at grade or elevated so that the lowest horizontal structural member supporting the pool is at or above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). A design professional must assure community officials that a pool beneath or adjacent to an elevated V Zone building will not divert waves and increase the potential damage to any nearby buildings.


A public road normally associated with travel and not merely access to property.


A reading on a rod held on a point whose elevation is known


A reading on a rod held on a point whose elevation is unknown

Witness Monument

A reference monument. It is a monument used to identify, verify, or point to a corner or corner monument. It is also known as a pointer.


A right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land for a specified purpose (commonly used for roads, utility companies, and land locked owners) An easement is a nonpossessory interest in land If easement is a fee conveyance, grantee (dominant estate) has ownership. If conveyance was just simply an easement, ownership will revert back to the grantor once the easement is up Easements CAN be terminated after a certain time. Easements also can not be revocable Many easements are created by estoppel, acquiescence, agreement (deed or will), implication (implied), necessity, or adverse possession (prescription) Right of Way NEVER extinguishes because they aren't used, that is unless the town says so (Read Fred's notes for rest of information on easements)


A right to use another property in a specified manner and/or for a specified purpose. It is a right by which a party can use the property of another for a purpose not inconsistent with the remaining rights of the servient estate.


A road or, more specifically, a road in a developed area.

What is a digital level?

A robotic leveling instrument that reads bar codes on the rod.


A rod reading on a point of a known elevation to establish the elevation of the instrument line of sight.


A rod reading taken on a turning point, benchmark, or temporary benchmark to determine its elevations

The Transit Rule

A rule for adjusting the closure error in a traverse. The transit rule distributes the closure error by changing the northings and eastings of each traverse point in proportion to the northing and easting differences in EACH COURSE. The transit rule assumes that angles have a higher reliability/precision than distances


A sales agreement from the Commonwealth to individuals, their assigns, or heirs to purchase or claim a vacant tract of land.

NAV (Legacy Navigation Message)

A satellite message transmitted at 50 MHz and has the information on the status of the particular satellite, clock behavior, GPS time, as well as for all the other satellites in the constellation

What is a vernier scale?

A scale that can be outfitted to a Philadelphia rod to enable readings down to the thousandths. (Did in plane surveying lab across Portage Canal)

Dot Map

A scatter of dots on a map (some closely packed, others sparse) to show patterns and trends of the phenomenon being described

Temporary Benchmark

A semi-permanent point of known elevation


A significant mistake caused by human error, caused by lack of attention or carelessness, also called gross error

Paddle Board

A small white sign placed along State routes which gives the legislative route number and the stationing along the highway.

Fixed Solution

A solution that contains no integer bias or ambiguities (same thing) "RTK initialized"


A stand-in, commonly used in reference to a person who draws a warrant for a third party.

Statute of Limitations

A statute fixing a time limit on starting any specified legal action.

Statute of Frauds

A statute requiring all conveyances of land or interests in land to be transferred in writing.

Warrant Survey

A survey performed for the purpose of defining and locating the quantity of land stated in the warrant.

Property Surveys

A survey to retrace or establish property lines, or to establish location of buildings within property limits.

Automatic Level

A surveyor's level in which line of sight is maintained automatically in the horizontal plane, once the instrument is roughly leveled.

An error for which the magnitude and algebraic sign can be established

A systematic error

Title Search

A systematic search of the documents on public record which affect the title to a parcel.

Artificial Monument

A tangible object built or erected by man to control or identify the position or terminus of a boundary.


A term implying a removal from the transfer equal in status to that being transferred.


A term implying a withholding of a right or interest of less status than that title or interest being transferred.

Isopleth Map

A thematic map (also called isoline maps) A line data map (a map represented by lines) Displays the distribution of an attribute in terms of lines of equal value (ex. elevation contour map, high and low pressure fronts shown on weather maps).... shaded contours that vary by different colors and light and dark shades

What is a digital theodolite?

A theodolite with electronic capabilities (a screen and interface). We used this in plane surveying lab.

Escrow Agent

A third party that holds a grant for the transfer of real property from the grantor to the grantee while the transfer conditions are being finalized

Fractional Township

A township that contains significantly fewer than 36 sections, usually due to the invasion of a body of water


A tract or lot of land.

Line Trees

A tree intersected by a surveyed line, reported in the field notes of the survey, and marked with two hacks or notches cut on each of the sides facing the line The section line must lie within 50 links distant from the side of the tree that was hacked. The closer the blazes/hacks are on the tree, the farther the tree stands from the line Also known as sight trees or station trees A line tree is hacked (a "V" notch) Must be recorded in the field notes (Repeat Information) A tree intersected by a surveyed line, reported in the field notes of the survey, and marked with two hacks or notches cut on each of the sides FACING the line. Originally, these trees were called "station trees," and they are sometimes called "sight trees," but since the line intersects them, the term "line tree" is preferred. Lines trees are considered to be a monument of the original survey


A unit of measurement that equals 16.5 feet, one rod, or one perch.


A user error... Incorrect calculations or instrument error, and is not considered in error analysis.

Existing Monument

A valid monument existing at the time of the retracement survey.

Junior Monument

A valid monument which must give way to the superiority of one or more other monuments.

Primary Key

A value of an attribute that uniquely identifies a record in a table (ex. SSN's)

Tin surface in GIS

A vector model used to represent continuous surfaces (elevation)


A violation or failure to perform a promise, contract, etc.

Breakaway Wall

A wall that is not part of the structural support of the building and is intended through its design and construction to collapse under specific lateral loading forces, without causing damage to the elevated portion of the building or supporting foundation system.

Party Wall

A wall used by two dwelling units for support, concealment, and privacy.


A warning. In the transfer of public lands, a caveat signified a title overlap or conflict.

Special Warrant

A warrant calling for a specific location.

Descriptive Warrant

A warrant containing sufficient information to locate it at some unique location.

Warrant of Acceptance

A warrant issued for an area that has been previously surveyed or located but not legally appropriated from the Commonwealth.

Vacating Warrant

A warrant issued for lands previously claimed and later abandoned.

Special Warranty Deed

A warranty deed in which the grantor only warrants the title against his or her acts only.


A way of limited access normally much more confined in width than a road.

Block (Tree)

A wedge or pie shaped piece of wood removed from a tree for the purpose of viewing and ascertaining the age of prior scribings, blazes, notches, or marks.


A written document which is used to transfer title or an interest in real property.

Psuedo-Random Noise

Abbreviated PRN... theses codes include P code, C/A code, M code, and L2C code P Code (Precise Code) - transmits for 38 weeks before it repeats C/A code - repeats every milisecond, each satellite has a unique C/A code

Compensating Errors

Accidental Errors

Contemporaneous Acts

Acts performed during the fact in question.

Rules/Language for Metes and Bounds Descriptions and Partitioning of Lots CONTINUED

Adjoining- "COINCIDENT with"... actual contact with another boundary Adjacent- "lying next to"... implies close proximity but not actual contact Along- a measurement right next to a lot line (parallel to it) and is NOT perpendicular to the line of interest Example: "Bounded on the South" by a tract or subdivision. This is a call for a record monument that includes the tract in its ENTIRETY, not just the line that is common to both the tract and the property being described Example: "The southerly 50 feet of lot 10." The line is to be parallel with the southerly line of the lot and 50 feet from it, measured perpendicularly Example: "the westerly 50 ft" (or "the west 50 ft") by definition is measured at right angles (perpendicular) from the westerly line of the parcel Example: "The southern half of lot 10." The line is to be parallel to the southerly line of the lot, but the "southern half" implies that the lot will be split in half based on area

A coordinate which is "least squared" corrected with position rounded to 5 places:


The line passes through zero declination is known as the

Agonic line.

Required Certificates of a Plat

All signatures are to be in permanent, black ink Surveyors Certificate Proprietors Certificate (holders of the property) County Drain Commissioners Certificate Municipal Certificate Road Commissioners Certificate Treasurer Certificate County Plat Board Certificate Register of Deeds Certificate (MDOT Certificate)

Define a spiral curve

Also called a transition curve... it is a curve made up of: 1. An approach spiral 2. Circular curve 3. Leaving spiral Used for higher speeds, generally used to ease modes of transportation into a turn to make it less abrupt. Oftentimes, superelevation practices are used in these types of curves


Also called degrees of freedom (DOF). This is when we have more measurements than necessary. DOF= # of measurements- min.# of measurements needed to solve (or # of unknowns) To figure it out, count total number of measurements (equations) and number of unknowns

Geodetic Length

Also called ellipsoidal lengths. Scale factors used to convert from geodetic lengths to grid lengths (lengths on the flat map surface) and vice versa.

Define Attribute

Also called feature data Geographic Information can be described in two ways: Location: where Attributes: what There are two kinds of attributes in a GIS: cartographic features (necessary for output display... color, line width, etc) and non-graphic attributes (ex. types of pavement, date of construction)


Also called mapping angle Geodetic north and grid north only coincide at the central meridian for that zone. Everywhere else, they diverge, creating the convergence angle. If the angle between grid and geodetic occurs to the west of the central meridian, the convergence angle will be negative. It will be positive if it is to the east of the central meridian.

Absolute Positioning

Also called point positioning

Court of Appeals

Also called the Appellate Court. Cases may be presented to these courts if a party is dissatisfied with the original court's decision (the lower court).

The Compass Rule

Also called the Bowditch Rule Considered superior to the transit rule This rule assumes both angles and distances are of the same reliability/precision. Closure error is distributed over whole traverse by changing northings and eastings of each traverse point. The longer the measured length of a side, the more chance of error. First sum the total angles... take that sum and subtract 360 to get angular misclosure. Divide that misclosure by the number of traverse legs. This is the correction you will make to each interior angle of the closed traverse loop. If sum of angles is lower than n-2(180), ADD closure. If higher, subtract. For adjusting lengths, use the following formulas: Each formula is for an individual leg: Latitude correction= individual length*(total lat. misclosure/total traverse length) Departure correction= individual length*(total dep. misclosure/total traverse length) From there, subtract a misclosure that is positive from the individual legs departure or latitude, and add a misclosure that is negative.

The Manual of Survey Instructions

Also referred to as the BLM Manual of 1973 The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) was established by the Land Ordinance of 1785, and the first nationwide official Manual was distributed in 1855. The Manual has guided the original surveys and resurveys of the Public Lands through the General Land Office, and (since 1946) the Bureau of Land Management, an agency within the United States Department of the Interior. The Manual is prepared and published by the US Department of Interior (the BLM)


An act to appropriate property under eminent domain.

To Quiet Title

An action brought to court to settle the differences in a property dispute

Quiet Title

An action to clear title. Quiet title is an action used to remove encumbrances upon the title.

Vertical Photo

An aerial photo taken with a camera whose optical axis is virtually vertical It is when the the principal point and the nadir point are nearly at identical locations

Easement in Gross

An easement tied to a person. If the grantor of the easement dies or sells the property, the easement becomes void. (ex. John has a fishing pond. John grants permission to Bob his buddy to use the pond)

Total Station

An electronic theodolite combined with an EDM and an electronic data collector capable of measuring and recording horizontal and vertical distances and angles and then computing N, E, and elevation units.

Assistant Deputy Surveyor

An individual appointed by a deputy surveyor to help in surveys; now referred to as party chief.

Land Surveyor (4)

An individual licensed only as a geodetic surveyor before July 1, 2004, determines the geographic position in an international three-dimensional coordinate system, where the curvature of the earth must be taken into account when determining directions and distances; geodetic surveying includes the use of terrestrial measurements of angles and distances, as well as measured ranges to artificial satellites. A geodetic surveyor is not authorized to perform the other services a land boundary surveyor is authorized to perform.


An interest in property that returns to the grantor upon some condition or violation of condition by the grantee.

Mesne Conveyance

An intermediate conveyance or document of conveyance executed between the original and present title.

Bearing Object

An object other than a tree used as a witness (ex. a chisled rock)

Riparian Rights

An owner's rights in land that borders on or includes streams, rivers or lakes. These rights include access to and use of the water.


An unreasonable shoddiness, lack of skill, or professional competence.

Unwritten Rights

An unwritten right or possession of title is superior over all other elements to right of title... in other words, the intent of the parties is PARAMOUNT (this is a legal decision to be made by the courts, the surveyor simply provides evidence they found) Unwritten supersedes written

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Analysis and display of selected layers of a spatially and relationally referenced database


And husband (abbreviation for et viroris)


And others (abbreviation for et alias)


And wife (abbreviation for et uxoris)


Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials. A community without a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) or Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) must require a permit for all proposed construction or other development in the community, so that it can determine whether the construction or other development is proposed within a flood-prone area.

Breakaway Wall (2)

Any walls below the lowest floor in a building in a V Zone should give way under wind and water loads without causing collapse, displacement, or other damage to the elevated portion of the building or the supporting pilings or columns. (2)

Two kinds of Condominiums

Apartment Style Condos- attached single dwellings all a part of one large building Site Condo- single family units that are totally detached from other dwellings (they can't be distinguished from subdivision plays be just looking at them)

Batter Boards

Are temporary frames, set beyond the corners of a planned foundation at precise elevations. (can be used for buildings or pipeline inverts)


Area unit of measure. There are four roods per acre of land and each rood is comprised of 40 square rods or perches.

Settlement and Improvement

Areas of habitation and support.

Zone AE and A1-30

Areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event determined by detailed methods

Zone A

Areas subject to inundation by the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event generally determined using approximate methodologies.


As a unit of measurement, one link is equal to 0.66ft or 7.92in. It is also a part of a chain. A chain is comprised of 100 links.

What is Profile View?

At eye level

Prima Facie

At face value. Frequently the term is applied to evidence that is assumed correct and true unless better evidence proves differently.

For ranging a line, the number of ranging rods required is

At least three.

Natural Errors in Taping

Atmosperic effects on tape (temp, wind, etc.)


Attached or belonging to.

Traverse Leg Errors (ask Fred more about this)

Azimuth swing errors can be reduced by increasing the distance between stations (or turning in the angles multiple times... this is an older method) It is not good for a traverse leg to be short! It is good practice to keep your backsights longer than your foresights because... Say you take the error in a 10' backsight and force it into a 1000' foresight, you create 10 times the error. This is also the reason to keep the number of points in your traverse to a minimum. If you have a .04' error in each point, the less points the less error. Having a longer foresight than backsight is not as important today due to the high precision of the total station A good general rule of thumb is to do your best in keeping the backsight and foresight distances balanced

If θ and δ be the latitude of an observer and declination of a heavenly body respectively, the upper culmination of the body will be south of zenith if its zenith distance, is

B. θ - δ



Procedures for minimizing errors in leveling

Balancing Foresight and Backsight Distances Careful Work Page Checks

Methods of Direct Vertical Measurement

Barometric, Hypsometric String Line and Level Bubble Photogrammetry

-Enhance Visibility -Protect Lines -Scribe Lines

Basis Principles of Chalking Lines for "Marking Line and Grade"

The direction of a line as given by the acute angle between the line and a Meridian



Bearing of a line is the horizontal acute angle between the meridian and the line (or course)

Sources of Errors

Blunders, Systematic Error, and Accidental Error

Who manages federally owned land area?

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in the Department of the Interior

Indirect or Trigonometric Leveling

By measuring vertical angles and horizontal distance Less precise


Can be used to describe those survey instruments designed to precisely measure horizontal and vertical angles

Latitude and Departure

Can be used to determine the precision of a traverse by noting the plus/minus closing of the _____________ & _______________

Steel Tapes

Can measure to the nearest hundredths of a foor or the nearest millimeter

What is a theodolite?

Can rotate along vertical (zenith axis) and horizontal axis (trunnion axis). ONLY measure angles, not distances. Same as a transit, but more accurate. It is not robotic. A "regular" theodolite has no electronic capabilities. A 1" theodolite means it is accurate to +or- 1"


Certain activities (e.g., floodproofing design, V-Zone construction design, survey of building elevations, hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, survey and topographic data) require certification by a licensed professional architect, engineer, surveyor, or the community floodplain administrator.

Long Chains

Chains stretched so that they lay off a length longer than their nominal length.

Rules of Contour Lines

Contour lines do not cross each other, divide or split. Closely spaced contour lines represent steep slopes, conversely, contour lines that are spaced far apart represent gentle slopes. Contour lines always close to form an irregular circle. Note that sometimes contour lines extend beyond the area on a map so you may not see the entire closed circle. Contour lines showing a depression will have hachure lines pointing parallel down the slope direction (pointing toward the direction of lower elevation)

Statute of Frauds

Contract Law. Enacted by Parliment in 1677.

Meaning of "corner" and "monument"

Corner refers to the survey process that set it Monument is the object or physical structure that marks the corner point

Pick up the in-correct statement from the folowing :

Correction for semi-diameter is always negative

Pick up the correct statement from the following : A. Refraction correction is zero when the celestial body is in the zenith B. Refraction correction is 33' when the celestial body is on the horizon C. Refraction correction of celestial bodies depends upon their altitudes D. all the above.

D. all the above.

The First Point of Aeries A. is the point in the celestial sphere where zero meridian crosses the celestial equator B. is usually denoted by the Greek letter γ C. is located near the very conspicuous rectangle of stars in the constellations of Pegasus and Andromeda. D. all the above.

D. all the above.

Triangulation surveys are carried out for locating A. control points for surveys of large areas B. control points for photogrammetric surveys C. engineering works, i.e. terminal points of long tunnels, bridge abutments, etc. D. all the above.

D. all the above.

While making astronomical observations, the observer is mainly concerned with A. the direction of the vertical, the axis of rotation of the instrument B. the direction of the poles of the celestial sphere C. the direction of the star from the instrument D. all the above.

D. all the above.

The height displacement on a vertical photograph A. increases as the horizontal distance increases from the principal point B. increases as the ground elevation increases C. decreases as the flying height increases D. all the above.

D. all the above..

An imaginary level surface to which all elevations are measured or referred to



Difference between upper and lower stadia mark rod readings multiplied by stadia constant for instrument Accuracy: 1/100

Methods of Leveling

Differential, Trigonometric, Carpenter's Level, Laser Level

What is a Lenker Rod?

Direct Reading, or True Elevation (also known as Lenker style) is a Grade Rod with a moveable tape face allowing you to set the actual benchmark elevation, or any elevation, above or below the bench on the rod.

Possession (Direct and Constructive)

Direct- physical control (occupancy) of property Constructive- indirect control over property... power and intention (ex. a deed)

Magnetic North

Direction indicated by a compass True Bearing = Mag. bearing + declination CONVERT BEARING TO AZIMUTH IN ORDER FOR THE BELOW TO WORK!!! (then convert back to bearing at the end) Magnetic bearing to True bearing (Declination value is + when to the east) (Declination value is - when to the west) True bearing to Magnetic bearing "West is Best, East is least"; that is to say, add W declinations when going , and subtract E ones.

Double Proportionment

Directions are ignored....Only done to restore a LOST corner First, the corners north and south of the lost corner are retraced. A single proportionment will be performed on this line, and a TEMPORARY STAKE will be set to determine the latitude for the lost corner. Do this by traversing from one of the corner coordinates with the retraced bearing and the single proportioned distance Next, the corners on the latitudinal line will be connected, and a second temporary stake will be set on the single proportionment going east and west. This sets the longitude. Do this by traversing from one of the corner coordinates with the retraced bearing and the single proportioned distance Lastly, draw a line through the first temporary stake strait east or west. Then draw a line through the second temporary stake strait north or south. Where the lines intersect is the position of the new corner. (The new coordinate has the same easting OR northing as one of the other temporary stakes, and same with the other part of the new coordinate... see Van Sickle Solution 89.2 pg. 5-42)

Pacing Odometer Electronic Distance Measurement (EDM)

Distance Measuring Techniques

(I) Orthometric Elevation

Distance along vertical line from Vertical Datum to point

Eye Base

Distance between both pupils

Photo Base

Distance between the two principal points of overlapping photos

Surface Distance

Distance measured with the tape placed or held on the ground or land surface as opposed to a horizontal distance.

Lambert Conformal Conic Projection

Distortion occurs away from standard parallels (Scale is constant along standard parallels). In other words... scale is variable along the central meridian of this projection.... changes along north-south, or Scale varies with latitude Has a southern standard parallel and a northern standard parallel (running east-west) Parallels of latitude are arcs of concentric circles and meridians of longitude are equally spaced straight radial lines That meridians and parallels intersect at right angles Good for states that are longer east-west like Tennessee and Kentucky The projection is used in Michigan. 29 states use this projection False easting is 2,000,000 feet in SPCS27


Document showing the TRANSFER of title from the grantor to the grantee MUST have a printed or written form. Needs to have a sufficient legal description of the property

A nautical mile is A. one minute arc of the great circle passing through two points B. one minute arc of the longitude C. 6080 ft D. 1855.109 m E. all the above.

E. all the above.

Accidental errors A. do not follow any definite mathematical law B. cannot be removed by applying corrections to the observed values C. are generally small D. are also known as compensating errors E. all the above.

E. all the above.

Angle Measurement Scope

Each Generation of Angle Turning has made angle relationships a very important Tool for Point Layout

Aim/Advantage of working from whole to part is

Errors are reduced.

Random Errors

Errors other than gross or systematic errors, FOLLOW THE LAWS OF PROBABILITY

Standard Leveling

Establishing Benchmarks Construction Staking Elevations

Distance Measurement Methods

Estimation Pace Odometer Stadia Optical Range Finder Subtense Bar Taping/Chaining Total Station GPS


Estoppel is a legal doctrine which doesn't hold that both parties have reached an agreement, although it has the same effect as though they did reach an agreement. The party being estopped must know the truth General term: A situation where something keeps a party from alleging a fact or acting in a certain way that would ultimately serve as a disadvantage for them (deception) Term applying to boundary law: When one party has knowledge of the true location of the boundary and uses this to their advantage over the other party (aka, deception) An example of estoppel: A property owner may lose property he might otherwise own if a court finds that he acquired the land by implying a boundary to be correct when he knew, at the time, that it was wrong.

Biennial Report

Every two years, communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) must complete and submit a ____________ Report describing the community''s progress in the previous two years in implementing floodplain management measures and on its needs for re-mapping and technical assistance.

Extrinsic/Extraneous Evidence

Evidence garnered outside of the document.


Evidence of ownership

Aliquot Description

Example: SW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 10.... The more concise the better! SW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 10 (still correct, but not as concise) SW1/4 NE1/4 Section 10 (preferred) They are considered to be held in much higher regard than the actual metes and bounds description. Courts do not expect metes and bounds to be perfect, but aliquot descriptions are perfect descriptions.

Accessory Structures (2)

Example: a residential structure may have a detached garage or storage shed for garden tools as accessory structures.(2)

Accessory Structures (3)

Examples: gazebos, picnic pavilions, boathouses, small pole barns, storage sheds, and similar buildings. (3)

What to do if an end lot of a block is not dimensioned?

Excess is always given to the lot that is not dimensioned

What is an International (Standard) Foot? (on formula sheet already)

Expressed as a decimal: 1 Int. Foot = 0.30480000 m. (Take inverse... 1/0.30480000) 1 meter = 3.280839 Int. ft.

What is a US Survey foot? (on formula sheet already)

Expressed as a fraction: 1200/3937 m 1 US survey foot = 0.30480061 (Take inverse to get meters to feet... 1/0.30480061)


Foresight is the reading taken at a point where the elevation is not yet known. It is the reading taken at a point whose height is required in order for the leveling operation to continue

EDM instruments

Function by sending a light wave or microwave along the path to be measured

Differences between CAD and GIS

GIS: does not use vector math, rather topology.... overlays are much easier in GIS.... faster spatial analysis (certain types).... structure allows for very large continuous map coverage... deals with geographic data (attributes).... can deal with both vectors and rasters (vectors in a topological sense).... SOME GIS's will not let you view vector and raster data SOURCES together CAD: does not have topology... deals with graphic features (line width, type, etc.) Each GIS out there can NOT read every single type of GIS file. CAD can also open some GIS files

Global Positioning System


Adsectum Index

Grantee Index.

Direct Index

Grantor Index

GTS Benchmarks means

Great Trigonometrically Survey Benchmark These benchmarks are established with very high degree of precision at regular intervals all over the country by Survey of India.

1. Ease of calculation (plane geometry and trigonometry) 2. The availability of one common datum for X and Y dimensions in a large (thousands of square miles) area

Grid Reference Advantages

Central Meridian

Grid reference meridian

Grid vs Ground

Ground distance is always longer than grid distance (that is if grid is BELOW the ground) Scale factor between the parallels in the SPCS (uses Lambert Conformal Conic), the projection slips beneath GROUND and exits above ground past the parallels where the projection intersects the ellipsoid. Scale factor is less than 1 when grid is below ground. Scale factor is above 1 when grid is above ground. In Michigan, grid is UNDER the ground (could be above or below in other states) between the standard parallels (meaning the scale factor is less than 1 between the parallels and greater than 1 outside the parallels) A hundredth for every hundred feet is the change in the SCALE FACTOR

Personal Protective Equipment

Hard Hats, Eye Protection, Hand Protection, Fall Protection, Safety Vests, Ear Protection, and Foot Protection

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Has 60 zones. A cylindrical projection (cylinder lying on its side). The transverse mercator projection is defined as the cylinder being parallel to the equator. Instead of using latitude and longitude coordinates, each 6° longitude wide (even though UTM does not use longitude) UTM zone has a central meridian of 500,000 meters. In the southern hemisphere, the equator starts at 10,000,000 meters to avoid eventually becoming negative as you move southward Scale is constant up and down the central meridian. Scale/distortion varies along east-west line. Vertical grid lines are parallel to the central meridian Scale decreases below 1 in between the parallels. Scale increases above 1 outside the parallels Good for states that are longer north-south (like Illinois and Vermont)

What is an auto level?

Has an automatic compensator built in (a pendulum) to correct for slightly "off level" lines of sight (what I use currently, in labs, and at internships) Compensator pendulum swings forward correcting for line of sight if telescope tilts down. Vice versa for if the telescope is tilted up. No electronic capabilities


Has to do with a vacated easement, and who gets what rights to that property Is a portion of an estate that remains with the grantor. This type of future interest usually relies on the occurrence or non-occurrence of some event. (For example: a life estate may revert to the grantor upon death of the grantee)

What does HARN stand for and what is it applied to?

High Accuracy Reference Network. Used for GPS applications

Geodetic Networks Information

Higher accuracy classification can only be achieved by increasing the separation between points

Deflection Angles

Horizontal Angles that are measured from a prolongation of a preceding line

Types of angles

Horizontal angles interior angles angles to the right deflection angles Vertical angles(zenith)


Human errors are ____


If a _____________ proposal or other proposed new development is in a flood-prone area, any such proposals shall be reviewed to assure that: (i) All such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage within the flood-prone area; (ii) All public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems are located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage; and (iii) Adequate drainage is provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards.


If a proposed building site is in a flood-prone area, all new construction and substantial improvements shall be designed (or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy. There are specific requirements for manufactured homes and structures in V Zones.


Instrument errors are ____ and can be eliminated

Relational Database

Is a collection of tables, also called relations, which can be connected to each other by keys. A Primary key represents one or more attributes who's values can uniquely identify a record in table. Its counterpart in another table is called a foreign key. Simple and flexible. Used in GIS most often Governed by the SQL language (structured query language) Data querying (remember in class.... <,>,+,-... SELECT, WHERE... etc)


Is a multiple unit building where there is separate ownership of individual units, and the unit owners have a right to use common elements. A condo is created by a MASTER DEED. A condominium unit owner has fee simple ownership (i.e. maximum ownership and freedom given to the owner with no limitations, except within what the law allows) General Common Elements- Areas owned by the condominium association for the use of ALL members (unit owners). Examples include driveways, beaches, recreational areas, etc. Limited Common Elements- A semi-shared type of ownership. These are owned by the condo association, but these elements are limited in use to only certain members. Examples include the walls, ceilings, and floors within the unit itself. There are association dues paid to the association from each owner. These dues cover the cost of maintaining the common areas (i.e. mowing, garbage takeout, etc.) of the condominium, and cover the cost of real estate taxes that the association has to pay as a whole.

Define Network Accuracy of a geodetic control point

Is a number, expressed in centimeters, that represents the uncertainty in the coordinates, at 95% confidence level, of this control point with respect to the geodetic datum

Define Local Accuracy of a geodetic control point

Is a number, expressed in centimeters, that represents the uncertainty, at 95% confidence level, in the coordinates of this control point relative to the other directly connected, adjacent control points

Thematic map

Is a specific purpose map representing the spatial distribution of a particular theme (ex. soil types, vegetation, etc)


Is a statute that yields to the idea of holding to original monuments and boundary lines, even if the original monumentation is in error "Let sleeping dogs lie" Adams vs. Hoover is a classic case of this

Abstract of Title

Is a written statement of publicly recorded facts related to a chain of title. It is not a complete statement of every detail of past title transfers, rather a summary of ownership history

Estate (freehold and non freehold)

Is the DEGREE or extent of interest which a person has in land or in real property. It is an ownership interest in a physical area of land with a set geographic location. For example: a life estate, an easement, a leasehold or fee simple absolute. (In other words, it is the interest someone has in a physically enclosed area of land) Freehold- an individual that has ownership for an indefinite period of time (ex. fee simple absolute) Non-freehold- for a limited duration ("at will", "at sufferance")... an estate that is held for a limited time, usually given up upon death of owner

Define Weight of a measurement

It can be logically concluded that if an observation is very precise, it will have a small standard deviation or variance, and thus should be weighted more heavily (held closer to its observed value). Weights are computed from precisions. More precise observations or coordinates have higher weights. The higher the weight, the less the observation or coordinate will be adjusted by the Least Squares adjustment. Weight is a unit less measurement. The more times the same measurement is taken (i.e. more redundancies) the more weight that measurement has. (ex. measuring angles in a traverse loop) Weight in differential leveling is inversely proportional to the length of the leveling leg. Also, weight is inversely proportional to the number of setups. Weight is inversely proportional to the variance (variance is standard deviation squared) As standard deviation decreases (which is better), weight and precision increase (which is good). The more weight, the more precise. Precision is a measure of how confident we are in an observed value

What is a datum?

It is the basis for horizontal and vertical components, and provides an "anchor point" for everything, an origin. A datum provides a frame of reference for measuring locations on the surface of the earth by defining the origin and orientation of latitude and longitude lines. Examples are WGS84, NAD83, NAD27, and ITRF WGS84 and ITRF are global datums. NAD27 an NAD83 are local datums.

what does "balancing of sights" mean?

Keeping BS and FS distances equidistant from the instrument setup Doing this MOST IMPORTANTLY eliminates instrument maladjustment (collimation error), as well as the combined effects of the Earth's curvature and refraction. Collimation error happens if after the instrument is leveled, its line of sight is not truly horizontal. Balancing of sights should be done as much as possible, but only is important for long backsights and foresights. That is when curvature and refraction affect the reading the most. Precision increases in leveling by repeating observations.

Single Proportionment

Key words to look for in a problem that indicated proportionate measurements.... "Should be measured" 1. Locate the positions of the nearest corners on each side of the corner to be restored 2. Measure between the two nearest corners (measured total)) 3. Measure between the two nearest corners (record total) 4. Divide the total record measurement by 2 (record part) (IT IS A RECORD PART! IT WONT ALWAYS COME OUT TO BE 1/2) 5. ((record part)/(record total)) * measured total Mathematically, all you are doing is taking a retracement MEASUREMENT (measured length) and proportioning it/scaling it off of what the record WAS. For example, if a E quarter corner was perfectly halfway between the NE and SE section corners, then the retracement measurement will ultimately be multiplied by 1/2

Lands of the Public Domain

Land belonging to or being available to the public as a whole 30 states have been created out of the public domain (are under the PLSS system) These were lands that were turned over to the Federal Government by the colonial states and area later on acquired from the native Americans or other foreign power Once a land passes from public domain to private ownership then become under the jurisdiction of THAT state's law


Land formed by the gradual and imperceptible accumulation of accretions.

Flat Land

Land found along bodies of water that is subject to flooding.

Unimproved Land

Land showing no sign of occupancy or cultivation.


Land that is formed by the deposition of sediment by the action of water

Unseated Land

Land under warrant and/or survey but not improved.

Tidelands and Oceans

Lands covered by daily tides An area of one high tide and one low tide during a 24 hour period is considered diurnal Oceans (the high seas) are considered to be global commons accessible to all. History: As navigation of the seas became more common, the concept of a marginal or territorial sea evolved. The zone acted as a buffer to defend against hostile shipping. This boundary started out at 3 miles off from the shoreline. Around 1982, the United Nations extended the marginal sea concept out to 12 nautical miles of the mean lower low water line. This is due to the rising popularity of exploiting the riches of the sea. AS IT STANDS CURRENTLY: Each coastline state owns out to 3 geographical miles of submerged lands. These lands were granted to each state by the federal government in 1953 Submerged Lands Act. BUT the US Federal Government as a whole extends this out to 12 nautical miles of ownership from the mean lower low water line.

Donation Lands

Lands set aside for officers and enlisted troops as bounty for their loyal and continued service.

Depreciation Lands

Lands set aside for soldiers to offset the depreciation in their military pay.

Seated Lands

Lands under settlement and improvement.


Large set of observations (>30)

Geographic Coordinate Systems distortions

Latitude and longitudes... direction is true. All other properties (area, shape, distance, and direction) are distorted

Rectangular coordinate systems use the components of "Northing", "Easting", and "Elevation"; whereas GPS measures what three components?

Latitude, Longitude, Ellipsoid Height

Statute Law

Laws enacted by the State legislature.

Spherical Trigonometry

Legs of a spherical triangle are in units of degrees An arc length along a spherical earth IS a great circle Colatitude- 90 degrees - latitude of point B or C (results in a leg of the spherical triangle, or arc length) DONT FORGET SIGN CONVENTIONS!! When dealing with a latitude that is S, or a longitude that is W, sign becomes negative, making the colatitude 90+.... To figure out an arc distance along a spherical earth given the latitude and longitude of two points, figure out the two legs using colatitudes, then lastly figure out angle A up top by taking the difference in longitudes at the two points of interest. From there, use law of sines and cosines

Profile Leveling

Leveling Relative to Baseline (Reference Line,) used for Highways, Dams, etc.

Digital Level

Leveling instrument with onboard camera and computer, enabling ability to read bar-coded level rod. Rod reading values stored in memory, elevations computed automatically


Leveling is the operation performed in surveying to determine and establish elevations of points

Methods of Establishing Elevations

Leveling, Direct Vertical Measurement, GPS

Light Detection and Ranging



Liens, taxes, or outside, derogatory interests on the title to land.

Easement Descriptions

Like any caption, the caption of an easement description should briefly summarize the location and dimensions of the easement. It should ALSO express the purposes and use to which the easement is limited to. An easement can be written to include many purposes on one instrument

Vertical Line

Line from the surface of the earth to the earth's center. It is also referred to as a plumb line or line of gravity

Level Line

Line in a level surface

Instrument Related Errors in Leveling

Line of Sight (Collimation Error) Crosshair Rod Length Tripod Legs


Lines drawn on a map to show relief (depressions and peaks) of the terrain. Hachures are drawn parallel to the downward or upward slope Thicker hachures or hachures that are closer together depict a steeper slope. Hachures that are thinner or farther apart depict a flatter surface

Township Lines

Lines in a government rectangular survey system that run east and west at 6-mile intervals parallel with base lines and that form strips of land or tiers called townships.

Isoporic Lines

Lines of constant change in declination.

Isogonic Lines

Lines of constant declination.

Grid Meridians

Lines that are parallel to a grid reference meridian (central meridian)


Mean diurnal low water inequality


Measured from north and south split into 4 quadrants


Measured from north angles vary 0-360

Mean High Water Mark

Measured over 1 tidal epoch (about 19 years) Also called the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM... this is an older term) Mean High Water is the average of all the high water marks (meantide is halfway between high and low tides)

Hydrographic Surveying

Measures and records the shape, location, and contour of underwater terrain

What does a Conformal projection mean?

Minimizes distortion in shape (Also known as orthomorphic)


Moral Principles or values.

Total stations or other EDM devices

Most distances are now measured using..

Plane Surveying

Most engineering and property surveys


Most important construction activity

Local Government Regulations

Most states have two tiers of local jurisdictions Municipal (township, city, or village)- relating to a city or town or its governing body (municipal governments oversee the operation and functions of cities and towns) Examples of work include water, sewage, trash, zoning, law enforcement, etc County- serve a larger geographical area than cities and towns. Tasks include the work of the sheriff, the county clerk, the assessor, the treasurer, the coroner, and the engineer. (examples include subdivisions)

Negative Lens on a Level

Moves in Telescope to focus

What are the two major sources of error in a GPS receiver?

Multipath and quartz crystal clock bias

Block (Surveys)

Multiple surveys performed during the same time period, usually in a rectangular grid pattern.

HARN, CORS, and NGS Monuments (ask Rick Sauve)

My understanding is that HARN was established before the CORS network. The CORS network being more accurate, NGS took on the duty of correcting HARN relative to the CORS network. NGS monuments/control points are physical points set on the earth's surface in reference to the datum. This has been happening ever since..... NAD27??? HARN is just a general term referring to the new network of baselines established using GPS once the technology came out

The backsight at a station is South 0° East. Projecting forward you turn the following deflection angles: 30° 30' right; 29° 21' 15" left; 46° 31' right. What is the forward bearing of your last reading?

N 47° 39' 45" E

In the quadrantal bearing system, a whole circle bearing of 293° 30' can be expressed as

N 66° 30' W.

Guide Meridians (quadrangle)

N-S lines... Follow astronomic north and are intended to follow the longitudinal lines within 50 seconds. The principal meridian also follows a true longitudinal line The initial point is where the base line and principal meridian intersect Guide meridians are EXTENDED NORTH from the baseline or standard parallel at intervals of 24 miles east or west from the principal meridian. The guide meridians terminates at their intersection with a standard parallel (a closing TOWNSHIP corner is created when this happens) If guide meridians are placed EXCEEDING 24 miles, new governing lines are required, called an Auxiliary Guide Meridian

The origin of the horizontal datum is located at the approximate center of North America at a location call "Meades Ranch, Kansas" (Lat:39d13'26.686"N, Long: 098d32;30.506"W), with azimuths oriented to monuments between Meades Ranch and Waldo.


What are two horizontal datums?

NAD27 and NAD83

This horizontal datum is Earth Centered-Earth Fixed, references meridians to the Greenwich Meridian and references latitudes to the equator.

NAD83, WGS84

20. In the United States a reference datum for leveling is the:

NAVD Datum of 1988 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988)

Sioux Falls vertical control monuments for referenced to:


Environmental Policy

NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act 1970) was created to promote enhancement of the environment when industrialization was becoming more popular, while also keeping environmental preservation in mind ("broad in scope") EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is a legislative arm to set standards and enforce environmental regulations

What is the primary federal agency responsible for horizontal and vertical control throughout the united states?


What are two vertical datums?

NGVD29 and NBVD88

Types of attributes in GIS

Nominal- data divided into classes (ex. two different types of colored polygons representing different soil types) Ordinal- Data classified by comparative value; for example, a group of polygons colored lighter to darker to represent less to more densely populated areas. Interval- data classified on a linear scale (ex. temperature, calendar years, time of day) Ratio- the magnitude between features... Data classified relative to a fixed zero point on a linear scale. (ex. age, distance, weight, volume)

Three basic rules for sig figs:

Non-zero digits are always significant. Any zeros between two significant digits are significant. A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal portion ONLY are significant.

Plane Surveying

Not taking the curvature of the Earth into account.

Stare Decisis

Not to unsettle that which is settled.


Obtainging reliable measurements through aerial or space photography.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Accidental Errors

Occur randomly and produce error in the measurement

-Project Documentation -Procurement of Materials -Information Requests

Office Duties of Construction Planning


Official List. Typically a list of roads (Road Docket)

partial payments completion and acceptance of the project

On most construction projects, ______ are made to the contractor at regular intervals, and final payment is made upon _____

How many miles for one degree of latitude?

One degree of latitude is 69 miles

Res Gestae

Part of the act; thing that happened.

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Phase I- initial scan for contamination (or REC's... Recognized Environmental Concerns). Involves review of records, site inspection, and interviews with owners and local government officials Phase II- if Phase I identifies potential contamination, Phase II will begin. This includes sampling and lab testing to confirm the presence of hazardous material Phase III- if Phase II passes, Phase III is the extensive physical cleanup of the site

Staking out Pipelines

Pipelines could refer to storm water, sewage, oil, natural gas, and other fluids. Storm and sanitary sewers are usually transported by gravity, and require a high precision. Oil, natural gas, and water mains on the other hand are generally under pressure so they need not to be aligned to as high an order of accuracy. The traditional process of staking pipelines: 1. Set up a level and backsight on a nearby benchmark to obtain an HI 2. Obtain the elevation at the station of interest AT ground level 3. Subtract the invert elevation of the pipe (elevation is on the drawings) from the ground elevation taken in the previous step 4. Write on the stake the cut or fill on an offset stake facing perpendicular to the centerline of the pipeline path (usually good to have two offset stakes for visual orientation) as well as the offset distance from the centerline

Alidade is used in

Plane Tabling.

Rules/Language for Metes and Bounds Descriptions and Partitioning of Lots

Point of Beginning (POB)- its identity is to be clear and certain in the field. It is NOT a standard section corner, rather it should be a corner of the described parcel and tied to the parent tract Point of Commencement (POC)- should be off the parcel being described (usually IS a standard section corner) Described in a clock-wise manner. This is preferred, but COULD also be described CCW. Lines must be described by an IDENTIFIED starting point, a distance, a direction, and an IDENTIFIED terminal point (ex. FROM or TO a capped 5/8" iron) "More or less" is a cautionary signal. The scrivener (the writer of the deed and description) had reason to believe the measurement made may not be accurate.

Vector Data

Points, lines, and polygons (stored in shapefiles).... shapefiles do not contain vector data, so topology does not NECESSARILY need to be stored with vector data Raster data can be made into vector data (digitizing), but vectors can not be made into rasters Advantages: Topology rules apply...Good for property lines, transportation, boundaries, etc..... GENERALLY does not require as much storage space (does NOT mean it will always be the case)

Construction Surveys

Porviding in ground refereence markers to aid in placement of utilities, buildings, streets, etc.

Adverse Possession

Possession of land in which the possessor has no valid record title. It is a physical claim on property adverse to the rightful owner's interests.

Final ("as-built") Surveys

Post construction survey that confirms design execution and records in-progress revisions.

Aerial Surveys

Preliminary and final survey using traditional aerial photography and aerial imagery.


Proper Maintenance eliminates some chance for _____


Recent FEMA guidance now allows _______________ to have their floors up to two feet below lowest adjacent grade under certain circumstances although this is discouraged. Below-grade ________________ foundation walls are exposed to increased forces during flood conditions, such as hydrostatic and saturated soil forces. (2)

Common Mistakes in Leveling

Recording the wrong foot High rod not fully extended Wrong point for rod

Construction surveyor

Records items that require a surveying function (excavation quantities, concrete placed in structures, placement of sod)

Project inspector

Records items, such as daily progress, staff, and equipment in used, and materials used.

Cartesian Coordinate Systems are also called...?

Rectangular Coordinate Systems

Difference between red oak and white oak leaves:

Red oak has pointed lobes, white oaks have rounded lobes

Systematic Error

Repetitive error that are caused by imperfections or malfunctions of the surveying equipment

Utilities (3)

Require within flood-prone areas new and replacement sewage systems be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters

Utilities (2)

Require within flood-prone areas new and replacement water supply systems to be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems;

Adverse Possession

Requirements for Adverse Possession: 1. The statutory period (differs for each state... for Michigan it is 15 years) 2. Open and visible possession (direct possession) 3. Peaceful possession (any hostility involved shows ill intents... notorious possession is not allowed... meaning that there can be no effort to conceal the possession) Paying taxes on property you don't own is a form of adverse possession Adverse Possession is a "Statue of Limitation" type document Color of Title is NOT one of the requirements for adverse possession (Color of Title is where one acts like they own the property, but they technically don't have the title to it)

The process of determining the locations of the instrument station by drawing resectors from the locations of the known stations is called


Other Types of Land Development Projects

Residential (single or multifamily homes, cottages) Commercial Civil (waste water, bridges, roads) Industrial (power plants, solar and wind farms, etc.) MUNICIPAL could apply to any of the above categories

Residuals vs Standard deviation

Residual- the difference in a measurement or a series of measurements from an established/ESTIMATED value (i.e. mean minus an individual observation) The residuals are then summed up and squared to create the standard deviation (i.e. standard deviation is the sum of the residuals squared) Standard deviation is the difference between an observed value and the TRUE (UNOBSERVABLE) value. Residuals are theoretically identical to errors, but they aren't the actual errors, because errors will never be known. So residuals are a calculated/estimated error. Follows a normal distribution

Systematic Errors

Result of the process or measuring system utilized, follows physical laws and can be MODELED MATHEMATICALLY

Townships are divided into...

Sections (1mi X 1mi)

Meadow Land

See 'Fast Land'

Title Line

See Line of Title.

Leading Warrant

Senior warrant in a survey block.


Short for boundary.

Pick up the in-correct statement from the following :

Sidereal time is measured from the upper transit of the first point of Aries.

How to Verify Crosshair

Sight Object and rotate

Natural Site Conditions

Significance of Sites Natural Context and Critical Resources

South Carolina State Plane

South Carolina—The two zones for South Carolina, SPCS 27 FIPS zones 3901 and 3902, were eliminated and replaced by a single zone, SPCS 83 FIPS zone 3900.

Characteristics of a good benchmark

Stable and Durable Reproducible elevations Driven below area of movement Location ties/sketch for re-use Project Precision requirements


State Plane Coordinate System

Floodplain Management (3)

States are encouraged to insure and regulate state-owned properties under the NFIP.

Randon Errors can't be eliminated only estimated through

Statistical analysis of multiple measurements and Least Squares Adjustment procedures

100 ft

Steel tape length that is most commonly used

1. Head of Tripod Horizontal 2. Level Vial Positioning 3. Left Thumb Rule 4. Always Rotate 180 Degrees as a Check 5. Turn Leveling Screws Easily 6. Index the Screws

Steps for Leveling an Instrument

Define a Lot as used in the PLSS

Subdivisions of a section that are not described as aliquot parts, but bear a lot number. Any 1/16th quarter that is split even further due to the following is considered a lot: 1. Sections along the exterior of a township absorbing the excess or deficiency accumulated in a township will create a lot 2. Sections adjoining a meandered lake, pond, or river 3. The closure of lines of the rectangular survey upon the boundaries of a reservation or national park


Submerged lands not meeting the Federal test standards, and IN GENERAL will not allow for a vessel to pass through safely Submerged lands of non-navigable bodies of water are owned by the adjacent property owners

How to figure out horizontal distance with stadia hairs

Subtract lower stadia hair reading from upper, then multiply by 100.


Sudden change to a shoreline due to a natural event Boundary does NOT change Man-made, artificial changes do not change title either

Layout Surveys

Survey in which they surveyor marks on the ground the features shown on a design plan.

Plane Surveying

Survey of such limited size that computations can be based on plane geometry and trigonometry for all horizontal positioning.

Control Surveys

Survey taken to establish or reestablish reference points, elevations, and lines for preliminary and construction surveys.

Hydrographic Surveys

Surveying of water environments.

Engineering Surveys

Surveying work performed in order to densify, augement and enhance previously performed survey work.

Deputy Survey

Surveyors appointed by the proprietor (Penn and his heirs) and later the Surveyor General to perform official surveys within selected districts.

Swamp and Overflowed Lands

Swamp Lands- are lands that "require drainage" to make them for for cultivation and development Overflowed Lands- lands that are subject to periodic or frequent flooding that require levees or embankments to allow for cultivation and development Both of these types of lands are not considered tidelands Are not to be meandered Uplands that are unfit for agriculture in their natural state due to inundation were given a special classification by the US Public Land Survey. Therefore, these lands were granted to the individual states for improvement and conveyance to private property owners Delineation is required to establish a boundary between swamp lands and regular lands. They are considered to be within the floodplain

Swimming Pools (2)

Swimming pools are allowed beneath elevated buildings only if the area is not enclosed and the pool or other potential obstruction is flush with the natural grade of the site. Community officials must require that the registered design professional certify that the pool or other potential obstruction will not be subject to breaking up or floating out of the ground and affecting the pilings and columns of the support system of the building. The community must further stipulate that future enclosure of the area is prohibited

Temporary Benchmark


Turning Point



Tacit consent or consent by non action.

How to convert inches to tenths of a foot (decimal feet)?

Take inch value and divide by 12

(I)Geodetic Height

Takes into account the shape of the earth, mathematical shape of earth (ellipsoid)

Property (Tangible and Intangible)

Tangible- Personal property that can be movable (furniture, livestock, etc.) Intangible- ideas (stocks, bonds, intellectual thoughts)


That estate in land which becomes possessory after one or more life estates have ended. It is the remaining property left to the grantor after subdivision and/or transfer.


That part of the description that describes the boundaries to the parcel.


That part of the description that provides the location of the property.

What is meant by a 95% confidence level in statistical surveying?

That we are 95% confident that the point lies within the error ellipse

Senior Rights

The "Senior" is the conveyance of land that occurred first in time

Beaten Path Doctrine

The 'beaten path doctrine' implies that the location and extent of the road is determined from the physical location and extent of the traveled way or 'beaten path.'

Floodplain Management (2)

The National Flood Insurance Progam (NFIP) underwrites flood insurance coverage only in communities that adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations through an ordinance that meets or exceeds NFIP criteria.

Relative Positioning

The determination of position through the combined computations of two or more receivers simultaneously tracking the same satellites, resulting in the determination of the baseline vector joining the two receivers.


The gradual recession of water leaving land PERMANENTLY uncovered BOUNDARY WILL CHANGE. The owner will gain land. The riparian owner will own out to the new mean high water line


The lowest part of a stream.


The one charging or bringing legal suit, the party initiating the action.

Principal Point

The point at which the lines through apposing sets of fiducial marks intersect on the PHOTO

Initial Point

The point located at the intersection of the Principal Meridian and the Baseline

Meander Corner

The point marked by the intersection of the regular section line and the mean high-water mark of a body of water

Point of Commencement

The point or corner, other than a parcel or easement corner (as the case may be), where a description begins. The point of commencement is usually a point or corner that is well-known or easily located, from which directions and distances are provided to locate the point of beginning.

Nadir Point

The point that lies directly below the observer (the camera) on the GROUND Opposite of the zenith

Traveled Way

The roadway. The traveled way is that portion of the road used for travel.

Law of Cosines: how to set it up

The variable on the left side of the equation must match the cosine angle


The vertical distance above or below a given datum; also known as orthometric height.


Theodolite or

What is true for all conifers?

They produce cones as their reproductive structure.


This is the first reading on the staff placed on a benchmark at the commencement of leveling operation.

Intermediate Sight

This is the reading taken between the back sight and foresight in a leveling operation


To extend a line on the same course.

Profile leveling

To find elevations along a line and its cross section used for Route Survey


To hold accountable; a legal responsibility to perform or meet a standard.


To hold harmless

Metamorphic rocks, how are they formed?

Transformation of pre-existing rock. The original rock is subjected to very high heat and pressure, which cause obvious physical or chemical changes.

-Hand Tool Hazards -Natural Hazards -Highway Hazards -Construction Site Hazards (Equipment and Trenching #1 killer)

Types of Hazards

Implied Easement

Unwritten. It comes about because it is necessary for the reasonable use of the property (I think it might be the same as an easement by necessity)

Non-Navigable Stream boundary lines

Upland boundary lines in the situation of non-navigable streams are considered to be to the thread (measured center) of the stream or the thalweg (deepest part) of the stream. Best method is one that gives an equitable share of the be of the stream to each upland tract, perpendicular to the thread/thalweg using proportionate methods

Where is the origin (0,0) of a digital image (comprised of pixels)?

Upper left pixel

System of Geographic Coordinates

Used in navigation and geodesy, but those engaged in plane surveying normally use their coordinate grid systems or the original township fabric as a basis for referencing

Fiberglass Tapes

Used when lower precision is acceptable

Geodetic Surveys

Using the science of geodesy to take the curvature of the Earth into account of placement,

Optical Range Finder

Utilize focus of lens on object and lens equation Accuracy: 1/50

Personal Error

Variations due to the limitations of human senses

Natural Error

Variations of a natural nature (change in temperature, humidity, gravity, etc.)

Potential earth surfaces:


Cycle slip

When the GPS receiver cant be tracked breifly because of an obstruction


Written evidence of title, a document.

Sequence Conveyance

________________ ________________ are all conveyances except simultaneous conveyances. More specifically, ______________ _____________ are those in which parcels are created at different times by different instruments and, possibly, by different grantors.


________________ foundations are commonly used in some parts of the nation to elevate the lowest floors of residential buildings located in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE). _______________ should be constructed so that the floor of the ______________ is at or above the lowest grade adjacent to the building. ________________ that have their floors below BFE must have openings to allow the equalization of flood forces.

FloodProofing (3)

________________ of areas below the BFE in residential buildings is not permitted under the NFIP exceptin communities that have been granted an exception to permit __________________ basements. _________________ is not permitted in Coastal High Hazard Areas (Zone V, VE, or V1-30). It is recommended that __________________ be implemented up to one foot above BFE for a factor of safety and to receive full credit for flood insurance rating.

National Tidal Datum Epoch

a specific 19 yr period is since apparently non-periodic variations in mean sea level is noted from one 19 yr period to the next

lost corner

a survey point whose position cannot be determined through the use of substantial evidence. The location of a lost corner can be restored only by reference to one or more interdependent corners which are obliterated or existent

Open Traverse

a surveying traverse that fails to terminate where it began and therefore does not completely enclose a polygon

First aid for a severe laceration of the forearm should be to:

apply direct pressure and transport victim to medical attention immediately, watch for signs of shock.

Longitude of a place is the angular distance between the meridian of the place and

both (a) and (c) of above.

a rule for placing text in CAD is that all text should be placed so that it can be read from the __________ side.

bottom and right

A polar planimeter is used to:

calculate area by tracing on the boundary on any area

Homologous points are

corresponding points on the ground and photograph


east/ west, parallel to the equator, measured 90 max

a differential level traverse was run from BM #1 to BM #2 and closed with zero error. The sum of the backsights when totaled was less then the sum of the foresights. This indicates that the:

elevation of BM #2 is lower than BM#1

A differential level traverse was run from BM#1 to BM#2 and closed with zero error. The sum of the backsights when totaled was less than the sum of the foresights. This indicates that the:

elevation of BM#2 is lower than BM#1

Which one of the following scales is primarily used in the United States for scaling distances on a surveying drawing?

engineer's scale

A star may culminate at zenith if its declination is

equal to the latitude of the place

Angular Measurements

even though the basic unit is the radian, the degree is used in surveying field works. For accuracy subdivisions of the degree are available, viz. the minute and the second.

At a corner, the deed calls for a pine tree. In close proximity, you find a concrete monument, an iron pipe, and an oak stump with a blaze on it. What should you locate and record in the data collector?

everything as a registered professional will need to evaluate each item

at a corner, the deed calls for a pine tree. In close proximity you find a concrete monument, an iron pipe and an oak stump with a blaze on it. What should you locate and record in the data collector?

everything as a registered professional will need to evaluate each item


external or limiting lines or monuments of a property

The product of the distances of plumb point and horizon point of a vertical photograph from its principal point, is


The want of correspondence in stereo-photographs

is a function of tilt

Condominium Survey

is a survey that establishes individual condominium units and is used when converting an apartment building with leased apartments into condominiums with private unit ownership.

Compass Rule Adjustment

is based on the assumption that all lengths wee measured with equal care and all angles taken with approximately the same precision.


is elevating a building's lowest floor above predicted flood elevations by a small additional height (generally 1-3 feet above National Flood Insurance Program [NFIP] minimum height requirements)

Construction Layout Survey

is the process of interpreting construction plans and marking the location of proposed new structures such as roads or buildings.

Hydrographic Survey

is the science of measurement and description of features which affect maritime navigation, marine construction, dredging, offshore oil exploration/offshore oil drilling and related activities.

For plane ground the scale of a vertical photograph will be same as that of a tiled photograph along the photo parallel through


The point on the photograph where bisector between the vertical line through optical centre of the camera lens and the plate perpendicular meets, is known as


The principal line is the line joining the principal point and



mean range for observation period

A Level Line is a line parallel to the

mean spheroidal surface of earth.


mean tide level for observation period

Private practice firm

means a firm as defined herein through which the practice of engineering or surveying would require a certificate of authorization as described in this chapter.

The type of surveying which requires least office work is

plane table surveying.

The instrument used for accurate centering in plane table survey is

plumbing fork or U-Frame

3 wire leveling

recording readings of all 3 stadia marks, readings averaged

irregular exterior or meander lines

restored using found existing monumentation and a compass rule adjustment using measured and recorded lat and dep between them

What would be the instrument most commonly used to run a benchmark circuit?

self-leveling level

Error Propagation

study of how measurement errors propagate into calculated results


subordinate station

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. In a spherical triangle

sum of the three angles is equal to two right angles

When dealing with first aid what should be conspicuously posted in the field survey vehicle?

telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, and ambulances in the area worked by the survey crew

which of the following tapes will lay out a distance longer than actual?

temperature 30 degrees above standard

Which of the following tapes will lay out a distance longer than actual?

temperature 30° above standard

When the bubble of a level is centered:

the axis of the level tube is perpendicular to the vertical axis

When the bubble of a level is centered:

the axis of the level tube is perpendicular to the vertical axis -

Linear Measurements

the basic unit used is the meter. Decimal fractions of the meter are also used when accuracy is required. Other units include the foot, the inch, the yard, the mile, etc.

When running a curve by deflections from any station on the curve, to facilitate turning to the next station you can backsight the previous station with:

the deflection angle for the previous station sighted on the circle

A detailed diagram of a roadway construction materials at 90º to the centerline is called a:

typical cross section

Liability of property line locations

why surveyors should be on staff with a construction company. It distributes the responsibility and blame

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