Sustainable Management Exam 2

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what is knowledge capital?


who is managing the tension between differentiation and cost?

Pals and IKEA

which of the following best describes a stakeholder? a. any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization's goals b. a person not impacted by decisions made in the company

a. any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization's goals

As the coevolution of the concept of capital progressed, what happened? a. capital transformed from production to higher needs b. capital transformed from higher needs to production c. capital remained the same d. none of the above

a. capital transformed from production to higher needs

which of the following best describes casual ambiguity? a. competitors don't fully understand how the firm is using its capabilities to build a competitive advantage b. socially complex phenomena such as interpersonal relationships, trust, reputation, organizational culture c. holistic social capital built within an ecosystem structure: ecosystemic competencies d. none of the above e. all of the above

a. competitors don't fully understand how the firm is using its capabilities to build a competitive advantage

eco-efficiency is what type of process? a. cradle to grave b. cradle to cradle c. economic d. none of the above

a. cradle to grave

socio-efficiency is what type of process a. cradle to grave b. cradle to cradle c. economic d. none of the above

a. cradle to grave

which term best describes resource based theory? a. functional level strategy b. marketing function c. only for larger firms d. only uses one type of capital e. all of the above

a. functional level strategy

What is the difference between an internal and external evaluation? a. internal compares firm's past performance and internal quality standards to determine probable strengths and weaknesses using trends over time and external evaluation is competitive data b. no difference

a. internal compares firm's past performance and internal quality standards to determine probable strengths and weaknesses using trends over time and external evaluation is competitive data

what is important in cost leadership? a. low cost b. quality c. high cost d. none of the above

a. low cost

product stewardship strategies (ecological and social differentiation) include?

a. people willing to pay a premium price b. ONLY eco friendly products (no green washing) c. CC in functional level marketing strategies d. selling materials once discarded as wastes e. advertising the environmental benefits of a product

what happens when you invest in human capital? a. productivity increases and profits increase b. productivity decreases and profits decrease c. productivity increases and profits decrease d. none of the above

a. productivity increases and profits increase

what happens when you invest in social capital? a. reputational capital increases and profits increase b. reputational capital decreases and profits decrease c. reputational capital increases and profits decrease d. none of the above

a. reputational capital increases and profits increase


a. slow entropic flow efficiency c. renewable business models d. carbon trading

which of the following best describe dynamic capabilities? a. the ability to change the firm's resource base to strategically fit the external environment and to explore new market space b. the unique set of skills that can transform resources into core competencies c. the current stock price of the firm's shares d. none of the above

a. the ability to change the firm's resource base to strategically fit the external environment and to explore new market space

what is financial capital?

added to distinguish THE ASSET OF MONEY from the physical capital in land, plant, equipment, etc.

pioneering and establishment strategies?

attempt to shape business ecosystem's structure major opportunities develop advantageous relationships with value chain rapidly improve product quality establish firm's technology as the dominant one forecast future competing business ecosystems

what is the basis of a competitive strategy? a. analyzing the external environment b. core competencies c. analyzing the internal envrionment d. market segmentation

b. core competencies

the circular economy is what type of process? a. cradle to grave b. cradle to cradle c. economic d. none of the above

b. cradle to cradle

who has bargaining power in cost leadership? a. suppliers b. customers c. suppliers and customers d. none of the above

b. customers

which of the following is not included in an organizational footprint analysis? a. economic value added b. impacts of value chain on finances c. impacts of value chain on communities d. worker health and safety across the value chain e. none of the above

b. impacts of value chain on finances

which of the following did knowledge capital create? a. natural capital b. intellectual capital c. social capital d. reputational captial e. none of the above

b. intellectual capital

what type of buyers make up the cost leadership market? a. quality conscious buyers b. price conscious buyers

b. price conscious buyers

which of the following best describes social complexity? a. competitors don't fully understand how the firm is using its capabilities to build a competitive advantage b. socially complex phenomena such as interpersonal relationships, trust, reputation, organizational culture c. holistic social capital built within an ecosystem structure: ecosystemic competencies d. none of the above e. all of the above

b. socially complex phenomena such as interpersonal relationships, trust, reputation, organizational culture

which of the following does not describe cost leadership's organizational requirements? a. a CC in operations or distribution b. very fluid and organic c. mechanistic d. productivity per hour e. not out of the box

b. very fluid and organic

the products of eco-effective strategies are designed to include which two types of nutrients? a. biological and zero waste b. zero waste and technical c. biological and technical d. none of the above

c. biological and technical

which of the following is not included in eco-effectiveness? a. zero waste b. cradle to cradle c. cradle to grave d. design

c. cradle to grave

which of the following best describes system level resources? a. competitors don't fully understand how the firm is using its capabilities to build a competitive advantage b. socially complex phenomena such as interpersonal relationships, trust, reputation, organizational culture c. holistic social capital built within an ecosystem structure: ecosystemic competencies d. none of the above e. all of the above

c. holistic social capital built within an ecosystem structure: ecosystemic competencies

which of the following did human capital create? a. social capital b. capital and labor c. knowledge capital d. natural capital e. none of the above

c. knowledge capital

SSM competitive level strategies

competitive necessity

which of the following best describes life cycle assessment (LCA)? a. total systematic approach to analyzing a product's ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE b. the resource assessment process expands to include the greater ecosystem c. the model does not account for wastes after consumption d. a and b

d. a &b a. total systematic approach to analyzing a product's ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE b. the resource assessment process expands to include the greater ecosystem

When 3M used ecoefficiency in 1975 what happened? a. the ceo challenged engineers to produce no waste b. 3p (pollution prevention paste) was utilized c. it ended up being a win-win d. all of the above

d. all of the above

Which of the following is assessed by an organizational footprint analysis? a. economic impacts of the firm's operations b. environmental impacts of the firm's operations c. social impacts of the firm's operations d. all of the above

d. all of the above

eco-efficiency based pollution prevention strategies include? a. TQUEM ( total quality environment management) b. sustainability based supplier relationships c. operational level CC d. all of the above

d. all of the above

socio-efficiency strategies includes which of the following? a. development of human capital in the firm b. social responsibility c. contributing to communities where the firm operates. d. all of the above

d. all of the above

the new big circle does which of the following? a. stimulates innovation b. causes businesses to think differently c. focuses on zero waste d. all of the above

d. all of the above

what are core competencies? a. a unique bundle of skills or resources that the firm possesses that is competitively superior in the market place b. typically found in the functional levels of the firm and provides the cornerstone for the firm's competitive advantage c. hard to imitate (costly) and can not be in individual ( trade able) d. all of the above

d. all of the above

what is reputational capital? a. the value of the firm that is at risk in everyday transactions with stakeholders b. the market value of the firm in excess of liquidation value and its intellectual capital c. changes quickly d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

which of the following best describes functional level strategy? a. deploying resources to build up core competencies b. Caterpillar having to spend a lot to become competitive again c. important in establishing core competencies d. all of the above

d. all of the above

which of the following best describes value chain analysis (VCA)? a. disaggregates the firm into its value creating activities b. the value added by each activity must be greater than the costs of performing the value creating activity c. in order to achieve a competitive advantage the firm must product its goods or services at a cost less than their competitors or in such a way that the product service is differentiated enough to command a premium price d. all of the above

d. all of the above

which of the following describes competitive advantage? a. an action b. involves the exploitation of the core competence in the marketplace via the firm's competitive strategy. c. you use it and it becomes core competence d. all of the above

d. all of the above

which of the following goes into an organizational footprint analysis? a. VCA b. LCA c. Stakeholder d. all of the above

d. all of the above

what is benchmarking? a. finding internal data on the best product in a firm b. the best company in its respective class c. the comparison of a given business functions and footprints across ecosystem members in relation to competing business ecosystem d. b&c e all of the above

d. b&c b. the best company in its respective class c. the comparison of a given business functions and footprints across ecosystem members in relation to competing business ecosystem

functional level marketing strategies do not include which of the following? a. eco labels like FSC b. social labels like fair trade c. cradle to cradle d. cradle to grave e. c &d

d. cradle to grave is not included

which of the following does not describe differentiation's organizational requirements? a. a CC in marketing for brand loyalty b. high customer retention rate c. cross channels between MKTG R&D and production d. detailed cost reports e. out of the box

d. detailed cost reports

which of the following are not support activities? a. firm infrastructure b. human resource mgmt c. procurement d. inbound logistics e. none of the above

d. inbound logistics

when wells fargo let employees make up customers for reward and it was ok by management, which capital was impacted? a. knowledge capital b. human capital c. financial capital d. reputational capital e. none of the above

d. reputational capital

which of the following statements best describe socio-effectiveness? a. employees are considered to have intrinsic value in and of themselves b. the value chain focuses on the global community c. employees are means to an end d. b & c e. a & B

e. a & b a. employees are considered to have intrinsic value in and of themselves b. the value chain focuses on the global community

commonly required resources and skills in cost leadership? a. standardized commodity products b. cost leadership strategy c. superior product d. a & b e. c &b

e. a & b a. standardized commodity products b. cost leadership strategy

where would you find intellectual capital? a. balance sheet b. income statement c. in the company's patents d. in the manufacturing process e. a and c f. all of the above

e. a and c balance sheet & in the company's patents

eco-efficiency provides competitive advantages through eco-efficient techniques such as? a. resource reduction b. process redesign c. recycling and reuse d. none of the above e. all of the above

e. all of the above

resource-based theory is best described by which of the following a. enables a systematic assessment of the firm's internal resources b. provides the basis for developing and exploiting the firm's core competence c. how mangers deploy resources d. how are the resources used e. all of the above

e. all of the above

what are the capabilities of research-based theory? a. the unique set of set of SKILLS that can transform resources into core competencies b. outstanding customer service exceptional innovation processes c. superb product development processes d. need for dynamic e. all fo the above

e. all of the above

what is social capital? a. the value of relationships b. intangible c. the relationships between firm and community d. important in a business ecosystem e. all of the above

e. all of the above

what is spiritual capital? a. organizational culture focused on a higher purpose such as sustainability where human resources are considered not only means to an end but as HAVING INTRINSIC WORTH b. an end in and of themselves c. getting employers to tap into shared purpose d. shared values e. all of the above

e. all of the above

what is the first thing to do when implementing resource based theory? a. look at marketing mix b. HR c. Finance d. find what is unique e. all of the above

e. all of the above

which of the following are an implicit assumption of porter's VCA? a. the economy is closed system with respect to the greater society and ecosystem b. the model does not account for the value of resources in nature c. the model does not account for wastes after consumption d. the model does not account for the intangible resources such as social or human capital e. all of the above

e. all of the above

which of the following are characteristics that make a resource valuable? a. competitively superior and valuable b. scarce or rare c. non-tradable d. costly or harder to imitate by competitors e. all of the above

e. all of the above

which of the following does not describe differentiation? a. being unique b. premium price c. real or perceived value d. emphasis on marketing in strategy e. all of the above

e. all of the above

which of the following is apart of a stakeholders analysis? a. identification (WHO) of the organizational stakeholders; can be represented by a STAKEHOLDER MAP. b. identification of the POWER AND STAKE of the stake holder group c. identification of the IMPACTS of the firm on the stakeholder group and the issues of importance to the stakeholder group d. identification of the EXPECTATIONS of the stakeholder group e. all of the above

e. all of the above

which of the following is included in an organizational footprint analysis? a. wastes and pollution generated b. co2 emissions c. energy consumption d. health, safety, and other sustainability impacts of products/services e. all of the above

e. all of the above

which term best describes resources? a. available capital used to accomplish an end b. tangible c. intangible d. organizational capabilities e. all of the above

e. all of the above

organizational footprint analysis focuses on which of the following? a. bottom line b. triple bottom line c. the organizations impact on the environment d. none of the above e. b&c

e. b&c b. triple bottom line c. the organizations impact on the environment

which of the following does not describe tangible resources? a. physical capital b. financial capital c. reputational capital d. social capital e. c&d

e. c &d reputational & social capital

which of the does not describe primary activities? a. inbound logistics b. marketing and sales c. operations d. service e. human resource management

e. human resource mgmt

which of the following are not intangible resources? a. knowledge capital b. reputational capital c. social capital d. spiritual capital e. none of the above

e. none of the above

which of the following does not help the firm and stakeholder? a. engagement b. how to carry out purpose c. product development d. base of the pyramid needs e. none of the above

e. none of the above

which of the following were not apart of the coevolution of the concept of capital? a. capital and labor b. financial capital c. human capital d. knowledge capital e. none of the above

e. none of the above

an audit of current resources of a company should not include which of the following? a. marketing b. manufacturing/operations across the value chain c. financial resources d. research and development e. none of the above

e. none of the above all of those are included as well as management and information systems

which of the following are not a part of determining how a firm competes? a. who (customer groups and market segmentation) b. what (customer needs and product/service differentiation c. how (exploitation of core competencies via firm's competitive strategy to serve customer groups and needs d. all of the above e. none of the above

e. none of the above all the points listed are a part of it

what is human capital?

emerged with SERVICE ECONOMY because the percentage of the firm's assets in physical capital began to decline due to less need to own inventory, plant and equipment; LABOR NOW VIEWED AS INSTRUMENTAL IN ACCOMPLISHING GOALS so firms INVEST IN IT

preemptive strategies create?

first mover advantages and can be used with either differentiation or cost strategies competitive dynamics short run is risky but success of netting in bigger mkt is high longrun competitors will follow

embracers are?

first movers like clorox others are casual adopters or followers

shake out and maturity stage

focus on efficiency improvements in manufacturing hold and maintain prune portfolio acquisition of competitors

issues in growth stage

how to acquire resources necessary for a grow and build strategy how to develop CC's

what is the focus of competitive strategy?

how to compete in coevolving particular product/market segments

functional level strategy is

important in establishing and exploiting core competencies in the firm, thus translating them into competitive advantages. exists for every value chain activity and give specific guidance to operational manager in areas such as finance, manufacturing, human resources

what is capital and labor?

main elements that were needed to be obtained and managed in the 1900s; accumulation of material wealth to produce more material wealth LABOR IS MERELY A FACTOR OF PRODUCTION

undeveloped market strategies?

meet basic needs within ecological limits fortune creating strategies the poor as co-producers build an inclusive ecosystem micro-financiing reverse innovation

what is stakeholder engagement?

processes to engage stakeholders in dialogue resulting in discovering new opportunities and potential threats from the firm's multiple stakeholders

review page 40

review page 40

focus strategies focus on?

small segment of the market niche strategy use cost or differentiation

a combined strategy is described by porter to have potential for?

stuck in the middle k-mart

what is intellectual capital?

technologies, copyrights, patents, etc.

what did natural capital cause?

the knowledge that land has more importance

what is natural capital?

the redefinition of land to include those ECOSYSTEM SERVICES that provide for the SURVIVAL OF HUMAN KIND

which of the following does not describe the process in value chain analysis? a. identifying activities b. allocating costs via activity-based cost accounting, and now full cost accounting c. identifying activities that differentiate the firm: cost or product/ service differentiation d. compare to a competitor to determine competitive advantages e. all of the above

which of the following does not describe the process in value chain analysis? a. identifying activities b. allocating costs via activity-based cost accounting, and now full cost accounting c. identifying activities that differentiate the firm: cost or product/ service differentiation d. compare to a competitor to determine competitive advantages e. none of the above

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