System of Checks and Balances

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The___________ ____________ oversees the court system of the U.S. Through court cases, the judicial branch explains the meaning of the Constitution and laws passed by Congress. The Supreme Court is the head of the judicial branch. Unlike a criminal court, the Supreme Court rules whether something is constitutional or unconstitutional—whether or not it is permitted under the Constitution.

* judicial branch*

The _____________ _____________ checks on the president; can override a presidential veto; can impeach and remove the president; ratifies Treaties authorizes/appropriates funds for legislation; checks on the judiciary; can impeach and remove judges; confirms federal judges.

*Legislative Branch* The legislative branch is made up of the two houses of Congress—the Senate and the House of Representatives. The most important duty of the legislative branch is to make laws. Laws are written, discussed and voted on in Congress.

The President is the head of the ___________ ___________ which makes laws official. The President is elected by the entire country and serves a four-year term. The President approves and carries out laws passed by the legislative branch.

*executive branch*

Can VETO bills, call special sessions, can propose laws

Executive Branch

Appoints Federal Judges, Grants Pardons, reprieves, can commute sentences

Executive Branch (president)

Supreme Court Justices serve for ______


_____________ _____ _____________is based upon the philosophy of Baron de Montesquieau. In this system the government was to be divided into three branches of government, each branch having particular powers.

Checks and balances, or the separation of powers,

Judicial Courts can declare laws ________________


Executive (president)

checks on Congress; proposes legislation; vetoes legislation; makes treaties; checks on the judiciary; appoints federal judges; enforces court decisions.

Judicial Branch

the Judicial Branch (Supreme Court and lower courts) checks on the president; reviews executive acts; checks on Congress; reviews congressional laws.

Why do we need it?

A system of balances minimizes the risk that one branch might completely take over the government or stray too far politically from the other branches. The system of checks and balances design has been a key factor in the Constitution's survival, assuring evolution in government rather than revolution. Due to a system of checks and balances, the legislative, executive, and judicial branches' powers overlap, and each branch exerts some power over the others.

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