Systems Analysis & Design Vocab

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A feasibility analysis includes whether the project has been permitted by the CIO of the company. A) True B) False


Agile development methodology aims at eliminating the modeling and documentation overhead in IS projects, while emphasizing simple, iterative application development. A) True B) False


During organizational feasibility analysis the system users are the stakeholders that are responsible for providing enough budget and promoting the project. A) True B) False


Parallel development relies on only one iteration of the analysis phase. A) True B) False


An analyst that focuses on the technical issues of the organization (hardware, software, databases and networks) is commonly called a change management analyst. A) True B) False


An analyst with business skills that understands the business issues surrounding a system is commonly called a project manager. A) True B) False


In extreme programming programmers pair up to write the code. A) True B) False

B) the high level functionality of the system.

In order to approve a system request, the approval committee must know A) all of the details of the ultimate system to be developed. B) the high level functionality of the system. C) what the screens and reports will look like in the final system. D) who the end users of the system will be and exactly how they will use it in their jobs. E) all of the above.


Phased development is considered a special case of RAD approach to developing systems. A) True B) False


The business analyst serves as the primary contact point with the project. A) True B) False

E) Return On Investment

The calculation that measures the amount of money an organization receives in return for the money it spends is called the _____. A) cash flow B) net present value C) total investment D) tangible costs E) return on investment


The creation of a design prototype that is not a working information system, but represents a part of the system that needs additional refinement happens with the prototyping methodology. A) True B) False


The formula for net present value (NPV) is the ratio of (Total benefits - Total Costs) to Total Costs. A) True B) False

D) all of the above

The principal disadvantages(s) with the waterfall development methodology is (are) _____. A) a long time elapses between completion of the system proposal and the delivery of the system B) if the team misses important requirements, expensive post-implementation programming may be needed C) the design must be completely specified on paper before programming begins D) all of the above E) none of the above

B) Estimation

The process of assigning values for the time and effort needed to perform a system project is called _____. A) analysis B) estimation C) identifying D) planning E) preparation

D) Systems development life cycle

The process of understanding how an information system can support business needs, design the system, build it, and deliver it to users is the _____. A) analysis phase of the SDLC B) object oriented approach C) rule for creating a CASE tool D) systems development life cycle E) waterfall development methodology

C) high-level non-IS executive who is usually but not always the project sponsor who initiated the system request

The project champion is a(n)_____. A) high-level IS executive who is usually but not always the project sponsor who initiated the system request B) mid-level IS manager who has the responsibility of controlling and directing the development process C) high-level non-IS executive who is usually but not always the project sponsor who initiated the system request D) senior member of the user group who participated in the RAD sessions E) none of the above

B) Tangible

_____ value can be quantified during the project initiation phase. A) Expected B) Tangible C) Intangible D) Real E) Salvage

A) Organizational

Peter is the vice president of accounting and finance. For the past year he has solely provided the resources necessary to get the just-in-time accounting system through the planning and analysis phases of the SDLC. Other managers have openly stated that the JIT system is not worth the investment. The SEC has just placed Peter under investigation for insider trading and the board has asked him to resign. This project is failing _____ feasibility analysis. A) organizational B) champion C) functional D) economic E) technical


Present value calculation takes inflation and time into account. A) True B) False

A) established methodologies

Project managers can develop task lists for a project with the help of _____. A) established methodologies B) system proposals C) system requests D) user application hardware E) user requirements


Project team members focus on getting the project done, leaving change management to the business managers. A) True B) False


ROI calculations do not consider the present value of future money. A) True B) False


The analyst that develops ideas and suggestions to improve the application of information technology is commonly called a systems analyst. A) True B) False


The champion is a high-level IS executive who initiates the system request and supports the project by providing time, resources, and political support within the organization by communicating the importance of the system to other organizational decision makers. A) True B) False


The planning phase is the fundamental process of understanding how an information system should be built and determining who on the project team will build it. A) True B) False


The primary advantage of the Waterfall Development methodology is requirements are completely specified and held relatively constant prior to programming. A) True B) False

C) No previous experience with Java within the IS department

Which of the following factors could be included in a technical risk assessment? A) Cost of a new Web server B) Cost of hiring a Webmaster C) No previous experience with Java within the IS department D) Some fear of job loss among order entry department personnel E) All of the above

E) start with a realistic assessment of the work

A critical success factor for project management is to _____. A) create a work plan B) follow the three steps of project management C) identify most project tasks D) manage the hundreds of tasks E) start with a realistic assessment of the work

C) Process-Centered

A development methodology that focuses on the processes as the core of the system is said to be _____. A) action-oriented B) structure-oriented C) process-centered D) object-oriented E) data-centered


A high return on investment (ROI) results when benefits far outweigh the cost of a new project or information system. A) True B) False


A limitation of a formal cost-benefits analysis is that it contains the costs and benefits for just one year. A) True B) False

C) 400

A normal system with 400 unadjusted function points would have _____ adjusted function points when the shortcut method is use to determine the complexity of the project. A) 200 B) 260 C) 400 D) 540 E) 600


A project manager most likely would not have worked as a systems analyst in the past, since project management career track is independent of the system analyst's career track. A) True B) False

A) Function Point

A(n) ____________ is a measure of program size based on the number and complexity of inputs, outputs, queries, files, and program interfaces. A) function point B) line of code C) project plan D) standard module E) workplan

D) All the Above

Adding people to a project team in order to speed up total development time _____. A) organized in a standard manner across all projects B) created in an iterative and incremental manner C) designed so one can compare the current project to past projects D) all of the above E) none of the above

E) Much Less

Assume a systems development project effort calculation determines that the system will require 240 function points. If the developers choose to implement this system in the C programming language, approximately 31,200 lines of code will have to be written. If the developers choose Visual Basic to implement the system, the number of lines of code will be _____. A) about the same B) can't tell without more information C) exactly the same D) much greater E) much less


Calculating the break-even point helps in understanding how long it will take before the system creates real value for the organization. A) True B) False


Cost benefit analysis identifies the financial costs and benefits associated with a systems project. A) True B) False

B) design

Deciding how the hardware, software, and network infrastructure will operate occurs during the _____ phase of the SDLC. A) analysis B) design C) implementation D) planning E) strategy


Determining whether the new system will be compatible with the existing technology that already exists in the organization is part of the organizational feasibility study. A) True B) False


Determining who will use the system, what the system will do, and where and when it will be used is performed during the analysis phase of the SDLC. A) True B) False

E)all of the above

Developing an information system is similar to building a house because you have to A) start with a basic idea of what is needed B) create simple drawings of what is needed and allow the customer to provide feedback C) develop a detailed set of blueprints D) actually build the project, often with some changes directed by the customer E) all of the above


Economic feasibility focuses on whether the system can be built by examining the risks associated with the users' and analysts' familiarity with the application, familiarity with the technology, and project size. A) True B) False


Economic feasibility is determined by identifying costs and benefits associated with the system, assigning values to them, and then calculating the cash flow and return on investment for the project. A) True B) False

D) Software Licensing Fees

Examples of development costs include all EXCEPT _____. A) consultant fees B) hardware expenses C) salaries for the project team D) software licensing fees E) none of the above

C) Business Requirements

Explaining "the business capabilities of the information system" is written in the _____ section of the system request. A) business need B) business value C) business requirements D) project need E) special issues


Extreme programming is founded on core principles such as communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage A) True B) False


Familiarity with the application and technology are major factors considered under economic feasibility. A) True B) False

C) guide to determining whether to proceed with a project

Feasibility analysis may be defined as a(n)_____. A) assessment of ability of the ultimate users of the system to accept the system and incorporate it into the ongoing operations of the organization B) determination of the extent to which the system can be technically designed, developed, and installed C) guide to determining whether to proceed with a project D) identification of only the costs and benefits associated with the project E) none of the above


For complex systems, throwaway prototyping is not a suitable methodology, since it will lead to problems with maintaining the system. A) True B) False


For urgent projects, it is a good idea to use a prototyping methodology. A) True B) False


Happy customers is a tangible cost that can be included in a cost-benefit analysis. A) True B) False


How well a system is accepted by the users and incorporated into the ongoing operations of the business is defined in the technical feasibility. A) True B) False


In the Unified Process, the analysis phase follows requirements. A) True B) False

B) Design

In which phase of the SDLC is the system specification developed? A) analysis B) design C) implementation D) planning E) system delivery

B) design

Interfaces (e.g., menus, reports, forms) are specified during the _____ phase of the SDLC. A) analysis B) design C) implementation D) planning E) system delivery


It is not necessary to assign dollar values to intangible costs and benefits; it is almost impossible to come up with reasonable numbers for all of the costs and benefits that haven't happened yet. A) True B) False

C) Industry Standards

Kathryn has little experience estimating the time it will take to complete a systems project. She has just completed the planning phase of the project. What method should she use to estimate the time required to build the system? A) adjusted project complexity B) function points C) industry standards D) Microsoft Project E) more complex approach


Kelly Smith, the vice president of marketing, has provided resources and political support for the new production management information system. She has acted as the project manager for the project. A) True B) False


Kim repeatedly performs the analysis, design, and implementation phases concurrently in a cycle until the system is completed. She then goes back and from scratch does a thorough design and implementation to complete the project. She is following a throwaway prototype methodology. A) True B) False

D) Project Manager

Most system requests include all of the following except _____. A) business need B) business requirements C) project sponsor D) project manager E) business value

B) 20 Months

One method of estimating project time is to use industry standard factors for each project phase. With this method, if the planning phase typically takes 15% of total project time, and a particular project requires three months for planning, then the remainder of the project will require _____. A) 15 months B) 20 months C) 3.5 months D) 4.5 months E) 3 months

D) Equipment Upgrade

Operational costs that are examined during feasibility analysis include _____. A) data conversion cost B) development training C) user training D) equipment upgrades E) initial consultant fees


Organizational feasibility can be evaluated by conducting a(n) stakeholder analysis. A) True B) False


Overall, the consistent notation, integration among the diagramming techniques, and application of the diagrams across the entire development process makes ________ a powerful and flexible tool set for analysts and developers. A) CASE B) UML C) DFDs D) EPCs E) Flow Charts


Project size is an important consideration in technical feasibility. Larger projects create more risk, both because they are more complicated to manage and because there is a greater chance that some important system requirements will be overlooked or misunderstood. A) True B) False


Scott has been assigned to focus on the users during the upcoming information systems installation. Scott will provide user training and documentation. His role is to serve as a change management analyst. A) True B) False


System requests often include the project team members including the project manager and the analysts. A) True B) False


Systems analysts Lori and Mark are employed by the local hospital. They have been assigned to develop a very complex patient monitoring system for the cardio-care unit using a new display technology. Throwaway prototyping is a very suitable methodology for this project. A) True B) False

E) Work Plan

The _____ is a dynamic schedule that logs and monitors all of the tasks that need to be accomplished for the length of the project. A) margin of error B) project manager C) project objective D) timebox E) work plan

D) system request

The _____ is generated by the department or person that has an idea for a new information system. A) economic feasibility analysis B) requirements document C) project charter D) system request E) project plan


The business analyst is responsible for ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget and that the system delivers all benefits that were intended by the project sponsor. A) True B) False

B) project sponsor, business need, business requirements, and business value

The four elements commonly found on a system request are _____. A) economic, organizational, technical, and operational feasibility B) project sponsor, business need, business requirements, and business value C) risk analysis, familiarity, project size, and cost-benefit analysis D) training, software, installation, and equipment E) upgrades, licensing fees, repairs, and charges


The infrastructure analyst is responsible for the design of the new business policies and processes. A) True B) False

D) unrealistic schedule demands by project sponsors

The most significant challenge to project managers is _____. A) lack of project management training B) no one really understands how to manage a complex systems development project C) the lack of tools that can assist in controlling project progress D) unrealistic schedule demands by project sponsors E) all of the above


The new information system is purchased or built during the implementation phase of the SDLC. A) True B) False


The organizational management of a business is involved in hands-on activities related to the project. A) True B) False

D) implementation

The phase of the SDLC when the system is actually built or purchased is the _____. A) analysis B) construction C) design D) implementation E) planning

C) create value for the organization

The primary goal of the systems analyst is to _____. A) acquire a working tool B) create a wonderful system C) create value for the organization D) establish the phases of the SDLC E) identify opportunities for improvement


The primary objective of the systems analyst is to create a wonderful system. A) True B) False

A) describe how the project team will go about developing the proposed system

The project plan is the document that is used to _____. A) describe how the project team will go about developing the proposed system B) outline the tasks to be addressed in developing the proposed system and develop a time estimate for each task. C) outline the technical, economic, and organizational feasibility of the proposed system D) summarize the business need and explain how the proposed system supports that need and creates value E) all of the above

B) person or department that requested the system

The project sponsor is the _____. A) lead systems analyst on the project team B) person or department that requested the system C) lead computer programmer charged with writing the code for the system D) project team leader in charge of developing the system E) any of the above may fill the role of the project sponsor


The return on investment (ROI) should be used as the sole indicator of a project's worth because it considers the end points of the investment, not the cash flow in between. A) True B) False


The role of the change management analyst includes ensuring that adequate documentation and support are available to the users. A) True B) False


The role of the project manager includes managing the team members, developing the project plan, assigning resources and serving as the primary point of contact for people outside the project team. A) True B) False

B) creating the work plan, staffing the project, and controlling and directing the project

The three steps of project management are _____. A) controlling the project, directing the project, and creating the work plan B) creating the work plan, staffing the project, and controlling and directing the project C) directing the project, creating the work plan, and naming the tasks D) naming the tasks, creating the work plan, and completing the deliverables E) setting the start date, estimating the time, and reading the actual time


The waterfall development methodology derives its name from the salmon that swim up the waterfall against the current. A) True B) False


Throwaway prototyping balances the benefits of well-thought-out analysis and design phases with the advantages of using prototypes to refine key issues before the system is built. A) True B) False


To identify the costs and benefits related to the computer technology for a project the systems analyst should rely on the business users. A) True B) False

D) list the four phases of the SDLC and the steps that occur in each

To identify the tasks for a work plan the project manager can _____. A) control and direct the project B) estimate the size, staff the project, and remember technical skills C) establish a possible reporting structure D) list the four phases of the SDLC and the steps that occur in each E) set conservative numbers for the project software

E) planning

Understanding why an information system should be built and determining how the project team will build it is part of the _____ phase of the SDLC. A) analysis B) system request C) gathering D) initiating E) planning


User participation should be promoted throughout the development process to make sure that the final system will be accepted and used. A) True B) False

B) end-user efficiency, data communications, and reusability

When using a function point estimation worksheet, there are 14 factors that impact the complexity of a project. These factors include _____. A) data communications, time tradeoffs, and estimated effort B) end-user efficiency, data communications, and reusability C) performance and programming language D) reports printed and PCA E) x-rays, extensibility, and operational conversion

B) large project size

Which of the following factors would tend to increase the technical risk of a project? A) familiarity with the technology B) large project size C) creating an application that is familiar to the users and analysts D) small project size E) the number of other applications under development in the firm


You are carrying out a project that involves information systems for the operation of controls in a passenger jet craft. This is an ideal project for you to follow a throwaway prototyping methodology. A) True B) False

E) none of the above

_____ development is a structured design methodology that proceeds in a sequence from one phase to the next. A) analysis B) design C) implementation D) all of the above E) none of the above

A) Economic

_____ feasibility is determined by identifying costs and benefits associated with the system. A) Economic B) Functional C) Organizational D) Intangible E) Technical

B) Feasibility Analysis

_____ is the process of examining the technical, economic, and organizational pros and cons of developing a new system. A) Committee approval B) Feasibility analysis C) Functionality determination D) Risk analysis E) System request

A) Project Management

_____ is the process of planning and controlling the development of a system within a specified time frame at a minimum cost with the right functionality. A) Project management B) Symantic timeline C) Task identification D) Time estimation E) Work plan

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