systems op exam 1 true false questions

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In the general optimum design problem formulation, the number of inequality constraints cannot exceed the number of design variables.

F (any #)

A feasible design may violate " > or = type" constraints.

F (cannot)

A feasible design may violate equality constraints.

F (cannot)

Maximization of f(x) is equivalent to minimization of 1/f(x).

F (change 1/f(x) to -f(x))

In optimum design problem formulation, " > or = type" constraints cannot be treated.

F (convert to < or =)

At the optimum point, the number of active independent constraints is always more than the number of design variables

F (equal or less)

Let fn be the minimum value for the cost function with n design variables for a problem. If the number of design variables for the same problem is increased to, say, m 5 2n, then fm > fn, where fm is the minimum value for the cost function with m design variables.

F (fm < fn)

All design problems have only linear inequality constraints.

F (get rid of only)

The gradient of a function at a point gives a local direction of maximum decrease in the function.

F (increase)

A function defined on an open set cannot have a global minimum

F (it can have a global minimum)

A lower minimum value for the cost function is obtained if more constraints are added to the problem formulation.

F (less constraints)

If curvature of an unconstrained function of a single variable at the point x* is zero, then it is a local maximum point for the function.

F (maximum not local max)

Design problems with equality constraints have the gradient of the cost function as zero at the optimum point.

F (not necessarily 0)

Gradients of inequality constraints that are active at the optimum point must be zero.

F (not necessary)

The curvature of an unconstrained function of a single variable at its local minimum point is negative

F (positive not negative)

Optimum design points having at least one active constraint give stationary value to the cost function.

F (stationary value to L equation)

A symmetric matrix is positive definite if its eigenvalues are non-negative.

F (strictly positive not non-negative)

If a constant is added to a function, the location of its minimum point is changed.

F (would not change)

If a slack variable has zero value at the optimum, the inequality constraint is inactive.

F (active)

A matrix is positive semidefinite if some of its eigenvalues are negative and others are non-negative.

F (all non-negative)

The Hessian matrix of a continuously differentiable function can be asymmetric.

F (Hessian is always symmetric)

The Hessian matrix for a function is calculated using only the first derivatives of the function.

F (Second derivative)

A regular point of the feasible region is defined as a point where the cost function gradient is independent of the gradients of active constraints.


If the Hessian of an unconstrained function is indefinite at a candidate point, the point may be a local maximum or minimum.


The Hessian of an unconstrained function at its minimum point is negative definite.


A function cannot have more than one global minimum point.

F ( can have more than one)

Taylor series expansion can be written at a point where the function is discontinuous.

F ( must be continuous)

The number of " < or =" constraints must be less than the number of design variables for a valid problem formulation

F ( no limit on inequality constraints)

A quadratic form can have first-order terms in the variables.

F ( only allowed to have second-order terms)

The number of independent equality constraints can be larger than the number of design variables for the problem

F (# of Design Var. has to be < or =)

For a given x, the quadratic form defines a vector.

F (F(x) not x)

A "< or = type" constraint expressed in the standard form is active at a design point if it has zero value there


A function can have a negative value at its maximum point.


A function can have several local minimum points in a small neighborhood of x*


A point satisfying KKT conditions for a general optimum design problem can be a local max-point for the cost function.


A point satisfying first-order necessary conditions for an unconstrained function may not be a local minimum point.


A positive definite quadratic form must have positive value for any x NOT= 0.


All design variables should be independent of each other as far as possible.


All eigenvalues of a negative definite matrix are strictly negative.


At a constrained optimum design point that is regular, the cost function gradient is linearly dependent on the gradients of the active constraint functions.


At the optimum point, Lagrange multipliers for the " < or = type" inequality constraints must be non-negative.


At the optimum point, the Lagrange multiplier for a " < or = type" constraint can be zero.


Design of a system implies specification of the design variable values.


Each optimization problem must have certain parameters called the design variables.


Every quadratic form has a symmetric matrix associated with it.


If a function is multiplied by a positive constant, the location of the function's minimum point is unchanged.


If the first-order necessary condition at a point is satisfied for an unconstrained problem, it can be a local maximum point for the function.


If there is an equality constraint in the design problem, the optimum solution must satisfy it


In the general optimum design problem formulation, the number of independent equality constraints must be " < or = " to the number of design variables.


Linear Taylor series expansion of a complicated function at a point is only a good local approximation for the function.


Optimum design points for constrained optimization problems give stationary value to the Lagrange function with respect to design variables.


Taylor series expansion for a function at a point uses the function value and its derivatives


Taylor series expansion of a complicated function replaces it with a polynomial function at the point.


The Hessian of an unconstrained function at its local minimum point must be positive semidefinite.


The constraint set for a design problem consists of all feasible points.


The feasible region for an equality constraint is a subset of that for the same constraint expressed as an inequality.


The gradient of a function f(x) at a point is normal to the surface defined by the level surface f(x) 5 constant.


The quadratic form appears as one of the terms in Taylor's expansion of a function.


The value of the function having a global minimum at several points must be the same.


While solving an optimum design problem by KKT conditions, each case defined by the switching conditions can have multiple solutions.


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