Tanker lg

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Cryogenic is how many deprees Celsius?


What is LNG boiling point


What is the boiling point of nitrogen?


What is the specific gravity of LNG?


Only enter space if it's _____below lower exposure limit?

10% below

What is the BTU of LNG?


At what psi level does your vibrant alarm start sounding?

1125 psi

The cargo tank is maintained at a narrow range of pressure, what is it?


What is the psi of atmospheric pressure?

14.7 psi

OSHA CFR for oxygen in a confined space is?


Name the 3 things in order to check for when entering a confined space?

1st oxygen, 2nd hydrocarbons, 3rd toxic vapors

How many pumps are there per tank & what are they called?

2 deep well centrifugal pumps

How many relief valves are on the top of each F.I.T ? And in cofferdams ?

2 on top of tank 2 inside cofferdams

A standard to is 2,000 pounds. How many pounds is a metric ton?

2,204.6 pounds

LNG weighs how many pounds Por gallon?


What is the constant draft of the LNG vessel?

36 ft making it a shallow draft vessel

How much is the maximum psi & minimum psi in sacba?

4,500 max 4,000 min

How many tanks does an LNG usually have aboard the vessel


What is LNG expansion rate


How much methane is in LNG?


Components of petroleum include?

Alkane, alkenes, benzene, tolvene, xylene

What is throttling?

Allows gas to expand resulting in wasted energy

The thing that regulates all vapor pressure in tank?

Boil off gas compressor

What is bleve?

Boiling liquid exapanding vapor explosing. I mile away from field of heat

What are the 2 devices that maneuver LNG ship?

Bow thruster, oversize rudder

A dry chemical agent puts out a fire because it!

Breaks the change reaction

What is BTU?

British thermal unit- measurement of heat

What are the 2 types of fuel ?

Bunker C - boil off gas GNG gasions natural gas- boil off used to create steam for the steam engine.

Who do you notify if you see a leak?

CCR cargo control room

What is methanes chemical form?


Average LNG capacity is ________which is how many gallons in a cubic meter?

Capacity is 125,000 cubic meters 264 gallons in a cubic meter 3.9 pounds per gallon

What is the local point for all cargo operations on a LNG vessel?

Cargo control room

What does teratogens mean

Cause fetal malformation only in females

What is long term exposure has long duration ?


What class fire is LNG & what do you use to extinguish this king of fire?

Class B, use dry chemical to extinguish

What is rapid phase transition?

Cold liquid comes in contact with worm water, a rapid superheating occurs & the LNG flashes from liquid to vapor resulting in a explosion.

A portable device used to detect concentration of flammmable gases & vapors is known as a ?

Combustible gas indicator

Atoms share electrons with other atoms by bonding together, this sharing of electroms is called?

Coralent bonding

LPG is produced from 2 sources?

Crude oil processing, from natural gas close to production points

Destillate fuel oil is?

Diesel or home heating oil

The primary refining process for separating the different hydrocarbon compounds that occur naturally in a crude oil into a number of different fractions?


What is the fire point and flash point of LNG

Fire point -300 F Flash point -306 F

Why is GNG vapor dangerous

Flammmble, asphyxiation, explosive

What are the tanks called that are installed into the LNG hull?

Freestanding independent tanks

What is the name of the device used to cool one substance with another

Heat exchanger

What is convection?

Heat speed through air currents or circulation

Explain conduction?

Heat spread through a solid becomes hot because there is a fire on the other side

Explain radiation?

Heat spread through direct contact with heat rays

Creates nitrogen or other inert gases

Inert gas generator

How does the LNG not leak?

It's insolated

What is the safety limit?

LEL 10%

What is LFG (liquefied flammable gas) & what does it mean?

LNG Liquefied natural gas a flammable gas is one that is cable of being burned to produce heat.

What is weathered LNG?

LNG that has lost most of its methane content. This increases the specific gravity

A steam heated heat exchange that vaporizes LNG as ''make up'' gas to increase the unloading rate if the vapor recieved from shore is coming to slowly

LNG vaporizer

What do you use to increase the unloading rate if the vapor recived from shore is coming to slowly?

LNG vaporizer

What are 2 types of liquefied flammable gas?


What is the term called for turning either a solid or gas into a liquid?


What is LN2 and what is it's boiling point?

Liquid nitrogen, boiling point is -318

What is auto-ignition?

Lowest temp at which the vapor/ air mixture will ignite without a spark 1000 F

What 5 gases are in LNG

Methane, propane, butane, ethane, pentane

Affects genetic cell of both egg and sperm/ male and female


The nucleus of an atom contains____and______

Neutrons & protons

What are the 2 biggest composition of inert gas?

Nitrogen (N2 84-85% Carbón dioxide (CO2) 14%

How do you purge the piping on a LNG vessel?

Nitrogen as an inert gas because it doesn't react/ flammable.

What is the term when you lose sense of smell?

Olfactory fatique

Signals for O.A.T.H

One tug on Two tugs advance Three tug take up slack Four tug help

How big is the rudder on a LNG vessel?


Explain the difference of peak shaving plant & baseload station?

Peak shaving plant is for the ups & down in demand in the cities while baseload is for remote/rural outlying areas.

100% vapors that is inside the top of an LNG tank that is causing pressure is ?

Positive pressure differential

What is required for LPG to remain a liquid?

Pressurization and cooling

What does pyrophoric mean?

Products that can spontaneously ignite in the air

What is heel

Residual LNG at bottom of the tank can use heel as a means of keeping tank cold if using a spray down pump

To counter slow normal rolling motion using water filled in the tanks as stabilization?

Roll stabilization tanks

What is a high duty gas compressor?

Send the gas ashore when exchanging or vacuuming tank

What another term for allergic response?


What is the LNG piping made out of?

Stainless steel to withstand the -260 temperature

What power LNG vessels?

Steam turbines

A solid turned into a gas is called?


Two ways to make a gas into a liquid

Temp pressure

What is cargo sampling?

The taking & retaining of true representative samples of commodity products

By what means is gas allowed to expand thereby giving off energy?


What is semi-pressurized used for?

To control boil off

Why do you liquify gas?

To save space

What is a boil-off heater used Ford what the redundant heaters name?

To warm the boil-off gas enough so it can be burned in the boilers Warm up heater

What does regasification mean?

Turning a previos altered gas back into a gas

Liquefied petroleum gas is always?

Under pressure

What is the term used when a liquid changes into a gas?

Vaporization or freezing

The number of electrons available for bonding is called what?

Volante of the atom

Roll stabilization tank are base on?

Water column weight

When liquid methane decreases in volume we call this?

Wheathered LNG

What is rollover?

When 2 or more incompatible density cargoes are combined & do not thoroughly mix. Results is a rapid flashing of liquid to gas cousing fire or explosion

Is LNG slightly above atmospheric pressure?

Yes LNG 17 psi

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