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714M gal of oil per year is enough to fuel?

100,000 cars

How many states have container deposit legislation?


How much water did Coca-Cola pump from the lake in Atlanta during a level 4 drought in 2007?


How many studies did the FDA review that were from the bottling industry?


What is the average of how much the US recycles their beverage containers?


What year will 2/3 of the population will lack access to clean drinking water?


How many states had a drought in 2007?


How many internationally recognized scientists express their concern over BPA?


What percentage of bottled water is just filtered tap water?


How much more plastic did the Western Pacific Garbage Patch had than plankton in 2008?

46 times

How many Americans don't have curbside recycling? although bottled water companies push that method of recycling rather than container deposit legislation


What is the average of the world recycling of beverage containers?


How much more plastic did the Western Pacific Garbage Patch had than plankton in 1999?

6 times

How much does Poland Springs cost Nestle to extract, process and package water?

6 to 11 cents per gal

How much is water purchased for within state lines?


What is the return rate of the states that have a 5 cent deposit?


How many peer-reviewed studies on BPA did the Nat Institute of Health review?


How much of the Earth's surface is covered by water?


How much does the world bank value the world water market?


How much higher has birth defects risen in Corpus Christi, TX?


What is the return rate of the states that have a 10 cent deposit?


Name 3 things we can do to help the environment

Be a mindful consumer, Buy a water filter and tell local officials to repair our water infrastructure.

BPA (Bisphenol A) is linked to:

Birth defects, breast cancer, and liver disease

Paraxlyene is linked to causing?


Why will it be an issue to access clean water in the next 20-25 years?

Climate Change

When we treat water as a commodity it becomes?

Corporate controlled

What is the company called that makes paraxylene in Corpus Christi, TX?

Flint Hills

Are Municipal water sources required to submit their test reports to the FDA?


Do Municipal water sources test their own sources and products?


Do bottled water manufacturers test their own products?


How many people at the FDA are responsible for overseeing bottled water regulations?

1 person

How much of Earth's water is drinkable?


Does the FDA have control over instate or interstate commerce?


Who said "There is enough water for human need but not enough for human greed?"

Mahatma Gandi

How many bottles of water did Americans purchase in 2007?

More than 29B

3 largest water bottling corporations

Nestle, Coke, Pepsi

Are bottled water manufacturers required to submit their test reports to the FDA?


Where does the plastic used for the bottles come from?

Oil refineries and petroleum chemical plants

Which bottled water brand still pumped over 400,000 gal of water a day during the height of the 2007 drought in Raleigh, NC?


What do bottled water companies say in their advertisements that imply tap water isn't healthy?

Pure, Healthy, Clean and Safe

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