Taylor's Scientific Management Theory
Braverman's three general features of industrial capitalism
Expropriation, ability to sell own labor, expansion of capitalism
husband and wife team who were also interested in scientific management but approached it from the concern of movement rather than time
systematic soldiering
in order to maintain pay, the workers would pace each other to stay at the same work rate and not make more or less on the production line. This was a way to stick it to the man
Goals of analysis of movement
to cut out any unecessary movement in a task to make it more efficient and also decrease fatigue.
Taylor's belief
That if we follow the four principles of scientific management then workers would receive a higher wage, production levels would increase for organizations, putting everyone in society in a better social standing and ultimately ridding society of its ills. efficiency + science = social harmony
Results: happiness minutes
referring both to reduced fatigue and greater enthusiasm from workers about their jobs
Taylor's scientific management
Emerged with 4 principles for how to run an organization through science and effeciency
Ability to sell your own labor
In other words the forced decision to choose an organization to "sell" your labor to that was necessary after expropriation came into play
The transition from self employment to having to work for someone else
Division of labor: social and manufactured
This division came about because of the expansion of capitalism treated workers as tools instead of people and they felt alienated from their social and natural surroundings
Ordinary management
This system wasn't working for the workers or the management and so it was time for a new way to run organizations
Gilberth's analysis of movement: Therbligs
basic units of motion that makeup work tasks
four principles for scientific management
1) scientific job design. 2) scientific selection and training of workers where they are matched to a specific skill set. 3) cooperations between management and workers. 4) equal division of work between managers and workers where managers would plan out the tasks that the workers had to perform.
Expansion of capitalism
was strictly the organizations goal to make a profit and in this case it was negatively effecting the life of the workers who were being used as tools to perform mass production for businesses.
Piece rate and rate busting
workers were not payed more for faster or more production, in fact an increase in work rate would lead to a decrease in pay