Teacher Interview Questions (Part I)

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Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?

"If I ask 'Is there anything else you'd like to tell me?' I'm always impressed when a candidate - in two minutes or less - can effectively summarize the basic interview theme: matching his or her qualifications to my school's needs."

Please describe the steps you use to plan a lesson.

A good lesson plan provides an outline for the accomplishment of specific tasks, while at the same time allowing for a measure of flexibility in terms of student interests and needs. My lesson plans consist of several critical elements. First, there must be a set of specific objectives. I know that a well-crafted objective has two components: The students for whom the objective is intended and the anticipated performance. Next, there must be an anticipatory set or motivational opening - that is, how will I stimulate student interest in a topic or subject. Next, I must provide a series of guided practice activities. These should incorporate several elements including specific instructional methodologies, creative thinking opportunities, "hands-on, minds-on" activities, and various ways in which students can practice the desired behavior(s). There must be some form of closure to the lesson. This can take the form of a teacher summary, a student summary, or some type of lesson product - a poster, brochure, mobile, or portfolio, for example. Finally, I need to address evaluation and assessment - not as something done solely at the end of a lesson, but rather as a concept woven throughout the entire lesson. Above all, I have to make sure that everything in a lesson is geared towards the identified objectives or a set of specific standards.

What steps would you take with a student who was disruptive in your classroom?

A: First, I would make sure my intervention was quiet, calm, and inconspicuous. For example, one day I saw that Michael was not paying attention in class. So, I used his name in part of my presentation, as follows: "As an example, let's measure Michael's height in centimeters." The disruptive student - Michael - who had been whispering to his neighbor, heard his name and was drawn back into the lesson with no disruption of the class. I also believe that the more immediate a reprimand, the less likely a student will feel I condone his or her behavior. And, perhaps most important, reprimands should be kept brief. The more I talk, for example, the more I will distract from the lesson and the more I "reward" a student for inappropriate behavior. This is another opportunity in which a personal example or anecdote will help to illustrate your point and your philosophy. Show the interviewer that you've had some first-hand experiences and that you knew how to deal with them. Don't even think about suggesting that the student be sent to the principal's office. If you do, you're dead!

Talk about time management.

A: For me, good time management is all about transitions. I define transitions as those times during the day when I move from one activity to the next. But, in order for those transitions to be effective they need to be taught. For example, I would let students know when (in two minutes, for example) an activity will end ("We'll have a whole class review of triangles in two minutes'). I'd let students know what they can expect in any subsequent or follow-up activity ("After lunch, we're going to continue looking at the structure of onion cells."). And, I'd be sure my lessons had clear beginnings and endings. I'd review the lesson objectives before the lesson begins and again at the conclusion of the lesson. Actively involving students in time management procedures helps ensure a fully functioning school day and fully functioning curriculum. Show that you understand the importance of time management. Provide the interviewer with specific examples of how you will put time management principles to work in your own classroom.

Q: If you are not successful in getting a full time job, what will you do?

A: I am committed to teaching and I'm committed to education. Being a teacher is my top professional goal. I believe I can make a very positive contribution to this field and I'm willing to wait for the right opportunity to make that happen. If it's not a full-time position then I would be equally happy to be listed on any number of substitute teaching lists. The more opportunities I have to expand and improve my teaching abilities I see as beneficial to my long-term goals. If I don't get that full-time job, I'll work harder, volunteer more, and take any opportunity I can to work with youngsters. This is what I want to do and I'll take advantage of every opportunity possible to do it. Don't be shy! Share your passion for teaching and your commitment to education. It's important the interviewer knows of your universal desire to teach - your intense and dedicated drive to make a difference in the lives of children. That commitment must show through - just as much for a full-time teaching position as for a place on the substitute teaching list. By demonstrating that universal desire you provide the interviewer with both reason and rationale for any and all positions in the school or in the district.

What concerns you most about teaching?

A: I have a real passion, a real interest, and a real concern about quality teaching. I want to be able to maintain that passion for good teaching throughout my professional life. I want students to be equally passionate about learning...as excited as I am. I want them to experience all the joys I've had as a student. To learn a new technique or new strategy and then to see it work in a classroom situation is absolutely thrilling for me. I want to help students experience that same level of enthusiasm in their academic pursuits, too. Don't misread this question. Although you are asked about your "concerns," don't make the mistake of thinking that the interviewer wants you to discuss a negative. Use this question as an opportunity to discuss a "positive" - something that all good teachers think about. Make sure your positive attitude shines through loud and clear.

What are your plans for graduate school?

A: I wanted to devote my time and attention to being the best teacher I could for the first two years of my teaching career. I want to put all my talents and all my efforts to ensure that I've mastered the curriculum, the day to day life of a successful classroom teacher, and the academic success of every one of my students. When I have that down, then I would like to attend Mount Merry University to obtain my master's in reading. I want to learn everything I can about the latest research and latest teaching strategies - particularly as they impact on my students' comprehension development. I plan to spend about two years in obtaining my masters. Have a plan. Interviewers want to know that, just like your students, you see yourself as a learner, too. Consider how a graduate degree will help you improve your teaching effectiveness and make additional contributions to the school

How would you handle a student saying, "You are the worst teacher ever! I hate you!"

A: I would remember to focus on the behavior rather than on the student. I might say something like, "It seems as though you are upset with me. Would you care to explain further." I learned in my methods courses that when teachers get comments like that, the worst response would be to put the student on the spot. Instead a conversation is more productive when the emphasis shifts to the actual comment rather than the student's personality. I've also discovered that sending an "I message" is a very productive way of diffusing the student's anger. A message such as, "I understand that you are upset with me. I wonder if you can tell me why." To build up the trust necessary for an effective conversation it's valuable to let the student vent and then get to the heart of the anger without assaulting the student's emotions. This kind of question is a test of your discipline and classroom management philosophy. Demonstrate that you are up on the latest behavioral strategies and techniques for handling student issues. If you were to say something like, "I'd make the student go stand in the corner for ten minutes," you would clearly show that you do not have the student's best interests in mind or that you were not aware of appropriate behavior management techniques. Make sure you can cite a specific technique (by name) and how you would apply it to a specific situation.

How much homework will you assign your students?

A: In our "Curriculum and Instruction" course we learned that there is a positive correlation between homework as a learning tool and student achievement in the classroom. However, we also learned that the amount of homework assigned needs to be tailored to the student's age and grade level. So, how much homework should I assign my students? Although there is no definitive answer I'd like to use a simple formula that Dr. Graber shared with us. That is "Homework = Grade Level x 10." This means that the amount of after-school homework (in minutes) is equal to the grade taught times 10. Since this position is for fifth grade that would mean that I would assign approximately 50 minutes of homework per evening (5th grade x 10 = 50). This 50 minutes of homework would include all subjects collectively - reading, math, science, and social studies. It is always to your advantage to cite some pertinent research or an authority in the field (it's O.K. to consider your former professors as authorities). This lets the interviewer know that you just didn't make up your answer on the spot, but that you are aware of some evidence to back up your response.

How would you handle varied reading abilities in your classroom?

A: RTI combines universal screening and high quality instruction for all students with interventions targeted at struggling students. First, it is important to screen all students for potential reading problems at the beginning of the year and again in the middle of the year. Teachers need to monitor the progress of students who are at elevated risk for developing reading disabilities. Next, differentiated instruction should be provided for all students based on assessments of students' current reading levels (Tier 1). Next, teachers should provide intensive, systematic instruction on up to three foundational reading skills in small groups to students who score below the benchmark on universal screening. Typically, these groups will meet between three and five times a week for 20-40 minutes (Tier 2). Third, the progress of Tier 2 students should be monitored at least once a month. This data can be used to determine whether students still need intervention. Finally, intensive instruction should be provided daily in order to promote the development of various components of reading proficiency to students who show minimal progress after a reasonable amount of time in Tier 2 small group instruction (Tier 3). Repeat after me: "Do your homework on reading instruction!" EXTRA CREDIT: Avoid using tentative terms such as "I think," "I feel," or "I guess." Over-use of these terms tends to leave a less-than-positive impression with the interviewer - that you are unsure or indecisive. Interestingly, women tend to use these terms moreso than men.

What do you think is the biggest challenge teachers face today?

A: Teachers are challenged from all sides - the media, parents, government officials, elected leaders, and communities. We are in the proverbial spotlight - constantly. That's why I think that one of the greatest challenges we face is that of assessment. That is, are students learning to the best of their potential and are teachers providing their students with the best quality education possible. Educational initiatives such as "No Child Left Behind" and "Race to the Top" have put educational assessment on the front burner, so to speak, of educational reform. Are we teaching what we should be teaching and are students achieving as they should be achieving? During my student teaching experience I was able to fully integrate assessment throughout all my lesson plans - from beginning to end. For that, I can thank Dr. Cranshaw, who showed me how to effectively integrate assessment throughout any lesson, any unit. I certainly don't have all the answers regarding assessment, but I've received some excellent training and excellent experiences I can use throughout my career. Rule #1: Be sure you are up to date on the latest educational theories, initiatives, "hot topics," and issues. You will, sometime during the interview, be asked about your opinion or your experience in dealing with one of these concerns. Do your homework! Be sure to demonstrate how you have addressed an element of that issue sometime in your pre-service training. If you don't you will be sending a very powerful message to the interviewer that you don't stay up to date and that you are unaware of what is happening outside the classroom. This is a mistake you can't afford to make.

What impresses you about GVP?

At the end of the biannual Chorus trip to Italy, our singers and musicians experience something profound and unforgettable: singing at St. Peter's Basilica. This performance forms a dramatic climax after two weeks of concerts, sightseeing, and self-discovery in cities most have only studied in textbooks. While the Vatican is hard to top, our performing arts groups - Chorus, Madrigals, Orchestra, and Dance Ensemble - have many opportunities to showcase their talents, both on campus and off. Visitation has received this award-for best overall athletic performance in the Independent School League-five out of the past six years. Over two-thirds of our students participate in sports at some point during their four years. Many go on to play at the college level, but some just hit the field, courts, or pool for the fun and camaraderie. In the process, students take away lasting lessons on leadership, teamwork, and dedication.

What have you found to be the toughest aspect of discipline?

Consistency! I discovered in all my experiences with children that the key to an effective discipline policy in any classroom is consistency. For me, consistency means three things: 1) If I have a rule, I must enforce that rule. 2) I shouldn't hand out lots of warnings without following through on consequences. Lots of warnings tell students that I won't enforce a rule. And, 3) I must be fair and impartial. I must be sure that the rules are there for everyone, and that includes girls as well as boys, tall people and short people, students with freckles and students without freckles, and special needs students as well as gifted students. Maintaining consistency is, and will continue to be, a challenge. But it's a challenge I'm ready for. The questions about discipline are many and varied. They can come in a number of ways. You need to be adequately prepared to respond to each and every one of them in a way that demonstrates your knowledge of this all-important topic and the specific ways you plan to address it.

What is your employment history?

Delmar August 2011 until present. Enhanced Economics and Honors Enhanced Economics Valles

What's the most creative or innovative lesson you taught?

During the fifth week of student teaching I contacted a family friend at Prospect Hill Cemetery. He provided my fifth grade class with a tour of the Cemetery. When we got back to the classroom we divided the class into several teams. One team worked on a PowerPoint presentation, another team created a timeline of important events in the life of the cemetery from the Revolutionary War to the present, another team looked into burial customs from around the world, another team of students developed an annotated bibliography of books about death and dying, and the final team gathered oral histories from some of the docents and volunteers at the Cemetery. What was originally conceived as a three-week project eventually turned into a two month multi-disciplinary project that combined social studies, art, music, language arts, and reading into a most exciting thematic unit. This is a grand opportunity to provide a specific and concrete example of how you went "above and beyond" the usual lesson planning for student teaching. Be sure to provide specific details and any reactions you obtained from supervisors or administrators. Show, as much as possible, how you are willing to pursue projects that are somewhat out of the ordinary - projects that engage students in creative or innovative ways.

How would you participate in extracurricular or co-curricular activities?

During your interview, you want to show how enthusiastic, positive, and engaged you plan to be at school. Once you get the job, you can accept or decline any after school activities based on your schedule and interest.

How do you use data to design your lessons?

Edmodo Formative Assessments Summative Assessments Learning Focused Strategies Researched Based Teaching Practices AP Psychology Past Test Statistics

What is your philosophy of education/teaching.

Even if your interviewer doesn't ask you what your philosophy is, you may want to take the initiative to incorporate it into your interview. Many times, an interviewer will ask if there is anything else you would like to tell her about yourself, and this would be an appropriate time to highlight your philosophy. If you don't currently have a personal teaching philosophy, take some time to develop a few key points, and write them down. Your teaching philosophy should be a self-reflective statement about your beliefs on teaching and learning. In the document, you should discuss how you put your beliefs into practice by providing examples of what you have done and/or what you plan to do in the classroom. Teaching styles and methods change, so it's important to review your philosophy from time to time, update it, and make changes when necessary. Be definite about your beliefs, but remember to stay open to change and growth, based on the needs of the school you are applying to.

Why did you decide to be a Psychology teacher?

Ever since I was in fifth grade I've been fascinated with biology. I've always had a desire to know as much as I can about the flora and fauna of a particular area. I belong to the local chapter of the Isaac Walton League, I've worked at the state natural history museum as a summer intern, and I established a pond study project while I was in high school. Biology is a love of mine and can't think of anything I'd rather do than share my passion for the subject with a new generation of learners. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your passion and your ardor for a particular subject. Let the interviewer hear that excitement in your response; let the interviewer get a sense of how committed and sincere your interest is. Make sure you defend your choice of major with some specific examples of how you have used it outside of normal academic requirements (e.g. volunteer work; clubs, organizations, and community agencies; out of classroom experiences). You'll earn major "brownie points" if you can show that your selection of a major was not one of convenience, but rather one of commitment.

How do you incorporate differentiated instruction into your classroom?

Experience with IEPs, Inclusion Classes. One method is the One Teach One Support method. With this method students sit in rows in front of the chalkboard and instructing teacher. As the teacher, I would station myself off to the right or left of the students in order to provide extra help and support as needed. In this model the participants are all following my instruction so that no child is excluded. I could also use Station Teaching. Using this method my classroom would be divided into two, even three, different sections. One group of students would be situated facing horizontally toward the blackboard; the second would be arranged vertically facing the right wall. If a third group is present they would be arranged parallel to their vertically arranged classmates and will be turned to face the opposite wall or the front of the classroom. Students with special needs will be divided among these groups evenly. A third method I could use would be Parallel Teaching. In this case my classroom would be arranged so that students are split into two groups. These two groups would be placed back to back with students from each group facing me. One group would face me in the front of the classroom, and the other group with face the special education teacher in the rear of the classroom. Students with special needs would be divided equally between these two groups and their classmates - making sure that one group doesn't contain all the special needs students. Of course, these aren't the only options I could use, but they are some of the most effective in terms of a full inclusion classroom. If the answer above sounds detailed and specific - that is intentional. If I was a betting person, I could almost guarantee you that you'll get a question (or two) regarding inclusion.Take the time and make the effort to know everything you can about inclusion. Otherwise, it's lights out...for you!

What is the most exciting initiative happening in education today?

For me, the most exciting initiative is the emphasis on Differentiated Instruction. I know that DI is a way of teaching that relies on a toolbox robust enough to provide different learning pathways to a wide range of learners. I cannot say, for example, "I taught it, so they must have gotten it." What is critical for me is knowing the essential curriculum and the individual learners; plus developing the wisdom to know which developmentally appropriate strategy to use with whom. The challenge for me is to learn, and be able to use, a repertoire of strategies that will make a difference in each and every student's learning. Talk to your former professors. Read the latest journals. Consult with area teachers. Know what is happening in education...not yesterday, but today. And then, show how you will address that initiative in your own classroom.

Describe an ideal classroom.

I believe an ideal classroom is composed of five basic elements. These include 1) Learning occurs best when the development of positive attitudes and perceptions is made part of every learning task. 2) Knowledge is best learned by making connections between what is known and what is to be learned. I always want my students to understand what it is to construct meaning. 3) I believe that for learning to be effective and meaningful, students should be provided with opportunities to use knowledge in practical situations - that is, opportunities to apply that knowledge. 4) We know that in an ideal classroom students learn best when they need knowledge to accomplish a goal they consider important. This often involves problem-solving, decision-making, and inquiry-based learning. And 5) in that ideal classroom, teachers can help students develop the mental habits that will enable them to learn on their own. Critical thinking activities and metacognitive practices help ensure this. While these five principles are all part of that ideal classroom, they are also goals or aspirations I see for myself and my students. That ideal classroom may not always be achievable, but it can certainly be a realistic goal. Demonstrate your knowledge of educational principles and practices that can be part of every teacher's classroom. Detail those items and show how they can serve as goals for your future classroom. The interviewer wants to know two things: 1) What's good teaching; and 2) What kind of teaching will you practice?

What characteristics make a master teacher?

I believe there are three qualities every outstanding teacher should have. First, he or she should be a constant learner. They should realize that education is as much about the journey as it is the destination. Continuous learning is an essential ingredient in every teacher's career. Second, they need to develop a positive partnership with their students. They need to create a classroom that is truly a "Community of Learners" - one that supports and encourages learners of very stripe both cognitively and affectively. And, third, a master teacher must be willing to admit mistakes. Teaching is never a perfect science and we will all make some mistakes along the way. Good teachers - just like good students - learn from their mistakes to become stronger, better, and more accomplished. I believe I have those three qualities. The interviewer wants to know if you are aware of the qualities of outstanding teachers AND how well you match those qualities. From your answer the interviewer must be confident that you are keenly aware of the expectations of teachers and must be equally aware that your skills and talents are in line with those abilities and/or philosophy. If you are not directly asked this question, it would be a good one to use as a wrap-up to the interview - particularly in response to a question like, "Is there anything else you would like to say or add to this interview?"

What gives you the greatest pleasure in teaching?

I call it the "light bulb effect." It's that time in a lesson, a unit, a whole class discussion when a student "gets it" - when that proverbial light bulb goes off over his or her head. There's nothing like it in the world! It's when that look of recognition crosses a student's face, when a student exclaims, "Hey, this is really cool!", or when a student jumps up and down with unmitigated excitement. There's a joy in the discovery and there's an enthusiasm in the voice as students realize that they now understand something they didn't previously. That's what I want to work for with all my students. I want them all to experience that "light bulb effect" in each and every subject throughout the school year. Your answer should underscore your reasons for becoming a teacher. Your response should be a validation of why you decided to enter this profession and what you will do in order to be one of the best. Most importantly, there should be passion in your response!

Why do you want to teach?

I had a professor in college who always used to say, "To learn is to change." That saying has always influenced me simply because I can see all the positive changes that have occurred in my life through education. I want those changes to be part of what I can share with young people. I want students to see how education can not only keep us current, but can also keep us growing, and changing, throughout our lives. It's not the accumulation of knowledge that is important, it is what we do with that knowledge that keeps change happening, and that keeps us growing. I want to initiate and fan those flames in my students as much as my teachers have done in me. Provide some evidence that you have given this question serious consideration. Make sure a sincere and committed desire to teach comes through loud and clear. Every principal has heard the all-too-common response, "Because I want to make a difference in kids' lives." Try something new, something that refers to a specific reason or incident in your life that propelled you into education. This would be a very good opportunity to weave a short anecdote or short personal story into your response.

To establish a positive classroom environment, share what you will do the first few days of school.

I know that those initial days of a new school year are critical, as well as anxious - especially for ninth-grade students. Some of the things I would do would include 1) meeting and greeting my students at the door to my classroom. I want to shake their hands, call them by name, and welcome them into the room. 2) I want to establish a seating pattern or seating chart early on. I'd want to assign them to desks alphabetically, at least initially, so I can learn their names quicker. 3) I would want to talk briefly about myself - sharing with students my own education, my family, and especially my philosophy of education in general and English education specifically. 4) I'd want to take attendance each day, making sure I add a positive comment about each student as I begin learning their names and the correct pronunciation of those names. 5) I would also share an initial set of rules and classroom expectations - no more than five in number - and invite them to help establish additional classroom procedures throughout the year. Finally, 6) I would inform students about my expectations for each class and each period. They need to know my expectations about bringing textbooks, note taking, homework assignments, and appropriate behavior. I know it's a tall order - but one that will be essential to the eventual success I envision for each and every student. Here's an opportunity to answer two questions in one. First, what is your philosophy of teaching? And, have you sufficiently thought about and planned out those critical first days of school? You want the interviewer to know that you have planned ahead, not that you've just made up the answer right there on the spot.

What principles do you use to motivate students to learn?

I recall one of my college professors discussing this topic in considerable detail. Specifically, motivation is comprised of three critical elements. First, I must always provide instruction that will ensure a measure of success for every student. That is, every student must know that she or he can achieve a degree of success with an assignment or academic task. Second, I need to create a community of learners. A community of learners is a classroom that celebrates all its members and provides a supportive, inspirational, and motivational environment. The third element that I've discovered leads to the motivation of students is whether or not students see a value in what they are learning. During student teaching I found that for motivation to occur, students must know the reasons, rationale, and whys of any learning task. When I provided students with specific reasons on why they needed to learn about the Articles of Confederation, for example, they were more engaged and more motivated. I want all my students to see a connection between what they learn in the classroom and their lives outside that classroom. That's true motivation! Many prospective teachers mistakenly believe this to be a "throw-away" question - one that anyone can answer. Not so! You need to tell the interviewer that no matter what grade or subject you plan on teaching, that you are aware of the basic principles of motivation and how you will make them part of your classroom curriculum.

What is your philosophy of classroom discipline?

I would want to establish a specific set of rules for students to follow. This set of rules would be designed to create a sense of order and comfort so that teaching and learning can take place. But, in order for the rules to be effective, I know they need to be built on some very basic principles. These principles would include 1) Students should have a sense of ownership of the rules - they should be invited to contribute a set of expectations about classroom behavior. 2) Classroom rules should always be framed in positive terms. Instead of "Don't hit people," I would say 'Respect other people." Instead of "No talking when someone else is talking," I would say, "Take turns talking." 3) I would make sure all students understand the classroom rules through concrete examples, specific anecdotes, and personal stories. And, 4) I would make sure my classroom rules were consistent with school rules. Above all, my classroom discipline policy would be structured on a set of rules that would be communicated in clearly defined terms and language students understand, provide the specific rationale or reason for a rule, and offer concrete examples of each rule as I would want it practiced. Discipline is one of the most important concerns in schools today. You should definitely plan on being asked a "discipline question" at some time during the interview. Your response should be carefully crafted in terms of specificity and purpose. The more detailed you are in your response the better you will be viewed by the interviewers. Never talk in generalities when responding to this query. Be precise!

What might your principal want to change about your teaching style?

I'm a detail person; my supervisor likes to look at the big picture. I would obsess over the smallest detail, the tiniest item, or the smallest bit of information - making sure that each and every piece was part of a perfect lesson. My supervisor tried to get me to look at the larger picture - the overall goals of a lesson or unit. While I'm still concerned about all the necessary details of a lesson plan, I've come to see the importance of where I'm headed in each lesson. I've learned that an eye on the standards - rather than simply the pebbles along the path - will often make the journey more productive for my students. My supervisor helped me appreciate the journey as much as the destination. Here's a great opportunity for you to demonstrate how you handle criticism as well as how much you are willing to adjust your philosophy. Are you inflexible or are you open to change? Are you set in your ways or are you willing to look at a situation from a new angle? Whenever you are asked one of these types of questions it's always a good idea to point out some minor differences of opinion, rather than a major conflict. Equally important, demonstrate how you worked with someone (your college supervisor, for example) on resolving the issue. Show how you can accommodate the ideas of others and especially how you can do that in a spirit of shared cooperation.

How would you differentiate your instruction to meet the needs of your diverse learners?

In my experiences as a student teacher and over the past two years, I had the opportunity to work with several special needs students. I quickly learned that there are some generalized strategies that I always need to keep in mind. These would include 1) Being aware that special needs students may not want to be singled out for any special treatment. To do so may identify their disability for other students. 2) I need to consider learning over a long period of time. I realize that special needs students may require extended periods of time to master a concept or learn a specific skill. 3) I need to be especially careful that I don't fall into the trap of focusing on the weaknesses of special needs students. It's vitally important that I'm aware of and that I seek to identify the individual strengths of each student. And, 4) I want to provide opportunities for students of all abilities to learn from each other. I want to be sure that everyone feels like he or she is contributing. I know that all that is a tough order, but I'm eager for the challenge. Be sure you demonstrate your knowledge of special needs students, their instructional needs, and your willingness to teach them. Always convey an aura of "positiveness" and enthusiasm in responding to this question. Demonstrate that you are eager for both the challenge and the opportunity.

What do you know about our service trips? What are your experiences with such trips?

In our many immersion trips - just one aspect of our robust Christian Service Program - groups help out in places like South Dakota, Peru, and Appalachia. Students enjoy and take away so much from these experiences, listening to the needs of local residents, living simply and in the moment, lending a hand, and broadening their perspectives.

What do you know about AP Environmental Science

Mary-American University, Environmental Science Took this course This recent and popular addition to our course offerings helps educate tomorrow's scientists and environmental advocates. While preparing for the Advanced Placement exam, students build their understanding of the natural world, conservation methods, and much more. Guest speakers, hands-on exploration on and off campus, and field trips truly bring the curriculum to life.

We have a number of applicants interviewing for this position. Why should we take a closer look at you?

More than just a major in college, teaching for me is a passion. I've worked closely with our local Boy Scout troop, volunteered as a youth leader in my local church, and spent quite a bit of time in the children's department in the local public library. With me, you'll get passion and commitment - but you'll also get a wide range of experiences in several different settings...experiences that give me a broad base beyond course work and student teaching. This is a question often asked near the end of an interview. It is a great way to put a punctuation mark on who you are and what you will bring to a school. It's similar to the question, "Why should we hire you?" and provides you with a terrific opportunity to leave the interviewer with a most favorable impression. Practice this one and be prepared to offer specific details (in less than two minutes). Your response should also answer the one question you'll never get asked ("How will you make my job a little easier?"). Oh, by the way, don't "talk negative" about the other candidates...if you do, you're done!

How have you handled criticism of your lessons or teaching performance?

My college supervisor sometimes mentioned that I had time management issues - that is, I found it difficult to get everything done that I had planned. Some parts of a lesson would go too long and others didn't have enough time to develop. I learned that this is a common problem with pre-service teachers. So, I took the opportunity to talk with some of the more experienced teachers in the school to see what kinds of tips or strategies they had that would help me master my time a little better. One of the best ideas I got was to list my lesson objectives on the board for students to see and then check them off as the lesson develops. That gave me - and the students - visual proof on how the lesson was progressing. This question often provides the interviewer with insight into your accountability and professional character. How do you handle criticism - positively (as a learning opportunity) or negatively (the reviewer didn't know what he/she was talking about). It would be most valuable to take this opportunity to demonstrate (with specific examples) how you were able to use that criticism to become a better teacher.

Why did you decide to become a teacher?

My own love of learning makes me passionate about learning My love of adolescents and helping them develop Mrs. Reilly, Mr. Baldino, Dr. Ackerman-Others are inspired by a teacher earlier in their education who had a positive impact on them personally. It is helpful to expand on this by providing personal anecdotes. For example, perhaps one of your own teachers inspired you to follow in their footsteps. Share stories of how you made a difference to a child in a classroom or how you successfully taught a challenging lesson. The Assistant Principal of my high school was a real inspiration to me, and she is one of the major reasons I persued a teaching career. Her ability to guide students, her fairness, and her sense of justice made me aspire to bring these things to my own classroom. during student teaching... When I was able to show him a different way to approach the problem, and he 'got it', I knew that I had chosen the right field!

How will you encourage faith in the classroom?


How will you promote cultural diversity in your classroom?


Name a time you used problem solving to solve an issue at your school?


What does the quote, "Be who we are and be that well"-St Francis De Sales mean to you?


Describe a particularly unsuccessful lesson? What made it poor compared to others?

NEED ANSWER INSIDER TIP: It's always appropriate to talk about a setback or disappointment you've had in working with students. But, it's even more important to show how the experience made you a much better teacher today. During my student teaching experience I put together a science lesson on making homemade ice cream in a zip-loc bag. It was an activity I had learned in my "Teaching Elementary Science" course. The lesson was designed to demonstrate how liquids change into solids. I provided my third grade students with all the materials and with a set of printed directions. It was halfway through the lesson when I realized that I had listed the wrong amount of salt to use to melt the ice. In short, the ice wasn't melting and the milk mixture wasn't turning into ice cream. In fact, nothing happened. In hindsight I should have practiced the activity at home before using it with the students. I explained to the students that scientists make mistakes all the time - in fact, there are many scientific discoveries (penicillin, electric light bulb) that are the result of unintentional mistakes. I wanted to let them know that even teachers make mistakes and that it's O.K. to flub up every once in a while. You could discover something new. Next time, however, I'll test any experiment before teaching it. Every teacher has had lessons that bombed. Don't make the mistake of saying that you haven't had at least one or more "duds" in your student teaching experience. The interviewer will know, instantly, that you are trying to con him or her. By the same token, it's always a good idea to approach any disappointment or problem from a positive angle. Never blame anyone (but yourself) and always demonstrate how you were able to turn a potential negative into a positive. Demonstrate an ability to reflect on your mistakes and use those mistakes as stepping stones to become a more accomplished teacher.

What is "Think Pink Society"

One of more than 40 clubs on campus, the Think Pink Society raises funds for and awareness of breast cancer and lobbies Congress for patient protections. This active club holds many events at school and in the city, ranging from bake sales to an annual rooftop lighting ceremony. Like many campus groups, Think Pink helps our students develop leadership skills and learn to speak out on issues that impact our world and the people in it.

What is the St. Bernard Project

Our alumnae are dedicated to serving others. Take, for example, alum Liz McCartney '90, whose nonprofit has rebuilt over 400 hurricane-struck New Orleans homes. Visitation has closely partnered with SBP over the years, holding fundraisers and sending student and alumnae groups to support its work. Role models like Liz, coupled with the values and lessons gleaned in the classroom, help cement in our students a deep and lifelong commitment to helping those in need.

What experience do you have planning field trips? What field trips might you plan for these positions?

Our teachers aren't shy about utilizing the capital city's many resources to drive lessons home, and many integrate exciting, creative field trips into their classes. For instance, Art History might meander through the National Gallery, AP Environmental Science might paddle the Chesapeake Bay, or Honors English III might dig into the stacks at Georgetown's Lauinger Library in pursuit of research materials. These trips help students root abstract concepts in the real world and make connections to their own lives, while also building skills and knowledge.

Describe a particularly successful lesson. What made it more successful than others?

See binder.

What are some things teachers do that create classroom management problems?

Teachers sometimes, inadvertently, create discipline problems through certain kinds of behaviors. Professor Lewiston, in his course on "Management, Discipline, and Behavior" shared some of the most common behaviors. These included 1) extreme negativity, 2) an excessive authoritative climate, 3) overreacting, 4) mass punishment, 5) blaming, lack of instructional goals, and not recognizing students' ability levels. I learned that avoiding these, and other similar behaviors, can go a long way toward creating a climate of trust and caring that will significantly reduce misbehavior. Describe your knowledge of the inappropriate behaviors in addition to your own personal reaction to those behaviors. Let the interviewer know that you are aware of factors that may have a negative influence on students learning and that you are conscious of what you need to do to avoid those behaviors.

Describe the best teacher you ever had and what he or she taught you about teaching.

That would be my grade 11th and 12th grade English teacher, Mrs. Reilley. She was tough...she was more than tough, she was demanding, challenging, and uncompromising. He never took second best - we had to turn in our best work or it would come back to us with "Do Over" penned across the front. We probably had more to say about Mr. Hart - unflattering, to be sure - than any other teacher we had. But, as I look back, he taught me more about writing than anyone ever has. He taught me that writing is a subject of exactness, a subject of details and definitions. "You can't be mushy," he would say. And, we weren't. He pushed us to new heights, he prodded us into new and often uncomfortable areas, and he made us all better writers. I think one of the primary reasons why I want to be an English teacher is because Mr. Hart took an average student - me - and turned her into a far better writer than she would have been otherwise. I want to make that difference in students' lives, too! Most of us have been positively influenced by one or more teachers in our educational career. We get into teaching because some teacher made a profound difference in our lives. Let the interviewer know how this person made a difference in your life and how you want to "pass the baton" to a new generation of learners - giving them the same learning opportunities as you had. This is the time to be passionate, sincere, and complimentary. Like you, I've had a few really tough teachers in my life. I may have sworn at them (and all their assignments) during those classes, but they all planted some powerful seeds that have taken root and sprouted in each and every class I teach today. Make sure the interviewer knows precisely how you've been influenced and precisely how you will influence others.

What do you know about the Visitation Order?

The Visitation Order - St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal founded the Visitation Order in Annecy, France, over 400 years ago. Today, the Sisters still guide us. They lead homerooms, cheer on our sports teams, share their history at assemblies, pray for us daily, and provide gentle, loving guidance and spiritual support for our entire school family. They model what it means to be "women of faith, vision, and purpose."

What is Marshmallow Roast?

The best part of this beloved school tradition isn't the bonfire or the marshmallows, but the clever skits each class performs. These sketches poke gentle fun at campus traditions, classes, and routines, in the process showcasing students' wit, acting skills, and teamwork. It definitely takes a village - or an entire class - to create a Marshmallow Roast skit!

If I walked into your classroom, what would it look like?

The desks in the classroom would be arranged in a horseshoe pattern. This will open up the front of the classroom for oral presentations, skits, and small group work on the floor. My desk would be pushed into a corner in the back of the classroom, instead of being in the front. I know that a desk can be perceived as a symbol of power - its placement in the front of the room is a symbol of power and authority. I much prefer an atmosphere of shared governance in any classroom. I would soften up all the straight lines and sharp angles with lots of rugs, bean bag chairs, perhaps an old sofa, a variety of plants and various animal habitats, and some pillows in a reading center. I have learned that all those lines and angles can sometimes be psychologically inhibiting for students and that rounded edges, lines, and corners suggest psychological safety and comfort for youngsters. My classroom would also have well-designed traffic patterns allowing students opportunities to easily get to the pencil sharpener, the wastebasket, from their desk to me, from their desk to the door, and from their desk to a center activity. Those patterns need to be based on both safety concerns as well as ease of accessibility. Most important, I want the classroom to be a community - one in which students are given opportunities to suggest patterns, arrangements, and configurations. Those opportunities will help build a sense of personal ownership in what we do and learn. You probably haven't given much thought to the physical arrangement of your classroom. It, too, will provide the interviewer with some insights into your personal philosophy as well as your ability to plan ahead.

Experience with Retreats. Planning a Retreat?

The juniors embark on a class retreat each October. Two days of laughter, tears, prayer, reflection, candid talks, sunsets, and s'mores later, they return. The trip serves as a key bonding moment for the class, as well as an important time of self-discovery and personal faith development. The setting - scenic, waterfront Camp Maria in Leonardtown, Maryland - provides a dazzling and inspiring backdrop.

What are Gold-White Games

The school's Gold and White Teams face off during a week of friendly, spirited competition each fall and winter. A pep rally, field hockey or basketball game, plus powderpuff football in the fall and quiz bowl in the winter, are just part of the fun. Everyone on campus belongs to a team, so the energy and enthusiasm leading up to these festivities is palpable and often infectious!

What do you know about our creative writing program?

There are many artistic outlets on 35th Street. One favorite is the Creative Writing course, where students try on various writing styles and voices. At the end of each semester, class members host a reading to share their work with the school community - a favorite event of faculty and staff. Many Creative Writing students also publish pieces in the school's award-winning literary magazine, "The Georgetowne

What are some of your hobbies or leisure-time activities?

This is another opportunity for you to sell yourself - not just as a teacher, but also as a well-rounded individual. Be sure to emphasize any hobbies, activities, or pursuits that might carry over to the classroom. Be sure to let your passion for these activities show through. Reading, Writing, Learning! Kickboxing, Cooking, Being with Family and Friends

Explain how you employ cultural diversity while planning a lesson?

Title I School, Psychology, Economics Planned by our Kaleidoscope Multicultural Club, this annual event explores and celebrates diversity, in all its many forms. Through talks, performances, small-group discussions, and more, students delve into challenging topics such as race, gender, disability, and socio-economic status. It's just one of many initiatives that support Visitation's commitment to respecting and honoring the dignity and sacredness of every individual.

What do you know about Career Day?

Visitation has received this award-for best overall athletic performance in the Independent School League-five out of the past six years. Over two-thirds of our students participate in sports at some point during their four years. Many go on to play at the college level, but some just hit the field, courts, or pool for the fun and camaraderie. In the process, students take away lasting lessons on leadership, teamwork, and dedication.

Have you had experience boosting a student's self-esteem? If so, how?

When answering this question, provide personal examples of how you have helped a student on an individual basis. Most likely, you were not only helping them with something that they were having difficulty with, but by showing them that they could do it, you also boosted their self-esteem. Working one-on-one with students is a very effective way to boost self-esteem as they feel recognized as an individual, not overlooked in the classroom, and pride in their achievement.

Why shouldn't we hire you?

You might not want to hire me because I'm young and inexperienced. But, please don't let my youth and inexperience fool you. For example, I assume you are looking for a teacher who will be a positive influence in the lives of students - someone who knows her craft, who can motivate students, and who can solve problems both big and small. I assume you are looking for someone with lots of classroom experience, lots of practical ideas, and lots of background knowledge about learning styles and teaching strategies. I believe I can bring all those attributes to this job. In student teaching I worked closely with the other fifth grade teachers to improve reading scores by 18%. I also was part of a team that initiated a behavior intervention program with the school counselor. And, I helped write a series of inquiry-based thematic units for the science program. I honestly believe you should hire me because I'm a go-getter and I'm intensely passionate about teaching. This is a question that pops up every so often and one designed to see if the candidate can think quickly on his or her feet. It's also asked to see if there is any negativity in the candidate's philosophy. The best way to respond is to turn the question around and, instead of focusing on the negative emphasize the positive instead. Notice how the response above was turned into a positive one - one that focused directly on what the candidate could bring to the school. Specific examples and experiences were used to support her philosophy with a very positive attitude.

What classroom management structure would you implement if hired?

You should be familiar with the school district's philosophies on classroom management and discipline. Your answer will vary depending on what grade level you are applying for, your teaching style, and your previous experience in the classroom, with respect to the policies of the district to which you are applying. Sample answers might include redirecting the student, involving students by agreeing on a set of classroom rules together as a class, having students sign a learning contract that they help create at the beginning of the year, listening to a student in a one-on-one meeting, mediating issues between students, and involving parents in the disciplinary process. Be sure to give personal examples of your method - and how it worked well for you: In my First Grade Classroom, I implemented a system where the students were each given a clip on a chart. At each infraction, the students would move their clip along a progression of colors. The disciplines ranged from a warning, losing 1/2 recess, losing all recess, to a call home or to the principal's office. I made very few phone calls!

How did teaching economics compare to our microeconomics elective?

in our newest elective, students learn how economies function not just by studying terms and theories; they immerse themselves in real-world applications. Students manage mock stock portfolios, look at real-time economic measures, and dissect current headlines - all using iPads issued as part of a campus pilot program. Visitation strives to thoughtfully integrate technology into its curriculum in ways that deepen students' knowledge and understanding.

How would you incorporate technology into your lessons

see "technology in my classroom" important to assure your interviewer that you are familiar with and enthusiastic about using available technology. In addition, note that you are always looking to research new technologies to implement in your classroom, as they become available. Provide the interviewer with examples of what technologies you have used in the past: I was lucky to have one of the first 'Smart Boards' in my classroom. The children were immediately engaged, and eager to explore the possibilities being offered. We learned together just what an amazing teaching tool it could be.

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