TEAS practice questions

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Kelvin Temp

-273 degree C, based on waters triple point

A group of children listed the number of brothers and sisters they each have. The list is shown below. 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5. What is the MODE of the numbers shown?


What is the metric unit of measurement for mass?

1 gram= 1,000 milligrams 100 Centigrams 10 decigrams 1/10 decagrams 1/100 hectograms 1/1000 kilograms

What is the metric unit of measurement for fluid?

1 liter= 1,000 milliliter 100 Centiliter 10 deciliter 1/10 decaliter 1/100 hectoliter 1/1000 kiloliter

What is the metric unit of measurement for Length?

1 meter= 1,000 millimeters 100 Centimeter 10 decimeter 1/10 decameter 1/100 hectometer 1/1000 kilometer

What is cell theory?

1) All Cells arise from preexisting cells 2) Cells can cary out the processes of life 3) Organisms are made of cells that function together.

How much of the prescription will the patient take during one week?

1,050 mg A patient is taking 150 mg of a certain prescription every day.

If a family's total income is spent on the following expenses: one-fourth for the mortgage, one-eighth for car payments, one-eight for groceries, two-fifths on other expenses and the rest to savings, what fraction of the family's total income goes towards savings?


Roman Numeral C


Roman Numeral M


What are the US measurements for length?

12 inches=1 food 3 feet=1 yard 5,280 feet=1 mile

What is the percentage of 3/20

15% or .15

What are the US Measurements for weight?

16 ounces=1 pound 2000 pounts=1 ton

10 is what percent of 50


What is the percentage of 1/5?

20% or . 2

If Sara's current salary is 25,000 per year and she is due to get a 3% raise this year in addition to a 2% cost of living increase, how much will her salary be after these increases take effect?


60 % of 5 is ?


Marci is planning to sell all her shares of a certain stock if their value falls to $30 per share. If the value of the stock is now $45 per share, by what percent would they have to fall for Marci to tell?

33 1/3%

18 is 50 % of what number


What is the percentage of 9/20?

45% or .45

Roman Numeral V


What is the percentage of 1/20?

5% or .05

Estimate 23 percent of 200


Roman Numeral L


Roman Numeral D


What is the percentage of 11/20?

55% or .55

Write 2/3 as a percent?

66 2/3%

A set of data is shown below. 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. What is the MEDIAN of the data?


What are the US Measurements for fluid?

8 ounces=1 cup 2 cups= 1 pint 2 pints=1 quart 4 quarts=1 gallon

A list of numbers is shown below. 86, 98, 98, 98, 115, 120, 45, 210, 320. What is the MODE of the numbers shown?


What is the MODE of the numbers shown? A list of numbers is shown below. 86, 98, 98, 98, 115, 120, 45, 210, 320.


75. What type of muscle tissue is contained in the walls of the body's hollow organs? a. smooth b. striated c. cardiac d. skeletal


A clown hangs two balloons from either end of a hanger. The air from on balloon is released, and the hanger tilts. Which principle is illustrated? a. gas is matter, and therefore has mass b. gas has volume that is not measurable c. released gas has a higher temperature than inert gas d. matter may never be destroyed


A kilogram of air is compressed from 1 cubic meter to .5 cubic meter. Which is true? a. the density is doubled b. the density is halved c. the mass is doubled d. the mass is halved


A lyre was played in ancient Rome. The lyre is a A. Stringed instrument in the harp class B. Percussion instrument C. Wind instrument in the wind class D. Rhythmical percussion device


A student predict that coffee beans grown in Brazil contain more caffeine than those grown in Nigeria. This prediction corresponds to which of the following steps in the scientific method? a. formulating a hypothesis b. collecting data c. analyzing data d. drawing a conclusion


Cholesterol that is known as (LDL) stands for: A. Low-density lipoproteins B. Low-density lysosomes C. Level-density lipoproteins D. Level-density lysosomes


Hardening of the arteries is known as: A. Atheriosclerosis B. Venous narrowing C. Micro-circulation D. Hypertension


If gas A has four times the molar mass of gas B, you would expect it to diffuse through a plug: a. at half the rate of gas B b. at twice the rate of gas B c. at a quarter the rate of gas B d. at four times the rate of gas B


Of these layers of the atmosphere, which is closest to Earth? a. Troposphere b. Stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. Thermosphere


One difference between DNA and RNA is that: a. in RNA, adenine bonds with uracil b. in RNA, guanine is replaced by adenine c. DNA has three bases, whereas RNA has four d. DNA lacks the hydrogen bonds found in RNA


Overpopulation occurs when the _____ in a region exceeds the _______. a. crude birth rate, crude death rate b. crude death rate, crude birth rate c. infant mortality rate, morbidity rate d. morbidity rate, infant mortality rate


The end products of photosynthesis are ____ and _____. A. Oxygen and Glucose B. Glucose and Nitrogen C. Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide D. Carbon Dioxide and Glucose


The iterate teacher moved continually from one school to another within the district. What is the error in this sentence? a. iterate b. continually c. within d. district


The organ system primarily responsible for storing materials is the ____________? a. skeletal b. endocrine c. lymphatic d. cardiovascular


The process of cytoplasm division during plant cell replication is known as? A. Cytokinesis B. Photosynthesis C. Cytosynthesis D. Cytoplasmosis


The winning team of the World Series often has a jovial attitude. Jovial means A. Merry B. Sad C. Somber D. Laborious


To determine whether the population lessened with the depth of a lake, divers collected samples at depths of 1, 2, 3, and 4 meters. After a visual collection, samples were tested for turbidity and for levels of two pollutants - nitrates and ammonia. Although turbidity increased with depth amounts of pollutants remained constant. What would be the next logical step for the experimenters? a. continue to test at lower depths. b. perform the same test in saltwater c. repeat the visual inspection after 12 hours d. repeat the collection and testing of samples 1 week later


Two organisms live in a symbiotic relationshiop frmo which both benefit. This is best described as: A. Mutualism B. Parasitism C. Commensalism D. Conservation


Vitamin D may be replenished through fortified milk and ... a. sunshine b. protein c. fluoride d. exercise


What do micrometers, chronometers and phonometers have in common? a. all are measurement tools b. all involve timing in experiments c. all describe distances d. all are related to qualitative data


What is an example of igneous rock? a. basalt b. marble c. limestone d. gneiss


When a scientist graphed the correlation between populations of a certain species of fish and the temperature of the water in which they lived, she discovered that as the temperature decreased, the population went down. How would you describe this correlation? a. direct b. inverse c. scattered d. logarithmic


Which hormone stimulates uterine contractions? a. oxytocin b. progesterone c. estrogen d. prednisone


Which is an important aspect of analysis of data during an experiment? a. determining whether the data supports the hypothesis b. measuring and recording observations c. recording data in the form of tables and graphs d. comparing a control group to an experimental group


Which of the following formulas indicate the ideal gas law? A. PV= knT or PV=RnT B. V=kT C. PV = k D. KTV =PR


Which of the following is considered a model for enzyme action? A. Lock and Key model B. Enzyme interaction model C. Transformation model D. Transcription model


Which of the following is described in the definition: An object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object? A. Archimedes' principle B. Charles' law C. Boyle's law D. Anderson's principle


Which of the taxonomic ranks is the most general? a. class b. genus c. species d. order


Which of these taxonomic ranks is most specific? a. order b. phylum c. kingdom d. domain


Which type of nutrient does not provide the body with energy? a. vitamin b. carbohydrate c. fat d. protein


Which would be an anterior feature of the human head? a. the nose b. the ears c. the occipital lobe d. the temporal lobe


Why might certain young people be underweight? a. They are growing in height faster than they are gaining weigh b. they eat little protein and too much fat and sugar c. they eat several meals a day and fail to exercise enough d. they seldom eat a meal that contains foods from all food groups


________is a form of respiration that takes place without __________. a. fermentation, oxygen b. photosynthesis, carbon dioxide c. metabolism, nitrogen d. diffusion, sugar


What is a prime number?

A prime number is a number that has exactly two different factors: itself and one. Prime numbers cannot be negative numbers, 0, or 1. The six smallest prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.

What is a triangle?

A three-sided figure with angles that up to 180 degrees.

DNA Codons

ATCG Pairs with TAGC Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine

RNA Codons

AUCG Pairs with UAGC Uracil, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine

What is an adjective?

Adjectives are words that describe or modify a noun. For example: The ANOREXIC patient stated that she had lost 20 pounds.

What is an adverb?

Adverbs modify a verb. (remember a verb is where an action takes place) For example: The obese patient stated that she had RECENTLY lost 20 pounds.

Inductive reasoning

Arrives at general principles from specific facts

Kinetic Theory

Atoms are always in motion

22% of $900 = A. 90 B. 198 C. 250 D. 325 E. 375


A 20ml sample of pure gas is enclosed in a glass cylinder at 20 degrees C. If the cylinder is placed in an ice bath at 0 degrees C, what happens to the gas's volume. assuming that the pressure remains constant? a. it increases b. it decreases c. it stays the same d. it rises then falls


A bicycle and a car are both traveling at a rate of 5 m/sec. Which statement is true? a. the bicycle has more kinetic energy than the car b. the bicycle has less kinetic energy than the car c. both vehicles have the same amount of kinetic energy d. one the car has kinetic energy


A driver's car overheats. He hypothesizes that a broken fan belt has caused this problem. Which discovery is MOST likely to cause him to revise his hypothesis? a. reduction in outdoor temperature b. an intact fan belt c. a temperature warning light d. a crack in the radiator


Doris is leaning a 10 foot ladder against a wall. If the ladder hits the wall at exactly 8 feet, how far away from the wall is the ladder placed on the floor? A. 2 feet B. 6 feet C. 8 Feet D. 10 Feet


High frequency sound waves are known as: A. Fundamental waves B. Overtones C. Consonance waves D. Dissonance waves


How should a researcher test the hypothesis that eating chocolate leads to acne in teenagers? a. take 100 teenagers and feed them each one a different amount of chocolate daily for 60 days, then test for acne b. take 100 teenagers and feed 50 two bars of chocolate daily for 60 days, while the other 50 eat no chocolate. then test for acne c. take 1 teenager and feed him or her chocolate for 30 days, and no chocolate for 30 days, then test for acne d. take 100 teenagers and feed them no chocolate for 30 days, and two bars of chocolate for 30 days, then test for acne


If 3 moles of gas are added to a container that currently holds 1 mole of gas, how will the pressure within the container change, assuming temperature remains constant? a. the pressure will be 3 times as great b. the pressure will be 4 times as great c. the pressure will be 6 times as great d. the pressure will not change


If 6 is 24% of a number, what is 40% of the same number A. 8 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20 E. 25


If Shirts at a garage sale cost 0.75 each how many shirts can Abby buy for $15? A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40


In a redox reaction the reducting agent will A. Lose electrons and be reduced B. Lose electrons and be oxidized C. Gain electrons and be reduced D. Gain electrons and be oxidized


In an experiment conducted to compare hours of sleep clocked by male and female freshman in college, the gender of the freshman is which type of variable? a. dependent b. independent c. responding d. random


Into which chamber of the heart does deoxygenated blood flow first? a. left atrium b. right atrium c. left ventricle d. right ventricle


Jane started her stamp collection exactly one year ago, and in that time, she has collected 132 stamps. On average, how many stamps has she collected per month? A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 20


Liquids that evaporate quickly are known as _____ liquids. A. Viscous B. Volatile C. Evaporative D. Transient


Organs repair themselves through a process of? A. Meiosis B. Mitosis C. Cellular differentiation D. Transformation


Sarah has a 20 dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill. If she purchases two items, one for $11.23 and the other for $8.32, then how much money does she have left over? A. $3.75 B. $5.45 C. $6.34 D. $7.77 E. $8.12


Shaka _________completed her residency a. finaly b. finally c. finely d. final


The aural component of balance is critical for postural control during ambulation. Aural means related to the A. Eyes B. Ears C. Nose D. Hands


The first American to win a Nobel Prize was ______ for measuring the speed of light. A. Albert Einstein B. Albert Michelson C. Grimaldi D. Thomas Young


The headrest on a car may prevent traumatic injury by limiting: a. hyperflexion of the neck b. hyperextension of the neck c. vertebral compression d. disc degeneration


The surface area for absorption in the small intestine is increased as a result of: a. enzymatic action on nutrients b. villi and microvilli c. mechanical breakdown that occurs during chewing d. the parasympathetic nervous system


Three students measured the mass of a product of combustion. They recorded measurements of 5.14g, 5.16g, and 5.17g. If the known mass of the product is 5.3g, the students measurements were _____________? a. accurate b. precise c. both precise and accurate d. neither accurate or precise


Unlike inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning typically moves from ________ to _______ a. hypothesis, conclusion b. generalities, specifics c. observations, hypothesis d. problem, solution


What is 60% of 70? A. 35 B. 42 C. 46 D. 54


What is the percent by volume of ethanol in 120ml of a solution containing 35ml of ethanol dissolved in water? a. 22.6% b. 29.2 % c. 35% d. 41.1%


What results from the second stage of meiosis? a. two haploid cells b. four haploid cells c. two diploid cells d. four diploid cells


Which T cells stimulate the production of antibodies by B cells? a. Suppressor T cells b. Helper T cells c. Cytotoxic T cells d. Both A and B


Which cellular organelle contains enzymes that are considered digestive? A. Golgi Apparatus B. Lysosomes C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes


Which gland is located superior to the kidney? a. pituitary b. adrenal c. hypothalamus d. pancreas


Which of the following are released by damaged cells in an effort to draw white blood cells to the area of damage? a. phagocytes b. cytokines c. interferons d. leukocytes


Which of the following organisms is considered an invertebrate? A. Cat B. Starfish C. Eagle D. Platypus


Which of the following statements about prostaglandins is not true? A. Prostaglandins promote inflammation. B. Prostaglandins can only constrict blood vessels. C. Prostaglandins are made in the renal medulla. D. Prostaglandins can lead to pain and fever.


Which organ system is primarily responsible for regulating muscle growth? a. the skeletal b. the endocrine c. the nervous d. the reproductive


Which part of the nervous system is termed involuntary? a. somatic b. autonomic c. central d. peripheral


Which physical characteristic of a solution may indicate the presence of a transition element? A. Its density B. Its color C. Its effect on litmus D. Its effect on phenolphthalein


Which vehicle has the greatest momentum? a. 9000kg railroad car at 3m/sec b. 2000kg auto at 24 m/sec c. 1500kg mini coupe at 29 m/sec d. 500kg glider at 89 m/sec


Which vehicle has the greatest momentum? a. a 4000kg railroad car traveling at 5 m/sec b. a 1500kg automobile traveling at 22 m/sec c. a 120kg motorcycle traveling at 40 m/sec d. a 500kg glider traveling at 52 m/sec


Why doesn't a raindrop accelerate as it approaches the ground? a. gravity pulls it down at a constant rate b. air resistance balances gravitational force c. it's mass decreases, decreasing its speed d. objects in motion decelerate over distance


You contain two odorous gases in vials with porous plugs. Gas A has twice the mass of Gas B. Which observation is most likely? a. you will smell gas A before you smell gas B b. you will smell gas B before you smell gas A c. you will smell gas A but not gas B d. you will smell gas B but not gas A


Autotrophic organisms such as plants and algae perform a. only respiration b. only photosynthesis c. both respiration and photosynthesis d. neither respiration nor photosynthesis


Breathing properly requires the presence of what compound that affects surface tension of alveoli in the lungs? A. Potassium B. Plasma C. Surfactant D. Sodium Chloride


Deductive reasoning takes generalizations and applies them to specific examples, i.e. All dachshunds are dogs. Bernie is a dachshund. Therefore Bernie is a dog. 56. If you have 100g of a 30% sodium chloride solution, what is the mass of the water? a. 30g b. 66g c. 70g d. 100g


Distance and force multiplied together indicate? A. Power B. Joules C. Work D. Energy


Gas exchange occurs in which of following tissues? A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries D. Skin


Given the hypothesis :"If smoking causes throat cancer, people who smoke will have a higher incidence of throat cancer," what would be the experimenter's most logical control group? a. doctors b. smokers c. non smokers d. children


How do the intercostal muscles between the ribs assist with respiration? a. by protecting the delicate bronchioles and alveoli b. by signaling a decrease in intraalveolar pressure c. by enlarging and reducing the space in the thorax d. by maintaining a medial separation between pleurae


How does the integumentary system work with the nervous system? a. The integumentary system removes heat for the neurons and the nervous system b. the nervous system circulates nutrients outward to the integumentary system c. Touch input via the integumentary system sends messages to the nervous system d. Messages from the nervous system affect the color and texture of the skin


How is 8/2 expressed as a percentage? A. 4% B. 40% C. 400% D. 4,000%


How might the energy use of an appliance be expressed? a. power = energy x time b. time + energy = power c. energy = power x time d. Energy/power = time


If a circle has the diameter of 8, what is the circumference? A. 6.28 B. 12.56 C. 25.13 D. 50.24 E. 100.48


If a discount of 20% off the retail price of a desk saves Mark $45, how much did he pay for the desk? A. $145 B. $160 C. $180 D. $210 E. $215


In August my parents will be married for twenty-five years. A. will be married for twenty-five years. B. shall have been married for twenty-five years. C. will have been married for twenty-five years. D. will be married for twenty five years. E. will have married for twenty-five years.


In an experiment designed to contrast flu infection rates in kindergartners in urban and rural schools, which variable might be considered extraneous? a. age b. illness c. gender d. habitat


Litmus paper that is blue will turn/stay _____ in the presence of a strong base. A. Orange B. Red C. Blue D. Green


Polydactylism, the presentation of extra digits on hands or feet, is carried on the dominant allele. In the case of two parents with polydactylism what percentage of their offspring are predicted to manifest the anomaly? a. 25% b. 50% c. 75% d. 100%


The bouncer's countenance discouraged brawls. Countenance means A. Message B. Presence C. Expression D. Strength


The digestion of which product begins with the secretion of salivary amylase? a. protein b. lipid c. starch d. amino acid


The dorsal body cavity is ______ to the ventral body cavity. a. medial b. deep c. posterior d. anterior


The lateral side of the right knee would be: a. the kneecap b. closest to the left knee c. farthest from the left knee d. on the underside of the knee


The propulsion of food through the gastrointestinal tract is called a. chemotaxis b. digestion c. peristalsis d. metabolism


The trachea is part of the ______ system? a. cardiovascular b. endocrine c. respiratory d. digestive


The weak bonds between bases in a double helix always include an atom of ___________? a. helium b. carbon c. hydrogen d. phosphorus


Three days for now, the horses _________. a. performing in a show b. performed in a show c. will perform in a show d. have performed in a show


Too many potential job choices put Martin in a quandary. What is the simple predicate of this sentence? a. potential b. choices c. put d. Martin


What is 35% of a number if 12 is 15% of a number? A. 5 B. 12 C. 28 D. 33 E. 62


What prevents food from entering the windpipe? a. the uvula b. the trachea c. the epiglottis d. peristalsis


What products are obtained with CH4(g) burns completely in an excess of oxygen? A. CO and H2O B. CO and C C. CO2 and H2O D. CO2 and CO


When a junked car is compacted, which statement is true? a. its mass increases b. its mass decreases c. its density increases d. its density decreases


When the chromosomes line up in mitosis this is known as which phase? A. Telophase B. Anaphase C. Metaphase D. Prophase


Which is a major difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells? a. eukaryotic have DNA and prokaryotic have RNA b. Eukaryotes are animal cells, and prokaryotes are plant cells c. Eukaryotes have nuclei and prokaryotes do not d. eukaryotes house ribosomes, and prokaryotes have no ribosomes


Which is a part of the body's nonspecific defense system? a. T cell b. B cell c. Skin d. Antibody


Which nitrogenous base is not found in RNA? a. cytosine b. guanine c. thymine d. adenine


Which of the following happens during inspiration? a. carbon dioxide enters the lungs from the arterioles around the alveoli b. oxygen leaves the lungs through the arterioles around the alveoli c. the diaphragm contracts d. the diaphragm relaxes


Which of the following is not considered a function of the kidneys? A. Secretion B. Reabsorption C. Transport D. Filtration


Which of the following steps follows hypothesis development in scientific process? a. problem identification b. question formulation c. data collection d. revision and review


Which of these percentages equals 1.25? A. 0.125% B. 12.5% C. 125% D. 1250% E. 1250.5%


Which part of the cell houses the organelles? a. vacuole b. plasmids c. cytoplasm d. cell wall


Which stage of mitosis occurs directly after prophase? a. anaphase b. prophase II c. metaphase d. telophase


Which statement regarding energy content is true? a. decomposers - > secondary consumers b. primary consumers -> producers c. producers -> secondary consumers d. secondary consumers -> primary consumers


Which wavelength of light is best absorbed by chlorophyll? A. 500 nm B. 550 nm C. 660 nm D 485 nm


While conducting an experiment, a scientist determines that the data did not support the original theory. This determination corresponds to which of the steps of scientific methodology? a. formulating a hypothesis b. collecting data c. analyzing data d. drawing a conclusion


Why do we perceive chlorophyll as green? a. it absorbs yellow and blue light b. it primarily absorbs green light c. it fails to absorb green light d. it primarily absorbs red light


The circumference of a circle is the length around it. The circumference of a circle can be calculated from its diameter using the formula:

C=Pi*D circumference of a circle

Gaseous State of Matter

Changing volume, changing shape, low pressure, high temp


Chemical Equation 6 CO2+6H20+Energy>C6 H12 O6+ 6O2


Copy of instructions from DNA to RNA, occurs in G1 phase of cell cycle

769+351= A. 960 B. 1,020 C. 4,080 D. 1,120


A scientist completes an experiment and wishes to determine the reliability of the data. Which is the best way to do this? a. review experiments that use similar data b. check the conclusion against the hypothesis c. graph the data d. repeat the experiment


Bears, starfish and toads belong to the same a. species b. phylum c. family d. kingdom


Everyone in the bank-including the manager and the tellers, ran to the door when the fire alarm rang. A. tellers, ran B. tellers:ran C. tellers, had run D. tellers-ran E. tellers' ran"


Express 60/12 as a percentage. A. 0.5% B. 5% C. 50% D. 500%


Given the four wires below, which would you expect to have the greatest resistance? a. 1km of American Wire Gauge 1; diameter 7.35 b. 1km of American Wire Gauge 2; diameter 6.54 c. 1km of American Wire Gauge 3; diameter 5.83 d. 1km of American Wire Gauge 4; diameter 5.19 D


How does the nervous system work with the muscular system? a. the muscles of the body produce chemicals that feed the nerves b. the nervous system releases chemicals that remove excess waste from the muscles c. the muscular system provides input that allows the nerves to make decisions d. the nervous system tells the muscles how to respond to the environment


In a whiplash injury, you might expect to see: a. cardiopulmonary problems b. side-to-side spinal curvature c. eventual injury to ligaments d. traumatic injury to ligaments


Kalinda divulged some qualms over her lack of experience. What kind of sentence is this? a. imperative b. interrogative c. exclamatory d. declarative


Lack of vitamin C may lead to a condition known as... a. kwashiorkor b. pellagra c. rickets d. scurvy


Nearly all of the gaseous exchanges between air and blood take place at the level of the a. pleura b. trachea c. bronchioles d. alveoli


Sublimation is the change in matter from solid to gas without passing through a liquid phase. Outside the laboratory, which solid provides the best example of this? a. iron b. silver c. salt crystal d. dry ice


The arteries are part of the ________system? a. nervous b. endocrine c. lymphatic d. cardiovascular


The esophagus is ___________ to the stomach. a. posterior b. lateral c. proximal d. superior


The first part of the test was on chemistry, the second on mathematics, and the third on english. A. on mathematics, and the third on english. B. on mathematics; and the third on English. C. on Mathematics; and the third on English. D. on mathematics, and the third on English. E. on mathematics: and the third on English.


The functional unit of the kidney is known as? A. Medulla B. Glomerulus C. Pyramid D. Nephron


The ovaries are part of the ________system. a. skeletal b. nervous c. lymphatic d. reproductive


The top number on a blood pressure reading indicates: A. Diastolic pressure B. Transient pressure C. Optimum pressure D. Systolic pressure


To determine the effect of disinfectant concentration on the resistance of bacteria, a researcher mixed samples of the same disinfectant in 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 ratios with water and then spread each sample on a filter paper disc and placed the disc onto a Petri dish containing an E. coli bacteria. There was a greater inhibition zone for the 3:1 concentration of disinfectant, but no significant change in inhibition zone was found across the generations. What would NOT be the next logical step for the researcher? a. continue the experiment another four generations b. repeat the experiment, using a second disinfectant c. repeat the experiment, using a different bacterium d. try again, using 1:2, 1:1 and 2:1 concentrations


What anatomical structure connects the stomach and the mouth? A. Trachea B. Spinal column C. Hepatic duct D. Esophagus


What is the physiological benefit of a mild to moderate fever? a. warns the individual that body is under attack by a pathogen b. stimulates release of macrophages c. decreases metabolism d. enhances destruction of pathogens


What kind of immunity is produced by a vaccine? a. naturally acquired passive immunity b. artificially acquired passive immunity c. naturally acquired active immunity d. artificially acquired active immunity


Which ion would you expect to dominate in water solutions of bases? a. MgCl2 b. 2HCl c. H+ d. OH


Which is NOT an example of connective tissue? a. Bone b. Cartilage c. Blood Vessel d. Myelin


Which is an anterior muscle? a. gluteus maximas b. biceps femoris c. adductor magnus d. quadriceps femoris


Which of the following is not considered a characteristic or property of a gas? A. Volume B. Mass C. Pressure D. Particles


Which of the following percentages is equal to 0.45? A. 0.045% B. 0.45% C. 4.5% D. 45% E. 0.0045%


Which of the following statements about enzymes is not true? A. Enzymes are catalysts. B. Almost all enzymes are proteins. C. Enzymes operate most efficiently at optimum pH. D. Enzymes are destroyed during chemical reactions.


Which part of the brain is most posterior? a. frontal lobe b. parietal lobe c. temporal lobe d. occipital lobe


Which would not be a likely component of quantitative investigation? a. record keeping b. data management c. graphing data d. interviewing


What is exocytosis?


Unsaturated Hydrocarbon

Double bond called alkenes formula= CnH2n Triple bond called alkynes formula-CnH2n2

35% of what number is 70? A. 100 B. 110 C. 150 D. 175 E. 200


If Jack needs 2 ½ pints of cream to make a dessert. How many pints will he need to make 3 desserts? A. 2 ½ B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 7 ½


Ionic Bond

Electrical attraction between ions of opposite charges (one atom taken from the other)

Law of Conservation

Energy is not lost but rather transferred back and forth between KE and PE. A decrease in PE is an increase in KE and vice versa

Kinetic Energy

Energy of Motion, The amount of energy associated with an objects motion. Increase in velocity results in and increase in KE. Doubling Velocity will cause KE to increase x4

Atomic Number

Equals the number of protons in an element. Serves as an ordering device for the periodic table Electronegativity decreases as atomic number increases due to greater atomic radius.

T/F The nervous system releases heat build up by the muscular system


T/F The nervous system supplies the body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide


Liquid State of Matter

Fixed volume, changing shape, weaker bonding, high temp, high pressure.

Cellular Respiration

Formula C6 H2 06+ 6 02> 6 H20 + Energy

Name Electromagnetic Waves Short to Long

Gamma Ray Xray Ultraviolet Ray Visible Infared Microwave Radiowave


High heat low humidity

Non-repeating and Nonterminating Decimals, pi

Irrational Number

What is a noun?

It is a word that names a person, place or thing. It can be the subject of a sentence and it can also perform other functions in a sentence. Example: Dr. Carter will attend this weekend in the ER.

Oxidation Reduction Reaction

Leo goes ger Loss of electrons is oxidation, gain of electrons is reduction. Important types of oxidation reduction reactions are metabolism, photosynthesis, combustion

Matter vs. Mass

Matter is anything that takes up space. Mass- is the quantity of matter an object has.

The digestion of carbohydrates begins in the _________________.


Deductive reasoning

Moves from general to specific

What are the rules for multiplying & dividing exponents?

Multiplication: if you have 3^2X3^5=3^7 Division: 4^7/4^5=4^2 Exponenets: (3^2)^4=3^8 *NOTE: in order do this your bases must be the same!

Convert degrees to Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit

Multiply by 9/5 then add 32


Neutral Sub atomic particles in the nucleus of an atom

PH Levels

Normal=7 Lower than 7= Acidic Higher than 7=Basic

Atomic Mass

Number equals the total number of protons and neutrons found within the nucleus of an atom


Order atoms arranged in a highly ordered state (solid) form

PH formula

PH=-log(Ah) a difference on the PH scale is 10

How do you find a perimeter and area of a rectangle?

Perimeter=2l+2w Area=lw

How do you find a perimeter and area of a square?

Perimeter=4s Area=s^2

How do you find a perimeter and area of a triangle?

Perimeter=s1+s2+s3 Area= (1/2)bh

Properties of Water

Polar molecule, covalent bonding between hydrogen and oxygen, standard for acid base neutrality ph 7, low electrical conductivity, Max density 4degree C (standard density), Melting point 0, Boiling point 100 degrees C, High heat of evaporation, Universal Solvent.


Positively charged sub atomic particles. Found in the nucleus of an atom.

List the 6 parts of a scientific argument

Problem identification, question asking, hypothesis development, data collection and experimentation, analysis, conclusion

Periodic Table

Quick Facts First Column alkali family donates 1 electron, 2nd column alkali earth donates 2 electrons 7th column halogens accepts 1 electron for bonding 8th column noble gases resistant to bonding electronically stable (full outer shell) 10 elements on right side are gases 2 liquids mercury, and bromine Number of electrons increases from left to right

All fractions, repeating and terminating decimals

Rational Number

Litmus Paper

Red=acidic Blue=Basic

What is a pronoun?

Related to nouns, pronouns are small words that take the place of nouns so that writing does not become repetitive. Common pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you, him, her, it, us, them, my, mine, your, yours, his, her hers, its our, ours, their, theirs

Covalent Bond

Sharing of Electrons between atoms

What is the formula for the slope of a line? What is the the Slope intercept formula?

Slope= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) Slope Intercept Formula: Y=mx+b M=Slope B=Where the line crosses the Y-axis


Smallest part of an element that still retains original properties of an element

Solid State of Matter

Solid has fixed shape and volume, high pressure low temp.

Potential Energy

Stored Energy (think car battery)


Substances that cannot be broken into simpler types of matter.

Convert degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius

Subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9

What is kinetic energy?

The energy of motion.

What is the mitochondria?

The mitochondria can be thought of the "powerhouse" of the cell because of their ability to produce the energy needed for life. This is accomplished by carrying out the process of aerobic respiration. Mitochondria have an inner membrane and outer membrane. The folds in the inner membrane are called cristae and are packed with proteins needed for the electron transport chain to carry out its function.

What is a verb?

This is where the action of a sentence takes place. The verb will say or do something about the condition of the subject. There are several kinds of verbs, past, present, and future.

T/F The nervous system directs bodily defenses against external stimuli


T/F The nervous system regulates heart and breathing rates


What is the convergence theory?

Two plates moving against or toward each other

What is the divergence theory?

Two plates pull apart from each other.

Visible Waves by Color Short to Long

Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red


a conclusion that is not actually written in the text, but is deduced by the reader based on the info written in the text.

historical context

a piece in which the time and place it was written in will influence the work in some way. Can affect what is written (content) and how it is written (style)

compass rose

a symbol found in most legends that indicates the cardinal directions


an organism that cannot produce its own food


an organism that is capable of producing its own food


atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons in each element


beliefs based on personal judgments, rather than indisputable facts

If a solution is hypertonic, what does this mean?

concentration outside is higher than inside.

If a solution is hypotonic, what does this mean?

concentration outside is lower that inside


consists of surrounding words, sentences, or paragraphs that usually help to reveal the word's meaning



What is: igneous?

cooled magma

That part of a play or story in which the mystery is cleared up.


supporting details

explain the main idea, without these details the main idea would not be supported

expository writing

explains a subject, gives groundwork info that is necessary for understanding later ideas, or analyzes info objectively.

topic sentence

express the main point of a paragraph--usually the paragraph will start with the topic sentence. Usually explained by sentences following it.


features formatting devices like bold, italics, indent, and bullet/number lists. They add meaning, change the meaning, or add clarity and should be applied consistently

purpose to express

feelings evoke emotion out of the reader--poetry

Primary source

firsthand records of events, theories, opinions, or actions. Often come in form of published/unpublished document, recordings, artifacts, or on the internet. May not always be accurate

description structure

form of text structure that usually tends to describe or characterize a person, thing, or idea.


form of text structure where info is bulleted or in number lists

comparison contrast structure

form of text structure where the author presents two different cases with the intent of making the reader consider the differences b/w the 2. Usually presents an action and then the effects

problem solution structure

form of text structure where you present the problem in one paragraph and the solution in another. Or put them both in one paragraph but written in different fonts


general subject matter being covered by the work. (broad term--depression, mental health, psychology)


have transitional properties between metals and nonmetals they are found next to the stair step line on the periodic table.


headings that appear below other headings within the same category--appear in smaller type so they can be distinguished.

logical conclusions

idea that follows from the facts/ideas presented in the text--it does not need to be factual or true

List the different types of rock.

igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic


imbalance of electrons and protons creates an Ion.

the percent of change for $3 to $4

increase of 33.3 %


info based on real, provable events or situations

distance scale

info in the legend that tells the reader how to interpret distances on the map--usually appears as a line with a distance marking

choosing an appropriate source appropriate means two things:

information should be to the point and should be credible or authoritative

Is pi a rational number or irrational number?


purpose to entertain

keep the reader interested--plays and novels

Density Mass/Volume

less volume = greater density if constant

Saturated Hydrocarbons alkanes

most basic structure for hydrocarbons, single bond formula=CnH2n+2 Ethane C2H6


negatively charged subatomic particles around the nucleus (orbital shell)


occurs through phase transition=alteration of physical state between solid, liquid, and gas. Occurs by breaking the physical bonds within the liquid.


opinions or beliefs that affect a person's ability to make fair, unclouded judgments or decisions


oversimplified opinions that do not count for individual differences, but are about an entire group of people or things

technical writing

passes along precise info usually about a specific topic and usually is in a formal/semiformal style


provides a way of looking up various topics by listing the names, topics, and ideas mentioned in a text followed by the page numbers it can be found on

table of contents

provides an overview of a document, outlines the basic structure and allows the reader to quickly look up what they want.

What is metamorphic?

rock transformed by heat and pressure


small area on a map that explains the symbols and notations used on the map


subjects that a written work frequently bring up--despair, hope, redemption--more like topics. they are concepts or ideas that appear in the book multiple times


subtraction of heat

summary sentence

sum up the point made earlier in the text, driving home the message so the reader cannot forget--often found at the end of the paragraph, section, or chapter. Can provide closure

narrative writing

tells a story, or relates a chain of events

purpose to inform

the document talks about some fact or event-- newspaper articles

purpose to persuade

the documents tries to sway reader to a particular view point--persuasive writing

purpose of writing

the main reason for writing a particular piece

text structure

the way in which a given text is organized--it makes the text easier to read and emphasize the author's points. Place related info in close proximity or in an established layout

main idea

the work's specific message, the reason the text was written--written more as a sentence or statement to prove something


titles that preface a section of text. they advertise the subject of the text found beneath them and make it easier to skim for a particular topic

What is Transform theory?

two plates sliding past each other

What is endocytosis?


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