Technology Unit 2

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Why are calculating devices, such as the Abascus and Pascaline, often included within the history of the computer? Who invented them? When were they invented? How did they impact todays inventions?

Abascus was invented around 3000 BC was the beginning of the computers because throughout time computers started as a mathematical counter and making quick calculations. Pascaline was invented between 1642-1645 and was also the start of computers or led to the beginning of computers with math.

Who is considered to be the first computer programmer? What years was she alive? Why is she significant? How did she contribute to today's technologies.

Ada Lovelace. Alive during 1815-1852. She was significant because she wrote the worlds first computer programmer. She developed computer coding for today's world.

How was the term Computer Bug coined? How was it found? Who found it? Why was it significant? How did this discovery impact todays inventions?

An error in Mark 2 to a moth trapped in a relay. Grace Hopper found it. A bug is now used as a term for error or flaw in the system. They are present in software and now we have a name to call the computer errors.

Who is Considered the Father of Computers? What years was he alive? Why is he significant? How did he contribute to today's technologies?

Charles Babbage. 1791-1871. Invented the first computer. His inventions foreshadowed the invention of the modern electronic digital computer.

What was the biggest difference between the UNIVAC and the ENIAC?

ENIAC was the first general purpose computer. UNIVAC was the successor of ENIAC, was binary based, and used stored programs.

What was the first digital Computer? Who invented it? When was it invented? What is the significance of the invention? How did this invention impact todays technologies?

ENIAC. Invented by John Mauchly and Presper Eckert. 1946. First digital computer. It laid the foundations for the modern electronic computing industry.

What was the first digital mechanical computer? Who invented it? When was it invented? What is the significance of the invention? How did this invention impact today's technologies?

It was called the Pascaline. Charles Babbage invented it. Invented in 1822. Purpose was to do math and store memory. Impacted today's technologies by starting with a base and building onto it.

What was the significance of the Colossus in the 1940s?

It was used during World War 2 to crack codes.

What invention by Bell Labs enabled computers to be cheaper, faster, and more reliable? When was it invented? How did this technology impact today's inventions?

The invention of transistors. Invented in 1950s. The growth of computers spread throughout the world.

What historic event prompted the creation of the first computers- including the ENIAC, Colossus and UNIVAC? Who invented them? When were they invented? What is the significance of these inventions? How did these inventions impact today's technologies?

World War 2. Invented by John Maucly, Presper Eckert, Alan Turing. ENIAC in 1946, Colossus in 1943, and UNIVAC in 1951. They were all built after World War 2. They were all created to solve numerical problems fast.

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