Terrorism Exam 1

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punitive expedition

-is a military journey undertaken to punish a state or any group of persons outside the borders of the punishing state -cause: usually undertaken in response to perceived disobedient or morally wrong behavior, either as revenge or to apply strong diplomatic pressure without a formal declaration of war. -to extract a price as punishment by moving in military forces to cause a certain amount of destruction then depart -ex:) The destruction of half of the operational ships of the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy by the United States Navy in 1988 during Operation Praying Mantis for damaging USS Samuel B. Roberts by mining international waters of the Persian Gulf.

Unlawful Combatant

- a combatant who directly engages in armed conflict in violation of the laws of war. -Geneva convention -An unlawful combatant is someone who commits belligerent acts but does not qualify for POW status under GCIII Articles 4 and 5. -can but do not have to abide by the conditions set in the Third Geneva Convention for POW after detained and convicted

Suicide Bombing

-Suicide missions can be defined as attacks that are certain to result in the death of the individual or individuals carrying out the mission. -The attacker kills himself, or herself, in order to kill others. -A suicide attacker has no doubt that he or she will die -The greatest perpetrators of suicide missions include the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, the Tamil...

self determination

-The UN, has a declared stand on 'right to self determination,' -"people have a right to fight to obtain those rights." but controversial because you can call 'terrorism' by various names to suit various purposes; it is all in the eye of the beholder. -Liberation struggle, freedom struggle, freedom fighters, war against state, people's war and so on, but the current terminology endorses calling the violence of non-state actors 'terrorism *edit

Christian Patriot Movement

-a movement of American political commentators and activists. -They promote various interpretations of history and law with the common theme that the federal government has turned against the ideas of liberty and individual rights which were behind the American Revolution, and America's Christian heritage -ideology is marked by three elements: rebellion, racism, and religion. -high levels of paranoia against many things like gov./conspiracy theories among members

state sponsored terrorism

-are determined by the state- dept./ President -currrent: syria, iran, suddan -Acts carried out by non-government groups with funding, arms, intelligence or other direct or indirect help from a government. State Department lists seven nations as sponsors of terrorism: Cuba, Libya, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.

civil disobedience of terrorists

-break a law to point out a higher (or moral) law - CONTINUE DEF

right of storm

-if defenders refused an initial invitation to surrender and were defeated the attackers had the right to take possession of all property in the territory and had right to spare or kill the occupants


**strategy to fight terrorism D iplomatic Bilateral or multilateral agreements between countries, sanctions treaties form coordination between countries I ntelligence bilateral/multilateral sharing of information between state departments/fbi/cia or nations M ilitary have a war or invade country advise and train sponsor other groups with money/train special OPS military aid, can help stabilize a country, aiding another country also makes them dependant on us (selling weapons to another country), entirely dependant on you for ammunition "allies" E conomic in order to form "coup" supply them with economic aid then cut it off, causes government to collapse country is then in chaos and need us to form order sanctions, freezing assets

Sovereign Citizens Groups

-The FBI classifies some sovereign citizens ("sovereign citizen extremists") as domestic terrorists. -Self-described sovereign citizens take the position that they are answerable only to their particular interpretation of the common law -and are not subject to any statutes or proceedings at the federal, state or municipal levels; that they do not recognize United States currency; and/or that they are "free of any legal constraints. -many believe that the United States government is illegitimate

"Permanent War"

quote, we are in a permanent war like the drug war, historically how to control a population is to be at war all the time

Clash of civilizations

"we're entering a phase where there's a clash of civilizations (american, asian, etc.), we can't help the clash there's just a clash of cultures, clash of ideals, globalization is going to cause other cultures to clash" -

Enhanced interrogation Techniques / torture

- U.S. government's program of systematic torture of detainees at "black sites" around the world (Guantanamo Bay, Bagram, etc.) -Methods used included prolonged stress positions, hooding, subjection to deafening noise, sleep deprivation to the point of hallucination, deprivation of food, drink, and withholding medical care for wounds — as well as waterboarding, walling, nakedness, subjection to extreme cold, confinement in small coffin-like boxes, and repeated slapping or beating

Torture Memo

-A series of memorandums from the Justice Department, many of them written by John C. Yoo - provided arguments to keep United States officials from being charged with war crimes for the way prisoners were detained and interrogated. - provided legal arguments to support administration officials' assertions that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to detainees from the war in Afghanistan. -They advised the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Department of Defense, and the president on the use of enhanced interrogation techniques: mental and physical torment and coercion such as prolonged sleep deprivation, binding in stress positions, and waterboarding, and stated that such acts, widely regarded as torture, might be legally permissible under an expansive interpretation of presidential authority during the "War on Terror".

Targeted Assassination

-Assassination has been traditionally defined as the targeted killing of a public figure, motivated by ideological, political, or security reasons. -Assassination, when used as a terrorist tactic, is the targeted killing of a country's public officials or individuals who represent the political, economic, military, security, social, religious, media, or cultural establishments. - The killings can be motivated by ideology, religion, politics, or nationalism. -Most terrorist groups conduct assassinations to eliminate enemies, intimidate the population, discourage cooperation, influence public opinion, decrease government effectiveness, gain media attention, or simply to exact revenge.

Al Qaeda

-Terrorist network established by Osama bin Laden in the early 1980s, which seeks to rid the holy lands of infidels. -Experts say that today's al Qaeda is a loose-knit network of largely autonomous cells in different countries. - The terrorist movement has been particularly active in Iraq for many years.

Wahabiism / Qutbism

-Wahhabism: is a religious movement or branch of Sunni Islam. official religion of saudi arabia, what it is to be islamic is to fight for your religion, extremist, to be an active jihad -an Islamist ideology developed by the late Sayyid Qutb, a Muslim, and figurehead of the Muslim Brotherhood - It has been described as advancing the extremist jihadist ideology of propagating "offensive jihad," - waging jihad in conquest, "armed jihad in the advance of Islam" -Qutbism has gained widespread attention because it is widely believed to have influenced Islamic extremists and terrorists such as Osama bin-Laden

Jose Padilla

-a United States citizen from Brooklyn, New York, who was convicted in federal court of aiding terrorists. -arrested in 2002 on suspicion of plotting a radiological bomb -2007, a federal jury found him guilty of conspiring to kill people in an overseas jihad, and to fund and support overseas terrorism. -converted to Islam as a teen


-plural form for "one engaged in jihad" -guerrilla fighters in Islamic countries, especially those who are fighting against non-Muslim forces. -most frequently used in reference to the self named Afghan mujahideen, the guerrilla fighters who battled the Soviet army from 1979 - 1989, when the Soviets withdrew in defeat

Methods of counterterrorism

Counter-terrorism: measures are military, police and intelligence measures used to fight terrorism through pre-emptive or retaliatory measures, as contrasted with anti-terrorism measures, which are preventive measures to reduce vulnerability to terrorist attacks. -intelligence sharing -funding (to anti-terrorist militia in territory) -weaponry for these opposing people -bringing our military to train them so they can fight better -patriot act, torture, detention, surveillance, wire tapping


acts with the aim to raise consciousness of animal rights issues -#1 threat for US domestic terrorism -term used to refer to acts of violence committed to in support of ecological or environmental causes, against persons or their property -Sabotage involves destroying, or threatening to destroy, property, and in this case is also known as monkey wrenching. - Many acts of sabotage involve the damage of equipment (bulldozers killing trees) and unmanned facilities using arson. -groups: Animal Liberation Front, Earth Liberation Front Earth First:

Hate group

an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society.


form of a replacement of the KKK, radical group

sneak and peak warrant

gov can instead of presenting you with a warrant to search your home, they can have a warrant to search your home but never end up presenting you with it before going into your home so they can go in and spy go through things bug house without you even knowing, theoretically only FBI can do it


more dangerous (branch of al qaeda) then al qaeda -aka Al Qaeda in the arabian peninsula -Sunni extremist group/Islamic militant group primarily based in Yemen and Saudi Arabia - embassy bombings, we

Enemy Combatant

qualifications: -a member of the regular forces of a State party engaged in hostilities against the United States -a member of a militia, volunteer corps, or organized resistance movement belonging to a State party engaged in such hostilities, under responsible command, -wear a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, carry their arms openly -abide by laws of war -


removal of a human head


removal of head of terrorist organization

"exra-ordinary" Rendition

send someone to another country to be tortured bc it violates our law, for ex: when we send people to jordan to torture and get information


small different terrorist groups - By dividing the greater organization into many multiperson groups and compartmentalizing information inside each cell as needed, the greater organization is more likely to survive if one of its components is compromised. -spreading out information prevents infiltration of opposition -Osama Bin Laden organizes his terrorists into cells. -ex:) Had U.S. intelligence infiltrated one of the terrorist cells responsible for last week's attacks, they might have learned only of the proposed date of an attack but not the target, the time, or the means of the attack.

domestic terrorism

unlawful use or threatened use of violence by a group or individual committed against property or persons to intimidate government or population to further political gains -"the unlawful use of force or violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" -ex:) in USA - anti-abortion violence, animal rights, eco-terrorism, KKK, Weathermen, anti-war, - USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States


weapons of mass destruction

international terrorism (3 factors)

* means activities with the following three characteristics: 1. )Involve violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law; 2. )Appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and 3.) Occur primarily outside the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S., or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to intimidate or coerce

Root Causes

1.) those who feel politically marginalized "voiceless" 2.) poverty: an "enabling environment", not a direct cause but a factor that contributes to the cause of terrorism, "inequality" in society which could lead to this 3.) charity: a lot of terrorist group actually feed people, build hospitals/homes, schools, medicine/Dr.'s, security 4.) oppressive governments: violate human rights (ex: torture)

Hard and Soft Power

=Hard power is about compelling your adversary to comply with your will through the threat or use of force.‭ ‬Soft power is about attracting your partner to share your goals through dialogue and exchange.‭ -‬Hard power seeks to kill,‭ ‬capture,‭ ‬or defeat an enemy.‭ -Soft power seeks‭ to ‬influence through understanding and the identification of common ground. -Afghanistan


=forcible seizure of a vehicle, or a communication device or service; a person committing such a seizure is a hijacker or highjacker. This may refer to: Aircraft hijacking. Carjacking. Maritime hijacking or piracy. -the most foremost objective of hickjackings and kidnappings is to enable terrorists to manipulate the news media and spread their message -involve the seizure and detention of an individual or group of people such as diplomats, gov. officials, tourists, or business people -the victims may be held in a known seize sight such as an embassy, private house, public building, or concealed place only known to the terrorists

Guerilla war v terrorism -- tactics and intent

Guerilla Warfare: -unconventional, asymmetrical -commando-type tactics -free zone -inspirational violence, symbolic targets -victims- military, police, government, infrastructure -want to replace the government, gain sympathy Terrorism : -asymmetrical, unconventional -terrorists try to stay hidden, organize in small cells -violence is expressive -victims- non-combatants -want to disrupt the government, gain sympathy -want government to overreact

political violence

in most cases terrorism is essentially a political act meant to inflict dramatic and deadly violence upon civilians -- "create an atmosphere of fear" --generally for political or ideological/ religious-secular purpose -to achieve political goals


-A torture method in which a cloth is placed on the victim's face and water is continually poured over it to cause the sensation of drowning. -During the last Bush administration, waterboarding was used by members of the CIA and other members of American government authorities during interrogations of suspected terrorists.

055 Brigade

- al quadas special forces -an elite guerrilla organization sponsored and trained by Al Qaeda -consisted mostly of foreign guerrilla fighters (Mujahideen) from the Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia who had some form of combat experience -

globalization of civil war

-International terrorism, everyone gets to experience of civil terrorist attacks, "ISIS"/, -the threat of catastrophic terrorism spans the globe, going against classification as solely foreign or as domestic -The war that broke out on September 11, 2001 between Al-qaeda and the U.S. does not seem to fit into either of the two normal categories -The U.S. war on terror includes an international war between the U.S. and its allies and the former Taliban Government of Afghanistan. -may represent a new kind of war, linked to the process of globalization


-a militant fundamentalist Islamic organization operating in the West Bank and Gaza -The goal of Hamas is an Islamic fundamentalist Palestinian state. -. Its manifesto advocates the destruction of the state of Israel, and calls for the raising of "the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine." -Tactics include suicide bombings, and since 2001, rocket attacks -

state terrorism

-acts of terrorism conducted by a state against a foreign state or people, or against its own people. -targeting innocent civillians distinguishes state terrorism -systematically committed to using violence and extreme versions of threat against their own civilians exemplify the premise of state terrorism. -ex:) Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin's rule are frequently cited as historical cases of state terrorism.


-counter-terrorism tactic held by US -The rationale behind this system of preventive detention is to incapacitate suspected terrorists and facilitate interrogation. -"labeling of alleged terrorists as "enemy combatants" and detaining them indefinitely, without access to counsel, and without having to file any criminal charges"

ideology justifying violence

-defined as the beliefs, values, and/or principles by which a group identifies its particular aims and goals -Terrorism is usually motivated by political objectives. Such politically motivated terrorist groups can be distinguished by their ideology. Ideology outlines the boundaries within which these groups operate and thus determines their choice of targets. -religion - self defense, group violence- mob mentality, defense of liberty/rights, killing for ideology (political murder, "national interest",

ends-means problem

-distinction between "ends" and "means" -it is not the ends or goals of the terrorist to make terrorism wrong, but the means used, namely the deliberate killing of harmless people -terrorism must be understood in the condemnation of the means to achieve the goal not ends -if the means to achieve the goal are outrageous and bad they should not be used to even achieve a possibly good "end" even if there is no other way to go about achieving it -problem example: why should a civilian death be acceptable if it occurs as a side effect of combat that serves a worthy end, whereas a civilian death that is inflicted on purpose as a mean to the same end is a terrorist outrage? -* the core moral idea is a prohibition against aiming at the death of a harmless person

Industrial Sabotage

-eco-terrorism groups (domestic) tactic -sabotage and property destruction against industries and other entities perceived to be damaging to the natural environment. -"Monkeywrenching" includes tree spiking, arson, sabotage of logging or construction equipment, and other types of property destruction

Religious fundamentalism

-fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation indicating unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs --it is associated with variant forms of religious extremism and thus religiously-oriented terrorism, in particular - though by no means exclusively - that of an Islamic ilk


-idea that all government should be abolished, and that voluntary cooperation, rather than force, should be society's organizing principle. (19th century) -A number of late 19th century thinkers argued that actions, rather than words, were the best way to spread idea-- referenced violence- bombings, assassinations -Anarchists Today: No Connection to Religious Terrorism or War on Terror


-is a Shi'a Islamist militant group and political party based in Lebanon. -Hezbollah provides military training as well as financial and moral support to Hamas and has acted in some ways as a mentor or role model for the group -also known as Islamic Jihad - Lebanon-based group that bombed U.S. Embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983

Hamdi v Rumsfeld

-is a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court recognized the power of the government to detain enemy combatants, including U.S. citizens, but ruled that detainees who are U.S. citizens must have the rights of due process, and the ability to challenge their enemy combatant status before an impartial authority. -2004 -court released him on the grounds of being innocent after it was attempted to detain him without habeas corpus rights , bc he was a US citizen

PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)

-is an organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle -initally was not associated with violence then turned into a violent organization 1967 -It became more extreme as Israel became more successful militarily (1967 and 1973) and more intransigent about handing back land conquered from the Arabs -believed that the only way Israel could be forced into returning land was to use violence - and bombing, hijacking and murder became their tactics

political efficacy

-is the citizens' faith and trust in government and their belief that they can understand and influence political affairs. -is a feeling that individual political action does or can have an impact upon the political process and is worthwhile to perform ones civic duties -internal political efficacy - beliefs about one's own ability to influence the political process -external political efficacy - beliefs about the responsiveness of government officials to the concerns of the citizenry.

Islamic Jihad

-objective is the destruction of the State of Israel and the establishment of a sovereign, Islamic Palestinian state. -known in the West as simply Palestinian Islamic Jihad operations have included suicide bombings, attacks on Israeli civilians, as well as the firing of rockets into Israel. -PIJ has much in common with Hamas, with both fighting against the existence of the State of Israel.

2006 Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

-prohibits any person from engaging in certain conduct "for the purpose of damaging or interfering with the operations of an animal enterprise." -The statute covers any act that either "damages or causes the loss of any real or personal property" or "places a person in reasonable fear" of injury. - gives the U.S. Department of Justice greater authority to target animal rights activists. -

Habeas Corpus

-requires that the government justify its imprisonment of an individual before a judge, for prisoner to appear and challenge their sentence -under controversy after war on terror/Guantanamo bay and whether to grand unlawful enemy combatants this right


-s unintended consequences of a covert operation that are suffered by the aggressor. To the civilians suffering the blowback of covert operations, the effect typically manifests itself as "random" acts of political violence without a discernible, direct cause; because the public—in whose name the intelligence agency acted—are unaware of the effected secret attacks that provoked revenge (counter-attack) against them "have to be careful with what we're doing, for ex: we created resentment in middle east, prevent bad guys without creating any terrorists or blowback, don't want to step on toes of allies bc "tomorrow they might change their minds"=blowback"

Separatist Movement

-separatism: is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group -ex: terrorism in China due to separatist movement -Political separatism evolves when a group of people who believe they are being repressed, abused, disenfranchised, or discriminated against, attempt to disassociate themselves from the system that governs them. -Usually, separatists want to secede from their ruling government and establish a new territory in which they can form their own laws, but separatism can also result from the desire to be economically, socially, or religiously separated within the governing structure.

monkey wrenching

-tactic used in eco defense or eco-terrorism -"ELF" group -Monkeywrenching is a form of sabotage that focuses on creating serious economic damage, thus putting a temporary or permanent halt to activities that the perpetrator believes are undesirable. -The activity is closely associated with the environmental movement, although other causes have embraced monkeywrenching as well.

Realpolitik / political realism

-tends to function with a non-fixed set of rules and a focus on short-term accomplishments. It is often invoked negatively to describe methods that are coercive or amoral. **power politics, morality is second in politics, first you have to make sure you win -In the context of international relations, power is basically the capability to make another state do something it would not otherwise do or to stop it from doing something it wants to do. -Morality in the international system is to be treated skeptically and can be counterproductive to successful political action. The overriding goal is survival by any means, and the ends justify the means.

Warrantless Wiretaps/ Surveillance

-the NSA was authorized by executive order (bush) to monitor, without search warrants, the phone calls, Internet activity, text messaging, and other communication involving any party believed by the NSA to be outside the U.S., even if the other end of the communication lies within the U.S.

Psychological profile of terrorists

-usually alienated -young, self righteous mindset, -mostly male, -urban, -unemployed, -educated (have to know about the world to get involved in issues like this), -accepting of an ideology that accepts violence

economic terrorism

-various coordinated and sophisticated destabilizing actions in order to disrupt the economic and financial stability of a state, a group of states or a society (such as market oriented western societies) for ideological or religious motives. -


terrorism involving the intentional release or dissemination of biological agents. These agents are bacteria, viruses, or toxins, and may be in a naturally occurring or a human-modified form. For the use of this method in warfare, see biological warfare. -

ISIS/Islamic State

- is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadist extremist militant group and self-proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate, which is led by and mainly composed of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria (only want Sunni Musims not Shia) -* Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (leader of ISIS) -ISIS encourages lone wolf attacks through alarmingly effective messaging (for independent people to use whatever they can to create as much damage as possible), people that aren't directly associated - Islamic State burst on to the international scene in 2014 when it seized large swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq. It has become notorious for its brutality, including mass killings, abductions and beheadings. -The stated mission goal of ISIS, as the group voiced publicly back in June, is to establish a new Islamic caliphate across the Middle East. -Calphate= a form of Islamic government led by a caliph (a person considered a political and religious successor to the Islamic prophet) -IS seeks to eradicate obstacles to restoring God's rule on Earth and to defend the Muslim community, -has welcomed the prospect of direct confrontation with the US-led coalition, viewing it as an end-of-times showdown between Muslims and their enemies described in Islamic "apocalyptic prophecies".

Disposition Matrix

- is a database that United States officials describe as a "next-generation capture/kill list" -Developed by the Obama Administration, 2010 -"Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists, and creates a blueprint for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the US government. -counter-terrorism tactic -drones

P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act and its effect on civil liberties

-Brought into force by former US President George W. Bush in October 2001, the Patriot Act reduced police restrictions to search civilian data, eased restrictions on the collection of foreign intelligence and facilitated the detention and deportation of suspected terrorists. - The government justified the act as a defense measure, but human rights groups have warned of a surveillance state. The laws frequently have to be checked and amended by Congress. -The Patriot Act permitted information collection procedures through enhanced surveillance and reinforced federal anti-money-laundering laws, making it a crime for anyone to support the activities of a group on the State Department's terrorist watch list. -Certain provisions of the Patriot Act, including better information sharing and coordination among intelligence agencies to strengthen the security of the nation from any future terrorist attacks are important for counter-terrorism efforts. However, the proponents of the Patriot Act are in favor of targeting the freedom of other people, notably minorities and immigrants, in exchange for their own security.

culture jamming

-is a tactic used by many anti-consumerist social movements to disrupt or subvert media culture and its mainstream cultural institutions, including (but not limited to) corporate advertising. -Many culture jams are intended to expose questionable political assumptions behind commercial culture. -Tactics include re-figuring logos; fashion statements; and product images as a means to challenge the idea of "what's cool." -"Subvertising" -reaction against social conformity


-is a term used by some to describe the views of various groups and individuals who portray the Confederate States of America and its actions in the American Civil War in a positive light -terrorist example: dylan roof -neo-confederate groups: League of the South, Dixie Republic, League of the South/Southern Culture Center, Southern National Congress, Southern Nationalist Network, Southern Patriot Shoppe


-is an Islamic term referring to the religious duty of Muslims to maintain the religion. In Arabic, the word jihād is a noun meaning "to strive, to apply oneself, to struggle, to persevere". -usually associated with Islam and Muslims -the original term Jihad does not mean violent ally fight for the religion it could mean to pray a lot, but terrorists sometimes use this defense of their religion under any circumstances to defend their attacks


-the process of fragmentation or division of a region or state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or uncooperative with one another. -Al Qaeda -ex: Al Qaeda more Balkanized than unified


-unmanned aerial vehicles that can specifically target a location to blow up or kill specific targeted people, counter-terrorism method -drones have devastated al Qaeda and associated anti-American militant groups -fewer casualties of US troops by using them

4 phases of modern terrorism

1. Anarchist Phase ran from early 19th century- -world war 1, -industrial violence "attack the machines", -similar to 18th century "Luddites", -"I.R.A.", "Black Hand", -Palestinian territory, 2. Anti-Imperial Phase -all the empires during the 19th century met their end with "national self determination" -"Irgua" -Palestinian mandate-- league of nations 3.Anti-Colonial Phase -beginnings of "new left" -weather underground -a lot of domestic terrorism -Baader Meinhof complex -"Red Brigade" Italy 4. Religious Wave -1979 after Iranian Revolution -Iranians believed US to be the enemy -Lebanon Invasion -rise in groups for religious terrorism-- Hamas (suicide bombings) -Al Qaeda starts forming -- starts as Mujahideen

Democratization and conditions for democracy

In order to have democracy: representation pluralism-- social tolerance minority rights democratic institutions free association free speech

Boko Haram

The Nigerian-based terror group, also known as Islamic State's West's Africa province (ISWAP) -"has overtaken ISIS as worlds worst terrorists now" -carries out most of its atrocities in north Africa -focus as a center of resistance against Nigerian gov. -nickname: "Western education is a sin" because of the group's belief that Western influences in education, media, and values, have a corrupting effect on traditional Islamic societies.

non state actor

are organizations with sufficient power to influence and cause a change even though they do not belong to any established institution of a state -*violent non state actors: "individuals or organizations that have economic, political or social power and are able to influence at a national and sometimes international level but do not belong to or ally themselves to any particular country or state." -VNSAs develop out of poor state governance but also contribute to further undermining governance by the state. He explains that when weak states are "unable to create or maintain the loyalty and allegiance of their populations" -ex: Al Qaeda

ELF/ALF/Earth First

used "economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the environment" -was named a top domestic terror threat by FBI in 2001 -used tactics of monkeywrenching-- destroys property and equipment, industrial sabotage, tree spiking, arson, burn GMO crop fields


views emphasize the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law); of pan-Islamic political unity; and of the selective removal of non-Muslim, particularly Western military, economic, political, social, or cultural influences in the Muslim world that they believe to be incompatible with Islam.

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