Terrorism Test One

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political terrorism, revolutionary terrorism, state sponsored terrorism, religious terrorism

List types of terrorism

Formed in 1992 the group has less than 100 members and they are based in Nigeria --- religious --- responsible for the 1994 France Airbus Hijacking packed with explosives to detonate over Paris

Armed Islamic Group (GIA)

Aryan Nations is a Christian based group that is based in Louisiana. Elimination of Jews and all other minorities They identify with the KKK, White Supremacists, etc

Aryan Nations, 1974

Basque Fatherland and Freedom (ETA) Basque Homeland and Security Formed in 1959 to fight for Basque Independence with approximately 300 members Communist / Socialist , Nationalist / Separatist Most common tactics are bombings and assassinations

Basque Fatherland and Freedom (ETA)

Islam was founded in 622 B.C. in Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula. Islam implies peace. Islam is based off the belief that their is one God, Allah, one must give complete submission to him and follow the teachings of Muhammad and the Qur'an

Explain the religion of Islam

Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) Formed in 1974 more than 1000 members founded in 1974 by a group of Turkish students of ethnic Kurdish decent @ Ankara University

Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK)

Madrid Bombings on March 11th 2004 Over 191 people dead and 824 injured 10 bombs exploded on 4 trains in 3 stations in the busy morning rush hour ETA was originally blamed

Madrid Bombings, 2004

Ryder truck [loaded with explosives] parked outside of Alfred P. Murrah government building 168 people including children killed, 500+ injured Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols [created bomb] were responsible Carried out by McVeigh to [protest U.S. Gov + Waco]

Oklahoma City Bombing 1995

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine was a former member of the PLO and committed to destroying Israel, opposes Arab regimes, and they PIONEERED THE USE OF AIRPLANE HIJACKING

PLFP Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

What can terrorism be used for today?

Purpose of terrorism: to seize political power, affect public opinion, and seize the media, maintain internal discipline, discredit and disrupt the government, win new members, project strength that far exceeds their numbers

November 17th in Greece / National Technical Uni @ Athens Revolutionary Organizations was formed in 1975 but it currently inactive -- takes its name from the 1973 student protest against the military dictatorship in Greece

Revolutionary Organizations 1975

Group of Berkeley radicals led by Donald Defreeze, an escape convict --- anti capitalist, pro socialist, performed kidnapping, bombings, and assassinations Wanted everyone to live in symbiosis {peace} regardless of race or age

Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) 1973

The Branch Davidians were a(n) group in Waco, Texas led by David Koresh David Koresh was a cult leader who believed he was an angel of God. He prepared is followers for a looming apocalypse by stock pilling weapons, sleeping with children, etc. After an F.B.I raid David and 80 of his followers were killed and the building was burned

The Branch Davidians were a(n)

Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GCIM) was a religious group formed in the 1990s dedicated to the creation of an Islamist State in Morocco -- they actively support al Qaeda objectives and are thought to be responsible for Madrid Bombings

The Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GCIM)

Pyrenees Mountain / Basque Separatist Basque fought using terrorist tactics against General Franco [who prevented them from settling in an area they could call their own]

The Pyrenees Mountain / Basque Separatist

Ted Kaczynski, Schizophrenia Cabin in the woods in Montana Killed, bombed, and maimed people for 18 years because he was concerned about environmental damage from industrialization

The Unabomber 1978-1995

AKA the Weather Underground Organization Anti-Vietnam War Effort Communist / Socialist Responsible for the "Days of Rage" 1969: police cars were bombed in order to protest the murders of two Black Panther leaders

The Weatherman 1969

Bomb planted in a refrigeration truck and parked outside U.S. Embassy in two locations -11 killed + 86 injured in Tanzania -213 killed + 5,000 injured Osama Bin Laden/ al Qaeda Responsible

U.S. Embassy Bombs 1998

Yemen- a group of suicide bombers used a skiff [fisher boat] to pull along side a destroyer and detonate a bomb Killed 17 sailors and injured 39 others Mastermind: Jamal al Badawi Responsible: Bin Laden

U.S.S. Cole Attack, 2000

5 Pillars of Islam: Shahada: Profession of Faith Salah: Prayer 5 times a day Zakat: Paying of Alms to the poor Ramadan: Month of fasting Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca

What are the five pillars of islam?

A group feels they are chosen by a higher power, which allows them to destroy other people in the cause of righteousness

What does it mean when a terrorist thinks they are chosen by a higher power?

The Hospital Crisis of Jan 09 2009 Chechen Militants seize 3000 hostages at a hospital in southern Russia and demand that Russian troops withdrawal.

What happened in the Hospital Crisis in Russia in 2009?

School Crisis of September 1st 2009 Chechen militants take 1000 hostages at a school in Beslan - terrorists detonate bombs --- 344 people die - 186 of them children

What happened in the School Crisis in Russia in 2009?

As a result of the Holocaust the Jews were displaced so they went to Palestine and demanded an independent state, 1948-- Britain withdrawals and the Arabs arms themselves

What happened to the Jews after WW2?

Christian Identity groups distort traditional Christian teachings Promote anti-Semitic and racist beliefs Jews are children between Eve and Satan Blacks are mud people with no soul Advocates extreme violence

What is Christian Identity?

is when a government provides supplies, training and other forms of support to non state terrorist organizations. The most valuable type of support is provision of a safe haven or physical basing for the organization

What is State Sponsored terrorism?

Surrogate religious terrorism is when groups are so consumed by a particular cause that they create a surrogate religion and take violent actions to advance their beliefs

What is Surrogate Religious terrorism?

violent eschatology: when a group believes it must wage war to purify the earth before the return of their deity i.e. radical Islamic groups.

What is Violent Eschatology?

A hierarchical terrorist organizational model dates back to the cold war terrorism groups. They are ordered top to bottom in a well-defined vertical chain of command, control, and responsibility. Data and intelligence flows up and down organizational channels and only the cell leader has knowledge of other cells

What is a hierarchal terrorist organization model?

A network terrorism organizational model has general goals and targets that are announced. Cells share a unifying ideology, common goals, or mutual interests but the cells do not contact or coordinate with other cells. They are loosely affiliated which means they plan and act within their own means to promote a common ideological position

What is a networked terrorism organizational model?

State sponsored terrorism is using people or groups to bring about change that is not directly tied back to a government, tied to a state or country, funneling money to bring about change. For example: the U.S. pushed the Russians out of Syria

What is state-sponsored terrorism?

The Balfour Declaration of November 1917 promised to create a homeland for the Jews in the biblical geographical area of Israel. The problem was they also promised to establish am Arab-dominate caliphate to include the three most important cities in Palestine [Mecca, Israel, Jerusalem]

What is the Balfour Declaration and what did it promise?

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is led by Yassar Arafat and their goal is the drive the jews into the ocean They wanted a country or territory they could call Palestine Arafat was elected chairman in 1969 because the PLO lost the majority of their legitimacy after the 6 Day War. Yassir Arafat created the Al-Fatah to regain publicity

What is the PLO?

Early definition of terrorism: the systematic application of violence to establish and maintain a new political religious system. It does not work because it is more applicable to war it is a display of power and or arms.

What is the early definition of terrorism?

Labeling Theory: the one who wins gets to have that power, gets to threaten others with it etc. Labels are simply a matter of judgement with of definitional parameters.

What is the labeling theory in relation to terrorism?

The point of terrorism is to induce fear in a large group of people for either political or religious reasoning. The people killed act as symbolistic targets. i.e. 9/11

What is the point of terrorism?

The 1972 Olympics in Munich Germany on Sept 05 Demanded that Israel release 234 Arab prisoners within 24 hours 11 Israelis were dead, 5 terrorists and 1 German police officer Attack was ordered by Yasser Arafat and carried out by his faction of the PLO Al-Fatah Terrorists called themselves Black September

What is the terrorist attack during the 1972 Munich Olympics?

In 1991 The Soviet Union broke up into a number of regions to gain independence Chechnya's declaration for independence was refused -- led to Chechen War of 1994-1996 Second Chechen War 1999 in a crusade against Terrorism. Chechnya took their fight to the streets of Moscow with bombings and suicide attacks.

What led to the Chechen Wars?

In the six day war in 1967 a pre-emptive attack was made on Egypt that drew Syria and Jordan into a regional war in 1967 and in turn Israel made massive territorial gains --- Israel Won Led to the Principle of Land for Peace

What occurred in the 6 Day War?

Middle East Crisis: between Islamic, Judaist, and Christian people Judaism believes Jesus was just a man not a prophet Islam believes Jesus is a prophet second to Muhammad Lad dispute sparking over differentiating religious beliefs

What was the Middle East Crisis About?

Palestine became Israel in 1948 Pre-1947 it was under British control

When did Palestine become Israel?

Canada has more international terrorist groups than anywhere in the world Canada is a base for fundraising, transport, and logistics -- consciousness raising, and organizing.

Where are the majority of terrorist groups under a safe haven?

The term terrorism came about during the bloody French revolution between 1792-1794 - in an attempt to destroy the monarchy. It was the first event that was commonly called terrorism those who resisted the revolutionaries faced arrest, imprisonment, and death. 400,000 men women and children were imprisoned, hanged, and guillotined.

Where did the term terrorism originate?

Bin Laden's Fatwa: Killing of Americans anywhere on earth is a sacred duty to all Muslims Plot for 9/11 was developed in Afghanistan by Bin Laden Further developed @ Hamburg University in Germany Mohammed Atta and 3 others took flight school in OK & FL

Where was the plot for 9/11 developed?

Hamas is a Sunni militant terrorist group that won the election and is in charge of the Gaza Strip and Hamas has had violent outgrowth of the Muslim brotherhood. They believe the community should select its own leader In 2007 Hama became a legitimate political party with a landslide victory Founded by Ahmed Yassin

Who are the Hamas?

Tamil Tigers is a group [50% women] that carries out human trafficking, drug trade, and forged passports. However, Canada does not recognize the group as terrorists, infact 25% of their funding comes from Canada

Who are the Tamil Tigers?

A former KKK leader

Who is Frazier Glenn Miller?

Hezbollah is Arabic for 'Party of God' they are an Radical Islam Shiite organization that popularized suicide bombings as an effective terrorist attack They were responsible for the death of 241 marines in October 1983 by detonating a truck bomb in the barracks. Current goal is to establish a Shiite theocracy in Lebanon - Shiites believe their leaders should be direct descendants of Muhammad

Who is Hezbollah?

The Islamic Group (JAMAAT AL-ISLAMIYYA) is Egypt's largest militant group. They have been active since the late 1970s and recently allied with Al Qaeda. Mohammed Atta was from Egypt he took flight school in Florida and Oklahoma. Their current goal is the establishment of an Islamic state in Egypt and attacks on the US

Who is the Islamic Group in Egypt?

9/11 resulted in the creation of the DHS (department of homeland security) after the president created the office of homeland security that was criticized for its small staff and budget.

Why was DHS created?

9/11/2001 New York City: terrorist hijacked 4 commercial jet planes; fly 3 into various targets Over 3,000 people dead Osama Bin Laden was responsible

World Trade Center Bombing 2001

1,500 pound bomb in the basement of WTC, killed 6 injured over a thousand Responsible: Radical Islamic Group Masterminded by Ramzi Yousef

World Trade Center Bombing in 1993

Classification: environmental/animal radical their base of operation is in the UK and United States they were formed in the 1980s and they are willing to engage in direct action which may endanger human life, the ARM believes that the ELF does not go far enough with regards to direct action

animal rights militia

Sudan was bloodied by internal civil strife the country has been a safe haven and a training ground for Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaeda

what happened in Sudan?

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