Terry Paul 3250 Marketing Final Exam Quizzes

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One trend that has caused consumer-generated information to gain importance is a. the globalization of companies. b. the recession. c. the increase in store brands. d. the increase in consumer buying power. e. the increase of consumers using digital media to publicize their own product reviews.


The main problem with using the objective-and-task approach to setting an advertising budget is that a. it takes the view that sales create advertising rather than advertising creates sales. b. it is difficult to determine the objectives of the campaign. c. it often results in overspending or underspending of the firm's resources. d. it does not achieve full potential in terms of stimulating demand. e. the marketer may experience difficulty when trying to estimate accurately the level of effort needed to achieve goals.


Which of the following is likely to employ a longer marketing channel with more intermediaries? a. Canned peas b. Business computer system c. Automobiles d. Watermelon e. Jet airplanes


Which of the following pricing strategies often results in a retailer losing money on the product? a. Price leader b. Special-event pricing c. Ethical pricing d. Psychological discounting e. Penetration pricing


Price is considered to be the variable in the marketing mix that is a. first to be decided. b. most flexible. c. most difficult. d. least flexible. e. last to be decided.


Promotional efforts designed to reduce the risk to consumers for using a product for the first time seek to a. combat competitive promotional efforts. b. encourage product trial. c. stimulate primary demand. d. create awareness. e. retain loyal customers.


The purpose of the ____ stage in personal selling is to determine customers' problems and questions about using the product. a. closing b. overcoming-objections c. follow-up d. approach e. prospecting


Recruiting and selection of salespeople should include enough steps to yield the information needed to make accurate selection decisions. However, the stages of the process should be sequenced so that the more expensive steps are a. paid by the prospects rather than the company. b. near the end. c. always completed before anything else. d. never reached. e. near the beginning.


The fact that consumers tend to trust other consumers over corporations and often rely on the recommendations of friends, family, and fellow consumers when making purchasing decisions has fostered the growth of sites like a. Reddit. b. Yelp. c. Tumblr. d. Google+. e. Pinterest.


When a customer is considering the purchase of a product in a less-familiar product category, that individual is likely to rely more heavily on a. symbol prices. b. external reference prices. c. internal reference prices. d. discounted reference prices. e. high value products.


____ links the purchase of an organization's products to support of philanthropic organizations favored by the target market. a. Charitable nonprofit marketing b. Cause-related marketing c. Promotion d. Charity-related promotion


As consumers become more informed about their options, the demand for a. low-priced products has grown. b. high-priced products has declined. c. low-priced products has remained about the same. d. low-priced products has declined. e. high-priced products has grown.


Pricing the basic product in a product line low while pricing products that go with the basic product at a higher level is called a. captive pricing. b. premium pricing. c. price lining. d. price skimming. e. bait pricing.


The internet can be referred to as a ____ medium because users determine which websites they are going to view. a. pull b. push c. interactive d. connected e. selective


The types of prices that appear most often in ads are ___, while the types of prices that occur least often in ads are ____ prices. a. bargain; premium b. reference; comparison c. discount; cost-plus d. comparison; cost-plus e. sale; reference


When establishing prices, a marketer's first step is to a. develop pricing objectives. b. select a pricing policy. c. evaluate competitors' prices. d. determine a pricing method. e. determine demand.


Which of the following is NOT a discount provided to business customers? a. Differentiated b. Cumulative c. Cash d. Seasonal e. Trade


A problem associated with ____ is that consumers can predict when prices will be lowered and delay purchases until that time. a. random discounting b. periodic discounting c. penetration pricing d. everyday low pricing e. reference pricing


A retail strategy of managing groups of similar, often substitutable products produced by different manufacturers is called a. atmospherics. b. category management. c. retail positioning. d. aggregate management. e. line extensions.


After compiling a list of potential customers, a salesperson must a. develop a presentation for each of the potential customers on his list. b. evaluate whether each prospect is able, willing, and authorized to buy the product. c. determine whether or not each prospect is really in his target market. d. find and analyze information about each prospect's specific needs and current brand choices. e. contact each of the prospects to get an initial feel for how likely they are to purchase his products.


An activity and/or material that offers added value or incentive to resellers, salespeople, or consumers is a. advertising. b. public relations. c. sales promotion. d. personal selling. e. packaging.


Kinesic communication is an element in which type of promotional method? a. Advertising b. Packaging c. Personal selling d. Sales promotion e. Public relations


The driving force behind marketing channel decisions should be a. cost reduction. b. convenience. c. customer satisfaction. d. environmental concerns. e. quality.


Which of the following involves building mutually beneficial long-term associations with a business customer through regular communications over prolonged periods of time? a. Outside selling b. Team selling c. Relationship selling d. Missionary selling e. Inside selling


Which type of retailer generally accepts lower margins than traditional retailers in exchange for higher sales volume? a. Department stores b. Direct marketers c. Discount stores d. Warehouse showrooms e. Traditional specialty retailers


A product under nonprice competition would most likely NOT succeed in the market if a. its quality has been upgraded. b. a new advertising campaign is established for it. c. it is packaged differently from similar products. d. it is easy to duplicate. e. it is priced near the competitors' price.


Advertising that aims to create a more favorable view of a company as a whole in the eyes of various stakeholders is called ____ advertising. a. advocacy b. product c. pioneer d. institutional e. organizational


An open-air shopping center that features upscale specialty, dining, and entertainment stores, usually owned by national chains, is generally called a(n) a. regional shopping center. b. community shopping center. c. outlet shopping center. d. lifestyle shopping center. e. neighborhood shopping center.


Eliminating a wholesaler from a marketing channel will a. eliminate the functions performed by that wholesaler. b. cut costs and lower prices. c. reduce channel conflict. d. not eliminate the functions performed by that wholesaler. e. lead to lower costs but higher prices.


For custom-made equipment or commercial construction projects, which pricing method is most likely used? a. Premium b. Keystone c. Differential d. Cost-plus e. Markup


In small firms, one or two individuals typically handle advertising activities and tend to rely on ______ for copywriting, artwork, and media scheduling advice. a. an advertising department b. an advertising agency c. a freelance specialist d. local media e. national media


The effectiveness of an advertising campaign can be measured a. only before the campaign begins, to prevent unnecessary expenditures. b. during the campaign to determine whether more or less funds should be allocated, but not after the campaign. c. only after the campaign has been carried out completely and results have been tabulated. d. before, during, and after the campaign through the use of pretests, inquiries, and posttests. e. several weeks after the beginning of the campaign to determine whether the campaign is headed in the right direction.


A major disadvantage of personal selling is that it a. cannot easily adjust the message to satisfy a customer's information needs. b. is not remembered as well by customers as advertising messages are. c. does not provide immediate feedback. d. is not compatible with other promotional activities. e. is very expensive per contact.


A sharing of meaning defines a. interference. b. noise. c. information. d. promotion. e. communication.


Brands that are promoted through comparative advertising are most likely to be a. competing in a less competitive market. b. primarily services rather than tangible goods. c. attempting to compete on a nonprice basis. d. market leaders. e. brands that are attempting to compete with market leaders.


Expensive, high-quality products that are purchased infrequently often reach consumers through a. intensive distribution. b. sole-source retailers. c. highly-selective distribution. d. complex marketing channels. e. exclusive distribution.


Location is important to a retailer because a. suppliers charge more to service stores in certain trading areas. b. location is the major determinant of store image. c. a desirable location appeals to consumers' emotions. d. convenient location is an essential customer service element. e. location determines the trading area from which the store must draw its customers.


Marketing channel members are likely to experience misunderstandings, frustration, and poorly coordinated strategies as a result of a. negotiating territorial issues among regional distributors of a product. b. allowing one member of the channel to take the role of channel captain. c. open communication among the channel members. d. methods of channel coordination designed to reduce ambiguity. e. channel conflict caused by inefficient communication between channel members.


One of the biggest mistakes a marketer can make when engaging in digital marketing is to a. focus on technology. b. focus on price. c. focus on competitors' digital marketing efforts. d. fail to devote sufficient resources to it. e. treat it like a traditional marketing channel.


The use of multiple distribution channels that integrate organizations' brick-and-mortar stores with websites, catalogs, and apps where consumers can research products, read other buyers' reviews, and make actual purchases is known as a. dual distribution. b. multimedia retailing. c. multi-wholesaling. d. dual retailing. e. multichannel retailing.


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